Chapter 2 - Strategic human resource management. In this chapter, the learning objectives are: Describe the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation, list the components of the strategic management process, discuss the role of the HRM function in strategy formulation,...
Chapter Strategic Human Resource Management Copyright © 2015 McGrawHill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGrawHill Education What is Strategic Management? 22 Strategic Management Process Model Strategy Strategy HR Practices Implementation •Recruiting Formulation External Analysis •Opportunities •Threats Mission Goals Strategic Choice Internal Analysis •Strengths •Weaknesses HR Needs •Skills •Behavior •Culture •Training •Performance management •Labor relations •Employee relations •Job analysis •Job design •Selection •Development •Pay structure •Incentives •Benefits HR Capability •Skills, •Abilities •Knowledge Firm Performance •Productivity •Quality •Profitability HR Actions •Behaviors •Results 23 Strategic Planning and HRM Linkages 24 Strategy Formulation External Analysis •Opportunities •Threats Internal Analysis •Strengths •Weaknesses 25 SHRM-Strategy Formulation Mission Mission Goals Goals Strategic Strategic Choice Choice Internal Internal Analysis Analysis 26 Strategy Implementation Variables Organizational Structure Types of Information Product Market Strategy Task Design Performance Reward Systems Select Train Develop People 27 Strategic Implementation HR Practices Human Resource Needs •Skills •Behavior •Culture •Recruiting •Training •Performance management •Labor relations •Employee relations •Job analysis •Job design •Selection •Development •Pay structure •Incentives •Benefits Human Resource Capability •Skills, •Abilities •Knowledge Human Resource Actions •Behaviors •Results -productivity -absenteeism -turnover 28 HRM Practices 29 Categories of Directional Strategies Concentration Concentration Internal Internal Growth Growth External External Growth Growth Mergers Mergers & & Acquisitions Acquisitions 210 Summary HR are most important asset and single largest most controllable cost within the business model HR professionals must develop business, professionaltechnical, change management and integration competencies HRM has a profound impact on the strategic plan implementation by developing and aligning HRM practices that ensure the company has motivated employees with necessary skills HRM must be integrally involved in the company’s strategic management process HRM has primary responsibility for three implementation variables: task, people, and reward systems 211 ...What is Strategic Management? 22 Strategic Management Process Model Strategy Strategy HR Practices Implementation •Recruiting Formulation External Analysis •Opportunities •Threats Mission... Internal Internal Analysis Analysis 26 Strategy Implementation Variables Organizational Structure Types of Information Product Market Strategy Task Design Performance Reward Systems Select Train... Linkages 24 Strategy Formulation External Analysis •Opportunities •Threats Internal Analysis •Strengths •Weaknesses 25 SHRM-Strategy Formulation Mission Mission Goals Goals Strategic Strategic