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Luận án tiến sĩ nghiên cứu về điều kiện môi trường hàng hải từ góc nhìn liên quan tới năng lực sĩ quan hàng hải (study on difficulty of navigational environment from the viewpoit of marines competency)

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  • 2009-Ha Nam Ninh-Luan an tien si - 00 Cover.pdf

  • 2009-Ha Nam Ninh-Luan an tien si - 01 Content.pdf

Nội dung

Luận án tiến sĩ Doctoral dissertation NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ ĐIỀU KIỆN MƠI TRƯỜNG HÀNH HẢI TỪ GĨC NHÌN LIÊN QUAN TỚI NĂNG LỰC SĨ QUAN HÀNG HẢI STUDY ON DIFFICULTY OF NAVIGATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF MARINER’S COMPETENCY Tháng Ba 2009 March 2009 Khoa đào tạo sau đại học Đại học Hải dương Đơng Kinh Khóa tiến sĩ Nghiên cứu Môi trường Hàng hải Ứng dụng Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Doctoral Course of Applied Marine Environment Studies HÀ NAM NINH STUDY ON DIFFICULTY OF NAVIGATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF MARINER’S COMPETENCY HÀ NAM NINH 2009.3 Contents Acknowledgements .1 Abstract Chapter Introduction 1.1 Navigation Environmental Difficulty 1.2 Nine Elemental Technique for Safe Navigation 1.3 Condition of Safe Navigation 1.4 Ship Handling Simulator 10 1.5 Outline of Thesis 10 Chapter Competency of Bridge Team and Single Watch and Estimation on Necessary Tasks in the Navigational Environment 15 2.1 Introduction on Purpose of Chapter 15 2.2 Experiments of Approaching Uraga Pilot Station 15 2.3 Tasks for Mariners in Experiments 16 2.4 Data Analysis on Competency of Bridge Team and Single Watch 17 2.4.1 Controlling Ship’s Position and Adjustment of Arrival Time at Pilot Station 19 2.4.2 Collision Avoidance 21 2.5 Summary and Reason of Analyzing Bridge Team Behaviours 23 Chapter Necessity of Lookout .27 3.1 Introduction on Elemental Technique of Lookout 27 3.2 Estimated Factors on Necessity of Technique of Lookout .28 3.3 Experiments for Study of Necessary Tasks for Safe Navigation 29 3.4 Some Definitions Using in Thesis 29 3.4.1 Definition of Crossing Angle 30 3.4.2 Definition of Interval of Lookout on One Target 30 3.4.3 Definition of Time Consumption of Lookout on One Target Ship from Detection Point to Understanding Motion and Estimating Future Situation .31 i 3.4.4 Unit of Information, Content of Information 31 3.4.5 Method of Observation for Gathering Necessary Information .33 3.5 One Example Showing Lookout Process from Detection Point to Understanding Target Motion and Estimating Future Situation in Good Visibility 35 3.6 Time Consumption for Lookout on Target Ship from Detection until Understanding Target Motion and Estimating Future Situation under Effect of Crossing Angle 36 3.7 Interval of Lookout on Target Ship under Effect of Crossing Angle 40 3.8 Necessary Measuring Number of Units of Information in Relation with Crossing Angle .43 3.8.1 Necessary Measuring Number of “Rough Bearing” 43 3.8.2 Necessary Measuring Number of “Rough Distance” .44 3.8.3 Necessary Measuring Number of “Rough Aspect” and “Ship’s Type” 45 3.8.4 Necessary Measuring Number of “Rough Crossing Angle” 46 3.8.5 Necessary Measuring Number of Bearing .46 3.8.6 Necessary Measuring Number of Distance 47 3.8.7 Necessary Measuring Number of Course or Speed or CPA or TCPA .48 3.8.8 Necessary Measuring Number of BCR or TCBR 48 3.8.9 Necessary Measuring Number of “Passing Situation” 49 3.9 One Example Showing Lookout Process from Detection Point to Understanding Target Motion and Estimating Future Situation in Poor Visibility 49 3.10 Comparing Time Consumption for Lookout from Detection Point to Understanding Target Motion between Two Cases Poor Visibility and Good Visibility 50 3.11 Interval of Lookout under Effect of Visibility .52 3.12 Necessary Measuring Number of Units of Information in Poor Visibility 54 3.12.1 Necessary Measuring Number of Bearing by Radar/ARPA in Poor Visibility 54 3.12.2 Necessary Measuring Number of Distance by Radar/ARPA in Poor Visibility 55 3.12.3 Necessary Measuring Number of “Rough Crossing Angle” or Course or Speed or CPA or TCPA by Radar/ARPA in Poor Visibility 55 ii 3.12.4 Necessary Measuring Number of BCR or TBCR or “Passing Situation” by Radar/ARPA in Poor Visibility .56 3.13 Summary of Lookout Tasks 56 3.13.1 Lookout in Good Visibility 57 3.13.2 Lookout in Poor Visibility 59 Chapter Necessity of Positioning 61 4.1 Introduction on Elemental Technique of Positioning .61 4.2 Estimated Factors on Necessity of Technique of Positioning 62 4.3 Experiments 62 4.4 Time Consumption for one Position Fixing 63 4.5 Necessary Number of Position .63 4.5.1 Effect of “Channel Width” 64 4.5.2 Effect of “Shape of Channel” 64 4.5.3 Effect of “One Risky Target” 65 4.5.4 After Avoiding Action 66 4.5.5 Positioning after Avoidance in Concerning with Crossing Angle of Risky Target .67 4.5.6 Effect of Visibility on Necessity of Positioning .68 4.6 Summary 68 Chapter Necessity of Maneuvering .73 5.1 Introduction on Elemental Technique of Maneuvering 73 5.2 Experiments 73 5.3 Tasks of Maneuvering 74 5.4 Definition of Time Consumption for Maneuvering 75 5.5 Time Consumption for Maneuvering under Effect of Channel Width 75 5.6 Time Consumption for Maneuvering under Effect of Altering Point .76 iii 5.7 Time Consumption for Maneuvering under Effect of Visibility .77 5.8 Summary 78 Chapter Necessity of Communication 81 6.1 Introduction on Elemental Technique of Communication .81 6.2 Experiments 81 6.3 Unit of Information, Content of Information 82 6.4 TCPA of Target Ship at Starting Point of VHF Communication 84 6.5 Average Time Consumption for one Unit of Information 86 6.6 Content of Communication 86 6.6.1 Information for Identifying Target Ship 86 6.6.2 Information for Identifying Own Ship 88 6.6.3 Information Exchanging between Ships 90 Number of Exchanging Units of Information under Relation with CPA .90 Number of Exchanging Units of Information under Relation with Visibility 91 Content of Exchanging Information 92 6.7 Summary 93 Chapter Safe Navigation Assessment 97 7.1 Concept of Safe Navigation 97 7.2 Summary of Required Tasks under Effect of Environment 98 7.2.1 Summary of Technique of Lookout .98 7.2.2 Summary of Technique of Positioning 101 7.2.3 Summary of Technique of Maneuvering 102 7.2.4 Summary of Technique of Communication 103 iv 7.3 Calculation of Time Allowance for Mariners on Wheelhouse .105 7.3.1 Calculating TCPA1 at the Detection of Target Ship .106 7.3.2 Determine TCPA2 at the Finishing of VHF Calling .108 7.4 Example for Assessing Safe Navigation .109 Example 7.1 109 Example 7.2 113 7.5 Using Standard Value for Assessing Safe Navigation 117 7.6 Some Other Studies Assessing Difficulty of Environment 117 Conclusions 119 Necessary Tasks for Technique of Lookout 119 Necessary Tasks for Technique of Positioning .122 Necessary Tasks for Technique of Maneuvering 124 Necessary Tasks for Technique of Communication 125 References .127 Abbreviations 129 Figures 131 Tables 209 Tóm tắt (Abstract in Vietnamese) 225 v ... Definitions Using in Thesis 29 3.4.1 Definition of Crossing Angle 30 3.4.2 Definition of Interval of Lookout on One Target 30 3.4.3 Definition of Time Consumption of Lookout on. .. Unit of Information, Content of Information 82 6.4 TCPA of Target Ship at Starting Point of VHF Communication 84 6.5 Average Time Consumption for one Unit of Information 86 6.6 Content...STUDY ON DIFFICULTY OF NAVIGATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF MARINER’S COMPETENCY HÀ NAM NINH 2009.3 Contents Acknowledgements .1 Abstract Chapter Introduction

Ngày đăng: 18/05/2021, 21:14



