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English for chemistry student nguyen van dau chị hóa

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, t( t ' /i , , /1" t PGS.TS NGUYEN VAruOAU \' I ', ENGTISH Fl|RSTUDENTS l|FCHEMISTRY NHAXUATBANDAI HOCSU PHAM TIJIUC LUC Loigi6ithi6u , P A R TT G E N E R ACLH E M t S T R Y 11 U n i t1 M a t t e r U n i t2 M a t t ear n dS t r u c t u r e , 32 U n i t3 T h eP e r i o d iTca b e , U n i t4 C h e m i c aBl o n d i n g U n i t5 C h e m i c aRl e a c t i o n s V U n i t6 M e t a l sa n dN o n - m e t a | s , U n i t7 C a r b o na n dS i l i c o n U n i tB l o n i ca n dC o v a l e ncto m p o u n d s U n i t9 P o s t - c o u r 1s e s t SFCHEMISTRY P A R TI I B R A N C H EO .50 68 85 ,., 102 , 120 140 157 ,163 U n i t1 O r g a n iC c hemistry 164 U n i t2 N u c l e aCr h e m i s t r y '17 U n i t3 , C h e m i s t royf P o l y m e r s 197 U n i t4 P u r i f i c a t iTo en c h n i o u e s 211 U n i t5 A n a l y t i c aCl h e m i s t r y 226 U n i t6 P e t r o l e u m Chemistry 248 U n i t7 P h y s i c aCl h e m i s t r y .261 U n i t8 C h e m i c aI nl d u s t r y Unit9 Chemistry of Life U n i t1 P o s t - c o u r T se s1 References 278 .296 315 .322 rorororrnl€u Cu6n"English for students of Ghemistry"dtlgcbi6nsoandua tr6nc5c g i ot r i n h" E n g l i s hf o r C h e m i c a lI n s t i t u t e s v" a ' T i d n g A n h d d n h c h o s i n h vi6n nginh Ho6 hoc" da dudc giAngday tai khoa Ho6 hoc, trLlongDai hoc Khoa hoc TLInhi6n,Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha NOitr/ ndm 1994,vir cho h6 dai hoc ch.dtli-tongcao,trddngDai hoc St/ pham Ha NOitLInbm 2003 den Muc dich bi6n soan c0a cuon s6ch ndy ld cung cdp kien thfc tidng Anh chuy6nngdnhh6a hoc cho sinh vien vd nhlng ngudi lam vi6c lien quan ddn h6a hoc, tao didu ki6n thudn loi hon cho ho doc c6c tdi lidu tiengAnh vd chuydnngdnhnay Do vAy, tiep can chinh cOacuon s6ch lir tap trungvdo ki ndng doc hidu,m6t so dac didm vdn phongkhoa hoc vd c6c van dd ngfi ph6p chinh thtJonSgAp tieng Anh khoa hoc Ngodira, cudn s6ch co gSnggirjp cho sinh vi6n ph6t tridn ki ning viet thongqua c6ch sfi dung tiengAnh dd ftrd hi6n c5c dinh nghia,quan s6t, vd mi6utA cAc thr nghi6mdon giAn.Ki ndng dich trl tiengVi6t sang tidngAnh chi chidmmdt phdn nh6 trongm6i don vi bai giAng(unit)nhungse girip cho sinh vi6n ldm quen m6t phdn niro vdi vi6c chuydnngLt(dich)nhrtngcdu v5n ng5n,don gi6n CA'utric cia cu6'n sdch Cudn s6chnay ddnh cho sinh vi6n hoc giaidoan hai,giaidoan chuydn ngdnhsau d6 hoc xong c6c gi6o trinhtiengAnh trinhd6 Elementaryviaprelntermediate giai doan mdt Do vay, nhurrgkienthrlc co bAnvd ng0 phaptieng Anh vd c6c trJvuhgth6ngdungse khongdrrocdd cdp trongcuon s6chniy Cu6n s6ch gdm hai phdn,hoc hai hoc ki v6i thoi lLrongld B don vi hoc trinh(120tiet).Phdn gdm unit,ph5n2 g6m unitvd cu6i m6i phdnd6u co bdi kidm tra dd tham khAo.N6i dung chuydnngdnh6 phdn i bao trirmch0 ydu c6c vdn dd co b6n c0a ho6 dai cr-fdng,con phdn li6n quan ddn c6c chuy6nngdnhchinhcOah6a hoc M6i unitgdm c6 nh0ngmuc chlnhsau: - Reading C6c bdi doc dr-toclUachon theo h6 thong tLtde Odnkh6, theo s6t nhuhg chuy6n dd md sinh vi6n dang dr,rochoc dd tao th6m hrhg thri od tidrn tra su doc hidu, phdn niry x6y dung c6c biri t6p, nhu tri toi c6u h6i, x6c dinh ! kidn d0ng hay sai, hodn thi6n c6u, tlm trJddng/nguocnghia.Phdn Readingnhdm muc dich gi0ftcho sinh vi6n hiduki nghiac0a c6c ttJvung vd ph6ttridnki ndng doc hidu - Grammar Nhltng vdindd ng0 ph6p xudithien bai doc cu thd, hoac kiSnthfc ngrrphirpthudnggdp tidng Anh khoa hoc dr-tocdd cAp phdn niry s6 giripcho sinhvi6n hidu16hon phdn Reading - Practice Ngodi vi6c c0ng cd trJvltng, phdn niry duoc x6y dLtngdd luy6n ki ndng v i d tn h u d i S nd a t d i n hn g h i a c, h i d A n ,k e tq u , m d t v d b o c ot h i n g h i m - Translation Bao gdm hai phdn nh6:dichtrt tiengAnh sangtidngVi6tv6i vi6cs(l dung c6c cum tLrc6 nghia dbc thir chuy6n ngdnh,vir tt-rtiSngVi6t sang tiSngAnh Phdnsau tLrongdoi kh6 n6n chi y6u cdu dich nhlng doan vdn ngin, don gi6n c6 n6i dungquenthudcvdi phdndd hoc tr6n.Didu ndy sA rdt htruich cho sinh vi6n ldm quen v6i vi6c dich, hidu 16tinh tUdngthich c0a song nglt vir hidu dLtoc c6chsrl dungthu6tng0 - Supplementarymaterial Phdn niry cung cdp mot biri d'octh6m v6i cung ch0 dd dd sinh vi6n c6 thdm von trJvung vir kien th(rc vd ch0 dd d6, ddng thdi gi6i thi6u vdn phong khoa hoc thudnggap trrOn tap chi, sach giAokhoa chuydnngdnh, Phdn niry thuongddnh cho sinh vi6n tu kidm tra sU hidu biStc0a minh hodc hoc dU6istJ hrl6ngd5n cOagi6ovi6n - Vocabulary Phdn niry chi gdm c6c trJva cum trJdLldcding llnhvUch6a hoc Do vAy, nghia cOa mot s6 trt d6i c6 tinh han htru,rdt xa la v6i nghiatieng Anh th6ngthLIong Vd cdu trric c0a m6i unit, kh6c v6i phdn 1, phdn khong c6 muc Grammarvd Laboratoryapparatusnhrtngc6 th6m phdn lmportantTerms vd phdnPracticec5c bdi tdp da dang hon.Nh0ngthay ddi ndy nhim gifp cho sinh vi6n ldm quen vdi tfnh chinhx6c, 16 rdng,vd c6 dong c0a tiengAnh dirngcho muc dlchkhoahoc Muc ti6u bi6n soan cuon s6ch "English for students of Chemistry" ld khdngsAuvd ngon nglt va khdngqu6 phfc tap vd ngr-tph6p;ddngthoi n6 c0ng kh6ng ph6i l-atqp hgp c6c bai doc chuy6nm6n Do v6y, vi6c bi6n soan cu6n s5ch ndy chScchin c6 nhiduthieusot kh6ngthd dep rrnghdt moi y6u cdu c0a ban doc.Ch[ng t6i xin ch6nthdnhc6m on su gop 1ic0a c6c dQcgid Trongqu6 trinhbi6nsoan cu6n s6ch ndy,tdrcgi6 da nhAnduqc sqrdong gop quy gia cria cdrcth6y cd thuoc Bo mon Ngoai ngu, trucrngDai hoc Su phqm Hir N6i v6 nOidung vd b6 cuc c0a cu6n sdch Tdc gid c0ng xrn chAn thdnhc6m on PGS TS Dang Thi Oanh,chOnhi6mKhoa Ho6 hoc, trtlongDai hoc SLtpham Hd Noi vir Nhir xu6t bdn Dai hoc Su pham dd tao moi didu ki6n thuAnloi cho vi6c bi6nsoanvd xuAtbdn cuons6chniry H d n i ,t h n g n d m 0 I ac gra PGS.TSNguy6nVbn DAu TrLtongDai hoc Khoahoc Tu nhi6n Dai hoc Quocgia He Ndi / C O N T E N T SO F T H E U N I T Part Part Reading Text Reading Text A ComprehensionQuestions A Comprehensioneuestions B True-FalseStatements B True-FalseStatements C SentenceCompletion C ContextualReference D Translation D Sentence Conrpletion E Translation Grammar Exercises Practice practice A \\'ritin_e:ExpressingFunction A Writing: ExpressingFunction B Gap-Frlling B Gap-Filling C \Iatching: Synonymor Antonym D SentenceMatching T r a n s l a t i o n Translation A En_ehsh-Vietnamese A English-\'iernamese B \'ietnamese-English B Vietnamese-English SupplementaryMaterial Supplementarl.Ilaterial A Further Reading A FurtherReading B MathematicSection B ExperimentalTechnique C LaboratoryApparatus ImportantTerms \'ocabulary S Vocabularv cAcrY Hmuvrdr rAr adj Adjective TinhtrJ adv Adverb Trangttl Conjunction Li6ntrr Noun Danhtrl presentparticiple PhAntrrhi6ntai pastparticiple Phantrrqu5kh0 Preposition Gi6itrJ Somebody Aid6 Something C6i si d6 Verb D6ngtLr PARTI G E N ER A LC H E MIS T R Y 1i dr UnitI u v fl,IRTTCR r READING Key Terms: - ntatter - pure suhstance - muture - lnmogeneous mirtut'e - heterogeneousmixlure - solution - alloy - atom - molecule CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER ' In scientificterminology,matteris anythingthat occupiesspace and has mass(weight).Chemistsgroup matterinto severalcategories for better identification.In this unit we will seekto understandthis -plassificationof matter and learn how it relates to physical and ,fchemical changes 4l,v,vn\ J_ A11 matterlis either la pure substanceor a mixture A pure substancehas a definite and constantcomposition;it has physicaland chemical propertiet,r*l?yfhout Pure water is a pure substance.It is containing two hydrogen atoms and one tgggg_9".]J-!Aphrtibles rcoxygenatom, that is, water molecule.A mirture is a combinationof two or more pure substances in which each substanceretainsits orvn identity Alcohol and @d coexist aspuresubstances b ourJ.fEf",l in a mixture Jhei "ra.r* ^trtsflltii"' Jeaction;they exist as thoroughlymixed discretemolecule.A mirture l\has variablecomposition;thereare an infinite numberof combinations of quantitiesof alcohol and water that can be mixed 13 t ltt r r ' - , : { t! ! u t } A mixture mar'l be eitherlhomo_eeneous 4t otr heterogeneous honrctg,ertcous ni.rture has uniforrn composition.Its It:S particlesare wel mired or thoroughlvintermingled unrfornrcornposition.Concreteis lcom of ntatcrials(r arioustypesand sizeof stoneand sandpresentwith cement in a non-uniform mixture) Homogeneousmixtures of at least two componcnt: that appear uniform in composition &re7d-escribedas ',,'ltttt,'li'.Solutions.maybefurther\@:ltrqt.i,jff|u,.,.o, - - - - - l - - - - ^ - - - - - - " I :olrds dependin-e on the nature of the main component.Any mixture, rncIudrn s a solution, can Fp selrarated-.rrro.J ts componentsby physical a c l i o l t \i i i l t e r i n gb o i l i n g , ) \11\ture of alcohol and water is an example of liquid solution Air, t ntr\turL- of gases.is the most common gaseoussolution The common r.lirl ,.lLrtions are ullut,s' uniform mixture of two or more solid ' , -r.i.rir.r' at leastone'of which is a metal There are different types of pure substances.Elements and -r -l : ru'.:nJ are puresubsrances [F uornJpu#'\JBl]n t.Elemenrs : r'.;J ofla singlekind of matter.Thev cannotbe sgparated into other, r::-.:ie r iorm of matterby eitherphysicalor chemicalmethods.Hydrogen erd tr\r sen for sample, are elements.Altematively, compoundsare sub>rancerformed when two or more elements bond chemically .,.,i Compoundsaln'avshavea definiteand constantcomposition;this means vl a ' \ r ! ' Iher [co-n_!+inJ elements in fixed proportions.Compoundscannot be reparat-ed into other componentsby physical method, but they can be 3uariltedinto different elementsor simpler compoundsby chemical :=fnqf\' t ,t ir,,rirraredefined asrhebasicbuild!.qgblggEfJttlii"ll,,lr,'il '.' oth:; rr,J.all marrer is ultimatelVFf"-p"s.OlfJit"-t p$U.tgg) {collecr: 'n- of atoms bound togethef.An element alwayslcoi-sistsofla single k-rd ,.i etom but these atoms are often bound toeether into molecule For erirmple the element oxygen usuallylffiq*qj ,*" olygen atomsattachedtogether.Compounds.on the otherhand,ur{rnud"_' conraining at least two different elepgnls-or*inds of Fl^olecules \uatoms Water for erample consists of moieculeslmade up ofi two, hydrogenaroms bondedro one oxygen atom Compo#a;;ail';I#oken 14 t * ,sr i\( One type of air pollutionis the releaseof particlesinto the air from burning fuel for energy Diesel smoke is a good example of this pLtt'ticulotenntter The particles are verv Small pieces of matter pteasuringabout 2.5 microns or about 0.0001 inches This type of pollution is sometimesreferred to as "black carbon" pollution The erhaust from burning fuels in automobiles.homes.and industriesis a major sourceof pollutionin the air Someauthoritiesbelievethat eventhe burning of rvood and charcoal in frreplacesand barbequescan release significantquantitiesof sootinto the air Anothertype of pollution is the releaseof noxious gases,such as sulfur dioxide.carbonmonoxide,nitrogenoxides,and chemicalvapors These can take part in further chemical reactionsonce they are in the forming smogand acid rain atmosphere, Pollutionalsoneedsto be consideredinsideour homes,offices,and schools.Someof thesepollutantscan be createdby indoor activitiessuch as smokingand cooking.In the United States,rve spendabout80-90Voof our time inside buildings, and so our exposureto harmful indoor pollutantscan be serious.It is thereforeimpofiantto considerboth indoor andoutdoorair pollution T R U E - F A L SSET A T E M E N T S Write "True" (T) or "False" (F) besideeachstatementaccording to the informationfrom the text of living organisms,climate, Distributionand abundance of naturalenvironment radiation,ect.arenot components of nonincludedevelopment Goalsof environmentalists of scareenergysources, renewablefuels,conservation gaseseffectson climatic Mitigationof releasinggreenhouse changes Humanactivitiescauseoutdoorair pollution Burningfuel for energycausesnot only smogbut alsoacid rain 310 EXPERI}IE\TAL TECHNIQUE Colorimetr) The absorptionof light by a coloured solution is directlv related to the concentrationof the solution The more concentratedthe solution is, the more coloured it appears.The concentrationof a coloured solution can be measureddirectly by comparingrts colourwith solutionsof known concentration This analysis techniqueis calledcolorimetry The techniqueis not restrictedto use with coloured substances Many metal cationsand anionscan be detectedby first convertingthem to colouredcompounds.For example,the concentration of phosphate ions in water from rivers and lakes can be measuredif the phosphateis first convertedto an intenseblue compoundby a seriesof reactionswith other chemicals Insteadof simply using the eye to comparethe colour of a sample with the colourof a solutionof known concentration, the amountof light passing through a sample can be measuredaccuratelyby using an instrumentcalleda colorimeter The colorimeterconsistsof threemain parts: o a light source which produces light that is absorbedby the solution; a glasscell to hold the solution; o an electronicdetectorto measurethe intensityof light that passes throughthe cell The absorptionof light by a seriesof standardsolutionsis measured and a calibrationgraph is drawn By measuringthe absorptionof light of an unknown solution, its concentrationcan be found directly from the graph I M P O R T A NTTE R M S l Amphoteric surfoctanf A surfactantthat contains both a positive and a negativechargeon the hydrophobicpart of the molecule Acetylcholine A chemical compoundthat behavesas a messenger 311 to transmita messagefrom one nervecell to another,or from nerve rnusclecells Interface or surface.' the boundary betrveenone substanceand another .+ Surfaceenergy:the energ.vrequiredto createa unit areaof surface Biodegradable substances.'substancesthat can be broken down readilyby naturallyoccurringbacteria Emulsion: an emulsion is a suspensionof tiny dropletsof one in anotherliquid liquid suspended Dipole Molecules that are simultaneouslyattractedtoward both due to a polarizedbond electrodes Disacchuide A saccharidecomposedof two monosaccharide units,joined via an oxygenbride.suchas sucrose High-density lipoproteins (HDL) A lipoprotein, found in the blood, that transportscholesterolaway from cells and back to the liver, this is consideredthe betterform of lipoprotein 10 Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) A lipoprotein,found in the blood, that transportscholesterolaway from the lir,er and to cells, this is considereda risk form of lipoprotein 11 Nucleic acids Very high molecularweight polymers that carry geneticinformationand regulatemany aspectsof body chemistry, such as protein synthesis;typical examplesare deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleicacid (RNA) 12 Optical isomerization.Moleculesthat exist as enantiomersand havethe ability to rotateplanepolarizedlight 13 Pesticide.Any agentthat can kill pests,such as insects,rodents, and the like derivedfrom 14 Prostaglandin.A family of hormone-likesubstances arachidonic,a 20 carbon fatty acid: they regulate many body functionsand arepreparedin many body tissues 15 Retinal The aldehydeform of vitamin A that binds to opsin to form the visual pigment rhodopsin 312 VOCABULARY anchore niu chlt brimchat,neo lai asymmetdcmoleculeor phAntu bat doi xung chiral molecule phAntu vAt kh6ng tring inh biochemical horichat sinh hoc chain chu6i.mach conception, su thu thai,kh6i ni€m delicatebalance su cAnb[ng nho, tinh vi devastatingeffects tdc dung huy di€t,phrihriy dietarysupplements su bii sungthirc an thuc phlim distinct, ri€ng bi0t,de thay,16rdng dipole-dipolebonds li€n ket ludng cuc - ludng cuc emulsifyingagents tiic nhAntao nhfl (tuong) encode ghi thdnhmAtm6, m6 h5a folding pattem mOhinh gAp,kidu gApcuon lai fit, vua khit line the lungs lim ddy phcii lock and key mechanism co che chia v) kh6a low and high-density lipoprotein lipoproteinc6 ti thap vi ti cao manipulate, cii bien.suadrii mirror images hinh inh qua gudng nerveimpulses c6c xung thdnkinh opticalisomerization su ddngphAnh5a quanghoc pesticide thuoctrri sAu,cOntrDng !l-ttl 314 pigmentation, su tao mhu,tao sacto prematurely, sdm,non, ydu reversible, tinh thuAnnghich sequence chu5i thrl tu thri tu sapxep primarystructure cau trfc bic m6t secondarystructure cau trfc bAchai tertiary structure cau tnic bAcba quatemarystructure cau trfc bAcb6n surfacetension, sriccf,ngbd mdt surfactant, chat tao sfc cdng bd mlt sustain, chongcu, gifr vlrngduoc spray, phun tangle lirm rOi (t6c) tadpole, nbng noc transmitgenetic information chuydngiaoth6ngtin di truydn uterinecontraction co b6p da vision on su nhin, sricnhin, eo tuong I U n i t1 POST.COURSC T€ST SECTION 1: ReadinscomDrehensron " acro RAIN Acid rain is a form of air pollution in ivhich airbome acids producedby electric utility plants and other sourcesfall to Earth in distantregions The processthat leadsto acid rain beginsrvith the burningof fossil fuels Burning,or combustion,is a chemicalreactionin which oxygerl frorn the air combinesrvith carbon.nitrogen.sulfur,and otherelementsin the substance beingburned.The nervcompoundsformedare gasescalleci oxides.When sulfur and nitrogenare presentin the fuel, their reactions with oxygenyield sulfur dioxide and variousnitrogenoxide compounds Once in the atmosphere,sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides undergo complexreactionswith r.vatervaporand other chemicalsto yield sulfuric acid,nitric acid,and otherpollutantscallednitratesand sulfates.The acid compoundsare carriedby air currentsand the u'ind, sometimesover long distances.When cloudsor fog fonn in acid-ladenair they too are acidic and so is the rain or snowthat falls frorn them Acid pollutantsalso occuras dry particlesand as gases.rvhichmay, reachthe groundwithout the help of water.When these"drv" acidsare washedfrom ground surfacesby rain, they add to the acids in the rain itself to producea still more corrosivesolution.The combinationof acid rain and dry acidsis known as acid deposition The corrosivenatureof acid rain causeswidespreaddamageto the environment.Damage from acid rain has been widespreadin eastem North Arnerica and throughout Europe and in Japan, China and SoutheastAsia Acid rain leachesnutrientsfrom soils slorvsthe gror.vth of trees,and makes lakes uninhabitablefor fish and other wildlife In cities,acid pollutantscorrodealmosteverythingthey touch,accelerating naturalwear and tear on structuressuch as buildinss and statues.Acids 315 combinc rvith other chemicalsto form urban smog, which attacksthe deaths lungs.causingillnessandpremature I Ansu'erthe follou'ingquestions: l W h a t i s a c i c rl a i n ? W h a t i s a c i dr a i n c a u s e db y ? rvhichcauseacid rain to be formed? What arethe main substances -+ In rvhat way dry acid pollutants and gases affect the surroundings? What are the effectsof acid rain? II Decidewhether the following statementsare true (T) or false(F) Electricutility plantsarethe only sourcewhich is responsiblefor the formationof acid rain The combustionreactionsresultin the formationof gases calledoxides Acid depositiontakesplacewhendry acidsadd to the acids in the rain Thoughthe effectsof acid rain on plantsareclearlyfelt, its effectson animalarenot fully discovered l0 Naturalwearand tearon buildingsand statuesare accelerated bv the corrosivenatureof acid rain ') IO which have the same I U Find words or exPresstonsin the text meaningswith the following' burning: I l t g o t h r o u g h-: " air rvhichis filled with acid: 14 the Place which is impossibleto live in: e a r l Y b e f o r et i m e : IV GaP-filling in the qaPs itt the follou'ittil Clrrtrtseone sttitoble v'orcl to fill passaSe physical chemical altelxate formation PolYmerized resins from because catalyze separated to PreParing therefore In small Siliconesaresilicon-containingorganiccompoundsthathavet (17)' or rubber' of oils' (16) properties (18) they are more stable and are extremely useful whenexposedtoheatandoxygenthantheordinaryorganicsubstanc Eachmoleculeofasiliconeisachaincomposedof group'suchas a methyl (19) siliconand oxygenatomsuith an organic ""' (20) the siliconatom' In """"""' group,attached with silicon alloyed (21) a methyl silicone,methyl chlorideis combined (22) the reaction'The with a small amountof copperto """""' productofthereaction.dimethylsilicondichloride,istreatedwithwate resulting(23)theformationofsiliconemolecules' (2'l) numberof silicon atomsin each Siliconeoils havea .""""" molecule;siliconeresinsandrubbershar,elargermoleculesthat (2 ) m MultiPle-choice cltoosetlrc one u,ordLll Frrlm tltefotn.cltoices gil,ett,yottsltotilcl tmclerlinedv'ord or phruse pltrasev,lticlt coukl be stbstitttteclfor tlrc ' u,ithotttchangingthe meaningof the sentettce 377 26 We can easilyaccountfor the viscosityof fluids a calculate c explain b determine d measure 21 The relatively small amount of carbon in nature is of sreat importance a n'ith c is responsible for b has d owesto 28 Hydrogendiffusesmore rapidly than any othergas becauseof its v e r v s m a l ld e n s i t y a by virtueof c as b accordingto d regardto 2.9 Iron makesup about4 percentof the solid rock of the earth,scrust a composes of c occupies b contains d comprises 30 Sincehydrogenperoxidereadilydecomposes, yieldine oxygen,it is an activeoxidizing agent a producing c giving b forming d ge6ing S E C T I O N2 : W R I T I N G I Paragraph-building Make any necessarl-changesand adcritionsto procluce fi-om tlte Irllou,irtgpromptsa completeparagt'ctph stmtmat.i:ing tlrcpassageabove Example:Chemistry/ be / often I call lcentral science Ansv,er:Chemistryis oftencalledthe centralscience 31 Acid rain I be I form / air pollution/ which / cause/ the burning I fossil fuels ;l18 32 Acids/ the atmosphere/form/ rvhen/ sulfur and nitrogen/ the fuels/ undergo/complicatedreactions I firstl oxygen/then/ water vapour/and otherchemicals/the air 33 The rain or snorv/ fall/ clouds or fog/ form/ acid-ladenairl be acidic/ andl calUacid rain 34 Sometimes/dry acid pollutants/as/ particles/gases/which/ reach the ground/ the help/ water/ add/ the acids/the rain/ and/ make the solution/more corrosive 35 The corrosivenature/acid rain/ cause/widespreaddamage/the environment/as well as/ illness/prematuredeaths II Sentence-transformation Rev,riteeachof tlrcfollow,ingsentences in srrclra way that it n'teotts exactlytlte santeas the git,enserfience Example:Writing is one of the most importantskills in learninga foreignlanguage One Ansu,er:One of the most important skills in leaming a foreign languageis writing 36 As a result of a substitutionreaction.one group is replacedfor another A s u b s t i t u t i orne a c t i o n 31e 37 Use is made of silicon in the steel industry as a constituentof s i l i c o n - s t e eall l o y s Silicon 38 The ease and the rate at rvhich a metal corrodesdependon a numberof factors A numberof factors 39 A tight three-dimensional structureresultsfrom high degreesof cross-linking High degreesof cross-linking -+0 Some metals appear to be corrosion resistant at normal temperature due to their low reactivityrvith oxygen As somemetals SECTION3: TRANSLATION I English-Vietnamese translation -+1 Heavy waterdiffers from ordinarvwater in its physicaleffects 42 The elementsare arrangedin the PeriodicTable in accordance with their atomicnumber 43 From the point of vier.vof chemicalresistanceeboniteis better than soft rubber and it is to be used rvherechemicalconditions are severe 14 A supersaturated solution containsmore solute than its solvent holds undernormalconditions +-5 Asepticallypackagedfoods ivill keep without refrigerationfor long periodsof time II Vietnamese-English translation 16 Ciic vAt liOuph6ng xa phiit ba loai tia dat r€n li alpha,beravlr gamma 47 MOt hop kim th6p chriakhoAng l57o silic cfng v) chiu duoc an mdn +8 Mot ph6u tiich c6 thej duoc dirng dd phAn riich hai chat long kh6ng tr6n l6n vdi i20 -io \n rron lh su 6xy hoil cua m6t kim loai, thudngli sat.rrong moi t t t r ' i 1 cg u a n o ' 5r \utic c6 ning luong bd mat cao hon nhidu chat long khiic su cti ntat cua cdc li€n ket hidro gilrac6c phAntu crjan6 32r R€FCRCNCCS l D4ng Tuyet Anh, Nguy€n Van DAu, 2001.Tiehg Anh cho sinh Gi6o trinh, of Chemistr'1'), vi€n ngiinhhod hoc (Englishftn' stuclents DH Khoa hoc Tu nhi€n.Ha NOi l Nguy€n Van Deu, 1,995.EnglishJbr Chemical Institutes,Gr6o trinh, DH Khoa hoc Tu nhi€n,H}rNOi -1 Tran Nga 1998 English for Students of Natural Sciences PublishingHouseof Hanoi NationalUniversity,Ha Noi + Akimova L.N, and Khludova M.S 1984 Chemistry reader PublishingHouse"Higher School",Moscorv Caret R L., DennistonK J., and Topping J J 1997.Principles and Applicatiortsof Inorganic,Organic and Biological Chemistry Wm C BrownPublishers,Dubuque Cassell ChristopherSt J and Yates.1988.EarthSciences London Publishers, Elvins, Jones, Lukins, Miskin, Ross, and Sanders 1995 ChemistryOne & Iu'o Rigby Heinemann,Melbourne Frank Chaplen 1983.A coursein IntermediateScientificEnglish' Bell & HymanLtd., London Miftakhova N Kh 1981 English for Chemical Insritutes PracticeBook.PublishingHouse"Higher School",Moscow 10 Miftakhova N Kh 1981 English for Chemical Institutes Textbook.PublishingHouse"Higher School",Moscow Miftakhova N Kh 1981.Englishfor CltemicalInstitutes- Senior Course.PublishingHouse"Higher School",Moscorv 12 Micheal A Pyle, Mary Ellen Munoz Page 2000 TOFEL PreparationGuide.PublishingHouse of the Universityof Natural i l Science Hanoi 13 StranksD.R., HeffernanM.L., Lee Dow K.C., McTigue P T., and Withers G R A 1989 Chemistry - A structural View MelbourneUniversitv Press,Melbourne ,t ) ):i z \ Tcchntcal Dictionary of Scientific and Sybil P Parker' 1993' Terms.McGraw-Hill Inc'' Ohio' M'M'' Antonova K'A'' Verjbiskaya t TresviatskayaV'B', Altman Karpova V'C' l98l' Errglisltfor O.D., StepanovaO'A'' and Publishing House "Higher crrcntic.arTecrutorogicurrtstitutes School"'Moscow' EncartaR2000' Encyclopedia,MicrosoftR 323 nu:|'k] 1ta[[ {1raa ,lrJ'y \"1 "l7J t+)' n (,u ''l c\it Sdi[l ^) "r o^[*""4 '"u*r," led t6,att,i' t^/'yp,,"td I t) /T t{[ k La^lk s,;lluQltu'u ^li'*! n'f'loi){''c/" X?/;n ,) i,, sb*'lotL l'{'K qfu:::";#*t;r,rni-1,ffiT d ) r rb vkss ,tci.[o uat h o{o s-ni{X4 xr,.,ur,,o{lg lo Qri '.1,,rr ' ancl kar, if acupf r ,{r11,rrr?r.1,,.,huM , ,1f.,r} chiu trtichnhiim xudtbai: coug,fcrhfr.{ cy ttn"i,al {.wa seu tt.\ I J J J G i i md o cD I N HN G O CB A O d TongbientaplEA \) lrt ^ b \ S{tni,?[f 'io t -f r I I f f t( n\oui, !tr'nr-S a'4 hn140u?11 Ngudi nhan x4t: rs IRANxuAx onp '"J L il "W N*yv7 u."unru (* I la.ir y*iti.tpAtK?ufo*rcJ ,lfuJ rL ji il' n"i4y#,,,i)h,,r,[,Tpl ;* ";'i; **^;'-,,W;!,Tt', f' r!'d q fr'" E6l{'o'{llo"rs,'.3i: o)i,,{qt ffi^Yl*" lf,)^!f *wrin,,#flhb tuv ,J[+ #,;f""fff *!{'ffi,(,tut 'l,ofiv J{;t ]t q(,\e(z ,,,)rvver/tliui%"il^h,f rru ' rrinh bav bia:sfl'1'c.r f i tw t" o( n * ;t'*i VIET eHANI eUANG ntwtlc : nrv{n' ffr !, L, \l,r,r;V#y: Irnrrl * r*"y{ei" "6 4t-l r-rftrt arw alrr'c* o"trU ""t ' (\ra'nmark 'nc b"hJ *rLauctv [:y ftsjr'vrrthm0 , COFCHEMISTRY E}IGTISH F(|RSIUDEI{TS vaSanxudtHoclicuDHSP cr.lr.r In500cu6n,fnd t0 r 24cm,taiXuorginTrungtAmNghi6n ng?ty 231312007 5/DHSP, 56 dangki KHXB: 211-20071CX8fi99-1 Inxongvdnopluuchidu thang nam2008 ... (male)fittings.StandardTaper24140is commonfor 250 mL or largerflasks, while smallersizessuchas 14 or 19 areusedfor smallerflasks Flaskscan be usedfor making solutionsor for holding,containing, collecting,or... respectsexcept for the differing numbers of neutrons they contain, are called isotopes The element h1'drogen ,for example, actually consists of three different forms, or isotopes.The most abundantform of... is also disadvantage But the by the additionof rubber,to make it """(3)' be decreased makes them preferable for natlrral fleribility of many other plastics certainuses.particularlyforarticles,whichmustwithstandfrequ

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 17:42



