Chapter 9 - Employee development. In this chapter, the learning objectives are: Explain how employee development contributes to strategies related to employee retention, developing intellectual capital, and business growth; discuss the steps in the development planning process; explain the employees'' and company''s responsibilities in planning development;...
Chapter Employee Development Copyright © 2015 McGrawHill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGrawHill Education Employee Development Approaches Formal Education Assessments Personality Tests and inventories such as Myers-Briggs, etc Performance appraisals Upward feedback 360-Degree Feedback Systems Job Experiences Interpersonal Relationships 92 Skills for Managerial Success Do Whatever It Takes Lead Build & Mend Relationships Develop Team Balance Hire Talented Staff Put Others at Ease 93 Job Experiences for Career Development Vertical Assignments Lateral Moves 94 Job Experiences Job enlargement - adding challenges or new responsibilities Job rotation-moving a single individual from one job to another Transfer-moving an employee to a different job assignment in a different area of the company Promotions - advancement into positions with greater challenge and more authority than previous job Externship refers to a company allowing employees to take a full-time operational role at another company 95 Successful Mentoring Programs Voluntary participation Flexible matching process Mentors chosen on ability & willingness Clearly understood purpose Program length specified Minimum level of contact specified Contact among participants encouraged Program evaluated Employee development rewarded 96 Benefits of Mentoring Relationships Career Support Coach, protect, sponsor and provide challenging assignments, exposure and visibility Psychological Support Serve as a friend and role model, provide positive regard and acceptance and create an outlet for a protégé to share anxieties and fears Group Mentoring Program A program pairing successful senior employees with less experienced protégés 97 Career Management Process Identify opportunities to improve Identify needs realistic to develop Identify goals & methods to determine progress Identify steps & timetable to reach goals 98 Development Plan 99 910 Summary Development methods include formal education, assessment, job experiences and interpersonal relationships A coach is a peer or manager who works with an employee to motivate, develop skills and provide reinforcement and feedback Succession planning is the identification and tracking of high potential employees capable of filling higher-level managerial positions A mentor can help employees better understand the company and gain exposure to key persons Employees should have a development plan 911 ... friend and role model, provide positive regard and acceptance and create an outlet for a protégé to share anxieties and fears Group Mentoring Program A program pairing successful senior employees... to another Transfer-moving an employee to a different job assignment in a different area of the company Promotions - advancement into positions with greater challenge and more authority than.. .Employee Development Approaches Formal Education Assessments Personality Tests and inventories such as Myers-Briggs, etc Performance appraisals Upward feedback 360-Degree Feedback