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- To enable the students to use polite requests and ask the price when using services in the post office.. - To help them drill polite requests, asking & answering about the price of[r]



Date of preparation: December 8th, 2007 Date ofteaching :December 14th , 2007



Lesson :

At the post office

Period 48




I Aims & objectives:

+ Language content:

- To help the students continue practising structures used in the post office

- To help them drill polite requests, asking & answering about the price of something + Language function:

- To help the students continue listening and practising the situations appeared at the post office and help them know how to buid up new dialogue based on the given dialogue

- + Education aim:

To make the students aware of the purpose of the post office’s work Language:

a Vocabulary: posters, altogether, change, envolopes, pay a Structures: + I need some envelopes

+ I like to buy a phone card

+ I’d like some stamps for overseas mail + I’d like to send this letter to the US Skills: integrated skills

3 Education factor:

- Helping the students make friends with others in the world and showing the love to their relatives, especially their parents

II Teacher and students’ preparation


Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: using pictures, pairwork, explaination, ask & answer Material needed: Text book, picture, cassette, tape

4 Students’preparation: Vocaubary & pictures

III Procedure in class:

1 Stabilization : ( 2ms )

a Warm up: Greetings (Good morning, class? / How are you? +b Checking the absence: Who is absent today?

2.Checking up the previous knowledge ( 5ms ) Questions:


How much does Liz pay altogether? How much change does she receive? Keys to the questions:

( possible answers: She sends her letter to the USA Liz pays 11,500 dong She receives 3,500 dong)


Presentation of the new material:


Teacher’s activities


The content of

the lesson




I Lead in


Last period, all of you have already learnt structures in order to communicate in the post office, today we continue to practice these structures


1-Pre – teaching vocabulary

Teaches them some newwords by using real objects


local stamps (n) ( real object ) Over seas mail(n)( real object ) Phone card(n) ( real object ) 2-Checks understanding of vocabulary

Let them play rub out and remember Sets the scene

“You will hear a conversation between Nga and Hoa they are on the way to post office Can you guess what they want?

Gathers some ideas from the students



Has them listen to the tape and compare the guessing of oneself whether like or not the content of the tape

Has them read the dialogue in silence and answer the questions according as the content of the dialogue

Compare the answer with a friend

Listen to the teacher’s presentation

Listen to the teacher then repeat

Guess the meaning

Tell the meaning of the newwords

Take note Play the game

Listen and guess the content of the lesson


Listen to the tape and compare the guessing

Read the dialogue in silence and answer the questions according as the content of the dialogue

Compare the answers with





Period: 48



I The content



: local stamps (n) tem thư nước

Over seas mail(n) thư quốc tế

Phone card(n) thẻ điện thoại

Would you like + to-infinitive / noun? How much is / are + S? How much does/do+ S+ cost?





+Questions for the good students Has some good students read the answers in front of the class

Comments and makes any necessary corrections

+Questions for the weak students Calls some weak couples to present again

Corrects their mistakes

Has them listen to the tape the second time and pause each sentence to check the key and explains the new words and phrases

Has them work in pairs

Calls on some pairs to read aloud the dialogue in front of the class, others listen and give remarks

Feedbacks on their pronunciation and intonation

IV Free practice:

Has the students close the book and answer questions given by the teacher like these:

a What does Hoa need from the post office?

b What you need stamps for?

V Consolidation


Lets them listen to the dialogue again ( book closed ), then try to write down as many words as possible


The good students read the answers

The weak students answer Listen

Listen and copy in the notebook

Work in pairs



Try to answer teacher’s questions

Listen to the dialogue again and try to write down as nany words as possible

b Because she has a pen pal in America

c To phone her parents once a week

II Remember


Would you like + to-infinitive / noun How much is/ are +s? How much do/does + S+


4 Homework:( 5ms ) Has the ss the following things + Copy the lesson in the notebook

+ Write at least short dialogues using structures used in the post office +Prepare the next period : section B3,4,5 – Unit , on page 84-85 5-Self-evaluation:


Week 17

Date of preparation: December 12th, 2007 Date of teaching :December 17th , 2007



Lesson 6:

At the post office

Period 49th : B3,4,5

I Aims & objectives:

+ Language content:

- To enable the students to use polite requests and ask the price when using services in the post office - To help them drill polite requests, asking & answering about the price of something

+ Language function:

- To help the students practice listening comprehension and write the price of some stationeries and base on this to help the students be familiar with the listening test with numbers of the price

+ Education aim:

To make the students aware of the importance of the post office service

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: postcards, writing pads, sell, apart from ., b Structures : Revision

How much are / is + S ? +They are / It is + price Skills: integrated skills

3 Education factor:

- Helping the students to comprehend the importance of the politeness

II Teacher and students’ preparation


Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: using pictures, pairwork, explaination, ask & answer Material needed: Text book, picture, cassette, tape

4 Students’preparation: Vocaubary & pictures

III Procedure in class:

Stabilization: (2ms )

+ a Warm up: Greetings (Good morning, class? / How are you? +b Checking the absence: Who is absent today?


Questions: Has two students go to the board and complete the open dialogue between Hoa and the clerk on page 84

Student is Hoa ; Student is the Clerk

Keys to the questions: ( possible answers: like / are / much / is / here / change.) 3-Presentation of the new material:


Teacher’s activities


The content of

the lesson




I.Lead in


Has them look at the picture part page 84 Questions :

+How many people are there in the picture ?

+Can you guess who they are ? +What they talk about ? Gathers ideas from the students Presents the newlesson “You will hear a conversation between Hoa and a post office clerk but there is some unfinished information Now you read and complete the conversation


Lets them read and complete the unfinished dialogue to themselves Lets them compare with their partners


A-Complete the dialogue

Has some good pairs read aloud their dialogue after finishing the dialogue.

Comments and makes any necessary corrections

Calls on some weak students to roleplay their dialogues.

Gives out the key and explains some new words

Postcards (n) ( real thing ) Writing pads (n ) ( real thing )

Apart from (phrase)( translation ) Sell (v) (example )

Look at it

Answer the teacher’s questions S1: There are three

S2: They are Hoa and clerk S3: They are alking about

Listen to the teacher’s presentation

Work individually Then complete the dialogue

Compare the dialogue with partners

Work in pairs in front of the class Listen and check if there is mistakes

Some pairs roleplay the dialogue Copy them before doing the exercise

Listen to the teacher then repeat Guess the meaning of the newwords

Take note




Period: 49



I The content



like / are / much / is / change.

New words:

postcards(n): bưu thiếp Writing pads (n) ;Tập giấy viết thư

Sell(v) bán






IV Free practice:

Has them base on the words in the box page 84 to build up similar dialogues in pairs, alternating roles

Calls on some pairs to roleplay their dialogues then corrects the mistakes if necessary

V Consolidation


Recalls structures and key words relating to services in the post office


I -Lead in:

Lets the sudents look at pictures page 85 and introduces the situation to them

Has them name stationeries in English ( pen, envelope, stamps wrting pads, phone card )

Has them guess the price things just mentioned

These are the things which Mrs Robinson will buy Now you listen and say the cost of each item as well as the total cost of all the things


Has them listen to the tape once Lets them listen again and find the price of each item

Plays the tape again for students to check the answers


Have them calculate the total cost and the change

Has them compare the answer with a partner

Calls on some students to give the answers and others give remarks and add something if necessary

Corrects the mistakes when necessary Gives out the key


Has them listen to the tape again and

Make similar dialogues in pairs, and change the roles

Practice the new dialogues in front of the class


listen and try to remember

Look at the pictures & listen to the teacher’s introduction

Name the stationaries in English

Guess the price things mentioned Listen to the teacher’s introduction

Listen to the tape carefully

Listen again and find the price of the item

Listen and check the answers

Calculate the total cost change Compare the answer with a partner

Some students to give the answers Others give remarks and add s.t when necessary

Listen and copy down in the notebooks

Try to hear then wrtite the key words as many as possible






go to the board to write down the price of things they heard as many as possible


Lets them listen to the last time to check the key and explains new phrase

I-Lead in:

Sets the scene

“We have just learnt part and now in order to help you know how to supply things in real life, let’s study part

II Pre-practice:

Lets them look at exercise ( page 85)

Has them ask and answer the questions in pairs

Asks the questions and lets them give the answers

III Controlled -practice

Has them work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the textbook Lets them give the answers in front of the class

Calls on some pairs to ask and answer the questions

IV Free-practice:

Has them asnwer the questions to consolidate the lesson:

a How much is it to send a letter to The USSR?

b What does the post office sell apart from stamps?

V Consolidation:

Asks some students to retell the structure asking and answering the price of something

Listen and check the key

Listen to the teacher’s introduction

Look at exercise ( page 85 ) Practice asking and answerring in pairs

Listen and try to answer

Work in pairs

Listen and try to answer

Some pairs ask and answer the questions

It’s up to student’s answers

Answer the teacher’s questions


a it is about eight hundred VN dong b- It is about sixteen thousand VN dong c-Many things relating to post office services such as envelopes, table telephones, mobile phones, writing pads

d-Yes, I No, I don’t



Would you like + to-infinitive / noun How much is/ are +s? How much do/does + S+ cost?

4 Homework:( 3ms )

Has the students the following things + Write the lesson in the notebooks


Ngày đăng: 28/04/2021, 05:01
