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-T calls some Ss to present before the class - T asks Ss to write 5 sentences to talk about what they regret not doing in the past.. - T summaries the main points.[r]


Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: REVIEW

Period 1,

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand tenses clearly

II Languages focus:

Grammar : the simple past, the past continuous, the past perfect tenseNew words :

III Teaching aids: pictures, handout, extra board

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Check up: II Lead in: III Presentation:

Yesterday when I (cross) the road I (step) on a banana and (fall)heavily

the simple past tense

1 mot hanh dong da hoan tai mot thoi diem xac dinh qua khu

Ex: He (visit) me yesterday → visited

2. Mot hanh dong da hoan tat sout mot khoang thoi gian qua khu

Ex: I often (play) football from 95 to 97

3 Mot thoi quen

Ex: I often (play) football when I (be) young 4. Mot loat hanh dong xay ke tiep qua khu

Ex: Yesterday when I (cross) the road I (step) on a banana and (fall)heavily

the past continuous tense

1 mot hanh dong dang dien o mot thoi diem xac dinh qua khu

Ex: He (watch) TV at 11 o’clock yesterday

2. Mot hanh dong dang dien qua khu thi co mot hanh dong khac xay den

Ex: The phone (ring) when he ( watch) TV

3.Hai hay nhieu hanh dong dang dien dong thoi qua khu

Ex: Tom(do) homework while his brother (watch) TV yesterday

the past perfect tense

1. Mot hanh dong da hoan truoc mot thoi diem xac dinh qua khu

Ex: Tom (finish) his work before 10 o’clock yesreday → had finished

2. Mot hanh dong da hoan truoc mot hanh dong khac cung dien qua khu

Ex: Yesterday when I (come) here, she (leave) here



IV Controlled practice

V Homework

→ came, had left

Use the correct verb tense( form) by choosing the best answer:

1/ Mrs Reed (turn) on the radio in her car while she ( drive) home yesterday She (listen) to some music when she suddenly( hear) a siren She (look) in her mirror and (see) an ambulance behind her

1 a turned c was turning b had been turning d had turned a drove c has driven b was driving d had driven a is listening c was listening b listened d had listened a had heard c had been hearing b heard d was hearing a looked c had looked b was looking d has looked a has seen c had been seeing b was seeing d saw

2/ Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970

a told, visited c told, was visiting b had told, had visited d tells, visited

3/ Before Alice (go) to sleep, she (call) her Mun a went, called c went , had called b goes, called d goes, calls

4/ Tom (see) a serious accident while he (stand) at the bus stop

a sees, stands c saw, is standing b has seen, stands d saw, was standing 5/ After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest) a sat, rested c was sitting, rested b sat, was resting d sit, rest

6/ Mr Clark (be) in New York months ago Mr Rossi (be) in NewYork until months ago a had been, was c was, was

b was, had been d had been, had been 7/ My friend (thank) me for what I (do) for him a thanked, had done c thanked, did

b has thanked, did d has thanked, Tells story using tenses

_ Learn tenses by heart

_ Do all exercises into your notebooks Prepare Unit 1: WHO USES ENGLISH ?


Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF…

Period Lesson: Reading

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able: - To read the passage

- To ask and answer the questions

- To talk about the daily routine of a farmer/parents/friends

II Languages focus:

Grammar : simple present, progressive present

New words : lead the buffalo to the field, plough, harrow, pump water,,,, III Teaching aids: pictures, handout, extra board

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm up:


III While-reading:

- shows the pictures of some people: Who are working?

(actor, engineer, teacher, farmer) - asks Ss: What does she/he do? What does a farmer do?

- says: to understand more about the life of a farmer, let’s study Unit 1,Lesson Reading

- has Ss ask and answer questions about their daily routine

Ex: What time you get up?

What time you have breakfast? - comments

- uses the pictures relating to the farmer’s daily activities to teach new words

* New words:

+ lead the buffalo to the field + plough (v,n)

+ harrow (v,n) + pump water (exp) + transplant (v) + fellow (n) = friend + peasant (n) = farmer

* Task 1:

- guides Ss to scan to get information - comments

- work in individual - give answers

- express the farmer, lead the new lesson

- work in pairs - give feed back


IV Post-reading:

V Home work:

* Task 2:

- Ss read the text again and answer the questions

- calls some pairs to answer the questions - remarks

- Ss close their books then ask and answer about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet

- corrects and remarks

* Task 3:

- explains the requirement

- divides the class into groups to make the brief note about a daily routine of Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet (in the morning, in the afternoon, after dinner)

- calls or Ss to present answer in front of the class

- remark and give marks

- calls 1s to talk about them in front of class - comments and give marks

- write a passage about 80 words that talk about your parents or yourself daily routine - prepare the new lesson SPEAKING


- work in individual

- exercise and give keys - work in pairs

- work in pairs

- scan the text to get

information to fill in the table - work in groups

- listen and give more information


Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF…

Period Lesson: Speaking

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - ask and answer some information about their daily routines - talk about their daily activities and their classmates

II Languages focus:

* Grammar: the present simple

* New words: Civic Education, Class Meeting

III Teaching aids: pictures, handout, worksheets

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:



- matchs the words with the pictures - divides the class into sides

(A&B).Each side has st to go to the board

- matchs the pictuers of the subjects on the board

- hands out the words of subjects for sides

- corrects and remarks

* Task 1:

- asks Ss to look at their books page 15 and to read Quan’s timetable

- gives some new words: + Civic Education: + Class Meeting

- bases on Quan ‘s timetable, Ss ask and answer the questions to get information Ex:What time does Quan have Civic Education lesson on Monday?

He has Civic Education lesson at 7.15am

- helps Ss if necessary

- invites some pairs to practise their dialogues

* Task 2:

- describes Quan’s activities, using the

- work in groups

- match the words with the pictures

- work in individual - Task as the model sentence

- work in pairs



V Home work:

below pictures

- asks Ss some questions about the content of the pictures in Task (Using the present simple tense)

Ex: (look at the picture 1) T:What does Quan at pm?

S:At pm Quan gets up after taking a short nap

- asks Ss to work in group to describe Quan’s activities

- walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- asks some groups to present their the results before the class

* Task 3:

- asks Ss to sit in group of and tell one another about their daily routines

- asks Ss to present their daily routine before the class

- asks Ss to write sentences about what they often everyday

- work in groups

- Ss present their results before the class while the others listen and remark

- work in groups - listen and remark


Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF…

Period Lesson : Listening

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - listen to one’s daily activities

- listen to take information to Task

II Languages focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: food staff, pedal, drop

III.Teaching aids: cassette player

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-listening:

- asks Ss to arrange words into the meaningful words

* jumbled words: + APNLE + RITNA + CLCYO + YBCLCEI

- checks the result and gives the situation - says: My father is a pilot He often travels around the world by his plane - shows a picture and asks:

+ Who is he?

- says to understand about a cyclo’s daily activities Today you ‘ll listen to the tape - asks Ss to answer the questions

1 Have you ever travelled by cyclo? When was it?

3 Was it interesting to travel by cyclo? Which you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo?

- gives reasons and comments

* Listen and repeat:

+ district + office + drop + ride + routine + food stall + passenger + pedal + purchase + park

- explains and read the difficult words

- work in group of

- work individually + He is a cyclo driver

- work in pairs



IV Post-listening:

V.Home work:

- asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 16 and guesses the order of the pictures

* Task 1:

- listens to the tape once - checks Ss’ answer - listens again and checks - listens to the tape 3rd time. * Task 2:

- asks Ss to listen the tape to decide whether the statements are True/False - asks Ss to listen the tape three times and checks the result with a partner or the teacher

- asks Ss to ask and answer the question about Mr Lam’s activities, using the cues below

+ name + occupation + start work + passengers + lunch + rest

- retells his story to the class

- asks Ss to write a passage about 50-60 words talking about Lam’s morning activities

- prepare the lesson:WRITING

- work individual and compare the answers with a partner - listen number the pictures in the correct orders

- work individual and in pairs


Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF

Period Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- understand the context, language and the structure of a narrative

- write a narrative about a hotel fire and use the given instructions/prompts

II Languages focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: stared death in the face, fasten our seat belts, dip, we had only minutes to live

III.Teaching aids: extra board, paper …

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:


III.While- writing:

- asks Ss to answer the questions: Have you ever heard an interesting story/frightening story?

2 When/Where did it happen? How did you feel about that?

- how to write it now let’s begin to the lesson WRITING

* Task 1:

- asks Ss to look at the text book on page 17 & 18

- read the model narrative in silence - explains some difficult words and phrases

* New words:

+ satred death in the face + fasten our seat belts + dip

+ we had only minutes to live

- asks Ss to read and find all verbs that are used in the past simple and the connectors in the story

* Task 2:

- asks Ss to identify the events, the climax, and the conclusion of the

story.Then checks the results the before

- work individually

- read in silence

- work individually

- work in group of


IV Post-writing:

V Home work:


- checks and comments * Task 3:

- asks Ss to use the prompt below to build up a narrative about a hotel fire - provides & extra boards for & groups to write their narrative

-goes around the class to check

Ss’practice and help them if necessary - asks & Ss to hang their extra boards on the board and guides the others to find out the common mistakes

- directs Ss to correct the mistakes - gives feed back

- gives the key

- asks Ss to write the narrative correctly - prepare the new lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS

- look for the mistakes

- correct the mistakes


Date of teaching: Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF …

Period Lesson : Language focus

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds /i/ &/i:/ in words and in sentences - Use the simple present, the simple past tense & adverbs of frequency correctly in speaking and writing

II Languages focus:

- Pronunciation:/i/ &/i:/

- Grammar: review the simple present and the simple past tense The position: Adverbs of frequency

III.Teaching aids: a cassette

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II.Pronunciation: Activity 1:

Activity 2:

III Grammar and Vocabulary:

Activity 1:

- writes the sentence on the board Ex: He sits in the sitting room and drinks tea every morning

- underlines the sounds and leads into the lesson

* Listen and repeat:

- writes two sounds /i/ &/i:/ on the board

- read two times

- read the words in the textbook

* Practise these sentences: - reads the sentences

- asks Ss to pay attention to sentence stress

- picks out the words containing the sounds /i/ & /i:/

- check the result

* More exercise: (play the tape) - asks Ss to tick the words they recognize in the sentences they hear

- asks Ss to answer the questions What time you go to school? How you go to school?

Which tense is used in these sentences?

* Exercise 1:

- directs Ss to exercise 1, using the

- close the books

- read and say what sounds are repeated the sounds /i/ 7/ i:/

- repeat in chorus

- say loudly the number of the sound here

- open the books - read in pairs - listen and repeat

- read individual as directed - work in pair

- read the result 1.ship/sheep 2.bean/bin 3.cheeks/chicks 4.cheap/chip


Activity 2:

Activity 3:

IV Home work:

simple present tense - check the result

* Exercise 2:

- order these words to make complete sentences

He/to/by/usually/goes/bike/school He/late/is/school/for/sometimes

- In this exercise, we’ll practise how to use adverbs of frequency in the


* Note: As a result (Put at the beginning of a sentence)

- checks the result

* Exercise 3:

- answer the question What did you last night?

- mentions and reminds the simple past - let’s exercise

- supplies the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets

- goes around to help Ss if necessary - checks the result

- does the exercise of language focus in workbook page

exchange the result in pairs

He usually goes to school by bike

He is sometimes late for school

- work in pairs

I watched TV

I went to the cinema - work individually - work in pairs

- compare the result with a partner


Date of teaching: Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS

Period Lesson: Reading

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - read a passage for specific information

- learn how to introduce oneself and express likes and dislikes

II Languages focus: * Grammar:

* New words: words related to school

III Teaching aids: picture, handout

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-reading:

III While-reading:

* Play a game:

- use an extra-board to write the list of topics

- asks Ss to look at and try to remember the list in minutes

+ sports and games + hobbies + entertainment + holidays + health problems + films

+ weather + work and study - takes the extra board away and asks Ss to retell the topics in the list

- checks and finds out the winner - asks Ss to answer the questions

Ex: When you meet your friends, which topics you often talk about?

- leads the new lesson

- asks Ssto list words related to: + subjects: Maths, History… + kinds of school: high school,…

* Task 1:

- asks Ss to sit in groups of to the exercise in their text book

- corrects their mistakes

- asks Ss to scan the passage and then to Task

* Task 2:

- asks pairs to present their results before class

- work individually

- answer individually

- answer the questions

- work in groups

- work in pairs


IV Post-reading:

V Home work:

- asks Ss to reread the passage and then Task

* Task 3:

- asks Ss to the exercise in the text book

- corrects their mistakes

- asks Ss to sit in group of and talk about:

+ What subjects they like learning best and why

+ What they like or dislike doing at school

+ What they worry about at school - asks some groups to present their talks before class

- asks Ss to write a short paragraph about what you like or dislike

- prepare the new lesson: SPEAKING

- work in pairs

- work in groups

- some Ss present their talks before class

- the exercise at home

Date of preparing:



Period Lesson: Speaking

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - make the questions

- give responses in a small talk

II Languages focus: * Grammar:

* New words: words related to school

III Teaching aids: picture, handout

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-speaking:

III While-speaking:

- asks Ss to complete the open conversation in a minute

A: ……….(1) ……… B: Hi,Nam.How are you? A: I’m fine Thanks And you?

B: Very well Thanks I hanen’t seen you for a long time Let’s go somewhere for a drink A: Sorry,………(2)……… - explains something about these sentences - leads into the new lesson

* Task 1:

- gives Ss some expressions which are

commonly used when people start or close a conversation

Ex: It’s niceto meet you How is everything? Bye

See you again - asks Ss to Task

- asks some pairs to present their pratice before the class

- asks Ss to read these expressions * Task 2:

- asks Ss to scan Task and it

- asks Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs - corrects their mistakes if necessary * Task 3:

- work individually

- listen and remark

- work in pairs

- present their results before the class while the others listen and remark


IV Post-speaking:

V Home work:

- asks Ss to scan Task and find out difficult words

- explains their meaning if necessary - asks Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs - walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- asks some pairs to present their practice before the class

* Task 4:

- divides the class into groups (T asks Ss ti sit in group of 4)

- asks Ss to Task

- walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- asks some groups to present their practice the class

- asks Ss to write about the conversation done in groups

- work in individually

- work in pairs

- present their practice before the class while the others listen and remark

- work in groups

- some groups present their result before the class while the others listen and remark - Home work at home

Date of preparing:



Period 10 Lesson: Listening

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - listen to short conversations

- match them with suitable pictures

II Languages focus: * Grammar:

* New words: words related to school

III Teaching aids: picture, cassette player

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-listening:

III While-listening:

- shows a picture of Ha long Bay - asks Ss some questions:

1 Have you been Ha long Bay?

2 Do you enjoy spending your holidays in Ha Long Bay?

3 How you like the weather in Ha Long Bay?

- encourages Ss to make questions about this picture

- repeats good statements to lead in the new lesson

- suggests Ss to arrange a question in A with a respone in B

- goes around and helps Ss if necessary - comments and corrects

* Task 1:

- divides the class into groups of

- asks Ss to try describing the pictures in the text book

- play the tape and asks Ss to listen to &3 minutes

* Task 2:

- plays the tape again and asks to listen and get information

- asks Ss to ask and answer questions - plays the tape again to correct the answers

- answer individually

- work in pairs

- work in pairs

- work in groups

- present before the class

- listen and match the


IV Post-listening:

V Home work: (5’)

* Task 3:

- plays the tape and asks Ss to fill the missing words into the blanks

- goes around and checks some - plays the tape and corrects

- asks Ss to talk about the problems that they have experienced at school

- asks Ss to write questions about personal hobbies

- describes the picture that the teacher gives

- work in pairs

- work in groups

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write and fill in a form

II Languages focus: * Grammar:

* New words: words related to forms

III Teaching aids: forms and extra-board

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-writing:


While gives a game





- asks the questions:

1.What you look for after graduating from high school?

2 Phu Yen is my place of ……….? What is noun of the verb “permit”? Key: FORM

- lead in the new lesson * Task1:

- give some forms and hang extra-board with some questions:

1 Do you know what they are? What you use forms for?

3 What sort of information you often have to provide when you fill in a form? - summarize information of each answer on the board

* Task 2:

- asks Ss to match a line in A with a question in B after presenting some new words

+ marital status + block capital + applicable

- asks Ss to work in pair - corrects

- choose the numbers and answer the questions

- guess the key

- ask and answer in pairs

- correct and remark



IV Post-writing:

V Home work:

* Task 3:

- asks Ss to fill in the form

- helps Ss and checks when Ss - corrects

* Task 4:

- asks Ss to fill in the form

- asks Ss to hang the extra boards while others correct their friend key

- corrects the common mistakes on the extra board

- gives the feed back

- divide the class into many small groups and ask them to use learnt information to write a form about one of topics below + apply for a job

+ apply for a scholarship + send money in a bank + attend to the club + make a library card

- asks Ss to them and helps and corrects

- asks Ss to them at home - prepare to the new lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS

- work individually - exchange and correct - work individually - write it on the board

- work in group

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- pronounce exactly and fluently the sound /^/ & /a:/ in words and in sentences - use Wh-questions in writing and communicating

- use “ing and to-infinitive” form of verbs in speaking and writing

II Languages focus: * Grammar:

* New words:

III.Teaching aids: a cassette, extra board

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:


Pronunciation: * Activity 1:

* Activity 2:

- writes sentences on the board Ex: I like studying English but my cousin doesn’t

My father has got a car

- underlines the sounds and lead to the new lesson

* Listen and repeat:

- writes sounds /^/ &/a:/ on the board - reads the sounds

- reads the words and sentences in text book

- asks Ss to close the books and

remember the number of sounds from to

- reads the words in text books - helps and corrects if necessary

* Practise these sentences:

- asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress

- asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /^/ & /a:/ - helps and corrects

* More exercise:

- asks Ss to rearrange words in correct the sounds /^/ &/a:/: cup, fat, car, stuck, dumb, fast, flood, cartoon, mud, shark - corrects

- asks Ss to answer three questions

- close your books

- St reads and says what sounds are presented The sounds /^/&/a:/

- open the books - read in chorus - read individually

- say loudly the numbers of the sounds heard

- open the books and read these words in pairs

- listen and repeat - read individually - read the result


III Grammar and


IV Home work:


1 Do you like learning English? Why you want to learn it? How long have you learnt it? - underlines “learning” & “to learn” - asks Ss to repeat the usage of Gerund and Infinitive

* Exercise 1:

- asks Ss to make questions for the following respones

- calls some Ss to write on the board - checks and corrects

* Exercise 2:

- asks Ss to fill in the blanks with “ing or to-infinitive” form of the verbs

- corrects

- asks Ss to exercises of language focus in workbooks

- answer the questions Yes,I / No, I don’t

2 Because I want to be a teacher For years

- work individually

- work in groups

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND

Period 13 Lesson: Reading


- read better through Matching and True or False exercises

- improve background knowledge about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the simple past, the past perfect tense * New words: relating to the field of science

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-reading:

III While -

- has Ss work in groups

- asks them to make a list of famous scientists

- after 5s, the group with the longest list will be the winner

- asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the following questions about Marie Curie Have you ever heard of Marie Curie? What you know about her?

- Marie Curie is the world famous

scientist She made great contributions to the world’s science Today, we will learn about her life and her research Firstly, let’s have a quick look at some new words and phrases that you will come acroos in the passage

* New words:

- general education (n): - brilliant (a): clever - mature (n):

- harbour the dream of: leave university - PhD: Doctor of Phylosophy

- tragic death: die painfully

- to be awarded: to be presented with - atomic weight of radium:

- work in groups

- work in pairs and the whole class

- write new words - practise in chorus and individually

Famous scientists (Marie



IV Post reading:

V Home work:

- humanitarian:

* Task 1: Matching

- asks Ss to read the passage individually and match the words or phrases in A with their meanings in B

- helps Ss to try to guess the meanings of the words in the context of the reading - calls some Ss to read and explain their answers in front of the class

- feedback and give correct answers: 1c, 2e, 3a, 4d, 5b

* Task 2: True or False

- has Ss read the passage mare carefully and decide the statements are True or False

- correct the false information - underlines the information in the passage that helps Ss to find the correct answers

- explains the answers 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T

* Task 3: Answering questions

- asks Ss to the Task in pairs to answer the questions

- tells Ss to compare their answers with other pairs.Let them discuss and correct for one another

- feedback and give correct answers - makes sure Ss understand all the adjectives in the book

- explain if necessary

- asks Ss to work in groups and highlight or underline the evidence that they find in the passage

- summaries the main points - assign home work

- work in pairs and after that work individually

- work individually

- work in pairs

- work in groups

- whole class

- prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- talk about their own background and know how to ask for other people’s background

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the field of science.

III Teaching aids: small cards, posters, interview form

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre reading:

- gives some words that aren’t orderly, Ss rearrange into the correct order Jumbled sentence

1 born, Marie Curie, November 7th, Warsaw, in , was, on, 1867

_ Answer: Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7th 1867 - asks some question in front of the class

Where can we get information of one famous person?

- leads the new lesson * Task 1:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and decide which items can tell somebody’s background

- encourages Ss to discuss the items and choose the appropriate ones

- explains and give the correct answers * Family

* Education * Experience

- asks Ss to discuss the questions that can be used to get information for each item

- calls on some Ss to give questions for each items

- give suggested answers * Family:

-How many people are there in your family?

- What does your father do?

- listen and answer the question

- discuss in groups of - give the key: in books,

magazines, newspapers, from an interview

- work the whole class


III While reading:

IV Post reading:

V Homework:

* Education:

- Where did you study at high school? - What subjects you like best? - What degree you have? * Experience:

- How long have you worked as a doctor?

- What experience you have? * Task 2:

- give Ss the interview form or ask Ss to draw a form by themselves

- gives questions for the information items

+ Greeting: Good morning

+ Date of birth: When were you born? + Place of birth: Where were you born? + Home: Where you live?

+ Parents: Can you tell me about your parents?

+ Favourite subject: What subjects you like best?

+ Experience: How you work at school?

+ Thanking: Thank you very much

- asks Ss to carry out the interview in pairs Rearrange Ss’seats to make them sit face to face.

- goes around and helps if necessary. - asks Ss to work in groups and talk about the person they have known through interview.

- calls on some Ss to give a small talk in front of the class.

- comments on Ss’ performance and make necessary corrections.

- suggested answers: The person I interview is Lan She was born in 1991 in Phu Yen There are people in her family…

- summaries the main points. - assign home work.

- work in pairs

- work individually in front of the class

- work in groups

- give the key

- work in the whole class - prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- talk about one of the Olympic champions by using information regarding her background and career

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to sport activities.

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, cassette

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-listening:

III While-listening:

- gives some pictures of champions and medals.(gold, silver and bronze medals – football player, swimmer, tennis player) - asks Ss to work in pairs to match the pictures with words

- feedbacks and gives correct answers * Vocabulary:

- diploma (n) - certificate (n) - degree (n)

- sports teacher (n): a teacher who teaches sport

- asks Ss to make sentences with the above words and make sure they understand the meanings of the words clearly

- gives some questions to know about the Olympic Games

1 Do you know any Olympic champions?

2 What kind of sports does he/she take up?

* Task 1: True or False

Sally has been the Olympic champion You are going to listen to a conversation between her and Bob

- plays the tapes several times if necessary

- has Ss compare their answers with a friend

- work in pairs

- give the key

- read in chorus

- give the meaning of the words - work in pairs


IV Post-listening:

V Home work:

- calls on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers 1T, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F

* Task 2: Gap-filling

- tells Ss to read the sentences carefully and try to guess the missing words in the blanks

- asks Ss to listen the conversation again and fill the blanks

- plays the tape more than once if necessary

- checks the task as the whole class - gives correct answers

1 general education family different - swimming love stories teacher’s diploma

- gives Ss the outline of Sally’s background

1980 … local schools ….15… family … basketball and swimming … sports teacher … teacher’sdiploma

- asks Ss to work in groups and base on these guidelines to make a short talk about Sally

- calls on some Ss to give the talk to class

- comments on Ss’performance regarding pronunciation and body language

- summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work individually

- work in groups

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - write a simple Curriculum Vitae

- get to know the format, layout and essential information of a Curriculum Vitae

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to Curriculum Vitae.

III Teaching aids: text book, some C.V samples

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre-writing:

III While writing:

- asks Ss to close your books

- guides and introduces the exercise Match A with B:

1.Name a Boston

2.Date of birth b Kensington High School

3 Place of birth c English, French, Maths

4 Schools attended d Tourist guide Exams passed e David Brown Previous jobs f 12/11/69 Interests g Music and dancing - asks Ss to work in pairs

- goes around and helps if necessary - leads the new lesson

* Task 1:

- asks Ss to open your books and introduces C.V of Brown

- explains the information about C.V of Brown

- asks Ss to read a form with details about C.V of Brown

- asks Ss to write each sentence about Brown, if they have difficulty T helps them

Ex: David Brown/be born/ November 12th, 1969/Boston.

* Task 2:

- asks Ss to read Task and the information about his/her parent and

- look at the exercise on the board

- work in pairs

- give the keys

- open your books

- listen the explanation of T about C.V of Brown

- read C.V of Brown

- have difficulty T guides Ss to make sentences

- read the Task


IV Post -writing:

V Home work:

complete the form

- suggests the questions for Ss to it easily

Ex: Education:

+ Which school did you go to? + When did you start study there? + When did you graduate?


+ How many languages can you speak? + How much you know English? + Are you good at speaking English? Hobby:

+ What’s your hobby?

+ What you in your free time? Sport:

+ Do you play sports?

+ What’s your favorite sport?

- goes around tests and helps if necessary * Task 3:

- asks Ss to write a paragraph about your partner’s parent and complete the form - bases on the Task of Brown

- summarizes the main points - assign home work

- give the answer in front of the class

- work in pairs and individual

- work in the whole class - prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND

Period 17 Lesson: Language focus


- pronounce exactly and fluently the sound /e/ & / / in words and in sentences

- use the past perfect tense, make a distinction between the simple past and past perfect tense

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, a cassette

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:



* Activity 1:

* Activity 2:

III Grammar:

- shows some pictures in the class or brings the pictures.(cat, bed, pan, superman…) or real objects (hat, pen, bag…) and asks some questions What is it?

2.What can you see in the picture? - asks Ss to answer and write on the board

- checks the results

- underlines the sounds and leads in to the new lesson

* Listen and repeat:

- writes two sounds /e/ &/ / - reads the sounds

- reads the words in the text books * Practise these sentences:

- reads the sentences

- asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /e/ & / / - checks the results

* More exercises:

- reads some minimal pairs and asks Ss to say what sounds they hear

+ /e/: end, bed, beg, ten, send, men + / /: bad, bag, tan, sand, man - checks and reads these words - asks Ss to answer the questions What did you last night? What has you done before you watched TV?

- Which tenses are used in the

- answer and write their name on the board

- read and say what sounds are repeated.The sounds /e/ & / /

- open the books

- repeat in chorus - read individually

- listen and repeat

- work in pairs and read the results

- say loudly the sounds they hear

- repeat the words in chorus - answer the questions _ I watched TV


* Activity 1:

* Activity 2:

* Activity 3:

IV Home work:


- asks Ss to write the forms and the usage of the past perfect and the simple past tense

- checks and corrects - introduces the exercises * Exercise 1:

- directs Ss to the exercise by using the past perfect tense

- checks the results * Exercise 2:

- gives an example

Ex: He has done his homework before he watched TV

- checks and corrects

- directs Ss to exercise - checks the results

* Exercise 3:

- directs Ss to the exercise

- goes around and helps Ss if necessary - checks the results

- does the exercise of the language focus in workbook page 19 & 20


- write the forms of these tenses and say their usage

- work in pairs and give the results

- discuss and explain the differences between the simple past and the past perfect

- work in dividually then exchange the results with the partner

- work in groups of 4, read the story carefully to find out the mistakes then correct them

- work in the whole class - prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 18


- the test 45’

- remember the old lessons from to

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the simple past, the past perfect tense, the simple present, V-ing/to-inf/bare inf

* New words: relating to unit 1,2,3.

III Teaching aids: text book, paper

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Activity 1:

* Activity 2:

* Activity 3:


- ask Ss to listen the passage to fill in the blanks

- read times

- asks Ss to give the keys * Keys:

1 15,January 1929 in 1951 for years he met they got married a minister at the black freedom movement in 1964 heard his speech at the 10 4, April 1968 * READING:

- asks Ss to read the passage and chooses the correct word

- helps Ss to find some new words * Vocabulary:

- to be married with: da lap gia dinh - research: nghien cuu

- principal: hieu truong

- Technical college: truong dai hoc ky thuat - Public Health Council: hoi dong suc khoe cong dong


- remember the old lesson of the grammar from to

- suggests Ss to talk about the simple past, present and past perfect/V-ing,to-inf,bare-inf * Keys:

- work individually - listen to the tape - give the keys

- read the passage and exercise in the text book - give the meaning of the new words

- work in pairs

- work in pairs


* Activity 4:

Home work:

1.to apply am attended passed got can reading know am able 10 hearing


- asks Ss to read the letter of Sally Green and replys the letter

- guides Ss to write the letter

Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen, Viet Nam

20th ,October 2006

Dear Sally,

I am very delighted to be your pen friend I’m sixteen years old and I am only 1.50 metres tall I’ve got dark, short hair and black eyes.I live in Tuy An with my parents and younger sister.She is a student at Le Van Tam

Secondary School.I am a student at Le Thanh Phuong High School.It’s big and beautiful school in Tuy An.There are one thousand students and seventy teachers in my school I study many subjects: English, Chemistry, Maths… I like English most because I want to sing English songs I go to school in the morning and have five periods every day from 7:00 to 11:15 In the afternoon I study at home and help my parents with the housework

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon

Give my best wishes to your parents and two sisters

Yours sincerely, Phong

- prepare the Test 45’

- read the letter of Sally - reply letter for her

Date of preparing:

Date of testing: ONE- PERIOD TEST

Period 19

Choose the best answer:


1 A continue B physics C thin D like

2 A teacher B beat C breakfast D eating

3 A passenger B several C begin D repair

4 A meeting B weekly C engineer D free

5 A realize B pea C cheese D asleep

Choose the best answer:

6 I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t _

A go on B go away C go off D go up

7 “ _ you get to school?” _ “By bike”

A What B How C How often D How far

8 We dinner at home on Sundays

A haven’t had B didn’t have C aren’t have D don’t have I enjoy (A)to talk (B)with my classmates (C) about their (D)future plans

10 The children agreed _ the candy equally

A divide B to divide C dividing D to dividing

11 Mai is interested _ taking an art course

A in B on C of D with

12 After it _ dry for two months, it rained heavily last night

A was B has been C had been D would be

13 It was the most beautiful beach that

A we had ever visited B we has ever visited C we should ever visit D we will ever visited 14 If he had studied harder,

A he won’t have failed the exam B he wouldn’t fail the exam C he wouldn’t have failed the exam D he hadn’t failed the exam 15 My father coffee for breakfast

A used to have B use to have C use to having D use be having 16 The government should have special policies to help the

A disable B disabled C disability D disablement

17 I up late at night

A use to stay B am used to staying C am used to stay D used to staying 18 The air conditioner (A) who is (B) in the sitting room (C) is out of (D) order

19 I’ve been in this city for a long time I here sixteen years ago

A have come B was coming C came D had come

20 Oh, no! I don’t believe it My mobile phone

A is stolen B was stolen C has been stolen D was being stolen 21 been / our / a / has / built / village / new / just / in / school

A A new school in our village just been has built C A school new in our village built has just been B A school new has been just built in our village D A new school has just been built in our village

22 Tom and I to Mary’s birthday party together

A am going B are going C will going D are going to go

23 We’re going to make a two- day _ to visit Huong Pagoda

A travel B excursion C voyage D gone

24 She _ sixteen years old next Saturday

A is B is going to C will be D has

25 I a cough since yesterday

A have B had C have had D was having

26 the heavy rain, he went out without a raincoat


27 I haven’t watched a good film for a long time

A I watched a good film at the early age C I last watched a good film a long time ago

B It’s ages since I last watched a good film D The last time I watched a good film was a long ago 28 “ _ you look so sad?” – “ I got bad marks in the first semester exam”

A What B How C Who D Why

29 The students refused to the meeting in the afternoon

A returning B to return C return D to returning

30 If he comes here, I it

A make him B make him doing C will make him D will make him doing 31 the bad condition of the house, we didn’t buy it

A In spite of B Although C Because D Because of

32 I _ one of Charles Dickens’s books at the moment

A read B am reading C have read D was reading

33 My father any cigarette since 2002

A doesn’t smoke B didn’t smoke C hasn’t smoked D isn’t smoking 34 I can’t see you on Saturday I promised _ my children to the zoo

A take B to take C taking D will take

35 I _ about the change of the date of the meeting yet

A wasn’t told B am not told C haven’t been told D hasn’t been told

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Prague has a population of over one million people It is not the biggest city in Europe, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful It is built on seven hills on the banks of the River Vitava Fifteen bridges cross the river The most famous is Charles Bridge, which joins Prague Castle and the old town The view of the castle from the river is famous

Some people call Prague “ The Golden City” and “ The Mother of Cities” because it still has many beautiful medieval buildings and statues Perhaps the most popular buildings is the Old Town Hall with its amazing 15th century astronomical clock

People also call Prague “ Europe’s School of Music” There are many concert halls, and every May there is a famous music festival” “ Prague Spring” There are also twenty theatres and many old pubs, wine bars, and restaurants There is now a modern underground, but traffic is still a problem It is often better to walk and feel the atmosphere of the pretty little streets

36 Prague was built

A on hills B on the left bank of a river C on 15 bridges D on the right bank of a river

37 The most famous building in Prague was

A Prague Castle B Old Town Hall C Charles Bridge D Europe’s School 38 “ Prague Spring” is the name of

A a castle B a bridge C a school D a festival

39 The writer advises us to on Prague’s streets

A cycle B drive C go by underground D go on foot

40 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A Prague is the biggest city in Europe C Prague is called “The Mother of Cities” B Prague is one of the prettiest cities in Europe D Prague is famous for its music

Date of preparing:


Date of correcting:

Period 20


1 D 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A

Choose the best answer: 6 C

7 B 8 D 9 A 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 A 16 B 17 A 18 A 19 C 20 C 21 B 22 B 23 B 24 C 25 C 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 B 30 C 31 D 32 B 33 C 34 B 35 C

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question 36 A

37 B 38 D 39 D 40 A

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION

Period 21 Lesson: Reading


- understand the term special education

- talk about it through Matching and Multiple Choice exercises

II Language focus:

* Grammar: The + Adj / Used to + infinitive / Which as a connector. * New words: exhibition, surroundings, stimulate…

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures about special classes and Braille Alphabet

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- reading:

III While-reading:

- asks Ssto work in groups and make a list of the activities that blind and deaf people would have difficulty doing

- gathers ideas and introduce the topics of the lesson

* Vocabulary:

- disabled (a): be unable/incapable of doing something.(tan tat)

- dumb (a): not being able to speak (cam) - proper schooling (n): enough and good study (hoc hanh day du)

- oppostion (n): opposing ideas, disagreeing viewpoints (y kien phan doi)

- make affort (v): try, attempt(no luc,co gang) - to be proud of (a): take pride on (tu hao) * Task 1: Matching:

- asks Ss to read the passage individually and Task

- encourage Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context

- tell Ss to compare their answers with a friends

- calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class

- gives correct answers and explain all the words carefully to make sure Ss understand the meaning of the words

1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d * Task 2: Multiple Choice:

- tell Ss to read the passage again more carefully and complete the sentences by

- work in groups

- work in the whole class - find the new words

- give the meaning of the new words

- read in chorus - read individually

- work individually - check the result with a partner


IV Post-reading:

V Home work:

circling the corresponding letter A,B,C andD - asks Ss to give explanation for their choice - feedbacks and gives correct answers

1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D - calls on some Ss to read the passage aloud in front of the class

- makes necessary correction regarding Ss’ pronunciation and intonation

- gives explanation to other words and expressions in the passage

- asks Ss to work in pairs and read the summary of the passage carefully

- encourages Ss to guess the missing words - has Ss complete the summary in pairs * Note: Ss may not be familiar with this kind of exercise T should provide help when necessary

- calls on some Ss to read the complete summary aloud in front of the class - feedbacks and give correct answers - summarizes the main points

- assigns home work


- read the answers in front of the class

- work in pairs

- compare the keys with their partner

- work in the whole class - prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION

Period 22 Lesson: Speaking


- actively engage in an interview

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the simple past, the past perfect tense * New words: relating to the field of science

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- speaking:

- asks Ss to work in groups and make a list of words relating to school

- the group with the longest list will be the winner

* Note: The words must be correctly spelled and related to the topic

- suggests answers

Subjects (English, Maths…), Tests (oral, final, mid-term), Break, Home work, Teacher, Secondary (lower and supper secondary)

* Task 1:

- has Ss study the questions in the interview carefully

- asks Ss to work individually and fill in the blanks with the right questions

- gives Ss tips by asking them to read the answers before deciding the best question in the blanks

- calls on some Ss to explain their answers - gives correct answers

A.4 Which lower secondary school did you go to?

B.1 What were your subjects then? C.2 What was your timetable?

D.6 Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then? E.3 What about homework?

F.5 What part of the school life didn’t you

- work in groups

- find some words that related to the school

- work individually

- discuss a partner to give the correct answers


III While- speaking:

IV Post-speaking: (10’)


like then?

G.7 What did you like best about your school then?

* Task 2:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and carry out the interview, using the questions in Task * Note: Ss are suggested to use his/her own information to answer the questions

However, they may use the answers in the book as samples

- goes around the class and provide help when necessary

* Task 3:

- calls on some Ss to use the information in the interview to make a mini-pre-speaking about his/her partner

- tell the whole class to comment on his performance

- summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work in pairs

- work individually and the whole class

- work in the whole class - prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION

Period 23 Lesson: Listening

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - listen better through True or False and Gap-filling exercises


* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, tape, cassette player

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:


* Word form:

- asks Ss to work in groups of three to four and find the different words that derive from the following roots:

sorry: (sorrow,sorrily…) second:


decide: (decision, decisive, decisively…) able: (disabled, disablity…)

- the group with longest list of correct words will be the winer

* Note: Encourages Ss to find the words they have learnt

- suggested answers

- explains the meaning of the words in the box

+ photograph (n): a picture or image taken by photographers (tam anh)

+ photographer (n): a person who takes pictures (nghe si nhiep anh)

+ photography (n): the study/the art of forming and fixing images by the chemical action of light and other elements (mon nhiep anh)

+ photogenic (a): having interesting features that are suitable for photographing (an anh) + photographic (a): belonging to

photography (thuoc ve nhiep anh)

- asks Ss to work in pairs and fill each the blanks with one word from the box

- calls on some Ss to read the answers aloud in front of the class

- feeds back and gives correct answers photographic photography photographer photograph photogenic

- work in groups from to

- work in the whole class


III While-listening: )

IV Post-listening:

* Vocabulary:

+ surroundings (n): conditions, objects that make the living enviroment (moi truong xung quanh)

+ sorrow (n): pain or distress caused by loss or disability (noi buon)

+ pasion (n): great love for something (niem dam me)

+ labourer (n): a person who works manually, working class (nguoi lao dong) + mute (a): unable to speak (cam)

+ exhibition (n): a display, a public showing (trien lam)

* Task 1: True or False

- lets Ss read the statements carefully - asks Ss to listen to the tape and decide wether the statements are true or false - plays the tape once more if necessary - tell Ss to compare their answer with a friend

- checks and gives correct answers 1.T 2.F T F T * Task 2: Gap-filling

- asks Ss to read a part of the talk carefully and have aguess of the missing words - has Ss listen to the tape and write in each blank with a suitable word

- call on some Ss to read the answers aloud in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers photographic 19

3 exhibition 50 beauty simple peaceful chickens stimulated 10 escape - tells Ss to work in groups

- asks and answers about the Vang trang Khuyet Photographic Club

- suggests some questions

- read the new words in chorus

- read the statements and choose the correct answers - check the results with a partner

- read the passage and fill the correct answers

- check and give the correct answer aloud in front of the class


V Home work:

1 What is the name of the club? Who are the members of the club? Where they come from?

4 How many are there?

5 How many photographs are on display? What are their photographs about? What does their passion of taking photographs help them?

- summarizes the main points - assigns home work

- learn the old lesson - prepare the new lesson

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION

Period 24 Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of complaint

II Language focus:


* New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, extra-board

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: II Pre-writing:

III. While-writing

IV Post writing:

V.Home work:

- T gives a letter

- Ss read and give the kind of the letter: A letter of complaint

1 Greetings: Dear …….,

2 Purpose of the letter: I’m writing a letter to complain about …

3 Suggestions: I hope that……

4 Closing: Yours, Love,

I look forward to hearing from you …

5 Signature

Write a letter to complain about your travel to HaLong Bay last week (the tour guide, the hotel rooms, the food….)

The tour guide was unfriendly and rude. The hotel rooms were small and not air conditioned…

The food wasn’t fresh and delicious… - T goes around and helps if necessary

- T calls students to write their letter on the board

- T corrects

- Prepare Language focus

- Ss work in individual

- Ss read the outline

- Ss give the sentences using for each part in the outline

- Ss listen and copy into their notebook

T guides Ss to write Ss work in individual

Ss writes their letter on the board

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION

Period 25 Lesson: Language focus


- use the + adjective as a noun, combine two sentences with which and review used to + infinitive

II Language focus:

III Teaching aids: text book, extra board

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:


III Grammar and Vocabulary:

* Find someone who:

- prepares a two-column table with Yes/No questions and Name

- lets Ss go around the class and asks other Ss what they used to when they were small If the answer is YES, write his/her name in the table

- the winner is the first one who completes the Name column

Did you use to… Name

Cry at night? Go to bed late? Be afraid of ghost? Eat a lot of ice-cream? …

- demonstrates the sounds / /and/ /by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - instructs the way to pronounce the two sounds - / / first pronounce the sound / / then put your tongue slightly back and bring your lips slightly forward

- / /: is a short sound

- / /: first practice the sound then put the back of your tongue up a little

- / /: is a long sound

- makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the two sounds - asks Ss to repeat several times

* The + adjective:

- explicit the use of The + adjective by analysing the example

Ex: The young have the future in their hands

The young = young people

- work in groups

- go around the class to give informations

- work in the whole class - work individually


IV Homework:

- We use the + adjective to describe a group of people as a whole:eg: the blind, the rich, the poor So the rich means a group of people who are all rich

- These adjectives are followed by a plural verb

* The + one of the adjectives in the book:

- asks Ss to work individually and complete the sentences using the + one of the

adjectives in the book.

- has Ss compare their answers with a friend

- calls on some Ss to read their completed sentences

- feesbacks and give correct answers

2 the injured the unemployed the sick the rich – the poor

* Used to + infinitive:

- we used to + inf to express a past action and state It has no present equivalent Ex: When I was a child, we used to go on holiday to the seaside

- notices the negative and the question

2 used to have used to live 4 used to eat used to be 6 used to take used to be 8 did you use to go

* Relative clause WHICH:

- Which can be used in relative clauses to refer to the whole of the earlier clause.

- asks Ss to work in pairs and exercise 3. - asks Ss to go around the class and find the ideal partner It means that Ss have to find the student who has the most suitable sentence to make a new one.

- calls on some couples to read their sentences. - feedbacks and gives correct answers.

- summaries the main points.

- work in the whole class - work in pairs

- work in the whole class - work in pairs

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU

Period 26 Lesson: Reading


- use a number of words about computer such as CPU, VDU, CD ROMS, floppy disks… and talk about their benefits in our modern life

- improve reading skill through Matching and Answering questions exercises

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to modern devices and equipment

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures about different parts of a computer

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- reading:

III While-reading:

Look at the illustrations of different parts of a computer system and match each number with one of the words or phrases in the box. - T goes around the class and provides help when necessary

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers in front of the class

1D 2E 3G 4C 5A 6F 7B 8H - T asks Ss to repeat the words several times to make sure Ss pronounce the words

correctly * Vocabulary:

- miraculous(a): wonderful, fantastic (tuyet voi)

- calculating machine (n): a machine used for adding,… (may tinh)

- calculations (add, subtract, multiply, divide): (phep tinh)

- lightning speed (n): very fast speed like the lightning (toc anh sang)

- store device (n): a thing used to keep or store information (thiet bi luu giu thong tin) - memos = memorandums (n) brief notes of things to be remember/informal letters usually sent from one person to another in an office (so ghi nho, tin nhan)

- request for leave (n): asking the for absence from class or office

* Task 1: Matching:

- encourages Ss to guess the meaning of the

- Ss work in individual

- work in the whole class - work in groups


IV Post-reading:

V Homework:

words in the context in which they appear - calls on some Ss to read and explain their answers in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers 1c 2e 3a 4b 5d * Task 2: Passage headings:

- tells Ss to read the passage more carefully and choose the best title for it

- let Ss discuss their answer with a friend - Encourages them to explain their choice + What can a computer do?

* Task 3: Answering questions:

- has Ss work in pairs and answer the questions using the given cues

- goes around the class and provide help if necessary

- calls on some pairs to act out the activity in front of the class

- comments and gives suggested answers What can the computer to help us in our daily life?

2 Why is computer a miraculous device?

- asks Ss to work in pairs or groups and discuss other uses of computer in daily life.

- T suggests questions for discussion: 1 Do you usually use computers?

2 What you when you use computers? 3 What you like most about computers? 4 What uses of computer may bring bad effects to its users?

- summarizes the main points - assigns home work

- work individually

- work in pairs

- work in groups

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU

Period 27 Lesson: Speaking


- talk about the uses of modern inventions in daily life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner…

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the field of modern devices and equipments

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, real objects of modern inventions

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre speaking:

III While speaking

What is it?

- divides the class into big teams A and B - gives team A a list of 10 words about modern inventions

1.TV 2.Fax machine 3.Air conditioner 4.radio 5.electric cooker 6.fridge 7.cell -phone 8.washing machine 9.car 10.microwave oven

- Team A has to explain the words and team B has to guess what the word is

* Task 1: Asking and answering

- Has Ss work in pairs: Ask and answer questions about the uses of modern inventions following the example

* Note that five inventions are in the games - calls on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class

- comments and gives suggested answers 1.Can/Could you tell me what a radio is used for?Well,it’s used to listen to the news and learn foreign language

2.Can/Could you tell me what the TV is used for?Well, it’s used to watch football matches and TV game shows

3.Can/Could you tell me what the fax machine is used for? Well, it’s used to send and receive letter quickly

4 Can/Could you tell me what the electric cooker is used for? Well, it’s used to cook rice and keep rice warm

* Task 2: Sentence Completion

- work in teams


IV.Post speaking

V Home work:

- keeps Ss in pairs and ask them to complete the sentences by using the words in the box - asks Ss to study the sentences carefully before deciding which word to be used - calls on some pairs to read the sentences aloud in front of the class

- gives the correct answers

* Information technology is very useful to our lives.It allow us to:

1.store 2.transmit 3.process 4.send 5.hold 6.make 7.send 8.receive 9.design

* Task 3: Ordering

- has Ss work in groups by joining two pairs Ask them to look at the ideas in Task and then rank them in order of


- encourages Ss to actively discuss in groups to give the reasons to support their ideas and persuade the others that your order is the right one

- suggests some structures in discussion I think/believe that the most important use of information technology is…because… - has Ss work in groups and talk about their most favourite invention of our daily life - calls on some Ss to give a short talk about their favourite invention in front of the class

- comments on Ss’performance and make necessary corrections

- summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work in pairs

- work in groups

- work in groups

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU

Period 28 Lesson: Listening


- know how a person learns to use a computer and improve listening skill through True or False and Gap filling exercises

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, cassette player

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- listening

III While-listening:

- asks Ss to work independently and answer the question by checking the right column

How often you use each of the items below? very


sometimes never Radio

Cell phone Camcorder Computer TV

Fax machine

- tell Ss to compare their answers with a friend and further discuss the uses of these items * Vocabulary:

+ worried(a): to be anxious, at ease (lo lang) + shy (a): self conscious: xau ho

+ memory(n): bo nho + refuse(v): reject (tu choi)

+ headache(n):continous pain in head(dau dau) *Task 1: True or False

- asks Ss to read the statements carefully before listening to the tape

- plays the tape more than once if necessary -asks Ss to compare their answers with a friend - feedbacks and gives correct answers:

1F (He wasn’t worried) 2T 3T

4F(He understood about computers and became the man’s teacher)

5F (He didn’t understand the lesson very well)

- work individual and work in pairs

- work in the whole class - repeat the words several times


IV Post-listening

V Home work:


* Task 2: Gap-filling:

- plays the tape again and ask Ss to Task 2: Write the missing words

- tells Ss to write the exact word for the blanks - lets Ss discuss the answers with a friend - give correct answers:

1.invited 2.still 3.refused 4.excuse 5.anything - asks Ss to work in pairs and answer about the man’s story

1 What did the man’s son buy?

2 Why did the man become worried? What did the man know?

4 What happened to the man’s memory? What did the man suggest?

- summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work individual

- work in pairs

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU

Period 29 Lesson: Writing


- write simple instructions on how to use some household appliances

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, picture

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- writing:

III While-writing IV Post-writing: V.Homework:

- T gives the pictures and asks : T: What is it?

Ss: It’s a public telephone

T: Who knows how to use a public telephone? Ss: lift the receiver, insert your phone…… Today we learn how to write instructions

- T gives the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone.


+ lift (v):raise to higher level

+ receiver (n): machine for receiving transmitted signals (ong nghe)

+insert (v):put things into another (dua vao) + slot (n): khe

+ press (v): an nut

+ emergency(n): cap cuu + ambulance (n): xe cap cuu

+ remote control(n): dieu khien tu xa + cord (n): day dan

- T asks Ss to find the connectors and Imperatives + Connectors: first, next, then, until

+ Imperatives: lift, insert, press, wait

- T gives the picture and asks Ss to write a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control

- T goes around and helps if necessary

- T calls some Ss to write their instructions on the - Ss prepare lesson Language focus

- work in groups

- Ss read it

Ss work in individual

Ss work in individual

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU

Period 30 Lesson: Language focus


- pronounce the sound /u / and / u: / clearly and correctly

- review: the present perfect, the present perfect passive, who, which, that

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, picture, extra-board, tape

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Warm up:

2.Pronunciation : Activity1


3 Grammar and vocabulary:

Activity Activity



- T gives the picture and asks Ss to write the sentence:

She is looking at the moon

- T underlines the sounds and leads into the lesson

Listen and repeat

- T writes two sounds /u / and / u: / on the board - T reads times

- T numbers from to two sounds - T reads the words in the textbook

Practice these sentences

- T plays the tape

- T asks Ss to pick up the words containing the sounds /u / and / u: /

- T checks the result

The present perfect tense

- T asks Ss to remind the form, the use of the present perfect tense

The present perfect tense passive

- T asks Ss to remind the rule

who, which, that

- T overviews who, which, that

- Prepare Unit

Ss read & say what sounds are repeated

Ss repeat in chorus Ss say loudly

Ss listen and check up

Ss remind

Ss Exercise Ss remind

Ss Exercise Ss Exercise

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 6: AN EXCURSION

Period 31 Lesson: Reading


- get information about some famous places in Vietnam through activities before and after you read

- improve reading comprehension skill by doing Multiple choice and Answering questions exercises

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the present progressive (future meaning): be going to * New words: words related to excursion

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- reading:

III While-reading:

* Net words:

- asks Ss to work in groups in three to four and make a list of famous places in Vietnam - The group with the longest list will be the winner

- gathers ideas and asks Ss to work in pairs: Match the photos with the information in the book, then tell each other which of the places you would like to visit and gives reasons * Note: T may hang large pictures on the board so that T can help Ss follow easily and keep them interested

- calls on some Ss to tell their answers in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers 1.Thien Mu Pagoda 2.Ha long Bay One pillar Pagoda 4.Da lat City - has Ss work in pairs: Ask and answer the following questions

- sets the scene: You are going to read a letter from Lan to her friend, Minh about his recent fantastic excursion to a cave near Hanoi You read the letter and the tasks followed

* Task 1: Multiple choice

- asks Ss to read the letter individually and choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete each of the sentences

- tells Ss to compare their answers with a

- work in groups

- work in pairs


IV Post-reading:

V Home work:


- calls on Ss to read and explain their answers in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers 1C 2.D 3A

* Task 2: Answering questions:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions

- calls on some pairs to act out the activity in front of the class

- checks the answers in front of the class as a whole

1.They are going on a trip when they have some days off after the first term

2 …

3 It’s only over 20 km 4…


* Summary completion:

- has Ss work independently and fill each blank with a suitable group of words from the text

- asks Ss to read the summary carefully before doing the task

- asks Ss compare the answers with a friend - calls on some Ss to read the completed summary

1.going to make 2.some caves 3.want to see

4.have learnt 5.their trip 6.only problem 7.to persuade them her classmates - summaries the main points

- assign home work

- work in pairs

- work individually

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 6:


Period 32 Lesson: Speaking

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalk

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I Warm up

II Pre- speaking:

- gives out a crossword which has horizontal lines and one vertical line The word in the vertical line is made up of letters from the horizontal lines

- give information/definition of the words in the horizontal line

- asks Ss to work in groups and find the words

1 C A V E

2 S U N S H I N E

3 R I V E R

4 E X C U R S I O N


6 G E O G R A P H Y

7 M O U N T A I N

1 A natural cavity below the earth surface orin the mountain

2 Light of the sun

3 A large natural stream of water A short journey usually for pleasure

5 A temple or sacred tower in Asian countries The science that studies the surface of the earth and its associated physical, biological, economics, political features

7 A hill of impressive height * Vertical line: Chicago * Vocabulary:

- sundeck (n): platform extending from side to side of a ship (boong tau)

- get sunburnt (v): the skin hurt or destroyed by the sunlight.(ram,chay nang)

- travel sickness (n): the state of being sick due to travelling (say tau xe)

- air conditioned# non air conditioned:dieu hoa

- work in groups


III While-speaking

IV Post-speaking



- refreshment (n): room that serves food and drink to refresh in a boat(phong uong,giai khat tren tau) - occupied(a): being kept, in use (co nguoi su dung)

* Sentence modeling:

- asks Ss to make sentences with the new words they have learnt

- makes certain that Ss understand the meaning of the words and pronounce them correctly

* Task 1,2: Conversation Conduct:

- asks Ss to work in groups: Read the seat plan carefully and decide the best seat for each person,using the information in Task - further explain the seat plan if necessary - suggests some useful structures:

+ I don’t think so + To be suitable for… + Why? Why not? + What you think? + What’s your idea? + Had better…

- tells Ss to conduct the conversation like the example in the book

- goes around the class and provide help when necessary

- calls on some groups to conduct the conversation in front of the class

*Task 3: Giving reasons:

- tells Ss to work in pairs and discuss

Which seat you think the most suitable for you? Why? Use information in Task as suggestions - calls on some Ss to talk about their seat

preference in front of the class

- comments and makes necessary corrections - summarizes the main points

- assign home work

- work in groups

- work in pairs

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 33 Lesson: Listening


- improve their listening skill through Ordering, Gap-filling and Answering question exercises

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, cassette

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- listening

* Find someone who:

- prepares a two- column table with Yes/No questions and Name

- lets Ss go around the class and ask other Ss what they used to when they were small.If the answer is Yes, write his/her name in the table

Do you … Name

Like to go for a picnic? Go with your friends/family? Always go to the beach for a picnic

* Question and Answer:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the following questions

1.Do you often go for picnics?

2.When is the most important time for a picnic?

3.Why people for picnics?

- gathers ideas from some pairs and introduce some important vocabulary in the listening * Vocabulary:

+ glorious (a): beautiful,shining (dep troi) + assemble (v): gather (tap hop)

+ left-over (n): the rest (thuc an thua) + Botanic Garden (n): (Vuon bach thao) + spacious(a): large (rong, nhieu khong gian) +sleep soundly(v):to be in deep sleep (ngu say)

- write all the new words on the board

- asks Ss to write down the words they hear in order 1,2,3…

- work in the whole class

- always go to the mountain for a picnic?

- bring food with you when you go for a picnic?

- work in the whole class


III While-listening:

IV Post-listening:

V Home work:

* Task 1: Pictures Ordering

- asks Ss to work in pairs and study the pictures carefully

- makes sure Ss have ideas about the picturres and they can tell the differences among them - plays the tape more than once if necessary - calls on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers 1a 2e 3b 4c 5f 6d * Task 2: Gap-filling

- asks Ss to listen the tape again and fill in the blanks with exact words they hear

- tells Ss to read the sentences carefully and have a guess of the missing word first

- calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers in the front of the class

- gives correct answers:

1.most was just a few 2.to pay a visit 3.at the school gate 4.a short tour 5.playing some more

* Task 3: Answering Questions

- plays the tape again and asks Ss to answer the questions independently

- has Ss compare answers with a friend

- calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers in front of the class and gives correct answers 1.The weather was very nice 2.Yes,it was 3.The garden was beautiful

* Group work project:

- asks Ss to work in groups of three or four and map out the plan for the picnic this weekend

- goes around the class and provide help if necessary Comments and makes corrections - summarizes the main points

- assign home work

- work individual

- work individual

4.They could sleep soundly because it was so peaceful and quiet in the garden ………

- work in groups

Means of transport/How many/How long/Who with/What activities/Bring any food?

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 34 Lesson: Writing


- write a confirmation letter responding to a request and an invitation

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalks

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- writing:

* Jumbled words:

- divide the class into small groups

- gives each group one card containing 10 words whose letters are jumbled

- asks Ss to rearrange the letters to make good words

- The group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be the winner

- explains the definition of request and confirmation letters

+ Request: is the letter that asks for information or help

+ Confirmation: is the letter that responds to the request.It confirms whether the help is provided or the information is available or not

* Task 1: Finding Requests and Confirmation:

- asks Ss to work in pairs:Read the two letters below and find the requests in Nga’s letter and confirmation in Hoa’s

- tells Ss to underline thee structure showing requests and confirmation

- calls on some Ss to explain their answers inn front of the class

- feedbacks and gives suggested answers + Request: Can you go shopping with me to buy prepare everything you need for the trip

+ Confirmation:Certainly,I will help you to prepare everything we need for the trip - calls on two Ss to read the letters aloud in

- work in groups 1.ubsutnrn → unburnt 2.cpinci →picnic 3.snisksecs →sickness 4.pdccouie →ccupied …

- work in the whole class


III While-writing:

IV Post-writing:

V Home work:

front of the class

* Task 2: Writing confirmation

- asks Ss to read the situations carefully and find the requests in both of them

- makes sure Ss get the requests clearly: - tells Ss to choose one of these situations to write a confirmation letter responding to each of them

- asks Ss to exchange their writing with a friend

Dear Lan,

Firstly,let me congratulate you on your 15th birthday.Certainly,I will help you to prepare everything you need for the party.I will go to the nearby market and get them on Saturday morning.Luckily,Saturday is weekend so I have the whole day free I will be at your house at 6.30 p.m on Saturday


* Mistakes correction: - asks Ss to work in pairs

- gives out a confirmation letter which contains 10 mistakes.Ss have to find out the mistakes and correct them

1.receives → have received 2.requests → requesting

3.apply → application 4.ask → are asked5.send → sending 6.we → us 7.attaching → to attach 8.are → is 9.refund → refundable 10.hear → hearing

- summaries the main points - assign home work

Dear Minh,

I’m happy to tell you that the book you want to borrow is available.You can use this for the next two weeks However I will not be at home this Saturday.Can you come on Sunday?I will be waiting for you all day

See you then, Yours,

- work in pairs

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 35 Lesson: Language focus


- distinguish the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to and use them appropriately

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the present progressive and be going to * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalks

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:


III Grammar and vocabulary:

* Find someone who:

- prepare a two column table with yes/No questions and Name

- lets Ss go around the class and ask other Ss what they used to when they were small.If the answer is Yes,write his/her name in the table

Are you going to … Name

Take an English class I the evening? Spend summer holiday on the beach Go to the cinema?

- The winner is the first one who complete the name column

- desmonstrates the sounds / /and / :/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - helps Ss to distinguish these two sounds - plays the tape and asks them to repeat - calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly in front of the class

- asks Ss to work in pairs and practice the sentences

- goes around the class and provide help if necessary

- explains future forms

* Will: expresses an intention or decision made at the moment of speaking

Ex: I’ll give you my phone number Ring me tonight

* Going to: expresses an intention or

- work in the whole class

- work in the whole class

- work in pairs



Activity 2

Activity 3

IV Home work:

decision thought about before the moment of speaking.It expresses a plan

Ex: We’re going to have a holiday in Sam Son this summer

* Present progressive: can be used to express a future arrangement between people.It’s common with verbs such as:go,come.see…

- asks Ss to exercise 1:Choose the correct option in bracket

- has Ss compare and discuss the answers with a friend and calls on some Ss to read and explain their answers in front of the class

- asks Ss to exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the present progressive and be going to

- asks Ss to compare their answers with a friend and checks the answers in front of the class

- asks Ss to exercise in pairs:

Complete the exchanges, using the present progressive or be going to

- calls on some pairs to act out the exchanges in front of the class - makes necessary and gives correct answers

1.Are you going to see it?/ I’m doing my homework

2.we are visiting our grandparents - summaries the main points - assign home work

- work in pairs and individual

1.are you doing 2.is getting married 3.Are you going to 4.am going to be 5.is going to

- work in dividual

1.are going 2.are having is going to catch

4.are you putting 5.is not going to give - work in pairs

3.What’s he going to with it?/he’s going to buy a new motorbike

4.It’s going to rain soon 5.I’m going to clean them later

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: TEST YOURSELF B

Period 36


- the test 45’

- remember the old lessons from to

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the + adjective, used to + infinitive, WHICH, WHO, THAT, the present perfect tense, the present perfect passive, be going to, the present progressive

* New words: relating to unit 4, 5, 6.

III Teaching aids: text book, paper

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Activity 1:

* Activity 2:

* Activity 3:


- ask Ss to listen the passage to complete the table

- read times

- asks Ss to give the keys * Keys:

1 50 miles to the west of London 120,000 inhabitants/ people market town

4 biscuit factory computer industry in central English 90,000 people university car factory 10 Cowley Road * READING:

- asks Ss to read the passage and chooses the correct word

- helps Ss to find some new words F 2.F 3.T F T


- remember the old lesson of the grammar from to

* Keys:

1.out by scientists

2 opportunities for other there is

4 which attempts

- work individually - listen to the tape - give the keys

- read the passage and exercise in the text book - give the meaning of the new words

- work in pairs

- work in pairs


* Activity 4:

Home work:

5 all the

6 organizing the

7 inventions a/ per / every developed by

9 it is

10 it be wanted * WRITING:

- T gives the outline - Ss write the letter

- T goes round and gives help if necessary - Ss write their letter on the board

- T corrects

- Prepares Test 45’

Ss work in individual

Date of preparing:


Date of testing:

Period 37

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:


2 A tooth B foot C school D food

Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others:

3 A technology B computer C newspaper D miraculous

4 A entertainment B communicator C interaction D electronic

Choose the best answer:

5 We are going to build a school for _ in this area

A blinder B the blinding C The blind D the


6 People who are deaf, dumb, blind or mentally retarded are called

A disabling B disable C the able D the disabled

7 The street is very noisy, makes sleeping difficult

A that B what C which D it

8 Our flight was delayed, _ meant we had to wait for hours at the airport

A that is B this is C which D which is

9 Mai has lived alone for 10 years She _ alone

A is used to live B is used to living C used to D is used to 10 We _ reading books and magazines in English

A are used to B are used for C used to live D is used for living 11 In spite of her deafness, she played the violin very well

A inability to speak B inability to see C inability to hear D mentally impairment 12 After each period, we have a _ break

A five minutes B five minute C fifth- minute D fifth-minutes 13 We _ Peter since he moved to work in our company

A had known B have known C knew D know

14 A lot of trees _ for fire wood by the farmer

A were cut B had been cut C is cut D have been cut

15 A number of political prisoners _ since Independent Day

A released B have released C was released D have been released 16 We’ve already met the man _ often appears on TV every night

A who B whom C whose D which

17 – You look great in this new dress _

A With pleasure B Not at all C I’m glad you like it D Do not say anything about it 18 _ How well you are playing! _ _

A Say it again I like to hear your word B I think so I am proud of myself

C Thank you too much D Many thanks That is a nice compliment 19 - A: What will we when we want to call an ambulance? - B: _

A Dial 116 B Dial 115 C Dial 114 D Dial 113

20 My parents tomorrow to stay with me for a few days

A come B will have come C are coming D came

21 The firework display, part of the city’s centenary celebration, _ place on the 21st august in Cannon.

A will take B is taking C is going to take D takes

22 After the meeting, the whole class has agreed they _ Huong Pagoda tomorrow

A are visiting B can visit C go and visit D have visited 23 Some children in the village are _ retarded

A mental B mentally C mentality D mentalism

24 We’ve recently studied the of stones in the kidneys

A building B formation C structure D block

Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the one in italics:


A He has been learning English for years C He has been started to learn English for years B He has been starting to learn English for years D He has been started learning English for years 26 Dennis used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day

A Dennis often smokes 40 cigarettes a day B Dennis didn’t use to smoke 40 cigarettes a day C Dennis often smoked 40 cigarettes a day D Dennis is used to smoking 40 cigarettes a day 27 The architect designed these new flats He has moved to HCM city

A The architect, who designed these new flats, moved to HCM city B The architect who designed these new flats has moved to HCM city C The architect who designed these new flats He has moved to HCM city D The architect designed these new flats and moved to HCM city

28 Somebody has robbed the bank near our houses

A The bank has been robbed near our houses C The bank near our houses have been robbed B The bank near our houses has been robbed D The bank near our houses has robbed 29 Would you please shut the door?

A Are you going to shut the door? C Will you shut the door, please? B Do you shut the door? D Are you shutting the door, please?

30 They are going to hold next year’s congress in San Francisco

A Next year’s congress is going to be held in San Francisco C Next year’s congress are going to hold in San Francisco B Next year’s congress are going to be held in San Francisco D Next year’s congress is going to hold in San Francisco

Read the text and choose the best answer:

A) My husband and I had a problem (31) our holiday last year I wanted to have a lazy seaside holiday (32) _ I was tired and needed to relax I love flying in the (33) _, drinking iced beer and reading a good book But Robert (34) _ busy, cultural holidays He likes (35) museums and art galleries He (36) sunbathing because he always goes red, not brown

31 A on B with C to D about

32 A because B although C but D and

33 A moon B lake C waterfall D sun

34 A takes B dislikes C likes D has

35 A visiting B traveling C collecting D seeking

36 A likes B hates C has D takes

B) Jane’s family decided go to London last week because they wanted to make a tour The sight in London was so interesting that she’s been there few days but it seems to her only to be yesterday She enjoyed this trip very much Her parents and she stayed in a very big hotel with two hundred rooms

From the hotel they can easily reach Hype Park, a very big park in London Behind the railings of the park, they can see a place where orators deliver speeches on Sunday afternoons People can buy almost anything they need, from a needle to an elephant, in two best shopping streets, Regent Street and Oxford Street

37 Jane and her parents decided to go London

A to make a tour B to see Hyde Park C to make a trip D A and C 38 Her parents and she stayed hundred rooms

A in a hostel with two B in a hotel with two C in a hotel with one D A and B 39 Orators deliver speeches on _

A weekends B Sunday afternoons C Sundays in Hyde Park D Sunday afternoons in Hyde Park 40 Regent Street and Oxford Street are _

A small streets B two best shopping streets in London

C two best streets in London D B and C

Date of preparing:


Date of correcting: Period 38

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:


Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others:

3 C 4.B

Choose the best answer:

5 C 10 A 15 D 20 C

6 D 11 C 16 A 21 B

7 C 12 B 17 C 22 A

8 C 13 B 18 D 23 B

9 B 14 D 19 B 24 B

Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the one in italics:

25 A 26 C 27 B 28 B 29 C 30 A

Read the text and choose the best answer:

31 B 32 A 33 D 34 C 35 A 36 B 37 D 38 B 39 D 40 B

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 39 Lesson: Reading


- be updated with names of some popular TV programmes such as Quiz Show, Portrait of life

- be able to talk about their favorite programmes

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the mass media

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- reading:

III While-reading:

* Jumbled words:

- gives 10 words whose letters are in the wrong order Note Ss that all the words are forms of mass media

- asks Ss to work in groups and rearrange them in good order to make the right words - has Ss work in pairs: ask and answer the following questions

1.When you often watch TV? 2.How many channels are there in our national TV?

3.How many hours per week you watch TV?

- gathers ideas and gives some background information about TV channels in Viet nam VTV1:combination of Politics,Economics and Entertainment

VTV2: Science and Education VTV3: Entertainment

VTV4: For the overseas Vietnamese VTV5: For the Ethnic Minority groups * Vocabualry:

+population and development:dan so phat trien

+ TV series: phim truyen hinh dai tap + quiz show: tro choi truyen hinh + Portrait of life:chan dung cuoc song

+ wildlife world: the gioi thien nhien hoang da

+ around the world: vong quanh the gioi

- work in groups

1.enslieisov → television 2.rwepeapns → newspaper 3.idora → radio

4.agenmiza → magazine …

- work in the whole class


IV Post-reading:

V Home work:

* Task 1: Matching

-asks Ss to read three TV programme schedules and Task

- has Ss compare and discuss their answers with a friend

- further explain and give correct answers 1c 2a 3d 4b * Task 2: True or False

- tells Ss to read the programmes carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).Correct the false


- asks Ss to explain their answers by giving evidence in the reading passage

- checks the answers in front of the class as a whole Gives correct answers

1T 2T 3F(at 15.15 on VTV3) 4T 5F(VTV1 starts at 5.30 and finishes at 23.30)

* Task 3: Answering questions

- asks Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in the book basing on the information in the reading passage - calls on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class

- feedback and gives correct answers

- keeps Ss in pairs and ask them to tell their partner about one of the TV programmes they like watching best and explain why - calls on some Ss to give short talks on the given topic

- gives suggested answers - summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work individual

- work in pairs

1.There are five films on 2.At 9.00a.m,12.00 at

noon,7.00 p.m, on VTV1 and 7.00 on VTV3

3.VTV2 4.The Quiz Show 5.VTV1 6.The football - work in pairs

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 40 Lesson: Speaking


- talk about the differences and similarities of some popular types of the mass media

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, chalk

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- speaking:

III Wile -speaking:

* Noughts and Crosses:

- draws a table containing words in each cell

- divides class into two groups: Noughts(O) and Crosses (X)

- asks Ss to choose the word in the cell and make a sentences with that word A

correct sentence with the given word will give one O or X The group with O or X vertically, horizontally, or even diagonally first will be the winner

* Vocabulary:

+ orally (adv):spoken by mouth + visually (adv): seen by eyes + aurally (adv): heard by ears

- asks Ss to work in pairs and decide which items are types of the mass media - notices Ss to refer to the definition of the mass media

- calls on some pairs to explain their answers in front of the class

- checks the answers in front of the class as a whole

- gives correct answers * Set the scene:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and carry out the activity using the cues in the book

- goes around the class and provide help when necessary

- calls on some pairs to explain their answers in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives suggested answers

- work in groups

newspaper Internet cartoon

magazine TV News

radio book drama

- gives some new words

- work in pairs

1.TV 2.Radio 3.Newspaper 4.The internet


IV Post-speaking

V Home work:

The mass media

Provide/deliver information and entertainment

The radio provide information and entertainment orally (through mouth) receive information aurally (through ears) Newspapers present information and

entertainment visually (through eyes)

receive information visually (through eyes) Television present information and

entertainment orally (through mouth) and visually (through eyes) get information aurally (through ears) and visually (through eyes)

-has Ss work in groups and talk about different types of the mass media - Note: T may use thee questions in the book of the following:

1 Which types of the mass media you usually get information from?

2 Which one you like most? Why? Which types of the mass media is developing and will develop in the future? - gathers ideas and have final thoughts on the topic

- summaries the main points - assign home work

- work in groups

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA

Period 41 Lesson: Listening

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalks, cassette

IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- listening:

III While-listening:

* Guessing game:

- provides three clues about word News/News broadcast Ss have to guess the word If Ss guess the word in the first clue, they get 30 points,20 points in the second clue and 10 in the third clue It is one of the radio programmes

2 It broadcasts daily and lives from radio station

3 It updates you with the latest information, current affairs domestically and internationally * Q and A:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions

1 How often you listen to the radio?

2 How many hours per week you listen to it? - gathers ideas and introduces the listening News broadcast is a popular programme on the radio Today you will listen to a short news edition You listen to it and the tasks assigned

* Task 1: Ticking the words:

- listens and checks the answers in front of the class

News story News story

Healthy V

Strong V

Young V

Cloudy V

Highest V

Wonderful V

Fine V

* Task 2: Gap-filling:

- lets Ss read the two news stories carefully and have the guess of the missing words

- plays the tape and asks Ss to fill in the missing

- work in groups

- work in pairs

- work individual


IV Post-listening:

V Home work:


- notices Ss to catch the exact words for each blank

- calls on some Ss to read completed stories - asks for comments from other Ss

- feedbacks and gives correct answers * News story 1:

1.has caused floods 2.have left their home 3.have risen 4.two metres

5.has stopped 6.cloudy 7.strong wind

*News story 2:

1.twenty third 2.4,418 3.California 4.wonderful 5.young and healthy *Task 3: Answering questions:

- asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions in the book

*Note:Ss are encouraged to the task without looking back to the stories on page 77.However Ss can look back if necessary

- feedbacks and gives correct answers

- asks Ss to work in groups and use their own words to tell other members about one of the two news stories

- calls on some Ss to present the story in front of the class

- asks for comments from other Ss - summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work in pairs

- work in groups

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 42 Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of TV and other types of mass media


* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalks

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- writing:

III While writing:

- gives some pictures of mass media and ask;

+What’s this?

+What are disadvantages and disadvantages?

- analyses the meaning of advantages and disadvantages by examples:

ex: TV helps us to learn more about the world

TV makes us passive

- asks Ss to read about the disadvantages and disadvantages of TV

- has Ss underline the key words of each idea

- goes around the class and provide help when necessary

- makes sure Ss understand all the

advantages and disadvantages mentioned in the book

- asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the mass media and write them down in the column - lets Ss choose of the three types of mass media to discuss

- encourages Ss to find the ideas related to the topics Asks Ss to share the ideas with other pairs

* Radio:

Advantages Disadvantages

- it provides you hourly-updated news and information

- it only provides information aurally - it can be boring because we can’t

- work in the whole class

- work in the whole class


IV Post writing:

V Home work:

- it is convenient because you can listen to it almost everywhere

watch films or sports programmes

* Newspaper:

Advantages Disadvantages

- it provides news and current affairs updately It’s very mobile because we can bring them along everywhere ago

- it’s cheap A Vietnamese daily newspaper costs appropriately 2000VND

- it’s less updated than other kind of media as there is no more information until the next edition

- it may not be available

everywhere due to bad condition of transportation * The internet: home work

- asks Ss to write a paragraph about

advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media discussed in Task

- lets Ss work independently and write under time pressure

- pick up some writings to correct in front of the class as a whole

- gives suggested writing: home work - summarizes the main points

- assign home work

- work individual

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:


Period 43 Lesson: Language focus


- master the use of the present perfect tense and use “because of and in spite of” appropriately

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the past perfect tense with adverbs, because of and in spite of * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalks

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I Warm up:


III Vocabulary and grammar:


- give out 10 to 15 words

- asks Ss to work in pairs or groups and decide which words go with since and for - suggested words: 1990, three months, two weeks…

- desmonstrate the sounds /ei/,/ai/ and / i/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - help Ss to distinguish these two sounds - plays the tape and asks them to repeat - calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly in front of the class

- asks Ss to work in pairs and practice the sentences

- goes around the class and provides help if necessary

- review the form and the use of the present perfect tense

* Note: Ss to present the form and the use of this tense If Ss have difficulty, let Ss answer questions about this tense

* Task 1:

- asks Ss to exercise independently: Complete the letter, using the present perfect of the verbs in the box

- has Ss compare their answers with a friend

- calls on some Ss to read the letter in front of the class

- feedbacks and gives correct answers 1.have been 2.has lived 3.have met4.have

- work in groups

- work in the whole class

- work in pairs

- work in the whole class




IV Home work:


5.have had 6.have taken 7.have watched * Task 2:

- asks Ss to exercise in pairs: complete the sentences using for, since, ago

* Note: This is probably an easy exercise so let Ss it orally

- calls on some Ss to read and explain theirs answers in front of the class

1.since 2.ago 3.for 4.for 5.Since 6.for 7.ago 8.ago 9.since 10.since

- explain the use and the difference of because of and in spite of

- because of shows the cause - in spite of shows the confession

- make sure Ss understand the difference between because of and in spite of

- has Ss exercise 3: complete the

sentences using the information in the box - has Ss to compare the answers and

discuss them with a friend

- calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class

- make necessary corrections - summarizes the main points - assign home work

- work individual

- work in the whole class

- work individual

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:

Unit 8:


Period 44 Lesson: Reading

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


- enlarge vocabulary about country life

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: straw, mud, technical, high school, farming method, brick houses, bumper crops, cash crop, thanks to

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm- up:

II Pre-reading:

III While reading:

- T gives one picture and put the questions: What are they working?

2 How are they working?

- T leads the new lesson after putting questions

- T gives the pictures, talks the content of the text and writes new words on the board New words:

- straw: dry cut stalks of various cereals - mud: wet, soft soil

- farming method - bumper crop - cash crop

- brick houses: houses made of bricks - technical high school

- thanks to : owing to, because of

Task 1: Matching vocabulary

- T encourages Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context

- T makes necessary corrections

Task 2: Completing table

- T asks Ss to scan the passage to get specific information to complete the table - T checks the answer in front of the class as a whole

Task 3: Answering questions

- T tells Ss to underline the information that support the answer

- T calls on some Ss to read their answer aloud in front of the class

- T corrects and gives feedback

Ss answer

Ss listen and guess meaning

Ss work in individual

Ss work in pairs


IV Post- reading:

V Homework:

- T asks Ss to discuss the question: How can people with an education help make the life of their community better? - T tells Ss to look back the passage to get the ideas for the questions

- T goes round and helps if necessary - Ss present their speech in front of the class

- T makes necessary corrections - Learn new words by heart

- Clarify the idea: “ Our lives have changed a lot thanks to the knowledge our children brought home”

- Prepare lesson Speaking

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:

Unit 8:


Period 45 Lesson: Speaking


II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- speaking: Task 1:

III While-speaking Task 2:

IV Post- speaking: Task 3:

V Homework:

- T asks Ss to give the changes in the village in the reading without looking back the book

- T writes the changes on the board and asks Ss to give the plan and possible result from their answer

- T leads to the new lesson - T explains some possible new words

- T calls on some Ss to read the answer aloud in front of the class

- T corrects

- T emphasizes on

Conditional sentence type in Task

- T goes round and gives help if necessary

- Ss practice their

conversation in front of the class

- Ss continue the conversation in task

- T asks Ss to add out their own ideas in the


- T goes round and gives help if necessary

- Ss practice their

conversation in front of the

Ss answer

Ss work in individual

Ss work in groups



- Prepare Listening

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:

Unit 8:


Period 46 Lesson: Listening

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve their ability to listen to news editions through True- False exercise

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, tape

IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- listening: III While-listening:

IV Post listening

- T gives two pictures and asks Ss to give the difference between them

- Ss discuss

* Task 1:

- T plays the tape two times - Ss listen and give the answer

1 F F T F F * Task 2:

- Ss listen to the talk again - T plays the tape one time - Ss give the answer

1 houses car hotel shop

3 widened department cut expensive

Discuss the changes in your own hometown or home village.

- T goes round and helps if necessary - Ss present their speech

- work in individual

Ss listen

Ss listen


V Homework - Prepare writing

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Unit 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE

Period 47 Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about giving directions

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, chalks, film

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

II Pre- writing:

III While writing:

IV Post writing:

V Home work:

- T plays the film and asks: What are they asking?

They are talking about directions

Task 1:

- T gives the letter and the map - Ss read and find Ann’s house

Task 2:

- Ss give the words or phrases using for giving directions

turn right turn left keep walking go straight go ahead…

Your house is a on the map Write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to your house from Roston Railway Station

- T goes round and helps if necessary - Ss exchange their letter each other to correct

- Ss write their letter on the board - T corrects

- work in individual

- work in individual


- Prepare Language focus

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching:

Unit 8:


Period 48 Lesson: Language focus I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- pronounce the sound /au/, / əu/ clearly and correctly

- review : Conditional sentence type 1, reported speech: statements

II Language focus: * Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, tape

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I Warm up:

II.Pronunciation: Activity


III Vocabulary and grammar:




- T gives the pictures What is it?

It’s a cow, a bowl - T writes : cow , bowl

Listen and repeat

- T writes two sounds on the board - T plays the tape and Ss listen

Practice these sentences

- Ss pick out the words containing these sounds

- T corrects

Reported Statement

- Ss remind the way of changing reported speech of statements

- Ss exercise

Conditional sentence type 1

- Ss remind Conditional sentence type - Ss exercise

Look at what Ha Anh hopes will happen in the future Make sentence, using If… , … will…

- Ss answer

- Ss listen

- Ss work in individual

- Ss work in individual



IV Home work:

Put when or if into each gap - summarizes the main points - assign home work

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching:


Period 49

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - the final test

- remember the old lessons from to

II Language focus:

* Grammar: the present perfect tense, because of, in spite of, reported speech, conditional sentence

* New words: relating to unit 7, 8.

III Teaching aids: text book, paper

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Activity 1:

* Activity 2:


- ask Ss to listen the passage to complete the table

- listen times

- asks Ss to give the keys * Keys:

A) F F T F T B)

aren’t evening cinemas theatres knows * READING:

- asks Ss to read the passage and chooses the correct word

- work individually - listen to the tape - give the keys


* Activity 3:

* Activity 4:

Home work:

- helps Ss to find some new words - Ss answer

- T corrects * GRAMMAR:

- remember the old lesson of the grammar from

* Keys:

1 have been , haven’t had haven’t given, haven’t paid said

4 had taken

5 thought, would come told, have got


- T gives the outline - Ss write the letter

- T goes round and gives help if necessary - Ss write their letter on the board

- T corrects

- Prepares Final test


- work in pairs

- work in pairs

- remember the old grammar


Date of preparing:

Date of reviewing: REVIEW Period 50

Choose the word that has the underlined pronounced different from the others:

1 A rubbish B suburb C lunch D consume

2 A seat B meat C head D heat

3 A computer B produce C calculate D put

4 A chance B watching C school D children

5 A cow B now C know D town

Choose the best answer:

6 After he home, it rained heavily

A had arrived B was arriving C has arrived D arrived He is tired He stops _ a cup of tea

A having B to have C have D has

8 _ her poorness, she feels happy

A Although B Because C If D In spite of

9 Jack _ for school two years ago

A leaves B left C had left D has left

10 _ the storm warning, we didn’t go out last night

A Since B In spite of C Because D Instead of

11 We _ to Dalat several times

A have gone B were C were being D would go

12 Without the Braille’s alphabet, the _ can’t know any words

A deaf B poor C blind D rich

13 They _ living on farms and working on fields

A are used to B is used to living C used to live D is used for living 14 Mary has lived alone for ten years She _alone

A is used to live B is used to living C am used to live D is used for living 15 You can change the TV channels with this control

A far B remote C standby D special

16 I have studied English I was a little girl

A for B since C during D when

17 “ did you go yesterday? – “ I went to the post office”

A Where B What C When D Why

18 The are those who don’t have a job

A injured B sick C unemployment D rich

19 She should stay _home today because of her sickness

A in B to C for D at

20 We all feel sad the bad news

A because B because of C though D despite

21 He can’t walk _ his leg was broken

A Because B Although C Because of D In spite of

22 We haven’t seen each other _ we left school

A for B before C after D since


A has been built B was built C were built D is built 24 People are deaf, dumb, blind, or mentally retarded are called

A disabling B disable C the able D the disabled

25 A teacher is a person gives lessons to the students

A which B who C whom D that

26 He’s always late for class, annoys the teacher

A which B that C what D who

27.” you go to work? “ _ “ By bus”

A Who B Why C How D What

28 John passed his examination, _ is a good new

A which B whose C who D whom

29 Jim _ TV every evening

A watches B is watching C watched D has watched

30 I haven’t seen him since he school

A was leaving B left C had left D was left

31 When we lived in the countryside, I go fishing with my father

A use to B used to C using to D useful

32 Where is the book _ he gave you on your birthday

A who B whom C which D whose

33 Jane works for a company makes shoes

A who B which C whom D whose

34 A lot of tree for firewood by the farmer

A were cut B had been cut C is cut D have been cut

35 we / seen / left / haven’t / we / since / school / her

A we left school since we haven’t seen her C We haven’t seen her since we left school B We haven’t left school since we seen her D We left school since we haven’t seen her 36 We have learnt English for years

A I started learning English years ago C I have learnt English since years B I learnt English in years D I begin learning English years ago 37 How / you / English / have / learnt / long?

A How long have you learnt English? C How long you have learnt English? B How long English have you learnt? D How long have learnt you English? 38 The film is (A) about the boy (B) which lost all (C) money in (D) the fire

39 Hanoi, (A) that is (B) the capital of our country, (C) is a city (D) of peace 40 Nam (A) isn’t (B) used to (C) drive (D) on the left

41 We (A) had to cancel (B) the match (C) because the (D)bad weather 42 I haven’t met him for a long time

A I met him since a long time C I have seen him for a long time B I last saw him a long time ago D a long time I saw him

43 Last week his father _ him to the zoo

A has taken B was taking C took D takes

44 Tom studies many such as Maths, Physics, English and so on

A sports B subjects C hobbies D language

45 He spent his holidays in Ho Chi Minh city

A life B task C vacations D game

Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in the blank:


Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 307 A.D for many centuries she was (46) _ only woman scientist to have a place in the history books

Hypatia’s father was a director of Alexandria University, and he (47) _ sure his daughter had the best education available This was unusual, as most women then had few (48) to study


46 A a B an C the D one

47 A said B made C put D could

48 A opportunities B teacher C customs D classes

49 A there B which C how D where

50 A for B in C by D from

Date of preparing:

Date of reviewing: REVIEW Period 51

Choose the word that has the underlined pronounced different from the others:

1 A chat B kitchen C children D chemistry

2 A about B play C today D radio

3 A printer B scenic C multiply D device

4 A media B television C scene D secret

5 A husband B button C circus D funny

Choose the best answer:

1 The man works in the hospital is my father

A who B which C whom D whose

2 I be an eleven- grade next year

A will B would C going to D am going to be

3 _ need our help

A The poor B The rich C Disable D injure

4 his serious illness, he was determined to finish his work

A Although B Because of C In spite of D Because

5 I _ to work, but now I don’t

A used to cycling B used to cycle C am used to cycling D use to cycle There is a good film on TV last night

A play B comedy C drama D movie

7 the heavy rain, he went out without a raincoat

A Although B In spite of C Despite D Even

8 I _ to school yesterday

A go B gone C went D going

9 The are unable to see anything

A blind B rich C sick D injured

10 I’ve lived in a small house near the coast _1990

A for B from C in D since

11 He it yet He only it one hour ago

A doesn’t finish / starts C hasn’t finished / started B didn’t finish / started D haven’t finished / starts 12 I really enjoy with my mother

A cook B to cook C cooking D cooked

13 The alarm _ at o’clock and Nam starts a new day

A go through B go on C go off D go away

14 I look forward to from you

A to hear B hear C heard D hearing

15 This is the book _ I bought yesterday

A who B which C whose D when

16 “ Someone has typed the document”

A The document has been typed C The document had been typing B The document had been typed D The document has typed 17 The (A) girl (B) which you (C) met yesterday (D) is Lan


19 (A) She couldn’t (B) come in time (C) because of she missed (D) the bus 20 If I the bus this afternoon, I’ll get a taxi instead

A will miss B miss C missed D had missed

21 Many peasants find it difficult to make ends meet

A apply new farming method B earn enough money for living

C better their life D get plenty of food

22 _ is one of the most interesting subject at school

A Physic B The physic C The physics D Physics

23 his lack of time, he watches football every Sunday

A Although B Because C In spite of D Because of

24 she was absent from school yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson

A Despite B Because of C As D Because

25 The road through our village is so narrow that the local government have decided to it

A increase B extend C widen D lengthen

26 _ 108 if you want to speak to the telephone operator

A Ask B Hear C Dial D Turn

27 They are living in a house they bought last month

A which B where C when D who

28 the bad condition of the house, we didn’t buy it

A Thanks to B Apart from C In spite of D Because of

29 If he comes here, I _ it

A make him B make him doing C will make him D will make him doing 30 I have never been to Lake Michigan before

This is

A the first time I’ve ever been to Lake Michigan C the last time I’ve gone to Lake Michigan B the first time I went to Lake Michigan D the only time I’ve been to Lake Michigan 31 – “ Which _are you good at?” – I think I’m doing well in Maths and English”

A studies B topics C hobbies D subjects

32 I can’t see you on Sunday I promised _ my children to the zoo

A take B to take C taking D will take

33 Office hours will be from 8.30 5.00

A at B by C and D to

34 Would you mind _ me a hew minutes, Mrs Jones?

A giving B to give C could give D for giving

35 The government says they are trying to improve the living conditions of _

A disable B disabled C the disabled D disability

36 Which _ you often watch: VTVI, VTV3, HTV7 or HTV9?

A program B film C channel D comedy

37 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a very popular _ made by Walt Disney

A documentary B cartoon C drama D quiz show

38 According to the weather _, there will be rain tomorrow

A program B information C forecast D news

39 It’s a long time I last went to the cinema

A that B when C since D as

40 This documentary has been shown on TV _ last week

A for B when C in D since

41 My favorite _ at school was mathematics

A topic B class C theme D subject

42 We only employ people _already have computer skills

A whom B they C who D those

43 The street is very noisy, makes sleeping difficult

A that B what C which D it


A a two week’s B a two – weeks C two- week D a two – week 45 Rick left the party early because he a headache

A had B has C used to have D was having

46 Clause didn’t _ in Canada

A lived B use to live C used to live D used to living

Date of preparing:

Date of reviewing: REVIEW Period 52

Choose the best answer:

1 She thanked me for what I …………for her

A do B.was done C.didn't D.had done

2 It rained a lot last month after it……… dry for such a long time

A had been B.has been C.was D is

3 I know a place we can buy ice- cream at a very low price

A which B.where C.in where D.for which

I haven't been to the cinema for two months

A. The last time I went to the cinema two months ago B It's two months since I last went to the cinema C It has been two months after I last went to the cinema D I didn't go to the cinema until two months ago Many people want for that job

A applying B to applying C to apply D.applied

Lan was in a difficult situation, so I agreed…………her some money

A lent B to lend C.lending D.lend

7 Jill _ anew car weeks ago

A have bought B bought C has bought D buy

8 Twenty trees by my father this week

A have planned B has planned C has been planned D have been

9 He (finish) his homework yet

A Did he finish B Will he finish C Was he finishing D Has he finished

10 There are black clouds in the sky I think it _

A is going to rain B rains C will rain D is raining

11 I’m interested maths

A on B at C in D about

12 I’m sorry, I’m not fast

A used to drive B used to driving C use to drive D use to drivng

13 When he was small he with sand

A was used to play B used to driving C used to play D was use to playing

14 She has just bought _ flat

A a four-bedroom B four- bedrooms C four-bedroom D a four- bedrooms

15 It’s Lan birthday soon

Oh, is it? I _ a very nice present for her

A am going to buy B buy C will buy D have bought

16 We have done a lot of things to help _ in our country

A The poor B The rich C poor D All are correct

17 _ her poverty, she feels happy


18 They have shown that film for a week

A That film has been shown for a week C That film has shown for a week

B That film have been shown for a week D They have been shown that film for a week 19 Her mother in the kitchen at the moment

A cooks B cooked C is cooking D have cooked

20 She began to play the piano years ago

A She has played the piano since years C She doesn’t play the piano now B She has played the piano for years D She stops playing the piano now

21 _the shortages of good medical care, diseases are the most terrible threat to those villagers

A.Because B Although C.Because of D.In spite of

22 By the time they arrived at the picnic, all the food

A is being eaten B.was eaten C.has been eaten D.had been eaten 23 .from the earthquake were taken to hospital

A The old B.The injured C The unemployed D.The disabled

24 “ you have a History lesson ?” - Twice a week

A.When B.How long C How often D How many

25 This is the second time I Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam

A have been visited B.visit C has visited D.have visited 26 It was quite a cold day ……… it was sunny

A.in spite of B.because of C although D because 27 Somebody has driven them to the airport

A They have been driven to the airport B They have driven to the airport C They have not been driven to the airport D.Nobody has driven them to the airport 28.They don’t allow us playing football here in the park


29 Did you used to stay up late when you studied for the exam? A B C D

30 _ did the plane arrive? It went here at 10.15

A What time B When C Who D Why

Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question

You may use the telephone every day but how much you know about it? The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876 Bell was born in Scotland in 1847 Later he went to live in the US Alexander Bell was always interested in sound He wanted to be able to send sound through a wire He had a workshop in his house in America and did many experiments there

One day, while he was doing an experiment in his workshop, he was careless and spilt some burning liquid onto his clothes Talking into his telephone, Bell said: “Mr Watson, I want you to come over here immediately, please.” His assistant, Watson, was in another room far away from the workshop However, he heard Bell clearly on his own telephone Quickly, he ran to Bell’s workshop “Mr Bell, I heard every word you said!” Watson shouted excitedly Bell finally succeeded He had invented the first telephone Later other inventors made better ones

31 Which of these following is true?

A Bell invented the telephone in Scotland B.Bell was the owner of a workshop in his house in America C.Bell did only one experiment and he succeeded D.Bell discovered the telephone in 1847

32 Where did Bell settle down?

A In Scotland B In New Zealand C In the US D In the U.K 33 What did he have an interest in ?

A sound B.physics C.philosophy D.music


A.to give a request to his assistant B to express feelings through musical instruments C to hear his assistant’s voice D to send sound through a wire

35 What did other inventors later?

A.made telephones better B made telephones useless C made telephones disused D made telephones unpopular

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching



Lesson: Reading

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- read the passage for information of sea animals and plants and modern technology used to study it

II/ Language focus:

- Grammar: Conditional sentences (Type II)

- New words: words related to plants and animals of the sea

III/ Teaching aids: pictures and film

IV/ Procedure:

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm-upL: II.Pre-reading:

III.While-reading Task (5’)

- Showing a film about plants and animals of the sea?

- Which ocean does VN belong to?

- Tell some more plants and animals of the sea you know

- T explains new words: + gulf (n) (picture)

+ mystery (n) (translation) + starfish (n) (picture) + water current (n) Ex: Electric current + organism (n) + biodiversity (n)

- T instructs Ss to read these words

T asks Ssto read the text in silence and tasks that follow


T asks Ss to complete the sentences T gives key

1 tiny investigate

3 gulf Biodiversity samples

- Watching the film and saying what they have seen S-S: exercises with the pictures in Textbook

- Ss repeat new words and take notes

-Ss read silently


Task (5’)




T calls Ss to asks and answer 75%

2 By using modern devices

3 To investigate the seabed and bring samples of the marine lifeback to the surfacefor the further study

4 Provide a wide range of information, including watertemperature, depth and the undersea populations

5 They are those that live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish, those that

moveindepently of water currents and those that are carried along by the currents

6 Marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity were not maintained

-T asks Ss to summarize the text by filling each blank with a word or phrase given in the box three- quarters 2.mysterious

3 modern discoveries biodiversity huge

7 plants and animals closely connected Cues: food, environment tourism

-Ss work in pairs after scanning the text

Ss discuss the usefulness of the sea in our daily life


Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period:

Lesson: Speaking

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about some types of sea creatures and undersea life – as well as how to protect them and the environment in general

II/ Language focus:

- Grammar:

- New words: herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers

III/ Teaching aids: pictures

IV/ Procedure:

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’activities



III.While-speaking Task 2-3

- Showing pictures: + One: a beautiful beach + the other: a dirty one

- What you see in these pictures? - What should we to protect the sea? Task 1:

- T introduces some new words + herbicide (n)

+ pesticide (n) + fertilizer (n) +pollute(v) + dustbin(n)

- T asks Ss to read new words

- T asks Ss to put the actions in the order of importance and then say that we should or should not

Example : We should place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins

T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary


- T gives parts for topic: threats consequences and solutions

- Looking at the pictures and answering the questions

- Ss look through these sentences in Task to find out whether there are any new words or not

- Ss repeat new words - Work in pairs




- T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T calls Ss to present and comments

- T asks Ss to talk about or sentences about what they should and what they shouldn’t

- One of the Ss of each group presents his or her ideas - Ss work individually

- Learn new words


Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching



Lesson: Listening

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and understanding some information about whales

II Language focus:

- Grammar:

- New words: krill, migrate, mamal, The International Whaling Commission III Teaching aids: tape, cassette player

IV Procedure:

Stage/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



III.While- listening

- T uses a picture of a whale and asks: What you know about whales? - T gives new words:

+ krill(n) + migrate(v) + mammal(n)

+ The International Whaling Commission -T aks Ss to work in groups to discuss the questions:

+ Do you think whales are fish ? Why (not) ? +Why people keep hunting whales?

-T asks Ss to listen and repeat some words mammal blue whale Atlantic Pacific krill whaling migrate conservation Task 1:

- T lets Ss listen to the tape times -Key:

1.F 2.T T F 5.T Task 2:

- T lets Ss listen to the tape for specific information ( times)

- T calls other Ss to correct the answers

- Ss answer the question - Ss listen and repeat new words

- Pair work: Ss discuss the questions in Textbook

-Ss listen and repeat

- Ss work individually and Task

- Ss can compare with their partners

- Ss look through the questions before listening - Ss work individually and answer the questions


-IV.Post – listening V.Homework

1 The blue whale grows to 30 metres in length and over 200 tons in weight Because there is a lot of krill- their favourite food in cold waters

3 Cold water in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the North and the South Pacific are there favourite feeding grounds

4 Heavy hunting is the main reason for the decrease in whale population

5 They have asked the International whaling Commissionto stop most whaling

6 If we didn’t take any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever

T asks Ss to talk about whales , using the cues in textbook

Work in groups of four to talk about whales


Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period:

Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short passage about sea animals

II Language focus:

- Grammar:

- New words: words related to sperm whales and dolphins

III Teaching aids: work -sheets

IV Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities




- T gives some words, asking Ss to make sentences from the words related to the picture in the Textbook: sperm whales, fish, ocean, river, big, small

- T gives new words: + carnivore (n)

+ gestation (n) + entrapment (n) *Task 1:

- T makes some questions to help Ss finish the table

+Range and habitat: Where are sperm

whales?/ Where can sperm whales be found?/ Which ocean they prefer?

+ Size: Would you tell me the length and the weight of the male / female whale?

+ Feed habits: In your mind, whales are fish? + Offspring: How long is a gestation period?/ How about offspring?

+ Life span: How long / How many years can whales be?

+Special features: What are special features of sperm whales?

- Ss choose the words and make sentences to describe the picture

- Ss compare their work sheets




+ Conservation concerns: What are some tricks that people play on whales?

Why should people be concerned about endangered whales?

- T goes around class and helps Ss if necessary

*Task 2:

- T asks Ss to write a paragraph that describes the facts and features provided in the

table( textbook)

- T calls Ss to write their passages on the blackboard

- T corrects them by pointing out common mistakes

- Ss compare their worksheets

- Write something about animals you like

- Prepare next period

Date of preparing:


Date of teaching: Period

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - the final test

- remember the old lessons 7,

II Language focus: * Grammar:

* New words: relating to unit 7, 8

III Teaching aids: text book, map

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Activity 1:


- T asks Ss to listen what Sheila Brooks says about her village and decide true or false - Ss listens times


* Activity 2:

* Activity 3:

* Activity 4:

Home work:

- Ss gives the keys * Keys:


- T asks Ss to read the passage and answer the questions

- T helps Ss to find some new words - Ss answer

- T corrects * GRAMMAR:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of a verb in the box


1 have been, haven’t had haven’t given, have paid said

4 had taken

5 thought, would come told, have got


- Ss read the situation and look at the map - Ss writes the letter

- T goes round and gives help if necessary - Ss write their letter on the board

- T corrects

- Review all lessons from unit to unit

- read the passage and exercise in the text book - give the meaning of the new words

- work in pairs

- work in pairs

- remember the old grammar


Date of preparing:


Date of reviewing: Period

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to remember the knowledge from unit to unit

II Language focus: * Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: papers


Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period:

Lesson: Language focus

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Know how to pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds /iə/ // /ə/ in the words

and in the sentences

- Should + Conditional sentence type

III Teaching aids: A cassette


Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm-up II.Pronunciation Activity Activity III.Grammar and vocabulary

Activity (E.1)

Activity (E.2)

Activity (E.3)


A I E R O P H T U (poor, here, tour, pair, hear )

- T writes sounds on the board and asks Ss to listen and repeat

/iə/ // /ə/

- T reads once

- T asks Ss to listen and repeat

- T reads the words aloud and asks Ss listen and say the number of the sounds

- T reads the sentences once

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to read all the sentences and correct themselves

- T asks Ss some questions:

+ What should you before going to class?

+ What shouldn’t you when you have a cold?

 Should

- T asks Ss to as directed but Ss say “I think or I don’t think”

- T divides class into groups - Example:

1 I don’t think they should get married I think smoking should be banned

,especially in restaurant -T asks Ss to give the structure of

conditional sentence type - T writes down the board

If clause Main clause past subjunctive would +


Ex: If I were a bird , I would be a pigeon - T asks Ss to distinct conditional sentence

type and type

- T can give points for good work

- Students play a game by finding out meaningful words from some letters provided in the box

- Ss pronounce these words - Ss listen and repeat

- Ss find some words that have the same sounds

- Ss listen to and repeat - Ss pratise the sounds in sentences

-Ss answer questions and use “should” and


- Ss work in pair: one ask and other answers

S1: Liz needs a change What should she do? S2: She should go away for a few days

- Ss gives the structure of Conditional sentence type


blackboard to write the answers

- Do exercises of language focus in Workbook

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period:

Lesson: Reading

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about the value of forests and nature conservation

II/ Language focus:

- Grammar: the passive voice

- New words: words relating to conservation

III/ Teaching aids: pictures and cassette


Stage Teacher’s activities Students’activities I.Warm-up



-T asks Ss some questions

+Can you tell me some environmental problems?

+What should we to solve these problems? +What is conservation?

T asks Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions ( page 104)

New words

variety(n) -> various(a) eliminate(v)

constant supply( of water)( translating) hydroelectric dam( picture)


ex: Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation

run- off(n)

ex: Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during dry season


-T reads the words aloud

T asks Ss to read the text in silence and task

*Task 1:

-T divides the class into groups of 10 -T delivers each group one piece of paper with phrase in column A written

- Column B in the extraboard - T corrects them

1.c 2.a d 4.b *Task 2:

- T asks Ss to read the text again and work in pairs

-T corrects

1 T T T T F 6.F *Task 3:

- T asks Ss to read the text once again and choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph

- Ss work in pairs

- Ss give the answer in front of the class

- Ss listen to and repeat

- Ss work in groups - Ss come to the board to match their paper with definition on the extraboard - Ss listen and write down

- Ss work in pairs

- Ss stand up and give the answer

- Ss work in pairs




A B.4 C.2

-T asks Ss to answer the questions in textbook

-T calls some pairs to check

T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about what we should / shouldn’t to protect our planet

- Ss work in pairs

- Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching


Period Lesson: Speaking

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the new kind of zoos and report on discussion results

II/ Language focus:

- Grammar:

- New words: sensitive, breed, gorilla, reconstruct

III/ Teaching aids: pictures, textbook


Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm-up:



- T shows a pictures of zoo and asks :

+Do you think the animals living in the zoo feel happy? Why?

+ Are they free? - T leads to Task

- T explains some new words in the paragraphs

* Task 1: sensitive(a) will(n)

reconstruct(v)-> construction(n) breed(v)

gorilla(n) T reads the words aloud

- T asks Ss to read the paragraphs and answer the questions

1 For what purpose are zoos of the new kink opened?

2 What are their main features?

*Task 2:

-T asks Ss to put a tick in the right box to show their agreement or disagreement Then share their ideas with a partner

- T can work with a partner

T: I think it would be better for animals if they live in the zoo of new kind because they may have better food

S: I agree with you

-T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

-T calls some pairs to practice and corrects *Task 3:

- T asks Ss to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind Use the cues in the textbook

-T can give Ss some questions

+ Is it cheap to reconstruct animals’ natural

-Ss look at the pictures and answer

- Ss listen to and repeat - Ss read the paragraphs in silence

- Ss work in pairs

1 They are opened to help endangered species develop The animals are not kept in cages They can live in their natural environment -Ss work in pairs

-Ss practice





+ Where can you see animals of various kinds , including wild ones.?

- T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

-T calls some Ss to check *Task 4:

-T asks Ss to make group reports - T calls some Ss to present

- Ask Ss to write a short passage about the zoo of the new kind

- Ss practice

- Ss stand up and present before the class

-Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period Lesson: Listening

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand and get some information about a forest fire

II Language focus:

- Grammar: - New words:

III Teaching aids: tape, cassette player


Stage/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm-up:


III.While- listening:

IV.Post – listening:


-T shows Ss some pictures of forest fire and asks :

+ What you see in the picture?

-T asks Ss to talk about what may cause a forest fire

- T can give some questions if necessary : + Do you often go camping in the forest? + Is it dangerous when making a campfire in the forest?

+ Can you tell me some causes of forest fire? -T asks Ss to listen and repeat

forest campfire valuable forester destroy awful


T asks Ss to scan the sentences in Task before listening

-T plays the tape twice - T asks Ss for their answers

T plays the tape once again and corrects Key: 3-2-5-1-4

*Task 2:

-T asks Ss to read the sentences before listening

-T plays the tape twice - T asks for Ss’ feedback

- T plays the tape again and corrects Key: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T F

*Task 3:

-T asks Ss to listen again and tick the sentences they hear

-T plays the tape( times) - T corrects

Key: a b 3.a

-T asks Ss to say how a forest fire may star and what every camper ought to remember - T gives some questions if necessary - T calls some pairs to practice

T asks Ss to write a short passage about causes of a forest fire

- Ss look at the pictures and answer

-Ss listen and answer

Ss listen and repeat in chorus

- Ss work in groups -Ss answer

-Ss read the sentences quickly

- Ss listen and number the events in the order

-Ss listen again -Ss answer

-Ss work in pairs


Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 10: CONSERVATION

Period Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of invitation

II Language focus:

- Grammar: Some expressions are often used in the letters of invitation:

+ Let’s +Why don’t you ? + Would you like ? +Do you feel like ? + Can you ? + How about you ?

+ Shall we ? + Are you free ? - New words:


IV Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities




- T divides the class into groups - T gives each group with 18 letters (I,I,T,T,E,V,A,T,O,N,O,L,F,E,T,I,N,R)

- T asks Ss to rearrange them into the meaning words

- T gives key:


- T asks Ss some questions to lead into the new lesson:

+ Have you ever written / received a letter of invitation?

+ What are some expressions often used in a letter of invitation?


T directs Ss to Task and asks Ss to work in pairs

- T calls some pairs to check their results - T corrects

1.c f/h 3.a 4.g/d h/f 6.d/g 7.e 8.b

- T asks Ss to look at the finished sentences and make a remark on the form of the verbs following the expressions:

*Let’s + bare-infinitive

* Why don’t you + bare-infinitive * Would you like + to- infinitive * Do you feel like + V- ing *Can you + bare – infinitive * How about + V-ing

* Shall we + bare- infinitive * Are you free + to- infinitive

- T asks Ss to use expressions to fill in the blanks in the invitation letters in Task *Task 2:

-T asks Ss to skim over Task2 and look for the new words before doing

-T explains some new words if necessary - T asks Ss to works in groups

-Ss play a game

The winner will be the one who is the first giving the answer

-Ss work individually

-Ss work in pairs

-Ss practise in pairs

- Ss look at quickly and answer

-Ss write them down in their notebooks

-Ss read quickly




- T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T calls Ss to ask for their results Key:

1 Would you like/ Are you free Would you like / Are you free Can you ; Why don’t we / Shall we

*Task 3:

-T asks Ss to read the cues carefully and reminds them of the tenses and some expressions used in a letter of invitation -T asks Ss to work in groups

-T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T calls Ss to bring their extra- boards - T corrects

- T asks Ss to rewrite their letter of invitation down the notebooks

-Ss work in groups

-Ss report the results

-Ss work in groups

- Ss write the letter down the extra –boards

-Ss present their letter of invitation

- Ss write down their notebooks after they are corrected

- Ss prepare at home: +Language focus

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 10: CONSERVATION

Period Lesson: Language focus

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- know how to pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds / b / / p / in the words and in the sentences

- use the passive voice

II Languge focus: -Pronunciation /b/ , /p/

-Grammar: The passive voice



IV Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm-up: (5’)


Pronunciation: (15’)

Activity 1

Activity 2

III.Grammar and


- T writes the sentences on the board

1 Bernie brought a big breakfast back to the bed

2 Pat put purple paint in the pool

- T underlines the sounds and asks Ss to read the example and say what sounds are


-T leads into the lesson *Listen and repeat:

- T writes two sounds: / b /, / p / on the board

- T reads the model sounds

- T reads the words in the textbook - T guides Ss to read

- T asks Ss to close the books

- T reads and asks Ss to find out the sounds *Practise these sentences:

- T reads all the sentences

- T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress

- T asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds / b /, / p /

- T checks the result


The passive voice:

- T shows a picture and asks -“What does the cat do?”

- T asks Ss to change this sentence into passive voice

- T asks Ss to remind of the formation and the usage of the passive voice

- T write down the board *Exercise :

-T asks Ss to choose the right form of the verbs in brackets

-Ss close the books

-Ss read and say the sounds

- Ss open their books

- Ss repeat in chorus then individually

- Ss work in groups

- Ss read individually - Ss work in pairs

- Ss find out the sounds by writing them on the board

-One student answers -“ The cat catches the mouse”

->The mouse is caught by the cat

-Ss stand up and remind


IV.Homework: (3’)

-T checks the result *Exercise :

-T asks Ss to put the verbs in brackets in the correct form

- T goes around the class and helps if necessary

- T calls some Ss to write down the board and corrects


1 came ,had started-were

2 is standing- is being photographed Have been told

4 was being laid, decided Will be planted *Exercise :

-T asks Ss to fill each blank with a correct form of the verb in the box

- T goes around the class and helps if necessary

-T check the result * Exercise:

Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them

1 This room has been used by nobody for ages

2 The article was written yesterday by my brother

3 Is beef eaten by people in India?

4 The chickens often are fed twice a day

-Ss work individually Ss write down the board

-Ss read the result

-Ss work in pairs

- Ss compare the result with a partner

-Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS

Period Lesson: Reading

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- understand and know more about some national parks in the as well as in Vietnam

II/ Language focus:

- Grammar:

- New words: words relating to national parks

III/ Teaching aids: pictures and cassette


Stage Teacher’s activities Students’activities I.Warm-up: (5’) II.Pre-reading: (10’) III.While-reading: (12’)

-T shows Ss some pictures and asks : +What can you see in these pictures? +Where can they live together? in the mountain or in the national park? -T leads into the new lesson -T asks Ss some questions:

1 Have you ever been to a national park? Can you name some of the national parks in Vietnam and in the world?

3 What trees and animals can you see in a national park?

* New words: - national park(n) - to locate (v)

Ex: The hotel is located on the top of a hill - butterfly(n)

- to recognise (v) - contamination(n)

-T reads the words aloud - T plays the tape

-T asks Ss to read the text in silence and tasks

*Task 1:

-T asks Ss to work in pairs to find the word in the passages that best suits each of the definitions

-T checks the results - T corrects them

1 establish 2.contain species survival sub-tropical

6.contamination * Task :

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in the textbook

- T goes around the class and help Ss if necessary

- T calls some pairs to check * Key:

1.200 square km

- Ss look at the pictures and answer

+ I/ We can see tree , plants, animals, mountains , caves + They live together in the national park

- Ss work in pairs

- Ss give the answer in front of the class

- survival(n) - orphan(v) - abandon(v) - sub-tropical(a) - toxic(a)

- Ss listen to and repeat - Ss listen to the tape - Ss read the text in silence - Ss work in pairs

- Ss come to the board to match their paper with

definition on the extra-board - Ss listen and write down - Ss work in pairs

- Ss stand up and give the answer


IV.Post-reading: (15’)

V.Homework: (3’)

2 Because the rainy season is over

3 They can learn about the habits of animals and how one species is dependent upon another for survival

4 In the Orphanage, orphaned and / or abandoned animals are taken care of Everglades National Park is endangered because of the toxic levels of chemicals in the water

6 I f more chemicals are released into the water, plants and animals will die/ will be killed/ destroyed

- T asks Ss

“ Which of the three national parks would you like to visit most ? Why?”

- T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

-T calls some Ss to present

-T asks Ss to summarize the main idea of each passage and prepare Unit 11(cont) speaking

- Ss practice in pairs

- Ss discuss in groups

One of each group present before the class

- Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS

Period: Lesson: Speaking

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - talk about an excursion

II/ Language focus:

* Grammar: Conditional sentence type * New words:

III/ Teaching aids: pictures, textbook


Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm-up:


II.Pre-speaking: (10’)

III While-speaking: (12’)

IV Post-speaking: (15’)

- T shows a pictures of landscapes in Vietnam(Dalat , Nha Trang, ) and asks : +What should you bring if you make an excursion here?

-T explains some new words +food poisoning (n)


- T reviews of conditional sentence type - T leads to Task

- T asks Ss to combine the things in column A with the corresponding consequences in column B and read out the sentences

- Example: They went to Huong Pagoda by coach and most of them got carsick

-T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T checks the results * Key:

1.f 2.e 3.h g 5.b 6.c a 8.d * Task 2:

-T asks Ss to read the request of Task to understand the situation, then using

conditional sentence type to say

Ex: If we hadn’t gone by coach , we wouldn’t have got carsick

If we had gone by bike, we wouldn’t have got carsick

- T calls some Ss to check - T corrects

* Task 3:

-T asks Ss to work with a partner to tell her/ him about their class’ excursion to Huong Pagoda and express their regrets about what they did or did not during the excursion Ex:

A: We went to Huong Pagoda by coach and most of us got carsick

-Ss look at the pictures and answer

- Ss work in groups

-Ss practise

-Ss work in groups


V.Homework: (3’)

B: If we hadn’t gone by coach , we wouldn’t have got carsick

-T calls some Ss to present before the class - T asks Ss to write sentences to talk about what they regret not doing in the past

- T summaries the main points

- T asks Ss to the extra exercise at home

-Ss stand up and present before the class

-Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching


Period: Lesson: Listening

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- listen to some special features of Cuc Phuong National Park

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: ethnic, minority, flora, fauna, attack, enemy

III Teaching aids: tape, cassette player


Stage/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm-up:


II.Pre-listening: (10’)

III.While- listening:


IV.Post – listening:(10’)

-T asks Ss to work in groups to match the pictures with the correct provinces

*Cat Ba +Hai Phong *Cuc Phuong +Ninh Binh *Bach Ma +Hue

*U Minh + Ca Mau

-T asks Ss to work in groups to answer the questions in the textbook

- T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T presents some new words

+ threatened and endangered species + ethnic minority

+flora +fauna +attack +enemy

- T reads the words aloud

- T asks Ss to explain the meaning of the words

* Task 1:

-T plays the tape the first time -T plays the tape the second time

-T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

-T plays the tape once again and checks the results

* Key :

1 1960

2 160 km south west of 100.000 visitors about 2.000 ; 450 surprise attack

* Task 2:

- T asks Ss to listen to the tape twice and answer the questions in tne textbook - T checks

- T gives the key after playing the tape once

- Ss look at the pictures and answer

-Ss work in groups

-Ss listen and repeat in chorus

- Ss give the meaning of the words

-Ss listen to and fill in the missing in

-Ss at home

- Ss listen to and fill in the missing information





* Key:

1.It belongs to provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa

2 It is about 160 km

3 They come there tosee the work being done to protect endangered species

4 Nguyen Hue defeated the Qing invaders in the spring of 1789

5 They live mainly on bee keeping and farming

-T asks Ss to work in groups to talk about the features of Cuc Phuong National Park

- T summaries the main points

- T asks Ss to the extra exercise at home.

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS

Period Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - write a letter of invitation

II Language focus:


+ Shall we ? + Are you free ? - New words:

III Teaching aids: Extra board

IV Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm-up: (7’)

II.Pre-writing: (10’)



- T divides the class into groups - T gives each group with 18 letters (I,I,T,T,E,V,A,T,O,N,O,L,F,E,T,I,N,R)

- T asks Ss to rearrange them into the meaning words

- T gives key:


- T asks Ss some questions to lead into the new lesson:

+ Have you ever written / received a letter of invitation?

+ What are some expressions often used in a letter of invitation?

* Task 1:

T directs Ss to Task and asks Ss to work in pairs

- T calls some pairs to check their results - T corrects

1.c f/h 3.a 4.g/d h/f 6.d/g 7.e 8.b

- T asks Ss to look at the finished sentences and make a remark on the form of the verbs following the expressions.:

*Let’s + bare-infinitive

* Why don’t you + bare-infinitive * Would you like + to- infinitive * Do you feel like + V- ing *Can you + bare – infinitive * How about + V-ing

* Shall we + bare- infinitive * Are you free + to- infinitive

- T asks Ss to use expressions to fill in the blanks in the invitation letters in Task

-Ss play a game

The winner will be the one who is the first giving the answer

-Ss work individually

-Ss work in pairs -Ss practise in pairs

- Ss look at quickly and answer



V.Homework: (3’

* Task 2:

-T asks Ss to skim over Task2 and look for the new words before doing

-T explains some new words if necessary - T asks Ss to works in groups

- T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T calls Ss to ask for their results Key:

5 Would you like/ Are you free Would you like / Are you free Can you ; Why don’t we / Shall we * Task 3:

-T asks Ss to read the cues carefully and reminds them of the tenses and some expressions used in a letter of invitation -T asks Ss to work in groups

-T goes around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- T calls Ss to bring their extra- board.s - T corrects

- T asks Ss to rewrite their letter of invitation down the notebooks

-Ss read quickly

-Ss look for the new words -Ss work in groups

-Ss report the results

-Ss work in groups

- Ss write the letter down the extra –boards

-Ss present their letter of invitation

- Ss write down their notebooks after they are corrected

- Ss prepare at home: +Language focus

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching


Period Lesson: Language focus

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- know how to pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds / b / / p / in the words and in the sentences

- use the passive voice

II Languge focus: -Pronunciation /t/ , /d/



Teaching aids: A cassette, textbook.

IV Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm-up: (5’)


Pronunciation: (15’)

Activity 1

Activity 2

III.Grammar and


- T writes the sentences on the board

1 Bernie brought a big breakfast back to the bed

2 Pat put purple paint in the pool

- T underlines the sounds and asks Ss to read the example and say what sounds are


-T leads into the lesson *Listen and repeat:

- T writes two sounds: / t /, /d / on the board - T reads the model sounds

- T reads the words in the textbook - T guides Ss to read

- T asks Ss to close the books

- T reads and asks Ss to find out the sounds *Practise these sentences:

- T reads all the sentences

- T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress

- T asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds / t/, /d/

- T checks the result *

The passive voice:

- T shows a picture and asks -“What does the cat do?”

- T asks Ss to change this sentence into passive voice

- T asks Ss to remind of the formation and the usage of the passive voice

- T write down the board *Exercise :

-T asks Ss to choose the right form of the verbs in brackets

-T checks the result

-Ss close the books

-Ss read and say the sounds

- Ss open their books

- Ss repeat in chorus then individually

- Ss work in groups

- Ss read individually - Ss work in pairs

- Ss find out the sounds by writing them on the board

-One student answers -“ The cat catches the mouse”

->The mouse is caught by the cat

-Ss stand up and remind


IV.Homework: (3’)

*Exercise :

-T asks Ss to put the verbs in brackets in the correct form

- T goes around the class and helps if necessary

- T calls some Ss to write down the board and corrects


1 came ,had started-were

2 is standing- is being photographed Have been told

4 was being laid, decided Will be planted *Exercise :

-T asks Ss to fill each blank with a correct form of the verb in the box

- T goes around the class and helps if necessary

-T check the result * Exercise:

Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them

1 This room has been used by nobody for ages

2 The article was written yesterday by my brother

3 Is beef eaten by people in India?

4 The chickens often are fed twice a day

-Ss work individually Ss write down the board

-Ss read the result

-Ss work in pairs

- Ss compare the result with a partner

-Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 12: MUSIC

Period Lesson: Reading

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- understand the passage and have an adequate understanding about music

II/ Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: words related to music

III/ Teaching aids: pictures and cassette


Stage Teacher’s activities Students’activities I.Warm-up: (7’) II.Pre-reading: (10’) III.While-reading: (15’)

- T lets the Ss listen to the tape and asks them questions:

1 What have you just listened to?

2 What kind of music are you listening to? Name some kinds of music as you know

* Activity 1:

- T ask Ss to discuss and match each of the descriptions to a tape of music


Rock’ll roll Classical music Folk

* Activity 2:

-T asks Ss to put the name of the music they hear in the blank

1 ………… is traditional songs of a country

2 ………… is a style of music with a strong and loud beat

3 ………… is a modern music that a popular with the youth

4……… is serious and traditional Western European music

* Activity 3:

- T asks Ss to open the book, look at the pictures ans answer the questions about them What kind of music does she play in the first picture?

2 What band in the second picture? What kind of music they play?

3 What kind of music you think they play in the third picture?

-T explains new words + emotion(n)

Ex : They expressed mixed emotions at the news


- Ss listen to the tape and may answer in variuos ways:

 music

 pop/folk/classical …


 traditioal music/ pop

music/ rock music/ jazz … - Ss discuss in groups and match descriptions in the correct order

 Baby one more time  Yesterday

 Turkish March (Mozart)  Ly Ngua O

- Ss read the sentences and put in each blank the name of music

1 Folk music Rock’n roll Pop

4 Classical

- Ss look at the pictures and name the kind of music from the pictures (pair work)

 It’s folk music

 It’s The Beatles, Rock’n

roll music

 It’s classical music

- Ss open the books, listen to the tape and read the text silently then the tasks that follow



V.Homework: (3’)

+integral part

Ex: Music is very much an integral part of our life

+ funeral (n) + solemn (a) +mournful(v) +lull(v) +delight(v)

- T asks Ss to open the books, listen to the tape and read the text silently then the tasks that follow

* Activity 1: (Task 1, page 125, text book) - T asks Ss to work in pairs to the task - T checks and corrects

* Activity 2:

- T asks Ss to read the text, then answer the questions

- T checks and corrects

- T asks Ss to reread the text then answer the questions

- T checks and corrects

- T divides class into groups of four

- T asks groups to talk their options about the roles of music

- T goes around and helps ans asks each group to display in front of class

- T checks and corrects

- T asks Ss to the exercise in the workbook (Ex 12)

- T explain how to the exercise

- Ss work in pairs

- Ss work in pairs

- Ss work in groups of four

- Ss present

- Ss write it out

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN Date of teaching: Unit 12: MUSIC

Period Lesson: Speaking

I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -ask and answer about music

-talk about favourite kinds of music

II/ Language focus:

* Grammar:

*New words: words related to music


IV/ Procedure:

Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm-up: (7’)

II.Pre-speaking: (10’)

III.While-speaking: (15’)

- T uses picture in the textbook, asks Ss to look at it and try to answer some questions * Questions:

1 What’s her name? What is she doing?

3 Does she listen to music when she go to school?

4 Why does she like music so much?

To understand why she likes it so much, we come to the new lesson OK!

* TASK 1: (in book)

Before reading, T asks Ss to underline some * New words:

- keep me happy - are easy to listen to - cheer me up

- have the radio on

- Reading loudly and correctly

- T asks Ss to look at the book and thrill exercise

-T listens and corrects She likes pop music

2 Because it keeps her happy The Backs Street Boys All the time

T asks Ss to close their books and who can speak to what Ha Auto say about music Listens and gives mark

* TASK 2:

-Using an extraboard -Expaining it

- Goes around and helps Ss to (if necessary)

Prepare: + rousing + lyrical

+ serene and peaceful + pleasant

-Ss answer

- Ss answer correctly or not

- Ss underline them in their textbook

- Ss listen to the T - Ss read in silence - Ss work in pairs

- Ss listen to her/him


IV.Post- speaking: (10’)

V.Homework: (3’)

- help S.O forget troubles - make S.O excited

- make S.O feed relaxed

- T asks Ss to write their names on their papers

* TASK 3:

Now report what you have found out your partners

- T takes any drill s and practice

Model: Both Lan and Nga like classiacal music They like it becauseit is relating Or Ba likes pop music but Nam prefers Rock - T changes group into groups ……… - T asks Ss to practice speaking

- T asks Ss any some questions to check the result of Ss

Example: Does Ha like Pop music? - Learn Vocabulary, structures by heart - Practice speaking by using V, S in this period

- Ss practise speaking

- Ss answer

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN Date of teaching: Unit 12: MUSIC

Period Lesson: Listening

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- listen to the information about Van Cao’s life and occupation

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: words related to music

III Teaching aids: tape, cassette player


Stage/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm-up:


II.Pre-listening: (10’)

III.While- listening:(15’)

IV.Post – listening:(10’)

-T has Ss listen to a short song which was written by Van Cao

-T has Ss guess who the composer was

-T has Ss look at the picture or Van Cao and asks some questions

a) Who is in the picture?

b) What you know about him? c) Where and when was he born? d) Is he still alive?

e) When did he die?

- T gives some words (adjectives) related to Van Cao music

sweet and gentle rousing exciting, lyrical boring solemn

-T has Ss look at the text book and then answer the question below

Which of these songs were written by him?

* Task 1:

-T introduces the situation of the task -T has Ss listen and then decide whether the statements are True(T) or False(F)

-T plays the tape times (T may stop the tape when necessary)

-T asks Ss to choose “T” of “F” statement -T helps Ss to choose the correct statement

* Task 2:

-T asks Ss to listen the tape again then answer the questions

1 What is the name of the radio programme Which song by Van Cao does Quang Hung like most?

3 Why does Quang Hung like it?

-T has Ss work in group of four to discuss Quang Hung’s ideas about Van Cao’s music -T asks Ss to answer the questions

1 What does Quang Hung think about Van Cao?

- Ss listen a song - Ss answer -Ss work in pairs

-Ss listen to the tape - Ss answer

-Ss work in pairs -Ss correct their work




2 What does he when he listen to Tirn Quan Ca?

3 Do you agree os disagree with him ? - T summaries the main points

- T asks Ss to the extra exercise at home

- Ss work in groups

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN Date of teaching

: Unit 12: MUSIC

Period Lesson: Writing

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- write about the life story of a famous person, write about the life story of a famous American musician and a famous Vietnamese musician

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: words related to music


IV Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm-up: (7’)

II Pre-writing: (10’)


While-writing: (15’)


Post T has Ss listen to a short English song then asks Ss to answer the questions

1 Do you know who the singer is? Where does he/she live?

-T shows a picture of Scott Joplin and asks questions

1 Who is he?

2 Do you know any information about him? -T has Ss learn new words

* New words:

+composer(n) -> compose(v) + artistic work

+ musical black family + wonderful mixture +tune(n)

+rag * Task 1:

- T has Ss work in pairs Use the prompts below to make up complete sentences about Scott Joplin

Eg Scott / born / Texas / 1886 / poor / but musical black family

Scott was born in Texas in 1886 into a poor but musical black family

-T has Ss the exercise in the text book -T checks the results by asking some pairs of students

* Key:

1 He learned to play the guitar when he was very young

2 He learned to play the works of composers like Back, Beethoven, Mozart as well as to compose music

3 He quickly became famous

4 His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and African

* Task 2:

-Ss listen to music and answer

-Ss answer

- write it on the notebook

-Ss work in pairs


Writing: (10’)


Homework: (3’)

-T asks Ss to write about the life story of Van Cao

-Before Ss Task 2, T asks them to answer the questions

1.When and where was he born? 2.How was his family?

3.When did he compose music?

4.When did he compose his first song?

5.When did he compose Vietnamese national anthem Tien Quan Ca?

6.What are his artistic works? 7.When did he die?

-T asks Ss to write the answers into passage -T checks the results and corrects their exercises

-T asks Ss write a life story of a famous musician (about 50 words)

-Ss answer

- Ss work in groups

- Ss at home

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN Date of teaching

: Unit 12: MUSIC

Period Lesson: Language focus

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish the sounds /s/ and /z/

- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

- used to + infinitive to express purposes and make WH-questions appropriately

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to music


IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up(2’)


Pronunciation: (15’)

III Grammar: (13’)


* pronuncing the two sounds separately. - T models the two sounds twice or three times

- T pronounces the sounds and asks Ss to repeat

- Ss practise pronouncing the sounds in chorus and individually

- T gives feedback

* pronouncing words containing the sounds.

- T reads the words in each column all at once and Ss repeat them

- T asks some Ss to pronounce the words and corrects if necessary

* read the sentences with words containing the sounds

* To-infinitive to express purposes a Presentation:

- T writes some sentences on the board and underline the to-infinitive

Ex: I get up early every morning to cook breakfast for my family

Women should eat a lot of fruit to stay young and beautiful

- T asks Ss to comment on the use of to-inf in these examples

- T tells Ss that in these sentences to –inf are used to express purposes

- T asks Ss to gives some similar examples b Practice: Do exercise 1&2

- T reminds them to provide a suitable verb for each of the sentences

- T asks Ss to the exercises individually and then compare their answers with another st

- T gives correct answers

*Key: Ex1 1.to tell her the good news

- work in the whole class, pairs and individual

- work in the whole class,pairs and individual



Presentation: (15’)

V Home work: (3’)

2.to buy a cassette player 3.to win the singing contest 4.to sing French songs 5.to set a good example for the class c.Production:

- T shows Ss some pictures and ask them to make sentences using to + inf to express purposes

Ex: The girl is diving to watch a dolphin a.Wh-questions:

- T calls on some Ss to make up some Wh-questions and writes them on the board - T elicits question words and how to make wh-questions from Ss

+ When? Time + Where? Place + Who? Person + Why? Reason + How? Manner + What? Object/Idea b.Practice: exercise 3

- T asks Ss to exercise and asks Ss to compare answers with another pair

- T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers

- T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct. c.Production:

- T asks Ss to work in pairs Asks Ss with example:

+ Are there a lot of pupils in the classroom? + How many children are there?

+ What are you doing?

- T summaries the main points.- T asks Ss to do the extra exercise at home.

- work in the whole class 1.What will you if it rains?

2.What sort of music does your father enjoy listening to?

3.When did he leave for H.C?

4.Who wants to talk to you? 5.How did you spend the evening last night?

6.When does the film start? 7.Who is your favourite musician?

8.Why you like pop music?

- work in the whole class Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA

Period Lesson: Reading

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as skimming for main ideas, summarizing main ideas, scannning for specific ideas, and guessing meaning in context

II Language focus:

* Grammar: use the grammatical structure “It was not until …that …” * New words: relating to the cinema vocabulary such as: silent films, screen, character and so on in order to read and talk about the topic


IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up(5’)

II Pre- reading: (7’)

III While-reading(7’)

- T gives some pictures that about cinema, T asks Ss to guess and to answer

1 What you see in the photos? Have you ever been here? Why people come here? - T leads the new lesson

- T draws this network on the board and elicits cinema vocabulary from Ss, for example:

- T makes sure Ss understand the meaning of these words and teaches their pronunciation, if necessary

- T guides Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs (see books p.132)

* Vocabulary:

- motion (n):the act of moving

- set st in motion: move st - replace (v): - still (a): silent - audience(n): viewers - spread (v):to extend over a place

* Structure:

It was not until TIME that CLAUSE Not … before * Task 1:instruction (silently)

- T gets Ss to read the passage individually - After checking that Ss have finished reading the passage, T instructs Ss to task

- First Ss should the definitions provide in the task to identify each definition

- Then Ss should go back to the passage and find the suitable words to fill the table

* Task 2:

- work in the whole class, and individual

4 What kind of film is it? What film did you see? …

- work in the whole class and in pairs

- work individual and pairs and the whole class

* Answer:

1.cinema 2.sequence 3.decade 4.rapidly 5.scene 6.character




IV Post-reading: (10’)

V Home work: (3’)

- T instructs Ss to use some strategies to the task

- First Ss should read the questions to understand them and to underline the key word

- T asks Ss to discuss their answers and to present them in front of the class

* Task 3:

- T asks Ss to read the passage again and to find the main idea.(should read the first or last

sentence to decide it)

- T asks Ss to work in groups and talk about the history of cinema, using the dates

19th century History of cinema began 1905 Films were about 5-10’ long 1910s The first long filmd were made 1915 Films became even longer and 1920s Sound was introduced and old

silent films were replaced by - T goes around offering help

- T calls on some Ss to speak and gives them feedback

- T summaries the main points

-T asks Ss to write a summary of the passage using the notes taken for the After You read task

(line 1)

2.At that time …the feeling of movement.(line 2-3)

3.No,they didn’t.(line 5,13-5) 4.In the early 1910s (line 9) 5.At the end of the 1920s (line 14)

6.The music cinema(line 17) * Answer: B

- work in groups

(longer than early films which lasted only minute) (better.Cinemas were first built)

the spoken ones)

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching


Period Lesson: Speaking

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- ask and answer the questions about the plot of the film based on prompts - tell what kind of film they like and they dislike

- express their opinions about films, using attitudinal adjectives

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the films

III Teaching aids: text book, handouts, some films posters, chalks


Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’activities I Warm up:


II Pre- speaking: (7’)

III While-speaking:(10’)

- T divides the class into or groups - T sticks the following film posters on the board or on the walls

- T can print it out and give the copies and ask Ss to match the films with the correct types

Type Film Science fiction film

Cartoon film Horror film Detective film Thriller

Romantic comedy War film

Action film

- T can also asks Ss if they have seen these films and if they know the Vnese

* Task 1:

- T asks Ss to study the table on p.134 and tick the boxes that suit their preferences for a particular type of films

- T calls on some Ss to report their likes and dislikes and the number of friends who have the same tastes as them

* Task 2:

- T gets Ss to brainstorm all the adjectives that can be used to describe films: interesting, exciting, fascinating, amusing, boring,


- Then T asks Ss to look at the adjectives - T elicits the expressions of agreement and disagreement

Agreement Disagreement I agree

Yes, exactly Right!

I don’t think so Yes but…

Do you think so?

- work in the whole class and work in groups

- work individually



IV Post-speaking(10’)

V Home work: (3’)

Sure! You can be serious!

You must be kidding! - T calls on some Ss to read the model conversation in the text book

- T takes note of their errors if any and corrects them after that

* Task 3:

- T introduces the structure “prefer sth to sth” which can be used to talk about one’s


- T calls on Ss to read the model

conversation in the text book and T gives corrects if necessary

* Task 4:

- T instructs Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer questions about a film that they have seen, using the suggestions given in the text book T asks Ss to take notes of their friend’s story

- T goes around offering help

- T calls on some Ss to report their friend’s story While Ss speak, T takes note of their errors if any and corrects them after that - T summaries the main points of the lesson - T asks Ss to make sentences with new words and structures at home

- work in pairs

- work in pairs

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching


Period Lesson: Listening

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information, taking notes while listening and summarizing main ideas

II Language focus:

* Grammar: * New words:

III Teaching aids: text book, cassettes tapes, chalks

IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



II Pre- listening: (7’)

III While-listening:


- T divides the class into big groups: A and B

- T reads out the questions and leads the game What is the name of the main female

character in “Titanic”?

2 Who played the main female character? What is the name of the main male character?

4 Who played the main male character? What is the theme song for “Titanic”? Who sang this song in the movie? In what year did “Titanic” come to the theatre?

8 How many awards did it have?

- T gets Ss to add up the points for each group and announces the winner

- T asks Ss to look at the table on page 136 and goes over the points together with the whole class by asking questions such as: ”How often you go to the cinema?” “How often you watch TV?”

“How about listening to the radio?”

- T then sets the scene ”You are going to listen to two friends, Lan and Huong talking about their plans for next week.”

- T then asks Ss to look at the picture in Task and predict the content of the conversation T should elicit by asking questions like:

“What can you see in the picture?”

“What you think they may want to do?” “What film may they want to see?”

- T then introduces the new words that will appear in the listening passage

- T gives the meaning of these words from Ss and correct if necessary

- T plays the tape, asking Ss to listen to how the words are pronounced and repeat after the tape

* Task 1:

- T tells Ss that they are going to listen to the tape and verify their prediction

- T plays the tape once for Ss to listen

* Answer: 1.Rose

2.Kate Winslet 3.Jack

4.Leonardo DiCarprio 5.”My heart will go on” 6.Celine Dion

7.1997 8.11 awards

- work in the whole class




IV Post-listening(10’) V Home work: (3’)

- T calls on a S to answer the question in the text book

- T gives the correct answer

+ Answer: They’re planning to go to see the “Titanic”

* Task 2:

- T introduces the task Lan and Huong’s plans for next week on the calendar

-T asks Ss to check their answers with a partner

- T calls on some Ss to present their answers - T provides correct answers

Lan Huong

Mon See a play

Tue Work and go to

Wed The singing club

Thu Visit grandparents

Fri Study Chinese

Sat Work (busy)

Sun Go on a picnic

* Task 3:

- T asks the whole class what day Lan and Huong can meet T should call Ss to explain their answers. + Answer: Tuesday(because they are both free on Tuesday)

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and to summarize the conversation between girls.

- Roleplay, T calls on some Ss to perform in front of the class and gives feedback.

- work in pairs, work individual and work in the whole class

- work in pairs

- summarizes the main points

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA

Period Lesson: Writing

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- write a descriptive paragraph about a film they have seen, based on prompts

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the films

III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, handouts, chalks

IV Procedure:


I Warm up(7’)

II Pre- writing: (10’)

III While-writing(20’)

- T asks Ss to answer the questions about the film ”Titanic”:

What you know about Titanic?

- T corrects and explains it in front of the class 1.large luxury liner 2.famous 3.sink

4.iceberg 5.lovers 6.many people died - Lead to the new lesson

* Task 1:Working with the model:

- T introduces the task and draws this table of summary on the board

1.Title? 2.Type? 3.Plot?

4.Filming place? 5.Based on?

6.Main characters?

- T asks Ss to read the text about the film “Titanic” individually for minutes and then find to answer the questions and complete the table of summary together, for example:


2.Love story film

3.A tragic story of love and the sinking of a luxury ship in the Atlantic Ocean, causing more than 1,000 people to die, including the main male character


5.The true story of the Titanic disaster in 1912 6.Jack:young and generous adventure, who died in the disaster

- T checks the answers with the whole class * Task 2:

- T asks Ss to spend minutes gathering and organizing ideas for their paragraph, using the table above

- Then T instructs Ss to write their paragraph for 10 minutes

- T asks Ss to exchange their paragraphs with a partner and in pairs check for each other T

- work groups and in the whole class

- work individual, work in pairs and in the whole class


IV Post-writing(5’) V Home work: (3’)

goes around helping and collecting typical errors

- Then T gives general comments on the paragraphs

- T summaries the main points

- Home work, T asks Ss to write the paragraph again, talking into consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and corrections

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA

Period Lesson: Language focus

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish the sounds /f/ and /v/

- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

- use attitudinal adjectives to describe films or to express their opinion about particular films - use structure “It was not until …that…” and articles “a/an/the” appropriately

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the films


IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I Warm up(3’)

II.Pronunciation (6’)

III.Vocabulary: (6’)

- T gives some real objects to introduce the words “face and vase”

- T: What is this? It’s face and vase Note: different meanings and different consonant sounds

- T leads the new lesson * Distinguishing sounds:

- T models the two sounds /f/ and /v/ for a few times,and guides Ss to read them - T asks Ss to read the words out aloud in chorus for a few more times.Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud - T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences

- T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors

* Exercise 1: A competiton game

- T introduces the exercise:Ss are to write the adjectival forms of the verbs given

1.fascinate … bore … excite … 7.surprise … terrify … 8.amuse … 4.irritate … 9.embarrass … 5.horrify … 10.frustrate … - T divides the class into two big groups and the board into parts accordingly - T leads Ss to count how many correct adjectives each groups gets The group with more correct answers will be the winner

- T may also want to tell Ss that there are two possible adjectival form for a verb, the-ing form and the- ed form T explains the difference between the two forms + the-ing form: has an active meaning + the –ed form: has a passive meaning

- work in the whole class

- work in pairs and individual

- work in groups and the whole class


IV.Grammar: (10’)


* Exercise 2:

- T introduces the exercise and asks Ss to read all the sentences through T explains new words if any

- T gets Ss to the exercise individually and goes around checking

- T calls on some Ss to write it on the board

1.depressing/depressed 3.boring/bored 2.interested/interesting

4.excited/exciting 5.exhausting/exhausted * Exercise 3:

- T elicits from Ss the form, meaning and use of the structure ”It was not until … that …”

Ex: It was not until last year that this school was built

It was not until I was 15 that I learned how to ride a bicycle

- T calls on some Ss to read out their answers

* Exercise 4:

- T elicits from Ss the form, meaning and use of the indefinite article “a/an/the” 1.A/An:

-a + singular countable noun beginning with a consonant (a dog, a bag)

- an + singular countable noun beginning with a vowel (an orange, an apple)

- we don’t use a/an together with another determiner.(my, this)

Note: we use “an” before a vowel (an hour),and we use “a” before a consonant (a university)


- the + singular countable noun - the + plural countable noun - the + uncountable noun

- work individual and work in the whole class

- work in the whole class - work individual

- work in pairs

1.It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher

2 …he was 30 that he knew how to swim

3…1980 that they began to …

- work in the whole class - work in pairs


V Home work: (3’)

- we don’t use “the” together with another determiner my, this)

Note: definite articles are used to refer for the things or people we have already mentioned or when it is clear from the situation which people or things we mean Ex: She’s got a boy and a girl The boy is years old and the girl is years old

- T gets Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with

- T checks with the whole class and check that Ss know why a particular type of article is used in a specific case

1 a the the an 5a 6a the the the 10 a 11 a 12 the 13 the 14 an 15 a

16 a 17 the 18 a

- T summaries the main points

- Ss review the attitudinal adjectives, the structure ‘it was not until … that …” and the article

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching: Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP

Period Lesson: Reading

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific information, intensive reading for details and guessing meaning in context

- use some football vocabulary and to read, talk about the topic

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to football (elimination, game, finalist, champion)


IV Procedure:

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: (5’)

II Pre- reading: (7’)

* An all-star football team: - T draws this table on the board:

Name Position

Captain Goalkeeper Defender Midfielder Forwards

- T asks Ss to guess the name or the picture and the position that they play

- T might want to provide Ss with the map so that they can visualise the positions more easily

- T can give the meaning of the new words + captain:doi truong + goalkeeper:thu mon + defender:hau ve + midfielder: tien ve + forward:tien dao

- T asks Ss to look at the photo at the bottom of page 142 and name the team in the photo and if possible,each player and his position in the team

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and to find the answers to the questions on page 142

- T checks with the whole class and then to ask similar questions about World Cup 2006 *Answers:

1.South Korea and Japan 2.Brazil 3.Germany

- T introduces the topic of the lesson and asks Ss what they know about the World Cup 1.“How often is the Wcup held?”

2”What is the name of the world’s organization that takes care of football?”

3.”How many teams play in the world cup?” *Note:FIFA stands for Federation International de Football Association in French language * Vocabulary:

- witness(v): to see →witness (n): the person

- work in groups and the whole class


III While-reading(6’)



who see an event or something happen - elimination game : tran dau loai

- continent (n):luc dia

-finalist(n)the team who goes to the final match - honoured title : danh hieu cao quy

- T asks Ss to read the new words and Ss read again

* Task 1:

- T writes thes words on the board:jointly,the globe,tournament,host nation,trophy

- T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings.Ss should guess the meanings of the words based on the contexts in which the words occur

- T asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some Ss to give and explain their answers

* Answer: 1b 2c 3a 4e 5d * Task 2:

- T introduces the task and instructs Ss some strategies to the task

+ First,Ss read through the five questions to work out what information they are to look for and underline the key words

+ Then,Ss go back to the passage and scan it until they see the first instance of the key words

- T asks Ss to this task individually and goes around to check and offer help if necessary

- T asks Ss to check the answers with a friend.Then T calls on some Ss to give and explain their answers

* Answer:

1.13(line 8) 2.32(line 13) 3.Argentina(line 10) 4.one(line 6) 5.26(lines 6-9: the fact that FIFA was set up in 1904 and in 1930 the first World Cup was help,so between 1930 & 1904 there were 26 years)

* Task 3:

- T asks Ss to repeat the process and skim the


IV Post-reading: (10’)

V Home work: (3’)

questions,underline the key words

- T asks Ss to the task individually and then check their answers with a friend

- T calls on some Ss to give and explain their answers.T gives corrective feedback


1.F (the first Wcup was help in 1930-line 8) 2.F (the Wcup is help every years-line 1-2) 3.T (line 7) 4.T (line 16-17) 5.F (Brazil has won,not played the Wcup times –line 17)

- T asks Ss to go back to the text and find out the events related to these figures, Ss might want to summarise their notes in a table as follows:

1904 FIFA was set up,first meeting

13 Number of teams playing in the first 1930 The first World Cup was help

17 17 World Cup tournaments up to 2002 32 Numbers of teams playing in the WC 2002 First time WC was played in Asia and

- T gets Ss to work in small groups of or and take turn to talk about the history of the WC,basing themselves on the notes.

- T goes around to check, help and take note of Ss’ typical errors and T calls on some Ss to talk and give feedback.

- summarizes the main points.

- Ss need to write a summary of the passage.

- work in pairs and in the whole class

World Cup

in the modern time hosted by two nations

- work in the whole class Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching

: Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP

Lesson 2:Speaking


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- use some football vocabulary to ask and answer about the World Cup and to talk about the World Cup winners

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the football

III Teaching aids: text book, handouts,posters,chalks


Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’activities I Warm up:(7’)

II Pre- speaking: (10’)

III While-speaking:(15’)

* A matching game: - T prepares posters of

English,French,German and Italian national football teams and sticks them on the board T also prepares a few flags

- T divides th class into or and introduces the games.Ss are to match these four national football teams with their flags

- T introduces the topicof the lesson * Task 1: A WC 2006 quiz

- T prepares some questions about football teams(English,French,Italian,German) and write each question on a different card

1 How many times has Italy won the trophy up to WC 2006?

2 Who was the captain of the French national football team in WC 2006?

3.What was the score of the WC 2006 final? 4.What place did Germany hold in WC 2006? 5.Who was the head coach of the German team in WC 2006?

6.What nationality was the top scorer in WC 2006?

7.Who was the captain of the English national football team in WC 2006?

8.Who beat England in the WC 2006 quarter final?

* Task 2:

- T makes sufficient copies of the cards for use in his/her class before the lesson

- T introduces the task and reads the model conversation on page 145 and write the model questions on the board

Where was the 1st WC help?

Which country hosted the 1st WC?

Which teams played in the final match?

Which teams were the finalists?

Which team became Which team won the

- work in the whole class and work in groups

- work in the whole class and work in groups

*Answer: 1.4 times

2.Zinedine Zidane

3.5-3 in favour of Italy( that was a penalty shootout after extra time finished in a 1-1 draw)

4.third(they beat Portugal3/1) 5.Jurgen Klinsmann

6.German(Miroslav Klose,he scored goals,becoming the top scorer of the tournment) 7.David Beckham

8.Portugal (by 3-1)


IV Post-speaking(10’)

V Home work: (3’)

the champion? trophy?Which team won the WC?

- T gets across to Ss that each member in a group now has a different piece of information and they have to share this information with the whole group

- T goes around checking and offering help - T calls on some groups to perform in front of the class

* Task 3:

- T introduces the task and T gets to read the model in the textbook

- Now Ss work in their former groups and take turn to talk about the WC winner in a certain year,basing themselves on the notes they have taken in Task

- T gives correct if necessary - T summaries the main points

- Ss write a paragraph about WC 2006 for the school’s sport magazine.Ss might use the information they have gained in Task

- work in the whole class and work in groups

- work in the whole class

Date of preparing: LESSON PLAN

Date of teaching

: Unit 14: THE WORLD CUP

Lesson 3:Listening


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

II Language focus:

* Grammar:

* New words: relating to the football

III Teaching aids: text book, handouts,chalks


Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’activities I Warm up: (7’)

II Pre- listening: (7’)

III While-listening:(10’)


- T gets Ss to look at the photos on page 147 of the textbook and name each player in the photos (1.Pele 2.Maradona 3.Zidane 4.Barthez 5.Beckham)

- T gets Ss to talk about these football stars by asking questions like “What you know about them?”,”Which one you like best?”, ”Why?”…

- T provides some information about the footballers if Ss don’t know them very well

- T introduces the topic: you are going to listen about the World’s most famous footballer,Pele - T gets Ss to look at the new words on page 147 of the textbook: goal-scorer, hero, ambassador, Brazil, kicking, retirement, promote, championship

- T plays the tape once for Ss to listen to how these words are said and then repeat after the tape

- T asks Ss to look at the words again and predict what they may hear about Pele * Answer:

Pele was a goal-scorer and a national hero of Brazil.He was very good at kicking and won many championship.After his retirement he became the ambassador for football to promote friendship and spirit of sport among the world’s nations …

* Task 1:

- T introduces the task and gets Ss to study the table before you listen

- T plays the tape once for Ss to listen and fill the table

- T checks the answers with the whole class * Task 2:

- T asks if Ss remember anything about Pele

- work in the whole class + Pele is a former Brazilian footballer

+Diego Maradona is a former Argentinian footballer

+ Zidane is a former French footballer

+ Barthez is a former French goalkeeper + David Beckham is an English footballer

- work in the whole class

Year Events

1940 Born in Brazil 1956 Joined a Brazilian

football club 1962 First world club


IV Post-speaking: (8’)

V Home work: (3’)

from the previous learning

- T encourages Ss to read through all the questions before listening and predict the answers

- T plays the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions

4.He became an international ambassador for football.He works to promote peace and

understanding through friendly sport activities - T gets Ss to work in pairs and talk about Pele - T goes around checking and offering help

1940 Born in Brazil

1956 Joined a Brazilian football club 1958 Participated first time in a WC

1962 Lead the team to win first world club championship,played in WC

1970 Played in WC

1974 1200th goal,became a national hero Before


Played for an American football club for years

1977 Retired,became an ambassador for f - T summaries the main points

- T asks Ss to write a paragraph of about 150 words about their favourite footballer

- work in pairs,individual 1.Pele was famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball

2.he participated in Wcs 3.He played for an

American football club before he retired

- work in pairs and the whole class

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 21:10


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