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ON TAP HOC KI 1 Ly thuyet bai tap

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Nội dung

him for the first time 3 years ago” Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:?. Do you hope …………you father again this weekendA[r]




I Verb tenses:

The simple present: a Form:

* Đối với động từ to be :“ ” (+) s + is/ am/ are (-) s + is/ am/ are + not

(?) is/ am/ are + s + ? - Yes, s + is/ am/ are - No, s + is/ am/ are + not

* Đối với động từ thờng (ordinary verbs): (+) S + V(S/ES) + (O)

(-) S + DONOT/ DOESNOT + V (infinitive) +(O)

(?) DO/ DOES + S + V(infinitive) + (O) ? - YES, S + DO/ DOES

- NO, S + DON’T/ DOESN’T b Uses: Thì tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả:

+ tợng tự nhiên, qui luật vật lý, chân lý đúng: Eg: The earth goes around the sun

Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade (nớc sơi 100 độ)

+ thói quen, hay hành động thờng xuyên xảy tại, thờng sử dụng với trạng từ nh: often usually, always, sometomes, everyday

Eg: I usually go to school early

+ hành động xảy theo thời khóa biểu, thời gian biểu (dùng với động từ: leave, go, walk, arrive)

Eg: The train leaves at p.m

+ Nhận thức, cảm giác, tình trạng xảy lúc nói: Eg: They doesnt like music

Cách dùng thờng áp dụng cho động từ liên quan đến nhận thức tình cảm tinh thần: Know, understand, think, hope (hi vọng) remember, like, hate, forget, believe (tin), consider ( xem xét) …

* Các trạng từ thờng dùng với đơn:

Sometimes, usually, never, occasionally, always, often, seldom, rarely, from time to time (thØnh tho¶ng), every day/ week/ month …

- Chỳ ý trạng từ tầm suất đứng sau “to be” trước động từ thường * Qui tắc thêm s/es động từ chia ngơi số ít:

+ Ta cộng es động từ kết thúc âm : ch, sh, x, s, z

+ §éng tõ kÕt thóc b»ng 1 phơ ©m + y ta chun y thµnh i + es : study – studies Nhng say – says

+ Còn lại ta cộng s vào sau động từ chia ngơi số 2 The present perfect:

a Form:

(+) S + HAS/ HAVE + V_ed/ V cét (-) S + HAS/ HAVE NOT + V_ed/ V cét (?) HAS/ HAVE + S + V_ed/ V cét ? YES, S + HAS/ HAVE


b Uses: Thì hoàn thành dùng để diễn tả:

+ hành động vừa xảy ra, trờng hợp thờng dùng với “just”: Eg: I have just finished my homework

+ hành động khứ kéo dài (thờng ding với giới từ “since” for”) Eg: We have learnt English for years

+ hành động xảy hoàn tất khứ nhng thời gian hành động không đợc biết rõ ko đợc đề cập đến:

Eg: I have driven a car (Nếu biết rõ thời gian hành động ta phải dùng thị qkhứ đơn: I drove a car last month)

+ hành động xảy nhiều lần khứ lập lại nhiều lần tơng lai: Eg: I have ever seen the play Romeo and Juliet at least times

They have never met Jonh


never ( kh«ng bao giê) Just (võa míi)

before (trớc đây) (đứng cuối câu) Ever (từng)

It’s the first time/ second time S + V (hiÖn ht) Recently (vừa đây)

since + mèc thêi gian (June, 2010, I last saw you, I moved here …) for + kho¶ng thêi gian (two days, six months)

Lately, recently ( vừa đây), so far (cho tíi nay), up to now … 3 The simple past:

a Form: * To be:

S (I, He, She, It, danh tõ sè it) + was + …

S (We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều ) + were + … * Ordinary verbs (động từ thờng)

(+) S + V-ed (đối với động từ có qui tắc)/ Vcột (động từ bất qui tắc) (-) S + did + V nguyên thể + …

(?) Did + S + Vnguyên thể + …? - Yes, S + did/ No, S + didn’t b Uses: Thì khứ đơn diễn tả:

+ hành động xảy chấm dứt thời điểm xác định khứ: Eg: I taught English last year

+ thói quen hành động thờng làm khứ: Eg : We often played football on Sunday + hành động kết tiếp khứ:

Eg: I never smoked, drank or stayed up late * Các trạng từ thờng ®i kÌm:

- thêi gian + ago : days ago, four weeks ago - last + thêi gian : last year, last month

- In + mèc thêi gian qu¸ khø - yesterday

* Qui tắc thêm -ed:

- Đt tận e câm ta việc thêm -d To love - loved to advise - advised

- Đt âm tiết tận phụ âm, trớc nguyên âm, ta nhân đôi phụ âm cuối + ed: To stop - stopped to rub - rubbed

- Đt kết thúc “y” mà trớc phụ âm , ta đổi “y” thành “i” + ed: To try - tried to deny - denied

- Ngoài ta việc thêm -ed vào sau động từ động từ có qui tắc * Qui tắc phát âm ed:

- Các đt tận âm: /k/, /p/, /f/ /tʃ/, /s/, /ʃ/ thêm ED vào, đợc đọc với âm /t/ : worked, hoped, missed, watched

- Các đt tận âm /t/ /d/, thêm ED vào, đợc đọc với âm /id/: Wanted, decided, needed,

- Các đt tận âm khác, thêm ED vào, đợc đọc âm /d/ : played 4 The past perfect:

a Form:

(+) S + HAD + V_ed/ V cét (-) S + HAD NOT + V_ed/ V cét (?) HAD + S + V_ed/ V cét ? - Yes, S + had

- No, S + hadn’t

Eg: They had lived in London when I first met them b Uses: Thì khứ hoàn thành diễn tả:

+ hnh ng ó xy hoàn thành trớc thời điểm khứ trớc hành động khác kết thúc khứ Hành động xảy trớc ding khứ hoàn thành, hành động xảy sau dùng khứ đơn

Eg: By o’clock we had had lunch

Before we came to the station, the train had left

Thì q khứ hồn thành thờng đợc dùng để kết hợp với khứ đơn giới từ, liên từ: by, when, before, after, by the time


By the time S + V simple past, S + Vpast perfect Before S + V simple past, S + Vpast perfect After S + Vpast perfect , S + Vsimple past

5 The present progressive (with a future meaning) a Form: S + is/ am/ are + V-ing

b Use: tiếp diễn với ý tơng lai ding để diễn tả hành dộng đợc thực tơng lai đợc đặt, bố trí lên kế hoạch

Eg: We are having an English-speaking club meeting next week 6 Be going to (tơng lai dự định):

a Form: S + is/ am/ are + going to + Vnguyªn thĨ b Uses:

- Diễn tả ý định làm tơng lai (cha có kế hoạch thực hiện) Ex: I am going to visit my friend at the weekend

- Diễn tả hành động xảy với dấu hiệu rõ ràng Ex: Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain

II Gerund and to infinitives:

1 Gerund: V-ing

* Danh động từ hình thức động từ thêm - ing đợc sử dụng nh danh từ Eg: Playing tennis is fun (danh động từ làm chủ ngữ)

We enjoy playing tennis (danh động từ làm tân ngữ - Danh động từ đứng sau động từ sau:

* verbs of saying and thinking ( động từ ý kiến)

Admit (thừa nhận), consider (cân nhắc), deny, describe, imagine, mention, recall (nhắc lại, nhớ lại), suggest, discuss

* verbs of liking and disliking

Adore( quÝ mÕn), detest (ghét), dislike (ghét), dread (sợ), enjoy, fancy (thích, mê), like, love, mind (ngại, khó chịu), resent (bực tức), hate

* other common verbs:

Avoid (tránh) delay (trì hoÃn) finish involve (dính lÝu, liªn quan) quit( tõ bá) = give up keep miss postpone (tr× ho·n)

practise risk (liều, bất chấp) stop keep on - Danh động từ sau số thành ngữ :

- have fun/ a good time + V-ing

- have trouble/ difficulty + V-ing (gặp rắc rối, khó khăn làm đó) - have a hard time/ difficult time + V-ing

- spend + time/ money + V-ing

He spends hours studying English every day

- waste + time/money + V-ing (lãng phí thời gian/ tiền bạc làm đó) - sit + danh từ nơi chốn + V-ing : she sat at her desk writing a letter - stand + danh từ nơi chốn + V-ing

- lie + danh tõ n¬i chèn + Ving

- find/ catch/ feel/ hear/ see/ smell + (pro)noun + Ving: bắt gặp làm - can’t help khơng thể We can t help’ laughing

- can’t bear kh«ng chịu

- can’t face

I can t bear’ hearing his lies T«i kh«ng thể chịu đựng nghe lời nãi dối anh

- can’t stand kh«ng chịu

I can t stand’ seeing him here T«i kh«ng thể chịu đựng thấy ây - Its no use vô Ých

It s no use’ phoning him at this time - to be busy bận rộn

My mother is busycooking in the kitchen - to be worth đ¸ng

This book is worthreading

- Danh động từ sau giới từ:

Ex: He is interested in watching football.

* go + gerund để hoạt động đặc biệt đó:


- go swimming bơi go dancing go running … - go hiking dã ngoại

* chó ý:

Feel, hear, see, watch, smell , find + O + Ving: bắt gặp làm gì Feel, hear, see, watch, smell , find + O + bare inf : thấy làm

2 To infinitive:

Dạng 1: V + TO INFINITIVE : Một số động từ theo sau to infinitive

agree expect learn plan seem appear fail choose hope mean promise pretend want prepare decide intend offer refuse need manage(cã thÓ)

wish would like demand (y/c) wish D¹ng 2: V + O + TO INFINITIVE

- Danh từ/ đại từ lam t©n ngữ (objects) sau, đến “to infinitive” Ví dụ:

- She advised me to go to the English Club * Một số động từ thường gặp:

+ advise : khuyªn + allow: cho phÐp

+ ask: yêu cu + cause: gây

+ encourage: khuyến khÝch + expect: mong chờ

+ forbid: cấm + invite: mời

+ need: cần - We need you to help us

+ teach: dạy - My brother taught me to swim

+ tell: bo + want: mun

+ warn : cảnh báo + remind: nhắc nhở

+ order: yêu cầu, lÖnh

Dạng 3: V + TO INFINITIVE/ GERUND (một số động từ theo sau Infinitive gerund) * Nhúm A: V + to Infinitive / Gerund ( không khác nghĩa)

- begin bắt đầu - prefer thÝch - can’t stand - start bắt đầu - hate ghÐt - can’t bear - continue tiếp tục - love yªu thÝch

- like thích - bother làm phiền

Các động từ trªn cã thể theo sau to Infinitive hoc Gerund m ý ngha hầu nh không i * Nhãm B: V + infinitive / Gerund ( kh¸c nghĩa)

remember, forget, regret, try, stop, need , go on


Need to = it is necessary to :cần phải làm ( động từ nguyên mẫu mang nghĩa chủ động)

Need doing = need to be done : cần phải đợc làm ( động từ nguyên mẫu mang nghĩa bị động)  Tom needs towork harder (It is necessary for Tom to work harder.)

 The grass in front of the house needs cutting (The grass in front of the house needs to be cut.)


Stop to do = stop in order to : dừng lại để làm việc khác

Stop doing = not to something any longer : dừng làm việc (đang làm)  They stopped to look at the pictures

 They stopped smoking because it is bad for their health


Regret to do : lấy làm tiếc việc xảy

Regret doing : lấy làm tiếc việc xảy  I regret to tell you that you have failed the test

 She regrets lending him some money He spends it all on gambling


Try to do : cè gắng làm


She tries topass the entrance exam to the college of pharmacy

 I’ve got a terrible headache I try taking some aspirins but they didn’t help E REMEMBER/ FORGET :

Remember to do : nhớ để làm (cha xảy ra)

Remember doing : nhớ làm gĩ ( xảy ra) ( cách dùng forget tơng tự )

 Please remember to post the letter

 I remember posting the letter, but now it’s still in my bag

 The old man always remembered to lock the door before he left his house Dạng 4: IT + BE + ADJECTIVE + TO INFINITIVE

VÝ dụ:

- It’s difficult to find their house Thật khó tìm nhà họ - It’s dangerous to drive fast Lái xe nhanh nguy hiểm - It’s important to learn English Học tiếng Anh quan trọng Có hai dạng viết lại tương đương sau:

To infinitive + be + Adjective Gerund

Ví dụ:

- It’s exciting to play football Chơi bóng đá thật thú vị = to play football is exciting

= playing football is exciting

III The present perfect passive:

Form: S + have/ has + been + Vpp

Ex: They have built a new hospital in our town  A new hospital has been built in our towm

IV Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type

Ex: If I finish my homework, I will go to the concert (= I will go to the concert if I finish my homework.) * If clause: If I finish my homework,

* Main clause: I will go to the concert Form

If + S + V1… , S + will + Vo…… Use

DiÔn tả điều kiện xảy tơng lai

V Wh- questions:

+ When: (hỏi thời gian)

+ How long: khoảng (hỏi thời gian) + Who: (hỏi người)

+ where: đâu (hỏi địa điểm) + Why: (hỏi lý do)

+ How many + danh từ đếm số nhiều) (pens, books …): (hỏi số lượng) + How much + danh từ không đếm (tea, sugar…): (hỏi số lượng + How much : (hỏi giá)

+ How: + How old: tuổi

+ How far: bao xa (hỏi khoảng cách)

VI Who, which, that:

- which – dùng thay cho danh từ vật, làm chủ ngữ tân ngữ + A clock is a machine which tells you the time.

+ These are the pictures which (0) my son drew.


+ A nurse is the person who looks after patients.

+ The man who(m) (0) you visited last month is a famous scientist. - That: dùng thay chó which who số trường hợp

- Notes:

*"Which" sử dụng liên từ (dùng thay cho mệnh đề trước)

+ She couldn't come to the party, which was a pity ( She couldn't come to the party This was a pity.) * Khi who, which That làm tân ngữ ta lược bỏ

* khơng sử dụng “that” trước có dấu phẩy, giới từ

VII Reported speech: statements

S + V + (O) + that + S + V…

- Các động từ tờng thuật thờng gặp: tell (+ O), say, talk (to O) - Khi đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp cần lu ý:

a Đổi động từ:

Direct speech Indirect speech

The present simple The simple past The present continuous The past continuous The present perfect The past perfect The simple past The past perfect The past perfect The past perfect Will/ shall Would/ should

Can/ may Could/ might

must Must/ had to

b Đổi tính từ định, trạng ngữ thời gian, nơi chốn:

Direct speech Indirect speech

This That

these Those

here There

now Then

Today/ tonight That day/ that night

tomorrow The following day/ the next day yesterday The previous day/ the day before Last night/ week The night before/ the week before Next week The next week

ago before

C Đổi

Ex: He said “I can this exercise very well”  He said that he could that exercise very well

VIII Some other structures:

1 “used to + INF” (thường)

So sánh với “Be used to + V_ ing” (quen với)

+ When I was a child, we used to go on holiday to the seaside. + She is not used to living in a big city.

2 "The + Adjective" -> danh từ diễn tả nhóm người sử dụng với động từ số nhiều Ex: The rich, the poor, the injured, the unemployed, the sick…

+ The rich are not always happy.


- Because + Clause_ mệnh đề (S + V + O)

+ Because the weather was very cold, we kept the fire burning all day

- Because of + Noun (danh từ)/ Noun phrase (ngữ danh từ)/ Gerund (V-ING_ danh động từ)

+ Because of the cold weather, we kept the fire burning all day

4 Although/ In spite of: (chỉ nhượng

b )

- Although + Clause_ mệnh đề (S + V + O)

+ Although the weather was very cold, we all wore shorts

- In spite of + Noun (danh từ)/ Noun phrase (ngữ danh từ)/ Gerund (V-ING_ danh động từ)

+ In spite of the cold weather, we all wore shorts


Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:

1 A head B ready C peasant D realize

2 A work B sport C sort D form

3 A lunch B children C teacher D headache

4 A tooth B book C food D school

5 A other B birth C nothing D maths

6 A sport B sorrow C photograph D story

7 A learned B retarded C unemployed D injured

8 A talk B daughter C subtract D walk

9 A data B capable C magical D game

10 A job B hot C sport D top 11 A sun B June C fun D unlucky

12 A good B cook C football D afternoon

13 A late B afraid C mistake D radio

14 A shortage B newspaper C data D today

15 A health B speak C seat D each

16 A photo B below C wonder D lotus

17 A thirsty B guitar C dirty D listen

18 A mouse B house C couch D should

19 A cow B knowledge C town D how

20 A note B phone C homework D college

21 A weight B height C neighbour D eight

22 A now B town C down D snow

23 A some B how C money D come

24 A weather B deaf C eat D death

Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1 She (live) ……… here for years before she moved to New York He usually (do)………morning exercises every morning

3 I am looking forward to (see)……… him soon

4 You (learn) ……… English before? – Yes, I (learn) ………English years ago She said she (met)… …….him before

6 I’ve decided (take) ……….my friend’s advice to continue my job Who …….you (meet) …….at the school gate yesterday?

8 Have you promised (go)………….with me? I don’t mind (walk) ……… in the rain

10 I hope (meet)…… ……my father again this weekend


12 He told me he (be) ……….born in 1980

13 My sister said she usually (watch) ………TV every evening 14 What …… You (do)…… … before you became a teacher? 15 If you don’t study hard, you (fail)……….the exam

16 I (make) ……….a birthday party tomorrow Would you like to come? 17 I won’t speak to him if he (not say) ……… sorry to me

18 We (not meet) ……… him again since we (move)…… ….to this city 19 He agreed (help) ………… us with the project

20 “Do you know Mr Brown?” – Yes, I (meet) ………… him for the first time years ago” Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1 Do you hope …………you father again this weekend?

A meet B meeting C met D to meet

2 Celine Dion ……….to receive recognition for her talent in 1982

A had begun B began C begins D would have begun

3 In spite of ……….up late, she got up early the next morning

A staying B to stay C stayed D stay

4 Would you like ……….your holiday with my family in Brazil?

A to spend B spend C spending D spent

5 I ……….the washing up before my mother came home

A was doing B did C had done D must have done

6 I ………as a hotel telephonist from May 2001 to March 2002

A has worked B would work C worked D working

7 The room smelled terrible Someone…………before I came

A has smoked B smoked C seemed to smoked D would smoked

8 The youth came back to the village to introduce new methods, ……… resulted in bumper crops

A that B who C which D what

9 My daughter decided ………to technical high school instead of college

A going B to go C went D go

10 Have you seen his garden? - I …….the house on Monday but I ………the garden yet

A saw/ didn’t see B saw/ haven’t seen

C have seen/ haven’t seen D have seen/ didn’t see

11 That house has been empty ………years

A since B ago C for D in

12 I would like you ………other students to assemble here at a.m

A to inform B inform C will inform D informing

13 I haven’t heard from Maria …………

A since many months before B for many months

C for many months ago D since a long time

14 My house, ……… has been decorated many times, now looks like a new one

A what B which C that D whom

15 He came to congratulate me, ………… seemed to a surprise to everyone

A who B which C that D whom

16 We used ……….fishing on this river when we were small

A going B go C to go D went

17 My father ………morning exercises when he was young

A wasn’t use to B didn’t use to doing C didn’t used to D didn’t use to 18 The blind ……….unable to see anything

A is B are C am D have

19 I ……… Medicine for three years but then I stopped


20 ……… his lack of time, he watches football every night

A Although B Because C Because of D In spite of

21 When I lived in the countryside, I ………… fishing every Sundays

A went B had gone C was going D has gone

22 This is the fourth time he ……… my car

A has damaged B damaged C had damaged D damages

23 ………… her absence from school yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson

A Despite B Because of C Because D As

24 She can’t get home ……… she has no money

A unless B if C until D without

24 After a lot of difficulty, she ………… to open the door

A managed B succeeded C realized D could

25 Do you mind if I listen to the news ……… before we leave?

A headlines B forecast C cartoon D comment

26 The room smelled terrible Someone ………… before I came

A had smoked B smoked C seemed to smoke D would smoke

27 A ……… person can not hear any kind of sound

A mute B deaf C blind D dumb

28 We should help children from poor families to have proper …………

A school B schooling C scholar D scholarship

29 My house, ………… has been decorated many times, now looks like a new one

A what B which C that D whom

30 He came to congratulate me, ………… seemed a surprise to every one

A who B that C which D whom

31 I can’t stand the car ………… Therefore, I hate traveling by car

A sickness B illness C disease D sick

32 A ……… is a film or a radio or television programme giving facts about something

A documentary B comedy C cartoon D news

33 It is two years ………… I last met him

A since B ago C for D since

34 He ………… in London for two years and then ………… to Paris

A lived/ went B has lived/ went C lived/ has gone D has lived/ has gone 35 They intend to make ………… excursion next month

A a two-week B two-weeks C two-weeks’ D a two-week’s

Exercise 4: Find the mistake in the following sentences by circling A, B, C or D: I advise you starting looking for a flat at once


2 Mr Ba isn't on the phone, that makes it difficult to contact him A B C D

3 Jack will not pass the exam if he studies harder A B C D

4 The injured was taken to the nearest hospital by Ambulance A B C D

5 Mr Bean was teaching for 30 years before he retired last month A B C D

6 When living in the countryside, Tom used to going swimming A B C D Because of he was ill, he didn’t go to school



A B C D I decided changing the jobs because my boss makes me work overtime


10 In spite of the traffic jam, we managed getting to the airport on time A B C D 11 Nam usually go fishing with his friends in his free time A B C D

12 Where did you come here? – Just a few days ago A B C D

13 Lan was in a difficult situation, so I agreed lending her some money A B C D

14 Our car has broken, this means we can’t go away tomorrow A B C D

15 These are the pictures who my son drew when he was young A B C D

16 Lan and Minh have lived in Ho Chi Minh City in 1998 A B C D

17 If you will more homework, you will pass the exams A B C D Exercise 5: Report these following statements: “I am going to Paris tomorrow”, she said

 She said ……… “Ann has bought the tickets today”

Lan told me ……… “I went to Oxford University in the 1970s” he said

He said ……… She said to me “I have never been to America”

 She told me ……… “You have done your work well,” The teacher told me

The teacher told me ……… “This man spoke to me on the road”, the woman said

The woman said……… “I can’t explain this rule to you”, My friend said to me

My friend said to me……… “I read Hamlet last year”, He said

He said ……… He said “ I did my homework an hour ago”

He said ……… 10 “The earth is round” the teacher said

The teacher said ……… 11 "I won't have enough time to finish this job"

He said ……… 12 "It has been a long time since I had such a good meal."

She said……… 13 "nothing grows in my garden It never gets any sun."

She told us ……… 14 "If you put on the kettle, I will make the tea."

He told me ……… 15 "We are going on holiday tomorrow."


16 "We haven't been to the art gallery for ages."

They said ……… 17 "I came back to my home town last Sunday."

Mr Pitt said ……… 18 "We can't reach the top until this afternoon."

The leader said ……… 19 "I'm not going with you to the park tomorrow."

Julie said to Mary ……… 20 "I don't know what to with all my fruits."

Tom said……… Exercise 6: Rewrite the sentences using the given words:

1 Although he is clever, he is lazy

In spite of Because he was ill, he couldn’t go to school

Because of Although the weather was bad, they went out last night

In spite of You will pass the exam because you work very hard

Because of Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert

In spite of In spite of his suffering from bad cold, William still went to school

Although Although he didn’t speak English, Bob decided to settle in London

In spite of Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his life

In spite of Because of the icy road, there were a lot of accidents

Because 10 Because he didn’t study hard, he failed the exam

Because of Exercise 7: Change the following sentences into passive voice:

1 I have seen him this morning

2 She has learnt English since she was six years old I have watched this film several times

4 My dad hasn’t found a job yet

5 My parents have just bought a new house

Ngày đăng: 18/05/2021, 12:20



