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Internet used for listening to music and education Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:.. All languages have two general levels of usage.[r]




I Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences: I wish I ……… English well

A study B studying C studied D to study We ……… each other since 2008

A know B knew C have knew D have known Lan got to the bus station tale ……… she couldn’t catch the bus

A because B but C so D however

4 She said she ……… Ha Long Bay the following day

A will visit B will be visited C would visit D would be visited Have you ever seen UFOs ……… ?

A had you B have you C haven’t you D has you

6 The day was so ……… that we decided to take a picnic lunch to the beach

A clearly & warmly B clear and warm C clear and warmly D clearly and warm

7 In western countries, electricity, gas and water are not luxuries ………… necessities

A or B with C, but D and

8 My friend Paul, ……… sings, Western folk song very well Can compose song

A who B whom C which D whose

9 Every one should learn ……… to swim

A where B when C how D what

10.If you measure some thing, you ……… A want to buy it B find out its size

C love it very much D understand its meaning II Find a mistake in each sentence:

11.I wish I was a good singer A B C D

12 The teacher has not decided how to deal with that problem already A B C D 13.Because they had spent too many time considering the new contrast, the A B C

students lost the opportunity to lease the a apartment D


14.Mary enjoyed to be able to meet several congress member during her A B C

vacation D

15.She asked me where I lived and my name is A B C D

16 The solar energy that get to the earth can’t provide enough power to the


World’s Population

17.Although she is eating less than, but she still seem to be gaining weight


18.I suggest that he goes to the doctor as soon as he returns form taking the exam A B C D

19.We wish today was sunny so that we could spend the day in the country A B C D 20.Tomorrow I will go to the airport to meet Judy and Rita which come

A B C to stay with us during Christmas


I Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

Cambodia is a small country in South East Asia It has many famous tourist attractions and many large temples such as Angkor watt and Angkor Thom Angkor Watt should be really known as a wonder because it is the largest temple in the world and Angkor Thom used to be the royal capital city Cambodia lives near Thailand, Laos and Vietnam It consists of an area 181.00 kms Cambodia enjoys tropical climate The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh The population is 2002 was 12,3 million Buddish is official religion The national language is Khmer Cambodia has many beautiful lakes

21.Which temple is considered a wonder is Cambodia? A Angkor Watt

B Angkor Thom C Tai Mahal D Atemit

22.What is the capital city of Cambodia? A Kuala Lumpur

B Jakarta C Phnom Penh D Yangon

23.What is not true about Cambodia? A It is small


C It is a tropical climate D It has many islands

24.Which language does Cambodia speak? A Khmer

B English C Chinese D French

25.What climate Cambodia like? A tropical climate

B cool climate C cold climate D humid climate

Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

Each countries has it own traditional clothes such as Japanese wear Kimonos, Indians wear saris, Arabs wear veils, and so on the traditional clothes of Vietnamese women is Aodai It consists of a long silk tunic that is slit on the sides and worn over loose pants

Aodai is worn by Vietnamese women on many special occasions such as wedding, meeting, party and so on Before Aodai was very simple nowadays fashion designers have printed lines of poetry on the Ao dai and they added symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes They look very fashionable Vietnamese women are very proud of the Aodai and like to wear much because it is traditional and fashionable

26.What is the topic of the passage?

A The passage is about Vietnamese women B The passage is about Vietnamese tradition C The passage is about Aodai of Viet Nam d The passage is about Vietnamese custom 27.What is the traditional clothes of Japanese?

A Kimono B Dress

C A Plain suit D Saris

28.What Vietnamese women think about Aodai? A They are happy to wear Aodai

B They are please with Aodai C They are interested in Aodai D They are proud of Aodai 29.How was Aodai a long time ago?


Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

It was a beautiful day, the weather was cool and warm my friends and I went on a picnic We took a bus to the countryside and we walked about 30 minutes to an incisive near a river We put down the blankets and laid out the food After meal we played game chatting and blind man’s bluff In the late afternoon, we go fishing and go sailing We enjoy our picnic very much When we looked at the time it was nearly 7pm We hurriedly gather the things and ream to the bus stop we were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening

30.What is the topic of the passage? A A trip to the countryside B A picnic trip in the countryside C A vacation in the countryside D A visit to the countryside 31.What was the weather like?

A It was hot and warm B It was warm and cool C It was cool and humid D It was warm and wet

32.How long did they go to the picnic site? A fifteen minutes

B Thirty minutes C Forty minutes D An hour

33.How did they travel to the countryside? A by ship

B by bus C, by walks D by car

34.When did they arrive home? A very late in the evening B in early evening

C in midnight

D in the late afternoon

Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

The internet has increasingly developed and become part of our everyday life Do you find the internet useful? What you use the internet for? How much time you spend surfing the web a day? Please respond to these questions


Respond # Re: the internet Posted by Sanda Morgan


time For me, the internet is a wonderful invention of modern life It makes our world a small village

Respond # Re: the internet Posted by Hong Hoa

Nobody can deny the benefits of the internet in our life However it is a pity for me as well we for most of my friends in the countryside The internet is available only cities therefore I can not easily get access to it

Respond # Re: the internet Posted by Huansui

People use the internet for many purpose: education, communication, entertainment and commerce How ever, the internet has limitations It is not only time – consuming and costly but also dangerous because of virus and bad programs

35.What does Sanda use the internet for?

A Getting information and communicating with her friends and relatives B Get information and communicated with her friends and relatives C Got information and communicated with her friends and relatives D Have information and communicate with her friends and relatives 36.Why is it difficult for Hong Hoa to access to the internet?

A Because she live in the countryside, where the internet is unavailable B Because she live in the countryside, where the internet is available C Because she lives in the countryside, where the internet is unavailable D Because she living in the countryside, where the internet is unavailable 37.Why people use the internet according to Huansui?

A people use internet foe studying and entertainment

B People use the internet for education, communication, entertainment and commerce

C People use the internet for commerce and education D People use the internet for communication and studying 38.What are the disadvantages of the internet?

A Useful, comfortable, easy B Waste of money, useful C spend much time and useful

D Time – consuming, costly, dangerous

39.What are the benefits of the internet according to Huasui?

A Internet is used for getting information and studying with friends

B Internet is used for getting information for communication, education, entertainment and commerce

D Internet used for listening to music and education Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

All languages have two general levels of usage These two levels are formal and have two levels are formal and informal Both levels are correct They are use in textbooks and reference books It is also used in business letters, compositions and easy people use formal English in lectures and speeches


relationships with professors, hoses, doctors, friends of our parents, and strangers In formal English is used with colleagues family, and friends In formal language is different from informal language It is different in several ways fist, formal language is more polite It usually takes more words to be polite words like “could” and “would” sound more polite Some of words and phrase in formal and informal are different the phrase “crazy about” is informal for “like very much:” the word “cop” is informal for “police officer”

40.Which of the following are usually written in formal English? A Diaries

B Compositions C personal

D Letter to friends

41.Which of the following people we usually speak to in informal language? A family

B friends C Teammates

D A, B and C are true

42.Which of following is the most formal way to make a request? A Salt, please

B Pass the salt

C Pass the salt please

D Could you please pass the salt?

43.Which of the following should not be in a composition you write in school? A I enjoy music

B I saw the cops C I like Greek food D None of these above

44.Which the following is always used in informal English? A police officer

B Would C Could

D Creamy about

Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer: Half – truths

Beware of those who use the truth to deceive When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can create a lapse impression

For example, someone might say , “I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery It was great that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”


He didn’t say anything that was false, but he deliberately omitted important information That’s called a half truth Half – Truths are not technically lines, but they are just as dishonest

Untrustworthy candidates in political campaigns often use this teriyaki Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs Then she seeks another term One of her opponents runs an ad saying, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” that’s true However an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs.”

Advertisers will sometimes use half truths It’s against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the truth An ad night boast, “Nine out of ten doctor recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It fails to mention that only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation

This kind of deception happens too often It’s a sad of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well

45.Which statement is true according to the article?

A Whenever people tell the truth, they are really lying B You can’t trust gamblers

C All governors help their states

D The truth can be used dishonest ways 46.What does ‘deceive” mean?

A Removing one’s teeth in public B ignore warnings

C Fool D Repair

47.What does “omitted” mean? A Spend money

B Left out C Told about D Exposed

48.The author clearly want people to ……… A Think carefully about what they read and hear

B wear mismatched socks during political campaigns C Never trust anyone

D Vote for female candidates

49 Another appropriate for this selection would be: A Natural Cat Food

B Everyone lies

C Lying With the Truth D None Pimples 41

Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer: Mysteries


mysteries of life Foe example, when Franklin wanted a pet, his parents didn’t want it to be frog They felt that frogs belong in pond Isn’t that where turtles belong?

And why is that Little bear’s animal friends can all talk and behave like people, but his friend Emily has dog that can only bark and fetch? Tell me that isn’t a mystery! Dog loves can be reassured by kipper and his friends These dogs are very human However, the only time they wear clothes when they put on bathing suits to go swimming I’m confused! Speaking of dogs, could Pluto ever be Goof’s pet? I don’t get it! What did the great Mr Disney have in mind? And this is gross! The other day we watched a very nice little pig setting up a picnic One of the foods was a big ham Could it have been a soy ham? Is there such a thing? I hope so!

Another thing that bothers me: What if Elmo isn’t? He can’t be a more puppet! He’s got a better attitude than moat people I just keep wondering I think we’ll turn off the TV and go out for a walk Maybe we’ll run into that mouse who dresses well but certainly doesn’t speak as clearly as the average bear

50.Which word is a synonym of “perplexing’? A boring

B confusing C humorous D itchy

51.Which word is a synonym of “ponder’? A avoid

B remember C consider D distant

52.The author thinks it’s “gross” when ……… A a pig has a picnic because pigs are dirty animals B a pig eats soy beans because soy beans give pigs gas

C a pigs eats ham because ham is too expensive for farm animals D a pig eats ham because ham is made from pigs

53.The author probably ……… A believes that Elmo is a live creature

B wishes that Elmo were a real live creature C feels that Elmo is every annoying creature D won’t let his son watch Sesame Street

54.The Author is implying that ……… A there’s a TV mouse that should speak more clearly B TV mice should not wear good clothes

C bears can really speak more clearly than mice D watching TV is better than playing outdoors

Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:


re-using steel cans is so successful that every day of the year more than five million cans start new lives in new steel products

After you have thrown away your can, what happens? Well, first of all it is collected by the men who empty your dustbin each week and taken to a tip, together with all the other household rubbish Then the rubbish is sorted and the steel cans are taken separately to special factory which turns dirty old cans into high quality steel It’s this steel which may well find its way back into your home in the form of knives and forks, garden equipment and of spouse, food and drink cans

So the next time you open your fizzy drink just remember where your can may have been!

55.What is the writer trying to in the text? A advertise canned drinks

B describe the steel industry C provide some information D describe rubbish collection

56.Why would somebody read the text? A to learn about the soft drink industry B to understand how rubbish is collected C to find out more about how steel is made D to discover what happens to old cans

57.How we know that reusing steels very successful? A every person uses 5,000 cans a year

B all cans and tins are now made from steel C over 5,000,000 cans are recycling daily D It reduces the amount of waste to collect

58.What does the writer suggest about our attitude to old cans? A we are interested what happens to them

B we should be more careful where we throw them C we could help by sending them to the factory D we are making things difficult for the dustbin men Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was gold Other people thought it was just a light in the sky And other thought it was a big ball of cheese

Then telescopes were made And men saw that the moon was really another world They wondered what it was like They dreamed of going there only 20, 1969, that dream came true Two American men landed on the moon Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldine The first thing the men found was that the moon is covered with dust The dust is so thick that the men left footprints where they walked Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon And they could stay there for years and years There is no wind or rain to wipe them off


Behind them, y\they left the plains and tall mountains of the moon They left the machines they had set up And they left footprints that last forever

59.people used to think the moon was A a god

B a light in the sky C a big ball of cheese D all the above three 60.A telescope

A makes balls of light seem brighter B turns the moon into another world

C makes many of men’s dreams come true D makes faraway things seem closer

61.The men brought rocks and dirt from the moon because A they wanted something to show they were there B people wanted to keep them to learn about the moon C, they wanted to keep them as souvenirs

D they might sell them to scientists

62.The a Americans' machines will not most likely stay on the moon until A someone takes them away

B a storm covers them with dust C rain and wind destroy them

D they become rusty and break to pieces 63.This story tells

A about the first men to walk on the moon B how men found footprints on the moon]

C what the men brought back from their trip to the moon

D who had left footprints on the moon before the two men landed there Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answer:

The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity Converting waste product to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, old shale and coal tars But today, that process has proved expensive Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being treated

Some experts utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from steam and rivers Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provides one third of the electricity used in the United State, but today it supplies only four percent The oceans are another potential source of energy Scientists are studying ways to covert the energy of ocean currents, tides and waves to electricity Experiments are also underway to make use to temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy Of ocean currents, tides and waves to electricity Experiments are also underway to make use to temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy


A The use of water products for energy

B The search for alternatives Sources of energy C efficient ways of disposing of waste

D new discoveries in Geothermal Power

65.Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United State was provided by A wind

B waste products C water

D oil

66.In the second paragraph, the phrase “synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which of the following:

A biological fuels B low burning fuels C fast burning fuels D artificially made fuels

67.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?

A burning of garbage B geothermal power C synthetic fuels D electricity

68.According to author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shade and coal tars as sources of energy is due to:

A their being time consuming B their being money consuming C the scarcity of sources

D the lack of technology

2 Choose (A,B,C or D) to complete the passage:

Lan and Hoa (69) ……… to be pen pals Lan would like to tell Hoa something about (70) ………

I am in 9th from of gifted school I have a lot of schoolmates There are many subjects to (71) ……… But I like English most Whenever we have English lessons They are very interesting and fun My English teacher always helps us not only understand the lessons but also give (72) ……… a lot of exercises to practice She is willing to answer any questions given by students

It only takes me 10 minutes to walk from my house to my school I like (73) ……… to music or reading books when I have free time

69.A is going B are going C was going D were going 70.A myself B himself C herself D itself

71.A read B practice C learn D speak

72.A them B we C us D me


Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

I believe that it is (74)……… to wear uniform when students are at school Firstly (75) ……… encourage the children to pride in being students of the school they are going to because they are (76)………Uniforms with labels bearing their school name

Secondly, wearing uniform helps students feel equal in many (77) ……… In conclusion All students, from (78) ……… to high schools should wear uniforms

74.A necessary B unnecessary C good D bad 75.A clothes B uniforms C information D fashions

76.A wear B wearing C wore D is wearing

77.A things B thing C ways D way

78.A primary B secondary C high D senior Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

I (79) ……… By Mr J Gerald cow camper’s house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking dog She was a gentle beast who wagged her tail as she pushed her nose against my hand “What’s her breed?” I asked

“I call her “Dog Face” replied the old (80) ……… “Why you call her that?” I inquired

“Isn’t it obvious?” asked Mr Cow camper

“Not really” Mr Cow camper Crated the old animal’s head in his hands “If you (81) …… at just the right angle, you can see that she seems to have a dog’s face he asked

“But she is a (82) ……… !” I said

“Shhhh!” Mr Cow camper responded with the loudest whisper I have ever found

“Don’t let her hear you say that” I said (83) ………Because I didn’t know what to say

79.A stopped B ran C went D carried

80.A dog B cow C lady D gentleman

81.A listen B look C call D wonder

82.A person B female C dog D potato

83.A here B yes C words D nothing

Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

On Sunday, Hoa invited Lan to join her family on a day trip to her home (84) ……… about 30 kilometers to the city The village lies near rice paddies and a river Many people there on the weekends to have a rest after (85) ……….hard The journey to the village is very interesting green paddy fields and cross bamboo forests


84 villageA B town C city D province

85 to workA B work C working D worked

86.A full B thirsty C hungry D hot

87.A go B going C to go D be going

88.A photographer B photos C photocopy D photography Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

There are many (89)………to study English To study English ( 90) ……… you can in many following ways You more grammar exercises in grammar books You should write English as much as possible It helps you to develop your (91) ………skill You should learn by heart at the new words and text, and speak English with your friends or foreigners They help you (92) ……….speaking skill You should practice listening to English taps or English programs on the radio or watch English programs They help you to (93) ……… Your listening skill Especially you must learn vocabulary regularly It is the important part in practicing your English skills

89.A ways B things C books D entertainments 90.A good B well C fair D the beat

91.A speaking B reading C listening D writing

92.A develop B to develop C developed D be developing 93.A practice B practiced C practicing D be practicing Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

Dear Lan,

At last I am now in Hanoi (94)……… I arrived at the airport, it was shining brightly It took me about an hour to the centre Hanoi is smaller but more exciting than Nha Trang I think it is the best city (95)………I have ever visited There is too much traffic but not (96)……… Places that we can park our car

I study hard and finish it now I am waiting my result (97)………I have time to visit Hanoi

Anyway I stop now I’ll write (98)………I promise See you soon Yours,


94 A, when B although C if C because

95 A that B in which C who D whose 96 A too B amount of C much D enough

97 A so B however C if D though


Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

There is now increasing concern about the world’s energy (99) ……… particularly about those involving fossil fuels Unless than a hundred years we shall probably (100)……… all the present sources of oil and gas The world’s coal reserves should last longer but once used, these can’t be (101) ……… It is important, therefore, that we should develop such alternative sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy as well as water and win (102) ……… class as renewable energy Until these energy supplies are widely used, it is important for the develop countries to reduce energy (103) ……… as much as possible

99 A good B possessions C resources D materials 100 exhaustA B total C end D complete 101 repeatedA B renewed C updated D produced

102 A force B power C strength D motion

103 A exhaustion B destruction C waste D consumption Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

The car was invented over 100 years ago and since then millions (104)……… Traffic cause many problems The air in the cities is polluted and thousands of people (105) ……… in road accidents every year, more roads ( 106) ………… every year, but car fill them up as soon as they (107) ………… Perhaps the traffic problem (108) …………

104 A were built B have been built C to build D building 105 A are killed B killed C kill D to kill 106 A are being built B are build

C are building D are built 107 A will be finished B Are finished

C are finish D will finish

108 A will never solve B will never solve C will solved D will never be solved Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:

Among the festivals celebrated by Asian people is the Moon cake Festival, also known as the Mid-Fall Festival The Festival dates back as far as 15-20,000 years ago in Southern Asia It is one of the most (109) ……… family holidays and is traditionally held on the 15th day of the 8th (110) ………… Month. Large of numbers of small round moon cake (111) ……… eaten on this day and children (112) ……… singing and carrying colorful paper lanterns which come in all shapes, the more popular (113) ……… are shapes like fish, rabbits and butterflies

109 A popularing B is popular C the popular D popular

110 lunarA B new C next D two

111 wasA B, are C be D were


Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage:


Humans have long been fascinated by outer space, and have wonder if there (116) ……… life-form elsewhere, which we might be able to contact (117) ……… we’re seen space creatures on our TV and cinema screens, but “aliens” like these owe more to the convenience of using human actors to play the parts than to any real form of scientific investigation

However, many serious space (upload.123doc.net) ……… are now beginning to turn their attention to the question of what alien life might actually look like one early result is Arnold the Alien (119) ………by biologist, Dougal Dixon This strange being, unlike humans, has its eyes Ears and limbs in groups of three instead of pairs but, despite its odd (120) ……… its behaviors is not very different from our own

116 A are intelligent B am intelligent C intelligent D intelligence 117 A nature B natures C maturing D naturally 118 A researchers B research C researching D a researchers 119 A design B designer C designed D to design 120 A appear B to appear C appearance D appearing C WRITING

I Choose the arranged sentence with the given words:

121 I / necessary/ think/ for secondary school / it / students / is / to / uniforms / wear / school / at / when / are / they

A I think it is necessary for to wear uniforms at school when they are secondary school

B I think it is necessary for secondary school to wear uniforms at school when they are secondary school

C I think it is necessary at school to wear uniforms when they are secondary school

D I think it is necessary to wear uniform at school for secondary school when they are students

122 I / Ha Noi / at / on / Sunday / pm / arrived / and / met / aunt / my at the train station / me

A I arrived Ha Noi pm at Sunday and my aunt met me at the train station B I arrived on pm Ha Noi at Sunday and my aunt met me at the train station C I arrived Ha Noi at pm on Sunday and my aunt met me at the train station D I arrived at the train station at pm on Sunday and my aunt met me Hanoi 123 It / a / day / beautiful / I / was / and / friends / my / had / a / picnic / the / beach / to


124 I / learning / English / and / am / interested in / I / like / information / would / some / your / school / about

A I would like some information about English and I am interested in learning your school

B I would like some English and I an interested in learning information about your school

C I am interested I some information and I would like learning English about your school

D I am interested in learning English and I would like some information about your school

125 internet / education / source / is / of / a / means / and / and / entertainment / information / of / a

A Internet is a sour of education, means of information and source of education

B Internet is a source of information, means of information and source of education

C Internet is a source of information, source of entertainment and means of education

D Internet is a source of information, source of entertainment and means of information

126 electricity / they / use / to / catch / fish / kill / will / too/ other / animals / they

A If they use electricity to catch fish, other animals will kill too they B If they use electricity to catch fish, they kill other animals will too C If they use electricity to catch fish, they will kill other animals, too D If they use to electricity catch fish, they will kill other animals, too

127 Energy / solar / is / long / a/ source of energy / lasting / which / can / used / be / anywhere / almost

A Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy which can be used almost anywhere

B Solar energy which is a long lasting source of energy can be used almost anywhere

C Solar energy is a long lasting which source of energy can be used almost anywhere

D Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy which almost can be used anywhere

128 family / is / Christmas / a/ and / celebration / and many / of the / customs / children / centre/ on

A Christmas is celebration a family and many of the customs centre on children

B Christmas is a family centre celebration and many of the customs on children


D Christmas is a family celebration and many of the customs centre on the children

129 a tropical / known/ as/ in / a typhoon / Asia / storm / is A In Asia, a typhoon a tropical storm is known as B In Asia, is a tropical storm known as typhoon C In Asia, a tropical as storm is known typhoon D In Asia, a tropical storm is known as typhoon

130 scientific / no / is / there/ of / UFOs / evidence / for / existence / the A There is no scientific existence for the evidence of UFOs

B There is no evidence scientific existence for the of UFOs C There is no scientific for evidence the existence of UFOs D There is no scientific evidence for the existence of UFOs

II Choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the given sentence 131 I don’t have my friend’s phone number

A I wish I didn’t have my friend’s phone number B I wish I have my friend’s phone number

C I wish I had my friend’s phone number D I wish I did my friend’s phone number

132 They have seen the film Romeo and Juliet since 2003 A The film Romeo and Juliet have be seen since 2003 B The film Romeo and Juliet have been seen since 2003 C The film Romeo and Juliet has been seen since 2003 D the film Romeo and Juliet have been saw since 2003 133 She can’t speak English well

A She wishes she can speak English well B She wishes she speaks English well C She wishes she spoke English well D She wishes she speak English well

134 We like to watch cartoon and detective movies A We enjoy to watch cartoon and detective movies B We enjoy watch cartoon and detective movies C We enjoy watching cartoon and detective movies D We enjoys to watch cartoon and detective movies 135 Because she was sick she didn’t go to school

A She was sick so he didn’t go to school

B she was sick however she didn’t go to school C She was sick and she didn’t go to school d She was sick but didn’t go to school

136 Tom didn’t wear the raincoat, so he got a cold A If Tom wore the raincoat, he wouldn’t get a cold B If Tom had worn the raincoat, she didn’t get a cold C If Tom had worn the raincoat, he wouldn’t got a cold D If Tom has worn the raincoat, she won’t have get a cold


A Those are students who reporters from the local newspaper interviewed them weeks ago

B Those are the students who the local newspaper interviewed them weeks ago

C Those are the reporters who were interviewed by students from the local newspaper weeks ago

D Those are the students who were interviewed by reporters from the local newspaper weeks ago

138 The teacher said to us “Don’t talk in class” A The teacher told us we didn’t talk in class B The teacher ordered us if we didn’t talk in class C The teacher said we didn’t talk in class

D The teacher asked us not to talk in class 139 he used to write home once a week

A He enjoys writing home every week B He no longer writes home once a week C he never fails to write home once a week D He was forced to write home every week

140 We had hardly put up the tent when it started to snow heavily A No sooner had we put up the tent than if started to snow heavily B No sooner we had put up the tent than it started to snow heavily C We no sooner had put up the tent than it started to snow heavily D No sooner had we put up the tent when it started to snow heavily


Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 16:20



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