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E7 Unit 6 6

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Asks Ss to read then discuss: brainstorm ways that young students sholud do to help the community.. Lets them read the text and tells how they can do fo[r]


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo Aùn Tieáng Anh 7


Period : 36 SECTION : LET’S GO ! (B3,4,5) Date of preparation : November 18th, 2009

Date of teaching : November 24th, 2009 Classes : 7A5

I. Aims and objectives : + Language Content :

- Talk about after school activities

- Make invitation +Language Function :

- To help s.s ask and answer to complete the dial. +Educational Aim :

- To help s.s try to help old people and to clean up the environment.


Language :

+ Vocabulary : any way, environment, campaigns, neighbourhood.

+ Structures : present progressive tense/ Modal polite refusal / acceptance of invitations 2 Skills : Speaking – Listening - Reading - Writing

3 Educational factor :

- Should help community by any way II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation : 1 Method : Communicative Approach 2 Techniques : games, pair works, group work

4 Materials needed : Text book, pictures and hand out.

5 Students’ preparation: Prepare new words and draw pictures 6 Previous exercise :

III. PROCEDURES IN CLASS : Stabilization : 2ms

a Warm up: Greetings

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today?

2 Checking up previous knowledge : 5ms

1 Has a student stand on the spot and answer the questions given by the teacher Question1: Speak out of ten top ten activities students in America like to Question 2: What about you? Do you like these activities too?

Keys to the questions: Student’s answer

3 Presentation of the new materials:


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo Aùn Tieáng Anh 7

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson




I.Lead in:

Do you usually ues invitation? In which occationa you use these invitations?

How you accept or refuse the invitation?

As you know everyday conversation we usually use the invitations, the refusals or accept an invitation In this period, we will learn how to invite some one, to refuse someone or to accept the invitation politely

II.Pre practice :

Lets the s.s listen to the dial twice Has them practice in pairs

Has some pairs roleplay the dial in front of the class

Corrects the mistakes when necessary

III.Controlled – practice:

Asks Ss to read then discuss: brainstorm ways that young students sholud to help the community

Lets them read the text and tells how they can for the community

Checks the information with the students

Lets them discuss together Has them brainstorm

Further activities which they can to help the community

IV Consolidation:

Asks them to retell the exercise prepositions used to suggetse something

Listen to the dial twice

Work in pairs, alternating the roles Roleplay the dial

Listen to the teacher and notice what one should

Read the text and tell the ways young people should Check the

information with the teacher

Discuss together Tell the class what students can to help the community Make a list of activities that Vietnamese teenagers can Retell the

expressions of suggestions

Try to exs given by the teacher Let’s go to the

cafeteria and get


SECTION : LET’S GO ! (B3,4,5)

I.Content :


Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 7 15’


Adding exercises:

Has students use the cues to make complete sentences

1-let / go / cafeteria / and get / cold drink

2-how often / sister / practice / piano / youth club?

3-Tim / spend / most / time / he / couch / front / TV

+Has the s.s rearrange the following sentences to make the complete dial

1-At 6:00 in the evening

2-I’m not sure I will call you on Monday

3-It’s my birthday next Saturday Would you like to come to my birthday party?

4-O.k See you then

5-I’ll see you next Saturday After the party , we are goingto see a movie Will you join us?

6-Yes, I’d love to But what time? 7-I’ll come to your house at that time

+Has them make sentences for the underlined words

1 Vietnamese teenagers help old people by cleaning their yards and paiting their houses

2 Nam dosen’t want to go to my house because he has too many assignments

3 It’s Monday today VI.Homework:

Has them take notes and learn by heart

+ Prepare next period Language focus

a cold drink How often does

your sister practice the piano in the Youth Club? Tim spends most

of his / the time lying on the couch in front of the TV

Try to rearrange the sentences to make the complete dial 3-6-1-7-5-2-4 try to exercises given by teacher How

Vietnamese teenagers help old people? Why dosen’t

Nam want to go to your house? What day is it


Listen to the teacher Write down

+Take notes and learn by heart

+ Prepare next period Language focus Self-evaluation: ………

Ngày đăng: 07/05/2021, 18:05
