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This page will explain the rules for forming the past progressive tense, This page will explain the rules for forming the past progressive tense, and how it is used.. and how it is use[r]


A Guide to Past Tense Verbs

A Guide to Past Tense Verbs

Presented By

Presented By


The word "tense" comes from Latin

The word "tense" comes from Latin





meaning time In grammar, "tense" refers to the

meaning time In grammar, "tense" refers to the

form of the verb itself:

form of the verb itself:

Tense indicates completeness or continuance If

Tense indicates completeness or continuance If

the event is complete, it's past; if the event isn't

the event is complete, it's past; if the event isn't

complete, it's present.

complete, it's present.

We use past tense (preteritum) to tell about

We use past tense (preteritum) to tell about

something that happened at a specific time in

something that happened at a specific time in

the past, or to tell about something that

the past, or to tell about something that



The simple past tensesimple past tense is one of the most common tenses in is one of the most common tenses in English Its form is the same with all subjects It is usually

English Its form is the same with all subjects It is usually

formed by adding -ED to the verb This page will explain the

formed by adding -ED to the verb This page will explain the

rules for forming the tense with regular verbs

rules for forming the tense with regular verbs


*The simple past tense regular verbs, are created just by The simple past tense regular verbs, are created just by adding -D or -ED However, with some verbs, you need to

adding -D or -ED However, with some verbs, you need to

also change the ending

also change the ending

Here are some examples: Here are some examples:

Verb ending in e, Add –D Verb ending in e, Add –D live - livedlive - lived

Consonant + y Change y to i, then add –ED Consonant + y Change y to i, then add –ED try - triedtry - tried

One vowel + one consonant (but NOT w or y) One vowel + one consonant (but NOT w or y)

Double the consonant, then add –ED Double the consonant, then add –ED tap tappedtap tapped commit – committed

commit – committed


When the verb in the independent

When the verb in the independent

clause is the past tense, the verb in the

clause is the past tense, the verb in the

dependent clause is usually in a past

dependent clause is usually in a past

tense as well The past tenses are: the

tense as well The past tenses are: the

simple past

simple past

, the

, the

past progressive

past progressive

, the

, the

past perfect

past perfect

, and the

, and the

past perfect

past perfect



When you are writing about a subject, be sure to

When you are writing about a subject, be sure to

keep it in the same tense throughout your paper

keep it in the same tense throughout your paper

Do This:

Do This:

I saw a bear climb a tree, and then I wrote

I saw a bear climb a tree, and then I wrote

about him.

about him.

Jenny mixed the cake, while I whipped the

Jenny mixed the cake, while I whipped the



Do Not Do This:

Do Not Do This:

I saw a bear climb a tree, and then I write about

I saw a bear climb a tree, and then I write about



Jenny mixes the cake, while I whipped the

Jenny mixes the cake, while I whipped the





simple past

simple past



Last year, I

Last year, I



to Japan.

to Japan.

They never

They never



to school; they always

to school; they always













to the beach, and

to the beach, and





nice place to swim.


In the simple past tense, negative and question forms are

In the simple past tense, negative and question forms are

made using the auxiliary verb "do" (in its past form, "did")

made using the auxiliary verb "do" (in its past form, "did")

followed by the simple form of the main verb

followed by the simple form of the main verb

This page explains the rules

This page explains the rules

Simple past statement : I had a car

Simple past statement : I had a car

You ate my toast.

You ate my toast.

Informal negative : I didn't have a car.

Informal negative : I didn't have a car.

You didn't eat my toast

You didn't eat my toast

Formal negative : I did not have a car.

Formal negative : I did not have a car.


The past perfect refers to a time

The past perfect refers to a time

earlier than

earlier than

before now

before now

It is used to make it clear that one event happened before

It is used to make it clear that one event happened before

another in the past It does not matter which event is

another in the past It does not matter which event is

mentioned first - the tense makes it clear which one

mentioned first - the tense makes it clear which one

happened first

happened first



had saved

had saved

my document before the

my document before the

computer crashed.

computer crashed.

When they arrived, we

When they arrived, we

had already

had already





The train

The train

had just left

had just left

when I arrived at

when I arrived at

the station.



The past progressive tensepast progressive tense is commonly used in English for actions is commonly used in English for actions which were going on (had not finished) at a particular time in the past which were going on (had not finished) at a particular time in the past This page will explain the rules for forming the past progressive tense, This page will explain the rules for forming the past progressive tense, and how it is used

and how it is used

Subject BE-ING FORM Examples:

Subject BE-ING FORM Examples:

I was

I was






The Perfect Progressive tense is used to

The Perfect Progressive tense is used to

express the time that has elapsed between two

express the time that has elapsed between two

points in time The Past Perfect Progressive

points in time The Past Perfect Progressive

expresses the time elapsed between the beginning

expresses the time elapsed between the beginning

of a continuous action that began in the past and

of a continuous action that began in the past and

another point in time in the past.

another point in time in the past.

The police

The police

had been looking

had been looking

for the robber for two

for the robber for two

months before they finally found him.

months before they finally found him.


Past Tense Verbs

Past Tense Verbs

Regular versus Irregular

Regular versus Irregular

How to Identify Them

How to Identify Them



The The regularregular verbs show past tense simply by adding “d” or “ed” such as: verbs show past tense simply by adding “d” or “ed” such as:

• care becomes carecare becomes caredd and talk becomes talk and talk becomes talkeded This is also true of the past This is also true of the past participles for regular verbs as there is no change in their spelling

participles for regular verbs as there is no change in their spelling

*Examples of regular verbs, (simple past):*Examples of regular verbs, (simple past):

• They They played played football all day.football all day

• He He pitchedpitched a perfect baseball game a perfect baseball game

• Debbie Debbie caredcared for three babies for three babies

• The children The children jumpedjumped rope until lunchtime rope until lunchtime

*Examples of regular verbs, (past participles with their *Examples of regular verbs, (past participles with their helping verbs):

helping verbs):

• They They have playedhave played football all day football all day

• He He has pitchedhas pitched a perfect baseball game a perfect baseball game

• Debbie Debbie has caredhas cared for three babies for three babies


Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs


The The irregular irregular verbs are verbs that change in spelling to show their verbs are verbs that change in spelling to show their past tense Mastering the spelling of these irregular verbs must be past tense Mastering the spelling of these irregular verbs must be

done by repetition and studying Their past participle is usually done by repetition and studying Their past participle is usually another spelling of the verb and needs a helping verb such as: another spelling of the verb and needs a helping verb such as: have, having, has or had The main verb with the helping verb have, having, has or had The main verb with the helping verb

forms a perfect tense forms a perfect tense

*Examples of irregular verbs, (simple past):*Examples of irregular verbs, (simple past):

More customers More customers ate ate here today than Saturday.here today than Saturday

Students Students spokespoke at the convention last month at the convention last month

The flowers The flowers grew grew beautifully in the garden.beautifully in the garden

She She drankdrank all of the orange juice all of the orange juice

*Examples of irregular verbs (past participles) with their *Examples of irregular verbs (past participles) with their

helping verbs, (past perfect tense):helping verbs, (past perfect tense):

More customers More customers have eatenhave eaten here today than Saturday here today than Saturday


Works Cited

Works Cited

Rodrigues, Dawn, and Myron C Tuman

Rodrigues, Dawn, and Myron C Tuman





2nd ed New York: W W.

2nd ed New York: W W.

Norton and Co Inc., 1999.

Norton and Co Inc., 1999.

Aaron, Jane E

Aaron, Jane E

The Little, Brown Essential

The Little, Brown Essential

Handbook for Writers

Handbook for Writers

2nd ed New York:

2nd ed New York:

Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.,

Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.,




Works Cited

Works Cited

“Past Perfect Progressive.” Past Perfect Progressive.” My English TeacherMy English Teacher 2002 15 Dec 2005 2002 15 Dec 2005 <www.myenglishteacher.net/past_perfect_progressive.html> <www.myenglishteacher.net/past_perfect_progressive.html> “

“Summary of Verb Tenses.” Summary of Verb Tenses.” Leo Literacy Education Online Leo Literacy Education Online 22 Sept 22 Sept 2000 15 Dec 2005

2000 15 Dec 2005 <http://<http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/grammar/tenseleo.stcloudstate.edu/grammar/tense s.html>


"Forming the Simple Present Tense."

"Forming the Simple Present Tense." English Language Center Study English Language Center Study Zone

Zone 1998-1999 15 Dec 2005 1998-1999 15 Dec 2005 <

<http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/pres.htmhttp://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/pres.htm>.> Fulwiler ,Toby, Hayakawa, Alan R

Fulwiler ,Toby, Hayakawa, Alan R The College Writer’s ReferenceThe College Writer’s Reference 33rdrd Ed 2001


Works Cited

Works Cited

• Basic Rules Basic Rules Verbs: Past Tense Verbs: Past Tense 2000 15 Dec 2005 <2000 15 Dec 2005 <



"Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling." "Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling." Online Writing Lab.Online Writing Lab 2004 15 Dec 2005 2004 15 Dec 2005


• ““Online English Grammar.” Online English Grammar.” edufind.com edufind.com 2005 15 Dec 2000.2005 15 Dec 2000


// < www.stolaf.edu/depts/norwegian/grammar/past-tense.htmwww.stolaf.edu/depts/norwegian/grammar/past-tense.htm <

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2021, 01:01
