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tuçn 3 tuçn 3 ngµy 30 th¸ng 8 n¨m 2010 unit 1 a visit from a penpal period 5 read i aim reading the text for details ii objectives by the end of the lesson ss will have some knowledge about malaysia

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II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of ASEAN.. III- Teaching aids.[r]


Tuần 3: Ngày 30 tháng năm 2010

Unit 1: a visit from a penpal Period : - read

I- Aim: Reading the text for details

II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of ASEAN

III- Teaching aids

- Pictures, text book and map of countries of the ASEAN IV- Procedures

Stages Contents Activities

Warm up Pre reading

While reading


Home work

* Hangman.

- the word has - - - - - letters => It’s Malaysia

* Ask Ss some questions about Malaysia + Where is Malaysia ?

+ What is the capital of Malaysia ? + What language is spoken in there ? + What is its population ?

+ How big is Malysia ? - Teach vocabulary.

Devide (v) separate (v) Region (n) comprise (v) Tropical (a) official (a) Climate (n) Tamil (n)

Population (n) compulsory (a) Currency (n) Islam (n)

Religion (n) Hinduism (n)

- Ask Ss to read all the new words and explaining their meaning

* Ask Ss to read the text to fill in the table. 1- Area: ……… 2- Population: ……… 3- Climate: ……… 4- Unit of currency: ……… 5- Capital city: ……… 6- Offical religion: ……… 7- Nation language: ……… 8- Compulsory language: ………

*Ask Ss to read the text to the true/ false statements. - Give feedback


2-F (There are more than two religions.)

3- F (English,Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken.) 4- F (One of the three: Malay, Chinese, Tamil)

5- F (English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction.)

* Ask Ss to answer the following questions: What is the area of Malaysia?

What is the population of Malaysia? What is the unit of currency of Malaysia? What is the official religion of Malaysia? Where is the capital city of Malaysia?

* Ask Ss to read the text at home and prepare the new lesson

Whole class Individual Pairswork

T – whole class

Whole class Individual


-Individual work

-individual work


1 Lynn wishes she had a bigger apartment and can buy a car

a wish b had c can d buy When I was young, I often go fishing and played blindman’s buff a when b was young c go d played What you use to when you stayed at home alone?

a b use to c stayed d alone We’ve corresponded with each other for years but I’ve never meet him a correspond b with c for years d meet It’s very crowded here and I wish there aren’t so many people

a crowded b wish c aren’t d so many

Unit 1: a visit from a penpal. Period 6: write

I- Aim: Write a personal letter

II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a personal letter. III- Teaching aids

- Pictures, text book IV- Procedures

Stages Contents Activities

Warm up

Pre writing

While writing

* Chatting:

- Have you ever visited any places of interest in VN? - Where and when did you go ?

- What did you there ? - How long did you stay there ?

* Set the scene: Imagine you are visiting your relative or friends in other part of VN or a differrent country

- Ask Ss to answer the folowing questions:

+ Where are you now ? How did you get there ? Who did you meet ? What have you done ? …ete

- Ask or Ss to tell the class about their visit

- Have Ss to work in pairs to talk to each other about their visit

- Remind Ss about the form of a personal letter A Heading: the writer’s address and the date B Opening: Dear………

C Body of the letter D Closing

* Ask Ss to write a letter to their family, tell them about heir visit

T – all class



Pairs work


Post writng

Home work

- Ask Ss to look at the outline on page 11 and ask them what part of the letter they are going to write ( body of the letter)

- Ask Ss to follow the outline to write their own letter - Ask Ss to compare with their partner

- Give feedback

* Choose some letters to correct mistakes before the class * Ask Ss to write their letters on their notebooks at home

Individual V Viết lại câu sau, bắt đầu “S + wish/ wishes………” :

1 Hoa and Ba won’t go fishing this weekend

 She has never been Hue

 Van cannot take part in the school match tomorrow

 We cannot go to Vung Tau on this Sunday because it may rain  My classmates are always late for class

 There is no water in this river during hot months

 Hoa misses her parents a lot because they live far away from each other  He never gets high marks on Literature

 I may not come to play with you tomorrow because I’m still sick  10 I live in a crowded and noisy area

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 04:04

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