- Whatever kissing is, it always remains an important role in human life. It is always nourished, respectfully kept in life..[r]
(1) By doing what can you burn 26 calories
per minute?
What helps reduce tooth decay and
relieve tension?
What helps you lose your weight,
(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)Guessing game
(15) Most common type
Recognized as an act of love
and affection
Places: Forehead, cheek,
(16)(17) “No two people perform alike”
Between friends and family
Upon greeting men will often hold
(18)(19)Particularly common in European
countries and quickly applied to each side of the face
Heads of state or other
dignitaries offer a ceremonial kiss upon meeting.
Signifies goodwill on the part of
(20)(21)The Romans were among the
first to adopt this particular behavior.
This is among the most widely
practiced forms of intimate behavior in many cultures in
the world, especially
(22)The language of lovers
(23)Kiss on the forehead
(24)(25)(26)Places of kiss Meanings
I adore you.
I just want to be friends. You are cute!
I want you. I love you.
Let's have some fun. You're the best
Kiss on the hand Kiss on the cheek Kiss on the chin Kiss on the neck.
(27)1 Eskimos and Malaysians
2 In Hartford, Connecticut
3 In Cedar Rapids, Iowa 4 Romans
5 In Europe
a kissed each other on the eyes or the mouth as a greeting
b a standard greeting in Europe is a kiss on both cheeks
c it’s a crime to kiss a stranger
d it is illegal for the husband to kiss his wife on Sunday
- Kissing is a basic instinct - Kissing is an art
- Kissing is a culture
- It is really a very special means of communication.