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E 6 Unit 4 3

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- Gives the Ss the open table having the information of Thu, Phong, the Ss themselves’s school and has Ss to work in groups, filling the table.. - Asks the Ss to read the answer of t[r]


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo aùn Tieáng Ainh 6 UNIT :


? Period : 21 LESSON: A5 ,6 - B 1, 2, 3

Date of preparation : October 10th, 2009 Date of teaching : October 26th, 2009 Classes : 6A3 , 6A4 , 6A5

I. Aims and objectives :

* Language content : To introduce the ordinal numbers from 1st to 2nd and the structure concering with the description of the location of school objects

* Language function:By the end of the lesson, The Ss will be able to ask and answer about something relating their school

* Educational aim: To make the students love their school and teach them the way to keep and make their school more attractive


Language :

a.Vocabulary: grade-class-floor-have, first-second-fourth b.Structures: Which grade / class are you in?

I’m in grade class 6A

Which floor is your classroom on?It’s on the second floor How many floor does Phong’s school have?Two 2 Skills : Speaking – Listening - Reading - Writing

3 Educational factor : Knowing the position of classrooms II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation :

1 Method: Communicative approach:

2 Techniques:Repetition, explanation, substitution, ask, answer 3 Material needed:cassette, pictures

4 Students’ preparation:pick up some new words 5.Previous exercises:


1 Stabilization: minutes a.Warm–up:make greetings

b.Checking absence:ask about the absent students 2 Checking up previous knowledges: Time needed:5 minutes

*Questions: Asks the students to readthe text then answer the questions given below * Keys to questions: There are eight-there are 400.There are 20.There are 900 3 Presentation of the new materials:


Naêm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo án Tiếng Ainh 6

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson



I Lead- in

-Shows a picture of school with floors

-Asks the students about the number of the floor of the school

-Asks them to remark the position of class 6A in the picture

-Introduces the lesson -Asking and answering the grade and class the position of their classroom

-Describing a school II Pre -Practice

-Teaches the new words in turn, using the principles and steps of teaching words:

+ grade (n) ( explanation) + class (n) (explanation) + floor (n) ( picture) + have (v)( explanation) + first ( picture)

+ second ( picture)

+ what about you? And you? - Checks understanding of the new words:

Uses the technique “ guess the picture” ( Asks the Ss to say the right words “ floor, 1st , 2nd, grade , class” when they see the place where the teacher points

- Look at the picture

- Answer the questions

- Say the position of class 6A

- Listen

- Focus on the teacher’s explanation in order to guess the Vietnamese meaning and write down

- Individual speaking ( play in groups)


LESSON: A5 ,6 - B 1, 2, 3

I New words + grade (n) + class (n) + floor (n) + have (v) + first + second

+ what about you? And you?

II Structures

+ Which grade / class (are you in)?

+ I am in grade class 6A + Which floor is your classroom on?

+ It’s on the first floor


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo án Tiếng Ainh 6




in the picture)

III While - Practice

- Asks the Ss to listen to the tape without looking at the books, then with books open - Asks the Ss to read the dialogue in chorus

- Asks the Ss to practice in pairs about the dialogue

- Gives the Ss the open table having the information of Thu, Phong, the Ss themselves’s school and has Ss to work in groups, filling the table

- Asks the Ss to read the answer of the table before the class - Corrects the mistakes

* A5.- Asks the Ss to listen to the tape and repeat

- Asks them to in two groups IV Post - Practice

- Directs the Ss to write three sentences about themselves, using the examples from the table

- Asks some Ss to write their own sentences or the board - Corrects the mistakes V Consolidation

-Asks them to aswer some questions about Phong and Thu and their school, classes

- Listen to the tape without looking at the books

- Choral reading - Pairwork the dialogue - groupwork, using the

information from the dialogue - Individual answer - listen - Individual witing - Individual answer - Listen - Answer the questions

Remember + Where is….? + Is it + adj…?

+ ( yes, it is / No, it isn’t) + How many….?

+ Phong’s school + It’s big

+ It is small

+ Phong’s School is small

4 Homework: ( 2ms)

- Asks the Ss to learn by heart the dialogue and some exercises in the work book from page 37 to 39 at home

5 Preparation for the next lesson: (2ms) - Asks the Ss to prepare for B4, 5,

Self - evaluation: ………

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2021, 12:09


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