E 8 Unit6 Period 33 Speak Listen

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E 8 Unit6 Period 33 Speak Listen

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-Ask students to do exercise “mapped diologue” - Ask students to work in pairs in 2 minutes -Ask students to complete the dialogue in pairs - Ask other student to remark.. -Teacher gi[r]


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 -English teaching plan 8

Unit 6- The young pioneers club

Period 33- Lesson 2- Speak and Listen

Teacher : Ngun thÞ the Truc Binh secondary shool

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 -Unit The young Pioneers Club

Period 33- Lesson Speak and Listen

I Aims

By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : - Ask for favors and resond to favors

- Offer assistance and respond to assistance

- Use modal verbs “ may , can, could” to ask for favor and respond to favors; offer assistance and respond to assistance

- Listen to the tape and fill in the missing words to complete the song


II Teaching skills

- Speaking , Listening, Reading

IIi Language contents

- Use modal verbs “ may , can, could” to ask for favors and respond to favors; offer assistance and respond to assistance

Iv Teaching aids

- Pictures , a projector, a tape , a textbook , a computer

V Procedures

Time Teacher activitiesStudents activities’ 3’


I Warm up

Greet all the teachers attending our class today ! How are you today ?

Are you ready for your lesson? -Now I have a game Do you like playing games ?

- Ask a student to read the game rule “Từng thành viên lớp chọn chữ bảng cho để ghép thành từ Tiếng Anh gồm chữ có nghĩa tơng đơng với từ Help Mỗi chữ đợc phần thởng từ ô chữ Chọn sai quyền chơi Mỗi lợt chơi đợc chọn chữ Trò chơi kết thúc cả 5 ô chữ đợc mở”

- Ask a student to deliver the presents

- Controls the game Nhanh tay rinh

phần quà





When key letters appear, the game finishes

II Presentation

Teacher says “ You ve found the word favor It’ “ ” has the same meaning as the word help I “ ” think in our daily life you can need other people to help you or you can help other people To know how to ask for and respond to favors, or offer and respond to assistance we come to our lesson

Unit 6The young Pioneers Club

Period 33- Lesson Speak and Listen


* Pre- Speaking

-Give out a picture

? What is the girl carrying ?

Teacher says “ She’s coming back from the market with a heavy bag So she wants the boy to help her

? If you are the girl , how can you ask for help ? - Ask students to repeat some ways of asking for help and how to respond

- Teacher explains “ Asking for favor” and “Responding to favors”

Greet them

I’m / We are - Answer teacher’s questions - A student read the rule

- A student delivers presents - Turn by turn chooses a letter in the board The person finds the right letter will get a present( a box of crayons , a pencil, a ruler, a ball point pen )

- All the students in class can take part in the game

- Look at the picture - Answer

- Answer

- Retell some ways they have learnt



- Give out “Can / Could you help me”

“Can / Could you carry my bag?” Teacher says “ Besides , you can use other ways to ask for favors such as :

Give out “ I need a favor”

“ Could you me a favor?” - Give out an other picture :

? Does the girl agree to help him ? ? How can she say?

- Give out “ I’m sorry I’m really busy.”

-Ask students to exercise “mapped diologue” - Ask students to work in pairs in minutes -Ask students to complete the dialogue in pairs - Ask other student to remark

-Teacher gives out the key :

Mother: Could you me a favor ? Son : How can I help you ?

Mother: Can you buy me some vegetables ? Son : No problem

Mother: Thank you very much

- Ask a pair of students to read the completed dialogue

- Now I have other picture Look at the picture ? Does the girl need any help ?

? How can she ask for help ?

Teacher says : The boy can also ask “ Do you need any help ?”

- She can answer “ Yes, That’s very kind of you” - Give out a table :

Asking for assistance Responding to assistant

May I help you ? Do you need any help? Let me help you

Yes Thank you

Yes That’s very kind of you

Teacher explains “ Offering assistance” and “ Responding to assistance”

- Give out an other picture ? Does the girl need any help? ? How can she say?

- Give out “ No Thank you I’m fine” - Ask students to “mapped dialogue” - Work in pairs in two minutes

- Ask students to complete the dialogue - Ask other students to remark

Teacher gives out the key: Girl : Let me help you

Boy: Yes That’s very kind of you Help me slice the pepper

Girl : Sure Can I help you cook rice ? Boy : No Thank you

-Ask students to read the completed dialogue

* While - speaking

- You’ve read a dialogue to offer and responding to assistance

Now we read a dialogue between Mrs Ngoc and Hoa Mrs Ngoc asks Hoa to help her

- Write down in the notebook

- Answer the questions

- Do exercise in pairs - students in pair - A student remarks

- Read in pair - Answer

- Write down in the notebook

- Answer -Answer

-Work in pairs to complete the dialogue

Two students complete the dialogue

- Read in pair - Listen




- Look at the board and listen to me Teacher reads the diologue

- Ask pairs of the students to read the dialogue aloud

? What does she want Hoa to help ? ?Why does she need any help?

Teacher says " In daily life , if other people need any help , you should offer assistance "

Now you read a dialogue between the

receptionist and the tourist The tourist offer assistance

Look at the board and listen to me -Teacher reads the dialogue time

-Ask pairs of the students to read the dialogue - Now we practice making similar dialogues - Give out situations

Situation 1:

? What does the neighbor need? ? Why does he need help?

Now make a similar dialogue using the phrases given You can replace the underlined words or phrases Work in pairs in 2’

- Ask students to practice in pairs ( two pairs) - Call on other student to remark

Situation 2:

? Where does he want to go? ? Why does he go there?

Now make a similar dialogue between the man and the student You can replace the underlined words or phrases Work in pairs in 2’

- Ask students to practice in pairs ( two pairs) - Call on other student to remark

Situation 3:

? What does she need? ? Why does she need help?

Now make a similar dialogue between the woman and the student You can replace the underlined words or phrases Work in pair in 2’ - Ask students to practice in pairs ( two pairs) - Call on other student to remark

* Post - speaking

- Ask students to discuss in groups Imagine a real life situation and make a dialogue Then act it out in the class

Group 1: Make a dialogue to ask for a favor and respond to the favor

Group 2: Make a dialogue to offer assitance and respond to assitance

- Divide the class into groups

- Ask them to work in groups in minutes - Have them act out

- Remark students' situations and lead to part IV


* Pre - Listening

- Give out a picture and ask :

? What you think of this picture?

- Listen to the teacher

- Read in pairs - Answer - Answer

- Listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the teacher - Read in pairs

- Listen to the teacher

- Answer

- Practice - Remark - Answer

- Practice in pairs - Remark

- Answer

- Practice

- Discus in class then act out

- Work in groups

- Act out in front of the class






- Teacher says " This is a picture of children of the world They are hands in hands singing the song " Children of the world unite" "

In this song, there are some missing words Look at the board and then guess the missing words in pairs in mitutes

- Call on students to write their guessing on the board

* While - listening

- Play the tape twice

- Ask students to compare their result in pairs - Call on students to give their result on the board

- Play the tape sentence by sentence to check and give out the key

* Post - listening.

- Have students sing the song in groups - This song is about children

? Which sentences in this song you like best ? ? Which VietNamese songs about children you like best?

III Consolidation

Repeat the ways of asking for favors and

respond to favors, ask for assistance and respond to assistance

IV Homework

1, Learn by heart the English song

2, Make a dialogue to ask for a favor and respond to a favor, a dialogue to offer assistance and respond to assistance

3, Prepare the next lesson : Unit 6- Read

- Answer

- Listen to the teacher

- Write the guessing on the board

- Listen to the tape - Compare

- students write down on the board

- Listen to the tape and check - Sing the song in groups

- Answer

Listen to the teacher

- Write down in the notebook

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2021, 08:51

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