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My first book of time

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i- "10 I VIR S BOOK OF TIME Including a fold-out clock with movable hands! r is^L 12 — •>' 1! 11 12 4.-\ n ll '10 >2 I 10 4/, "Tl 12 II 10 — •9 10 no 9' 3s n 12 12 II 10 10 - 2* •9 4.\ — '10 •>' •9 f\ 12 - '10 4.^ r TI II r Is n II 10 12 io IO 12 - T /I 12 10 f'K) •9 — W 9" A r 11 2* r.io [•9 /[ 12 "K> /I - v V* BOOK OF / TIME Claire Llewellyn This edition published exclusively for Discovery Toys, Inc mi A DORLING KINDERSLEY Contents Hanly Nicki Simmonds Editor Sheila Art Editor Rowenu Senior Art Editor Production Managing BOOK Alsey Marguerite Fenn Editor Jane Yorke Art Director Roger Prickly Note to parents and teachers Photography by Paul Bricknell Illustrations by Julie Carpenter Mathematics consultants Elizabeth Meng, Marcia K Miller published First in the United States in 1992 by Dorling Kindersley, Copyright © Inc., New York 1992 Dorling Kindersley Limited London All nqhts reserved No part ot this publication stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in may be reproduced any form or by any means Day and night Days of the week electronic, mcchunicul photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission ot the copyright owner Color reproduction by Colourscan Printed in Singapore by Tien Wall Press (PTE.) Ltd Dorling Kindersley would like to thunk the following tor their Steve Shott; help in producing this book: Jane Coney; Duve King; Mark Richards; Sioblian Power; Neil Morris tor writing the initial synopsis; Steve Gorton; Snow and Rock tor the use of ski equipment and clothing; Trevor Smith's Animal World; Neil Blaxill for the use of antique clocks and watches; HS Walsh and Sons Ltd for the use of clock parts Dorling Kindersley would also like to give special thanks to the I following for appearing in this book: Joanne Bachhus; lunnuh Capleton; Bobby Cooper; Benjamin Cowler; Billy Dunne: The four seasons 10 Sophie Gamba; Rebecca Kern; William Lindsay; Catherine NkAulay; Mark Nat than; Tebedge Rickells; Cole Salewicz; Steve Shott; Beryl Simmonds; Dawn Sirett: Oliver Smith Time to grow 12 A world of clocks On 14 the hour 16 The 24-hour clock 24 Measuring time 26 7-6^ Halves and quarters Past times 28 Minutes and seconds 20 Playtime 30 Digital clocks 22 Words about time 32 — A Note This is and teachers to parents a book about time: that illusive through our fingers so readily While some of us seem to develop an uncanny ability to judge time, most of us struggle along with the aid of a timepiece strapped to our wrist or placed in strategic spots in our environment This book addresses both of these aspects of time: the passage of time, something that seems to slip / Telling the time Children want to learn to tell the time It gives them a feeling of competence and independence The ability to read a clock, however, requires certain prerequisite skills that we, as adults, and reading time A sense of time Time is a difficult concept for children to see or feel time The same period can seem to pass quickly or slowly depending on what activity they are engaged in Children usually begin to develop an early sense of time through becoming familiar with the patterns and sequences of events in their daily, weekly, and seasonal routines They also learn to read cues that indicate the the primary school is the They need to know number symbols and their sequence In addition, is a need for a clearly defined there sense of direction (direction of hand movement); an understanding of fractions half past six); and a sense of equivalency (e.g 6:50 is also 10 to 7) (e.g Fun time The fold-out clock will make practice fun and can and thought-provoking questions all make this a book you can return to again and again activities, not well developed around nine years of age, although this can vary with the individual As you share this book, you will be helping your child until develop a sense of time iy- try to be used to relate time to your child's daily routines The experience of gaining confidence in this necessary skill will be an enjoyable one for both you and your child The beautiful illustrations, passage of time, such as the length of shadows The sense of time grows gradually through often we help youngsters understand They cannot and not be conscious of until years may Professor Elizabeth Meng Teachers College, Columbia University About this book This book has some special features to Remember, you can help you learn all about time fold-out clock without your book Using your fold-out clock Watch Inside the back cover of the book, you ^"^ L A will find a fold-out clock You can use it to practice telling the time It folds out next to any page you are reading Your clock has two movable hands The short hand is red It tells you the hour The long hand is blue It tells you the minute These colors match the hands and numbers of the teaching clocks on the time-telling pages also practice on your the clock! Look on the pages of this book It tells you when your fold-out clock can help you solve a puzzle for this picture Words about time As you work through the book, you will notice that some words have been highlighted in in heavier print These words are explained Words about time on page 32 Day and night A new dag begins each the sunrise We are active during morning with It begins to get dark each evening at daytime - moving, working, playing, and eating What you during a long day of work or play, we need to rest Most people go to sleep at night Can you think of any the day? people the sunset After who are awake all night? Spot the difference Look at the two pictures below How can you tell which picture shows day and which night? What differences between day and night you see? Digital clocks Some people think it's easier to tell the time on digital clocks This is because we can read the time exactly as it appears The numbers before the dots go from to 12 The numbers after the dots go from to 60 Do you know why? Halves and quarters Quarter after This digital clock shows us that or a quarter after nine clock, the long On it's 9:15, the analog hand has gone around 15 minutes Half past no, UJi This digital clock shows us that J or half past nine the long Quarter no,L u!3i On hand has gone around 30 minutes to the analog clock, the long gone around 45 minutes way of saying what time it's 9:45 hand has What is another it is? Sixty minutes The long hand 9:30, the analog clock, This digital clock shows us that On it's This number tells you the minutes is It's pointing to showing the number the 10 50 The short hand is almost on the 22 Count how many more minutes the long hand has to travel before it gets back to the 12 Together, the numbers tell you that it's 50 minutes after seven o'clock, or 7:50 We can also say it's ten to eight time Tell the digital What time these clocks and watches show? FT^ Can you move the hands L J of your fold-out clock to • match these times? How many different ways can you say each time? Clock cards Here is a game to practice telling the time on a digital clock You can make this game yourself, or ask an adult to help Making your cards IMake 24 playing cards out of stiff cardboard (Be very careful sharp when using scissors.) The game can be played by two or four players It will help you and your friends practice counting by fives Write a digital time on each card Start at any time, but make sure that each card shows a time five minutes after the card before How to play • Deal all the cards, so that each player has the same number • The first on the to lay five player puts a card face up table The next player tries a card alongside, with a time minutes earlier or later than the card before • • Players who can't find the right time on it The winner first no cards is left the a card with miss their turn player with Lay the cards down like this You can build on either side of the starting card -in The 24-hour clock Some digital clocks are different they number the hours to 24 This way of telling the time is a day, traditional clocks are numbered to 12 In one day, the short hand travels around the clockface twice Although there are 24 hours The time o'clock is it in called the 24-hour clock eight is But eight o'clock in the morning or the evening? An ordinary clock doesn't say But this also shows the The time is twenty o'clock, which also means eight o'clock A digital clock clearly hours up to 24 tells special clock Time us that it is eight o'clock in the evening line On a hours are numbered 24-hour clock, you start counting the hours from midnight Up until noon, the midnight they are numbered 13 to 12 After noon, to 24 noon midnight a.m » 24:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 i i 07:00 08:00 Morning or afternoon? You don't have to use the 24-hour to show whether a time or the afternoon is You can in the t 09:00 10:00 clock morning use letters i 11:00 i 12:00 i 13:00 » i 14:00 15:00 We 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 show that it's before noon, and p.m to show that instead it's use a.m to after noon After noon When you're using clock, the times greater are after noon, or p.m convert the time, 19:35 a 24-hour let's than 12 You say 14:20, to the 12 -hour clock to figure out that 14:20 • r Can you is also called 2:20 p.m read these times Ll and show them on your L^_-J 24 fold-out clock? ooo J Time around the world Flying across time zones The Earth always turning So, as the day begins and the sun rises on one side of the world, the same day ends and the sun sets on the Planes can take off in one time zone and land in a different one Passengers is have to change their watches to the new time opposite side of the world Isn't it when amazing to think that you're beginning your day, children in Australia are getting ready for bed? Time zones Because of these big differences in time, the world has been divided up into 24 different time zones, one for each hour of the clock Can you count the zones on this map? 07:00 12:00 21:00 15:00 12 p.m p.m a.m p.m A single moment Children lots of the same activities all over the world But at exactly the moment, they may be doing very JCS s= same different a.m London, Great Britain 07:00 London, it's noon Rebecca is hungry What's for lunch today? In New York, USA In New What would you be doing at the same times as these children from different places in the world? things York, 12 p.m 12:00 it's seven o'clock in the morning is Bobby f i getting dressed He's got a busy day ahead of him Moscow, Russia In Moscow, it's three o'clock in the afternoon Mikhail is drawing a picture p.m 21:00 Tokyo, Japan In Tokyo, it's nine o'clock at night Yoshimi is fast asleep Measuring time Sometimes we use clocks to measure the time we take to things - in a race or a game, perhaps But you don't always have to use a clock There are other ways you can time yourself— with a sand-timer, for example Why not make one and try timing things for yourself? The smaller the hole in your cone, the slower the sand will pour Q Use both hands when you pour sand into the cone Make a sand-timer IDraw a rectangle about 15 inches by inches on piece of heavy paper Cut a it out (You should be careful when using sharp scissors.) Roll the paper into cone, leaving a a very Put the cone a large Now pour some dry sand in jar Tape your cone together Always use exactly the same amount of securely sand to time yourself small hole at the bottom into the cone Time without numbers You can how quickly or slowly you certain things your name, or hop on one foot, before all the sand runs through the timer Race Count how many times you can write against a friend or try to beat the timer use your sand-timer to see Balancing trick Candy race Balance a ball on Try picking up candies from a bowl by sucking through a straw How many candies can you move onto a your feet for as long as you can Can you keep it balanced for as long as it takes for the sand to run through the timer? Speedy skipping How many times can you skip rope ^ before the sand runs out? Guess before you race the timer Were you close? & IV sure that you use lundy that won't i ilu- fit straw ^^^^ plate before SCmd "^ all ^ m_^B^^ Counting Have you in seconds In a fraction of a second Stopwatches and digital watches are good for timing races They count the time in seconds Have you ever seen a timer for races on television? Sometimes there is less than one second between two competitors ever seen timers like these? Most of them use seconds, minutes, and hours to measure time Stopwatch Stopwatches have a special button for timing activities Press the button to start at the finish! timing, then press it again at the finish! Digital stopwatch Cooking timer You can so that set this a your food bell rings is Ready, Why timer when cooked Egg timer When is this timer especially useful? Digital watches have the same kind of timing button as analog stopwatches Push this button and the watch counts the time in seconds set, go! not use a stopwatch to time a race Back-to-front between you and your friends? Don't just run — try hopping, skipping, and jumping Running may take the least time, but what takes longest? Try the races again to see if you can them more quickly Try walking backward Is this faster than hopping? *W4fc Hop-a-long Have a hopping race your right leg, then your left Is there First try a difference in the times: On three legs You may need to practice for a three-legged race! you can beat your own best time each time you try it 41 * or slower See if Past times Be a shadow stick On a sunny day, mark a spot People have measured the passage of time for thousands of years First they on the ground and stand on it once every hour used the movements of draw around your shadow Ask a the sun to keep track of time Have you ever noticed how a friend to each time What you notice about shadow from a tree moves during the day? You can tell the position the shadow? of the sun in the sky by looking at the length of a shadow Sunshine and shadows After a time, people used shadows to make a more accurate kind of clock, the sundial Sundials are always outside, and they are often in gardens Have you ever seen one? is it impossible to the time with When How sundials The shadow from tell a sundial? work the pointer falls on The numbered markings show what time of day it is As the Earth moves around the sun, the shadow moves across the sundial the sundial's face There are still old sundials well now Candles and water as many They work when They saw that burning candles of the same size took the same amount of time to melt away They also realized that water would drip from one container into another at a steady rate Candle and water clocks both work quite well as markers of time, but can you think of any problems you might have with them? I just as they were new \ People also thought of other ways of marking the passage of time beautiful - - - Candle clock Water clock The The water lines scratched drips through onto the candle show a small hole from one how much wax has burned away and how much time container into another The has passed the hours pass since the I candle was lit bottom container fills with water as Early clocks and watches Pocket watch Pocket watches were used until quite recently People Mechanical clocks were first made about 700 years ago But when the pendulum was invented 300 years later, clocks began to keep much better time People also wanted to be able to know the time wherever they went, so they would carry pocket watches Wrist watches became popular about 100 years ago Today, most people wear watches all the time to keep track of their busy schedules! carried attached to a chain to keep them safe Pendulum clock A hanging clock's Mechanical clock Tightly coiled springs turn the gears The gears make the hands move around at hands around accurately the right speed -^ Many modern and watches don't even have numbers on them! How can you tell which is the top? • Can you clocks tell clocks the times on these and watches? HMove the hands of your fold-out clock to the positions as these clocks watches to check if same and you were right in their pockets, pendulum swings back and forth It takes exactly the same amount of time on each swing and moves the clock's Missing numbers them Wristwatch People wear lots of different styles of watches Some look like fancy jewelry and some look like colorful art Playtime Practice what you've learned about telling the What • Which goes with which? clock shows what time Bobby morning? Which clock shows when Joanne wakes up • time with these puzzles! in the leaves for school? • Which mom • clock shows when Mark's home from work? Which clock shows when Anna gets How many ways How many Bobby Joanne eats her lunch? to say ways can you say the times shown on these clocks and watches? Anna Mark Fold-out fun ? different A ^ using your fold-out clock to fe^^^tf show the • What time you 11121 10 "' different times usually wake up in the morning? • • • • • Roman Some numerals numbers that you might not recognize They are called Roman numerals Have you ever seen a clock or watch with numbers like these on its face? Use the chart below to help you tell the time clocks have on these clocks * I II III mi V VI IX X XI XII 10 11 12 VII VIII , [_30 note on pagi What What What What time does school start? time is lunchtime? time does school end? time you usually eat dinner? What's the earliest time you've ever woken up? Mix and match Each of the times shown below matches one other time on the page When you find two times that match, cover the two boxes with coins or small pieces of paper ) Words about time a.m These letters evening stand for the Latin words, ante meridian, meaning "before noon." Roman Roman numerals numbers that were used a long time ago by the ancient Romans We still use these numbers today You may have seen them on clocks or watches Roman numerals usually show as IV, but on a clock, is sometimes shown as IIII yet night, (page 6) (page 24) afternoon The evening is the part of the day when the sun goes down and it gets darker, but it is not The part of the day between 12 o'clock noon and sunset is half past Half an hour is 30 minutes Half past the hour is 30 minutes after the hour, called afternoon, (page 7) (page 18) analog clock Analog clocks have an hour hand, a minute hand, and sometimes a second hand to show the time, (page 16) numerals are a set of (page 30) hour There are 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day season (page 16) There are four seasons spring, summer, in a year: winter, fall, (page 10) calendar A calendar has a page for each month of the year Each month's page shows every day of the month, (page 9) long hand The long hand on a clockface is midnight the minute hand, (page 16) Twelve o'clock of the night clock Clocks have hands that at a regular pace move middle called midnight minute The part of a clock where you find the numbers and hands is hand There are 60 seconds in a minute There are 60 minutes in to 12 This is called a clockwise direction, (page 16) A is the day, month, and when something happens, date year short an hour, (page 20) Although a timer looks There are about four weeks clock, a month There are 12 months in a year: January, February, March, April, May, of day Instead, June, July, August, September, October, November, an morning night From sunrise to sunset It is light noon is and you A diary shows all the days of a year It has space for you write down the things you each day (page 8) tell it like a us the time counts in activity or process takes, Today day tomorrow sunset to sunrise is it is dark and you can see the stars, (page 6) p.m watch Twelve o'clock in the middle of the day is called noon, These letters Tomorrow meaning the is It is in day ) after the future, A watch a small clock that you can wear on your wrist, is There are seven days in a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, stand for the Saturday, (page 8) Latin words, post meridian, to now (page (page 14) week (page 24) day - the the present is (page 8) night moon and can usually see the sun (page 6) diary From It is (page 6) daytime doesn't (page 27) today daytime it minutes and seconds so that we can measure how long The part of the day between sunrise and noon is called morning, (page 6) There are 24 hours in a day There are 365 days in a year, the hour hand, December, (page 9) (page 9) day hand on a is (page 16) today date The clockface timer mon th The hands of a clock always move in the same direction, following the numbers from is fraction of a second, (page in clockwise a (page 24) short called the clockface (page 16) There are 60 seconds in a minute A part of a second called in the to help us keep track of time, (page 14) clockface is second "after noon." weekend (page 24) Together, Saturday and Sunday are called the weekend, (page 8) digital Digital clocks quarter A quarter of an hour is clock show the after minutes Quarter after the and watches time with numbers instead of hands, (page 17) hour is year Ten 15 minutes after the A quarter of an hour months years are called in a year a decade, (page 9) hour, (page 18) quarter to There are is 15 minutes Quarter to the hour is 15 minutes before the hour is up (page 18) yesterday Yesterday today is the It is in day before the past, (page 8) n - io "2 II 12 II -r 4.-\ < ' * ' n 12 II I 10 I k a « I A > IO ' * ' •"> 1! 12 12 — II '10 "10 IO 9' •9 £ * / ~i ' it -1 12 12 10 — 'IO 9' 10 - " n no — 9' •9 4/, / if a k II — 12 12 10 r — IO 9' iO - 2' IO 9' •9 3? 4/i / * ' > 12 — '10 * 9' 10 II 2" k a »2 I 'IO •9 ' k •» ' k II ~ ' 12 IO • si ' k 10 E •9 •> IO /I , 9" Turn the page to find your fold-out clock w > ?iRs > s ^ BOOK OF ,tO "~ JOj TIME an innovative new book, especially designed to help young children learn how to tell the time Packed with interactive games and imaginative projects, My First Book of Time is an appealing and entertaining Here Jf is introduction to basic time concepts featuring: • A wealth of instructive puzzles that encourage young children to learn through play • A sturdy fold-out clockface that helps children practice their time-telling skills • A unique design approach combining vivid full-color photographs with lively illustrated backgrounds >]Qb We believe that play is a child's work and to experience the world around them Discovery Toys offers the most outstanding developmental toys, books and games products of high quality and excellent value children play to learn, to grow, Discovery Toys, Inc Martinez, C A 94553 U.S.A 1-800-426 4777 Discovery Toys Canada, Inc Burlington, Ontario L7L 6A6 Printed in Singapore ... ^ BOOK OF ,tO "~ JOj TIME an innovative new book, especially designed to help young children learn how to tell the time Packed with interactive games and imaginative projects, My First Book of. .. illustrations, passage of time, such as the length of shadows The sense of time grows gradually through often we help youngsters understand They cannot and not be conscious of until years may Professor Elizabeth... struggle along with the aid of a timepiece strapped to our wrist or placed in strategic spots in our environment This book addresses both of these aspects of time: the passage of time, something that

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