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Jack is too young for seeing horror films.. Jack is too old to see horror filmsA[r]


Buæi häc sè 8

Bài tập tổng hợp theo dạng chuyên đề thi tốt nghiệp

Bài 1: Ngữ âm

Chän tõ cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c

1 A poison B reason C laser D sack A summer B since C sure D sound A vapor B famous C waste D plastic A erosion B smog C disposal D process A washed B matched C indented D walked A repaired B watched C finished D taped A left – handed B looked C stopped D liked A plays B gets C swims D cleans A shakes b washes C steps D meets 10.A pleasant B pens C books D opens

Chän tõ cã träng ©m nhấn vào âm tiết khác

1 A private B property C approach D foreign A nation B possess C themselves D provide A different B instruction C anything D singular A meaning B business C recognize D prediction A example B following C homonym D difficulty

Bµi 2: Vocabulary and Grammar

1 He can speak - English, so it is not difficult to communicate with him

A little B a little C few D a few

2 Her employer gave her a good recommendation because she makes - mistakes in her work A a few B little C very few D some

3 I don’t want to buy any of these books I have got -

A all B all them C everything D them all

4 - paintings have been sold

A A large number of B a great deal of C much of D many of

5 The tickets cost -, so we can’t afford them

A too much B too many C so much D so many I am sorry - the noise last night We were having a party

A in B at C about D with

7 I am sure you are capable - guiding the tourists

A of B on C for D about

8 It’s very kind - him to it for us

A about B of C to D with

9 He is very keen - English, but he is not good - listening

A at/ on B on/ at C at/ at D to/ of 10.Hurry up or you will be late - school

A on B in C to D for

11.I don’t think he was present - the meeting yesterday

A about B in C at D on

12.She has become very famous - her novels

A for B about C on D in

13.What is the difference - a boat and a ship?

A between B from C under D with 14.We are all bored - this game

A about B at C for D with

15.The cameras prevent motorists - speed

A by B from C for D with

16.Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be -


17.The - of old buildings should be taken into consideration

A preserve B preservation C preservative D preserves 18.Our education will help with the - of knowledge for the young

A enrichment B enrich C rich D richness 19.Getting such a well – paid job is beyond my -

A expectation B expected C expectant D expecting 20.That is not - true of single parents

A necessarily B necessary C need D necessity 21.That is silly What you are seeing is -

A reasonably B reason C reasonable D unreasonable 22.Most of the rivers flowing through big cities are - with chemical waste factories

A polluted B eroded C mixed D flooded 23.Many young people are fond of - football and other kinds of sports

A play B to play C playing D played 24.They couldn’t help - when they heard the little boy singing a love song

A laughing B to laugh C laugh D laughed 25.Your house needs -

A redecorated B redecorating C being redecorated D to redecorate 26.I can’t bear thinking back of that time I’d rather - equally

A treat B be treated C have treated D treating 27.We found it very difficult - with Gamma

A to work B work C working D worked 28.I need - what’s in the letter Why don’t you let me - it?

A to know/ to read B know/ read C to know/ read D knowing/ read 29.I suggest - some more mathematical puzzles

A B to C doing D done

30.We regret - you that we cannot approve your suggestion

A inform B to inform C informing D informed 31.I remember - my mother said the grass in the garden needed -

A to hear/cutting B hear/cut C heard/to cut D hearing/ cutting 32 I would rather - at home than -out with you

A staying/going B to stay/ to go C stay/go D stayed/went 33.My teacher doesn’t allow us - while he is explaining the lesson

A talk B to talk C talking D talked 34.Mary and I are looking forward - you

A of seeing B for seeing C to seeing D to see 35.I’m sure that he knows - this new machine

A to use B using C how using D how to use 36.Psychiatrists and doctors have failed - people not to drink

A to tell B telling C tell D told 37.The students are used to - in the school library

A working B work C to work D worked 38.How long - able to drive? - Since 1990

A could you B have you been C were you D are you 39.She won't get married until she - 25 years old

A is B will be C had been D was 40.Look! The yard is wet It - last night

A must rain B couldn’t have rained C must have rained D should have rained 41.After Mary - her degree, she intends to work in her father's company

A will finish B is finishing C finishes D will have finished 42.When he - all the letters, he took them to the post office


43.By the end of this month, I - English for years

A have learnt B will have learnt C had learnt D learnt

44.Tom - before we arrived there A has left B had left C will leave D leaves

45.Up to now, I - a lot of information about her

A learnt B have learnt C will learn D would learn

46.Wait here until I - you A am going to call B will call C am calling D call

47.When I came to visit her, she - a bath A was having B has C is having D had

48.This word - wrongly

A spells B is spelt C is spelling D is spell 49.The story I’ve just read - Jack London

A was written B was written by C was written from D wrote by 50.I still can’t believe it My bicycle - last night

A was stolen B was stealing C stolen D stole 51.I can’t go along here because the road -

A is preparing B is prepared C is being repaired D repairs 52 “ - about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?” - “Not yet”

A Has been an announcement made B Has an announcement made

C Has an announcement been made D Has been made an announcement 53 Do you get your heating - every year?

A checking B check C be checked D checked 54.Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don’t enjoy - at

A be laughed B to be laughed C laughing D being laughed 55.Claude Jennings is said - his memory

A to have been lost B to be lost C to have lost D to lost 56.Are we lost? I think so I wish we - a map with us today

A were bringing B brought C had brought D would bring 57.These figures are too complicated to work out in your head Yes, - a calculator

A.I wish we would have B if only we had C if only we had had D I wish we have

58.If Jake - to go on the trip, would you have gone?

A doesn’t agree B didn’t agree C hadn’t agreed D wouldn’t agree 59.If energy - inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different

A is B will be C would be D were 60.Unless you - all of my questions, I can’t anything to help you

A answered B answer C would answer D are answering 61.Had you told me that this was going to happen, I - it

A hadn’t believed B don’t believe C can’t believe D would never have believed 62. - interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it

A If I am B Should I C I was D Were I 63 Had I had time, I - to the beach with you this weekend

A will come B would come C will have come D would have come 64.If everything is all right, we - our work on time

A complete B are completing C have completed D will complete 65.If I were you, I would work hard

A You would rather not work so hard B You should work harder C You should work with me D Do not work so hard

66 - I have time, I will go with you


67 - harder, you would have passed the exam

A If you studied B If had you studied C Had you studied D Were you studied 68.If the police hadn’t saved me, I - at that time

A will die B would die C will have died D would have died 69. - at o’clock, we would have missed seeing Bob

A If we had gone B Had we gone C because we had gone D A and B

Bµi 3: ViÕt

1 They believe that he will pass the final exam.

a He is believed that he will pass the final exam._ b He is believed will pass the final exam

c He is believed to pass the final exam._ d He is believed that the final exam will be passed

2 She was too old to carry that heavy case.

a She was so old that she could carry that heavy case b She was old enough to carry that heavy case c She was so old for her to carry that heavy case d She was so old that she couldn t carry that heavy case.

3 He seldom keeps his promise.

a Seldom does he keep his promise b Seldom does he keeps his promise c Seldom is he keep his promise d Seldom did he keep his promise

4 I have never travelled by plane in my life.

a Never in my life I have ravelled by plane b Never in my life have I travelled by plane c Never in my life have I travelled by plane d Never have I in my life travelled by plane Jack is not old enough to see horror films

a Jack is too young for him to see horror films b Jack is too young for seeing horror films c Jack is too old to see horror films d Jack is too young to see horror films

6 You will catch cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.

a Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch cold b Unless you don t keep your feet dry, you will catch cold. c Unless you kept your feet dry, you would catch cold d Unless you didn t keep your feet dry, you would catch cold.

7 People saw him leave the office yesterday.

a He was seen to leave the office yesterday b He was seen leave the office yesterday c He was seen left the office yesterday d He was seen that he left the office yesterday

8.She came late because of the rain.

a Because it was rained she came late b Because it rains she came late c Because it rained she came late d Because it raining she came late

9 “You’d better not lend them any more money.” said Alice.

a Alice advised him better not lend them any more money b Alice advised him had better not lend them any more money c Alice advised him not lend them any more money

d Alice advised him not to lend them any more money 10 Do you believe in what the boy says, Mary? said Tom.

A Tom asked Mary to believe in what the boy said B Tom asked Mary if she believed in what the boy said C Tom said that Mary believed in what the boy said

D Tom asked Mary whether she believes in what the boy says

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 11:33

