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Thực hành luyện giải đề trước kỳ thi Đại học 3 miền Bắc - Trung - Nam Tiếng Anh (Tái bản có sửa chữa bổ sung): Phần 2

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Nối tiếp nội dung phần 1 tài liệu Luyện giải đề trước kỳ thi Đại học 3 miền Bắc - Trung - Nam Tiếng Anh, phần 2 giới thiệu 12 đề thi thử tuyển sinh Đại học - Cao đẳng kèm đáp án để người đọc tiện tra cứu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

- Ve mat ngu nghTa: Cau goc c6 nghTa la: da nhieu nam Ian sau cung Cau viet lai c6 nghTa la: Chung toi nhiJng nam qua - V i mat ciu true: It's ages (years) since + thi qua khir (dung dang phu dinh ciia dong tir hoac dong tir mang roi tir chiing toi gap khong gap /J Hay chpn cau trd loi dung n/idt I'mg voi ky tuA, B, C hofic D ciia mdi cau hoL dan = thi hien tai hoan nghTa phii djnh) She lefit the room without saying a word Giai thich: - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cau goc c6 nghTa: Co ta da khong noi gi roi khoi can phong Cau viet lai c6 nghTa: Co ta roi khoi can phong ma khong noi lai nao - Without + noun/V-ing: khong c6 cai gi/lam gi Question He suggested I should write to her soon D E T H I THLT S O1 * ^ifgstion 1: " M u m , I've got 600 on the T O E F L test." - " Good j o b ! B You are right C Good way! D Oh, hard luck! Question 2: My mother told me to for an electrician when her fan was out o f order y^ send B write C turn D rent Question 3: Through an , your letter was left unanswered A oversight *T Giai thich: SI + suggest (that) + S2 + (should) + V-nguyen: Khuyen/de nghj C not to play Giai thich: such + noun + that + clause den noi Question The tea was too hot for us to drink Giai thich: too to : qua d^n noi khong the ngu y phu djnh) ' nwv ]MJ§' (cau true D overtime football in the street?" D not play Question 5: He to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead A must have gone B didn't have to go C should have gone D couldn't go Question 6: The United States consists o f fifty states, A each o f that I lie Question He said that they would solve the problem the following day Cau gian tiep hence each D each o f which tire at the back o f my car." C the other D another Question H: There was nothing they could where it had broken down will would tommorow the following day/the next day has its own government B they each Question 7: " D o n ' t worry have A other B others Giai thich: A p dung cau tuang thuat gian tiep: Cau true tiep C overtone A not to have played B not playing Question Their book is so interesting that they read it everyday so + adjective+ that + clause: qua B overcharge Question 4: " H o w many times have told you lam gi (nguoi noi khong tham gia hanh dong) = " leave the car at the roadside A unless B than C but Question 9: Lora: "Your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!" Helen: " " Question Y o u had better shorten the dress so that you can wear it Giai thich: D instead o f - Shorten something: lam ngSn cai gi A You can say that again B Thanks, I bought it at Macy's - So that + clause (S + modal + V-nguyen) C It's up to you D I ' d rather not Question Never I drive carelessly Giai thich: Never dung dau cau thi hien tugng dao ngir xay cau Question 10: Only when you grow up A w i l l you k n o w C you know Question He advised me to quit smoking t Question 10 The rain prevented us from playing football Giai thich: Prevent someone from doing something: ngan can khong cho lam D Hay doc ctogn van sau that can than roi chon cau trd lai Mng cau hoi B 2.C C 3.D C D you know 4.B A 5.A 10 D Good idea, thanks, y.,,,! , ^'^•to "^'/oM B in C from 13: - "Should we bring a lot o f money on the trip?" i j j M " ' ^ ^ ^ Because " ,, B It's my pleasure You're welcome D Thanks, I w i l l P^'/on 72; "This library card w i l l give you free access ^aday." A 24X xicjifijjtj /• Question 11: " D o n ' t fail to send your parents my regards." - " Giai thich: Advise someone to something: khuyen nen lam gi l.A the truth B you w i l l know ' we decide to stay longer." _ B So that C Though y^^-j j., ; the Internet eight D on ,^ , i^, -^.r , -ri D In case : Question 14: he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came A No sooner B Not until had C No longer has D Hardly had Question 15: John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?" - Laura: " " A Well, that's very surprising B Of course not \u bet! C Yes it's an absurd idea D There's no doubt about it Question 16: Susan's doctor insists for a few days A her resting B that she is resting , C that she rest , D her to rest : Question 17: "I'd rather you home now." A went B go C gone D going Question 18: "Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuses!" A taking B having C doing D making Question 19: John paid $2 for his meal, he had thought it would cost A not so much as B not so many as C not as much D less as Question 20: Jane law for four years now at Harvard A studies B studied C has been studying D is studying Question 21: "How you like your steak done?" - " " A Very much B Well done C I don't like it much D Ver>' little Question 22: The kitchen dirty because she has just cleaned it A may be B should be C can't be D mustn't be Question 23: She had to hand in her notice advance v/hen she decided to leave the job A in B with C from D to Question 24: We couldn't tly because all the tickets had been sold out A economic B economy C economical D economics Question 25: There should be an international law against A afforestation B forestry C reforestation D deforestation Question 26: They didn't find in a foreign country A it easy live B easy to live C it easy to live D it to live easy Question 27: The forecast has revealed that the world's reserves of fossil fuel vvil' have by 2015 A used off B taken over C run out D caught up Question 28: won't change my mind A whether _ B no matter what you say C because D although Question 29: It is very important for a firm or a company to keep the ^lianges in the market A touch with B up with C track about D pace of , Question 30: "Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ?" A you B can'tyou C.don'tyou D will you > Question 31 You need a dictionary, ? M /i^ don't you B you C needn't you D need you Question 32 Miss Thuy was born and grown up in C)uang Ngai Province, but she with her husband in Ho Chi Minh city now A lives B is going to live C was living Question 33 Did they come here foot? D has lived A by B with Question 34 I don't know how C on my feeling D from C expressed teeth today D express A expressing B to express Question 35 Many people wear A false Question 36 • B homemade a beautiful tree! A What B How Question 37 The students are A clever Question 38 They A are willing Question 39 Wine is C Why at maths D making f j , , D How is y,: , B good C successful D A and B to help me They are kind people B eager C.avoid D are likely rice A made of B made up Question 40 A lot of progress has been independent made C imitate B done C made from D consist of since their country became C built D created ;v/s*«' B Tronfi mdi cau sou cd cliiia mot loi sai du-f/c danh dau A, B, C hay D Hay f'm loi sai vi) sua lai cito dun}; ,, Question It spends us 20 minutes to tidy the room everyday *f A B C D p Question I don't mind to drive you home i f you are tired A B C D Question Your house is more bigger than mine How long ago did you buy it? A B C D Qi*estion The house is very small that they can't live there ' A B C D Question I haven't come back to Hue city when my father flied to Thailand A B C D ' uestion 10 It is difficult for me to the thing I have Question After hearing the information, I felt very happily A B C D Question The milk is too sour for us todrmk jt A - ;}« B C D ' • D Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than rdi chon cdu trd hri dung cdu hoi • Question Some o f the students js good at speaking English A B C Forest is a large area o f land (1) with trees But a forest is much more than just trees It also includes smaller plants, (2) as mosses, shrubs, and vvildflovvers in (3) many kinds o f birds, insects, and other animals make their home in the forest Millions upon millions o f living things that can only be seen under a (4) also live in the forest D Question We are fed up at washing ever>'day We would prefer to have it A washed B C i , D Question 10 Y o u shouldn't get up lately in the morning A B C D ^ M I _ K> -(jfiJ biCJ - U , , C Hay viSt lai cdu tliir hai clioy nfihia ciia no gidnfi v&iy nghia cua edit goc da clio V, Question I never suspected that he stole my handbag ^^ A t no time The forest ecosystem is highly complicated The trees and other green plants use (5) to make their own food from the air and from water and (6), in the soil The plants themselves serve as food for certain animals These animals, in turn, are eaten by other animals After plants and animals die, their remains are (7) by bacteria and other organisms, such as fungi This process returns minerals to the soil, where they can again be used by plants to (8) food Although individual members o f the ecosystem die, the forest itself lives on i f the forest is wisely managed, it provides us (9) a continuous source o f wood and many other (10) • Question Although they are good at English, he didn't accept them Much as Question " I am sorry I am late," she said to him She apologized Question I wish I hadn't broken the glasses Ifonly • Question It's a pity We don't have a passport now Question A sourrounded B discovered C covered D seen Question A such B so C as well D instance Question.? A opinion B addition C knowledge D furthermore Question A.eyes B glasses C radar D microscope Question A sunlight " C powreful D light Question A golden C minerals D vitamin Question A broken down B broken into C broken o f f D broken out Question A B bring C istall D make Question A by B with C from D o f B production C producer D products DIEN GIAI DAP A N Question He said he was not guilty o f breaking into the house A Hay chon cdu trd Uri diing nliat ling v('ri ky tir A, B, C hoac D cua mdi cdu hoi He denied Question They didn't accept my application for the j o b M y application aritime Question 10 A output wish 'inshine » Question 1: "Me ai, hen /hi TOEFL " cua dgt 600 diem." (cau goc) ' •'- Dapan: A - G o o d j o b ! : Z'J/t/i/c/! Dien giai: Cach noi chuc mimg hoac khen nggi Question 8.1 was late for the flight When I Cac dap an lai khong phu hgp: B: Y o u are right: Con noi dung ' '•'^'^^p ' '.•.b^i^o':' C: Good way!: Cach hay Question Reading books gives me pleasure I am D: Oh, hard luck!: 6i, A thirc la rui ro! (cau cam than) 253 Question 2: "Me toi hcio toi di nuri tha cli^n clen vi niciy qugl hi hong." (cau goc) uestion 8: "Chdrg biet Idm gi han hg danh phdi de chiec xe lai hen Id dmmg ffid no hi hong." (cau goc) Dapan:C-bu' » ;J M!,IJ : iij.i. Question 5: A surprised B surprising C amazing D amusing Question 6: A made B done C doing D making ^estion A widened B delivering C performing D spreading A as i f B.even i f C as though D as soon B paper C notes D notice B science C scientist D experiment 7: Question 8: ^stion 9: A information Qftestinn in A scientific , 265 LUVi'lt fjllll Ul> innUM III! ifii •> mail ijiu, I i M i i / , , ••f.-T, „ ^ DIKN G I A I DAP AN A Hay clion van trd U'ri di'iiifi nhfit I'ntfi vdi ky tirA, B, C lioac D ctia moi cCiu lun Question I A cluing ta dung td-jnllnitixe rut gon nienh dc quan he sau cum tif the first, the last, the onl\g cau the first man \o walk on the moon = the Urst man who walked on the moon Question 2: B cluing ta dung thi present perfect de dien ta \c gi da \a> va van iiestion 19: B ngfr for the time being: tam thai thai gian lie"" Question 20: I) in case + clau.se : de phong nui'Si Question 21 C Interact with sb = to comnuinicate vsith sb Dong tir interconnect ^j, interlink: can thiep vao vice gi ^M£^vm;« 22: ,4 I K all means, sir: C ir tir nhien thua ting ' , ' (• Question 23: B Yes with pleasure: Vang, rat san long Question ?: I), ta c6 dien ngCr The fad thai, nlur va\ lam chirc niing ciia niot Question 24: C I r\s might (= However hard I tried): Cho dii toi co giing may di niia Question 25: Q\: theo tuan tir nhir trcii , dai til (juan he tha\o tir ihe fuel diroc hieu ngam va la clui ngiT cho dong tir dirot Question 26: \ What: Nhirng gi ma diing nhir mot dai tir quan he keo toi hien tai \ tirong lai surpnscd cvenone i Question B ta co ngCr to save or keep money for a rainy clay: dc danh tien dw iihrrng hic can thiet vc sau Question 27: B sit for an exam = an e.xam: di thi Phirang an A khong diing vi chiing ta chi co to take exam: tham gia vao ki thi khong co giai tir for Question 2H: A how would we control the traffic la dau hieu ciia cau dieu kien loai II Ho \a> menh de gia sir phai la "If ever\one could lly." Question 5: I), tir row: vu cai nliaii Question A numerate: hiet lam cac phcp tinh ca ban Question 7: (' ila\a loai can bi dong \6i cac dpng tir co y nghia tirirng thuat I rong can n;'i\e said to have broken several records Question S: I) Can hoi la loi luoi diing them riroii hoac bia, nen can dap an thich hop iihal tioiig bon plurong an la Ni^ just now: Bay gio thi chira Question 9: B i)a\a can dap lich sir va than nutt ngirai khac cam an chi'ing ta \ \c gi cluing ta da lam cho ho Question 31:A Advise someone to something: khiiven nen lam gi Question 10 B out of order: bi hong ma_\ Cac phirong an lai: out of work: Question 32:.\o that nghiep; oft' work: dirge nghi lam; off chance diing vai cum lir on the off Question 33:\ Although + clause, clause: mac dii chance co ngliTa chi Jc can may Question 34 A such + noun + that +clause: qua den noi Question 35 A Spend + khoang thiri gian + V-ing: danh thai gian de lam gi Question ?6 I) At the age of + sci dem: a tuoi Question / / B \ can dap Never mind: Dtm^ han kirn lam ^'/, thiiang de diing dap lai loi xin loi Question 12: as long as: mien la Question /.? B C ( H I | o f f lam mai me Question 14 C ngfr to take etfect: phat hiiy tac dung Question 15 C cluing ta co can triic warn sb not to sih: canh bao dirng lam gi Question 16: \ chiing ta diing tinh tir hif^h de noi ve sir lam phat cao; han nCracluing ta phai diing dai tir quan he that sau as high as de thay the cho danh t'f inJJalion di triroc ' Question 17: C any other countries: bat ci'r nh&ng quoc gia nao khac Phirong an A khong diing vi chiing ta khong diing chung any vai another: phirang an B va P kiuing dirge chap nhan vi tir else chi diing sau cac tir de hoi: What else? W'^"' else'? loac sail cac tir anybody else, nowhere else Question 18: B menh de thir nhiit la mot menh de hien tai phan tir nen chCi ngi*^ ciia dong tir \ recent liiajjiuch: adjective + noun '* Negative form (The p/tii din It) T H E P R E S E N T P E R F E C T T E N S E (Thi hien tai hoan thanh) + A Cong thirc: V a i dong tCr to be (is/am/are): S + to be (is/am/are) + not + O Eg: They are not engineers: Ho khongphai - la nhimg ki su • The khang djnh: S + has/have + V3/ed • The nghi van: Has/Have + S + V3/ed? • The phu dinh: S + has/have + not + V3/ed : •! * * r f - + % + hU'i M / u l y r - ':,! : o,;, • + V a i dong tir thircmg: B C a c h dung: Chii ngu' so it: - Dien td hdnh dong da xdy qua khir nhimg van d hi^n tgi vd cd tuorng lai S + doesn't + V-bare infinitive + O Eg: They have lived in Hue City for months: HQ iSng d thanhphd Eg: Her father does not work here: Bo ciia c6 ta khong Jam viec a day Sthdngrdi Chu ngu so nhieu: - S + don't + V-bare infinitive + O Eg: They don't play football very well: Ho chai bong da khong that suhay lam - Hue dirge obmw3fiTton.qo(xn Dien td hdnh dong dd qua nhimg vira mdi qua -^^^^ Eg: They have just gone out: Hg vira mdi di ngodi ^ vttiiiVj ^,^^-^1 ^ , Dien td mgt sir timg trdi B C a c h dung: Eg: We have been to Thailand before: Tnr&c day chimg toi da ti'mg den Thai Lan - Chu v.- - - Dien la mot chdn ly Eg: The earth goes round the sun- Trai ddt quay quanh mat tn/i Mot so dien ngu (thai gian) thuong dung thi nay: recently, so far, up Dien ta sir viec hocic hien tmmg ton tgi thai gian v6 dinh to now, up to present, lately, never, already, often, just, yet, since, for Eg: M i n h likes speaking English: Minh thich noi It's the first time It's second time tiengAnh Dien td mot thoi qiien, tap quc'in cua ngirai, sir vi('c Eg: John jsually goes to school on foot: John thuimg di ho den * C a c h dung cua Since; F o r tmcmg Since + moc thoi gian/ thi qua khur dan iV Chuv: Eg: I have been here since 9:00 A M : Toi cd mat d day tir lite gia sang Mot so trang tir chi thai gian thuong dugc dung thi nay: always, They have lived in the house since she left for Da Nang: Hg sdng can tihd sometimes, often, seldom, never, rarely, usually, every day, every week, ay ke tir cd ta chuyen den Dd Ndng every y e a r F o r + khoang thoi gian T H E P R E S E N T C O N T I N U O U S T E N S E (Thi hien tai tiep dien) Eg: She has learned how to drive a car for 20 days: Co ta hoc lai xe hai dugc roi A Cong thirc • T h ^ khSng djnh: S + to be (is/are/am) + V-ing T H E P R E S E N T P E R F E C T C O N T I N U O U S (thi hien tai hoan tiep dien) • T h l nghi van: T o be (is/are/am)+ S + V - i n g ? Cong thirc • The phu djnh: S + to be (is/are/am) + not + V-ing The khang dinh: S + has/have + been + V-ing B C a c h diing The nghi van: Has/Have + S + been + V-ing? - The phu djnh: S + has/have + not + been + V-ing - Dien td hanh dong dang dirge dien tgi luc noi Eg: They are writing a book now: Bay gia, hp dang viet mot cuon sach B C a c h dung Dien td mot dir dinh da dugc sap xep - Di(>n td hdnh dong dd xdy qiid khir nhimg van keo ddi den tirang lai (nhan mgnh sir keo ddi ciia hdnh dong) " ' «H> ,,0 , , > H Eg: I am visiting you tomorrow: Toi dir djnh den tham ban vao mai • Chuy: M o t so trang tir chi thai gian thuang dugc dung thi nay: now, right now, at present, at the moment Eg: They have been learning linglish for years: Toi da hoc tiengAnh 'ulm rdi (toi se tiep tuc hoc) - dirge hai Dien td mot sir viec dd xay vd de Igi hdu qua Eg: She is exhausted She has been running: Cd ta m^t nhoai Cd ta vira chgy •^'>ng (hdu qud ciia vi('c cd la chgy td cd ta met nhoai) Cly TNHH MTVDVVH Khang Vi^t T H E S I M P L E P A S T T E N S E (Thi qua k h u dffn) - A Cong thu-c \mi Eg: While M a i was studying, her mother was cleaning the floor: Trong M a i dang hoc bai thi m? ciia Mai dang chui san nha { ii: • * • The khang djnh: S + V-ed/2 Thk nghi vSn: Did + S + V-bare inf? « Thl phu djnh: S + didn't + V-bare inf J -< H :\ Chuy: ' ' - When + past simple, past continuous Eg: We stopped working last month: Hp dd ngimg lam viec thdng tnrac T H E P A S T P E R F E C T (Thi qua khir hoan thanh) '^^'P' Di^n ta chuSi hanh dpng xay cung mat hie A Cong thu-c Eg: They opened the window, looked at me and said nothing: Hp ma cira so • T h i khang djnh: S + had + V-3/ed nhm chclm chc'im vao toi va khong noi mot hri ncio • The nghi van: Had + S + V-3/ed? - • The phu djnh: S + had + not + V-3/ed Didn ta hanh dpng xay vci cdt ngang hanh dpng da xay va keo dai cjud kht'r B Cach dung Eg: While was walking, I saw your younger sister: Trong toi dangdi hp thi - Dii'n ta mpt hanh dpng xay tnrac vd cham dirt tnrac so vai mpt hanh dpng khdc xay sau vd cham dirt sau qua khir im nhin thay em gc'ii cua hgn (hanh dong nhin thay em gai xay va cat ngang hanh dong di bo) Dih ' • - v ,\ »• - While + past continuous, simple past " Xi.-/)/l/7 la hanh clang c1d xay va da cham dirt qua khir - '" Co hai lien tir thuang di vai thi nay: While, When n,;.; B C a c h dung Dien la hanh dpng dang dien tien ddng thai vai hanh dpng khdc dang cung ddn tiin Eg: Before he went to England, he had studied English: Truac den nirac Anh, cau ay da hpc tieng A n h ta hanh dpng xay sou va cham dirt sau so vai hanh dpng da xay va dd cham din qua khir Eg: They had had lunch before they went to school: Chung no da an trua truoc Cac lien tir thirang duac dung thi nay: After, Before, When di hoc (Hanh dong di hoc xay sau va cham dut sau so voi hanh dong an trua.) • Chuy: Mot so dien ngfr thirong xuat hien thi nay: yesterday, last week, last Before + simple past, past perfect year, last month, two days ago (khoang thoi gian + ago), When + simple past, past perfect » T H E P A S T P E R F E C T C O N T I N U O U S (Thi qua khir hoan ti^p diln) T H E P A S T C O N T I N U O U S T E N S E (Thi qua khir tiep dien) Cong thirc A Cong thirc • Thi khang djnh: S + was/were + V-ing • The nghi van: WasAVere + S + V-ing? • The phu djnh: S + was/were + not + V-ing The khang djnh: S + had + been + V - ing ,i , T331)^a*I TV13?::JH*1 31' B C a c h dung: - DiSn ta hanh dpng tiep diin tai mot thai diem xck dinh qua khir Eg: They were watching T V at 4:00 P.M yesterday: gia chieu hom qua, ho • The nghi van: Had + S + been + V - i n g ? • The phu djnh: S + had + not + been + V - ing Eg: He had been working here for two years when he decided to retire: Cho den hi quyet djnh nghi huu, anh tada lam vi$c a d a y hai nam Dit'n ta hanh dpng di^n khoang thai gian xac dinh qua khir T H E S I M P L E F U T U R E (Thi tu-ong lai don) ^ Cong thirc horn qua, c6 ta dang nau an Dihi ta mot hanh dpng xay Iririrc vd keo dai hori so vai mot hanh dpng khcic • xay qua khir Eg: While they were having a bath, they heard a loud sound: Trong dang tSm thi hp nghe mpt am Ian • • - Dien td mpt hdnh dpng hat dau tnrac mpt thai diim qua khir vd tiep tyc cho tai thai diem do, hogc cham dirt tnrac thai diim Eg: She was cooking from 16:00 to 18:00 yesterday: Tir 16 gia den 18 gia - H B Cach dung dang \ e m T V - ^ a u i i uth After + past perfect, simple past Thi khang djnh: S + will/shall + V - bare inf The nghi van: Will/Shall + S + V-bare inf? • The phu djnh: S + will/shall + not + V - bare inf «i , ) avu j i ' i Tir cau triic tren ta c6 the thay r^ng: Chu ngO cau chu dong se lam tan ngiJ cau bj dpng Tan ngiJ cau chu dpng se lam chii ngCr cau chu dpng """ ' Dpng tir ihucrng cau chu dpng luon luon a tr^ng thai qua khur phan tir ng cau bj dpng Trong cau bj dpng thi dpng tir "to be" luon dupe sir dung, tijy thupc cau bj dpng -g Of thi nao, chung ta sir dung dpng tir "to be" theo dang dung ciia no B C a c h dung - Dien la hcinh dong sir vi^c se dien tmmg lai f:^',-They w i l l go swimming next week: Ho se di bai vao tuan t a i • Cltuy: < Mot s6 d i l n ngCr chi thai gian thuang dung thi nay: i, tomorrow, next week, next month 10 T H E N E A R F U T U R E (thi tirffng lai gan) f ^ ' T h e y painted the house: Hp da san ngoi nha A Congthu-c ; l?^/'|jit.' ' The khang djnh: S + be (is/are/am) + going to + V-bare inf • T h i nghi van: Be (is/are/am) + S + going to + V-bare inf? a T h i hien tai do-n: S + be (is/am/are) + V-3/ed + The phii djnh: S + be (is/are/am) + not + going to + V-bare inf Eg: They clean the floor every day —• The floor is cleaned every day • y\• • ' ; —>• The house was painted by them: Ngoi nha da dugc son bofi hp ' • if Dang bj dong ciia cac thi: * ' B Cach dung b T h i hien tai tiep diln: S + he (is/am/are) + being + V-3/ed + - Eg: She is watching a film -^^ A film is being watched by her Dien td dir dinh cho tircmg lai vd dudinh da c6 sir chudn hi can than Eg: She is going to find another job: Co ta dir djnh tim mot cong viec khac 11 T H E F U T U R E P E R F E C T ( T h i tu-ang lai hoan thanh) 't h;< < f \ -r J E f / * —> Her homework has just been finished by her ^ VovV\ d T h i qua khir don: S + was/were + V-3/ed + • The khang djnh: S + will/shall + have + V-3/ed • The nghi van: Will/Shall + S + have + V-3/ed? • T h i phu djnh: S +will/shall + not + have+ V-3/ed Eg: I wrote this book —• This book was written by me e T h i qua khir tiep dien: S + was/were + being + V-3/ed + Eg: They were preparing dinner —> Dinner was being prepared by them B Cach dung f T h i qua khir hoan thanh: S + had + been + V-3/ed + - Eg: They had done homework before going to school Dit'n td hdnh dong se dmrc hodn thdnh trirac mot hdnh dong khdc hat ddit Eg: n, c T h i hien tai hoan thanh: 5" + have/has + been + V-3/ed + Eg: She has just finished her homework A Cong thirc ^ By the time he phones, I w i l l have gone out: Toi se di ngoai truac i —• Homework had been done before they went to school | ' ' dien thoai g T h i tu-o-ng lai don: S + will/shall + be + V-3/ed - Diin td hdnh dong hodn thdnh tnr&c mot thai gian nhdt dinh tmmg lai Eg: They w i l l visit me next week: —>• I w i l l be visited next week Eg: h T h i tu-o-ng lai hoan thanh: S + will/shall + have been + V-3/ed + By the end o f this month, they w i l l have finished their English course: Hp + se hoan khoa hoc tieng Anh truoc cuoi thang Eg: They w i l l have answered this question by the time you come here • —•This question w i l l have been answered by the time you come here Chiiy: By the time + thi hien tai don + thi tu-ong lai hoan Dang bi dong ciia mot so mau cau: By the end of (this month, this y e a r , ) + thi tu-ong lai hoan Chu dpng (active): S + modals + V-bare inf + O Bi dpng (passive): S (O) + modals + be + V-3/ed '.jV; Eg: They w i l l help her CAU BI DONG (PASSIVE VOICE) • Hinh thirc ciia mot cau bi dong (Passive) du-ffc chuyen the tir cau chu dong She w i l l be helped Diing "It" lam chii ngir (menh de lam tan ngCr van dupe giCr nguyen) Eg: They said that she is a white woman (Active): —• It is said that she is a white woman Active (Chu dong) S+ V + O ^ , Diing cau true bj dong vol dong tir nguyen mau Neu hanh dpng menh de lam tan ngir xay truac hanh dpng ciia menh de >•'•• 1, Passive ( B i dong) inh, cliinig ta diing perfect infinitive (to have+ V-3/ed) S + be V -3/ed (by + O ) Eg: They said that she had saved the man —* She was said to have saved the man - T.iiycn i;iai cTc tnrtrc ki tin f>n micirmnr, CAU TUONG run}>, i ^imrTwn^ THUAT Jinn -1 ygii y un (REPORTED irnmr * Chiiy: K h i dong tir tucrng thuat (say, t e l l ) a thi hien tai don, chiing ta khong can phai thirc hien theo quy luat su hoa hgp cua dpng t u nhu tren f ^ ' H e says: " I am a teacher" s«r , SPEECH) Cau tmritf; thuut (cau gidn tiep) Id cau thuat lai n/iunf> /rri ndi trirc tiep ntot nuuiri klidc nhdt hieu * Giunguyen dong tivtinrng rccpdre; c liep phat bieu la mot su kien hien nhien Ihiiul "say" hogc doi "say to" sang "tell" hogc cdc ) I —• He said that he was a writer Ht>f» t Bo ddu " " thdnh "thai" (that c6 the dugc Imrc ho vd ho ddu ngogc hep) Chuyen doi cdc dgi tu nhdn ximg vd tinh tu sa huv cho phii hap vai ngu cc'inh cdu gian dep They said that the earth goes round the sun tiep sang cau gian tiep I- Doi dong t u tuong thuat "say, tell" sang "ask, require" hoac "wonder" Dimg "whether" hay "if" de hk dau cau gian t i l p cau hoi true tiep khong bat dau bang t u de hoi Va t u "that" cung dugc luge bo Mai and Tuan said they had been there Eg: They said: "Does she swim well?" Phdi tuan theo cdc quy hidt ve su hod hap cdc thi cua dong tu nhu sau: They asked me i f she swam well - Reported speech Direct speech Tlurc hien cac quy luat hoa hgp cua dong tir cung nhu chuyen doi cac dai t u nhan xung, tinh t u so hiru va cac t u chi noi chon, thai gian nhu doi cau true Eg: Mai and Tuan said: " W e have been here" Simple present Past simple Present continuous ^.^^^^ Past continuous Present perfect Past perfect Simple past Past perfect Past continuous Past perfect continuous Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous , , - * that these —^ those the following day here —• there the day after now —* then ago —• before today —> that day Khi cau true tiep la mot cau hoi c6 t u de hoi nhu: what, why, how, chung ta j khang dinh va tat nhien dau cham hoi (?) cung dugc luge bo Eg: He said to me: "What did you yesterday?" She asked me what had done the day before • Cdu menh lenh: Khi doi mot cdu noi true tiep a dang menh lenh, ta can phdi: ^vv * f d T - Doi cac dong t u tucrng thuat say hoac tell ask, command, request, order, - Dong t u a menh de each cau true tiep dugc doi dong tir nguyen mau tomorrow —• the next day Eg: I said to the boy: "Keep silent" A I asked the boy to keep silent yesterday - > the previous day au a cau gian tiep the day before Eg: He said to me: " D o n ' t open this door" next week —> the following week He told me not to open that door last week —• the previous week Cdc dong tu khiem khuyet duac thay doi theo quy luat: needn't —»• didn't have to will — —> Because he smoked, he died o f lung cancer (Correct) Eg: Wherever you go you should know who \ o u are: Dii di dau, anh cung nen y thi'ic anil la t rr ' Adverbial clauses and phrases of reason (Menh de trang ngfr chi ly va should + have + V-3/ed: le nen No matter how = however Vift Eg: No matter what thev do, she won't offer them a chance = Whatever they do, she won't offer them a chance: Dii ho lam gi chang nira thi c6 ta van khong cho ho mot C O hoi AV His elasses are here! He must be here could/ may/ might + have + V-3/ed: ccS the Khang Mgnh de trang ngu chi thai gian thuang dugc bat dau bSng: Luyfn ui'ii A" trimc kitlimHTnuen BScrTnwgTTmm I img Ann - i\go van mnn C a c dien ngir dirac tao voi tir M A K E When ( K h i ) / After (Sau khi)/ Before (Truac khi)/ While (Trong k h i ) T i l l / Untill (Cho den khi)/ As soon as (Ngay khi)/ Since (TiJ khi) make the bed make a phone call Whenever (Bat cur luc nao)/ Just as (Ngay khi) make possible for make an offer Chit y: Chung ta khong dime sir dung thi tuang lai menh de trgng make a mistake make an application ngit chi thai gian make the team make a choice Eg: \t seen her since I lived here: T o i khong gap c6 ta ke tir toi song a day Eg: Stand here until I will come back: Hay dung day cho den nao toi se tro make an appointment make an effort make a profit make a request make an impression make a complaint lai (Incorrect) - + Stand here until I come back: Hay dung day cho den nao toi tra lai (Correct) MUI M » make a cancellation make preparation Adverbial clauses of manner ( M | n h de trang ngir chi the each) make a quarrel make progress \yjs make a speech make money make some coffee Eg: It looks as i f it's going to rain: Trai nhu sap mua make a promise ta viec nguai noi la khong c6 that hoac kho tin 6" hifn tai make attempt make a list As if/ As though ( N h u the la) dung vai thi qua khir hoan de dien ta dieu nguai noi la khong c6 thyc hoac kho tin a qua khir Eg: She looked as i f she had lived in the building: Co ta nhu da song make agreement make sure Jill']' • make a cake B R I N G and T A K E - Bring c6 nghTa la: mang cai gi tir dau den nai - T a k e c6 nghTa la: mang cai gi tir nai day tai nai khac toa nha roi MAKE and DO (Make vd Do) Cac dien ngir du-ffc tao vol tir B R I N G Make mang y nghTa la tao nen cai gi Them vao do, Make thuang dung truac nhijng bo ngiJ c6 nguon goc tir dong tir Eg: Make a deeision {to decide: quyet djnh), make a cake: lam banh - make a list make friends make a discovery Eg: They look as i f they knew you: Trong nhu the ho biet anh - make an announcement make a decision As if/ As though ( N h u the la) dung were hoac thi qua khir dffn de dien ,,, make sentence make a cake de dien ta viec nguai noi c6 the xay a hi^n tai hoac tuong lai make arrangements make a concession make noise As/ As if/ As though ( N h u the la) diing vai thi hien tai hoac tjffng lai make a loss ••"•fit Hn\iM'Mtff.d •i/a oh lo>h Do mang y nghTa la van dung hay thao tac vao cai gi c6 san Them vac do, ,! odir? Do thuang dung truac nhirng bo ngiJ chi ve cong vifc Eg: Do housework: lam vi^c nha •>< Mot so dien ngir du-o-c tao voi tir D O a good j o b crossword puzzles something/anything/nothing homework work a favour the dishes an assignment a paper research the laundry housework , bring about : gay bring up :nuoi duang bring something to light : kham pha, dem cai gi anh sang bring to an end : cham dirt bring sb o f f : ciru bring sth on : dua den ket qua, gay cai gi bring sth up : luu y den cai gi, neu cai gi bring sb io sth : dua len (mpt cap dp hoac chuin muc khac) Cac dien ngCr duo'c tao voi tir T A K E A take after ' : giong, y h$t take advantage o f : tan dung, Igi dung take account o f : xem xet, quan tam •,•'•'1 take away di chuyen Eg: ! know the writer H i s books are good take back rut l^i ( l a i noi) —• I know the writer whose books are good, (whose thaN the cho his) take down dai di take in cho a trp take into account xem xet, de y tai take o f f cai, lot, cat canh (may bay) take oneself off bo tron take on dam trach M f n h de quan he bat dau bang "That" 'That" CO the du-tfc diing de thay the cho "who, whom, which' Ex: Here is the book It is written in Japanese loai khoi, rut take up ham thich, bao trg loai tinh chat take up with giaoduvai take over n3m quyen T ,.I Chung ta phai diing "that" cac truong hop sau: take out xay , , Here is the book that is written in Japanese - take place ,, Neu chu ngir can dirac lhay the can thi'r hai la mot hon hop ii'r khong ciing ,,\v;«'>rt - i i w Eg: She is looking at the cat and the girl You are drawing them f; , ^v,„ —• She is looking at the cat and the girl that >ou are drawing Sau tinh li'icirc cap va cac cum tirnhir i ,• the first, the last, the only, Eg: She is the most beautiful that I have ever met RELATIVE • CLAUSES (MENHDE Sau cac dai tit hat dinh nhu: all anything, nobody, nothing, QUAN HE) Eg: They did anything that wanted Menh de quan he bat dau b^ng "Who" * 'Who" dung de thay the cho ngiroi va lam chu-c n§ng chu ngir Chinig ta klu)ng dung gioi tir truoc'7/7^//" (n) :i Eg: He is the man to w horn I spoke last night ' (y):(;; m l JfiliO' ' —• That man who is good at English is from Viet Nam RELATIVE (who thay the cho he nen who lam chi'rc nang chu ngir.) CLAUSE ^ai ,n»nu (Restrictive and non-restrictive) Menh de quan he bat dau bang "Whom" Menh de quan he khong gioi han (Non - restrictive clause) 'Whom" dung de thay the cho nguoi va lam chirc nang tan ngir Menh de lien he khong gioi han dirge diing vai tat ca dai tir quan he, trir That Menh de dirge xem nlur mot loi noi them hay mot sir giai thich them, no dirge Eg: The people died o f heart disease met them last year dat giira hai dau phay (,) hoac c6 gifra hai dau gach ngang (-) —+ The people whom I met last year died o f heart disease, i• Eg: The f.resident, whom you met last night, is from Viet nam (whom thay the them nen no lam chuc nang tan ngir.) • ' (Chiing ta khong duoc thay whom bang that vi c6 giai tir to dirng truac) Eg: The man is from Viet Nam He is good at English • little Menh de quan he gioi han (Restrictive clause) Menh de quan he bat dau bang "Which" Menh de quan he gioi han dirge diing v6i tat ca cac dai tir quan he No dong mot vai "Which" dung de thay the cho vat No lam chirc nang chii ngir hoac tan ngil- tro quan trong bg phan ciia cau Neu khong ccS no, cau c6 the khong c6 y nghTa Eg: The computer which I bought yesterday is made from Japan Eg: The house is very large I bought it last week MOT SO CAU TRUC CAN PHAI —> The house which I bought last week is very large (which thay the cho it nen no lam chirc nang tan ngir) too + adj adv ^ (for sb) + V-to inf: qua den noi khong the Eg: The room looks very old it hasn't been painted for years —> The room which hasn't been painted for years looks very old (which thay the cho it nen no lam chOrc nang chu ngir.) Menh de quan he bat dau bang "Whose" "Whose" diing de thay the cho tinh tir so hiru GHINHO .enough ^ noun enough '' noun ^ for something: c6 V- bare infi • than + V- bare infi: thich cai gi lion cai gi .S7 t would rather ^ S2 + simple past + (than + simple pa.st) , y^ , t an Minh Luy?ngididi truth: kl tliiDH3 mien BUc, Trung, Nam TiinK inli .S' + suggest + V-ing: di nghi Idm vi^c gi (ngirai noi c6 tham gia hanh (tpng) ashamed o f st (a) xau ho ve dieu gi SI + suggest + S2 + (should) + V- bare infinitive: de nghj nguin nao application for a j o b (n) don xin viec lam lam dieu g i lark at (v) Every (+ danh tir so it, every one, everything), some (+ danh tir so it, some one, leg for ( v ) something), all + dgng tir so it lelieve in (v) Nhurm: all + danh tir so nhieu + dong tir so nhieu chung ta c6 the diing dong tir so it hoac so nhieu W.SI \2.Sl + had + no sooner + V-3/ed + than + S2 + V-2/ed tiw oiV jij ^ 14 something + need + V-ing: cai gi can dugc lam (mang nghTa bi dpng) 15 had belter + V- hare infinitive: tot hon het nen lam g i ijj \i lame sb for st ( v ) ' • ^' lased on st (a) •jjvst •xiij'j •!»/ ff nk' Am\ usy with st (a) uQiib tijtid •jv i g 1K3 ift on : coi chirng '.J jjii {\i-jtui;'(!:>fri o i S j - r / M ^ : khoe khoang, khoac lac ve : ban cong viec gi : ti^p tuc iiTQKjii' Ib^ j , ; - batkjp dir i ( / ) ! , , (•-:','•:) absence from (n) ;onsist o f (v) ^ ' ' ;\ go o v e r ( v ) accuse sb o f st (v) ) '.i'^l in : len tai me up to ( v ) : giai trinh cai gi vai i; ! •r : diratren dieu gi arry on ( v ) account for st to sb ::;'^;:!„ i \ i : trach ve dieu gi (j{itb atch up with (v) P R E P O S I T I O N S A F T E R V E R B S (Giol ttr sau dong tir) ; : tin tuong / / r , , • : thupc ve ast o f (v) + had + hardly + V- 3/ed + when + S2 + V-2/ed 13 have/get + something + V-3/ed: c6 cai gi dugc lam , •/ • [ - n t f ' ; : xin : ca dp, danh cuoc vao t on ( v ) ware o f (v) ã ôi.>M';^\ M\ w i : n./.'< :'•.) : siia It elong to (v) 10 K h i mot danh tir so nhieu durng sau any of, either of, neither of, none of , , u,u : hoa minh vao, xen vao ijni n : giai thi?u vai fi'i-v ! " 4om» '•:>' jug m itr ' -aA y j : 'lo nii'il 'j^t:; tot n! oui o,!;.' i ; v s i i oM::( : mua cai gi • i, - j ; ! ; : lam m§c ng )'J j - i i : biet ve cai gi : thich dieu gi i, v.- m T i i yiiirifyrin-v LUyen giai ad nmd M HU IW •^ mien Bac, k i n d to sh (a) l rung, \am / ieng An/i - A'gtf > tin Minli : t u te v i kind o f , : phan nao c h i r n g mirc nao knock d o w n (v) listen t o someone ( s o m c t l i i n g ) (\ l i v e on s o m e t h i n g ( v ) l o o k at ( v ) : c h a m soc look for something (v) o u t l o o k on li*c ( n ) pay f o r ( v ) , , ,, , quan d i e m ve cupc song ;i j j fike n o t i c e o f pride oneself on (upon) >iiccntrate on (\ icus on { \ hanh dien ve p r o v i d e someone w i t h s o m e t h i n g ( v ) : c u n g cap c h o cai gi put an e n d t o ( v ) : c h a m dirt put o f f ( v ) : hoan l a i , t r i h o a n , gay k h o k h a n put : mac ao quan on(v) put o n w e i g h t ( v ) : tang can put t h r o u g h (\ : hoan t h a n h , lien lac b a n g d i e n t h o a i run after ( v ) : theo d u o i d u o i theo run i n t o ( v ) * run o f f ( v ) ,{-, run out ( v ) f ie i m p i a i n about (\ ['orry about ( v ) o r b fffjifl run o v e r ( v ) (u 'in : can, gay tai nan lose sight up : mat hut lose t o u c h w ith : mat lien lac keep pace/up, w i t h : sanh k i p , bat k i p lose t r a c k o f : mat dau pay a t t e n t i o n t o : chu y tai put an end t o 18) : tan tiianh gree w i t h (sb) (\ ; (long y v o i i l o n g to (v) iiupc vc ( q u v c n so' h u u ; l i e v e in sb ( v ) : t i n vao reak d o w n ( \ : hong (may) t : k l i o i phat bat n g o t r o n ( b a n g v u lire) ^eak up ( \ et rid o f ( v ) make a c o n t r i b u t i o n to : gop phan prn up ( \ m a k e c o m p l a i n t about : keu ca, phan nan make a d e c i s i o n on/make up o n e ' s m i n d : quyet d j n h m a k e s o m e t h i n g f r o m s o m e t h i n g ( v ) : lay cai gi l a m nen cai g i (V) rn out ( v ) rn on ( v ) Vi}.; "tV : thao r o i : d u n g , sir d u n g » ill ,., sak o u t ( v ) jive up { \ m a k e use o f : dot nhap vao : ngat l o i : don cho cho ' no t v , £akoff(v) Mch up w i t h ( v ) make r o o m f o r fit, ,rj,-y eakin(v) : che nhao i- : lo lang vc cai gi jprove o f (v) 111 u p ( \ make fun o f : pliaii nan v e d i c u gi : giai ihicli : chieu c6 den ' , , ; clu'i y vao, chain vao (jcount f o r ( v ) ^11 on make a l l o w a n c e f o r , : tap t r u n g vao clu'i y \ao : bao q i i a n i i bao plui : lam n g i r n g lai put a stop t o , , )ver w i t h ( v ) Mid up (\ Oh , : bao g o n i : ket thuc mh : c h a m soc insist o f (v) eak i n t o ( v ) catch sight up '• > : tiiv tluioc vao, dua vao |epend on (v) c h a m d i i l can • : dua \ao tiiv t l u i p c Ic t i u i o c ; l \n (v) : tau thoat, chay xiet ; : k h f u i g k l i a i i g d o i cho bang d u o j isist on ( \ : va c h a m vao, gap g o , h o i n g o • v : de y, g h i ciiep j k c note o f c h p n phan biet d u g c ; : de y d e n , l u i i tarn : loi dung ake ad\e o f phai k h o v i , tra t i e n , den bii pick out (v) , j k e care o f I' , : lam bang i k e account o f m o n g n g o n g d i e u gi yisi !^«Q)l/i : mat, c h u o n mat di mat lade o f ( v ) (^-Ay: : c h u y e n giao q u y e n so h u i i : nhan t h i i c , xac d j n h lake o u t ( v ) t i m k i e m cai gi look f o r w a r d to something ( \ : quyet d j n h fiiake o f f ( v ) : lang nghe : n h i n vao look after ( v ) : den bii [ m a k e up o n e ' s m i n d ( v ) lake over(v ) : d;\ t a n , danh v o : song n h o vao cai gi [ m a k e up f o r ( v ) : g i a i tan : t i c h Illy y, : ghe t h a m t l i a m v i e n g : g o i dien vd 'OJ frwob Oil : theo k i p d u o i k i p ; tir bo : tir bo : d e n , c6 mat ; tat (den hoac lira) : bat, m o (nia> m o c ) 445 arrive in (v) : : : : arrive at (v) : den (san ga, phi truong) put off (v) : hoan lai put up (v) : dung len turn o f f (v) turn down (v) carry out (v) Mnc Inc tat (may moc) van nho (am thanh) thuc iii^n, thirc thi den (thanh pho, dat nuac) Phan 1: Phuang phap hpc va lam bai thi trac nghifm Phan 2: Giai thi^u 25 de thi thu tuyen sinh Dgi hpc Mot so cum tir quen thudc: V + O + preposition prevent sb from doing sth (v) ngan chan lam dieu gi stop sb from doing sth (v) ngan can lam dieu gi accuse sb o f doing sth (v) to cao lam dieu gi blame sb for doing sth (v) '\.' : khien khien trach lam dieu gi 13 De thi thu so 01 13 De thi thu so 02 38 De thi thu so 03 61 De thi thu so 04 83 De thi thu so 05 103 De thi thu so 06 124 De thi thu so 07 143 provide sb with sth (v) cung cap cho cai gi De thi thu so 08 164 accustom onself/sb to sth (v) tir lam cho minh quen vai cai gi De thi thu so 09 185 apologise to 3b for doing sth (v) xin loi ve dieu gi De thi thirso 10 197 introduce sb to sb (v) gioi thieu vai De thi thu so 11 216 complain to sb about sth (v) phan nan vol ve dieu gi protect sb from sth (v) De thi thu so 12 241 bao v^ khoi cai gi De thi thu so 13 249 De thi thirso 14 261 De thi thu so 15 269 De thi thu so 16 281 De thi thu so 17 289 De thi thu so 18 293 De thi thu so 19 299 De thi thu so 20 306 De thi thu so 21 312 De thi thirso 22 320 De thi thirso 23 337 De thi thir so 24 356 De thi thirso 25 374 , , Phrasal verbs with G E T (Cum d9ng tir di voi G E T ) get at : tai dugc ' {''Mf till I : binh phuc, hoi phuc get on : len (tau, xe, ) get on (well) with somebody : hoa thu§n voi get in : trung cir, dugc bau get o f f : xuong xe, thoat tpi get up : thijc day get on : tien bo get along : hoa thuan get away : tranh khoi, thoat khoi get back away : tra thij get by : vuol qua dupe get dow n to : bat dau lam vi^c gi get on/along with (v) : hoa thuan {•/] ()? lii {/)i r!//o'; (•')'[ (>./] liJi// (7H! 446 Tong quat ngii phap co ban va nang cao i i' • 414 - i f ! ; i f ! j ' I'j^if; i\: CONG TY TNHH MOT THANH VIEN DVVH KHANG Vl|T Nhd Sdch B\a Chi: 71 Dinh Tien Hoans - P Dakao - Quan - Tp.Ho Chi Minh Bien thoai: (08) 39115694 - 39105797 - 39111969 - 39111968 Fax: (08)39110880 Email: l have * " '' Gjai thich: Wish + thi qua khii hoan = I f only + thi qua khu hoan thanh: >" »>? ?- ''' " ' " " Giai thich:... ve dieu g i Question 32 : A Introduce someone to someone: Gidi thieu voi Question 33 : C Supply someone with something: Cung cap cho cai gi "i Question 34 : B Base on something: dira vao dieu... s IKMI sXaystay Giai thich: S + would rather + V-nguyen + than + V-ngiiyen: thich lam Question 29 : A As long as: bao lau cung dugc Question 30 : C I late + V-ing/doing something: ghet lam gi/dieu

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 16:59

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