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Nội dung

Chinese Medical Theory and Tung’s AcupunctureIn Tung’s original book there is no discussion of Chinese medical theory, and in his own teaching, Tung rarely mentioned any theory to his students. There is some controversy in the community of Tung’s Acupuncture practitioners about how much Chinese medical theory should be used to understand, explain, and teach the system.The title of Tung’s original 1973 text gives the first insight into this question. The original book in Chinese was called “Dong Shi Zhen Jiu Zheng Jing Qi Xue Xue; A Study of Tung’s Lineage Acupuncture and Moxibustion – Primary Channel Extra Points.” The term chosen to describe Tung’s points is notably 正經奇穴 Zheng Jing Qi Xue – “Primary Channel Extra Points,” and is a clear reference to his points being located in relation to the channels of regular acupuncture. Certainly, many points in Tung’s system overlap conventional acupuncture points with identical indications (e.g., Huo Chuan 33.04 is located at Zhi Gou SJ6; used in both Tung’s and conventional acupuncture to treat constipation). Likewise, some of Tung’s points are named in relation to either conventional channels or acupuncture points (e.g., Ce San Li 77.22 translates as “next to San Li,” a reference to its location lateral to Zu San Li ST36). It is clear that Tung’s points relate to the channels and conventional acupuncture points, and can therefore be understood in reference to Chinese medical theory. This topic will be explored in much greater depth in the chapters that follow.According to one of Tung’s direct disciples, Dr. WeiChieh Young, every time questions were raised to Tung, he would say, “Observe for yourself, then think about it” (WeiChieh Young, 2008a, p. 269270). This is certainly the reason why the original canon of point indications was broadened or changed over time and that in the course

董氏針灸分部點穴圖十八幅 附各穴正經解部及治療 董門第一代嫡傳弟子王全民編輯 董師曰:『景昌 先祖所傳針術,異於「十四經」脈絡,所設穴道部位亦與「三百六十五穴」 者大不相同,且重針輕灸,治法簡便而功效顯著,甚多診斷為難治之 症,均經景昌以祖傳針術 神速治癒。吾董氏針灸另有淵源,自成一派。』故董師一九六八年的油印董氏針灸講義,一九 七一年增補在郭家樑書中的董氏針灸,及一九 七三年的董氏針灸教科書,均以《董氏針灸正經 奇穴學》命名。 『董師先祖所傳針術異於「十四經」脈絡』,故有「董氏正經」; 『所設穴道部位亦與「三百六十五穴」者大不相同且重針輕灸,治法簡便而功效顯著,甚多診 斷為難治之症,均經景昌以祖傳針術神速治癒。』,故為「董氏奇穴」; 『吾董氏針灸另有淵源,自成一派』,即以「董氏針灸」為其針灸總名,而含「董氏正經」與 「董氏奇穴」於一體。 筆者今秉董師之原意,依據一九七三年董氏針灸教科書之十八點穴圖,將正經解部特效編列於 內,圖文並列,希望對有志學習董氏針灸的朋友們,有所助益。大家携手共進,普及董氏針灸 。 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 10:18