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¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c Buæi häc sè Bµi tËp tæng hîp theo c¸c d¹ng chuyªn ®Ò thi tèt nghiÖp Bµi 1: Ng÷ ©m Chän tõ cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c 1. A. poison B. reason 2. A. summer B. since 3. A. vapor B. famous 4. A. erosion B. smog 5. A. washed B. matched 6. A. repaired B. watched 7. A. left – handed B. looked 8. A. plays B. gets 9. A. shakes b. washes 10. A. pleasant B. pens Chän tõ cã träng ©m chÝnh nhÊn vµo ©m tiÕt kh¸c 1. A. private B. property 2. A. nation B. possess 3. A. different B. instruction 4. A. meaning B. business 5. A. example B. following C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. laser sure waste disposal indented finished stopped swims steps books D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. sack sound plastic process walked taped liked cleans meets opens C. C. C. C. C. approach themselves anything recognize homonym D. D. D. D. D. foreign provide singular prediction difficulty Bµi 2: Vocabulary and Grammar 1. He can speak --------- English, so it is not difficult to communicate with him. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 2. Her employer gave her a good recommendation because she makes ------- mistakes in her work. A. a few B. little C. very few D. some 3. I don’t want to buy any of these books. I have got --------------. A. all B. all them C. everything D. them all 4. -------------- paintings have been sold. A. A large number of B. a great deal of C. much of D. many of 5. The tickets cost --------------, so we can’t afford them. A. too much B. too many C. so much D. so many 6. I am sorry -------------- the noise last night. We were having a party. A. in B. at C. about D. with 7. I am sure you are capable -------------- guiding the tourists. A. of B. on C. for D. about 8. It’s very kind -------------- him to it for us. A. about B. of C. to D. with 9. He is very keen -------------- English, but he is not good -------------- listening. A. at/ on B. on/ at C. at/ at D. to/ of 10. Hurry up or you will be late -------------- school. A. on B. in C. to D. for 11.I don’t think he was present -------------- the meeting yesterday. A. about B. in C. at D. on 12. She has become very famous -------------- her novels. A. for B. about C. on D. in 13.What is the difference -------------- a boat and a ship? A. between B. from C. under D. with 14.We are all bored -------------- this game. A. about B. at C. for D. with ¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c 15. The cameras prevent motorists -------------- speed. A. by B. from C. for D with 16. Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be -------------- . A. satisfying B. dissatisfied C. satisfactory D. unsatisfactory 17. The -------------- of old buildings should be taken into consideration. A. preserve B. preservation C. preservative D. preserves 18. Our education will help with the -------------- of knowledge for the young. A. enrichment B. enrich C. rich D. richness 19. Getting such a well – paid job is beyond my --------------. A. expectation B. expected C. expectant D. expecting 20. That is not -------------- true of single parents. A. necessarily B. necessary C. need D. necessity 21. That is silly. What you are seeing is --------------. A. reasonably B. reason C. reasonable D. unreasonable 22. Most of the rivers flowing through big cities are -------------- with chemical waste factories. A. polluted B. eroded C. mixed D. flooded 23. Many young people are fond of -------------- football and other kinds of sports. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 24. They couldn’t help -------------- when they heard the little boy singing a love song. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed 25. Your house needs -------------- . A. redecorated B. redecorating C. being redecorated D. to redecorate 26. I can’t bear thinking back of that time. I’d rather -------------- equally. A. treat B. be treated C. have treated D. treating 27. We found it very difficult -------------- with Gamma. A. to work B. work C. working D. worked 28. I need -------------- what’s in the letter. Why don’t you let me -------------- it? A. to know/ to read B. know/ read C. to know/ read D. knowing/ read 29. I suggest -------------- some more mathematical puzzles. A. B. to C. doing D. done 30. We regret -------------- you that we cannot approve your suggestion. A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. informed 31.I remember -------------- my mother said the grass in the garden needed --------------. A. to hear/cutting B. hear/cut C. heard/to cut D. hearing/ cutting 32. I would rather -------------- at home than --------------out with you. A. staying/going B. to stay/ to go C. stay/go D. stayed/went 33.My teacher doesn’t allow us -------------- while he is explaining the lesson. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 34.Mary and I are looking forward -------------- you. A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to seeing D. to see 35. I’m sure that he knows -------------- this new machine. A. to use B. using C. how using D. how to use 36. Psychiatrists and doctors have failed -------------- people not to drink. A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. told 37. The students are used to -------------- in the school library. A. working B. work C. to work D. worked 38. How long -------------- able to drive? - Since 1990. A. could you B. have you been C. were you D. are you 39. She won't get married until she -------------- 25 years old. A. is B. will be C. had been D. was. ¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c 40. Look! The yard is wet. It -------------- last night. A. must rain B. couldn’t have rained C. must have rained D. should have rained 41.After Mary -------------- her degree, she intends to work in her father's company. A. will finish B. is finishing C. finishes D. will have finished 42. When he -------------- all the letters, he took them to the post office. A. has written B. had written C. wrote D. had been writing 43.By the end of this month, I -------------- English for years. A. have learnt B. will have learnt C. had learnt D. learnt 44.Tom -------------- before we arrived there. A. has left B. had left C. will leave D. leaves 45. Up to now, I -------------- a lot of information about her. A. learnt B. have learnt C. will learn D. would learn 46. Wait here until I -------------- you. A. am going to call B. will call C. am calling D. call 47. When I came to visit her, she -------------- a bath. A. was having B. has C. is having D. had 48. This word -------------- wrongly. A. spells B. is spelt C. is spelling D. is spell 49. The story I’ve just read -------------- Jack London. A. was written B. was written by C. was written from D. wrote by 50. I still can’t believe it. My bicycle -------------- last night. A. was stolen B. was stealing C. stolen D . stole 51. I can’t go along here because the road --------------. A. is preparing B. is prepared C. is being repaired D. repairs 52. “ -------------- about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?” - “Not yet” A. Has been an announcement made B. Has an announcement made C. Has an announcement been made D. Has been made an announcement 53. Do you get your heating -------------- every year? A. checking B. check C. be checked D. checked 54. Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don’t enjoy -------------- at. A. be laughed B. to be laughed C. laughing D. being laughed 55. Claude Jennings is said -------------- his memory. A. to have been lost B. to be lost C. to have lost D. to lost 56. Are we lost? I think so. I wish we -------------- a map with us today. A. were bringing B. brought C. had brought D. would bring 57. These figures are too complicated to work out in your head. Yes, ------------- a calculator. A.I wish we would have B. if only we had C. if only we had had D. I wish we have 58. If Jake ------------- to go on the trip, would you have gone? A. doesn’t agree B. didn’t agree C. hadn’t agreed D. wouldn’t agree 59. If energy ------------- inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different. A. is B. will be C. would be D. were 60. Unless you ------------- all of my questions, I can’t anything to help you. A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering 61. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ------------- it. A. hadn’t believed B. don’t believe C. can’t believe D. would never have believed 62. -------------- interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it. A. If I am B. Should I C. I was D. Were I 63. Had I had time, I -------------- to the beach with you this weekend. A. will come B. would come C. will have come D. would have come 64. If everything is all right, we -------------- our work on time. A. complete B. are completing C. have completed D. will complete ¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c 65. If I were you, I would work hard. A. You would rather not work so hard B. You should work harder C. You should work with me. D. Do not work so hard. 66. -------------- I have time, I will go with you. A. If B. Unless C. So D. So that 67. -------------- harder, you would have passed the exam. A. If you studied B. If had you studied C. Had you studied D. Were you studied 68. If the police hadn’t saved me, I -------------- at that time. A. will die B. would die C. will have died D. would have died 69. -------------- at o’clock, we would have missed seeing Bob. A. If we had gone B. Had we gone C. because we had gone D. A and B Bµi 3: ViÕt 1. They believe that he will pass the final exam. a. He is believed that he will pass the final exam._ b. He is believed will pass the final exam. c. He is believed to pass the final exam._ d. He is believed that the final exam will be passed. 2. She was too old to carry that heavy case. a. She was so old that she could carry that heavy case. b. She was old enough to carry that heavy case. c. She was so old for her to carry that heavy case. d. She was so old that she couldn’t carry that heavy case. 3. He seldom keeps his promise. a. Seldom does he keep his promise. b. Seldom does he keeps his promise. c. Seldom is he keep his promise. d. Seldom did he keep his promise. 4. I have never travelled by plane in my life. a. Never in my life I have ravelled by plane. b. Never in my life have I travelled by plane. c. Never in my life have I travelled by plane. d. Never have I in my life travelled by plane. 5. Jack is not old enough to see horror films. a. Jack is too young for him to see horror films. b. Jack is too young for seeing horror films. c. Jack is too old to see horror films. d. Jack is too young to see horror films. 6. You will catch cold if you don’t keep your feet dry. a. Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch cold. b. Unless you don’t keep your feet dry, you will catch cold. c. Unless you kept your feet dry, you would catch cold. d. Unless you didn’t keep your feet dry, you would catch cold. 7. People saw him leave the office yesterday. a. He was seen to leave the office yesterday. b. He was seen leave the office yesterday. c. He was seen left the office yesterday. d. He was seen that he left the office yesterday. 8.She came late because of the rain. a. Because it was rained she came late. b. Because it rains she came late. c. Because it rained she came late. d. Because it raining she came late. 9. “You’d better not lend them any more money.” said Alice. a. Alice advised him better not lend them any more money. b. Alice advised him had better not lend them any more money. c. Alice advised him not lend them any more money. d. Alice advised him not to lend them any more money. 10. “Do you believe in what the boy says, Mary?” said Tom. A. Tom asked Mary to believe in what the boy said. B. Tom asked Mary if she believed in what the boy said. C. Tom said that Mary believed in what the boy said. D. Tom asked Mary whether she believes in what the boy says. The end . ¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c Buæi häc sè 8 Bµi tËp tæng hîp theo c¸c d¹ng chuyªn ®Ò thi tèt nghiÖp Bµi 1: Ng÷ ©m Chän tõ cã c¸ch ph¸t. B. from C. under D. with 14.We are all bored this game. A. about B. at C. for D. with 1 ¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c 15.The cameras prevent motorists speed. A. by B. from C. for D with 16.Your money. you 39.She won't get married until she 25 years old. A. is B. will be C. had been D. was. 2 ¤n thi tn 12 – BHHS/p®c 40.Look! The yard is wet. It last night. A. must rain B. couldn’t have rained C.

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2015, 05:03

