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Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:  Recognize and pronounce the letter Ff and its sound correctly  Understand, recognize and say the three Ff words2. Wri[r]


Date of preparing: 29/11/2018 WEEK 13 Period 25


Lesson 1

I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:  Recognize and pronounce the letter Ff and its sound correctly  Understand, recognize and say the three Ff words

Write the letter Ff

Vocabulary : Fox, fish, frog Sight words: My, funny

2 Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

3.Attitude: Recognize and pronounce the letter E and its sound

*(Requirements: students with disability can see and practise ,say right words ) II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards 2 Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1,

 Activity book – p.26 & 27 III.Teaching methods

 -Communicative approach

 -Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)  + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’ 1 Organization: (2’ )

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A 1B 1C 1D

06/12/2018 03/12/2018 06/12/2018 05/12/2018

……… ……… ……… ……… 2.Warm up: 5ms

Write the letter Ff


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 1

Introduction of letter Ff, its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Ff(7mins)

Use a card with letter Ff (or write on the board the letter Ff) to introduce to the students the new lesson


Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter Ff /ef/ The letter f

says /f/.” Play the CD

Ask students to repeat several times and check their pronunciation (letter Ff /ef/ and its sound /f/)

Use the phonics cards with fox, fish, and

frog read the words out loud and ask students to repeat

Use gestures (hand actions) to help

students to understand the meanings of the three words

Check students’ understanding: Teacher says the words, all students actions and vice versa

Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any) Ask students with disability to repeat

several times fox, fish, and frog read the words out loud

Requirements: students with disability can see and say the letter F : pictures

Activity 2

commands with preceding “My funny”


Have students look at the books and listen to the words: My funny

Point to the cat and say: I am a cat Then, ask students to repeat

Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to understand the meanings of statements

Play the CD

Then, check by saying: My funny fox Ask the students to point to the

corresponding item in the picture Repeat

Fox: cáo

fish : cá

frog: ếch

2 Listen and point Choose (Track 36): Read the commands with preceding “My funny”



with the rest of the items in random order Ask students to look at the pairs of

pictures on the side and choose the correct one for each corresponding animal

Go around and ask the students to name the item they are choosing

e.g., Teacher: (pointing to the fox) My funny, …

Student 1: fox! etc.

Ask students with disability to repeat several

Requirements: students with disability can see and point the sentences

Activity 3

Put up the lyrics of the chant on the board Without music, use the phonics cards and

step students to sing the chant with fox Do the same with fish and frog

With music, the whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word

Ask students with disability lyrics of the chant on the board

Give feedback

Requirements: students with disability can see and say the chant

Production (5mins)

Activity 1: Writing in the air

Show the letter Ff again, have students write the Ff in air with their fingers

3 Chant and show! (Track 37)


F, fox!

F, f, f, fox!

Fox, f, f, f!

Activity 1: Writing in the air

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today?

5 Homelink:(3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words



Period 26


Lesson 2

I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Recognize and say the three Ff words correctly

 Do the corresponding actions  Read the story

Sing letter Ff song

Vocabulary : Fox, fish, frog

Sight words: My, funny, and, are, with

2 Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

3.Attitude: Recognize and pronounce the letter E and its sound

*(Requirements: students with disability can see and practise ,say right words ) II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards 2 Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1,

 Activity book – p.28 III.Teaching methods  -Communicative approach

 -Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)  + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss

IV Procedures: Time: 35’-40’ 1 Organization: (2’ )

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A 1B 1C 1D

06/12/2018 05/12/2018 06/12/2018 05/12/2018

……… ……… ……… ……… 2.Warm up: 5ms

Greet students

Have students sing the chant in lesson 1, keep the rhythm by clapping their hands and doing hand actions


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content

Activity 4

Ask the students to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says

Play the CD Have the students listen to

4 Listen Read Along (Track 38)


the story once

Play the CD again The students listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

Read the story The students follow their books

Teacher reads the printed words then let the students point to the pictures and say the words

Ask students work in pairs One reads the printed words while the other points to the pictures and says the words

Ask students with disability to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says Requirements: students with disability can see and say repeat

Activity: Say the Sight Words (7 mins)

Point to and say the sight words: my, funny, and, are, with

Have students repeat

Call on some students read them aloud and correct pronunciation (if any)

Ask students with disability to point to the say

Requirements: students with disability can see and say repeat

Activity 5

Put the frog, fish, and fox phonics cards up on the board

Write the names of three animals below the phonics card: Frank – frog, Fin – fish, Fog - fox

Point to the frog, and say: “Frank is a funny frog” The students repeat.

Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song

Play the CD The students listen and sing along

My funny

My funny fish

My funny

Activity: Say the Sight Words

(7 mins)

5 Song (Track 39) (7mins)


Play the CD again The students sing and corresponding actions

Ask students with disability listen and sing along

Requirements: students with disability can see and sing a song about words

4 Consolidation: (3’)

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today?

5 Homelink:(3’)

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words


Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 00:34
