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- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English?. II?[r]


UNIT 9: THE BODY Period: 55



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know: - Some parts of the body

- How to ask and answer about them Language skill:

- Practice listening skill

- Get on with working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'



1 Warm - up:

- Point at the things in the classroom and asks:

What is this/that? What are these/those?

- Lead into new lesson: Today we are going to learn about some parts of the body Now open your book, page 96 and look at the picture

2 Presentation: Introduction

- Point to each part of the body to introduce the name of each part:

+ head (n) legs (n) + chest (n) feet (a foot) + shoulders (n) fingers (n) + arms (n) toes (n) + hands (n)

- Read the new words first as model and ask Ss to read in chorus

- Call some students to read the new words individual


- Ask students to play “Simon Says”

- Look at the things and answer

- Listen and look at the book

- Listen and write the parts of the body in their books

- Listen and repeat

- Read the words individual






+ Simon says touch your head + Simon says touch your chest + Simon says touch your feet + Simon says touch your shoulders + Simon says touch your legs + Simon says touch your head + Simon says touch your left hand Further- Practice

* Picture Drill (A1- P 96)

- Ask Ss to read the names of the parts of the body

- Tell Ss to ask and answer about the names of the parts of the body as the models:

What is that? What are those?

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

3 Consolidation:

- Recall the names of the parts of the body

4 Homework:

- Learn the names of the parts of the body by heart

- Do exercises 1, 2- P 83 (workbook)

- Read in front of the class - Practice asking and answering

Example exchanges S1: What is that? S2: That’s his [head] S1: What are those?

S2: Those are his [shoulders] - Practice in front of the class

- Listen and remember - Write assignments



Period: 56



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Describe people’s building

- Know some adjectives used when describing people’s building Language skill:

- Practice listening skill

- Get on with working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'


1 Warm up: Networks:

Parts of the body

- Introduce new lesson 2 Presentation:


- Present some adjectives of descibing the character of things/ people

+ tall > < short + fat > < thin + heavy > < light + strong > < weak

- Reads the new words first as model and ask Ss to read again in chorus

- List the parts of the body

- Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks





- Ask Ss to read the words individual

* Noughts and crosses:

tall big fat

small thin short

quiet light heavy

* S + be + Adj

(S + be + a/an + Adj + N)

Ex: She is short She is a short girl Practice:

* T/F repetition drill (A4- P 98) Picture a:

She is thin She is tall Picture b: He’s thin He’at ort He’s fat

Picture c:

He’s tall He’s heavy He’s small Picture d:

She’s thin She’s short She’s fat Further Practice:

* Predict A4 P.98

- Ask Ss to fill in the suitable adjectives for each person in the pictures A4

Grid ( with answer key) Fat? Tall? Short? Thin?

a) thin, tall (4)

b) short, fat (3)

c) tall, fat (2)

d) short, fat (1)

- Ask Ss to listen and put the pictures in correct order

- Read the sentences aloud: 1) She’s a short girl She’s fat 2) He’s a fat man He is tall 3) He’s a short man He’s fat 4) She’s a thin woman She is tall 3 Consolidation:

- Read the words individual - Make sentences

Example exchange S1: She is tall or S2: She is a tall girl - Write the form in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat [Repeat] [repeat]

[Silent] [Repeat] [repeat] [Silent] [Repeat] [repeat] [Silent] [Repeat] [repeat]

- Predict

- Listen and put the pictures in correct order

- Listen and match



- Summarize the main points of the lesson

4 Homework:

- Describe people in picture A4 - Do exercises : 3,4- P 84 ( in workbook)

- Write assignments


Period: 58

LESSON 5: B FACES (B4, B5, B6) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know some colors in order to describe people’s building simply - Know how to ask and answer about color

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'


1 Warm up: Jumbled Words:

yees = (eyes) cafe = (face)

hari = (hair) spli = (lips) dreshouls = (shoulders) sone = (nose) - Lead into new lesson: In our lesson, we will learn some colors and also learn how to ask and answer about things’ color 2 Presentation:Introduction

- Present colors: Color = Colour (AE) (BE)

- Put the words in correct order



+ black: màu đen + grey = gray: màu xám

+ red: mu

+ blue: màu xanh (da trêi) + orange: mµu cam

+ brown: màu nâu + white: màu trắng + yellow: màu vàng

+ green: màu xanh (lá cây) + purple: màu tÝa

- Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat in chorus

- Ask Ss to read the words individual * Finding friends:

(with answerkey) Practice

Dialogue Build

Hoa: I have a new doll Mai: What color is her hair? Hoa: It’s black

Mai: What color are her eyes? Hoa: They are brown

- Present the model sentences: What color is + N (sè Ýt)? are + N(sè nhiÒu)?

It is + color They are

Further- Practice

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat

- Read the words individual - Practice making sentences + She has brown hair

+ She has blue eyes etc

- Listen and write the dialogue in their notebooks

- Listen and write the model sentences in their

notebooks She


eyes hair lips teeth

black ()

brown () () grey () ()

white () ()

red () ()

yellow ()





* Picture drill B- P 101 (4 dolls)

- Ask and answer about the color of four dolls

- Ask Ss to practice in front of the class 3 Consolidation:

- Read the words of color - Recall the model sentences 4 Homework:

- Learn the words of color by heart - Do exercises 4, 5- P 86 (in workbook)

- Practice in pairs Example exchange:

S1: What color is her hair? S2: It’s [black]

S1: What color are her eyes?

S2: They are [brown] - Practice in front of the class

- Listen and remember - Write assignments Feedback:




By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about their feelings

- Ask and answer about other’s feelings Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:





1 Warm up

- Give the opposite meaning words: 1) thin # (fat) 2) short # (long) 3) big # (small) 4) heavy # (light) 5) strong # (weak) 6) young # (old) - Introduce the content of the

lesson: We are going to learn about people’s feeling and the way of asking and anwering about feeling

2 Presentation: Introduction

* Matching: (through the pictures- P 104)

(with answer key) + hungry lạnh + thirsty nóng + full đói + hot khát + cold mệt + tired no * Word- square:

Practice - Present the model sentences * How you feel? I am + feeling

they feel

* How does he feel? she

He is + feeling She feels

* Words Cue Drill

- Ask Ss to practice in pairs asking about feeling, use

the cues given below

hungry thirsty hot cold tired full - Call some pairs practice in front of the class

- Give the opposite meaning of the words

- Listen to T

- Look at the pictures and match

- Find and circle the words ( answer key)

tall, hungry, hot, fat, full, tired, feel

 thirsty, no, cold, (old), short

- Listen and copy down the model sentences in their notebooks











* Picture Drill

- Give Cued words A1- P 104 a) – f)

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

Further Practice

 A5 Listen and match the names with the right pictures

* Answer: Phuong- b Nhan- a Ba- f Huong- d

3 Consolidation:

- Recall the model sentences 4 Homework:

- Learn the model of feelings by heart

- Do exercises: 1, 2- P 87 ( in workbook)

- Practice in pairs Example exchange: S1: How you feel? S2: I’m [hungry]

- Practice in front of the class - Look at the board

- Practice in pairs Example Exchange How does she/he feel? She is /He is

- Practice in front of the class

- Listen and match - Take notes

- Listen and remember

- Write assigments Feedback:


Period: 60

LESSON 2: A HOW DO YOU FEEL? (A3, A4,A6) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about their demand and desire

- Ask and answer about other’s demand and desire Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:


III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'


1.Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Make sentences with “How feel?”

1) Mai/ tired 2) Nhi/ thirsty 3) You/ hungry

4) Huy and Vinh/ hungry 5) Lan’s mother/ cold

- Introduce new lesson: We are going to learn how to ask and answer about people’s demand and desire by using the structures: What would you like? Or: Would you like?

2 New lesson:

 A3 Listen and repeat (15 minutes) * Pre-teach

- Present the new words: + some orange juice

+ some noodles

+ (to) want = would like + (to) like

- Read the new words as model and ask Ss to repeat in chorus

*Note: Some + Uncountable nouns Countable

* Predict Dialogue Nam: How you feel? Lan: I’m and Nam: What would you like?

Lan: I would like some What about you?

Nam: I’m I’d like some - Read the text A3- P 105

- Ask Ss to read the text in silent and match the names of the people with the adjectives below:

Lan Nam Ba

hot hot

thirsty tired

full hungry noodles

- Make sentences + Mai is tired + Nhi is thirsty + You are hungry

+ Huy and Vinh are hungry + Lan’s mother is cold - Listen to T carefully

- Listen to T and copy down

- Read aloud in chorus

- Predict

- Read aloud

- Read the text in silent and match

Answer key

Lan: hot, thirsty, a drink/ orange juice

Nam: hungry, noodles Ba: tired, to sit down



3' 2'

a drink orange juice

To sit down

- Call some Ss to report in front of the class

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering with the following cues: + cold and hungry / some noodles + thirsty / a drink

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

 A4 Ask and answer about Nam, Lan and Ba (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to use the above

information to ask and answer about the three people’s feeling, demand and desire

- Call some pairs to practice aloud  A6 Listen and repeat Then

practice the dialogue with a partner - Present the model sentence: What’s the matter with ? = What’s wrong with ?

- Present the text A6- P 106 - Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs in front of the class - Ask Ss to use these words and make a new dialogue with a partner a) hot/ cold drink

b) hungry/ noodles c) thirsty/ drink

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Recall the model sentences 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Learn the model of demanding and new words by heart

- Practice in pair Example Exchange S1: How you feel? S2: I’m [cold and hungry] S1: What would you like? S2: I’d like some [noodles] - Practice in front of the class

- Do as T’s directions Example exchange: S1: How does Nam feel? S2: He is hungry

S1: What would he like? S2: He’d like noodles

- Practice in front of the class - Listen and copy down the model sentence in their notebooks

- Listen to the text

- Practice reading the dialogue in pairs in front of the class - Make dialogue with a partner:

Example Exchange: a)

A: What’s the matter, B? B: I’m hot

A: What you want? B: I want a cold drink

- Pracitce in front of the class - Listen and remember


Period: 61

B FOOD AND DRINK (B1, B2, B3) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know names of some foods and drinks

- Use “some” or “any” fluently Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'


1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Make questions with “What would like?”

1) I want some orange juice 2) They’d like some water 3) He wants some cold drink 4) My mother’d like noodles - In our lesson we will learn some kinds of food and drink

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) - Present new words + an apple

+ an orange + a banana + some water

- Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat

* Notes: The usage of “some”, “a”, “an”

- some + uncountable nouns

- Make questions Answer key:

1) What would you like? 2) What would they like? 3) What would he like? 4) What would your mother like?

- Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words




countable nouns

- a + one countable noun beginning with a consonant

- an + one countable noun beginning with a vowel * Dictation list: a, an, some - Read:

Rice, water, banana, milk, vegetables, apple, meat, orange, noodles, hot drink, bread, orange juice, cold drink

Practice (10 minutes)

* Presentation Dialogue (B- P 109) - Read the dialogue between

Phuong and Thu

- Ask Ss to read the text in silent then tick ( ) before names of dood for lunch in the following list:

meat ( ) fruit ( ) rice ( ) water ( ) noodles milk - Present the model sentences: (+) There is some rice

(?) Is there any rice? (-) Thereisn’t any rice (+) There are some apples (?) Are there any apples? (-) There aren’t any apples

Further- Practice (10 minutes) - Ask and answer the food and drink that your partner wants

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering about the pictures B1- P 109 as the examples:

Is there any ? Yes There is some

- Listen and divide

a an some

banana hot drink cold drink an apple an orange rice, water, milk, vegetable, noodles, bread, meat, orange juice - Listen to T

- Read the text in silent and tick

- Listen and write down the model sentences in their notebooks

- Practice in pairs Example Exchange

S1: What would you like? S2: I’d like [an apple] What would you like? S1: I’d like [some milk] - Practice in pairs




No There isn’t any

Are there any ? Yes There are some

No There are not any

- Ask Ss to practice in front of the class

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Recall the usage of “some, any” 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Learn the new words by heart - Do exercise: Write true sentences about your kitchen, using “there is/ thereisn’t any ” And “There are/ There aren’t any ”

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments



Period: 62

LESSON 4: B FOOD AND DRINK (B4, B5) + TEST 15’ I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know names of some foods and drinks

- Use the structure: “What would you like?” and “I’d like” fluently Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'


1 Warm up: Networks:

- Introduce new lesson: In our today lesson, we will learn some kinds of food and drink

2 Presentation: Introduction

- Present new words:

+ chicken (n) + fruit (n) + fish (n) + milk (n) + rice (n) + vegetable (n)

+ bread (n) + meat (n) - Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat after T

* Rub out and remember

- Ask Ss to practice guessing the names of food or drink in picture B5

- List the words

- Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Do as T’s directions - Practice guessing Example Exchange S1: What is in [a]? S2: Some meat






- Tell Ss to match the names of people in B5 with the things they would like

T reads :

+ Nhan would like some chicken and some rice

+ Tuan would like some meat and some vegetables

+ Huong would like some fruit and some milk

+ Mai would like some fish and an orange juice

- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner

- Ask Ss to give the answers in front of the class

Nhan: c, f Tuan: a, d Huong: e, g Mai: b, h - Present the dialogue B4- P.110 - Presents the model sentence: I would like some

chicken/rice/orange juice

vegetables Further-

- Ask Ss to use the menu in B4 and the pictures a) - f) in B5, asking and answering about food and drink that they like

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

Test 15 minutes: I Odd one out

1 A apple B orange C juice D banana

2 A milk B meat C tea D coffee A carrot B tomato C lettuce D chicken

4 A want B thirsty C cold D hot II Rearrange the following words to make complete sentences:

1 color/ what/ eyes/ your/ are? coffee/ would/ I/ some/ like

- Listen and match

- Compare the answers with a partner

- Give the answers in front of the class

- Listen to T

- Listen and write in their notebooks

- Practice in pairs Example Exchange:

S1: What would you like? S2: I’d like some [fish] - Practice in front of the class

Answer keys and points: I 4Ps => 1P for each. 1 C

2 B 3 D 4 A

II 6Ps => 2Ps for each. 1 What color are your eyes? 2 I would like some coffee. 3 His hair isn’t short.




3 isn’t/ short/ hair/ his

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Recall the model:

What would you like? 4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Do exercises: 3, 4- P 90 (in workbook)

- Write assignment


Period 63: C.My favorite food.

C – 2

A Aim of the lesson:

Ss will be able to speak about favorite food and drinkto contrast “Would you like.?”with “Do you like?”


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm up:

Revision:Ask Ss to play “Guessing game”:

Have Ss use the question “Would you like?.” to ask and guess what their friend would like to drink or eat

II.New lesson: 1.Presentation: Pre-teach C1+C3: My favorite food/drink:

Some carrots: cµ rèt (realia) Beans : hạt đậu ( realia)

peas.đậu ( realia) Iced tea: trà đá ( explanation) *Picture drill: C1 p112:

Have Ss use the pictures in C1 to ask and answer what there are

*Rub out and remember dialogue: C2p112: +Model sentences:

A,Do you like vegetables? Yes,I do/ No, I don’t

B,Would you like some vegetables? Yes,I would/Yes,please

No, I wouldn’t/No,thanks *)Form: Do you like + N ? Would you like + N ?

Use: Dùng để mời hỏi ý kiến có thích uống , ăn khơng

2,Practice: *Wordcue drill:

Ss guess the full sentence by asking the Yes/No question with “Would you


Write down the words

Look at the pictures to ask what there are in C1

Ex:+What are these? -They are beans Etc…

Ss write down the Model sentences:

The questions with “Would you like?” and “Do you like?” and how to answer

Ask and answer in pairs I’d like some{meat}

carrots peas


Ask ss to use the questions “Would you like ?” and “Do you like?” to practise

Call on some Ss to ask and answer 3,Production:


Ask Ss to use the question “Do you like?” to ask their friends and then complete the grid and then retell

Name Likes Doesn’t like

Nam Chicken Iced tea


*Homework:Do ex 1,2 (p91) workbook

Ex: +Would you like some beans? -Yes,please


Ask their friends to complete the grid and then retell what they like or don’t like

Ex: Nam likes chicken but he doesn’t like iced tea



rice Iced tea


Period: 64



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about their favorite foods and drinks

- Use the structure: “what favorite food/ drink and you like” fluently

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5'


1 Warm up:

Fill in the blanks with a, an, some or any:

1) There is not milk in the jar 2) No There are not noodles 3) I have orange

4) Do you have meat?

5) I am hungry I would like chicken

- Introduce new lesson: In this lesson we will learn some kinds of vegetables and the questions about people’s hobby

2 Presentation: Introduction

- Present new words:

- Do exercise on the board Answer key:

1) any 2) any 3) an 4) any 5) some - Listen to T



+ my favorite food drink

+ some carrots + beans + tomatoes + peas + lettuce + cabbages

+ potatoes + onions

+ water

- Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat after T

- Call some Ss to read the words again individually

* Picture Drill (C1- P 112)

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering names of food and drink in C1

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Read the dialogue between Nhan and Mai

- Tell Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs

* Rub out and remember dialogue - Present model sentences: + Do you like vegetables? Yes, I

No, I don’t

+ Would you like some vegetable? Yes, please / Yes, I would

No, thank you / No, I would not Practice

- Present new words: + lemonade

+ iced tea coffee + apple juice + soda

- Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat after T

* Picture Drill (C3 P 112)

- Tell Ss to practice asking and

- Listen and repeat

- Read again individually - Practice in pairs

Example Exchange S1: What are these? S2: They are beans What are these? S1: They are carrots

- Practice in front of the class - Listen to T

- Practice reading the dialogue in pairs

- Do as T’s directions

- Listen and write the model sentences in their notebooks

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Practice in pairs

- Practice in front of the class Example Exchange

S1: What is it? S2: It is lemonade S1: Do you like it?





answering names of drink in C3 - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Read the dialogue in A - Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs

* Rub out and remember the structures:

- Ask Ss to repeat model sentences - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

Further- Production

- Tell Ss to ask thier friends then fill in the table:

- Call some Ss to report in front of the class

3 Consolidation:

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework:

- Learn by heart and distinguish two structures:

“Would you like ?” and “Do you like ?”

- Do exercises: 1, 2, 3- P 91(in workbook)

in pairs

- Practice in front of the class - Do as T’s directions

- Repeat in front of the class + Do you like vegetables? Yes, I

No, I don’t

+ Would you like some vegetables?

Yes, please / Yes, I would No, thank you / No, I would not

- Practice aloud - Take a survey Example:

S1: Do you like [chicken]? S2: Yes, I / No, I not

- Report in front of the class Example feedback:

Nam likes chicken and orange but he does not like fish

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments


name likes doesn’t

like Nam



Period: 65


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know the ways of communication when buying things everyday - Know how to talk about the quantity and weight

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (5 minutes) Make questions:

1) I want some water 2) They like some tea 3) She feels tired

4) Lan would like orange juice

- Introduce new lesson: we will learn bout weight and quantity in this lesson

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) - Present new words:

+ some eggs + soap + cooking oil + toothpaste

- Make questions: Answer key:

1) What you want? 2) What they like? 3) What does she feel? 4) What would Lan like? - Listen to T


+ tea + a bottle of + chocolate + a packet of + beef + a box of + peas + a kilo of + gram of + a dozen of + a can of + a bar of + a tube of

- Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat in chorus

* Slap the board

Practice (10 minutes)

- Read the dialogue first as model

- Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs

- Call some pairs to practice reading the dialogue in front of the class

Further Practice: (10 minutes) - Ask Ss to use the pictures in A1- b to practice making the dialogues like the one in A1a

- Tell Ss to work in pairs

- Call some pairs practice aloud the completed dialogue

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) * Substitution Drill

- Water, oil, soap, peas, beans, coke, toothpaste, oranges, eggs, tea, and noodles

4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn the new words by heart - Do exercise 1- P 95 (in workbook)

- Listen and repeat - Do as T’s directions

- Listen to T

- Practice reading the dialogue in pairs

- Practice in front of the class

- Do as T’s directions - Work in pairs making the dialogue

- Practice making the completed dialogues in pairs

Example Exchange S1: Can I help you?

S2: Yes, A bottle of cooking oil, please

S1: Here you are S2: Thank you

- Repeat: I would like a bottle of [water], [oil], please

I’d like a bar of soap, please

Sô-cô-la Dầu ăn

Quảtrứng Thịt bò


Period: 66



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about their demand and desire

- Know how to talk about the quantity, weight and price Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)


A B a bar a of toothpaste

2 a can b of eggs a tube c of cooking oil

4 a dozen d of soap a bottle e of peas - Introduce the content of the lesson

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) * Predict Dialogue

Sales girl: Can I help you?

Ba : Yes, I would like some

- Match the words

- Listen to T

- Predict:

Guess Listen

(with answer key)

1 beef


(1) , please.

Sales girl: How much you want?

Ba : (2) grams, please.

Sales girl: Is there anything else? Ba : Yes I need some


Salesgirl : How many you want?

Ba : (4) please.

- Present the dialogue A2 - Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs

- Present new words and structures:

+ Can I help you? + (to) want

+ (to) need

+ How much + Uncountable Nouns ?

+ How many + Countable Nouns ?

1 I need some beef want

How much you need / want? I need some eggs


How many you want / need? Practice (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pair in front of the class - Tell Ss to scan the dialogue again and answer the questions in A2

- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner

Further Practice: (10 minutes) - Call some Ss to give the answers in front of the class - Comment and give the correct answers:

a) He is at the store

b) He wants some beef and eggs

3 eggs

4 a dozen

- Listen and check their prediction - Read the dialogue in pairs

- Listen and write the model sentences in their notebooks

- Read the dialogue in pair

- Scan the dialogue and answer the questions

- Compare the answers with a partner

- Give the answer in front of the class

- Listen and write the correct answers in their notebooks

- Listen and remember


c) Two hundred grams d) A dozen

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Recall the model sentences: + How much + uncountable nouns ?

+ How many + countable nouns ?

4 Homework: (2 minutes)


Period: 67



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Continue talking about their demand and desire - Know the name of food and drink

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Make question then answer: tea / he want / packets rice / Lan want / a kilo chocolate / you want / three boxes

- Introduce new lesson: in this lesson we continue lerning about food and drink

2 New lesson:

Introduction (10 minutes)

* Kim’s game (B1- P 119)

There’s a

There’s some

There are some A can

of soda


vegetables Practice (15 minutes)

- Make questions then answer: Answer key

1 How much tea does he want? He wants packets

2 How much rice does Lan want? She wants a kilo

3 How many chocolates you want?

I want three boxes - Listen to T


* Word Cue Drill

- Ask Ss to use the examples in B3, ask and answer in pairs: Bread / Milk

Noodles / Water Rice / Orange juice Fish / Soda

Chicken / Iced tea

Beef / vegetables / lemonade - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

Further Practice: (10 minutes) - Ask Ss to work in pairs again make a coversation between a waiter in a restaurant and a guest (you are a waiter) then fill the information into the following table:

Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Noodles

Iced coffee

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Repeat the content of the lesson

4 Homework: (2 minutes) - D exercises: 1, 2- P 95 (in workbook)

- Practice in pairs: Example Exchange:

S1: What would you like for breakfast?

S2: I’d like some [bread] and some [milk]

S1: What would you like for [lunch]? S2: I’d like some [fish] and soda - Practice in front of the class

- Make conversation: Example:

Waiter: Goodmorning

What would you like for breakfast?

Guest: I’d like some noodles and an iced coffee

- Listen and remember - Write assignment



Period: 68


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Ask and answer about price with the structure: “How much is ?” Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Fill “How much” or “How many”

1. eggs you want? 2. days are there in a week?

3 milk you drink a day?

4 kilo of rice you want?

5 beef you need? - In this lesson we will learn how to ask about the price with the question: How much is ?

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) - Present the new words:

Answer key:

1 How many

2 How many

3 How much

4 How many

5 How much

- Listen to T


+ a hundred (two hundred) + a thousand (two thousand) + seven thousand five hundred - Read the new words and ask Ss to repeat in chorus

Board Drill

- Give some cues, ask Ss to read the word of these numbers

100 50 200 150 350 750

1.000 2.000 5.000 10.000 7.500 9.500 2.300 4.200 * Noughts and crosses

- Present the new words: + a cake

+ a sandwich + a fried rice + an ice cream + a bowl of

Practice (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to practice asking about the price of the food / drink in B5 with: “How much is ?”

- Practice asking and answering the price of the food in the menu B5- P 121

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

Further Practice (10 minutes) * Matching (B4- P 120)

- Listen and number the food as you hear

- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner

- Listen and repeat - Look at the board and read

Example Exchange: S1: How much is it? S2: It’s two thousand five hundred dong

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Practice in pairs: Example:

2.500: S1: How much is fried rice?

S2: It is 2.500 dong

- Practice in pairs Example exchange: S1: How much is fried rice?

S2: It is two thousand five hundred dong - Practice in front of the class

- Listen and number the food

- Compare the answers

2.500 d 500 d 3.000 d

4.800 d 10.000 d 1.000 d


- Call some Ss to present the answer in front of the class

- Comment and give the correct answers

a b c d e f g h i j k l


3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Recall the model sentences of the price

How much is ? It is + Price

4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Do exercise 2- P 95, 3,4- P 96 (in workbook)

with a partner

- Give the answer in front of the class

- Listen and write the correct answers in their notebooks

- Listen and remember


Period: 69



After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the words and structures through units from to 11 Language content:

- Practice skills in doing English exercises Attitude:

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Textbook, lesson plan Students:

- Textbook, notebook

III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (0 minute)

2 New lesson: (40 minutes)

Simple Present: Likes and dislikes

Find someone who Name likes fish

doesn’t like chicken likes bread

doesn’t like rice likes milk

doesn’t like soda doesn’t like vegetables - Do exercise 1- P 122 Answer key

a) like / like b) Does Like Do like likes

I don’t like Does like doesn’t like Use of an, a, some and any - Do Grammar Practice 2- P 122 Answer key:

a) any / any some / an

b) any / some

c) any / some

- Practice asking and answering in pairs, use “a, an, some” according to the

- Practice

- Do exercise 1- P 122

- Do Grammar Practice 2- P 122


table answering in pairs:

a an some

A sanwich A banana

An orange An ice cream

Some noodles Some fish Adjective

- Do Grammar Practice 3- P 122 Answer key

a short thin

b light strong

c full cold

d thin long

Question Words

- Do Grammar Practice 4- P 123 - Give new structure/ word: + a lot of + N

+ under Answer key

a Who

b What

c How

d What

e Where

Present Simple Vs Present Progressive tense.

- Do Grammar Practice Answer key:

a is eating

b are drinking

c is riding

d is going

e is getting

f is traveling

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Review from Unit to Unit 11 - Prepare for the test next lesson

Example Exchange S1: Would you like sandwich

S2: No, I wouldn’t

S3: Would you like some milk?


- Do Grammar Practice 3- P 122

- Do Grammar Practice 4- P 123

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Do Grammar Practice

- Listen and remember



I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Revise the knowledge they have learnt from unit to unit 11 + Improve skills in doing English exercises

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities - Give themes for SS

I Nghe điền vào chỗ trống từ thiếu đoạn văn sau:

Miss Van is my teacher She’s years old She has an face and round eyes Her lips are She has black hair and a small nose

II Nối từ cột A với từ cột B:


1 a box of a noodles

2 a can of b peas

3 a dozen c chocolate

4 a bowl of d eggs

1, 2, 3, 4,

III Khoanh tròn vào chữ trước câu trả lời nhất:

1 There aren’t fruits on the self A any B some C much D a

2 “Do you have any bananas?” “No, I don’t have any bananas, I have some oranges.”

A and B so C but D of

3 many oranges does she have? A What B Which C When D How

4 He to work by bus everyday He by bus at the moment A travels-is traveling B travels-travels

C is traveling-travels D is traveling-is traveling

IV Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau làm tập cho bên dưới:

Hi! I am Lan I live in Hanoi in Vietnam I work in a bookstore I have lunch at half past eleven I don’t like meat but I like vegetables, all vegetables They are good for your health I don’t drink milk I don’t like it But I drink a lot of fruit juice

A Viết T (True) cho câu đúng, F (False) cho câu sai theo nội dung đọc Lan lives in Ho Chi Minh City

2 She works in a hospital She doesn’t like meat She doesn’t like vegetables

B Trả lời câu hỏi nội dung đọc:

1 What time does Lan have lunch? Does she like meat or vegetables?

V Sắp xếp từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh:

1 a/ of/ likes/ orange/ juice/ Mai/ glass


I 2Ps => 0.5P for each blank. Twenty- two, oval, full, long

Tape transcript: Miss Van is my teacher She’s twenty- two years old She has an oval face and round eyes.Her lips are full She has long black hair and a small nose.

II 1P => 0.25P for each right answer 1- c, 2- b, 3- d, 4- a

III 2Ps => 0.5P for each right answer 1- A, 2- C, 3- D, 4- A


A: 2Ps => 0.5P for each right answer 1- F, 2- F, 3- T, 4- F

B: 1P => 0.5P for each right answer 1 She has lunch at eleven o’clock 2 She likes vegetables.

V 2Ps => for each righ sentence 1 Mai likes a glass of orange juice.



Period: 72



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know some sports’ names

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Jumbled Words

Torps (= sports) mage (=game) Balfotol ( = football) sucim (= music) Belvalylol (= volleyball) lietoseniv (=


- Introduce the content of the lesson by asking Ss to look at the pictures in the book page 124 and give their names in Vietnamese

2 Presentation:

Introduction (10 minutes)

- Do as T’s directions

- Look at the book and follow T’s orders


- Pre-teach (A1- P.124) + (to) swim

+ (to) play badminton + (to) jog

+ (to) aerobics + (to) play table tennis + (to) skip

- Read the new words then ask Ss to repeat aloud

- Read the text A1- P.124: a)- i) Practice: (10 minutes)

* Picture drill

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering about the actions of the people in the pictures A1

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class

Further Practice (15 minutes) - Play “noughts and crosses” game with the pictures in A1:

picture C picture A picture B picture F picture D picture E picture H picture G picture I 3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat all the new words and model sentences:

What + be + S + doing? S + be + ing

4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn the new words by heart - Do exercises 1, – P.103 (in workbook)

- Listen and repeat - Listen and repeat

- Practice asking and answering in pairs Example Exchange:

S1: What is he / she doing? S2: He / She is ing S1: What are they doing? S2: They are ing - Practice in front of the class

- Play the game Example:

S1: “Picture A”

S2: What are they doing? S1: They are playing soccer

- Listen and remember


Period: 73


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Ask and answer about which sports others play Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm up: (5 minutes)

Slap the board

Mơn bóng bàn mơn cầu lơng bóng đá

m«n bãng chun nhảy dây bơi thể dục môn quần vợt - Introduce the content of the lesson by asking Ss to look at the pictures in the book, page 126 and describe them 2 New lesson:

Pre-Reading (10 minutes)

- Guess the sports that Nam and Lan like

Lan Nam



- Ask Ss to present the guessing in front of the class

While-Reading (15 minutes)

- Do as T’s directions

- Look at the book and follow T’s order

- Guess


- Present the text A4- P 126 about Lan and Nam

- Read the text in silent and answer the questions a) - d) in the text

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the questions in front of the class

- Check then give the correct answers a) She plays badminton, swims and does aerobics

b) No, she does not

c) He plays soccer, table tennis and jogs d) Yes, he does

Post-Reading (10 minutes) * Picture Drill

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs about the pictures in A3 P 125

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write sentences telling the sports that they can play

-Do exercises: 3, P 104 (in workbook)

- Listen and check their guessings

- Read the text then answer the questions

- Practice in pairs - Listen and write the correck answers in their notebooks

- Practice in pairs Example Exchange: S1: Which sports you do?

S2: I [play soccer ] and I [swim]

- Practice in front of the class

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments Feedback:


Period: 74


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Ask and answer about what others in their free time Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Fill in the blank with one suitable word

a Do you

badminton? b Which _does Alex do?

c I’m rope d She aerobics e Does Mary play tennis?

f I like I want to have a swimming pool in my house

- In our today lesson, we will learn about what other people around us in their free time

2 New lesson:

Answer key

a play

b sports

c skipping

d does

e table

f swimming

- Listen to T


Pre- Writing (10 minutes) - Pre-Teach

+ free time + (to) go fishing

+ (to) go to the movies

- Read the new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat after T

* Picture Drill ( B1 P 127 a) – f)} - Present each picture in the book - Practice asking and answering the actions of people in the pictures B1

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

While- Writing (15 minutes) * Transformation writing

- Write the action of people in their free time, change subject “I” to


Answer keys (B3- P 128):

a) Phuong goes to the movies in his free time

b) Ly watches TV c) Nam reads

d) Lan listens to music e) Tuan goes fishing

f) Long plays video games Post- Writing (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to work in groups and write their actions in their free time Then collect the paper of their group to make a poster

- Call on some presenters from each group to report the result in front of the class

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Listen and repeat - Listen and repeat - Practice in pairs Example Exchange:

S1: What does [Phuong] in his spare time?

S2: He goes to the movies - Practice in front of the class

- Write as T’s requests

- Write as directed

Step 1: Individual Writing S1: I watch TV, I go

fishing, and I play football S2: I watch TV, I go to the park, and I play badminton S3: I listen to music, I play football and I watch TV Step 2: Group Writing S1, S2, S3 watch TV S1 and S3 play football S1 goes fishing

S2 goes to the park and play badminton


- Repeat the model sentences: + What you in your free time? What does he/she in his /her free time?

4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Do exercises: 1- P.104

2, 3- P.105 (in workbook)

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments


Period: 75


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Ask and answer about what others in their free time

- Know how to use the question “How of ten ?” with “once, twice” Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:


Teacher and students’ activities Board presentation 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Complete the sentences:

1 What _ Loan _ in her free time?(do)

She tennis.(play)

2 What _they in their free time?(play)

They _volleyball.(play)

- In this lesson, we are going to learn about people’s diary and some adverbs of frequency

2 Presentation:

Introduction (10 minutes) - Present new words: + How often ?

+ once

+ twice a week + three times

+ four times

- Read the new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat after T

Practices (10 minutes)

- Matching (With answer key):

m o n

tue wed th u


Once a week  

Twice a week   

Three times a

week 

- Present the model sentences + How often does she go jogging?

listen to music?

She goes jogging once

listens to music twice a week

reads three times

Further Practice (15 minutes)

Answer key: does /

plays /play

play - Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat

- Match

- Listen and write the model sentences in their notebooks

- Practice in pairs

S1: How often does Ly [go to school]?


* Picture Drill (B5- P 129- Ly’s dairy)

- Ask Ss to practice in pairs asking and answering about Ly’s dairy actions like the model:

How often does Ly ? She once a week

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Ask Ss to look at part B4- P.128 - Tell Ss to give the names of the entertainments

- Present the listening text

- Call some to give the answers in front of the class

- Read the text again to check the answers

Keys to exercise

Tan: f Minh & Nam: e Lien: a Lan & Mai: b + Tan reads

+ Minh and Nam play video games + Lien watches TV

+ Lan and Mai listen to music 3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the model sentences through “Remember”

4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write sentences telling about your dairy actions

- Do exercises: 4- P 105

5- P 106 in the workbook


- Practice in front of the class

- Look at exercise B4 - Name the intertainments - Listen and match

- Give the answers

- Listen again and check the answers

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments



Period: 76

LESSON 5: C HOW OFTEN? (C1, C2, C3,) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know how to use the frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, never

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher and students’ activities Board presentation 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Make question for these sentences a She goes jogging once a week b He reads twice a week

c We have English classes three times a week

d He and his brother play tennis four times a week

- In this lesson we will learn how to use the adverbs of frequency and the question: How often ?

2 New lesson:

Pre-Reading (10 minutes)

Answer key

How often does she go


 How often does he


 How often you have

English classes?

How often he and his


- Present the adverbs of frequency: + always

+ usually + often + sometimes + never

- Read the new words as model then ask Ss to repeat

While-Reading: (15 minutes) - Use the pictures with the text to match:

(with answer key)

thả diều = fly kites lều = tent

cắm trại = go camping dà ngoại = have a picnic - Ask Ss to practice reading the words three times

* Table grid (with answer key):

How often

do they never sometimes often

usually go to the

zoo? 

go to the

park? 

have a

picnic? 

sports 

fly kites?  go

camping?  walk to school? homework ?

- Ask Ss to use the table, practice asking and answering in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class

Post- Reading (10 minutes)

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat

- Read the text silently and match

- Read aloud in chorus - Read the text in then the grid

- Practice asking and answering in pairs: Answer key:

a How often they go to the zoo? => They

sometimes go to the zoo b How often they go to the park? => They often go to the park


- Call on some Ss to read the text again in front of the class

- Ask Ss to translate the text into Vietnamese

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Learn the adverbs of frequency by heart

- Do exercise 1- P.106 (in workbook)

- Read aloud in front of the class

- Translate in front of the class

- Listen and remember

- Write the assignments Feedback:

Period: 77

LESSON 6: C HOW OFTEN? (C5, C6) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know how to use the frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, never fluently

- Talk about their outdoor pastime Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:



- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: ( minutes)

- Call some Ss to read their answer in C4- P.131 again in front of the class - In this lesson we will continue learning about the adverbs of frequency 2 Presentation:

Pre-Reading (10 minutes) *Networks

(with answer key)

ride a bike

have a picnic fly a kite

play games go walking

- Present new words: + (to) wear

+ clothes + boots + a stove + overnight

- Read the new words as model then ask Ss to repeat after T

While-Reading: (15 minutes) - Read the text C6- P 132

- Ask Ss to read the text in silent and answer the questions a) - f) about the text - Ask Ss to compare the answers with a partner

- Call some Ss to read the answers in front of the class

- Comment and give the correct answers

a He likes walking

b They always wear strong boots and warm clothes

- Read in front of the class

- Listen to T

- List the words

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat

- Listen to T

- Read the text then answer the questions - Compare the answers with a partner

- Read in front of the class

- Listen and write the correct answers in their notebooks


c He goes on the weekend

d He usually goes with his friends e He often goes in the mountains

f They take food, water, and a camping stove

Post- Reading (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to change the subject from “Minh” to “I” for the bad students In addition, for the good students, change the subject Minh to “I” and add more


3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write the answers in 6- P 132 - Do exercises: 3, 4- P.107 (in workbook)

- Practice changing the subject

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments Feedback:



- Estimate and comment the knowledge that Ss learnt in the last lesson - Correct mistakes and have right method with each kind of students II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (0 minutes)

2 New lesson:

* Comment the students’ test: - Knowledge and skills: (30 minutes)

+ Ask Ss to repeat the ways of quantity, weight and price + Call some Ss to exercise again by matching the words in A with the words in B

+ Comment and supply the correct answers

1-c, 2-b, 3- d, 4- a

+ Tell Ss to read the passage in exercise again then write T or F and answer the questions

+ Supply the correct answers: A 1- F, 2- T, 3- T, 4- F


1 She has lunch at half past eleven.

2 She likes vegetables. + Ask Ss to rearrange the sentences

1 Mai likes a glass of orange juice. 2 I have some fish but I don’t have any meat.

- Uses: (5 minutes) (Depending on Ss’ test.) - Presentation: (5 minutes) (Depending on Ss’ test) - Express: (5 minutes) (Depending on Ss’ test)

- Listen and as T’s directions

- Do as T’s directions - Do on the board - Listen and take notes

- Read again and exercises - Listen to T and take notes

- Answer questions



WEEK 28 Period: 78,79

UNIT 13:



I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about the weather and seasons

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Put the words in blankets in the right place:

a We are busy on weekdays (always) b He goes home at six o’clock


c My father drinks coffee (never) d They have a picnic (often)

- Ask Ss to look at the book, page 134 and introduce the content of the lesson: the weather and seasons 2 Presentation:

Answer key:

a We are always busy b He usually goes

c My father never drinks d They often have


Introduction (10 minutes) - Present new words:

+ the seasons + the winter + the spring + the weather + the summer

+ the fall ( autumn) + warm (ad)

+ hot (ad) + cool (ad) + cold (ad)

- Read the new words first as model, and then ask Ss to repeat

- Present the text A1- P 134 -Ask Ss to read the text Practice (6 minutes) * Picture Drill (A1- P 134)

- Ask Ss to practice in pairs, asking about what people often in

different seasons and weather

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

Further Practice (4 minutes) - Ask Ss to make sentences using the cues:

+ Hanoi/ cold/ winter + Sonla/ hot/ summer + Dalat/ cool/ summer + Vietnam/ warm/ fall

- Call some Ss practice aloud Test 15 minutes

I Choose one word that has opposite meaning to the word in capitals

1 HOT A tired B cold C dangerous D white

2 HUNGRY A thirsty B full C hot

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Listen to T

- Read the text

- Practice asking and answering in pairs: Example Exchange:

S1: What you often in the summer?

S2: I go swimming

S1: What you usually when it is cold?

S2: I stay at home and watch T.V

- Practice in front of the class

- Practice in pairs Example Exchange:

S: Hanoi is cold in the winter - Practice in front of the class

- Do the test

Answer keys and points: I 4Ps => 1P for each. 1 B


D cold

3 BLACK A white B blue C green D red

4 TALL A full B short C thin D heavy

II Make question for the follwing answers

1 She goes jogging once a week I often go fishing in my free time He is tired now

3 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Learn the words by heart

3 A 4 B

II 6Ps => for each. 1 How of ten does she go jogging?

2 What you in your free time?

3 How does he feel now?

- Listen and remember

-Write assignments

**************************************************************** WEEK 28

Period: 80


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Ask and answer about what people in different kinds of weather - How to use “when”

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:


III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Make completed sentences: What / like / spring? weather / hot / today What / like / summer? She / like / cool weather You / like / cold weather? - Introduce new lesson: in this lesson we are going to learn about what people in different weathers 2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) * Network

do aerobics go fishing

go jogging Pastimes fly kites

listen to music go for a walk

play video games read books play soccer watch TV go


play badminton play volleyball * Predict

- Give some adjectives descibing the weather and guess about Ba’s actions in each season:

a) hot? E.g: He goes camping b) cold?

c) cool? d) warm?

* Presentation Text (A4- P 136) - Read the text A4

- Presents model sentences: What does he when it’s hot? you

He goes swimming I go

Practice (10 minutes)

Answer key:

1 What’s the weather like in spring?

2 The weather is hot today What’s the weather like in summer?

4 She likes the cool weather Do you like the cold weather?

- Listen to T carefully

- List the words

- Guess Ba’s actions in each season

- Listen and check their guessing

- Listen and write the model sentences in their notebooks


- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs using the cued words:

Cold/ go jogging? Cool/ aerobics? Hot/ go swimming? Warm/ go to the park?

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

Further Practice (10 minutes) * Transformation writing (A4- P 136) - Ask Ss to change subject “Ba” in the text to subject “I” to write the full sentences

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Read and take notes the part “Remember”

4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Do exercises:1- P.110 ; 2- P 112 (in workbook)


S1: When it’s cold, you go jogging?

S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t - Practice in front of the class

- Change subject Example:

When it’s hot, I go swimming

When it’s cold, I play soccer When it’s cool, I go jogging When it’s warm, I go fishing - Listen and remember

- Write assignments


Period: 81


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use the adverbs of frequency more fluently Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)


Always 

Usually  Often 

Sometimes  Never  - Introduce new lesson by asking Ss to look at the pictures in the book- page 138 and guess what sports people play in different weather

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) * Pre teach

- Match

- Look at the book and give out their guessing in Vietnamese


+ (to) play basketball + (to) go sailing

- Read the new words as model then ask Ss to read again in chorus

* Presentation Text

- Read the text B1- P 138 - Ask Ss to read the text again Practice (10 minutes)

- Write the action for each picture

Answer Given:

a) We often play volleyball b) They sometimes go sailing c) I often go swimming

d) She always plays badminton e) We always play basketball - Practice in pair asking about pictures a)- f) using the sentences in “Answer Given” to make the questions:

Answer Key:

a) What you in the spring? b) What they in the fall? c) What you in the summer?

d) What does she in the fall? e) What you in the winter? Production (10 minutes) Board Drill

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs about the activities in “Brainstorm”

- Call on some Ss to practice in front of the class

- Presen the following table (B2- P.139):

Nam e

seaso n

weathe r



Lan fall The Go co

- Listen and repeat - Listen to T

- Read the text

- Write

- Practice asking in pairs: Example Exchange:

S1: What [do you in the spring]?

S2: We [often play volleyball.]

- Practice in pairs Example Exchange:

S1: What you in the [summer]?

S2: I [usually play in the park] - Practice in front of the class - Look at the board

- Make a survey Example Exchange:

S1: Which season you like? S2: Fall



Camp -ing

ol - Ask Ss to go round and make a survey then fill in the table (T can help students make questions)

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Repeat the content of the lesson

4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Do exercises: 1- P.110 in workbook

2- P.112


S2: It’s cool

S1: Where you usually go? S2: to the mountains

S1: What you usually there? S2: I go camping with my friends S1: What you usually eat or drink?

S2: We usually take a picnic and a lot of hot drink

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments


Period: 82


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know: - Ask and answer about their vacations

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:



- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Make sentences using the cued words: a- She/ usually play badminton/ fall b- They/ often go swimming/ summer c- He/ sometimes go sailing/ spring d- I/ usually play soccer/ summer

- Introduce new lesson: In this lesson, we are going to learn about our vacations

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes) - Presents new words: + the summer vacation + the citadel

+ (to) stay with (someone) + (to) stay for (a day/ a week) + uncle (n)

+ aunt (n) + (to) visit

- Read new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat

- Present the dialogue A1- P 140 - Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs

* Comprehension Questions (A2- P.141)

- Ask some questions in the text, students can answer in the short answers

a) – d)

- Present model sentences: What are you going to do? is she

Answer key:

a) She usually plays badminton in the fall b) They often go

swimming in the summer c) He sometimes goes sailing in the spring

d) I usually play soccer in the summer

- Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Listen to T

- Read the dialogue in pairs

- Listen then answer: Answer key:

a) visit Hue

b) visit her aunt and uncle c) one week


I’m going to visit Hue She’s stay for a week Practice (10 minutes)

- Give some cued words:

visit Hue visit BachMa Park

visit the citadel camp in the mountains

stay in a hotel stay in a tent - Ask Ss to practice in pairs asking and answering about their vacation destinations:

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

Further Practice (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to make a similar dialogue to the one in A3

- Call some Ss to report the dialogue in front of the class

3 Consolidation: ( minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: ( minutes)

- Write the answers A2 in the book - Do exercises: 1,2- P 114 (in workbook)

- Look at the board

- Practice in pairs: Example Exchange:

S1: What are you going to this summer vacation? S2: I’m going to visit [Hue]

- Practice in front of the class

- Make similar conversation

- Report in front of the class


Week 30

Period: 84 UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know:

- Ask and answer about their vacations and others’ vacations a) Vocabulary:

b) Structure: skills:

- Practice listening and reading skill - Working in pairs, groups


- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

Complete the following dialogue: A: What _ this summer vacation? B: I’m going to take a trip to Hue A: How long _ stay there? B: I for seven days

A: Where stay? B: I in a hotel

A: What to there?

B: I visit some pagodas and mausoleums

- In this lesson, we continue the topic in the last lesson: vacation and plans

Answer key


2 New Lesson:

Pre- Reading (15 minutes)

- Present new words by matching: Ben Thanh Market Nha Trang

The beach Ho Chi Minh City The Citadel Ha Noi

Ngoc Son Temple Quang Ninh Ha Long Bay Hue

- Play a guessing game

- Present the content of the passage: Phuong and Mai are going to visit the five places you’ve matched in their summer vacation Where are they going to visit first? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? Discuss the order you think

While-reading (10 minutes) - Read the text A4- P.142 - Correct Students’ guessing

(Grids - A5 P.143)

Place to visit

Where to stay

How long?

What to do? First Ha

Long bay Then Ha Noi

Next Hue

After that

Nha trang Finall



- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering about what Phuong and Mai are going to do, using the table above

- Listen and match

- Play a game telling about their plans Example:

I’m going to visit Ha Long Bay

- Listen and dicuss the order:


- Listen and check their guessing

- Copy the table in their notebooks

- Practice in pairs: Example Exchange: (5- P.143)

S1: Which place are Phuong and Mai going to visit first?


- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

Post- Reading (10 minutes)

- Practice asking and answering about themselves using examples in A5- P.143 - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Change the subject “Phuong and Mai” to “We” to write your summer vacation plan

S1: Where are they going to stay?

S2: They are going to stay with their uncle and aunt,

- Practice in front of the class

- Practice in pairs: Example:

S1: Which place are you going to visit?

Where are you going to stay?

How long are you going to stay?

- Practice in front of the class


WEEK 30 Period: 85

LESSON 3: B FREE TIME PLANS (B1, B2, B3, B4) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know: - Ask and answer about others’ future plans

- Write about their plan Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Introduce new lesson by making questions concern to the content of the lesson

What are you going to after school? Where are you going this summer? What are you going to this evening? 2 New lesson:

Pre- listening (10 minutes)

- Introduce the topic “Free time plans” by questioning


What you often in your free time? What are you going to tonight? - Explain the use of the phrase: What about you?

- Answer T’s questions: I am going to play soccer I am going to visit my hometown

I am going to wactch T.V

- Listen and answer


- Introduce the content of the listening in B1- P 144

- “True/ False statements”

1 Lan is going to watch T.V tonight Lan is going to the movie tomorrow Tuan is not going to play badminton tomorrow

4 He is going to play football While- listening (15 minutes)

- Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat then the exercise above

- Call some Ss to present their answerkeys

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about Lan and Tuan’s plan

- Ask Ss to retell Tuan and Lan’s plan

- Explain the requirement of the exercise in B2- P 144

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering using words in a) and b)

- Call some pairs practice in front of the class

Post- listening (10 minutes) - Explain some new words: + jurassic park

- Listen to T

- Read the text then exercise

- Listen and repeat after the tape

- Present in front of the class

1- F, 2- T, 3- F, 4- F - Work in pairs Ex:

S1: What is Lan going to tonight?

S2: She is going to her homework

S1: What is she going to tomorrow?


- Retell in front of the class

Ex: Lan is going to her homework tonight and tomorrow she will have a day off, she is going to visit her friends and see a movie

- Listen to T - Work in pairs

- Present in front of the class

S1: What are you going to tonight?

S2: I am going to see a movie

S1: What are you going to tomorrow?


+ to know

- Read the new words fisrt as model then ask Ss to read in chorus

- Ask Ss to listen then answer the following questions (With answer keys): Is Ba going to play football on the weekend? (No, he is not)

2 Is he going to see a movie? (Yes, he is) Which theater is he going to? (Sao Mai theater)

4 Which film is he going to see? (Jurassic Park)

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Home work: (2 minutes)

- Write a short passage about their vacation on the weekend by answering the question in B4- P.145

- Listen and copy down - Listen and read in chorus

- Listen then find information for the questions

- Listen and remember

- Write assignment

WEEK 30 Period: 86



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know: - Ask and answer about others’ future plans

- Write about their plan Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:


- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1- Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Networks:

2- New lesson: Pre- reading: (10 minutes) - Explain the requirement of the

exercise in B4- P 145

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about other’s plan

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

While- reading: (15 minutes) - Introduce the content of the reading: Minh, Nam and Tuan are going to have a picnic They have to bring many things such as camera, food, drink - Ask Ss to play guessing games with the questions:

Who is going to take camera, food, drinks ?

- Play the tape (B5- P.145) and ask Ss to check their guessing

- Call some Ss to practice reading the passage

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about what they are going to bring

- Do as T’s directions

- Listen to T - Work in pairs

- Present in front of the class S1: What are you going to on the weekend?

S2: On Saturday morning, I am going to see a movie - Listen to T

- Read the text and as T’s directions

- Listen to the passage and check

- Read aloud in front of the class

- Work in pairs Ex:

S1: What are Minh, Nam and Tuan going to do?

S2: They are going to have a picnic

S1: Who is going to take camera?

- Practice in front of the class - Listen and remember


- Call on some pairs practice aloud in front of the class

Post- reading: (10 minutes) - Explain the requirement of the

exercise in B6- P 145

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in B6 and speak out their names

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and doing matching exercise

- Ask Ss to present their answers in front of the class

- Comment and give answer keys Vui: c, e

Mai: d Ly: b Nga: d Lan: a

3- Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Repeat the content of the lesson

4- Home work: (2 minutes) - Write a short passage about S’s plan next week

- Look at the pictures and speak out the names: Ex:

a- a ball, b- a camera, c- food and fruit, d- drinks, e- a tent - Listen and exercise - Present in front of the class - Listen and copy down

- Listen and remember - Write assignment



Period: 87


I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Give out suggestions when necessary

- Write about their plan Language skill:

- Practice listening and reading skill - Working in pairs, groups


- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Questioning:

Where people of ten go on vacation?

- In this lesson we are going to learn how to make suggestions and give suggestions about vacatios 2 New lesson:

Pre- reading (15 minutes)

- Introduce some difficult words: + minibus

- Answer T’s questions: Ex:

S1: They often go to HaLong Bay

S2: They go to the beach

- Listen to T


+ suggestion + idea

- Read first as model then ask Ss to repeat in chorus

- Introduce structures of making suggestions:

+ Let’s go

+ Why don’t you + What about

- Give out some situations and ask Ss to make suggestions

+ Dung can’t this exercise

- Ask Ss to read the questions in C2- P 148 and find out the answer while reading the dialogue

While- reading (10 minutes) - Play the tape (C1- P.148)

- Call some Ss to practice reading the dialogue

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering the questions in C2 - Call on some pairs practice aloud in front of the class

- Comment and give out the correct answers

Post- reading (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in C3- P 148 and answer the questions: a) Where are the children playing? b) Where are these boys standing? c) What are they doing?

d) Where are they visiting?

- Read the words and repeat again in chorus

- Listen and copy down

- Listen to the situations and give suggestions


S1: Let’s help her

S2: Why don’t we help her? S3: What about helping her? - Read the questions in order to know more clearly about them

- Listen to the tape

- Practice reading in front of the class

- Answer the questions in pairs: - Practice aloud in front of the class

- Listen and copy down a) Nam wants to visit Hue b) Nga wants to go to Huong Pagoda

c) Lan wants to walk there d) Because it’s too far

e) He wants to travel by bike f) Because it’s too hot

g) Ba wants to travel by minibus

- Look at the pictures and answer

a) They are playing at the beach b) They are standing in the museum


e) Which sport are the two boys playing?

f) What are the children doing? - Ask Ss to use structures to make suggestions in pairs

- Call on some pairs practice in front of the class

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Home work: (2 minutes)

- Make a dialogue about their plan in Tet holiday

- Practice in pairs Ex:

S1: Let’s go to the beach S2: Yes, let’s

- Practice in front of the class

- Listen and remember

- Write assignment

WEEK 31 Period: 88



After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the words and structures through units from 12 to 14 Language content:

- Practice skills in doing English exercises Attitude:

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Textbook, lesson plan Students:

- Textbook, notebook

III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (1 minute)

- Today we are going to revise some words and grammar structures learnt in the laast three lesson


2 New lesson: (40 minutes) Simple Present:

- Do exercise 1- P 150 with the present simple tense

Answer key

a) Do b) Does c) Do like does/ likes does play plays don’t

Don’t Does doesn’t

Use of adverbs of frequency: - Do Grammar Practice 2- P 150 Answer key: (According to Ss’ answers)

a) I usually watch T.V

b) I sometimes go to the movies c) I often help my mom

d) I sometimes go to the store e) I usually play sports

f) I sometimes go fishing g) I sometimes go swimming Present progreesive tense: - Do Grammar Practice 3- P 151 Answer key:

a) am watiching b) is cooking c) am doing

playing aren’t am reading

is winning is Future:

- Do Grammar Practice 4- P 152 a) They are going to play soccer b) They are going to play tennis c) They are going to camp d) They are going to swim e) They are going to watch T.V f) They are going to cook * Complete the dialogue: am going to

Answer the questions: (Answer keys) a) She is going to visit Hanoi

b) She is going to stay in a hotel

- Do exercise 1- P 150

- Do Grammar Practice 2- P 150

- Do Grammar Practice 3- P 151

- Do Grammar Practice 4- P 152


c) She is going to stay for a week What is the weather like? - Do Grammar Practice Answer key:

a) It is warm in the spring b) It is hot in the summer c) It is cool in the fall d) It is cold in the winter Future plans:

- Do Grammar Practice 6- P 153 (According to Ss’ answers)

a) I am going to b) I am going to c) I am going to d) I am going to

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (1 minutes)

- Review from Unit 12 to Unit 14 - Prepare for the test next lesson

- Do Grammar Practice

- Do Grammar Practice

- Listen and remember - Write assignments


Period 90 ÔN TẬP

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson , T can check Ss’ understanding and help Ss review the structures they’ve learned

I Knowledge: vocab and structures in unit 12-14 II Skills : writing

III Preparation: test papers B Contents:

I Choose a,b,c or d to complete the sentences (4ms)

1, How you go to the zoo ? Twice a week a, often b, long c,old d, many

2, She sports a ,likes b, like c, is liking d, liked

3, They playing soccer a, is b, are c, am d, going

4, I’m going to stay a week a, in b, at c, from d, for

5, is the weather like in Hue? a, when b, what c, where d, how


7, How is the cake ? a , long b, much c, many d, often

8, He .TV at the moment a ,watches b, watch c, watching d, is watching

II Put the verb in the correct tense ( m) 1, We (play) volleyball now

2, This summer vacation, Hoa (be) going to visit Ngoc Son temple 3, How Lan (travel) to school?

4, I usually (go ) camping in the summer

III Match the questions in colum A with the answer in the colum B (3ms): A B

1 How often you go fishing ? a , He watches TV 2, What weather does she like? b , I’d like some milk 3, What does Ba when it’s cold ? c, Once a week

4, What does he in the morning d, She likes cool weather 5, What would you like? e, Two kilos

6, How much rice you want? f, He plays tennis when it’s cold IV Read the passage andwrite T(true ) and F (False) (1 m):

Nga is a teacher,so she is free in the summer She’s going on vacation this summer First, she is going to visit Ha long bay She is going to stay in a hotel for two days Then she is going to visit Da lat for three days Finally she is going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh city.They are going to walk along Sai gon river She is going to travel by coach

1, She is going to visit Ha long bay first, then Ho Chi Minh city and finally in Da lat 2, She is going to travel by coach

3, She is going to visit Da lat for three days

4, She is going to visit her uncle in Ho Chi Minh city V Write adv of frequency (1m)


WEEK 32 Period: 89


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Revise the knowledge they have learnt from unit 12 to unit 14 + Improve skills in doing English exercises

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities - Give theme to Ss.

I.Listen then write T (True), F (False):

1 Vui is going to bring a tent and some food Lan is going to bring a bike

3 Ly is going to bring her stereo Nga is going to bring some flowers

II Odd one out:

1 A soccer B volleyball C tennis D play

2 A summer B cold C winter D spring A aunt B uncle C friend D sister

4 A take B vacation C swim D bring

III Circle the letter that best fit each blank:

1 What is the weather in the spring? A is B are C like D likes

2 Phong soccer every afternoon

A play B plays C is playing D is going to play “ are you going to stay?”- “At a friend’s house” A What B Where C How long D How

4 It is always very cold in the in Vietnam A spring B summer C fall D winter

IV Read the passage carefully then the task below:

There are four seasons in a year They are spring, summer, fall and winter In the spring, the weather is usually warm It is sometimes cold but not very cold There are many flowers in the spring In the summer, it is usually hot People often go swimming in this season The fall is the season of fruits In the winter, it is usually very cold The day is short and the night is long

A Answer the questions:

1 How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?

3 What is the weather like in the winter? B Write T (True), F (False):

1 There are four seasons in a year It is very hot in the winter

3 The day is very long in the winter

V Use suggested words to write sentences as exmple:

0 I/ stay/ hotel.

=> I am going to stay in a hotel.

1 We/ buy/ some milk

2 They/ visit/ Hue/ next week


I 2Ps => 0.5 for each 1- T, 2- F, 3- F, 4- F

II 1P => 0.25 for each

1- D, 2- B, 3- C, 4- B

III 2Ps => 0.5 for each

1- C, 2- B, 3- B, 4- D


A 1.5Ps => 0.5 for each

1 There are four seasons in a year.

They are spring, summer, fall and winter. In the winter, it is usually cold.

B 1.5Ps => 0.5 for each 1- T, 2- F, 3- F

V 2Ps => for each

1 We are going to buy some milk.

They are going to visit Hue next week.



- Estimate and comment the knowledge that Ss learnt in the last lesson - Correct mistakes and have right method with each kind of students II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (0 minutes) 2 New lesson:

* Comment the students’ test:

- Knowledge and skills: (30 minutes) + Ask Ss to repeat the words and structures concern to the weather, seasons…

+ Call some Ss to exercise again by circling the words in capital to make complete sentences + Comment and supply the correct answers

1- C, 2- B, 3- B, 4- D

+ Tell Ss to read the passage in exercise again then write T or F and answer the questions + Supply the correct answers:

B 1- T, 2- F, 3- F


1 There are four seasons in a year.

2 They are spring, summer, fall and winter. 3 In the winter, it is usually cold.

+ Ask Ss to use given cues to make completed sentences

1 We are going to buy some milk.

2 They are going to visit Hue next week.

- Uses: (5 minutes) (Depending on Ss’ test.)

- Listen and as T’s directions - Do as T’s directions

- Do on the board - Listen and take notes

- Read again and exercises - Listen to T and take notes


- Presentation: (5 minutes) (Depending on Ss’ test) - Express: (5 minutes) (Depending on Ss’ test) WEEK 32

Period: 91




By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know the names of some countries around the world

- How to ask and answer about nationality, language and the country’s name

Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (5 minutes) Noughts and croses games:

play want cook

visit watch see

stay go walk

- Introduce new lesson by asking Ss to study the pictures in the book page 154 and show out the name of the countries in Vietnamese

2 Presentation:

Introduction (15 minutes)

- Play as T’s directions:


- Presents new words: + world

+ from + (to) come + language + to speak

- Read new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat

- Present A1- P 154

- Ask Ss to read A1 individually

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then ask Ss to repeat

- Present model sentences: Where are you from?

I am from

Practice (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to practice in pairs asking and

answering about where each person in the pictures comes from

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Ask Ss to look at A2- P 155

- Tell Ss to study the picture then listen to the tape

- Introduce the model sentence: Which language you speak? I speak Vietnamese

- Ask Ss to work in pairs ask and answer about Minh

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class Further Practice (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at A3- P 155 and listen to the tape

- Introduce the way of asking about someone’s nationality

What is your nationality? I am Vietnamese

- Ask Ss to read the model in chorus

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Listen to T

- Read the dialogue - Listen and repeat

- Listen and write the model sentences in their notebooks

- Work in pairs Ex:

S1: Where is Laura from? S2: She is from Canada

- Practice aloud in front of the class

- Look at the book

- Study the picture and listen to the tape

- Listen to T and copy down the model

- Practice in pairs: Example Exchange: S1: Where is Minh from? S2: He is from Vietnam

- Practice in front of the class

- Look at the book and listen to the tape

- Look at the board then copy down


about others’ nationality

- Play the tape A3- P 155 and repeat in chorus - Call some Ss to read the table again

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: ( minutes)

- Write the answers A4 in the book - Learn the new words by heart

- Work in pairs Ex:

S1: What is your nationality? S2: I am Vietnamese

- Listen to the tape then repeat in chorus

- Read again in front of the class

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments Xác nhận ( Tuần 32)

WEEK 33 Period: 92



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know the names of some countries around the world

- How to ask and answer about nationality, language and the country’s name

Language skill:


- Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Ask Ss to work in pairs complete the dialogue in A4- P 156 (with the information in A3- P 155) - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering with the content of the dialogue they have just finished

- Introduce new lesson: study a postcard from Nhan

2 Presentation:

Introduction (10 minutes) - Present new words: + wet

+ interesting + tower + postcard

- Read new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat

- Present A1- P 154 Practice (15 minutes)

- Ask Ss to read the postcard fisrt in silent - Call on read the passage in front of the class - Ask Ss to read it again and answer the

questions below

Questions: (with answer keys)

1 Where is Nhan? (He is in London)

2 What is the weather like in London? (It is cool and wet)

- Work in pairs completing the dialogue

- Practice asking and answering in front of the class

- Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Listen to T

- Read the postcard


3 How is Nhan traveling? (He is traveling by bus) Where is Nhan going to visit tomorrow? (He is going to visit the Tower of London)

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class Further Practice (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to study the questions in A6- P 157 first

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering with the questions in the book

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class - Comment and correct mistakes if any

3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write another postcard - Learn by heart A7- P.157

- Practice in pairs

- Study the questions - Work in pairs with the information about themselves - Practice aloud in front of the class

- Listen to T

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments

WEEK 33 Period: 93

unit 15: Contries

Lesson 3: B1,2,3,4,5 A.Aim of the lesson

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to read, compare places using comparative and superlative adjectives of on sullable

B Procedure

T’s activities Ss’ activities

I.Warm up (5') Matching Hot


Hue HCM city

Hoi An

small cold



Sapa Ha Noi

(Sts match; chooseadjectives which best describe the cities, A city can have more than on adjective)

II, New lesson. 1,Presentation (20')

*Presentation text B1 - P158 T - presents models

- small  smaller the smallest

-tall taller the tallest

-cold cloder the coldest


1 big bigger  the biggest

wet  wetter  the wettest

hot  hotter  the hottest

2 happy  happier  the happiest

noisy  noisier  the noisiest

busy  busier  the busiest

3 good  better  the best

bad  worse the worst

farfather/ furtherthe farthest / futherst

4 Short adjectives have one sylable - Lan is tall but Hoa is taller - Van is taller than Hoa - Van is the tallest 2,Practice (10')

* Word cue drill

0 - Ha Noi / HCM city / Ha Tinh / Hot - Ha Noi is hot but HCM city in Hotter - HCM is hotter than HCM city

- Ha Tinh is the hottest

1 - Vinh/ Ha Noi / HCM city / big - Ha Noi / Uong Bi / Sapa / cold

T _ WC Repeat Copy

Listen and copy


3 - Ha Noi / Hue/ Hai Duong / small - Ha Noi / Can Tho / Hue / wet - Lan/ Xuan / Thu / tall

3,Production (8') Write it up *Homework (2')

Make comparative / superlative sentences using the words below

1 - small  smaller  the smallest

2 - busy  busier  the busiest

3 - noisy  noisier  the noisiest

4 - long  longer  the longest

5 - old  older  the oldest


WEEK 33 Period : 94



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know some famous places in Vietnam

Language skill:

- Practice listening and reading skill - Working in pairs, groups


- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Chain games (start with “ In my country, there are ”:

- Introduce new lesson: We are going to learn about the beautiful places in Vietnam

2- Presentation:

Pre- reading (10 minutes) - Presents new words: + forest

+ desert + great

- Read new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat

- Ask Ss to make a list about geogrphy of Vietnam

While- reading (15 minutes)

- Introduce the topic of C1- P.162

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then repeat in chorus

- Call some Ss to read the passage again - Ask Ss to exercise (With answer keys) a mountains b rivers c lakes d rain e forest f beaches g deserts

- Call some Ss to read their answer in front of the class

- Comment and give correct answers - Introduce the use of ‘lots of”:

+ Lots of = much many

+ Lots of + plural countable nouns uncountable nouns Ex: We have lots of beaches We have lots rain

Post- reading (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering

- Do as T’s directions Ex:

S1: In my country, there are rivers

S2: In my country, there are rivers, mountains


- Listen to T

- Listen and write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen and repeat - Do as T’s request Ex:

Beaches, mountains, forest

- Listen to T - Listen and repeat

- Read in front of the class

- Read the passage and fill in the missing words

- Read aloud in front of the class - Listen and copy down

- Listen and copy down


use the question:

Does Vietnam have any ? Yes, it does./ No, it does not

- Call some pairs to practice aloud in front of the class

3 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write a short passage describe their home town


S1: Does Vietnam have any mountains?

S2; Yes, it does

- Practice aloud in front of the class

- Listen and remember


WEEK 34 Period: 95



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know some famous rivers, mountains in Vietnam and around the world Language skill:

- Practice listening and reading skill - Working in pairs, groups


- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1.Warm up: (5 minutes) - Net works:

- Introduce new lesson: In this lesson we are going to learn about some famous rivers and mountains in Vietnam and around the world 2 Presentation:

Pre- reading (5 minutes) - Present new words: + flow

+ start

+ Mediterranean Sea

- Do as T’s directions

- Listen to T


+ North Africa

- Read new words first as model then ask Ss to repeat

While- reading (10 minutes)

- Introduce the topic of C3- P.165

- Ask Ss to read then answer the questions below

- Call some Ss to read their answer in front of the class

- Comment and give correct answers a The Mekong River

b Tibet

c The Nile river

d The Mediterranean Sea e Mount Everset

f Phanxipang

Post- reading (5 minutes) - Noughts and Crosses:

high start highest

mountain North Africa Red River flow

Phanxipang Mekong River Mount Everest Test: (15 minutes)

I Write the comparative and superlative form of the following adjectives as example:


0 tall => taller => the tallest

1- long, 2- big, 3- small, 4- high, 5- fast

II Use suggested words to write sentences, as example:

0 Mekong River/ long/ Red River

=> The Mekong River is longer than the Red River

1 Mount Everest/ high/ mountain/ world This house/ small/ that house

3 Nile River/ long/ river/ world London/ big/ Hanoi

5 Phanxipang/ high/ mountain/ Vietnam

- Listen and repeat

- Listen to T

- Read the passage and answer the questions

- Read aloud in front of the class

- Listen and copy down

- Play as T’s directions

Answer keys and points: I 5Ps => for each. longer => the longest bigger => the biggest smaller => the smallest higher => the highest faster => the fastest II 5Ps=> for each.

1 Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world

2 This house is smaller than that house

3 Nile River is the longest river in the world


3 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write a short passage describe their home town


5 Phanxipang is the highest mountain in Vietnam

- Listen and remember

- Write assignments

WEEK 34 Period: 96

UNIT 16:




By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know some more words about plants

- Use questions: How much, how many fluently Language skill:

- Practice listening skill - Working in pairs, groups Attitude:

- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Net works: - Do as T’s directions


- Introduce new lesson: in this lesson we are going to learn about names of some plants 2 Presentation:

Pre- reading (15 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A1- P 166 - Matching: (with answer keys)

A B Some nhiều A few A lot of số/ A little vài - Introduce the use of quantity adjectives some/ a lot/ a few + plural countable nouns Some/ a lot of/ a little + uncountable nouns

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then listen after the tape

While- reading (10 minutes) - Introduce the topic of A1- P.166

- Ask Ss to read then ask and answer about the quantity

- Call some Ss to read their answer in front of the class

Post- reading (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at A3- P 167 and talk about the quantity of things in the pictures

- Let Ss listen to the tape and match a) a lot of

b) some c) a lot of d) a few e) a little f) some

3 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson

- Listen to T

- Look at the pictures - Do as T’s directions

- Listen and copy down - Listen and repeat

- Listen to T

- Read then ask and answer

- Read their answer in front of the class

Example exchange:

S1: How much rice is there? S2: There is some rice

S1: How many eggs are there? S2: There are some eggs - Look at the pictures - Listen and match


4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write a short passage describe their home town

- Write assignments

WEEK 34 Period 97

Unit 16 countries Lesson :A3,6 P 166-167 A Objective:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about food with countable and uncountable quantifiers

I.Knowledges : a lot, a little, a few II Skill: speaking

III Preparation : Book, board, lesson plan,. B Procedures :

I Settlement II.Checking : III New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Revision : Jumble Words:

-Asks Ss to rewrite the words in the order

toespota = potatoes , gegs = eggs , werflos = flowers motatoes = tomatoes , icer = ucer , nonios = onions tableveges = vegetables

2.Presentation :

Presentation text : A1 p.166

-Reads the text, asks Ss to listen to the text and practice the text

Model sentences :

a How much rice is there ? There is some

A lot of

A little rice b How many eggs are there ?

There are some

Alot of eggs A few

3 Practice : Matching A3 P.167

- Asks Ss to match the sentences to the

Work in groups to rewrite the words in the order

Ss listen , and practice the text ,then give examples

Ss copy down on their notebook


Answer keys : d f b a c e Picture drill:

A1 p.166 and A3 P.167

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange :

S 1: How much rice is there? S2: There is alot/ lots

S1: How many onions are there ? S2 : There are a few

4 Production :

Chain game : -Asks Ss to play chain game

Example : S1 : There is a little rice

S2 : There is a little rice, and some tomatoes S3 : There is a little rice, some tomatoes and a few eggs

Work in pairs to to practice the structure following example exchange :

S1: How much ricwe is there?

S2: There is alot/ lots S1: How many onions are there ?

S2 : There are afew Work in groups to play chain game


WEEK 35 Period 98


A Aim of the lesson:

After the lesson sts will be able to understand about the environment and pollution by using "should shouldn't"

B Proceduce.


T’s activities Ss’ activities

I, Warm up

1,Revision (2' ) Slap the board

T - gives instructions / checks Sts play game:

II, New lesson A,Pre - reading:

1 - Pre teach vocabulary:

- environment (trans) m«i trêng - (to) waste (exp) l·ng phÝ

- coal (visual) than đá, than củi - gas (exp) hơi, khí đốt

- power (trans) lợng - (to) produce (exp) sản xuất - trash (visual) rác thải - ocean (trans) đại dơng * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Prediction:

T - hangs, poster and gives instruction Sts predict the answers

Poster 1 - What are we destroying ? - What are we wasting ? - What are we polluting ? 2,While - reading:

- Sts read the text and check their prediction

- Sts answer comprehension questions B1 (P170) a 


- T - corrects with WC

Answer key:

Group work

-Listen and repeat - Read


T – WC

Group work

read the text Answer the qs in groups

T -WC; H - H, open pair

phá huỷ

con vật

sản xuất


a - Because we are destroying the forest b - The burning of coal gas is pollicting the air c - The pollution comes from the trash, gas, coal, oil

d - Trash is polluting the land: the rivers + the oceans

* Model sentences

T - sets the scene and gives a model - We should save water

collect paper - We shouldn't pick flowers

damage trees

* Concept check - Meaning:

- Use: khuyªn nên / không nên làm - Form: S + should / shouldn't + V (inf) - intonation: (Mds)

*Homework (2')

- Learn vocab in context

- Write the advies for activities of B2 - Do B1, (P134 workbook)

Answer T s Questions


WEEK 35 Period: 99

unit 16: Man and the environment Lesson 4: B

A Aim of the lesson:

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to give advices using (do / don’t) to talk about the environment

B, Procedure,

Teacher 's activities Students'activities

1,Warm up (5 - 7' ) Noughts and crosses

a dozen eggs potatoes a glass of milk half a kilo of onions 100g rice kg vegetables

1 kg fruit tomatoes plowers

Eg exchange:

There'sa little rice There are some eggs II, New lesson


1 - Pre - teach vocabulary

- a trash can - a waste basket (synonym) thïng r¸c

- (to) leave (trans) vøt - (to) put

(visual) để

- a bag (visual) tói - (to) take

home (trans) mang vỊ nhµ * Checking vocab:

Rub out and remember B P 170

T - gives instrution / models

Don't destroy our environment waste water

pollute air pollute air Sts listen and repeat

Ask sts to make some sentecnes as the same

Group work

-Listen and repeat - Read


T – WC

Group work


2,Practice Word cues

2 - Presentation dialogue: T - sets the scene:

Lan and Ba are talking about the environment Here their talk

Lan: We shouldn't leave our trash Ba: What are we going to ? Lan: Put it in a trash can Ba: There aen't any trash cans

Lan: Then we should put it in a bag and take it home 3,Production

Talk What you and don’t to the environment Homework

- Do excercise in the work book - Give example with and Don’t

T -WC; H - H, open pair

Answer T’s Questions Copy

Don't waste water


WEEK 35 Period: 100

LESSON 5: B POLLUTION (B4, B5, B7) I Aims:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Use “should” when talking about the environmental problems 2.Skills:

- Practice listening and reading skill - Working in pairs, groups


- Help Ss to develop their activeness in communication when using a foreign language, especially in English

II Teaching aids Teacher:

- Text book, pictures, cassette Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

HĐ gv &hs Nội dung ghi bảng 1 Warm up: (5 minutes)

- Matching: (With answer keys)

Collect trash on the street Don’t pick water

Don’t throw the grass Save flowers Kepp off paper

- Introduce the content of the lesson: should and should not somethings to protect environment 2 Presentation:

Pre- reading (10 minutes)

- Introduce the use of “should” and “shouldn’t”: - Ask Ss to use the pictures in B5- P.172 to make sentencse with “should and shouldn’t”

- Listen to T and copy down While- reading (10 minutes)

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape in B4- P 171 then repeat after the tape

- Ask Ss to work in groups of four practice reading the dialogue( Follow T’s order)

Post- reading (15 minutes)

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape in B6- P 172 then repeat after the tape

- Call some Ss to read the passage again - Ask Ss to work in pairs answering the

* Do as T’s directions

- Matching: (With answer keys) Collect trash on the street

Don’t pick water Don’t throw the grass Save flowers Kepp off paper


S1: We shouldn’t throw trash on the street


questions from a) to c) Answers:

a) We collect and recycle empty bottles and cans, waste paper, scrap metal and old plastic

b) We collect and feed it to pigs c) They recycle them

- Call some pairs to read their answers in front of the class

- “Noughts and Crosses”: (with “should” or shouldn’t”

forests trees grass

paper trash bottles and cans

flowers water wild animals


a) We collect and recycle empty bottles and cans, waste paper, scrap metal and old plastic b) We collect and feed it to pigs c) They recycle them

- Learn a short passage about how to protect environment

X ác nhận ( Tuần 35)


WEEK 36 Period: 101




After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the words and structures through units from 15 to 16 Language content:

- Practice skills in doing English exercises Attitude:

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Textbook, lesson plan Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (1 minute)

- In this lesson we are going to revise some grammar structures in the last two units: 15, 16 2 New lesson: (40 minutes)

Simple Present:

- Do exercise 1- P 150 with the present simple tense

Answer key

a) Do/ speak b) speaks c) speaks Chinese don’t d) speak Japanese e) speaks Vienamese

speak e) speaks English

Present simple and present progressive tenses:

- Do Grammar Practice 2- P 174 Answer key: (According to Ss’ answers)

- Do exercise 1- P 174


a) is b) lives c) is/ is staying d) is e) does/ teaches f) Does/ teach

doesn’t teaches

Comparatives and superlatives: - Do Grammar Practice 3- P 175

Answer key:

Short Shorter The shortest Tall Taller The

tallest Small Smaller The

smallest Big Bigger The


High Higher The highest

Thick Thicker The thichkest a) longer/ the longest b) longest c) the tallest/ taller/ the tallest

d) biggest/ bigger/ the biggest/ the biggest Indefinite quantifiers:

- Do Grammar Practice 4- P 175 A lot/ a little/ a few/ a lot/ lots/ a lot 3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Review from Unit 15 to Unit 16

- Do Grammar Practice 3- P 175

- Do Grammar Practice 4- P 175

- Listen and remember



Period: 101* , 102



After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the words and structures they have learnt in the 2nd semester.

Language content:

- Practice skills in doing English exercises Attitude:

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Textbook, lesson plan Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (0 minute) 2 New lesson:

Use of adverbs of frequency: (18 minutes) - Ask Ss to repeat the adverbs of frequency - Ask Ss to answer the following questions using the adverbs of frequency

Answer key: (According to Ss’ answers) a) How often you watch T.V?

+ I usually watch T.V

b) How often you go to the movies? + I sometimes go to the movies

c) How often you help your mom? + I often help my mom

d) How often you go to the store? + I sometimes go to the store

e) How often you play sports? + I usually play sports

f) How often you go fishing? + I sometimes go fishing


g) How often you go swimming? + I sometimes go swimming

- Call some Ss to present their answers in front of the class

Present simple and present progressive tenses: (22 minnutes)

- Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of the two simple tense

- Ask Ss to the follwing exercise with the two tenses

(With answer key)

a) She eats a lot of oranges + She is eating an orange now b) They drink beer everyday

+ They are drinking some beer at the moment c) He rides his bike to school everyday

+ He is riding his bike to school now d) She always goes to bed early + She is going to bed now

e) She never travels to work by bus + She is traveling to work by bus now

- Call some Ss to read their answers aloud 3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Review the future tense and the comparatives and superlatives

- Present aloud in front of the class

- Repeat aloud in front of the class

- Work individually

- Read aloud in front of the galss

- Listen and remember


WEEK 37 Period: 103



After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the words and structures they have learnt in the 2nd semester.

Language content:

- Practice skills in doing English exercises Attitude:

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Textbook, lesson plan Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (0 minute) 2 New lesson:

Future: (20 minutes)

- Ask Ss to repeat the use and form of the future tense

- Ask Ss to the following exercises * Complete the dialogue: (With answer keys) A: What are you going to next week? B: I am going to visit Hue

A: Where are you going to stay? B: I am going to stay in a hotel A: How long are you going to stay? B: I am going to stay for a week *Answer the questions: (Answer keys) a) What is B going to this weekend? + She is going to visit Hue

b) Where is she going to stay? + She is going to stay in a hotel c) How long is she going to stay? + She is going to stay for a week

- Call some Ss to present their answers in front

- Repeat in front of the class - Work in pairs


of the class

Comparatives and superlatives: (20 minutes) - Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of the comparatives and superlatives

- Ask Ss to the follwing exercise (With answer key)

*Complete te table:

Thin Thinner The thinnest

Good Better The best

Much More The most

Bad Worse The worst

Strong Stronger The strongest

Heavy Heavier The heaviest

* Answer the questions: (with answer keys) a) Which is the longest river in Vietnam? + The Mekong River

b) Which is the biggest mountain in Vietnam? + Phanxipang

c) Which is longer the Nile River or the Mekong River?

+ The Nile River

d) Which is the longest river in the world? + The Nile River

- Call some Ss to read their answers aloud 3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Review the future tense and the comparatives and superlatives


- Repeat aloud in front of the class

- Work individually

- Read aloud in front of the galss

- Listen and remember


WEEK 37 Period: 104



After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Revise the words and structures they have learnt in the semesters Language content:

- Practice skills in doing English exercises Attitude:

II Teaching aids: Teacher:

- Textbook, lesson plan Students:

- Textbook, notebook III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up: (0 minute) 2 New lesson:

Prepositions and question words: (20 minutes)

- Ask Ss to repeat the use of the prepositions - Ask Ss to the following exercises

* Complete the sentences with one of the given prepositions: near, next, in, on, between, opposite (With answer keys)

a) There is a house near the lake b) Thu’s house is in the country c) There is a store next to a lake d) My house is on a quiet street

e) The factory is between the stadium and the store f) My house is opposite a bus stop

*Answer the questions: (Answer keys) a) What is he going to this weekend? + She is going to visit Hanoi

b) Where is she going to stay? + She is going to stay in a hotel


c) How long is she going to stay? + She is going to stay for a week

- Call some Ss to present their answers in front of the class

Indefinite quantifiers: (20 minutes) - Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of the indefinite quantifiers

- Ask Ss to the exercise (With answer key)

*Complete the passage: A lot/ a little/ a few/ a lot/ lots/ a lot

The streets of Hanoi are very busy There is a lot of traffic Most people only have a little money to spend on transportation As a result, there are only a few private cars on the roads The bike is the cheapest form of transportation, so there are a lot of bikes There are lots of motorbikes, too There are a lot of taxis, but they are expensive

- Call some Ss to read their answers aloud 3 Consolidation: (3 minutes)

- Repeat the content of the lesson 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Review all the grammar tense and form they have learnt

- Present aloud in front of the class

- Repeat aloud in front of the class

- Work individually

- Read aloud in front of the galss

- Listen and remember


WEEK 37 Period: 105


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Revise the knowledge they have learnt + Improve skills in doing English exercises

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I LISTENING: Listen then write T (True) or F (False):

1 It is cool in the morning It is hot in the morning It is warm in the evening It is hot at night

II READING: Read then the task below:

Mr Hai is a farmer He has three large paddy fields They produce lots of rice He also has a small garden where he grows some vegetables There are a few fruit trees in the garden They produce a little fruit He has some chickens They produce a lot of eggs

A Asnwer the questions: What does Mr Hai do?

2 What does he grow in his garden? B WriteT (True) or F (False):

1 Mr Hai grows a lot of vegetables in his garden

2 His fruit trees produce a lot of fruit His chickens produce lots of eggs III LANGUAGE FOCUS:

A Odd one out:

1 A vacation B throw C beach D ocean A buffalo B cow C chicken D egg A trash B pollution C pick D danger A save B water C collect D leave B Circle the best answer:

1 Keep the grass A of B off C to D on

2 They are cutting a lot of trees


A up B down C off D to We should more healthy food A eat B eats C eating D to eat He’s form Canada He English

A speak B speaks C is speaking D is going to speak IV WRITING: Make questions for the following answers: I am 12 years old

2 I am a student I am in grade I live in Muong Coi

5 There are four people in my family

III Answer keys and points.

I Listening: 2Ps => 0.5 for each 1- T, 2- F, 3- T, 4- F

Tape transcript:

John lives in Boston The weather is always changing Today it is cool in the morning It is hot in the afternoon It is warm in the evening and it is cold at night

II Reading:

A 1P => 0.5 for each 1- He is a farmer

2- He grows some vegetables in his garden

B 1.5Ps => 0.5 for each 1- F, 2- F, 3- T

III Language focus: A. 1P => 0.25 for each

1- B, 2- D, 3- C, 4- B

B. 2Ps => 0.5 for each 1- B, 2- B, 3- A, 4- B

IV 2.5Ps => 0.5 for each

1- How old are you?

2- What you do?

3- Which grade are you in? 4- Where you live?

5- Howmany people are there in your family?



Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 22:09

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