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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY- HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS & LITERATURE DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED BY VIETNAMESE EFL LEARNERS AT EAST EUROPE LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN ARTICULATING THE ENGLISH FRICATIVES IN SYLLABIC CONTEXT Submitted to the Department of English Linguistics and Literature in partial fulfillment of the Master’s degree in TESOL By LE NHU THAO Supervised by NGUYEN THU HUONG, Ph.D HO CHI MINH CITY, JULY 2013 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify my authorship of the Master’s Thesis submitted today entitled: DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED BY VIETNAMESE EFL LEARNERS AT EAST EUROPE LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN ARTICULATING THE ENGLISH FRICATIVES IN SYLLABLE CONTEXT in terms of the statement of requirements for Theses in Master’s programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee This thesis has not previously been submitted for any degree or diploma at Universities and Institutions Ho Chi Minh City, July 2013 LE NHU THAO i RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, LE NHU THAO, being a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts in TESOL, accepted the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my Masters’ Thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for the care, loan or reproduction of theses Ho Chi Minh City, July 2013 LE NHU THAO ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my supervisor, Dr Nguyen Thu Huong who has spent much time giving me valuable support as well as dedicated guidance and beneficial advice He also provided me many references that related to my topic as well as supported and corrected my study at every stage Without his guidance and support, I could not finish this thesis Secondly, I also would like to give my special thank to all lecturers in the MA courses in TESOL 2008 at USSH for their useful instruction and dedication Thirdly, I would like to thank sincerely to Mr Robert A Singh (B.A), Mr Paul Gardiner Kelley (B.A) and Mr Nguyen Hung Vu (M.A), who were willing to spend their time evaluating the pronunciation voice recording which made my data analysis more accurate Fourthly, my deepest gratitude and special thanks are sent to my friends for their comments, suggestions and advice Especially, I am indebted to Mr Huynh Phong Nhuan (M.A), Ms Nguyen Thi Ngoc Minh (M.A), Mr Nguyen Hung Vu (M.A) and Ms Nguyen Thi Nhu An (M.A), who were willing to spend their time proofreading language used in this thesis I am also indebted to all of forty non-major participants from East Europe Foreign Language Center for their generous taking part in the voice recording and questionnaire so that I can collect the data Last but not least, I am sincerely grateful to my parents and my older sister and also my husband who were always by my side for great encouragement and motivation Without their love and support, all of this would have been impossible iii ABSTRACT The thesis aimed at investigating Vietnamese EFL learners’ difficulties in pronouncing English fricatives (interdental fricatives: /θ/, /ð/, alveolar fricatives: /s/, /z/, labiodental fricatives: /f/, /v/ and post-alveolar fricatives: / /, /ʒ/) in the syllable context The participants taking part in this study were 40 learners at East Europe Language School They were classified into two groups: elementary group and advanced group Each group was composed of 20 participants The major instruments were questionnaire and recording The questionnaire aimed to elucidate students’ opinions on fricatives problems and their attitudes towards L1 transfer and teachers’ instruction Whereas, the recording clarified subjects’ pronunciation difficulties of the fricatives and explored pronunciation differences of each factor in level, gender and regional dialect The findings revealed that the students encountered pronunciation difficulties of the fricatives and with reference to place of articulation, the students ran into the most challenge with the interdental fricatives (/ð/, /θ/) and the post-alveolar fricatives (/ʒ/, / /) Specifically, they met more problems in lenis sounds in comparison with fortis counterparts Additionally, the students’ pronunciation failure resulted in the influence of L1 transfer and teachers’ instruction The statistical analysis of the recording results also demonstrated that there was a significant difference between the elementary and the advanced groups However, there was no significant difference between the participants of the gender and the regional dialect in articulating the fricatives The results from this study serve as a foundation for the improvement of learning and teaching fricatives in particular and teaching pronunciation in general iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate of originality .i Retention and use of the thesis ii Acknowledgements iii Abstract iv Table of contents .v List of tables .ix List of figures and charts xi List of abbreviations xii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study 1.2 Aims of the study .3 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Research hypotheses 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Organization of the thesis CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical concepts 2.1.1 The definition of consonants classification Voicing Place of articulation .7 Manner of articulation 2.1.2 Fricative descriptions Interdental fricatives: /θ/ and /ð/ Alveolar fricatives: /s/ and /z/ .9 Labiodental fricatives: /f/ and /v/ 10 Post-alveolar fricatives: / / and /ʒ/ 10 2.1.3 Reasons for ESL learners’ difficulties in pronouncing the fricatives .11 v The Influence of L1 Transfer 12 The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) 13 The Markedness Differential Hypothesis (MDH) .13 Teachers’ instruction 14 Time of exposure 15 The Gender 16 Regional dialect 17 2.2 Empirical research 17 2.2.1 Studies about ESL/EFL learners’ pronunciation rather than Vietnamese 18 2.2.2 Studies about Vietnamese EFL learners’ pronunciation 23 2.3 Conceptual framework 38 2.4 Summary 39 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY .40 3.1 Research Design 40 3.2 Study Setting 40 3.3 Participants 40 3.4 Research Instruments .41 3.4.1 Questionnaire .41 3.4.2 Recording the word list, the paragraph and the interview 42 3.5 Scoring criteria .43 3.6 Data analysis 45 3.6.1 Frequency analysis .45 3.6.2 Descriptive Statistics 46 3.6.3 T-test 46 3.6.4 One-Way Anova 46 3.6.5 Bivariate correlation 46 3.7 Procedures 47 3.8 Summary 47 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 48 vi 4.1 Statistical analysis of the students’ difficulties in articulating the fricatives 48 4.1.1 Statistical analysis of the students’ errors made in practice 48 4.1.2 Statistical analysis of the students’ report on their fricatives errors 51 4.1.3 Correlation results between the students’ perception of the problem and their problem in practice 55 4.2 Statistical analysis of the students’ recording results on the level, the gender and the regional dialect .56 4.2.1 Statistical analysis of the students’ recording results on the level…56 4.2.2 Statistical analysis of the students’ recording results on the gender 58 4.2.3 Statistical analysis of the students’ recording results on the regional dialect 59 4.3 Statistical analysis on the students’ perception of the difficulties causes….… 60 4.3.1 Statistical analysis on the students’ attitudes towards the influence of L1 transfer .61 4.3.2 Statistical analysis on the students’ attitudes towards the influence of teachers’ instruction 62 4.4 Discussion of the findings .64 4.5 Chapter summary .70 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .71 5.1 Summary of the key findings 71 5.2 Implications for Teaching of Pronunciation 72 5.3 Limitations of the Study 73 5.4 Recommendations for further research 74 5.5 Chapter Summary 75 REFERENCES 76 APPENDICES 81 APPENDIX 1: Syllabus for pronunciation teaching to elementary level .81 vii APPENDIX 2: Syllabus for pronunciation teaching to intermediate level 81 APPENDIX 3: Syllabus for pronunciation teaching to advanced level 82 APPENDIX 4A: Questionnaire (English Version) 83 APPENDIX 4B: Questionnaire (Vietnamese Version) 85 APPENDIX 5: Recording in the word list, the context and the interview .87 APPENDIX 5A: Recording in the word list 87 APPENDIX 5B: Recording in the context 88 APPENDIX 5C: Recording in the interview 88 viii LIST OF TABLES Pages Table 3.4.1 Content and distribution of items on the questionnaire .42 Table 4.1.1.a Summary of the students’ fricatives pronunciation 48 Table 4.1.1.b Summary of the students’ fricatives articulation based on the place of articulation 49 Table 4.1.1.c Summary of the students’ articulating of the voicing .50 Table 4.1.1.d Summary of the students’ each sound articulation based on the voicing .51 Table 4.1.2.a Summary of the students’ report on the fricatives pronunciation in general 51 Table 4.1.2.b Summary of the students’ report on the fricatives pronunciation in particular 52 Table 4.1.2.c Summary of the students’ perception on the fricatives pronunciation based on the place of articulation 53 Table 4.1.2.d Summary of the students’ report on the voicing of the fricatives in general 53 Table 4.1.2.e Summary of the students’ report on the voicing of the fricatives in particular .54 Table 4.1.2.f Summary of the student’s report on easy sounds 55 Table 4.1.3.a Correlation between the errors made in practice and the difficulties reported 55 Table 4.2.1.a Summary of the elementary and the advanced students’ pronunciation of the fricatives in the syllable context 56 Table 4.2.1.b Summary of the elementary and advanced students’ pronunciation of each of the fricatives in the syllable context………………… 58 Table 4.2.2 Summary of the male and the female students’ pronunciation of the fricatives in the syllable context 59 Table 4.2.3 Summary of the three regional dialect students’ pronunciation of the fricatives in the syllable context 60 Table 4.3.1.a The students’ report on the influence of L1 transfer .61 ix acquiring the L2 pronunciation Accordingly, it cannot find out whether or not those aspects can affect the participants’ pronunciation Last but not least, on account of the time constraint, in some cases, the researcher just interviewed by asking each question within a group of students That is why students can imitate the answers as well as the pronunciation However, the participants’ pronunciations are not completely the same In spite of the obvious limitations, the findings of this investigation hold a number of the implications for language teaching pedagogy and research, which are summarized, in the above section 5.4 Recommendations for further research On the ground of the above limitations, the researcher formulates the following recommendations for further research To fully examine the pronunciation difficulties of the English fricatives for the Vietnamese EFL learners, other sounds should also need to be concerned besides the fricatives Moreover, in order to minimize the non-native accent of English sounds, not only just four sounds per one context occur but also five or six sounds and more concentration on the students’ intonation, stress should be done Therefore, analyzing and identifying the Vietnamese EFL learners’ production of the English fricative consonants would be complementary to the present one The key point to be noted is that there are no documents relating to the teachers’ difficulties in articulating and teaching the fricatives only, which can be regarded as one of the main causes for the students’ problems in pronunciation as well as generalizing the variety of difficulties that participants encounter when producing the fricatives Finally, it is necessary to concern the factors like the participants’ age, motivation, timid characteristic or their attitudes so as to find out whether those aspects can affect the participants’ pronunciation of the fricatives or not 74 5.5 Chapter Summary The major findings of this research presented in this chapter indicate that the fricatives are problematic for the Vietnamese learners and the producing of the fricatives of level students at the outset was different However, the groups of the gender and of the regional dialect performed their pronunciation similarly In addition, the students’ attitudes towards influence of L1 transfer and teachers’ instruction are recapitulated Some implications are also provided along with the limitations and recommendations for further research 75 REFERENCES Adana, (2007) Markedness differential hypothesis and the phonological errors of Turkish Efl learners Retrieved from: http://library.cu.edu.tr/tezler/6352.pdf Akande, A (2004) The pronunciation problems in the English of some Yoruba learners Retrieved June 2, 2005 from: http://www.hkjtefl.org/2005Akande-Yoruba.pdf Avery, P & Ehrlich, S (1992) Teaching American English 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ending, irregular verbs; /ə/ and /ər/; /w/ and /h/; pronunciation letter a Unit Sentence stress; contractions (will/ won’t); /ɑ/ and /oʊ/; word stress: two syllable words; sentence stress Unit Vowel sounds; /h/, /y/ and /dʒ/; sentence stress; word stress Unit Word stress; /ŋ/; sentence stress, Unit Vowel; stress and rhythm; sentence stress;-ion endings; /ʊ/ Unit /ɪ/ and /aɪ/; sentence stress; word stress; -ed ending Unit /ɛ/, /oʊ/, /ʌ/; /ʌ/, /u/, /aɪ/, /ɛ/; linking /g/and /ʤ/; vowel and consonants sounds; sentence stress Unit Reviewing of vowel sounds; sentence stress; rhyming verbs 81 APPENDIX 3: Syllabus for pronunciation teaching on advanced level Unit /ʊ/ and /u/, understanding phonetics; /ɔr/ and /ər/; prefixes and suffixes Unit Saying numbers; sentence stress, strong adjectives; stress in compound nouns Unit Sentence stress;-eigh,-aigh,-igh; 82 APPENDIX 4A ENGLISH VERSION QUESTIONNAIRE Dear participants, This questionnaire aims to collect demographic information as well as opinions on the fricative sounds pronunciation Please respond to the following statements or mark the suitable answers The result of this questionnaire will be used for MA thesis in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City only Your cooperation is greatly appreciated Please answer the questions below: Part I Name: Gender: Male □ Female □ Class: My level: Elementary □ Advanced □ My family’s residence is at: The South □ the Central □ the North □ Part II I have some difficulties in articulating the fricatives (fricatives including /θ, ð, s, z, f, v, , ʒ/) 1.□ extremely not much 2.□ a little bit much 3.□ quite much 4.□ much 5.□ extremely much These following sounds may cause difficulties for you to articulate Labiodental fricatives: /f/ laugh □ /v/ leave □ Interdental fricatives: /θ/ think □ /ð/ either □ Alveolar fricatives: /s/ price □ /z/ peas □ Post-alveolar fricatives: / / shoe □ /ʒ/ treasure □ These following sounds may be easy for you to articulate /f/ laugh □ Labiodental fricatives: 83 /v/ leave □ Interdental fricatives: /θ/ think □ /ð/ either □ Alveolar fricatives: /s/ price □ /z/ peas □ Post-alveolar fricatives: / / shoe □ /ʒ/ treasure □ I think that interference L1 transfers (Vietnamese) may cause difficulties to articulate fricatives 1.□ extremely not much 2.□ a little bit much 3.□ quite much 4.□ much 5.□ extremely much These sounds exist in Vietnamese sound system Labiodental fricatives: /f/ laugh □ /v/ leave □ Interdental fricatives: /θ/ think □ /ð/ either □ Alveolar fricatives: /s/ price □ / / shoe □ Post-alveolar fricatives: /z/ peas □ /ʒ/ treasure □ I think that lacking teachers’ instructions cause difficulties to articulate fricatives 1.□ extremely not much 2.□ a little bit much 3.□ quite much 4.□ much 5.□ extremely much Teachers articulate sounds wrongly may cause teaching pronunciation not correctly too Yes □ No □ Before teaching, teachers illustrate and talk about sounds constituent Yes □ No □ If teachers can discriminate sounds constituent clearly, I can articulate well Yes □ No □ THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION 84 APPENDIX 4B TRANSLATED VERSION BẢNG KHẢO SÁT Các bạn thân mến, Mục đích bảng bảng thăm dị ý kiến nhằm thu thập thơng tin cá nhân việc phát âm âm xát Xin vui lòng trả lời hay đánh dấu vào câu trả lời thích hợp Kết bảng câu hỏi sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu luận văn thạc sĩ Xin chân thành cám ơn Xin vui lòng trả lời câu hỏi đây: Phần I 1.Tên: 2.Giới tính: Nam □ Nữ □ 3.Lớp: 4.Trình độ: sơ cấp □ cao cấp □ 5.Nơi gia đình tơi thuộc khu vực: Miền Nam □ miền Trung □ miền Bắc □ Phần II Tôi gặp số khó khăn việc phát âm âm xát (âm xát bao gồm âm / θ, ð, s, z, f, v, , ʒ/) 1.□ 4.□ 2.□ 3.□ khơng nhiều nhiều 5.□ nhiều Những âm sau gây khó khăn cho bạn phát âm Âm môi răng: /f/ laugh □ Âm răng: /θ/ think □ Âm nướu: /s/ price □ Âm ngạc lợi: / / shoe □ /v/ leave □ /ð/ either □ /z/ peas □ /ʒ/ treasure □ Những âm bạn thấy dễ dàng để phát âm Âm môi răng: /f/ laugh □ 85 /v/ leave □ Âm răng: /θ/ think □ Âm nướu: /s/ price □ Âm ngạc lợi: /ð/ either □ /z/ peas □ / ʒ/ treasure □ / / shoe □ Tôi nghĩ ảnh hưởng ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ (tiếng Việt) gây khó khăn để phát âm âm xát 1.□ 4.□ 2.□ 3.□ không nhiều nhiều 5.□ nhiều Những âm sau có hệ thống âm tiếng Việt: Âm môi răng: /f/ laugh □ /v/ leave □ Âm răng: /θ/ think □ /ð/ either □ Âm nướu: /s/ price □ /z/ peas □ Âm ngạc lợi: / / shoe □ /ʒ/ treasure □ Tôi nghĩ khơng có hướng dẫn giáo viên gây khó khăn để phát âm âm xát 1.□ 4.□ 2.□ 3.□ khơng nhiều nhiều 5.□ nhiều Giáo viên phát âm sai dẫn đến việc dạy phát âm sai Đúng □ khơng □ Trước dạy, giáo viên có minh họa nói nguyên tắc cấu thành âm Đúng □ không □ Nếu giáo viên phân biệt rõ cách cấu thành âm bạn phát âm tốt Đúng □ không □ XIN CHÂN THÀNH CÁM ƠN SỰ CỘNG TÁC CỦA CÁC BẠN APPENDIX 5: Recording in the word list, the context and the interview Dear participants, 86 In this part, you will be given a list of 32 words and a short reading passage You can take five minutes to read the words and the passage to yourself Besides that, an interview is also conducted without prior reading Afterwards, you will be asked to read each word twice in a loud and clear voice While reading, you will be audio-taped The same procedure will be repeated for the short passage and the interview as well THANK YOU VERY MUCH! APPENDIX 5A: Please read these following words twice: three free viewing half zoo Asia there comes spend decision is vole With shows lobster cloth laugh think love Alice casual she finishing booth Sunday have times that month wish beige feel APPENDIX 5B: Please read the following paragraph: 87 My Close Friend Alice is my close friend who comes from Asia She usually shows me how to give out a suitable decision Also, she frequently wears casual beige cloth We often meet each other three times a week after finishing our exercise I think that we have a lot of things in common First, she and I extremely love to go to the zoo and spend time there on Sunday every month Second, we often go to a refreshment booth about half an hour when we feel free Sometimes, her younger sister comes with us for enjoying lobster in the ordinary restaurant In addition; we both are afraid of viewing a vole whenever it appears Actually, I find happiness and laugh when being with her In sum up, I wish we would be a close friend forever APPENDIX 5C: Please answer these following questions in complete answers: Do you have three close friends? Have you got any friends name Alice? Your friend comes from Asia? Do you think that you really love her? She often shows you good things? Does she like to wear casual beige cloth? How you spend your free time every month? When finishing your work, you often go to the refreshment booth? Do you find happy there? 10 Do you like to enjoy lobster together on Sunday? 11 If you are so busy and just have half an hour, would you like to go out with her? 12 How you feel when being with your friend? 13 When you want to give out the right decision, would you like to ask her? 14 Have you ever dreamed of viewing a vole in the zoo several times? 15 Do you wish to be happy and laugh a lot? 88 ... REVIEW The present study was implemented to investigate EFL learners? ?? difficulties in articulating the English fricatives (the interdental fricatives: /θ/, /ð/, the alveolar fricatives: /s/, /z/, the. .. difficulties in articulating the fricatives The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) One of the most widespread influences on ESL /EFL learners? ?? difficulties in articulating the fricatives... encouraged the researcher to make a study in this field 1.2 Aims of the study The present thesis aims to investigate EFL learners? ?? difficulties in articulating the English fricatives (the interdental fricatives: