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Nội dung

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in present simple, Adverbs of frequencey, present progressive, “going to” future, and the weather.. Teac[r]


Date of planning: 31/ 12/2011

Date of teaching: 2/1/2012

Period 55 UNIT 9: THE BODY Lesson 1: A1 –

Aims: Help Ss to practice in nouns to talk about the parts of the body

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to learn some nouns to talk about parts of a body

Language contents:

*Vocabulary: head, chest, hand, shoulders, leg, fingers, toes, arm, feet.

*Grammar: What’s that? / What are those?

Teaching aids: pictures, textbook , cassette…

Ways of working: T- whole class, pair work, individual work


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A.Warm up (7’)

*Revision Slap the board T - gives instruction / checks

T - finds out the winner

B.New lesson

I.Presentation (


1 - Pre - teach vocabulary: - a head (visual): đầu - a chest (visual): ngực - a shoulder (visual): vai - a arm (visual): cánh tay - a hand (visual): bàn tay

- a leg (visual): cẳng chân - a finger (visual): ngón tay

- a toe (visual): ngón chân

* Checking vocabulary: ROR

2 - Presentation: A2

-T asks Ss to look at the picture

-T points into every part of the body T – asks: T - What's that ?

S1 - That's his [head] T - What are those ?

S1 - Those are his [shoulders]

Ss play game

- Look at the pictures and guess

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Play game

T - whole class T-Ss

Ss-T Ss-Ss Work in pairs

my book

her pen

their rulers


* Concept check - Meaning: - Use:

- Form: What's that / this ? What are those / these ? - Intonation: (MS)


* Picture drill A1 + (P96)

T - runs and sts run through picture A1 (P96) T - models

What's this ?  This is his head What re these ?  These are his toes III.Production(11’)

*Lucky numbers

T - gives instruction / checks

- a head - a chest - an arm - LN !

3 - LN - a leg

4 - shoulders - hands T - finds out the winner *Consolidation (2’)

Repeat the main content of the lesson C.Homework (2’)

- Learn vocabulary in content - Do A1, P83 workbook - Prepare: A –

Answer T’s questions

Listen and repeat

Play game

Repeat the main content of the lesson

Copy down


Date of planning: 31/12/2011 Date of teaching: /1/2012 UNIT THE BODY

Period 56: Lesson 2: A3 –

Aims: Help Ss to learn to describe Physical Appearance

Objectives: By the end the lesson, Ss will be able to describe Physical Appearance

Language contents:

*Vocabulary: tall, short, thin, fat, heavy, light, strong, weak *Grammar: What’s that? / What are those?

Teaching aids: pictures, textbook , cassette …

Ways of working: T- whole class, pair work, individual work

Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A.Warm up (5’) *Revision

- Ask Ss to remember about Phong's school and Thu's school

Eg: Phong's school is small Thu's school is big B.New lesson

I Presentation: (12’) *Pre - teach vocab

- tall >< short (adj) (antonym) - thin >< fat (adj) (antonym) - heavy >< light (adj) (antonym) - strong >< weak (adj) (antonym)

*Checking vocabulary: Noughts and crosses T - gives instruction / checks / models S1 - She is tall/ (she is a tall girl)

she / tall he / big Peter / fat Mary / small she / thin Ha / short country / quiet box / light bag / heavy II Practice(10’)

* T / F prediction drill A4 P98

-T sets the scene and gives instructions

T - reads - Sts listen If the information is correct they repeat If it is incorrect they keep silently

* Picture a: She's tall (repeat) She's thin (repeat) * Picture b: He's thin (silent)

He's short (repeat) * Picture c: He's small (silent) He's tall (repeat)

He's heavy (repeat) * Picture d: She's thin (silent) She's tall (silent)

She's fat (repeat) III Further practice(16’)

1 – Pre- listening:

-T sets the scene / draws the table

Sts draw the table into the notebook, fill in the adjectives in order a,  d,

Ss remember and describe their school

-Look at the pictures and guess


-Listen and repeat - Read


Play game in teams

Listen and repeat or keep silently


(T - reads.)

2 - While listening:

T - reads: Sts listen and write the order (1,2,3,4) tall? short ? fat ? Listen

a thin, tall

b short, fat

c tall, fat

d short, fat

3 - Post listening:

*Lucky numbers T - gives instruction / checks

1 - a head - a chest - an arm - LN !

3 - LN - a leg

4 - shoulders - hands T - finds out the winner

* Consolidation Repeat the main content of the lesson C Homework: (2')

- Learn vocab in context

- Do A3 + workbook P84 - Prepare: B1


Sts play game

Repeat the main content of the lesson


Date of planning: 31/12/2011 Date of teaching: /1/2012 Period 57

UNIT : THE BODY Lesson 3: B1 Aims: Help Ss to learn face vocabulary

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to learn face vocabulary (nouns and adjectives) to describe Faces

Language contents:

*Vocabulary: eye, ear, lip, teeth, hair, nose, mouth *Grammar: What’s that? / What are those?

Teaching aids: Book, references books, cassette

Ways of working: T- whole class, pair work, individual work

Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Warm up : (5’) -Have Ss play game “pelmanism”

* Pelmanism


fat tall heavy Big Noisy

thin short light Small Quiet

B.New lesson I Presentation : (15’)

- Draw a face on the board , point each detail on the face and mark the name of each detail

- Ask them to repeat the new words as pointing to the details

- Have some students go to the board, point to the details and say the name of each detail, then erase the words and ask some others to redo

- Go to the board point to the details on the face and say the names of the details

- Use picture to describe a face and explain the meaning of adjectives

* Vocabulary : eye - eye (pict.) : maét

- ear (pict.) : tai - lip (pict.) : môi - teeth (pict.) : - hair (pict.) : tóc - nose (pict.) : mũi - mouth (pict.) : mieäng

* Check Vo: R O R  Adjectives

- round : troøn

- oval : hình trái xoan - full : đầy, đầy đặn - thin : gÇy, mảnh - long : dài

- short: thấp, ngắn II Practice :(10’)

- Ask Ss to look at their partners’ face and describe - Look at their partners’face and describe

III Production : 10’

- Have Ss write complete sentences to describe their friends







- Look at the picture drawn on the board

-Pay attention to each part of the face as the teacher introduces

Ss listen and copy down – repeat in chorus and individually

Play game

- Try to redo this exercise Teacher and the whole class




hair , fat ,mouth ,heavy

ear, arm,toe, feet, teeth , fingers nose ,eye

* Consolidation

Repeat the main content of the lesson C Homework (2’)

-Learn vocab in context -Do exercise B (page 85) -Prepare the next lesson

Repeat the main content of the lesson


Cần Kiệm, ngày tháng năm 2012

Xác nhận nhà trờng

Date of planning: /1/2012 Date of teaching: / / 2012 Period 58

UNIT 9: THE BODY Lesson 4: B 2-3

Aims: - Help Ss learn some adjectives of colour to describe features

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to learn some adjectives of color to describe features

Language content:

* Vocabulary: black , white, gray/grey, red, orange, yellow, green, blue,

brown , Purple

* Structures:

What color is + S ? It’s + adj

Are ? They are + adj Teaching aids Book, color paper and references books, cassette

Ways of working: T – whole class, group work, pair work, individual work

Anticipated problems Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

A Warm up (7’) * Jumble Words - yees = eyes - hari = hair - cefa = face - spli = lips

- sone = nose - dreshouls = shoulders

* *T sets the scene :Mai khoe víi em, Mai cã bóp bª míi


Mn biÕt tóc búp bê bạn mầu em hi bng tiếng Anh nh ? Bạn trả lời = tiÕng anh nh thÕ nµo ?

B.NEW LESSON I Presentation (15’)

* Pre - teach vocab

- black (pict.) : màu đen - white (pict.) : màu trắng

- gray/grey(BE) (pict.): màu xám /hoa râm (tóc) - red (pict.) : màu đỏ

- orange (pict.) : maøu cam - yellow (pict.) : maøu vaøng

- green (pict.) : màu xanh - blue (pict.) : màu xanh da trời - brown (pict.) : màu nâu

- purple (pict.) : màu tím * Checking vocab: Slap the board

T - sets the scene: Mai has a doll: She wants to give Lan it Lan asks:

* Model sentences:

Lan: What color is her hair ? Mai: It's black

Lan: What color are her eyes ? Mai: They are brown

+ Intonation: (MS) II.Pactice(12’)

T - models

Lan: What color is her hair ? Mai: It's black

Lan: What color are her eyes ? Mai: They are brown

T - and sts run through all cues Picture drill B3 (P101)

* Concept check: + meaning:

+ Use: Ask and answer about color

Form: What color is + S ? It’s + adj

are ? They are + adj III.Production (10’)

*Write it up:

Ss write about the color of dolls

T- monitors and corrects their mistakes - Sts read their report loudly


- Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Listen

-Look at the pictures and guess

-Listen and repeat - Read

-Copy Play game

group work

Listen and repeat

Teacher and the whole class - open pair

- closed pairs

- Give meaning,use, form

- Write


C Homework (1’) - Learn vocabulary

- Do exercise ( page 86)

- Prepare: B -


Date of planning: 8/1/2012 Date of teaching: 10/01/2012 Period 59

UNIT 9: THE BODY Lesson 5: B 4,5,6

Aims: Help Ss practice in body vocabulary to describe people.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to describe people using body vocabulary

Language content:

*Vocabulary: round, oval, full lips, thin, long , short hair

* Structure: S + has + (a/an) + adj + N

Teaching aids Book, picture and reference books, cassette

Ways of working: T – whole class, group work, individual work

Anticipated problems


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Warm up (7’)

*Revision Brainstorming

T - gives instruction / checks / models Sts play game (2 group)

T - finds out the winner B.NEW LESSON

I, Pre - reading / listening ( 10’) 1 - Pre - teach vocab

- round (adj) tròn - oval (adj) trái xoan - full lips (n) môi dày - thin (adj) mỏng

- long >< short hair (visual): tóc dài, ngắn

* Checking vocab: ROR

- Play games

Group work A – B

look at the pictures and guess -Listen

-Listen and repeat - Read


body color


2 - Prediction: (choose the correct information)

T - sets the scene: We are going to read a text about Miss Chi She is a beautiful girl Before listening and reading you must predict some details about Miss Chi

T - hangs poster Sts go to the bb to predict

Miss Chi is small / tall and thin / fat She has a round/

oval face, short/ long, black / brown hair, black / brown eyes, a big/ small nose, full / thin lips and small / white II.While listening / reading (15’)

-T - plays the tape (2 times) -T - checks with WC

-T - plays the tape again

Sts read the text again and find out the answer for questions (P102)

T - checks comprehention text Lucky numbers -T - gives instruction / checks -Sts play game

1 - LN - a - LN - b – c - d 7- LN - e - LN 10 - LN

Answer key: - It's long

2 - they're brown eyes - they are thin

4 - It's black - It's small

III.Post listening / reading (12’) Write it up B5 (P102)

-T - sets the scene and reads the text (once) * Answer key:

a - He has an oval face and thin lips b - She has a small face and long hair c - He has a round face and short hair

d - Her hair isn't long and isn't short She has full lips


- Repeat the main content of the lesson C Homework (1’)

- Learn vocabulary

- Do exercise + (page 86) - Prepare: A – 2,

Play game Listen


Listen to the tape

and correct their predictions

Sts listen and repeat

Play in groups

Sts listen and write the letters of the pictures in their

exercises book - Listen

- Copy

-Repeat the main content of the lesson



Date of planning: 8/ 01 /2012 Date of teaching: 12/01 / 2012 Period 60

UNIT 10: Staying Healthy Lesson 1: (A1-2,5)

Aims: Help Ss learn about how we feel using Adjective of Physical state

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to talk about the feelings using adjectives of Physical State

Language content:

Vocabulary: feel, hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, tired

Structure: How + do/ does + S + feel? S + tobe/ feel(s) + adj

Teaching aids pictures; cassette, flash card

Ways of working: T – whol class, pair work, individual work. Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

A Warm up(5’) Revision:

T - hangs the pictures (P104 - 105) and sets the scene

Eg: S1: What's this color ? S2: It's green

B.New words I Presentation(15’)

1 - Pre - teach vocab:

- (to) feel (translation) - hungry (a) (translation) - thirsty (a) (antonym) - hot (a) (visual P104)

- Cold (a) (example)

- tired (a) (exp) * Checking vocab: Matching

T - hangs poster and gives instruction / checks T - models

hot no hungry l¹nh cold mƯt thirty nãng

tired đói full khát

2 - Presentation dialogue

Ss work in pairs, take it in turns to point at the different pictures on page 104 - 105

look at the pictures and guess -Listen

-Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Ss matching



Sets the scene: Lan and Tuan are coming home They want to know about how they feel

Lan: How you feel ? Tuan: I'm thirsty

I feel hungry tired  Concept check:

- Meaning: Hỏi đáp cảm giác

- Form: How + do/ does + S + feel? S + tobe/ feel(s) + adj - Use: Hỏi / đáp cảm giác - Information: (MD)

II Practice: (15’)

1 Word cue drill

T- sets the scene / introduces cues T - and sts run through cues T – models

How you feel ? I'm hungry

Sts listen and repeat Sts as the same 2 Matching ( A 5)

Phương: b Nhan: a Ba: f Hương: d The tape transcript:

Nhan is hungry He’d like noodle Phuong is thirsty She’d like a drink Ba is full Huong is cold

III Production: (9’) * Role play

S1: S2:


-Ask a student to think the feeling but without talking

-The rest of the class asks him or her to find out the feeling The student can only answer yes /no

C Homework (1’)

- Learn vocabulary

- Do exercise ( page 87) - Prepare: A – 4,

- Read - Copy

T – WC

Teacher and the whole class

open - pair closed pairs

Listen and match the names with the right pictures

Work in pairs

-Repeat the main content of the lesson


-Cần Kiệm, ngày tháng 01 năm 2012 Xác nhận nhà trường

Date of planning: 15/1/2012 Date of teaching: 16/1/ 2012 Period 61

UNIT 10 : Staying Healthy Lesson 2: A 3,4

Aims: Help Ss practice reading a dialogue recognize Polite offers and Requests

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the sts can know how to read a dialogue and recognize polite offers and request with “What would you like?” and “I’d like some / a…./ to….”

Language content:

Vocabulary: drink, juice, orange juice, noodles, want, matter Structure: What would you like? = what you want? - Would you like a cup of tea?

- Would you like to go with us? Teaching aids: Pictures and cassette

Ways of working: T – whole class, pair work, individula work

Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Warm up (5’) : *Miming:

T mimes and asks the question: How I feel? B New lesson:

I Pre-reading (15’):

1 - Pre - teach vocab:

T presents the topic of the lesson and elicits the new words using the pictures

1.a drink (n) thức uống

2.juice (n) nước cốt

3.orange juice (n) nước cam vắt

4.noodles (n) mì

5.(to) want = would like muốn

Ss look at the T and answer You are hot


Look at the pictures and guess -Listen

-Listen and repeat - Read


6.matter (n) vấn đề

*Checking vocabulary: Matching words

2- Predict dialogue:

Ss predict the missing words before reading. Nam: How you feel?

Lan: I’m………… and ………… Nam: What would you like?

Lan: I’d like some …… What about you? Nam: I’m……….I’d like some ……

II While-reading (15’): T checks with whole class T calls some pairs to check

S1: How does Lan feel? S2: She feels hot and thirsty S1: What would she like?

S2: She would like some orange juice Matching: (with answer key)

Lan Nam Ba

hot Hot tired tired thirsty thirsty full hungry hungry noodles noodles

a drink/ orange juice


to sit down to sit down

Grammar: Would you like ? +)Hỏi muốn điều cách lịch sự

What would you like? = what you want? +)Đưa lời mời lịch sự:

- Would you like a cup of tea? - Would you like to go with us?

+Responses: (+) Yes, please.

(-) No, thank you I’m not thirsty. No, I’d like a glass of water.

III Post - reading (7’)

T - sets the sence / gives instruction / checks Mapped dialogue

Hoa Nam

feel ? like ? thirsty orange juice

Cold and hungry some noodles like ?

*Consolidation (2’)

Ss predict

Ss read and correct their prediction

Ss read again and match the key words to the people

Ss practice in pairs

-Complete the dialogue with the structure learnt

S1: How does Lan feel? S2: She feels hot and thirsty S1: What would she like? S2: She would like some orange juice

-Write it on their notebooks

-Write the complete dialogue on their notebooks

Teacher and the whole class and then work in pairs

Example exchange:

S1 : How you feel ? S2 : I’m cold and hungry S1 : What would you like ? S2 : I’d like some noodles How you feel? S1 : I’m thirsty

S2 : What would you like ? S1 : I’d like some orange juice


-Repeat the main content of the lesson C Homework (1’)

- Learn vocabulary

- Do exercise – (page 87 – 88) - Prepare: B4 -

the lesson Copy

Date of planning: 15/1/2012 Date of teaching: 17/1/2012 Period 62 : UNIT 10 : Staying Healthy

Lesson 3: B 1-4-5 + KT15’

Aims: Help Ss practice in using Polite Offers and Requests with “Would you like…?” and “I’d like some / a…./ to….” and uncountable and plural Food & Drink nouns

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about food and

drink Listen and repeat then write the short answer in their exercise Invitation with what would you like?

Language content:

Vocabulary: chicken, fish, bread, beef, meat

Structure: I’d like some chicken /rice/ orange juice. Teaching aids: Pictures and cassette

Ways of working: T – whole class, pair work, individula work

Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Warm up (5’): “Chain game” S1: I’d like an apple

S2: I’d like an apple and an orange

S3 ……… B.New lesson

I Presentation(15’)

1 - Pre - teach vocab:

- T presents the topic of the lesson and elicits the new words using the pictures

Chicken Fish Bread Beef Meat

*Checking vocabulary: ROR

T has Ss listen and repeat B4 And presents the model sentence *Model sentence:

I’d like some chicken /rice/ orange juice II Practice(15’)

* Mapped dialogue (B4.p110)

- Play games - One by one

Look at the pictures and guess


-Listen and repeat - Read


Nam Ba I am hungry

I’d like some chicken and some rice

What would you like?

I am not hungry, but I’m thirsty

I’d like some orange juice * Check understanding by asking some questions - What would she like?

- She’d like some orange juice - Give feedback

* Listen and match the names of the people with what they would like.(B5.p.111)

- Play the tape


Nhan Tuan Huong Mai

Meat √

Fish √ √

Chicken √

Vegetables √ √ √


Rice √ √ √


Orange juice √ √

Ss practice in pairs

T calls some pairs to check S1: What would Nhan like?

S2: He’d like some meat and some orange juice III Production (7’) Chain Game

S1: I’d like some fish

S2: I’d like some fish and some vegetables

S3: I’d like some fish, some vegetables and some orange juice

- Have the S to ask answer about themselves *Consolidation (2’)

- Repeat the main content of the lesson C Homework (1’)

- Learn by heart all the new words and the question & answer

-T guides Ss to the exercise in work-book 8-4 (p 90) -Prepare: B –

- Listen and repeat following the tape - Repeat individual

Teacher and the whole class - Practice in pairs

- Listen and match the name - Give out their ideas

- Practice in pairs - Read in Ss’book

- Play games

-Repeat the main content of the lesson


Date of planning: 15/1/2012 Date of teaching: 18/1/2012 Period 63 :

UNIT 10 : Staying Healthy Lesson 4: B2-

Aims : Help Ss learn about uncountable and plural food and drink nouns, polite requests and polite offers

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the sts can know how to use some / any with there is there are, positive, negative and yes, No question to talk about food and drink

Language content:

Vocabulary: an apple, rice, water, food, milk, meat, an orange, a banana, vegetables

Structure: some, any

Teaching aids: pictures , posters and cassette

Ways of working: T – whole class, pair work, individual work Anticipated problem: some, any


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A.Warm up (5’) : Next work Chicken coca Fish

B.New Lesson

I Presentation ( 15’)

1.Pre-teach vocabulary.

- apple (n) : Quả táo ( realia/pict)

- rice (n) : g¹o (pict)

- water (n) : níc (realia/ pict)

- food (n) : thức ăn (examp)

- milk(n) : sữa (trans)

- meat(n) : thÞt (pict)

- orange (n) : qu¶ cam (pict)

- banana (n) : qu¶ chuèi (pict)

- vegetables(n) : rau ( pict / example) *Checking : Dictation list: a, an, some

T reads: water, rice, banana, milk, vegetables, apple , meat, orange, bread, noodles, hot drink, orange juice, cold drink

a an some

banana hot drink cold drink

apple orange

Rice, water , milk, vegetable , meat, noodles, orange juice , bread

+Asking and Answering

Write on the board

- Listen and repeat after teacher

- Listen and copy down

- Repeat (chorus) then work in pairs


S1: What would you like?

S2: I’d like an apple What would you like? S2: I’d like some milk

2.Presentation dialogue

- What’s for lunch / dinner? - What’s there to drink? *Comprehention (with answer key)

meat rice noodles fruit water milk

-T gives model sentences and explains “ some / any” *Model sentences

Ex: There’s some rice Is there any rice? There isn’t any rice Note:

-Some: dùng câu khẳng đđịnh

-Any: Dùng câu phủ định nghi vaán Ex: Are there any bananas?

Yes, there are some bananas

II Practice (15’): * Picture drill (B3) -Is there any ?

Yes, there is some No, there isn’t any -Are there any ?

Yes, there are some No, there aren’t any -T calls some pairs to check

III Production (7’):

Have Ss free talk, base on model above *Consolidation (2’):

- Repeat the main content of the lesson C Homework (1’):

- Learn vocab, make sentences - Do exercise – (page 89) - Prepare the next lesson

-Have Ss tick (V) what’s for lunch on the list while reading

Ss practice in using Some / Any with There is/There are, positive, negative and Y/N questions to talk about Food and Drink

Ss practice in pairs

-Have Ss look at the pictures on B3 then ask answer (pairs work)

Ss free talk, base on model above

-Repeat the main content of the lesson


Cần Kiệm, ngày 16 tháng 01 năm 2012 Xác nhận nhà trường


UNIT 10 : Staying Healthy

Lesson : C 1-5

A.Aims: Help Ss practice speaking about favorite food and drink “Would you like…?” and “Do you like…?”

B.Objectives: By the end of the leson, Ss will be able to speak about favorite food and drink

C Language content:

* Vocabulary: favorite, carrot, tomato, lettuce, potato, bean, pea, cabbage, onion

D.Teaching aids: Pictures; cassette

E Ways of working: T – whole class, pair work, individual work. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Revision (5’) Chatting:

T: Are you hungry? S: Yes……

No…… T: Are you…… II Presentation (15’)

1 Pre-teach C1 p.112 – C3 p.113

favorite (a) Ưa thích

carrot (n) cà rốt

tomato (n) cà chua

lettuce (n) rau diếp

potato (n) khoai tây

bean (n) đậu (hạt nhỏ)

pea (n) đậu (hạt to)

cabbage (n) bắp cải

onion (n) củ hành

* Checking the vocabulary: Matching

2 Picture Drill C1 p.112 Ex : S1: What are these ?

S2 : They are beans What are those? S1: They’re carrots

Rub out and Remember Dialogue C2 p.112 Model Sentences

- Do you like vegetables? Yes, I / No, I don’t

- Would you like some vegetables? Yes, I would / Yes, please

No, I wouldn’t / No, thank you No, thanks

Answer T’s questions

- Listen-guess words & meanings - Repeat in chorus and individual - Copy down

Play game

- See the pictures & practice in pairs

- Practice - Listen

- Repeat in chorus - Practice in pairs - Listen

- Read the words in chorus - Repeat


III Practice (15’)

1 Word Cue Drill

beans peas carrots milk

iced tea oranges rice apple juice

2.Word Example Exchange

S1 : Do you like [beans] ? S2 : Yes, I

S1 : Would you like some [beans] now ? S2 : No, thanks ! / Yes, please

IV Production (7’)

Survey T helps Ss to take a survey

Ss ask each other about their favorite food and drink

S1 : Do you like chicken ? etc…

Example Feedback Cue Drill

Nam likes chickens and orange juice but he doesn’t like fish

Name likes doesn’t like

Nam chickenorange juice fish Thuy

V Consolidation (2’)

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (1’)

- Ss learn by heart all the new words - Redo all exercise

- Do the exercise - (page 91 – 92) - Prepare: Unit 11: A

- Practice

- Work in pairs

-Ss ask each other about their favorite food and drink

- Fill in information in the table - Practice

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date of planning: 23/1/2012 Date of teaching: 8/2/2012

Period 65 :


Lesson : A1


A.Aims : Help Ss learn about Quantifiers and Containers.

B.Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know and use Quantifiers (a kilo of… etc) and Containers ( a bottle of…etc) to talk about things people buy at the store

C Language content:

* Vocabulary: Bottle of cooking oil, Packet of tea, Box of chocolates, Kilo of rice, Gram of beef, Can of ………., Dozen, Bar of soap, Tube of toothpaste

D Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, pictures.

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pair work, group work, individual work. F Anticipated problem:

III Procedure

Teachers activities Students’ activities

I. Warm up(5'): Networks


- Hang on the picture, make up questions

- Who are they ?

- Where are they?

- What are they talking about?

- Introduce new words:

T presents the topic of the lesson and elicits the new words using the pictures


Bottle of cooking oil : Chai dầu Packet of tea : Tói trà Box of chocolates : Hộp Kilo of rice : Cân gạo Gram of beef : gam thịt bò Can of : lon,hp

Dozen : t¸

Bar of soap : thỏi, bánh x phòng Tube of toothpaste : ống, tuýp kem đánh *Checking up: ROR


1 Picture drill:

Ask sts to use the model dialogue into make a conversation

T and sts run through all pictures T - models Ss listen and repeat S1: Can I help you ?

S2: Yes A packet of tea please S1: Here you are

S2: Thank you

- Give feedback

-Ss as the same with the rest pictures

2 - Substitution / models, checks

T - says: water oil, soap, peas, beans, cake

-2 Students write on the board

-Answer the teacher’s questions

Ss listen, repeat, guess and copy

Play a game

T - whole class

- Listen and repeat

- Read individual - Work in pairs

Ss listen and it S1: Can I help you ?

S2:Yes.A kilo of rice please S1: Here you are

S2: Thank you S1: Can I help you?





Ss say: I'd like a bottle of [water], please I'd like abar of [soap], please

Substitution Drill

water, oil, soap, peas, beans, coke, toothpaste, oranges, eggs, tea, noodles

I’d like a bottle of water / oil, please I’d like a bar of soap, please

Notes: peas and beans: a can of… OR akilo of … IV Production(7'): Pelmanism

T - gives instruction / models / checks Sts play game a bar of soap

a dozen eggs a box of chocolates 500 grams of chicken a can of Up a bottles of water a packets of tea

a tube of toothpaste T - finds out the winners

V.Consolidation (2')

Repeat the main content of the lesson VI


- Ask S s learn by heart new words

- Do exercise - (page 93) - Prepare: A2

S2: Yesm, A 200 gram of beef please

S1: Here you are S2: Thank you

Group work

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Cần Kiệm, ngày 24 tháng 01 năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trờng

Date of planning: 28/1/2012 Date of teaching: 6/2/2012

Period 66:

UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT ? Lesson :



A Aims : Help Ss learn about quantities for shopping

B O bjectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to use "How much ? / How many ? with "want" or "need" to talk about quantities for shopping

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: need, How much, Is there anything else ?

2 Structure: How much + N (unc) + you + need? How many + Ns want?

D Teaching aids: Pictures and cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, teamwork, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up: (5') Revision : Network

apple II, Presentation (15')

1 - Pre - teach vocab:

- (to) need (translation): cần

- How much = How many (synonym): bao nhiờu -Is there anything else? Còn không?

* Checking vocabulary: Matching

2.Presentation dialogue A2 (P116)

T - sets the scene, elicits from the pictures A2 (P116) (Ba is going shopping We're going to listen to a dialogue between Ba and salesgirl)

Predict Dialogue

- Sales girl : Can I help you ?

- Ba : Yes, I’d like some (1) , please - S : How much you want ?

- Ba : (2) _grams, please - S : Is there anything else? - Ba : Yes, I need some (3) _ - S : How many you want ? - Ba : (4) _ please

III Practice (15')

- Rub out and remember dialogue S: Can I help you?

Ba: Yes, I'd like some beef, please S: How much you want?

Ba: [I want 200 grams], please I need some eggs S: How many you want?

Ba: A dozen, please *Concept check: *Black board drill T - hangs poster

T - gives instruction / models / checks Example Exchanges

S1 : I need some [beef]


-Listen and repeat - Read individually -Copy

Play game

- Predict and fill in the blanks with a suitable words individually

T - whole class


Open pairs, closed pairs

- Give form and meaning

Answer the questions: a He is at a store


S2 : How [much] you want ? S1 : [Three hundred] grams, please - Ss look at the poster and as the same Shopping list

- Meaning:

- Use: Ask and answer about quantities

- Form: How much + N (unc) + you + need? How many + Ns want? - Intonation: (MD) Model dialogue

- Ask Ss answer the questions A2 p.116 IV Production (7')

*Write it up

*Role play Each student writes a shopping list - S1 is the storekeeper and S2 is the customer V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (1')

- Ask the Ss to learn the structures and ex again - Do exercise + ( page 94)

- Prepare the next lesson: A -

b He wants some beef and some eggs

c He wants two hundred grams of beef

d He wants a dozen eggs

-Role play

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of planning: 29/2/2011 Date of teaching: 14/2/2011 Period 67

UNIT 11 : WHAT DO YOU EAT ? Lesson 3: A 3-4

A Aims: Further practice in asking and answering about quantifiers (a kilo of… etc) and containers ( a bottle of…etc) to talk about things people buy at the store

B Objectives: Ss practice in listening for specific information about quantities for shopping

C Language content:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, casette,

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individual work

F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I-Warm up: (5') Pelmanism T help Ss play the game.

a bar of soap

a dozen eggs

a box of chocolates

Play games 300g beef

1 kg rice 500g beans apples


500 grams of chicken

a can of Up

a bottles of water a packets of tea

a tube of toothpaste II Pre-listening: (10')

T presents the topic of the lesson *Prediction Matching

Phuong: (c) wants a packet of cookies Ly: (b) wants a can of soda Mai: (d) wants a tube of toothpaste

Nam: (e) wants a bar of soap and a box of chocolates

T checks understanding III While-listening: (10')

T plays the tape and Ss listen and check their predictions

Answer Key:

Phuong: (d) wants a tube of toothpaste

Ly: (e) wants a bar of soap and a box of chocolates Mai: (b) wants a can of soda

Nam: (c) wants a packet of cookies IV Read ( 10')

T says: Mon wants Nam to buy things at the store Ss guess what things she needs before listen & read - Let’s students read the dialogue

- Ask Ss to work in pairs - Call some pairs to read *Comprehension questions 1: What does she want?

- She needs a bottle of cooking oil and some rice 2: How much rice does she need?

- Two kilos

3: How much beef does she need? - She needs half a kilo

4: How many oranges does she need? - She needs half a dozen

Ask Ss to write the shopping list V Production: (7')

*Role play:

Ss work in pairs to practice speaking (How much/ How many)

T calls some pairs to check VI Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Look at the poster and match them

-Compare with their friends - Listen and check their predictions

-Compare with the key

-Listen and read in pairs -Some pairs read in front of the class

-Read the dialogue again and answer the questions

-Ss write the shopping list Ss work in pairs to practice speaking (How much/ How many)


VII Homework: (1')

-Ss write the similar dialogue based on A4-p117 -T guides Ss to the exercise in Work-book ( page 94)

- Prepare: B 1, ,

the lesson - Copy

Date of planning: 29/1/2012 Date of teaching: 15 /2/2012 Period 68 :

UNIT 11 : WHAT DO YOU EAT ? Lesson 4: B 1, 3,


A Aims: Ss further practice in Offers and Requests for Food and Drink using ‘some’, ‘a’, ‘an’

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to use "some, a, an" through further practice in offers and request for food or drink for meals

C Language content:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette,

E Ways of teaching:

II Preparation Pictures; cassette and poster III Procedure:

Teachers activities Students activities

I Warm up: (5') * Bingo (P119)

II Presentation (15') Teacher presents the lesson

 Kim’s game

- Have students look at the picture of food / drink in B1 on page119 and try to remember as many words as possible

- Divide class into two groups

- Put away the picture and ask students to go to the board and write the words they’ve seen from memory - The group has the most right English words is the winner

 Presentation pictures - Show students the picture

- Say the model sentences:

+ What would you like for breakfast? + I d like some milk.

+ What would you like for lunch?

+ I d like some ’ rice , fish and a banana

Play game

- Look at the picture of food and drink (B1,Page 119) in 20 seconds and try to remember as many words as possible - Work in groups

- Put away the picture and ask students to go to the board and write things they’ve seen from memory

- Congratulate


III Practice: (15')

 Picture drill - Run through the pictures

- Hold up the first picture and say the model sentences: +What would you like for lunch?

+ I d like some meat, rice and vegetables.’ - Do the same for the seccond picture - Correct their mistakes

 Practice the dialogue B3 (P120) S1: What would you like for [breakfast] ? S2: I'd like some [bread] and some [milk]?

 Word Cue Drill 1.bread/milk 2.noodles/ water

fish/soda beef/vegetables/lemonade 5.rice/ orange juice chicken/iced tea

* Note: an orange juice = a glass of orange juice a soda = a can of soda

an iced tea = a glass of iced tea

IV.Production (7')  Survey

- Get students to fill in their real names and what time they the following things

- Get them to practice in pairs: + What would you like for …? + I d like some / a / an ‘ ………. - Feedback

V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI

Homework (1')

- Remember the way of using "a / an / some" - Ask the Ss ex + (page 95 + 96) - Prepare the next lesson: B 2,

- Look at the pictures - Listen to the teacher

- Repeat it chorally and then individually

- Make the sentence for themselves

- Practice in pairs

- Some pairs practice in front

- Practice the word cue drill

- Practice in pairs

-Some pairs practice in front

-Fill in their real names and what time they the following things

- Practice in pairs

-Tell the teacher what they have asked their partner, e.g.“Lan would like some milk and bread for her breakfast………

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of planning: 30/1/2012 Date of teaching: 18/2/2012 Period 69:

UNIT 11 : WHAT DO YOU EAT? Lesson 5: B 2,


A Aims : Help students to practice talking about the prices for food and drink using "How much is it?"

What would you like for.? Name breakfast lunch dinner


B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to talk about the prices for food and drink using "How much is it ?"

C Language content:

* Vocabulary: a bowl of noodles, a dried rice, a thousand, a cake, an ice - cream, a sandwich

D Teaching aids: Cassette , pictures

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, groupwork, individualwork

F Anticipated problem:

II. Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I - Warm up (5') Chatting What would you like?

Do you like beef? Do you like noodles? Do you like vegetables? Do you like carrots? II-Presentation (15')

1 - Pre - teach vocab

- a bowl of noodles : bát / tô phở - a dried rice : bát cơm chiên - a thousand : nghìn

- a cake : b¸nh ngät - an ice - cream (n) kem

- a sandwich (n) bánh xăng uých * Checking vocab:Slap the board

2 - Presentation dialogue

-T - sets the scene / elicits from the pictures (P121) Rub out and remember dialogue

T - How much is a sandwich ? L - It's 1.500 ®

T - How much are vegetables ? L - They are 2.000 d

* Concept check: - Meaning:


How much + is/ are + N(s)?

T - whole class

- Guess meaning - Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read individually -Copy

- Play the game to check their own vocabulary


=>It/ They + is/ are + gi¸

- Use: Hỏi / đáp giá

III Practice: Word cue / picture drill B5 (15') -T - runs through the cues and models:

How much is a fried rice ?

It's two thousand five hundred dong

Sts listen and repeat Then as the same with the rest cues

1 - a fried rice / 2.500 ® - a bowl of noodles / 3000 ® - a sandwich / 1.500 ® - an orange juice / 1.800 ® - a lemon juice / 1.000 ® - an ice - cream / 2.000 ® - a cake / 500 ®

IV.Production (7')  Noughts and crosses

2,500ñ 500ñ 3,000ñ 4,800ñ 10,000ñ 1,000ñ 1,200ñ 8,500ñ 5,000ñ

V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI

Homework (1') - Do part B in work book

- Ask the Ss to learn the structures and ex again - Prepare the next lesson

- Copy

T - WC T  Ss Ss  Ss S  S open pair

- Work in groups

- One is noughts (O) and the other is Crosses (X)

- Choose any words in the boxes, ask and ask questions about prices

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Cần Kiệm, ngày tháng năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trường

Date of planning: 20/2/2012 Date of teaching: 21/2/2012 Period 70: GRAMMAR PRACTICE



B Objectives: Ss practice in Likes and Dislikes ( Simple Present tense ), un\countable, Adjectives, Question words, Present Progressive vs Simple Present, Quantifiers

C Language Content

D Teaching aids: Textbook, Exercises,

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork group work, individual work

F Anticipated problem

II.procedure :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: (5') Bingo T read ten words

-potato, tomato, chicken, apple ,……… II Practice: (37')

1 - Likes and dislikes

T calls some sts to give the comment of using "like" T sets the scene for sts to play "find some one who" T gives instruction, models, checks

Do you like fish, Lan ?  Yes, I Do you like bread, Nam ?  No, I don't Sts fill the poster with name

Find some one who Name

likes fish

doesn't like bread likes chicken doesn't like rice likes milk

likes meat

Lan Nam

Sts give feed back

"Lan likes fish Nam doesn't like bread 2 - a / an / some

Ask Ss to retell the way of using "a, an, some" T - gives instruction / models / checks

Ss play game Network

Play games

give the comment of using "like"

Call sts for groups sts go around the room and ask

Retell the way of using "a, an, some"

an some


- sandwich - orange noodles

- banana - ice - cream rice

*Guessing game

T gives instruction / models / checks Ss play game

S1: Would you like a sandwich ? S2: No, I wouldn't

S1: Would you like some milk ? S2: Yes, I would

3 - Adjectives:

Pelmanism T gives instruction / models / checks Ss play game

tall long hot fat heavy weak

short short cold thin light strong

T - finds out the winner 4 - Question - words

T - asks Ss to list question words

Ss list "what, who, when, where, which " T - asks to fill in the exercises

a - who is in the living room ?] Bi and Fifi are in the leving room b -What is Bi doing ?

He is doing his homework

c - How much homework does he have ? He has a lot of homework

d - What is Fifi doing ? She is sleeping

e - Where is she ? She is under the table

Play games

Do exercise


5 - Present simple and present progressive T - gives instruction / models / checks

Ss exercises (P123) T - hangs poster

a - She eats a lot of fruits She is eating an apple now b - They drink juice They are drinking some juice at the moment

c - He rides his bicycle everyday He is riding his bicycle

d - He goes to bed early He is going to bed now 6 - Quantifiers:

T - gives instruction / models / checks and hangs poster

Ss play game

a bottle a packet a bar a can a glass a box a bowl

of soda


cooking oil soap

chocolates noodles water V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI

Homework (1') - Do all exercises again - Prepare to test 45 minutes

Chang the Present simple into present progressive

-Do matching

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of preparation: 20/ /2012 Date of teaching : 22/ 2/2012

Period 71: TEST A Preparation:

I Aim: Check the knoledge from unit to unit 11. II Objectives: After the test, Ss will be able to:

- EStimate their knowledge at their true worth from unit to 11 - Consolidate the language focus from unit to 11


IV Matrix:

Néi dung NhËn biÕt Th«ng hiĨu VËn dơng Tỉng sè


II Reading 5c©u


5câu 2,5điểm

III Language focus 8câu

4điểm câu1điểm 12 5điểm

IV Writing 5câu


5câu 2,5điểm

Tổng số 8câu

4điểm 5câu 2,5điểm câu3,5điểm 22 câu10điểm

B- Content of testing:

I LISTENING: Listen and tick T ( true) or F ( false) into below sentences:

1 Milk is a good drink

2 Fruit juice isn’t a good drink

3 Milk and fruit juice are good for children We don’t need meat , fish , vegetables Milk and fruit juice give us a lot of vitamins II-Language focus:

1.Choose a word odd one out ( mark)

1 a.banana b.rice c.orange d.apple

2 a.eye b.hair c.orange juice d.nose

3 a.bottle b.banana c.packet d.tube

4 a.full b.thirsty c.hungry d.short

2 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (4 marks)

1 color is her hair ? _ It is black

A How B When C What

2 She has lips

A long B full C short Is your mother’s hair long short ?

A or B and C with 4.I am I’d like some noodles

A thirsty B hungry C tired There aren’t apples on the table

A any B some C a

6 There is water in the bottle

A any B a C some She wants cooking oil

A a box of B a dozen C a bottle of How eggs you want ?

A any B many C much

III-Writing: Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences ( 2.5 marks)

1 white / She / teeth / has Nga’s / is/ round / face

3 like / milk / I / would / some


I Listening: (2.5 ®iĨm)

1 T F T F T

* Tapescription: Milk is a good drink Fruit juice is also a good drink Milk and fruit juice are very good for our health Children should drink milk and fruit juice every day They give us a lot of vitamins Meat , fish and vegetables are necessary foods We have meat, fish, vegetables and rice for lunch and dinner

II-Language focus: 1 ( ®iÓm )

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.d

2 (4 ®iÓm)

1 C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B

III-Writing: (2.5 ®iĨm)

1 She has white teeth Nga’s face is round I would like some milk

4.What would you like for breakfast? I’d like some noodles for breakfast

E- Tæng kÕt:

- GV thu bµi vµ nhËn xÐt bµi kiĨm tra


Date of planning: 20/2/2012 Date of teaching: 25/2/2012 Period 72: Check the test

A Aim : Help students check their test they have done and correct their written tests , and consolidate the knowledge they are weak

B Objective : By the end of the lesson students will be able to find their mistakes in their tests and know how to correct them.and consolidate what they are weak

C Language content :

D Teaching aids : posters

E The way of working : T – WC , individual , pair work , groupwork

F Anticipated problem : II Procedure :

Teacher's activities Student's activities


a/ What you think about the test? b/ Is it easy or difficult?

c/ Which sentense is the most difficult? d/ How many marks you think you got? B/New lesson :

I Correcting the test: (30’)

- Give students a test paper for each

- Ask students to read their tests and chech again

- Have students give the answer key of the tests on the board - Ask students to withdraw the things to remember after the test 1/ Correcting the test:


1 T F T F T II Language focus:

1 ( ®iĨm )

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.d

2 (4 ®iĨm)

1 C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B

III Writing:

1 She has white teeth Nga’s face is round I would like some milk

4.What would you like for breakfast? I’d like some noodles for breakfast 2.Comment on the test

* Main mistakes:

- Listening to the text and check T or F

- Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences * Name some good tests, bad tests :

+) Good tests: +) Bad tests:

II/Production (8’) * Pelmanism

T gives instruction / models / checks

T- Whole class

T – WC

Whole class give the answers

- Listen to the text again to give answer

Read and give their answers

In pairs

Write sentences in pairs

Then give the key

T - whole class


Ss play game

tall long hot fat heavy weak

short short cold thin light strong

C.Homework :(2’)

*Prepare next lesson : Unit 12 : A -

Play the game in teams

Copy the homework Cần Kiệm, ngày 21 tháng năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trường

Date of planning: 26/2/2012 Date of teaching: 28/2/2012

Period 73: UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES Lesson : A1 -


A Aims : Ss further practice in Present progressive and Sports Vocabulary to talk about

what people are doing now

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson Students will be able to talk about what people are doing now using sport vocabulary through further practice in present progressive

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: (to) swim, (to) jog, (to) play badminton, (to) play table tennis (to) skip, (to) aerobics

2 Structure: What + is / am /are + S + doing ? S + is /am / are + V-ing

D Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I, Warm up: 5' Brainstorming : badminton


- Go to the board and write


II, Presentation 15'

1 - Pre teach vocabulary:

- (to) swim b¬i

- (to) jog ®i bé thĨ dơc

- (to) play badminton chơi cầu lông

- (to) play table tennis chơi bóng bàn

- (to) skip nhảy dây

- (to) aerobics tập thể dục nhịp điệu * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

2 - Presentation dialogue:

T - sets the scene T - points the pictures P124 T - introduces each picture and asks

T - What is he doing? (Pa) S1: He is swimming

T - What's she doing? (Pd) S2: She is skipping

T - What are they doing ? (Pb) S3: They are playing badminton Note:

swim  swimming skip  skipping jog  jogging III Practice (15')

*Pictures drill A1 (P124)

T and sts run through all pictures T - models: "What 's he doing ?"

He's swimming b.They are playing badminton

- Look at these pictures - Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Play game

-Listen and answer

-T - whole class

-Work in pairs


c.They are playing soccer d.She is skipping

e.They are playing volleyball f.She is doing aerobics

g.They are playing tennis h.He is jogging

i.They are playing table tennis T calls some pairs to check

* Model sentences

What is he doing ? He is swimming Form: What + is / am /are + S + doing ? S + is /am / are + V-ing

IV Further practice (7')

*Noughts and crosses A1 (P124) T - gives instruction / models / checks

S1: What is he doing ? S2: He is he doing



G H I V.Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework(1')

- Do all exercises again

- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Do exercise + ( page 103 + 104)

- Prepare A3-6 (P 125-126)

then they as the same with the rest pictures

-Ss copy

- Ss play game


Date of planning: 27/2/2012 Period 74:

Date of teaching: 1/3/2012 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES


A Aims: To help students practice asking and answering questions “Which……?”

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about people's regular exercise using "which " question with simple present tense through reading a short text

C Language content: 1 Vocabulary:

2 Structure: Which sports you play ? I play soccer.

D Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I, Warm up: 5' * Jumbled words

torps = sport lietoseniv = television mage = game belvalylol = volleyball sucim = music bolfatol = footbal II, Pre - reading ( 6')

* Open - prediction

-T sets the scene pointing the picture A4

This is Lan and this is Nam They are students They like sports very much Predict which sports Lan and Nam like

Lan Nam


1 II, While reading ( 15')

Ss read A4 (P126) and correct their prediction

Lan Nam

1 swims

2.does aerobics

1 plays soccer 2.jogs

Work individually then write on the board

Predict in groups of


3.plays badminton 3.plays table tennis *Lucky number (questions-A4 P.126 a-d)

T - gives instruction / checks


1 - Lucky number

2.a-Which sports does Lan play?  She plays badminton…

3.b-Does Lan play tennis?  No, she doesn't

4.c-Which sports does Nam play?  He plays soccer, jogs

5.d-Does Nam play table tennis?  Yes, he does - Lucky number

III, Post - reading (A3) 15' T - runs through the 1st picture

T - models: "Which sports you play?” Survey

T - draws the table / gives instruction / checks Sts work in pairs

Name Sports

Hoa swim volleyball table - tennis

S1 - Which sports you ? S2 - I swim

S1 - What else ? S2 - Yes, I Sts: give feed back

Eg: Hoa likes to swim, she plays volleyball V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (2')

- Write about every family member's favorite sports - Write "survey" up

- Do + ( Page 104) in the workbook - Prepare B 1-3 (P 127-128)

Sts play game G1:



Ss listen and repeat

Ss as the same with the rest pictures

Teacher and the whole class

Work in pairs

Repeat the main content of the lesson


Date of planning: 26/2/2012

Period 75: Date of teaching: 4/3/2012 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES


A Aims : Ss practice in speaking and writing short texts about what we in our free time

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about what they do in their free time

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: Free time, go fishing , go to the movies

2 Structure: What you in free time ? I go fishing in my free time.

D Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I- Warm up: Crossword games ( 5')

T has the Ss play game.(free time) to lead the lesson II Presentation: ( 10')

1.New words:

- Free time(n) :thời gian rảnh rỗi - (to) go fishing : câu cá

- (to) go to the movies : xem phim *Check: R & R

2 Let Ss read B1 Model sentences:

A: What you in your free time? B: I go fishing in my free time

III Practice: (15') 1.Model sentences:

A: What you in your free time? B: I go fishing in my free time

Form: (Bạn làm vào thời gian rỗi?)

A: What you in your free time?

Play games

Ss listen and repeat then copy in their book

Rewrite on the board Read in chorus

Find out the model


They their does he his

she her B: I go fishing in my free time

He goes fishing in his free time

*Picture drill ( transformation) (B1 / P 127) Example : Ss change “I” to “Phuong …” etc S1: What does (Phuong) in his free time? S2 : He goes to the movies

2- B4 Listen to the cassette and exercise * Matching

- Tan: f -Minh and Nam: e - Lien : a - Lan and Mai : b IV Production ( 12') 1.Transform Writing

* Answer key : B3 / 128 – Listen and read a Phuong goes to the movies in his free time a) Phuong goes to the movies

b) Ly watches TV c) Nam reads

d) Lan listens to music e) Tuan goes fishing

f) Long plays video games 2 Pyramid


Individual writing

Lan writes: I watch TV, I go to the park and I play badminton

Huy writes: I watch TV, I go fishing and I play soccer Thinh writes: I listen to music , I play soccer and I watch TV

Group writing

Lan, Huy ,Thinh watch TV Huy and Thinh play football Huy goes fishing

Lan goes to the park and I plays badminton Thinh listens to music

Ss write things about what they in their free time In groups they put all their sentences together on a poster V Consolidation (2')


Work in pairs


Listen to the cassette and exercise



- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework ( 1')

- Make sentences

- Do exercise - ( page 104 + 105) in the workbook - Prepare: B5, C1, C

Repeat the main content of the lesson


Cần Kiệm, ngày 28 tháng năm 2011

Xác nhận nhµ trêng

Date of planning: 6/ 3/2012 Date of teaching: 7/ 3/2012 Period 76:


A Aims: To help ss practice asking and answering question “ How often……… ?” and practice adverbs of frequency

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use “ How often ?” questions and answers “ once / twice / three times a week ” to talk about frequency of activities and practice adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often,sometimes, never ) with the simple present tense for regular activities

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: How often?, once, twice, three times, a week

2 Structure: How often + / does + S + V ? S + V (s,es) + sè lÇn + a (week )

D Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I.Warm up: Chatting ( 5')

Teacher asks ss some questions about their free time II Presentation ( 10')


- How often? (trans) Thường xuyên

- once (examp) lần

- twice (synomyn) = times

- three times (guess) - a week (trans)

*Checking vocabulary: What and where III Practice (17')

1-B5.Listen and read:

Answer T’s questions - Look at the pictures and guess

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read


T sets the scene: Mai and Lien are friends ,they have a closed friend She is Ly: Mai asks Lien about Ly's activities in her free time

- Let ss listen and read *Fill in the table

Ly’s activities in free time How often?(a week) Go jogging once

Listen to music twice

Read Three times

* Model sentences

How often does she goes jogging? She goes jogging once a week * Concept check:

- Meaning: Bạn có thờng xuyên không ? Bạn lần tuần - Use: Hỏi / đáp tần số hoạt động - Form: How often + / does + S + V ?

S + V (s,es) + sè lÇn + a (week ) * Substitution drill

Cues: three, one, four, two, five ,two, six, one, three, one Ex : T says Ss say:

Three  three times a week

One  once a week

2 Listen: C1 Answer key a never b sometimes

c often d often e usually IV Production (10')

* Picture drill (B5- 129)

S1: How often does Ly [ go to school]? S2: She goes [six times] a week

* Find some one who

Find some one who Nam e plays soccer twice a week

.goes to the park once a week watches TV seven times a week

.plays badminton twice a week .does homework six times a week

V Consolidation ( 2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (1')

- Do part B + 2( page 106 + 107) in work book


Work in pairs Fill in the table Find out the model sentences

Give form and use

Listen and repeat

Work in groups to play this game

-Repeat the main content of the lesson


- Ask the S to learn again the structures and ex - Prepare the next lesson: C2, C3, C4, C

Date of planning: 6/ Date of teaching: 8/

UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES Period 77: C2, C3, C4, C6


A Aims: Help Ss practice adverbs of frequency with the simple present tense for regular activities

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a picture story to understand the details and practice adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often,sometimes, never ) with the simple present tense for regular activities

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: go on a picnic, have a picnic, go camping, fly the kite

2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: C4 (p.131) (7')

Noughts and Crosses swim read abook play tennis go to



football homework watch TV listen tomusic play volleyball S1: How often you swim?

S2: I always swim II Presentation: 5' *Vocabulary

(to) go on a picnic (to) have a picnic

đi dã ngoại ( Situation) (to) go camping cắm trại ( picture) (to) fly the kite thả diều (picture) tent (n) trại , lều ( picture) *Checking the vocabulary: R O R

III Practice (20')

1.Ss listen and read C2 then fill in the Grids.T checks with whole class

S1: How often Ba and Lan go to the zoo? S2: They sometimes go to the zoo

Play games

- Look at the pictures and guess

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy Play game Write


Grids. How often

they never sometimes often usually always …go to the


… go to the


…have a


…play sports?

…fly kites?

…go camping?…walk to




2 Comprehension questions: C6 (p.132) Answer keys

a.He likes walking

b They always wears strong boots and warm clothes c He goes on the weekend

d He usually goes with two friends e He often goes walking in the mountain f They take food, water and a camping stove IV Production ( 10')

Role play

S1: How often Ba and Lan go to the zoo? S2: They sometimes go to the zoo

V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (1')

- Learn new words by heart - Do exercise + (page 107)

- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 13: A -

Ss work in pairs

Read and complete the grids

- work in groups to answer the questions (write in the sub-board) - Stick the sub-board on the board

- Correct the mistakes - practice in pairs( asking and answering)

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of planning: 6/3/2012 Date of teaching : 11/3/ 2012

Period 78 :


Lesson 1:

A1, A2

A Aims: Practice asking and answering questions "what's the weather like ?"

B Objectives By the end of the lesson sts will be able to use temperature and seasons vocabulary with questions "what's the weather like ?"

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: seasons, spring, summer, fall, winter


It's hot / warm / cold / cool

D Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: Chatting ( 5')

C4 (p.131) II Presentation: 10'

1 - Pre - teach vocabulary: The weather(trans)

seasons (example) spring (visual) summer (visual)

fall (visual)

winter (visual)

* Checking vocabulary: Matching

T - hangs poster / give instruction / models, checks cold

cool warm hot

spring summer Fall winter

June, july, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May

2 - Presentation dialogue T - sets the scene

Mai Mary

Mary is Mai's friend She has just come to Vietnam for vacation She wants to ask Mai about the weather

Dialogue build

Mary: What is the weather like in the summer in Vietnam Mai: It's hot

 Concept check: - Meaning:

- Use: Hỏi/ đáp thời tiết mùa

- From: What's the weather like in the summer ?/ spring ? winter ? Fall ?

It's hot / warm / cold / cool - Intonation: MS

III Practice: 10' Picture drill A1 - P134

Teacher and the whole class

- Look at the pictures and guess

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Play game


Do matching

Teacher and the whole class


T - instroduces the pictures, models

A: What's the weather like in the Summer ? B: It's hot

Sts listen and repeat Then as the same IV.Production: Substitution boxes ( 17')

T - hangs poster / gives instructions

rice hot and mountains green warm river the night

morning yellow is cool trees blue flowers afternoon

T - divides the class into groups Each is for one season and each group make a poster

T - models: - In the spring

The afternoon is warm but the evening is cool The rice is green The trees are beautiful - In the summer

- the night is hot, the river is warm, the lake is blue,the flowers are tall

- the rice is yellow - In the fall

- the morning is cool, the evening is beautiful - In the winter

The morning is gray and cold,The mountains and the rivers are very cold

V Consolidation (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI

Homework (1') - Make sentences

- Prepare the next lesson

Ss work in pairs

Work in group

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Cần Kiệm, ngày tháng năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trường


Period 79 :


Lesson 2: A3

A Aims: Help Ss practice asking and answering question with “What weather you like?” to talk about your favorite weather

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to talk about the weather and seasons they like

C Language content: 1 Vocabulary:

2 Structure: What weather + do/ does + S + like ?

S + like (s) + adjective of weather + weather

D Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, group work, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I-Warm up: 7' *Word square:

T has Ss to find the vocabulary: spring ; hot, winter, like, rise

go, , summer, season, fall, cold, warm, cool, weather








II Presentation 5'

- Set the scene: How you feel when it’s cool? (Ss answer)

-Ss: look at the their books, then listen and repeat after the teacher

-Ss : read individually

-T Introduces the model sentences *Model sentences:

A: What weather you like? B: I like hot weather

A: What weather does she like? B: She likes cool weather

* Grammar: Introduce the way to ask and answer about one’s hobby of weather

- Meaning: Bạn thích thời tiết ?

- Use: Hi / đáp thời tiết thích thời tiết hôm

Work in groups of four to find the words

T - whole class Listen and repeat


- Form: (?) What weather + do/ does + S + like ? (-) S + like (s) + adjective of weather + weather. III Practice: 15'

-Let Ss look at the pictures, then practice asking and answering in pairs

* Picture drill(A3-P135) *Example Exchange:

S1: What weather [you/they] like? S2: [I /They] like [cool] weather IV Further Practice: 15'

* Mapped dialogue

Ha Noi? …hot cold like?

……… Nha Trang

cold Nha Trang? like? ………….Ha Noi hot… S1: What’s the weather like in Ha Noi?

S2: It’s cold What’s the weather like in Nha Trang? S1: It’s hot

S2: What weather you like? S1: I like cold weather

S2: Come to Ha Noi

S1: What weather you like? S2: I like hot weather

S1: Come to Nha Trang V Consolidation 2'

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework.1'

- Learn by heart form/ - Do exercise ( Page 109) - Prepare the next lesson: A -

Teacher - whole class Work in pairs

Teacher - whole class

Work in pairs

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of planning: 13/3 / 2012 Date of teaching: 15/3/2012

Period 80:


Lesson 3: A4-5 + KT 15’


B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “when” clauses in positive statements and “Wh – questions”

C Language content: 1 Vocabulary: 2 Structure:

What does he when it’s hot? you

When it’s hot he goes fishing?

I go

D Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, group work, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: (7') *Network

*Possible answer;

+ go fishing + go for a walk + go camping + go jogging + listen to music + watch TV + read books + fly kites II Pre-reading (7')

- Have Ss guess what Ba does when it’s (hot) - Give feedback

* Prediction:

What does Ba when it’s ? a hot

b cold c warm d cool III While – reading (17')

- Get Ss to read the text and check their prediction - Read the text - Ss: listen and repeat

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen one time - Explain about the model sentences

1 Checking their prediction 2.Model sentences:

What does he do when it’s hot?

do you

When it’s hot he goes fishing?

I go

Go to the board and write the pastimes activities

Predict what Ba does when it’s hot/ cold /warm/ cool

Listen and repeat

Read the text and check their prediction

Find out the model




- Introduce question word “When” used as a conjunction in the sentence

- Form: When clause, main clause

- Get the S to remark the structure for each clause - Get the S to give the places of conjunction “When” in the sentences

- Feedback: conjunction “When” is placed at positions They are the beginning of sentences and between clauses

- Ask the S to make up the sentences - Feedback

3.Practice: * Word cue drill a cold / go jogging?

b cool / aerobics? c hot / go swimming? d warm / go to the park/

S1: What you when it’s cold? S2: When it’s cold, I go jogging

*EX: S1: When it’s cold, you go jogging? S2: Yes, I / No, I don’t

IV Post-reading: (10')

-Ask Ss to change the text about Ba and write about themselves, using “I”

-Ss: read their partner’s text and write about their partner using “He / She”

- Give feed back and correct the mistakes * Transformation writing:

Ex: When it’s hot, I When

Ex: When it’s hot, he/she V Consolidation : (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework ( 1')

- Write texts into your exercise books - Learn structures by heart

- Do exercise ( Page 110) - Prepare the next lesson: B1

Teacher - whole class Free practice


-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of planning: 13/3/2011 Date of teaching: 18/3/2011 Period 81:



A.Aims: Ss practice in using Adverbs of Frequency, Simple Present, Sports Vocabulary,Seasons

B.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in adverbs of frequency, simple present, sports vocabulary and seasons

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: play basketball, go sailing

2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, group work, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I /Warm up: Networks ( 7')


- Call on some Ss to go to the board and write II/ Presentation: ( 7')

1.Pre - teach vocabulary:

- (to) play basketball (visual) ch¬i bãng rỉ - (to) go sailing (visual) ®i b¬i thun Presentation text B1 P138

- T - reads Sts listen and repeat (twice) III/ Practice ( 16')

T - asks questions following the text

Eg: a - What you often in the spring ? Ss answer following every picture - Exchange: - Ss ask - T - answers

- Ss work in pairs: Ask - answer following the content of the text and following each picture.Hang the answers on the board

-T can the first sentence * Answer given

* Answer given Questions

a.we often play volleyball a.What they in the spring? b.They sometimes go sailling b.What they in the fall? c.I often go swimming c.What you in the summer? d.She usually plays babminton d.What does she in the fall? e.We always play basketball e.What you in the winter?

Go to the board and write adverbs of frequency

-Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Listen and repeat

Teacher - whole class

Work in pairs

make the questions for the answer (work in pairs)


- Call some pairs to demomstrate in front of the class -Ss can use the pictures of b1 as cues

- Correct and give the answer key IV/ Production ( 12')

* Lucky number:

1 - What's the weather like in the winter ? - What you usually in the fall ? - What you usually eat in the winter ? - Lucky number

5 - What's the weather like in the spring ? - Lucky number

7 - Where you usually go in the summer - What weather you like ?

9 - What fruit you usually eat in the Spring ? 10 - Lucky number

11 - What's the weather like in the fall ?

12 - What / which sports you play in the winter ? V C onsolidation : (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (1')

- Learn vocab by heart

- Do exercise + ( page 110 - 113) - Prepare the next lesson: B2

Play games

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Cần Kiệm, ngày 14 tháng năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trường

Date of planning: 21/3/2012 Date of teaching: 22/3 /2012 Period 82:


Lesson 5: B

A Aims: Ss practice in writing about activities you in different seasons

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write about activities they in different seasons


1 Vocabulary:

2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’activities I / Warm up: 7'

* Brainstorming

II Pre - writing (10')

* Board drill:

T asks students questions - Ss answer - using the words in the brainstorming step  then Ss - Ss

Eg exchange: What you in the summer ? I usually go swimming

I sometimes go sailing

* Survey

- T - hangs poster on the bb Ask Ss to copy down the table Name Season Weather usually go usually usually eat,

drink Hoai


fall cool river go fishing coke

T - calls one strong student as an example with the teacher example exchange

T - Hoai, please, stand up T - What's your name ? S - My name's Hoai

T - Which season you like ? S- I like the fall

T - What is the weather like in the fall ?

-Let Ss tell the activities which they often in each season (whole class) -Have Ss look at the map in the brainstorming and practice asking and answering

Teacher and the whole class

Teacher and student

sometimes usually


activities and seasons

usually summer

go swim ming


S - It's cool

T - Where you usually go in the fall ? S - I go fishing

T - What you usually eat or drink ? S- I usually drink coke

T - and Hoai exchange the roles

- Ss practice in group and fill information in the survey III While - writing (15')

* Write it up: Sts write about the friends they've just interested, using the third person singular

Example exchange:

Hoai likes the fall, when it is cool, she usually goes to the river She usually goes fishing at the river She usually drinks coke

IV Post Writing: (10') Ss exhibit their writing

T notes the tipical mistakes and then corrects V Consolidation : (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson VI Homework (1')

- Do exercises + in part B - Unit 13 - Workbook - Ss rewrite their writing at home

- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 14: A1 -

Ss work in pairs


Ss-Ss T -Ss

-Repeat the main content of the lesson - Copy


Date of planning: 21/3/2012 Date of teaching: 25/3/2012 Period 83 :

UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS Lesson 1: A 1-3

A Aims: Ss practice in using ‘going to’ future, positive statements and ‘Wh questions’ to talk about vacation plans

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “going to” Future, positive statements and “Wh-questions” to talk about vacation plans

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: a vacation, visit, stay, aunt, uncle, How long, The citadel

2 Structure: (?) (Wh) + are you / they going to + Vinfinitive +… ?


They/we are + going to + Vinfinitive He/she

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: * Pattern Pulzze ( 5')

Key: tea, toe, ear, are

- Draw cicles and write a letter in each cicle Have Ss match the letters into the right words (Ss play in teams ) Ss: as directed

II Presentation : (20')

1 Pre teach vocabulary

- a vacation (trans) kỳ nghỉ

- (to) visit (exp) thăm quan, thăm viếng - (to) stay (synonym) to live with for

- aunt (exp) cô, dì, bác (gái)

- uncle (exp) chó, b¸c, cËu

- How long (q - word) (trans) ? - The citadel (trans) cố đô * Checking vocabulary: R & R 2 Presentation:

*Teacher sets the scene

Ba: What are you going to Lan: I’m going to visit Hue.

* Grammar: Immediate future


(?) (Wh) + are you / they going to + Vinfinitive +… ?

is she/he (+) I am

They/we are + going to + Vinfinitive He/she

Use: Dùng để diễn tả dự định hay hành động xảy

Play games

Listen and read in

chorus and


Copy down and play the game

Teacher and the whole class

Find out the form use.meaning



tương lai

III-Practice: ( 17')

*Word cue drill

T - models first cue as an example Sts listen and repeat a - You / visit Hue b - Binh / visit citadel

c - They / stay in a hotel d - Mr and Mrs Thanh / visit HN e - She / go camping

*Presentation dialouge A 1 - Teacher presents the dialogue

- Read the dialogue, Ss listen and repeat sentence by sentence

* Comprehension questions:

a She is going to visit Hue

b She is going to stay with her aunt and uncle c She is going to stay for a week

d She is going to visit the citadel Hue IV C onsolidation : (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson V Homework.(1')

- Learn vocab by heart

- Write the answers for A2 P14 - Do exercise ( page 114) - Prepare the next lesson: A -

Teacher and the whole class

Work in pairs Listen and repeat Work in pairs Read

Answer the questions in pairs

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Cần Kiệm, ngày 22 tháng 03 năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trường

Date of planning: 27/3/2012 Date of teaching: 29/3/2012 Period 84:

UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS Lesson 2: A -


A Aims: Ss practice in reading a text about vacation plans to understand the details and practice using ‘going to’ Future and sequencing words: first, then, next, after that, finally

B.Objectives:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand a text about vacation plans and practice with ‘going to’

C Language content:


2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: 5' * Matching


1.Ben Thanh Market a Nha Trang 2.The beach b HCM city 3.The citadel c Ha Noi 4.Ngoc Son temple d Quang Ninh 5.Ha Long bay e Hue

- Call on some Ss to go to the board and match the phrase words in column A with the right places in column B II Pre reading : 10'

1.Pre - teach vocabulary:

-The beach (picture) bãi biển -a temple (eg) đền thờ

-grandmother (eg) bà -grandfather (eg) ông -first (adv) (trans) -then (adv) sau -next (adv) tiếp -after that (adv) sau -finally (adv) cuối *Checking the vocabulary :Slap the board 2.Ordering (with answer key)

First: Ha Long bay Second: Ha Noi

Third: Hue Fourth: Nha Trang Fifth: HCM city Ask sts to close their books

T - sets the scene: Phuong and Mai are going to visit places in their vacation Now predict where are they going to go first, second fifth with a partner  discuss and order your think


Teacher collects sts' predictions on the bb III/ While - reading 15'

- Ss read the text; check their orders

- T hangs poster on the bb  asks sts to draw it

- Call on a student go to the bb to fill the information in the second

Do matching

- Look at the pictures and guess

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Play game

Write again


column (place to visit) place to visit Where to stay How long

What to First Ha Long


with uncle, aunt

2 days see Ha Long bay

Then Ha Noi hotel 3days see Ngoc Son temple

Next Hue with friends

2days see citadel After that Nha Trang friend’s house

3 days go to Nha Trang beach Finall y HCM City Grandpare nts’house

a week visit

grandparents - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering about the grid by using the questions on page 143

IV Post reading (12')* Gird Where are you going to visit? Where are you going to stay? Who are you going to stay with? How long are you going to stay for? What are you going to there?

V C onsolidation (2'): Repeat the main content of the lesson VI/ Homework.(1')

- Learn vocab by heart & Ss re-write the text on P 142, changing Phuong and Mai (they) to “I” and replacing their vacation plan with the students’ own plans at home T guides - Ss to the exercise in Work-book: + (page 114 + 115) - Prepare the next lesson: B -

Read and fill Ss : as directed

*Asking and Answering

S1: Which place are Phuong and Mai going to visit first? S2: They are going to visit Ha Long bay first

S1: Where are they going to stay?

S2:They are going to stay with their aunt and uncle

S1: How long are they going to stay?

S2: They are going to stay for days

S1: What are they going to do? S2: They are going to see Ha Long bay

-Ss use the same grid headings but this time fill in with their own plans for the summer vacation In pairs they share information, asking and answering in the same way as in A5 P 143

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Write down

Date of planning: 27/3/2012 Date of teaching: 30/3/2012 Period 85 :


A Aims: Ss further practice in using ‘going to’ Future to talk about plans for near future

B Objectives.By the end of the lesson sts will be able to further speaking practice with "going to" to talk about plans for near future

C Language content: 1 Vocabulary:

2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I /

Warm up: (10') *Finding friend

T - hangs poster on the bb

T - gives instructions Sts go to the board and put tick in the square which has meaningful combined words

T - checks with WC

homework my friend a soccer

match a movie bad mint my mom walking see

play visit help go watch



v v







v v

v * Board drill (sts use finding friend as cues)

Eg exchange:

What are you going to tomorrow ? I'm going to [do my homework] II/

Practice: (17') B1 - P144 - T - hangs poster on the bb

- Ss work in pair Predict the missing words - T - collects one st's prediction on the bb

- Ss practice B1 in pair  exchange  check their predictions - T - checks with WC

Ss go to the board and tick

Make questions


Tuan: What are you going to tonight ? Lan: I'm going to (1)

Tuan: What are you going to tomorrow ?

Lan: It's Sunday I'm going to (2) Then we're going to (3)

What about you ?

Tuan: Tonight I'm going to (4) Tomorrow, I'm going to (5)

* Transformation: B2- P144

T - gives instructions: Sts look at poster Instead underlined words by given words in B2 P144

*Mapped dialogue: B3 P144 T - sets the scene

T - elicits from students

Nga Ba

What on the weekend? Which movie theater ?

What see ? Is it a good ?

see a movie Sao Mai Tom and Jerry O.K


Production (10 - 15') B4 P145 (15')

- Ask Ss to look B4 P145 and answer the questions "What are you going to on the weekend ?"  Ss work in pair; using the sentences stubs in B4 * Ss play chain game

IV/ C onsolidation : (2')

- Repeat the main content of the lesson V/ Homework (1')

- Read and translate B1, B3 P144 - Answer the questions of B4 - Prepare the next lesson

Work in pair

Read and fill

T - whole class

Work in pairs


- Copy

Date of planning: 27/3/2012 Date of teaching: 1/4/2012 Period 86

UNIT 14 : MAKING PLANS Lesson 4: B 5-6


A Aims: Ss further practice in listening and reading with ‘going to’ Future to talk about plans for near future

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to further practice in listening and reading with "going to"

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: bring, a camera, take a photo

2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I /

Warm up: (5') *Chatting

Eg What are you going to tonight? I'm going to my homework II/

Pre - reading : B5 P145 ( 10')

1 Pre - teach vocabulary:

- (to) bring (trans): mang theo - a camera (visual): máy ảnh - (to) take a photo (mime): chơp ¶nh *Game: rub out and remember

2 Pre - questions:

-T - sets the scene: Minh and his friends are going to have a picnic Now predict 3 questions and answer

a Where are they going to go?

b What things are they going to bring? c What are they going to there ? T - collects one st's prediction on the bb

T and Ss


-Listen and repeat -Read





While - reading B5 P145 (10')

- Ss read B5 P145 and check their predictions - T - checks with Whole class

Answer key:

1 - near a lake - take photos - a camera

* Ss practice asking - answering upper questions (in pair)

B6 -P145 IV/

Pre - listening (7')

* Open prediction:

- T - sets the scene: Vui, Ly, Lan, Mai and Nga are going to have a camping vacation They are going to camp for days Now predict what they're going to bring ?

- Ss look at pictures and predict by writing the name beside each picture


While - listening: (10')

T - plays the tape Ss listen and check their predictions

T - checks with WC

Tape transcript

a - Vui is going to bring some food and a tent b - Ly is going to bring a camera

c - Lan is going to bring a ball

d - Mai and Nga are going to bring some drinks Sts write sentences about girls

E: Vui is going to bring some food V

I / C onsolidation : (2')

-Repeat the main content of the lesson VII/ Homework (1')

- Learn "remember" by heart

- Read + Make questions and answer for B5 - Prepare the next lesson: C -

Read and check

Pair work


Listen and check


-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Write down

Cần Kiệm, ngày 28 tháng 03 năm 2011

Xác nhận nhà trường

Date of planning: 3/4 / 2012 Date of teaching: 4/4/2012 Period 87:

UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS Lesson 5: C Suggestions


A Aims : To teach Ss marking suggestions with “Let’s ?” and responding, further practice in “want to (do)”

B.Objectives:- By the end of the lesson sts will be able to make suggestions with "Let's" and responding further practice in "want to"

C Language content:

1 Vocabulary: pagoda, minibus, too = very, too far

2 Structure: Let's + V (inf)

What about + Ving ? Why don't we + V inf ?

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project, cassette

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:

II Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: (5')

Sing a song: ABC II Presentation ( 10')


1.Pre - teach vocabulary:

- pagoda (example) chïa

- minibus (trans) xe ô tô khách - 12 chỗ - too = very (synonym)

- too far rÊt xa

* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember

2.Presentation : dialogue C1 - P147 * Pre - questions

a - Where are they going to go? b - How are they going to travel? Model sentences

T - sets the scene: Ba, Lan, Nam and Nga are planing for their vacation Lan is making suggestions She said:

Lan: Let's go camping Ba: That's a good idea * Concept check:

- Ss predict

T - collects sts' predictions on the bb

T - reads C1 Sts listen and check their preditions while read it

T - checks with WC Answer key:

a - They're going to go Huong Pagoda b - They're going to travel by minibus - Sts find out the answers for C2 P148 (5')

- Sts work in pair (open pair) Ask - answer the questions of C2 P148 in front of the class


Practice: C3 P148 - 149 (17')

* Picture drill:

- Ss look at the pictures Work with a partner and make suggestions about them

Eg exchange:

- Let's go to the beach? - Why don't we - What about going to the beach? + Yes, that's a good idea

- No, I don't want to

Let Ss play the role to practice the dialogue

- Look at the pictures and guess

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy Play game

Answer the questions

Listen and repeat


work in pair


- Get Ss to answer the question in pairs

- Call some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class - Give answer key

* Meaning: chóng ta cïng

- Use: Đa đề nghị - kiến nghị lời đáp - From: Let's + V (inf)

What about + Ving ? Why don't we + V inf ? - Responding:

+ Yes, good idea That's a good idea No, I don't want to No + lý


Production * Role play (10')

Ss play the role to practice the dialogue VI/ C onsolidation : (2')

Repeat the main content of the lesson VII/ Homework.( 1')

- Read,translate, Answer the questions - Do C3 P148 - 149

- Prepare the next lesson

Give form…

Work in pairs

Some pairs demonstrate in front of the class

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &

Date of planning: 3/4/2012 Date of teaching: 5/4/2012


A Aims: Further Practice in Present simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Present Progressive, “Going to ” Future and the weather

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in present simple, Adverbs of frequencey, present progressive, “going to” future, and the weather

C Language content: 1 Vocabulary

2 Structure:

D Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project

E Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. F Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I / Warm up: Chatting (1')

II/ Grammar practice 1: Survey: (10') Eg: S1: Which sports you like, Ha? Ha: I like soccer

S1: Which sportes don't you like? Ha: I don't like swimming

like X don’t like

Name Sports Season Food Drink

1 Ha

soccer  swimming X

T - devides the class into groups

- Group 1: Asking answering about sports - Group 2: Asking answering about seasons - Group 3: Asking answering about food - Group 4: Asking answering about drink

 Write it up: Ha likes soccer but she doesn't like swimming.

 T - gives instructions, sts Grammar Practice P150 III / Grammar practice 2: Adverbs of frequency (8') Slap the board

Noughts and Crosses:

Ex: S1: How often you [go to the movies ] ? S2: [Twice a year]

IV/ Present progerssive tense: (7') * Word cue drill

get up at 6.00 / get up at 7.00

0 I usually get up at 6.00 but today I'm getting up at 7.00

T and Ss

Work in group


T - whole class

Play game

T - whole class TV? the movies ? the store ?

swimming? your mom ? fishing ? table tennis ? camping ? badminton ?

2 lan tuan Thuong xuyen

1 lan nam Thinh thoang


1 Hang/ go to school / go camping - They / study / not study

3 - She / have meat / have fish

4 - We / walk to school / ride to school

V/ Future "going to" Grammar practice P151 (7') * Picture drill:

- What are they going to ? - They're going to [play socer]

* Gap fill GP3 P152

T - gives instructions  Sts gap filling T - checks with WC

- Sts - ask - answer the questions P152 (open pair  closed P) VI/ Weather (4')

Sts - ask - answer the questions GP5 - P153 (open pair) closed pair)  T - checks with WC VII/ Futher plans (5')

- Sts ask - answer the questions GP6 P153

(open pair  closed pair)  T - checks with WC VIII/ C onsolidation : (1')

Repeat the main content of the lesson IX/ Homework (1')

- Do exercise " Test yourself

-Revise the grammar carefully to test

- Ss gap fill GP3 P151

Work in pairs

-Repeat the main content of the lesson

- Copy

Date of planning: 3/4/2012 Date of teaching: 7/4 /2012


A-Mơc tiªu:

-Đọc hiểu: đọc hiểu đoạn văn ngắn thời tiết trả lời câu hỏi -Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: chọn đáp án

-Viết: Sắp xếp từ xáo trộn sau thành câu hoµn chØnh

B-Ma trËn:

Néi dung NhËn biÕt Th«ng hiĨu VËn dơng Tỉng sè


II Reading 6câu

3điểm 6câu 3®iĨm


2®iĨm 2®iĨm 4®iĨm

IV Writing 6câu

3điểm 6câu 3điểm

Tổng số 4câu

2điểm 6câu


8 câu

2điểm 6câu 3điểm 24 câu10điểm

C-Nội dung:

I-Language focus:

1 Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(2 pts)

1 a big b city c time a lake b factory c face a behind b between c television

4 a factory b brother c mother

2/ Vocabularies and structures : Choose the best answer (2 pts)

1 He doesn’t like volleyball He plays volleyball in her free time a never b usually c sometimes

2 are you going to stay in Ha Long Bay ?- For two weeks

a How long b How much c How many

3 go camping ? - That’s a good idea

a What about b Why don’t c Let’s What’s the weather like in the…….?- It’s very cold

a summer b.spring c winter

5 What weather you like ? - I like

a cool weather b cool c weather cool

6 What you in your free time ? - I often help my mom in time

a your b her c my

7 He never goes in the winter

a camp b fishing c swim

8 What you when it’s cold ? - , I go jogging

a When it’s hot b When it’s cool c When it’s cold

II-Writing: Put the words into the correct order to make the meaningful sentences: (3 pts)

1 what/ you/ /to/ going /do/ are/? I/to/visit/going/am/Ha Noi

3 usually/ goes/ She/the/ in/ swimming/summer about/What/fishing/going?

5 It/When/goes/Hung/hot/walking/is likes/ warm/ My/ weather/mother

III READING: Read and answer the questions (3 pts)


summer, I often go swimming but sometimes I go sailing I never go fishing in the summer My favorite season is the summer

1 What’s the weather like in Viet Nam? How often does Lien go swimming in the summer? What is her favorite season?

4 Does Lien live in China?

5 How is the weather in Viet Nam?

6 Does Lien have a long summer vacation?

D-Đáp án h ớng dÉn chÊm:

I-Language focus: 1 ( ®iĨm )

1 c time b factory c television a factory 2 (2 ®iĨm)

1.a never 2.a How long 3.c Let’s 4.c winter

5.a cool weather c my 7.b fishing 8.c When it’s cold

II-Writing: (2.5 ®iĨm)

 What are you going to do? 2.I am going to visit Ha Noi

3.She usually goes swimming in the summer 4.what about going fishing?

5.When it is hot, Hung goes walking My mother likes warm weather III READING: (2.5 ®iĨm)

1.It’s often cold in the winter and hot in the summer 2.She often goes swimming in the summer

3.Her favorite season is the summer 4.No, she doesn’t

5.The weather in Viet Nam is very nice 6.yes, she does

E- Tæng kÕt:

- GV thu bµi vµ nhËn xÐt bµi kiểm tra

-Cần Kiệm, ngày tháng năm 2011


Ngày soạn: 7/ 4/2012 Ngày dạy : 8/4/2012 Period 90: Check the test

A-The aims and the requests: -Gióp HS nhận lỗi

-Những u, nhợc điểm học sinh cách làm -Rút kinh nghiệm cho bµi kiĨm tra sau


-Bài làm ca HS ó c chm

-Sổ điểm chính, giáo ¸n C-Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: (5')

Sing a song T and Ss

II New lesson: (20')

- Giáo viên trả kiểm tra -Giáo viên trình bày đáp án

-HS đối chiếu làm với đáp án giáo viên

I-Language focus: 1 ( ®iĨm )

1 c time b factory c television a factory 2 (2 ®iĨm)

1.a never 2.a How long 3.c Let’s 4.c winter

5.a cool weather c my 7.b fishing 8.c When it’s cold

II-Writing: (2.5 ®iĨm)

1 What are you going to do? I am going to visit Ha Noi

3 She usually goes swimming in the summer what about going fishing?

5 When it is hot, Hung goes walking 6.My mother likes warm weather III READING: (2.5 ®iĨm)

1.It’s often cold in the winter and hot in the summer 2.She often goes swimming in the summer

3.Her favorite season is the summer 4.No, she doesn’t

5.The weather in Viet Nam is very nice 6.yes, she does


III NhËn xÐt: 10' 1-NhËn xÐt chung:

-Đa số em hiểu cách làm nên cách thức làm đợc nhng kết làm cha cao, ôn tập không nghiêm túc Lớp 6B làm tơng đối tốt, 6C, 6A cha tốt, kết lớp 6C, 6A điểm dới TB nhiều So với yêu cầu cha đạt So với làm trớc có tiến hn

2-Những u, nhợc điểm cụ thể:

a-Ưu điểm: -Bài làm -Chữ viết rõ ràng -Trình bày khoa học -Đúng yêu cầu *Những tiêu biểu:

6C:Tâm, Tuấn, Hờng, Lệ, Tiến, Tùng

6B: Thùy, Xoan, Thuận, Định, Đạo, Trâm Anh 6A: Yến Nhi, Yến, Bá Đức

b-Nhợc điểm:

+Lm bi khơng u cầu: Phần II:

-Khoanh trịn đáp án : 6B: Hóa 6C: Sơn

==>Khắc phục: Chỉ khoanh tròn vào 1đáp án câu -Khoanh tròn viết lên chỗ trống Thng 6A

+Viết loại mực cấm vào làm:

-Viết mực đỏ vào làm ==>Tuyệt đối khụngc lm nh vy

+Viết tả không chuẩn, chép lại Nhiều em mắc phải lỗi

-Vit khụng ỳng rt nhiu: vd: Vng, Hồng, Qn :Trâm 6C

Hãa, Tu©n, Thanh 6B Tn, Tuân, Công: 6A

- HS lắng nghe, rút kinh nghiƯm

III-KÕt lu©n:

-GV nhËn xÐt giê trả bài, trả lời thắc mắc (nếu có) -Kết luận điểm cần khắc phục

-Gọi điểm vào sỉ

- HS l¾ng nghe * Homework:

- Do exercise + ( Page 122 + 123)

- Prepare: Unit 15: A - Write down

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&

Date of planning: 30/3 /2012

Period 91:


Lesson 1: A 1-

Aims : Guide Ss to practice asking and answering the question : “where are from”


a postcard about being on Vacation

Language content:

*Vocabulary: the world, to speak, from, country, nationality, language

*Structure: : Where are/is + S from?

S+ is / am / are + from + N (country)

Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project

Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. Anticipated problem: Some new words are difficult to read Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A.Warm up : (5')


Enlish Vietnamese

Japan China Australia Britain Canada

Trung Quốc úc

Nhật Bản Canađa Anh

- Ask Ss to play the game B.New lesson:


Presentation ( 15') - Elicit to give the words 1.New words:

- the world : giới (trans) - to speak : noi (mime) - from (prep) : từ (trans) - country (n) : đất nớc (Exp.) - nationality : quốc tịch (Ex.) - language : ngôn ngữ (Ex) - wet (adj) >< dry (adj) : ẩm ướt >< khụ

- interesting places (n): địa điểm thú vị *Checking the words : R.O.R

2 Model sentence:

- Set the scene: Laura and Minh are talking - Help Ss give the model sentences:

are you

- Play the game

Listen and repeat - Read

- Copy

Play game


Where are they from ? is she/ he

I am Vietnam

They are from China

She/ He is Japan

*Concept check: Meaning: Use:

* Form : Where are/is + S + from?

S+ is / am / are + from + N (country) II.Practice (12')

*Picture drill A1 - Run through the pictures

- Ask Ss to practice in pairs

S1: Where are you from? S2: I'm from Canada S1: Where is Laura from?

S2: She's from Canada *Cue Drill A3,4,6 - Run through the words

- Get Ss to practice

Example Exchange :

S1: Where’s Hoa from? S2: She’s from Vietnam S1: What’s her nationality? S2: She is Vietnamese

S1: Which language does she speak? S2: She speaks Vietnamese

III Further Practice: ( 12') - Introduce the letter from Nhan - Ask Ss some questions

a) Who’s the postcard from ? (Nhan) b) Where is he ? (in London)

c) What’s the weather like ? (cool and wet) d) Is he traveling by train ? (No, by bus )

Give the model sentences

Give form and meaning

T - whole class

Work in pairs

T – WC

Read the words

Practice in pairs

T – WC

Answer the questions Lee / China

Susan / Canada Yoko / Japan

John / Canada Bruce / Australia


e) What’s he going to tomorrow? (visit the Tower of London ) f) Who’s the postcard to ? ( Minh ) g) Where is he? (Hanoi)

*Transformation writing A5 - Guide Ss to write a letter to Nhan

Ngày, tháng Dear + Name,

I am on vacation in


Name of the person who sends it

Name and address of the person who receives it

C Homework ( 1') - Do exercise A 1,2,3

- Prepare the next lesson: B1,2

Write in groups of

- Copy

-o0o -Date of planning: 30/3/2012

Period 92 :

UNIT 15 : COUNTRIES Lesson : B 1 B2

Aims: Help Ss use comparative and superlative adjectives of one syllable Comparing places, and read facts about famous places in the world and practicing comparatives

Objectives By the end of the lesson sts will be able to read, compare places, using comparative and superlative adjectives of one syllable

Language content:

*Vocabulary: Population, Buiding, Tower, Interesting places, Wet, dry, Million

*Structure: S1 + to be + adj-er + than + S2 S + to be + the + adj-est + N……

Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork.

Anticipated problem: Ss can make mistakes when making questions Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



*Matching (3')

Hot Wet cold

Hue HCM city

Hoi An Sa Pa Ha Noi

small big

(Sts match; chooseadjectives which best describe the cities, A city can have more than one adjective)

B.New lesson: I.Presentation (15')


Population (n) : dân số Million : triệu

Tower (n): tháp

Interesting places (n) địa diểm thú vị Wet >< dry (adj) : Èm >< khơ

Buiding (n) : tịa nhà * Check : R.O.R

2 Presentation text B1

- Help Ss listen and repeat

- Have Ss compare the buidings in B1 - Guide Ss to give the model sentences Eg Lan is tall but Hoa is taller Van is taller than Hoa

Van is the talles in my class. *Form: S1 + tobe + adj-er + than + S2 S + tobe + the + adj-est + N *Use :

Note: Short adjectives have one syllable. - Help Ss complete the table

Adjectives comparative supperative small

tall cold


The smallest big

wet hot


- the biggest

happy noisy


the happiest

- Play the game

Listen and repeat Write


Listen and repeat

Make the model

Give form and meaning


busy good


better worse

the best the worst II.Practice (10')

- Ask Ss to run through the words * Word cue drill a - Vinh/ Ha Noi / HCM city / big b - Ha Noi / Uong Bi / Sapa / cold c - Ha Noi / Hue/ Hai Duong / small d - Ha Noi / Can Tho / Hue / wet e - Lan/ Xuan / Thu / tall

- Ask Ss to practice in groups of

Ex - Ha Noi / HCM city / Ha Tinh / Hot S1 : Ha Noi is hot but HCM city is hotter S2: HCM is hotter than HCM city

S3: Ha Tinh is the hottest III Production(15’)

- Ask Ss to talk about pics in B2

1.Ordering Prediction:

Which is the biggest city in the world?

Cities Guess Read

HCM City 4th

London 1st 3rd

Tokyo 2nd

Ha Noi 5th

Mexico City 1st

- Ask Ss to read and check the prediction 2.Comprehension questions: B2-P.159 ( 7') - Get Ss to read and answer the questions - Check and give the key:

a No, Ho Chi Minh City is bigger than Hanoi b.Mexico city

c.Tokyo .

C. Homework.(2')

- Learn new words & model sentences

- Write comparative, superlative of the short adjectives - Do exercise B1,

T – WC

Practice in groups of

Read the text Answer questions

Make questions in pairs

- Copy


- Prepare the next lesson: B -

-o0o -Date of planning: 6/4/2012

Period 93 :


Lesson 3: B3 - 4

Aims: Help Ss practice reading the texts for some details and get further practice in using comparatives and superlatives

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the texts for

details about the world’s great rivers and mountains and get further practice in using comparatives and superlatives

Language content:

*Vocabulary: high, thick, tower, structure, population

*Structure: How long/ thick is it? -> It is long / thick

Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork. Anticipated problem: some questions are difficult to answer Procedure:

Teacher's avtivities Student's activities

A.Warm up :( 5')


1.What’s the biggest city in VN?(HCMC) 2.What’s the biggest city in Britain? (London) 3.what’s the biggest city in Japan? (Tokyo) 4.What’s the tallest mountain you know? 5.Which is colder: Can Tho or Sa Pa?

.New lesson I Pre- reading : (12')


high (adj) : cao ( Realia) thick (adj) : dầy ( Realia) tower(n) : thap (Pic.) population (n) : dan so ( Trans.) Structure (n) : cau truc ( Tran.) +) Checking the vocabulary : R.O.R

2.Model sentences:

- Elicit to give the sentences

How high is the tower? -> It is 442m high thick 84 m thick +)Form :

How + Adj + be + S ? -> S + Be + + adj

T – WC


-Listen and repeat - Read

-Copy Play game


3 Prediction:

- Have Ss guess and complete the table

where How

high ?

How long ?

How thick ?

Sear tower The USA 442 m

Petronas twin towers

Malaysia 452 m

The Great Wall China 4-12 6.000 km 9 m

- Call some Ss to give their prediction

III.While-reading ( 15')

1.Reading and checking

- Get Ss to read the texts and check the prediction - Check and correct to have the key

2.Comprehension questions B3,4

- Get Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs

a Which is taller: Sears Tower or Petronas Twin Towers? -> Petronas Twin Towers is taller than Sears Tower b How long is the Great Wall?

-> It is over 6,000 kilometers long c How high is the Great Wall?

-> It is between and 12 meters high d How thick is the Great Wall?

->It is over meters thick IV.Post reading (12')

- Give some questions - Help Ss play the game

*Lucky number What’s the biggest city in the world? How many people live in Tokyo?

3 Which city has a population of 6.3 million? LN

5 which city is bigger than the capital of VN? Where is the Sears Tower?

7 What is the tallest building in the world? Where is Petronas Twin Towers?

9 LN

10.Where is the Great Wall?

11.What’s the longest structure in the world? 12.LN

C. Homework.(1')

- Learn by heart new words - Do exercise B3

- Prepare the next lesson: C -

- Give the form

- Work individually Then compare with a partner

- Read and check

-Answer questions

-Play the game

- Copy


Date of planning: 6/4/2012

Period 94:

UNIT 15: COUNTRIES Lesson 4: C1-2

Aims: Ss practice reading and how to use “lots of ” as a quantifier with Geography vocabulary to describe Vietnam

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “lots of ” as a quantifier with Geography vocabulary to describe Vietnam

Language content:

* Vocabulary: a forest, a desert, rain, great, lots of

* Structure: S + Have/Has + lots of N

Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, teamwork, individualwork., pair work Anticipated problem: Difficult to make sentences


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A.Warm up: ( 5') - Help Ss play the game

* Slap the board

B.new lesson : I Presentation ( 12')

1 Pre-teach vocabulary:

- Elicit to give the words

- a forest : rừng (pict.) - a desert : sa mạc (ex.) - rain : mưa (Pic.) - great : lớn (trans.) - lots of = many = a lot of : nhiều

* Checking Vocabulary : Rub out and remember

2 Model sentence

- Have Ss listen to the text , then read it - Get Ss to give the model sentences

We have lots of mountains / rivers/ forests Viet Nam has rain

- Play the game

- Listen and repeat in chorally then individually - Copy

- Play the game - T – WC

- Listen and read beautiful green beaches rivers



II Practice (15')

1 Complete the passage C1

- Have Ss the exercise

a mountains b rivers c lakes d rain e forests f beaches g deserts

2 Picture drill: C2 (a-g) Example exchange

S1: Does Vietnam have any ……… ? S2: Yes,it does / No, it doesn’t.

3 True / False repetition drill:

- Have Ss play the game

T: There are lots of beaches in Danang [Repeat] - There are lots of forests in Ha Noi [Silent] - There are lots of lakes in Ha Noi [ Repeat] - There are lots of mountains in Dalat [Repeat] - There are lots of fields in HCMC [Silent] - There are lots of people in HCMC [ Repeat] - There are lots of rain in Vietnam [Repeat] - There are lots of rain in a desert [ Silent] IV.Production (12')

- Guide Ss to play the game: Make sentences with the words  Noughts and crosses

mountain Interesting places Lakes

beaches rivers Buildings

trees rain forests

C Homework (1') - Learn by heart new words - Do all exercises C 1-

- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 15: C

- Look at the pictures,

complete the

passage and write it in the exercise book

- Practice asking and

answering in pairs

T - whole class

- Play the game in teams

- Copy


Date of planning: 6/4/2012

Period 95:

UNIT 15: COUNTRIES Lesson 4: C3


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice reading for details about some rivers and some mountains

Language content:

* Vocabulary: flow , start, sea , Africa

* Structure:

Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, teamwork, individualwork., pairwork Anticipated problem:


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A.Warm up: (5’) - Help Ss play the game

*Net works:

B.New lesson

I.Pre- reading (15’) 1.New words:

- Elicit to give the words

(to) flow : chảy (Exp.) (to) start : bắt đầu (Exp.)

Mediterranean Sea : Biển Địa trung hải (Trans.)

North Africa : Bắc Phi (Trans.) - Check the words : R.O.R


- Introduce the text and ask Ss to prediction *True-False Prediction

a There are two great rivers in Viet Nam b The Red river is longer than Mekong River

c The Red River and the Mekong both start in China d The longest river in the world is not in Viet Nam e Phanxipang is the highest mountain in the world - Have Ss give their prediction

a - T ; b – F ; c - F ; d – T ; e - F

II.While- reading (15 minutes) 1.Check the prediction:

- Get Ss to read the text and check the prediction - Check and give the key

+)Key : a - T ; b – F ; c - F ; d – T ; e - F 2.Comprehension questions:

*Lucky number

- Play the game

- Listen and repeat in choral and then individual

- Play the game

- Predict to check T/F

- Read the text individually to check the prediction then compare with a partner


- Have Ss play a game in teams to answer the comprehension questions

1- a (The Mekong River) 2- b (Tibet)

3.- LN

4- c (The Nile river) 5- LN

6- d (The Mediterranean Sea) 7- e (Mount Everset)

8- f (Phanxipang)

III.Post- reading (8’) * Choose the best answer

1 The Red River starts in……… A China B Tibet C Viet Nam

2 The Mekong River is ………… than the Red River

A long B longer C the longest

3 The longest river in the world is………

A the Red River B the Mekong River C the Nile River

4 Phanxipang is the highest ……… in Viet Nam A tree B mountain C building

5 ………… mountain in the world is Mount Everest A High B Higher C The highest

6……… is tallest building in the world A Sears tower B petronas twin tower C the great wall

7……… is the longest structure in the world

A Sears tower B petronas twin tower C the great wall

C.Homework: (2’)

- Write the answers in the books

- Do exercise C 3,4 - Prepare Unit 16 A1,2

- Play the game in teams

- Play the game in teams

- Copy the homework


Period 96

UNIT 16 : Man and the environment

Lesson 1:

A 1, A3

Aims: Help students practice countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few to talk about Food

Objectives: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to talk about food; using countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few

Language content: *Vocabulary:

*Structure: There is + some / a lot of / lots of / a little + N unc There are + some / a lot of , lots of / a few + Ns

Teaching aids: Textbook, picture, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, teamwork, individualwork, Pairwork,groupwork Anticipated problem: make mistakes when playing “Chain game”


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


Warm up: (7')


B.new lesson I Pre-Listening(15') 1 Presentation text: - Run through the pic.A1

- Get Ss to listen and repeat A1 - Ask Ss to play matching

*Matching A B Some nhiều A few A lot of số/ A little vài 2 Model sentences

Play the game in teams

Listen and repeat A1

- Play matching

Food and drink

rice coke


- Guide Ss to give out the answers to these questions + How much rice is there ?

There is some a lot of lots of a little


+ How many eggs are there ? There are some

a lot of lots of a few


 Form:

There is + some / a lot of / lots of / a little + N unc There are + some / a lot of , lots of / a few + c Ns

 Use: Countable and uncountable quantifiers 3.Prediction:

- Ask Ss to guess and complete the phrase words with :

some, a few, a little, a lot of

Pic Guessing Listening

a b c d e e

some potatoes. Some tomatoes. Few onions. lots of vegetables. a little rice some flowers.

A lot of potatoes. Some tomatoes. Few onions. lots of vegetables. a little rice

some flowers - Give the prediction


While listening (12')

- Have Ss listen to the tape and check the prediction - Get Ss to listen once more and give the key

* Picture drill

- Have Ss look at the picture A3 and practice in pairs +)Example exchange:

a.How many potatoes are there? -> There are some potatoes e How much rice is there? ->There is some rice

T – WC

T - whole class

- Prediction in pairs

- Listen to the tape individually



Post-listening (10') - Guide Ss to play a game

*Chain game: “What for dinner?’’ +)Example:

S1: There is a little rice

S2 There is a little rice and some potatoes

S3: There is a little rice, some potatoes and few eggs S4:… etc

C. Homework (1')

- Redo all exercises

- Prepare the next lesson: A

- Play the game in groups

- Copy

-o0o -Date of planning : 12/4/2012

Period 97

UNIT 16 : Man and the environment

Lesson : A2

Aims: – Guide students to read a text about farming and getting further practice in a lot, a little, a few

Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the questions “How much”, “How many” & indefinite quantifiers: some, a lot, a little, a few Language content:

* Structure: How much +N is there ? How many + N are there ?

* Vocabulary: buffalo , cow , plow , pull a cart , grow, produce

Teaching aids: Book, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, Pair work, team work, individual work. Anticipated problem: make mistakes when playing the game


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


Warm up: (5’) - Have Ss play the game


the population forests rừng

the world trồng farmer


(to) grow dân số fields vật food nông dân

thức ăn animals giới


Pre-reading( 15’) 1- Pre-teach vocabulary:

- a buffalo (n): trâu (Pic.) - a cow (n): bò (Pic.) - (to) plow: cày (Pic.)

- (to) pull a cart: kéo xe bò (mine) - (to) grow : trồng (Ex.) - (to) produce: sản xuất (Ex.) +)Check the words : R.O.R


- Ask Ss to listen to the text and then guess things Mr Hai Has and things He produces

 He has :  He produces : II.While reading:(12’)

* Read and check the prediction :

- Ask Ss to read the text and check the prediction , - Then write things Mr Hai has on his farm and things he


Mr Hai has he produces

1 paddy field a small field fruit trees buffalo cows chicken

1 rice

2 vegetables fruit

4 milk eggs

*Comprehension question : A2

- Get Ss to read the text again and answer the questions - Key:

a He produce a lot of rice b Yes, he does.

c They produce a little fruit. d They produce a little milk. e They produce a lot of eggs. III.

Post – reading ( 12’) - Get Ss to play the game

*Noughts and crosses

Paddy fields eggs Buffalo

Rice Milk Cows

Fruit trees Vegetables chickens

- Listen and repeat - Copy the new words - Play the game

Listen and guess to write things Mr Hai has on his farm and things he produces

- Read and check the prediction

- Ask and answer the questions


+)Example Exchanges:

S1: How many paddy fields does Mr Hai have? S2: some

S1: How much rice does Mr hai produce?

S2: a lot


Homework (1’)

- Learn the new words - Do the exercie 1,2

- Prepare the next lesson B1

- Copy

-o0o -Date of planning: 12/4/2012

Period 98 UNIT 16 : Man and the environment


esson 1: B1

Aims: - Guide students practice reading for details about Pollution to understand ideas, further practice in the present Progressive tense to talk about the environment

Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the environment Language content:

* Structure:

* Vocabulary: environment, waste, coal, gas,power, pollute ocean, trash

Teaching aids: Book, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, Pair work, team work, individual work. Anticipated problem: Difficult to make sentences when discussing


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


Warm up: (5’)

*Slap the board

- Write the Vietnamese, translation all over the board - Have Ss play the game in teams

- Call out the English words B.New lesson


Pre-reading :(12’)

- Play the game in teams

con vËt sản xuất

phá huỷ Trồng cây


1 Pre-teach vocabulary: - Elicit to give the words

- environment (trans) m«i trêng - (to) waste (exp) l·ng phÝ

- coal (visual) than đá, than củi

- gas (exp) hơi, khí đốt

- power (trans) lợng - (to) pollute (exp) gay o nhiem - trash (visual) rác thải - ocean (trans) đại dơng * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember 2 - Prediction:

- Have Ss guess to answer the questions : a - What are we destroying ?

b - What are we wasting ? c- What are we polluting ?


While - reading:(15’)

- Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction

* Comprehension questions

- Get Ss to answer comprehension questions B1 a  d Answer key:

a - Because we are destroying the forest b - The burning of coal gas is polluting the air

c - The pollution comes from the trash, gas, coal, oil. d - Trash is polluting the land: the rivers + the oceans III.Post reading:(12’)

* Discussion - Guide Ss to discuss in groups

*What you and don’t to the environment Examples:

From “what are we destroying?” Don’t destroy the forests./ wild animals/ From “what are wasting?” Don’t waste water/ power

Don’t pollute the air/ land/ rivers/ oceans


Homework. :(1’)

- Learn new words at home - Prepare the next lesson.B2,3

- Listen and repeat

- Write

- Play the game

- predict in pairs

-Read the part B1 and then check their predictions

- Answer the questions In pairs

- Give feedback

-Discuss in groups


-o0o -Date of planning: 18/4/2012 Period 99:

UNIT 16 : Man and the environment

lesson : B 2,3

Aims: - Guide students have Further practice in give advices using (do / don’t) to talk about the environment

Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the Environmental issues andgive advices using (do / don’t) to talk about the environment

Language content:

* Structure : V + O and Don’t + V + O

* Vocabulary: pick, damage, throw, save, collect, recycle Teaching aids: Book, pictures, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, Pair work, team work, individual work. Anticipated problem: make mistakes when making sentences


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


Warm up: (5’)

- Help Ss play the game

* Slap the board

burn produce pollute grow environment forest

B.new lesson I.

Presentation (12’)

1- Pre-teach vocabulary:

+ Pick (v) : ngắt, hái (mine) + Damage (v) : làm hỏng (Ex )


+Throw (v): ném, vứt (mine) + Save (v) : tiết kiệm (Exp) + Collect (v): thu nhặt (mine) + Keep off (v) : tranh xa (Exp.) *Check : R.O.R

2.Model sentences: - Set the scene

- Ask Ss to listen to the cassette and give model sentences Save water

Collect paper

Don’t pick flowers damage trees

- Use: Yêu cầu lm khơng làm - Form: V + O…./ Don’t + V + O…


Practice (15’)

*Matching: - Get Ss to play matching

Collect trash on the street Don’t pick water

Don’t throw the grass Save bottles and cans Kepp off paper

Collect flowers *Picture drill B2 - Run through the pictures B2

- Get Ss to make sentences

+)Examples : a Don’t damage trees b


Further practice :(12’)

- Have Ss play the game : make sentences with Do or Don’t *Noughts and Crosses

paper trees grass

paper trash bottles and cans

flowers water wild animals

C Homework.(1’)

- Do exercise B3,4

- Prepare the next lesson : B4,5

- Listen and repeat

T – WC

- Give the model sentences

- Play the game

T – WC


- Copy

-o0o -Date of planning18/4/2012 Period 100:

UNIT 16 : Man and the environment

lesson : B4,5

Aims : Help Ss have further practice in should and shouldn’t for giving advise about the environment

Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make advice with Should or Shouldn’t

Language content:

*Structure: S + should/shouldn’t + V

*Vocabulary: cut down , trash can , leave, put Teaching aids: Book, pictures, cassette

Ways of working: T - whole class, Pair work, team work, individual work. Anticipated problem: Make mistakes when writing


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A.Warm up: (6')

Word square:








collect, pick, throw, destroy, grow, waste, damage cut down, plow, we, you, pollute


B.new lesson I Presentation (10')

1 Pre-teach vocabulary:

- (to) cut down : cắt , chặt (Mine)

- Play the game


- a trash can = a waste basket - (to) leave : để lại (Exp) - (to) put : để, đặt ( Mine) *Check: Slap the board

2 Model sentences:

- Get Ss to líten to the text B4

- Elicit to give the model sentences We shouldn’t leave our trash We should it in a bag

- Get Ss to give the form and use * Form : S + should/ Shouldn’t + V * Use : to advice Sb or not St II Practice ( 16')

*Picture Drill: B5 p.172

- Run through the pictures - Have Ss make sentences :

Ex : a We shouldn’t throw trash on the streets b We should save water

*Complete the table - Ask Ss to complete the table

What we should What we shouldn’t Save water, collect paper,

put in the trash cans, grow trees /forests, collect bottles, leave flowers ,

waste water, burn paper leave trash, damage trees , cut down forests, throw bottles, pick flowers, III.Further practice : ( 12')

*Write it up

- Get Ss to write a short paragraph telling what we should to keep the environment clean ,

+)Example :

Our school should have a beautiful environment We should put our trash in the trash cans We shouldn’t waste water or power when we are at school We should plant more trees and more flowers in the school yard We shouldn’t damage them when we play football. We should collect paper, bottles and can and take them home.

C Homework (1')

- Learn the new words

- Make sentences with Should & Shouldn’t - Prepare the next lesson

- Listen and repeat - Copy

- Play the game

- T – WC

- Give the form and use

T – WC

- Practice making sentences

- Do in groups

- Write in groups



-o0o -Date of planning: 18/4/2012


Aims : Help Ss cosolidate the knowledge from unit 14 to 16

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can practice in present simple and progressive, comparatives and superlatives Quantifiers and count ability, countries, natural features, farming and environment

Language content:

* Vocabulary: Review

* Structure: Form: review the structure from unit 14 to 16

Teaching aids: Textbook,

Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork, teamwork. Anticipated problem: Make mistakes when making dialogues


Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities


Warm up: 5'

* Network China - Chinese

B.new lesson I Practice (23’)

1 The present simple tense

- Ask Ss to retell the present simple tense : Form and Use -Ask each student to remember the people in unit 15 and practice asking and answering about them in pairs

*Mapped dialogue : Nam Tom

Where from? .from speak ? No, speak 2 The present progressive tense

- Ask Ss to retell the form and use of the present progressive tense:

+)Form : S + are/is /am + Ving S + are/is/am + Ving Are /Is + S + Ving?

- Have Ss complete the dialogue about Susan , using the

- Play the game

- T – WC

Pairwork Work in pairs

- T – WC - Give the form


mapped dialogue

You Your friend

What name? Where live? Where staying now? What do?

what teach? she teach you?

.Susan .London Ha Noi a teacher .English No, Mr Hai 3 Comparatives and superlatives :

- Get Ss to give examples and the form Ex: He is taller than I am

He is the tallest in his class Form: S1+be+adj+er+than+S2 S + be + the + adjective + est

- Let Ss exercise 3: complete the table and the


+)Key : a,longer – the longest ; b the longest c the tallest – taller – the tallest ;

d biggest - bigger – the biggest – the biggest 4 Indefinite quantifiers:a few, a little, a lot of - Have Ss retell the quantifiers and how to use them

a few: vài (rất ít) + danh từ đếm

a little: + danh từ không đếm

a lot of = lots of : nhiều + danh từ không đếm số danh từ đếm số nhiều

-Ask Ss to ex : Complete the passages with correct quatifiers


- Help Ss play the game : Finding antonyms *Pelmanism

long small weak thin heavy

short big strong fat light

C Homework ( 1')

- Review the knowledge you have learnt in English - Prepare the next lesson

- Practice in pairs

-Retell comparatives and superlatives

- Make sentences - Give the form

-Do individually then compare with a partner

- Retell the indefinite quantifiersand how to use them

- Do in groups of

- Play the game in teams


-o0o -Date of planning:18/4/2012

Period 102: revision

Aims : Help Ss revise the present simple tense and the present progressive tense

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can consolidate the form and the use of the present simple and progressive tenses,

Language content:

* Vocabulary: Review

* Structure: Review

Teaching aids: Textbook,

Ways of working: T - whole class, teamwork, individualwork, groupwork. Anticipated problem: Have mistakes when giving the correct form of verbs Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities

A.Warm up:

*Network travel visit

B.new lesson: I.Presentation(12’) 1 Present simple tense:

a To be:

a Câu Khẳng Định: S + to be …

b Câu phủ định: S + to be + not….

c Câu nghi vấn: To be + S ….?

Yes, S+ to be / No, S + to be + not d “WH” question: “WH” + to be + S… ? b Động từ thường:

a Câu khẳng định: S + V(s,es)….

b Câu phủ định: S + do/does + not + V(k to)……

c Câu Nghi vấn: Do/Does + S + V(k to) ….?

Yes, S + do/does / No, S + do/does + not

d “WH” question: “WH” + do/does + S + V(k to)… 2 Present progessive tense:

* Câu khẳng định: S + to be + V-ing …

* Câu phủ định: S + to be + not + V-ing …

* Câu nghi vấn: To be + S + V-ing …?

Yes, S + to be / No, S + to be + not

* “WH” question: “WH” + to be + S + V-ing…? II.Practice: (12’)

*Supply the correct forms of the verbs:

- Play the game

- T – WC

- Give the form

- Retell the form

- Retell theform and the use


1 We ( ) _our homework now Lan ( like) _carrots

I ( play) soccer with my friends at the moment Look! She (come)

5 Nga wants ( go) to Hue

6 I ( visit ) Ha Long Bay this summer vacation What about ( play) _ soccer this afternoon Let’s ( go) _ camping this weekend I ( see ) a movie tonight

10 Nam usually ( go ) fishing in his free time 11 you often (go) _ swimming in the summer? 12 The concert (start) _ at 7.30 this evening 13 What _ you (do) _ tomorrow?

14 Hurry! The bus (come) _ I (not / want) _to miss it 15 He usually (jog) in the morning

16 She (read) the story in the room now III.Production(15’)

*Lucky number

- Ask Ss to read the passage then play the game

Lan has three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner She usually has breakfast at home She has bread, eggs and milk for breakfast At school Lan and her friends always have lunch at one o’clock They often have fish or meat, vegetables and soup for lunch Lan has dinner with her parents at home at

o’clock They often have meat or fish, bread, chicken and vegetables for dinner After dinner, they eat some fruits or cakes Lan likes dinner because it is a big and happy meal of the day Her family goes out for dinner once a month

1 How many meals does Lan have a day? LN

3 What time does she always have lunch? What does she have for breakfast?

5 What Lan and her parents often have for dinner? What they after dinner?

7 LN

8 Is dinner a happy meal of the day? Why does Lan like dinner?

10 How often does her family go out for dinner? C Homework:(1’)

- Do the exercises

- Review “to be going to ”, the suggestions

- Do the exercise in groups

- Read the passage and find the answers

- Play the game in teams

- Copy the homework

Date of planning:18/4/2012

Period 103: revision

Aims : Help Ss review “be going to ” suggestions,


Language content:

* Vocabulary: Review

* Structure: review

Teaching aids: Textbook,

Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, individualwork, teamwork, groupwork. Anticipated problem: make some mistakes when doing the exercise 2


Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities

A.Warm up: (5’)


- Have Ss play the game

B.new lesson: I.Presentation : (10’) - Guide Ss to review : 1 “To be going to”:

1 Câu khẳng định: S + to be + going to + V(k to) …

2 Câu phủ định: S + to be + not + going to + V(k to) …

3 Câu nghi vấn: To be + S + going to + V(k to) …?

Yes, S + to be / No, S + to be + not

4 “WH” question: “WH” + to be + S + going to + V(k to) …? 2 Suggestion:

a Let’s + V(k to) …!

b Why don’t we + V(k to) …?

c What about + V-ing….?

* Usage: Dùng để đưa lời đề nghị vấn đề

3 Comparatives and superlatives S1 + to be + adj-“ER” + than + S2

* Usage: Dùng để so sánh thứ khác

S + to be + the + adj- “EST”…

* Usage: Dùng để diễn tả trội

4 A, An, Some, Any:

a A, An: có nghĩa “một”: dùng đứng trước danh từ số - “A”: Đứng trước danh từ số bắt đầu phụ âm

“An”: Đứng trước danh từ số bắt đầu nguyên âm

b Some, Any (một vài): Đứng trước danh từ số nhiều không đếm

- “Some”: Được dùng câu khẳng định - “Any” dùng câu phủ định câu hỏi


- Help Ss the exercises

1.Find and correct the mistakes :

1. I’m the younger person in my family

2. My brother is biger than I am

- Play in teams

T – C

- Give the form and the use

- Retell the suggetions

- Give the example to comparative some things


3. Hanoi have population of 2.6 million

4. London is smallest than Mexico city

5. She is my friend She’s from French

6. Which season is coldest in your country?

7. Let’s to go to the beach and have a good time there

8. Are you going visit a friend this week?

9. What are you going do there?

10. What about to go to the movies?

2 Arrange the words into the sentence:

1 want / Tom / Mary / and / glasses / two / of / water children / for / her / oranges / and / some / apples /

going / buy / to / is / Mrs Lan

3 sister / my / going / is / to / live / country / the / in going / dinner / tonight / is / have / to/ where / Lan? go / to / next / weekend / are / you / going / where? the / spring / in / what / weather / is / like / the?

7 building / tallest / the / is / this / city / the / in / world Lan’s house / smaller / is / house / my / than

9 she / never / with / camping / goes / her / friends 10 often / she / go / does / how / cinema / to / the? III.Production:(6’)

- Help Ss play a game to the exercise

* Odd one out

a aunt b uncle c friend d sister a take b vacation c swim d bring a summer b hotel c spring d winter a see b watch c look d know a walk b citadel c beach d bay a travel b minibus c walk d go a sometimes b good c cold d tired a river b desert c lake d sea C Homework:(1’)

- Review Questionwords and make sentences with them

- Play the game in teams to find the mistakes

- Do in groups

- Play the game in teams

- Remember the homework

Date of planning:18/4/2012

Period 104:


Aims : Help Ss review the question words and practice making sentences with them

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can practice making questions and answers

Language content:

* Vocabulary: Review


Teaching aids: Textbook,

Ways of working: T - whole class, individualwork, groupwork, teamwork. Anticipated problem: Difficult to rewrite sentenses


Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities

A.Warm up: (6’)


B.new lesson: I.Presentation(12’)

- Help Ss review the questions they have learnt

How + do/does + S + feel? S + to be + ad

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời cảm giác

2. What would + S + like (for breakfast/lunch/dinner)?

S + would (‘d) like + ………(food or drink)

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời ăn thức uống ưa thích cho bữa ăn

3. What color + to be + S ? S + to be + màu sắc.

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời màu sắc

4. How many (+ N(số nhiều)) + do/does+ S + want?

How much (+ N(k đếm được)) + do/does +S + want?

S + want(s) ……

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời số lượng cần

5 How much + to be + S? S + to be + giá tiền

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời giá đồ vật

6 How often + do/does + S + V(k to)…?

S + adv + V(s,es) ….

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời mức độ hoạt động.

7 What + do/does + S + (adv) + + in the + mùa? S + adv + V(s,es) …+ in the + mùa

8 What is the weather like + in the + mùa? It is + thời tiết tương ứng với mùa

9 What weather + do/does + S + like? S + like(s) + thời tiết ưa thích + weather.

* Usage: Hỏi trả lời thời tiết

II.Practice (18’)

- Help Ss the exercises

1 Make questions from the words underlined: I’d like some rice and chicken for dinner

- Play the game in teams

T – WC

- Retell the questions and write the form

- Write in groups

- T – WC to check


2 A cake is 5,000 đ I feel tired

4 I go fishing once a week

5 Yes I often play badminton in the fall It’s warm in the spring

7 They are playing table tennis at the moment I play soccer

9 She does aerobics in her free time 10.He wants a kilo of rice

2 Write the second sentence so that it has a similar to the first

1 My hair is short and curly -> I have

2 Hanoi has a larger population than Vinh Vinh

3 Let’s go to Ha Long Bay next summer vacation -What about _?

4 There are a lot of beautiful beaches in Vietnam -Vietnam has _

5 London is smaller than TokyoTokyo is _ Where does she come from? Where is ? What about taking some photos?Why don’t _ ? I want some milk  I’d _


- Guide Ss to play the game: Make sentences *Noughts and crosses

What How often How long

where How much Which language

How many What color What weather

C Homework:(1’) - Redo the exercises at home

- Individualwork Then compare with a partner

- Play the game to rewrite sentences

- Play the game in teams

- Remember the homework

Can Kiem Secondary

Full name:

Class 6

Period 105: Bµi kiĨm tra häc kú II M«n TiÕng anh - năm học 2010 - 2011

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phót Mark Remark of teacher

I.Listen and fill in the gaps (2ps )

A There are ( )… potatoes B There are some (2) …

C There are a few ( ) …

D There are (4) … vegetables E There is (5) … rice

F There are (6) … flowers

II Choose the best answers (2.5 ps)


A.do B doing C to 2.Mr Hung is English now

A teaching B teaches C.teach

3 She doesn't want this movie

A see B to see C seeing

4.How are they going to stay there? - For days

A.often B long C many

5 Mr and Mrs Hai often listen to music in free time

A her B his C their

6.What you like ? - I'd like some beef, please

A Do B.Would C Can

7.Ho Chi Minh City is city in Vietnam

A.big B.bigger C.the biggest

8 are you going to stay? _ In a hotel

A.What B.Where C When

9 There is lots of in Vietnam Our country is very green

A.desert B land C.rain

10.Are there oranges in the fridge ?

A some B any C few

III Rewrite the sentences (1p )

1.Mai is taller than Linh


2 Let's go swimming

 What about ?

IV Read the passage then answer the questions (2 ps)

Susan is from Great Britain She speaks English, but she doesn’t speak Vietnamese She is on vacation in Vietnam Now she is going to visit a lot of interesting places in Hanoi Next week she is going to visit Hue

1 Where is Susan from ?

Which language does she speak ?

Where is she on vacation now ?

Is she going to visit Halong Bay next week ?

V Put the verbs in the correct form(1.5point)

1 Nam usually (play) …………sports, but now he (listen) ………… tomusic Lan and Phuong (be) ………… in the kitchen They (cook) …………


VI Arrange the words to make meaning full sentences (1p )

1 the/ spring/ in/ what/ weather/ is/ like/ the ?

Lan’s house/ smaller/ is/ house/ my/ than

The End

Đáp án - Kiểm tra học kỳ II Anh 6 Năm học 2010 - 2011

I Listen ( 2ps = 0.25 p)

(1) alot of (2) tomatoes (3) onions

(4) a lot of (5) a little (6) some

II Choose the best answer ( 2.5ps = 0.25p)

1C 2A 3B 4B 5C

6B 7C 8B 9C 10B

III Rewrite the sentences ( 1p = 0.5p)

1 Linh is shorter than Mai

2 What about going swimming ?

IV Read the passage then answer the questions ( 2ps = 0.5p)

1.She is from Great Britain She speaks English

3 She is on vacation in Vietnam No, she isn't

V Put the verbs in the correct form (1.5p = 0.3p)

1 plays, is listening are, are cooking 3.like

VI Arrange the words to make meaningfull sentences ( 1p = 0.5p)

1.What is the weather like in the spring ?

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021, 15:04

