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428 527G iiuiiy iC i MITNAPHA VIET NAM luiii 6ien soan sdch ud Ddo tgo chuyen Anh Ngd NGO VAN MINH VFIRSTBOOK ' MITNAPHA VIET NAM Trung tam Bien soqn sdch od Ddo tgo chuyen Anh NgU VFIRSTBOOK NGO VAN MINH BAC • TRUNG II ii TIENG ANH (Tdi ban, sita chCta ua bo sung) >t Dank cho hoc sinh Idp 12 tuyen thi Dai Hoc - Cao Dang * Bien somtheonoi cmbgGDsiDT dung va(Unhhudngmde thi Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vi^t Lai NOIDAU Quy thay CO giao va cac em hoc sinh than men! Ky thi t u y i n sinh vao cac truong dai hoc, cao dang la mot thi'r thach Ion doi voi cac em hoc sinh Hoa chung voi khong on luyen miet mai cua cac em tren khap ca nuoc, chiing toi dem nghien cuu ya bien soan nhmig trang sach tieng Anh b6 ich N i com thai gian la cuon Luyen gidi dS trm'rc ky thi Hai hoc miin Bdc - Trung - Nam Tieng Anh Dieu CO ban truoc tien la cac bo de cuon sach duoc bien soan bam sat cau true de thi tuy^n sinh vao cac truong dai hoc, cao dang cua Bp Giao due va Dao tao Dong thai, cac cau hoi dugc bien soan dira tren tam kien thi'rc xuyen suot chuong trinh cac em theo hoc a nha truang Cuon sach khong nham muc dich on luyen de hoc sinh "trung t u " thi nhung mong nguyen rang se la nguoi ban chi duong dan loi khong th^ thieu cho cac em biet di sau vao duang kien thuc ma minh se gap lai de thi tuyen sinh chinh thuc cua Bo Giao due va Dao tao Hau het noi dung cua cuon sach dugc chinh soan gia - thay giao N G O V A N M I N H nhieu nam ixng dung vao chuong trinh luyen thi dai hoc va tren thuc te da g§t hai cong qua ket qua thi cua cac em hoc sinh Cac ban doc gia se nhan loi viet ciia cuon sach dugc tac gia the hien phan Ian voi giong dan giang bai gan gui nhu- tren lap hoc Moi cau hoi chung toi deu dien giai kien thuc rat ro rang voi ngon ngu gian d i , de hieu Muc dich ciia dieu khong chi giup cho cac em tiep can va nam that virng ki^n thuc ma huang cho cac em nhieu sir img dung cac truang hop khac cua de tuyen sinh Cu6n sach khong chi giup cho cac em hoc sinh tir on luyen ma la mot tai lieu rat hiru dung doi vdi quy thay c6 giao, cac bac phy huynh dang quan tam giup em minh chu^n bi kien thuc d^ buoc vao ky thi tuyen sinh sap t o i Du chung toi da c6 ghng rk nhieu qua trinh bien soan nhirng cuon sach at han nhieu thieu sot Rat mong nhan dugc y kien dong gop tir quy ban doc than quen va gan xa de cu6n sach dirge hoan thien han nhiJng Ian tai ban Nhd sach Khang Viet xin trdn gi&i thieu t&i Quy doc gid vd xin Idng nghe moi y kien dong gop decuon sach ngdy cdng hay horn, bo ich han Thu xin gui ve: Cty T N H H Mot T h a n h V i e n - D i c h V u V a n Hoa K h a n g V i ? t 71 D i n h T i e n Hoang, P Dakao, Q u a n 1, T P H C M Tel: (08) 39115694 - 39111969 - 39111968 - 39105797 - Fax: (08) 39110880 Hoac email: khangvietbookstore@yahoo.com.vn; thay giao Ngo Van Minh - Email: minhvfirstbook@yahoo.com - mitnapha.edu.vn X i n chan cam on! Phan I : PHUONGPHAPHOCVAIAMBAITHITRACNGHIEM NHAN THliC VE HiNH THUC TRAC NGHIEM l.am bai theo phuang phap trac nghiem la hanh dong ciia y thi'rc tir nham chpn mot phuo'ng an diing nhat so nhieu phuang an de nghi doi vai mot cau hoi DAC DIEM CUA PHUONG THUC TRAC NGHIEM • Bao quat kien thi'rc • H Hieu sau ve van de kien thirc va van d^ ciia cau hoi H Ife H Chii dong t u H S SI s Kha nang phan tich va phan doan van de doc lap H HI s H M T6c ' Do dcS, thi sinh lam bai thi trac nghiem cung phai van dung va thi hien cac yeu to tren mai c6 dugc ket qua tot NHAN DIEN BAN CHAT VA CACH GlAl QUYET CUAMdlVANDE TRONGDE THI TUYEN SINH DAI HOC-CAO DANG VAN DE PHAT AM (PRONUNCIATION) BAN CHAT CUA VAN DE Loai cau hoi kiem tra nang lire nhan biet va phan biet each phat am ciia n g u v e n a m va p h u a m Ddc thii cua moi cau hoi: M o i cau hoi thuang c6 bon phuang an A , B, C , va D M o i phuang an la mot tir hoan thien c6 chira phan phu dm hoac nguyen dm (CO the) giong Nhung chi c6 MOT phan phu dm hoac nguyen dm so bon phuang an ay c6 each phat am K H A C voi ba sir lira chpn lai Nguyen tdc cle thi: N g u a i soan de thi bao gia cung dua H A I phuang an so B O N phuang an cua mot cau hoi eo chira phan phu dm hoac nguyen dm dugc phat am nhu ma thi sinh c6 the de dang nhan V a i hai phuang an lai, doi hoi thi sinh phai can than de chgn mot Cdch i^iai guyel van de: • - , - Loai gap H A I phuang an chira phu dm hoac nguyen dm dugc phat am nhu Luyfit gidi de tru&c ki t/ii DH miin BJc, Trung, Nam Tieng An/i - Ngd Van Minh - Tap trung thai gian va nang lire de nhan phan phu dm hoac ngiiyen dm cua mot hai tir c6 each phat am giong ho$c khac vol hai Cty TISHH MTVDVVH manh nhu ma thi sinh co the de dang nhan V a i hai phuang an eon lai, doi hoi thi sinh phai can than de chgn mot Cdch giai quyet van de: phuong an da dugc L O A I G A P • Hay tham im tra nang lire c a m t h i i n g o n ngfr ciia cac thi sinh K y n a n g d o c d o a n v a n : T a p t r u n g vao hai ky n a n g D Q C L U O T de lay t h o n g tin v a D O C C A N C A N H da lay y C o h a i d a n g d a c t h u : D i e n ti'r v a n c h o t r o n g va c h o n p h i r o n g an dien dat c6 n o i d u n g t h e o sat \ o i d o a n v a n da c h o , Vt'ri tlana dien tir vao cho trdna: C a c h the hien: Sau doc v a n a m bat y - n o i d u n g cua can h i i i x o n g doc len doan v a n neu thay c o noi d u n g lien quan t h i hay d u a l o i giai c h o cau D o a n van c h o san c m o t so c h o bi k h u y e t hoi a \ K h o n g can phai d o c het ca doan van r o i m o i suy nghT c h o n dap an t i r / c u n i tir B e n d i r o i c cac can hoi i i n g v o l m o i c h o t r o n g M o i can h o i c b o n p h i r a n g an t r a l o i n h i r n g c h i c m o t p h i i o n g an tra Idi d u o c chap nhan H a y doc bon p h i r o n g an t r a l a i t r i r a c de xac d i n h de bai h o i ve ngfr phap t i r v i r n g c u m tir CO d j n h ha> gioi tir l a c u n g IKMI doc l u o t that nhanh ca doan van ( k h o n g qua C h u n g minh: Traditionailv i n A m e r i c a , h e l p i n g the p o o r w a s a matter f o r p r i v a t e charities or local government A r r i v i n g i m m i g r a n t s depended m a i n l y o n predecessors B A p h i i t ) de n a m bhi n o i d u n g c o ban toan b a i K h i l a m b a i , cac t h i sinh nen from their homeland to help them start a n e w life In the late 19"' and early 20''' t r a n h toi d a v i e c d o c lap lai n h i e u ca doan van de t i m cau tra l o i c h o m o t cau centuries, several European nations instituted p u b l i c - w e l f a r e p r o g r a m s B u t h o i v i rat mat t h a i g i a n m a viec l a m that sir k h o n g can t h i e l such a movement w a s slow t o take h o l d in t h e U n i t e d States because the rapid pace o f i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n Chi'rng m i n h : and the ready a v a i l a b i l i t y o f farmland seemed t o confirm the b e l i e f that a n y o n e w h o w a s w i l l i n g t o w o r k c o u l d f i n d a j o b W e send o u r c h i l d r e n t o school to prepare them f o r the t i m e w h e n they w i l l be b i g and w i l l have t o w o r k for themselves T h e y learn their o w n language ( I ) they w i l l be able t o tell others cleariv what they w a n t and what they k n o w and understand w h a t ( ) tell t h e m T h e y learn f o r e i g n ( ) in order to be able to benefit f r o m w h a t people in other countries w r i t t e n and said, and t o make people f r o m other countries understand what they themselves mean • A so that Most o f the programs started d u r i n g the Depression era were t e m p o r a r y r e l i e f measures, but o n e o f the p r o g r a m s - Social S e c u r i t y - has b e c o m e an A m e r i c a n institution Paid for b y d e d u c t i o n s f r o m t h e paychecks o f w o r k i n g p e o p l e Social Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest m o n t h l y i n c o m e and also provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance t o those w h o need it Social Security pavments t o retired persons can start at age , B n o w that C so f a r D so l o n g • A the others B other C others D another has been concern that the Social Securit\ f u n d mav not have enough m o n e y to • A c u l t u r e s B c u s t o m s C languages D habits fulfill its obligations in the " centurv w h e n the p o p u l a t i o n o f elderl> A m e r i c a n s G i a i q u y e t : C a u h o i v c n g i l phap D o c b o n p h u o n g an bcMi d i r o i , ta biet dirge d i e u n a v Q u a n sat theo ngav sau c h o t r o n g la m o t nienh de c sir d u n g d a n g S + m o d a l s + V n g u y e n l a de dang chon A so that la p h i r o n g an t o i iru v i t r o n g cac phirorng an dira t h i c h i c6 s(; thaf + S + moikils ) Vtiguyen de tao but many wait until age when the payments are s l i g h t l y higher Recently, there is expected t o increase d r a m a c t i c a l l v Policy makers have proposed various ways to make up the a n t i c i p a t e d deHcit but a long - t e m i s o l u t i o n is still being debated In the years since R o o s e v e l t , other A m e r i c a n presidents have established assistance programs These include M e d i c a i d and M e d i c a r e ; food stamps, m e n h de t r a n g ngfr c h i m i i c d i c h certificates that people c a n use to purchase f o o d ; and p u b l i c h o u s i n g w h i c h is C a u h o i v e ngfr p h a p f a L O A I G A P B other v a D another v i t h e o nhir ta biet built at federal expense and made a v a i l a b l e to persons o n l o w i n c o m e s other t A' t a n o t h e r + ( o n e / N ) + V ( s i t ) T a c h o n C others v i others ( m o t so k h a c ) + V ( s n h i e u ) PhiroTig an A the others (so c o n l a i ) , k h o n g p h i i h o p v i y cua d o a n v a n C a u h o i v e h o p tir T a co forehini^iicif^cs: Needy A m e r i c a n s can also t u r n to sources other than the g o v e r n m e n t f o r help A broad spectrum o f private charities and v o l u n t a r y organizations is available Voluntecrism is on t h e rise i n the U n i t e d States, especially a m o n g retired persons | n^oai ngil: thir hai t r o n g d o a n v a n , ta q u y e t d i n h dirge dieu D i r a v a o y ciia cau It is estimated that almost percent o f A m e r i c a n s over age 18 d o volunteer w o r k , and nearly 75 percent o f U S households contribute m o n e y t o c h a r i t y Cty TNHHMTVDVVH Luy?n gidi Ok tru&c kl tht DH mien BJc, Trung, Nam TIeng Anh - J\go Van Minli Question 1: New immigrants to the U S could seek help from A the US government agencies B volunteer organizations C the people who came earlier D only charity organizations Khang Vi$t Phtn I I : _ GIOITHIEU 24 Oi THI THIJTUYIN SINH DAI H O C Question 2: It took welfare programs a long time to gain a foothold in the U.S OE T H I THLTSO 01 due to the fast growth o f A population B urbanization C modernization D industrialization ^ Question 3: The word "instituted" in the first paragraph mostly means A '"enforced" B "introduced" C "executed" D "studied" Question 4: The Social Security program has become possible thanks to A people's willingness to work B enforcement laws C deductions from wages D donations from companies Question 5: Most o f the public assistance programs after the severe economic crisis A did not become institutionalized B did not work in institutions C were introduced into institutions D functioned fruitfully in institutions Question 6: That Social Security payments w i l l be a burden comes from the concern that A the program discourages working people Th&i gian lam bai: 90 pit lit Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions ' *' Question!: A simplify B magnificent C conclude D physique Question 2: A rescue B particular C geography D mistake Question 3: A lettuce B desire C prefer D upstairs Question 4: A clemantary B pessimistic C infinitive D representative Question 5: A influence C gratitude D incredible Question 6: Mr Lee retired, he had worked as a Marketing consultant for the Biotech company A Since B By the time Question 7: Avery Johnson C elderly people ask for more money in Japan last year A considered Question 7: Persons on low incomes can access public housing through A state spending B federal expenditure C low rents D donations Question S: Americans on low incomes can seek help from A government agencies C non - government agencies B federal government D state government Question 9: Public assistance has become more and more popular due to the A people's growing commitment to charity B innovations in the tax system C young people's voluntarism only C For B persuaded C made B enrolled C submitted B: A I am walking along the street C I am carrying out the project Question 10: It is interesting to B Thanks for asking D Great A n d you? a business course after the conference B take over Question 11: Our sales team C take after B public assistance in America C funding agencies in America D ways o f fund - raising in America (Trich de thi tuyen sinh cua Bp Giao due va Dao tao) A much to D take in twenty members who completed successfully • B put aside C abides by Question 12: M r Chen managed to open the door A immigration into America D provided Question 9: A : How are you doing? A releases from Question 10: The passage mainly discusses D refused them into four smaller groups for discussion A divided the basic requirements D volunteer organizations D Provided that participating in the commercial fair held Question 8: As there were too many participants at the seminar, the main speaker A take up i B liberate Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions B younger people not want to work D the number o f elderly people is growing ^ B because Question 13: No sooner C i f only • *' D consists o f he had no the key D on behalf o f his retirement than he wasn't received approval from the board o f directors A did John announce B John had announced C John announced D had John announced v^ Question 25: The staff prefers to fly than to use other models o f transportation because it is much more A significant B convenient C contended D excessive Question 14: - "Can I have some more soda?" A r m f II11 B I t s my pleasure C, Don'i mention it D make yourself at home Question 15: He wondered his son looked like after living aboard for a long time A which B how C when D what Question 16: O w i n g to the heavy fog, the flight from Tokyo to N e w Y o r k w i l l Question 26: His webpage explaining the process o f course selection together with consulting services is to any participant interested in receiving help A touch B description C regularity D available Question 27: A t the latest meeting of Business Advisor^' Council, the newly elected president that any new business be applied to the laws A obligated be A overdue B unpunctual C expired B compensate C proposed D satisfied Question 28: Bod\e ideas or thoughts by certain actions either intentionall_\r unintentionally D unscheduled Question 17: We had no reason to disbelieve his account o f what happened A transmits A not to refuse to take over something B disposes C registers D decline Question 29: The band launched a movement that redesigned specification of rock music in this country for the rest o f the decade B to barely imply C to disapprove o f what happened A effect D not to believe that something is true \^ effective Question 30: Question IS: Mr Steve: Are there an\s available? A hc\t me two thousand dollars D effectiveness we had deicided to cancel the flight to Toronto last week A I f Shopkeeper: C effectively the B, I f only C Ever when D Should Mark the letter A, R, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each ofthe/ollowinf; questions B Yes Ihey are convenient C No fhey were made in Viet Nam Question 31: M r C hen has done a great contribution to the building o f the n Yes l e t me check in the warehouse A Question 19: Mr Pennington: i can't find my hat anywhere." Mrs Jane: " B C countiAside " Question 32: Advancing in computer technology are allowing you to reach A I t s time you bought another one A B I t s on my dresser C It suits _\ou , ' B C any part in the world b} clicking a mouse D 1) It's no use wearing the tie Question 20: - "Vm going to Cuba for business." Question 33: N o sooner had the professor stopped the lesson when bell rang A A Congratulations! B Never mind C Let me check your flight number D I wish you a good trip warning from A B printer C printed B suggested Question 23: fhe youth w i l l A carr> on B result in C issued D criticized our traditional operations C run off B a Iterate C flashed c , A B C D !^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase flat is CLOSET in meaninf- to the underlined part in each of the followin}> questions D.bring about Question 24: The policeman the victims to a safe place as quickly as possible A evacuated D Question 35: The number o f mone\ that vou gave me last week was not my refund May 11 to be Endangered Species Day A declared C D D to print 22: In 2006 the United States go\c:::mcnt B than the one tonight Surgeon General, those who still smoke are smoking more heavily A printing B , Question 34: he singer has rarely ne\er give a more impressive live show Question 21: Despite the fact that every cigarette pack has a Question D D exaggerated Question 36: Whatever said he didn't get rid o f smoking A carry out B give up C g o o f f D put o f f Lty II\HH luyeti f;iaidc tnroc ki nil t)H3 mikn B&c, ImHS, mM Img AHH -l\gO van Minn Question 37: The vast number ofnew businesses has been in danger o f bani good health The first important requirements for you to become a mountain climber are your strong passion and good health (Nhung yeu cau quan trgng dau tien de tro nha leo nui la ban phai c6 niem dam me Ion va sue khoe tot.) Ta phai theo cau true song hanh: cac danh t u lam bo ngu cho dgng t u "be" dugc noi voi bang lien tir dang lap "and" Question 32: Dap an dung la A : did he enter —• had he entered Hardly had he entered the room when all the lights went out ( A n h ay mai vira budc vao can phong thi tat ca bong den tat.) Ta C O cSu true Hardly + had + S + V3/ed when (vira m o i t h i ) Question 33: Dap an dung la A : economy (nen kinh te) —> economics (kinh te hgc) A professor of economics and history at our university developed a new theory of the relation.ship between historical events and financial crises (Mot vj giao su kinh te hgc va Ijch su ciia truong dai hgc chung ta da phat trien mot ly thuyet moi ve moi quan he giiJa cac su ki?n lich su va cac cugc khiing hoang tai chinh.) Question 34: ' Dap an dung la C: access (to) = ca hgi/ quyen su dung access to critical services such as education, health care, and communication (ca hgi su dung cac djch v^i then chot nhu giao due, cham sue khoe va thong tin lien lac) A, B, D la cac phuang an sai: challenge of= thach thuc; key to = giai phap, bi quyet de dat cai g i ; advantage of= thuan Igi Dap an dung la B: lien tir while (trdi Igi/lrong khi) dung de noi hai sir vi?c doi 9P And, while urban America is equally dependent upon these things, the -hallenges to well - being look very different in rural areas than in urban areas Va viing thi M y phu thugc dong deu vao cac yeu to thi cac thach urc doi vai cugc song a cac vung nong thon khac nhieu so vai vung thj.) A, C, D la phuang an sai: because (vi, bai); when (khi); since (bai v i , ke tir) uestion 36: Dap an diing la D: pattern: mau, kieu, hinh thuc Small-scale, low-density ettlement patterns make it more costly for communities and businesses to provide critical services (Hinh thuc dinh cu thua that vai quy mo nho khien cho cac cgng 'ong va doanh nghiep ton kern viec cung cap cac djch vu then chot.) A, B, C la cac phuang an sai: style: phong each, kieu, loi - dung d l chi tirng •ong hgp cu the chi'r khong mang tinh khai quat; tool (dung cu); means (phuong ifn, each thirc) Question 37: fi - ; i ; Dap an dung la C: force S.o + Vto inf ep bugc lam gi ' Declining jobs and income in the natural resource-based ' " industries that many ral areas depend on force workers in those industries to find new ways to make a iving (Van de giam siit viec lam va thu nhap cua cac nganh cong nghiep dua vao tai nguyen ma nhieu vung nong thon le thugc bugc cong nhan cua cac nganh cong nghiep t i m each mai d^ kiem song.) VisiT'/ ' A, B, D la cac phuang an sai: offer (S.o) something = cung cap/ tao ca hgi; turn (dgng t u noi) + tinh t u = chuyen, lam cho; make S.o + Vnguyen thi = khi^n/ bat huge lam gi Question 38: Dap an diing la A : foreign competitors (doi thu canh tranh nuac ngoai) B, C, D la cac phuang an sai: abroad (adv) = a nuoc ngoai; lateral = a ben; rural = thugc ve nong thon (khong phii hgp ve nghTa ciia doan van) Question 39: Dap an diing la D: affect (v) = anh huang Finally, changes in the availability and use of natural resource located in rural areas affect the people who earn a living from those resources (Cuoi cimg, nhung thay doi ve sir c6 sSn va viec sii dyng tai nguyen thien nhien tai cac vung nong thon anh hudng den nguai dang song nha cac nguon tai nguyen d o ) A, B, C la cac phuang an sai: effect (n) = hau qua/ sir anh huang; stimulate = khuy^n khich Question 40: encourage! Dap an diing la D: derive something from something = nhan dugc tir .and those who derive recreational and other benefits from them, (va nhirng nguai nhan dugc sir giai t r i cung nhu cac Igi ich khac tir nhung tai nguyen ay) 229 A, B, C la cac phirang an sai: involve (V-ing) something = quan lain in dcii cai g i ; evolve from S.t = rut ra, suy (v5n de gi) bring = mang lai Question 41: Dap an dung la D: ready for S.t ( s i n sang) Question 42: Dap an dung la C tir concern dug^c nhac lai Ian thu hai nen ta dung v a i mao tir xac A\n\\the Thus, concern for rural America is real And while rural America is a producer of critical goods and services, the concern goes beyond economics (Do sir quan tarn ve nong thon tai M y la c6 that, va nong thon M y la nai san xuat hang hoa va djch v i i then chot thi m6i quan tarn vucrt khoi pham vi kinh te hoc.) Question 43: Dap an dung la D: unique (doc dao, chi eo mot) Rural America is also home to a fifth of the Nation's people, keeper of natural amenities and national treasures, and safeguard of a/an unique part of America culture, tradition and history (Nong thon M y cung la nai an cu cua mot phan nam dan so quoc gia, nai gin giir dac trirng thien nhien va tai san quoc gia, va dong thai no gin giiJ mot phan dpc dao cua nen van hoa lua nuac, truy^n thong va Ijch su nuac M y ) uif, no i A, B, C la cac phuong an sai: abnormal incredible (khac thuang); simple (don gian); Dap an dung la D: abundance and vegetables # small quantity grew in abundance on the island , The islanders even exported the surplus (Cay an qua va rau dugc rat nhieu tren dao Tham chi nguai dan dao cung xukx kh4u lugng du thira.) A, B, D la cac phuang an sai: sufficiency large quantity {s,b\vtqn%\an) (sir day dii); excess (sir virgt qua gioi , ,p Question 45: Dap an dung la C : concern ease There is growing concern about the way man has deystroyed the environment (Ngay cang c6 moi quan tarn ve each ma nguai da va dang hiiy diet moi trirong.) A , B, D la cac phirang an sai: attraction doan); consideration (sir thu hut); speculation (sir su\ (sir luu tarn, sy suy xet) Question 46: Dap an dung la B : remindS.o + Vto inf ( n h k lam dieu gi) "Don forget to tidy up the final draft before submission, " the team leader told us " D u n g quen sSp xep gon gang ban thao cuoi cung truac nop" nguai to truang bao chiing t o i —> The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before submission (Ngucri t6 trirong nh§c chung tiii sSp x^p gon gang ban thao cuoi cung truac nop.) A, C, D la cac phuang an sai A : The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before submission (Nguai to truang yeu cau chung toi sap xep gon gang ban thao cuoi cung truac nop.) 230 D: The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft before submission.( Nguai to trirong chi muon chung toi sip xep gon gang ban thao cu6i ciing truac nop.) Question 47: Dap an dung la B: My friend persuaded me to invest more money in his company (Ban toi thu>et phuc toi dau tu nhieu han niJa vao cong ty cua anh ta.) -My company makes a large profit every year Why don't you invest more money in it?" my friend said to "Hang nam cong ty chung toi dat Igi nhuan rat cao Tai anh khong dau t u nhieu hon nfra vao cong ty?" ban toi noi vai toi A, C, D la cac phuang an sai: A : l a phai doi his my ! • ' C : Cau mang hinh thuc bi dong chi'r khong phai la cau tuang thuat gian tiep D: Cau khong mang y nghTa giong v6i cau true tiep Question 48: Dap an dung la C : Ta c6 cong thuc beg S.o Vto inf (nai xin lam gi) The boy begged his mother not to tell his father about his mistake (Th^ng be nai xin me dirng noi cho ba no biet \h loi \km cua no.) (la thuang) Question 44: Fruit C : The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before submission (Nguai to truang lenh cho chung toi s§p xdp gon gang ban thao cuoi cimg truac nop.) Cac phuong an sai: A The mother was forced to keep her son's mistake as a secret when he insisted (Ba me bj bat buoc phai g i u bi mat loi lam cua cau trai no khang khang doi nhu vay.) B The boy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his father (Thang be c6 nai me noi cho cha no biet ve I6i lam cua no.) about his mistake D The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake any more (Cau be yeu cau m? cau dung noi ve loi lam cua cau ta nua.) Question 49: "You shouldn't have leaked our confidential report to the press Frank!" said Jane "Frank, le anh khong nen tiet 16 ban bao cao mat cua chung ta cho bao gioi biet!" Jane noi Ta CO cau true: Shouldn have + pa.stparticiple: le da khong nen lam gi Dap an dung la B: Criticize S.o + for + Ving = phe binh lam viec gi; disclose = tiet lo Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential fepori to the press (Jane phe binh Frank da ti^t 16 ban bao cao mat cua hp cho bao giai biet.) A : accuse someone of doing/ having done something = cao buoc lam cai 8'- Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press with their confidential report (Jane cao buoc Frank danh lira bao chi bang ban bao cao mat cua ho.) C : Jane suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report to the press (Jane nghi ngq Frank da tiet 16 ban bao cao mat cua ho cho bao giai biet D: flatter (xu ninh) Jane blamed Frank for having flattered the press with their confidential report (Jane d6 loi la Frank xu ninh bao gioi bang ban bao cao mat cua hp.) Question 50: "If you don't pay the ransom, we 'II kill your hoy, " the kidnappers told us "Neu ong khong tra tien chugc, chung toi se giet trai o n g n h u n g ten bat coc cho chung toi hay •• • J • Dap an dung la C The kidnappers pav the ransom threatened to kill our hoy if we refused to (Nhung ten bat coc de doa giet trai chung toi neu chung toi khong chju tra tien chuoc.) Cac phirang an sai: , financial/fal'nasnjl/ Dap an dung la C: popular /'pDpJ3b(r)/, c6 am rai vao am tiSt thu nhki Cac phuang an khac c6 trpng am rai vao am tiet thu hai 65; optimist/"Optimist/ fabulous /'faebjabs/ immediate/l'mi:dl3t/ ^ accuracy /'ajkjalasi/ Dap an diing la B: immediate /I'mildlat/ c6 am rai vao am tiet thu hai Cac phuang an khac c6 am rai vao am tiet thu nhat Question 66: Dap an dung la A: Ta phai diing m^nh de quart khong giai hgn vai dai tir quan he which di sau dau phay de lam ro y cho ca menh de truac Cu the menh dien ta y nghTa chinh He behaved very strangely, menh de quan he la menh de phu dien ta y phu "That surprised me a lot" He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much (Anh ay cu xu rat ki la, dieu lam toi rat ngac nhien.) Cac phiJ-ong an sai: D: ta khong diing dai tir quan he "that" sau dau phay B C cac phuang an sai: "be surprised" khong phai la y chinh Question 67: He can not lend me the book now He has not finished reading it yet (Bay gia anh ay khong the cho toi mugn cuon sach dugc Anh ay chua doc xong.) Dap an dung la B: Ta thay moi quan he ve thai gian ciia hai cau nen ta dung menh de trang ngu chi thofi gian vai "not until" Cac phuang an sai: A cum tir "having V3/ed" de chi hanh dgng doc sach hoan tAt Having finished reading the book, he cannot lend it to me (Doc xong cuon sach nhung anh ay khong the cho toi mugn dugc.) C Not having finished reading the book, he will lend it to me (Chua dgc xong cuon sach nhung anh ay se cho toi mugn.) D menh de bat dau bSng "as long as" (mien la) la menh de chi dieu ki|n ciia cau dieu kien loai I Question 68: Crazianna is a big country Unfortunately, it has never recei^^-'^' respect from its neighbours (Crazianna la mot quoc gia Ian Khong may thay, 'i" chua he dugc cac quoc gia Ian can kinh ne.) Dap an dung la D: Ta c6 hai cau c6 y nghTa doi lap nen ta diing menh trang ngiJ chi su nhugng bp vai "though" Cac phuang an sai vi: 236 \ ta khong diing menh de trang ngO chi nguyen nhan vai "because", khong h