TIGER DRYLAC Quality Control Test instruction Gloss level measurement PA 06 1. Purpose / Target: The gloss measurement serves for the determination reflecting power of a surface. 2. Description of the procedure: 2.1) Testing sets Reflectometer 2.2) Execution The test board must be cleaned with visible pollution before the measurement with a soft cloth. The Reflektometer is adjusted before the measurement to a radius of 60°. For measurement the test board is set on the measuring opening. 2.3) Analysis The gloss degrees is read off from the display. Additionally to it the test board with a datum locator (e.g. Vorproduktion .) is checked for possible rough visual deviations. Approved by: Ing. M. Mathe Issue date March 98 Update status 02 Folder - Nr HQ 03 - 18 page 1/1 . TIGER DRYLAC Quality Control Test instruction Gloss level measurement PA 06 1. Purpose / Target: The gloss measurement serves for the determination reflecting. measurement the test board is set on the measuring opening. 2.3) Analysis The gloss degrees is read off from the display. Additionally to it the test board