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When food production or imports (74) …… for any reason, famine may strike and thousands or millions of people may die.. Many famines have more than one cause.[r]



A Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence:

1 Employees who have a ……… are encouraged to discuss it with the management A hindrance B grievance C disadvantage D disturbance The police are ……… certain who the culprit is

A in some ways B more or less C here and there D by and by

3 Women’s participation ………… in the workforce was lower in the countries which had less-developed economies

A scale B speed C velocity D rate

4 Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ……… improvement in her condition

A decipherable B legible C discernible D intelligible

5 I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog but I must admit that I’ve hardly put ……… in the problem so far

A a dent B a foot C a brave face D damper From time to time he ………himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel

A craves B indulges C treats D benefits Men still expect their jobs to take _

A superiority B imposition C priority D seniority

8 According to a recent survey, most people are on good ……… with their neighbours A terms B relations C relationships D acquaintance The police have been ordered not to ……… if the students attack them

A combat B rebuff C retaliate D challenge

10 The police finally arrested the ……… criminal

A famous B renowned C respectable D notorious 11 Can he ……… his extraordinary behaviour?

A give a good explanation for B give for a good explanation C give a explanation good for D give a for good explanation

12 I don't think you can ……… them; they left two hours ago

A catch up with B run into

C catch up for D run after 13. _ the exam, he would have entered a college

A.If he should pass B Had he passed C Were he passed D If he passed 14 Archaeology is one of the most interesting scientific…

A divisions B disciplines C matters D compartments

15 It is doubtful whether the momentum of the peace movement can be…

A sustained B supplied C supported D subverted

16 Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaitances usually tend to be…

A trivial B perverse C insufficient D imperative


A ancestor B precursor C antecedent D premonition 18 He was in his late fifties, with staring eyes and a … hairline

A straggling B receding C bushy D curly

19 After several hours on the road, they became….to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by nightfall

A dejected B resigned C depressed D disillusioned

20 I'm not serious investor, but I like to… in the stock market

A splash B splatter C paddle D dabble

B Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is subtituted for the underlined word or phrase:

21 It takes roughly 4,000 pounds of petals to make a single point of rose oil

A as much as B amazingly C more or less D relatively 22 After attempting to joint a religious order in 1862, Auguste Rodin finally yielded to his inclination to pursue an artistic career

A resisted B understood C gave in to D returned to

23 Translating literally from one language to another works unsatisfactorily at best

A pays B functions C reads D labours

24 Adverse reviews in the New York press may greatly change the prospects of a new Broadway production

A additional B encouraging C unfavourable D subversive 25 Some bush fires are set on purpose

A deliberately B at will C spontaneously D on impulse 26 The introduction of Ford's ideas revolutionized the auto-making industry

A implementation B publication C production D presentation 27 Peat represents the first stage in the development of coal from vegetable matter

A era B phase C product D process

28 The powerful rulers suppressed a rebellion and punished the instigators

A initiated B quashed C supported D reinstated

29 The toxic material on derailed train contaminated the the atmosphere

A polluted B retain C intoxicated D redirect

30 Nations that live in concord are nations that live together in peace

A war B harmony C conformity D happiness

C Use the correct word form of the word in brackets.

31 Andrea's blunder was the cause of much in the class (MERRY) 32 Burning coal is an way of heating a house Gas is much cheaper (ECONOMY) 33 When I was a child, I often got a weekly of 15 dollars (ALLOW) 34 There are very few places left on earth Man has been nearly everywhere (EXPLORE) 35 Ms Thoa always knows how to the party with her jokes (LIVELY) 36 Complete in one's work can be detrimental to one's health (ABSORB)

37 I have no for him He deserves to go to prision (SYMPATHIZE)

38 Although both were good, we decided on the one with more expercience (APPLY) 39 I don't want to you from becoming a nurse, but the hours are long and the pay

isn't good (COURAGE)


D Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.

By the end of last year he(41) ……… (read) four Shakespeare plays and by next year he (42) ……… (read) two more I (43) ………… (not see) him since last Monday, but I (44) ……… (believe) he (45) ………… (write) an easay on Hamlet at present He (46) ………… (play) the part now if he (47) ……… (not offend) the producer at the last rehearsal I wonder why I always (48) ………… (have) trouble with the carburettor whenever I(49) ………… (decide) to go home by car I (50) …… (work) very hard lately


A GAP-FILL Fill in each blank with one appropriate word. ART AS A CAREER

Many celebrated artists have found it hard to make ends meet early on in their career (51) ……a few well-known exceptions, however, (poor Van Gogh being perhaps the most famous one) (52) …… went on to find recognition within their (53) … lifetime Picasso's life story is the kind of (54) …… to-riches tale which gives hope to many (55) …… unknown artist In 1904, he was sharing a draughty and primitive studio complex (56) ……thirty other artists But by his death, he was a multi-millionaire and probably the most celebrated modern artist (57) …… Nevertheless, (58) …… every success story, there must be dozens of artists (perhaps some potential "greats") (59) …… have endured a lifetime (60) …… hardship in obscurity (61) …… they were never recognized because their work was (62) …… of sympathy with the prevailing fashion, or because they lacked talent, (63) …… impossible to say Most people see art as a vocation rather than a career There (64) …… indeed be some truth in the idea that artists need to be exceptionally dedicated to succeed, and even relatively successful artists sometimes have to supplement their income (65) ……… working in other areas occasionally

B Read the following extract about chirlden's fiction For each Comprehension question, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

The population of the world has increased more in modern times than in all other ages of history combined World population totalled about 500 million in 1650 It doubled the period from 1650-1850 Today the population is more than five billion Estimates based on research by the United Nations indicate that it will more than double in the twenty-five years between 1975 and the year 2000, reaching seven billion of the century

No one knows the limits of population that the earth can support Thomas Malthus, an English economist, developed a theory that became widely accepted in the nineteenth centry He suggested that because world population tended to increase more rapidly than the food supply, a continual strain was exerted upon avaible resource Malthus cited wars, famines, epidemics, and other disasters as the usual limitations of population growth With recent advances in science and technology, including improved agricultural methods and great strides in medicine, some of the limiting factors in population growth have been lessened, with obvious results International organizations have recommended programs to encourage general economic devepoment in target areas along with a decrease in birth rates to effect a lasting solution

66 The title below that best expresses the ideas in this passage is …

A Thomas Malthus Theory B The United Nations' Estimate


67 According to this passage, by the year 2000 the earth's population should exceed the present figure by how much?

A 500 million B Five billion C Two billion D Seven billion 68 Who was Thomas Malthus ?

A A scientist B A doctor of medicine

C An economist D A United Nations representative

69 According to the passage, why has overpopulation been caused?

A Improved technology B Disasters

C Scarcity D Precaution

70 What most experts recommend in order to solve problems of overpopulation? A Famine and epidemic

B Medical advance and improved agricultural methods C Economic development and a decline in the birth rate D Conversation of available recources

C CLOZE TEST: Fill in each numbered space with one appropriate word:

Famine is a prolonged food shortage that causes (71) …… hunger and death Throughout history, famine has struck at least one area of the world (72) …… few years Most of the.developing nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America have (73) …… enough food for their people Millions in these countries go hungry When food production or imports (74) …… for any reason, famine may strike and thousands or millions of people may die

Many famines have more than one cause For example, the great Bengai famine of 1943 in Eastern India was caused by both (75) ……and historical events World War II (76) …….a general food shortage and led to the cut-off of rice imports from Burma, which had been occupied by the Japanese Then a cyclone (77) …… much

farmland Famine struck, and more than V'2 million people died

Nearly all famines (78) …… from crop failures The chief causes of crop failure include (a) drought (prolonged lack of rain), (b) too much I rainfall and flooding, and (c) plant diseases and (79) … Many other (80) …… may also help create a famine


A Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the previous


81 Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them

They had _ 82 That dress has only the slightest mark on it

I can barely _ 83 He insisted on a full apology

Nothing but _ 84 My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to stop playing

The moment 85 The doctor advised me to rest


86 They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left

Only after a _ 87 Their teacher is making them study hard

They are _ 88 They were just as good as we had expected

They certainly lived _ 89 Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish

Much 90 He is certainly not stupid

He is by B Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter:

91 I write / tell / how much / I / enjoy / few hours / I spend / you / your family / yesterday evening 92 I be / England / since / beginning / October / and this be / first invitation / dinner / English family 93 I / find / conversation / most interesting / and / glad / practise / English

94 I also like / congratulate you / excellent cooking

95 I / very grateful / all / helpful / informtion / you give / course / English 96 I / hope / find / suitable school / next few days

97 And / English courses / will not / too hard / we study 98 You give / best wishes / husband / children ?

99 Thank you again / extremely / pleasant evening 100 I look forward / see / you / next month

Yours sincerely, Maria

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 17:00

