As can be seen from the table, the economy of Tango has changed gradually since 1980. this is because of some measures that the government has taken to reform the economy * Before 1980 the economy of Tango was under developed– The country was poor. Inflation could be seen in every sector of the economy + agriculture dropped to 0.5%– + Fishery + Forestry + Industry . + construction + export . * To solve the problems, the government of Tango carried out a number of renovation measures in all sections in 1980, especially in agriculture/ fishery/ export .That is, first, they Second, they . Third, they * Since the renovation in 1980, the country has undergone substantial changes: agriculture rose to . in 1980 and in 2000. Construction reached in 1980 and in 2000 It is believed that, in the future Tango will gain greater achievements and build a better life for people