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week 1 preparation 2682007 giao an 7 lesson plan 8 week 1 preparation 16 8 2009 period 1 teaching 17 8 2009 consolidation the way to learn english a objectives by the end of the lessonss will

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Nội dung

- Work in individually to read the text to put the sentences below in the correct chronological order to complete the story - Work in individually to put the pictures in the corre[r]


Week Preparation : 16 / /2009 Period Teaching : 17/ /2009



A Objectives:By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able rewiew what they have learnt in English vocab, structures and tenses

I.Knowledge: To present the subject, student book, homework book, the way how to learn English

II.Skill: Practice speaking, speaking and writing B Procedure:

I.Settlement: -Greetings! Time:1m

-Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking:

III.New lesson:

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities 1 Introdution English 8

- Guide how to use textbook , notebook, workbook English

2 Revision: English 7.

a Vocab: play a game pelmanism.

- After fisnishing a game ,T get Ss to read the words in chorus=> individually

- Gives feedback

- Asks Ss to review the tenses

b The present:

What you often in the morning? I often go to school

c The past:

What did you last night? I watched T V

Did you like film?

d The present progressive:

What are you doing ?

I am going to doing my English homework

e The future:

- Structure: S + Will/Shall + Inf - Give and respond suggestion

f Ask Ss to remind the patterns and make example sentences

*Why don’t you/ we ? *Let’s + V(inf)

* How about + V- ing…… …?. *Would you like ……… ? *What (a/an) + adj + N…… !

* How far…… ? * How much……….? * Why…? Because….

- Stucture of invitation, compliment

Time :7ms Ss listen and copy

Time :15ms

- Ss play a game

- Ss remind how to use of the tenses Then give some examples before the class S + V-ed

S + did not +V Did + S + V?


g Complative and Superlative

Ex:Nam plays better than Ha He is more careful than Minh

Nhan is the most intelligent student in my class


- Gives feedback to the whole class 3 Practice

- asks Ss to exercices

- Put the verbs in the correct tense

Time :12ms

IV Consolidation: Asks Ss to: Time :5ms - Remind to use the tenses


Period Preparation:16/ /2009

Teaching : 18/8/ 2009


Getting started + listen and read

A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss can describe people’s character & appearance & introduce the other, Helps Ss to practice in the dialogue about Hoa’s friend

II.Skill: Practice reading and listening B Procedure:

I.Settlement: - Greetings! Time : 1m

- Checking attendence 8a 8b 8c II.Checking

III.New lesson:

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities 1.Getting started

- Asks Ss some questions about the people in the pictures

?- What are these children doing ? ?- Do you often play it ?

?- When ? Who often play with you?

- Asks Ss to ask & answer about the pictures and some thing about themselves

- Corrects S’s mistakes 2 Presentation

a Set the scene:

-Introduces the dialogue by asking some questions about Hoa:

?Do you remember Hoa? ?Where does she come from? ?Whom does she live with now ?

b Vocab:

- Introduces the words

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times )

( to)seem :dường ( to)receive : nhận

next-door ( n ) gần , cạnh neighbor ( n ) : hàng xóm

- Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the board , checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - Check vocab: what and where

c Presentation Dialogue:

- Introduces the dialogue , ask Ss to listen and read &

Time :8ms

- Answer the questions:

- They are playing / studying… - Yes, I do.

- I play it in my free time with my friends.

- Work in pairs

Time :3ms

-Answer the questions -Yes I do.

- She comes from Hue.

- Now she lives with her uncle and aunt

Time :5ms

-Repeat the words in chorus & in individual

- Copy the words

- Take notes the mistakes

Time :4ms


then check the prediction

- Asks Ss to role play the dialogue in pairs - Comments & introduces the grammar

d Model sentence:

What does/do look like ?

( Not ) adj + enough + to ST. 3 Practice

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a Where does Nien live ? b Does Lan know Nien ?

c Which sentence tell you that Hoa is older than Nien ?

d When is Nien going to visit Hoa ?

4 Further practice

Mapped dialogue

Hung Mai Hello/Mai Hi/Hung you

I /met/old friend/ Hai Do /know/him ?


HN What /he /like ?

He/tall / thin Did /he /volleyball ? Oh , no He /strong /

enough/ play Oh What /pity

- Corrects their mistakes

- Check the prediction

- Role play the dialogue in pairs Time :5ms

Time :8ms

- Work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Give the answer keys * Answer:

a She lives in Hue.

b No, She doesn’t know Nien. c “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class”.

d She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.

Time :3ms

-Ss work in pairs before the class

IV.Consolidation: Asks Ss to : Time : 3ms

- Summaries the general idea of the dialogue - Explain the way to use these grammars: What does/do look like ?

( Not ) adj + enough + to ST

V Homework: Time : 5ms - Learn by heart vocab

- practice the dialogue

- exercises 1,5/ page 5,9 (workbook)

- Prepare : Unit 1(speak) some pictures about people

Period Preparation:16/ /2009

Teaching : 20/8/ 2009


Speak and Listen

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss can describe people’s appearance to introduce the other and complete the dialogue by listening and describe someone


Vocabulary : Slim ( adj ); straight ( adj ); curly ( adj); blond ( adj ); fair (adj )

Grammar : She/ he has long blond hair/black eyes II.Skill: Practice Speaking and writing

B Procedure::

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time :1m

-Checking attendence 8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Read the dialogue and answer the questions (in textbook) III.New lesson:

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities Warm up: Brainstorming

big fat thin

I Pre- speaking

1 Vocab

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the pictures on page 11 & 12

Slim ( adj ) Straight ( adj )

Curly ( adj) Blond ( adj ) Fair (adj ).

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words - Check vocab: Slap the board

2 Presentation dialogue: 3 Model sentences:

- Uses speak p11 to set the scene and elicits the model sentences

She is short and thin She has long blond hair

- Uses speak p11 to set the scene and elicits II While –speaking

- Helps Ss to read the dialogue part ( Read the dialogue) p.11

- Checks Ss

- Introduces the game, using the dialogue for the modal

- Helps Ss to play the game by asking &

Time:4 ms

Time:7 ms

- Repeat the words in chorus & in individual

-Take notes the mistakes

-Give the meaning & the pronunciation - Copy the words

Time:7 ms

Time:6 ms

- Read the dialogue in chorus & practice in pairs

- Play the game by asking & answering about the appearance of someone in the class


answering about the appearance of someone in the class or using the picture of S’s family members - Comments the game

* Practice

Word cue drill

a, Van / tall / thin / short / black hair

b, Mr Khoi / tall/ thin / short / blond hair c, Mr Lai / short / fat / his hair / bald d, Miss Lien / tall / slim / long / black hair e, Ann / tall/ slim / short / curly blond hair Ex: Van is tall and thin.

He has short black hair. III Post- speaking

- Get Ss to guess and complete dialogue on P.12,13 ,using given expressions

- Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue and fill in missing information

- Listen to again and check their prediction - Gives feedback

Key: a I’d like you to meet Nice to meet you. b I’d like you to meet.

4.It’s a pleasure to meet you. c Come and meet.

How you do? -Corrects and comments

Hoa: This person is short and thin She has long blond hair. Lan: Is this Mai ?

Hoa: Yes.

Time:6 ms

- practice using the word cue drill

Time:4 ms

- Ss guess and complete dialogue on P.12,13 ,using given expressions

- Listen to the dialogue and fill in missing information

- Listen to again and give the correct sentence

- Practice in pairs - Practice before class

IV Consolidation: Time:2 ms - Asks Ss to describe someone in their family

V Homework: Ask Ss to Time:3ms - Learn by heart vocab and practice them

- Practise speaking the dialogue a,b,c,d in P.12,13 - Do exercises 2,3 page 5-7 (work book)

- Prepare : Unit (Read)

Week Preparation :21 / /2009

Period Teaching :24/ /2009 Unit MY FRIENDS


A Objectives :

By the end of this lesson, Ss can describe people’s appearance & habit to talk about the other.Helps Ss to read a text in describe people’s character

I.Knowledge :

Vocabulary : Character ( n ); Sociable ( adj ); Generous ( adj); Reserved ( adj ); Outgoing (adj ); Voluteer (n). II Skill: Practice Speaking

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms

- describe someone in their family III.New lesson :

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities *Set the scene:

-Shows the picture and introduces the lesson about Ba & his friends

I Pre-reading


- Helps Ss to elicit the vocabulary

-Asks Ss to read the words in chorus & individual -Writes the words on the board

Character ( n ) : tính cách

Sociable ( adj ) : gần gũi, dễ chan hoà Generous ( adj) : rợng lượng

Reserved ( adj ) : kín đáo; dè dặt Outgoing (adj ) : Voluteer (n) : tình nguyện - Corrects & comments

*Check vocab :What and where

-Asks Ss to read the statements then predict which statement is true or fall

-Writes their prediction on the board 2.T / F Statements prediction:

a, Ba has only three friends :Bao , Song , Khai. b, Ba and his friends have the same character c , Bao , Song , Khai are quite reserved in public d , They all enjoy school and study hard.

II While- reading

- Asks Ss to read the text and checks their prediction

-Calls on some Ss to read the text -Gives the correct statement

*Answer keys: a ,F b , F c , F d, T - Corrects & comments

1 Multiple choice:

-Asks Ss to choose cues are in part 1.P14 -Calls on Ss to give the correct word

Time :2 ms

- Look at the picture and listen to the teacher

Time ms

-Read the words in chorus & individual. -Copy the words

- Takes notes


Time :3 ms - Ss predict

Time : ms

-Read the text in individual and check -Read the text

-Write the correct statement

Time : ms


- Corrects & comments a, three

b, does not affect his school work c, don’t talk much in public d, get tired of

2 Comprehension questions : Task 2/ p14

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to answer

- Asks Ss to give the answers - Corrects & comments * Questions:

a How does Ba feel having a lot of friends ? b Who is the most sociable ?

c Who like reading ?

d What is bad thing about Ba’s jokes ? e Where does Bao spend his free time ? - Corrects & comments

III Post-reading

- Asks Ss to talk about the character, habit of their close friends

- Corrects & comments

- Give the correct word

-Take notes Time :5ms - Work in pairs - Give the answers * Answer:

a Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends. b Bao is the most sociable.

c Khai likes reading.

d Sometime his jokes annoy his friends. e Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. Time :6 ms

- Describe something about their friends Ex: This is my friend.

Her name is Lan. She is tall and slim. She has long blond hair. She is honest and generous. - Take notes


V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time :5 ms - Learn by heart vocab and practice reading them

- Do the number 4/ page (work book)

- Prepare : Unit (Write)- Prepare something about the family & friends & address

Period Preparation :21 / /2009 Teaching : 25 /8 /2009 Unit MY FRIENDS



By the end of this lesson, Ss can write something about themselves or other people.and Helps Ss to practice in writing about people’s character

I Knowledge : review the vocab II Skill: Practice Writing B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms - Do the number 4/ page (workbook)

III.New lesson :

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities I Pre-writing

Asks Ss to read the text & summaries information about Tam

- Asks Ss some questions about Tam *Questions:

? - How old is he ?

? - Where does Tam live ? ? - What does Tam like ? - Comments S’s answers

-Explains the requirements & asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions about their partner *Form:

Name:Nguyen Thi Thu An Age14 Appearance:tall, slim , long blond hair Character: friendly, social , helpful Address: 20 Le Loi street, Hue

Family:mother, father, brother Friends: Hoa , Lan -comments

Time:10 ms

*Comprehension question:(1-p15 ) - Read the text & summaries information about Tam

* Answer :

+ He is 14 years old.

+ On 26 Tran Phu ST, Hanoi. + Sociable, humorous, helpful. -Take notes

- Work in pairs

II.While - writing

- Guides for Ss use the above information to write about their friends

- Corrects & comments

Time :14 ms

- Work in individual to write the information about their friends

Her name is Nguyen Thi Thu An and she is fourteen years old She lives at 20 le loi street in Hue with her mother , father and her brother She is tall and slim she has long blond hair She is friendly , sociable and helpful Her best are Hoa and Lan.

III Post- writing

-Calls on two Ss to write their paragraph on the board and then corrects

-corrects and comments

Time :7 ms

- Two Ss to write their paragraph on the board


IV.Consolidation Time:3 ms - Asks Ss to summaries the way to describe the other

V.Homework: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Study the key words

- Exercise: Write about your parents ( Summaries & paragraph) - Prepare : Language focus

Period Preparation :21 / /2009 Teaching : 27 /8 /2009 Unit MY FRIENDS

Language focus


I Knowledge : Grammar : Simple tenses.

Present simple to talk about general truth. ( not ) adj + enough + to - infinitive.

II Skill: Practice Writing and speaking. B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence 8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Describe a person in the class and guess “who is this?” III.New lesson :

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities I Presentation:

- Revises the way to use the simple present and the simple past

1.The simple present: *Form : S +V + O

*Use :express the habitual actions with happen

daily , it can also be used to describe actions which are always known as truth

2 The simple past:

*Form : S +V(2) / ed + O

*Use :express an action that completely finished

in the past this tense always goes with : yesterday , last night / week / year / ago…

3 Enough + to – infinitive

*Form:(not) adj + enough + to - inf *Use: enough /( not) enough to S.th

II Practice

1 Complete the paragraph:

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in individually to complete the paragraph

- Recalls the way to use the simple present and simple past

- Helps Ss to the exercise - Corrects & comments

2 Complete the dialogue:

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogues using the verbs given

- Asks Ss to give the keys by role play the dialogue

- Corrects & comments 3 Look & describe:

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs looking at the picture quickly then close the books & answer these questions:

* Questions:

Time:10 ms

- Recall the way to use the simple present and the simple past

- Ss Listen and write them on their notebook

Time :6 ms

-Work in individually to complete the paragraph

-Listen to * Keys:

a) lives sent was is. b) is are came; showed introduced.

Time:6 ms

-Work in pairs to complete the dialogue

- Give the keys and practice the dialogue

* Keys: sets goes moves

is is is

- Take notes Time:6 ms


a How many people are there in the picture ? b What does each person look like ?

c What is each person wearing ?

- Asks Ss to practice in pairs & corrects the mistakes

4.Complete the dialogue:

- Recalls the way to use the structure:

“(not) + adj + enough + to – infinitive ” - Asks Ss to complete the dialogue

-Helps them to give the correct words

- Roles play to practice the dialogue - Corrects pronunciation

III Production:

- Ask Ss to give example with above structure grammar

a There are four people in the picture. b There is a tall, heavy - set man A tall , thin with short hair A boy is sitting on the ground, holding his head & a short man standing across the street.

c The heavy-set man is wearing a yellow shirt & black trourse The woman is carrying a shoulder bag, & is wearing a green skirt & red blouse. The boy is wearing blue short & a white shirt The man across the St is wearing blue trourse & a pink shirt. Time : ms

- Listen to the teacher. - Complete the dialogues - Give the keys

* Keys: b not old enough.

c strong enough. d good enough

- Practice the dialogue in pairs - Take notes

Time : ms

IV.Consolidation - Ask Ss to summaries : Time:3 ms

-The Present simple , the Past simple & use ( not ) adj + enough + To - inf V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:4 ms

- learn the grammar & the modal sentence - Exercises: 6,7/ P 11.12 Workbook

- Prepare :Unit (Getting started + Listen and Read)

Week Preparation : 30 / /2009 Period Teaching : 31/ /2009 Unit MAKING ARRANGEMENTS

Getting started + Listen & Read

A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss can arrange the appointments & record the message on the telephone and Helps Ss to practice in the future arrangements


“ BE GOING TO” to talk about intentions.

II Skill: Practice Speaking and reading B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms

Getting started

- Asks Ss to match each object with its name on page 18 (text book ). III.New lesson :

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities I Presentation:

*Set the scene:

- Uses the picture on page 19 ( text book ) to introduce Hoa and Nga to Ss

“ Nga is phoning Hoa to invite her to go to see a movie.”

- Reads the dialogue as a model II Practice:

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue with a partner - Calls on some pairs to practice reading

- Corrects pronunciation

- Helps Ss to answer the questions in exercise page 19

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

* Questions: Who ?

a, made the call ? b, introduced herself ?

c, invited the other to the movies ? d, arranged the meeting place? e, arranged the time ?

f, agreed the time ?

- Corrects & comments. - Asks Ss more questions :

What would you say when you : + want to invite S b to S th.: + want to arrange a meeting place :

+ want to arrange the time : III Further practice

-Shows the poster on the board and asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

Mapped dialogue:

☺ Lan ☺ Nam

Can / speak / Nam ? Hello / Nam This / Lan

I / go / zoo / afternoon ☺/ love to/

Would / like / come / me.? Where / meet ?

Time: 4ms

- Look at the picture - Listen to the teacher


- Practice with a partner - Practice in front of class - Take notes the pronunciation - Work in pairs to ask & answer *Answer:

- Nga.

- Nga. - Nga. - Nga. - Hoa. - Nga.

- Take notes

- Answer the questions

+ “Would you like to …… ”

+ “Let meet…… / where shall we meet?

+ “ Is + time + all right ?”

Time:10 ms


Let’s / bus stop Ok / 4.15/ all right ? Fine / bye Bye / see you.

- Calls some pairs to practice - Helps Ss to correct & comments

IV.Consolidation: Ask Ss to summaries Time:5 ms - The general idea of the dialogue

- The way to use these grammars:

V.Homework: Asks Ss to Time: ms - learn the vocabularies & the dialogue

- Exercises: 1,2/ P 12-14 Workbook - Prepare :Unit (Speak and listen)

Period Preparation :30/ /2009 Teaching : /9 /2009 Unit MAKING ARRANGEMENTS

Speak and Listen

A Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can talk about intention and fill in the missing information in the dialogue

I Knowledge : “ Be going to” to make arrangements and talk about intentions. II Skill: Practice Speaking


I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m - Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time :5ms

- Practice saying the telephone number III.New lesson :

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities I Pre- speaking:

- Introduces the dialogue to Ss

This is a dialogue whose sentences are not good order Now you work in pairs , read the dialogue and put the sentences in the correct order

-Call some pairs to practice the dialogue - Checks the prediction

* The ordered dialogue:

1 - b; - f; - j; - a; - i; - c; - e; - k; 9 - g; 10 - h; 11 – d

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments II While – speaking:

* Sets the scene:

Ba callsthe phone to Bao to invite him playing chess They are arranging logical time.

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue:

Ba: Hello 257 012

Bao: May I speak to Ba , please ? Ba: Hello Bao How are you ? Bao: I’m fine thanks And you ? Ba : Great Me too.

Bao : Can you play chess tonight?

Ba : I’m sorry I can’t play chess tonight

I’m going to my homework.

Bao: What about tomorrow

Ba : Yes Tomorrow afternoon is fine.

Bao : I’ll meet you at the Central Chess Club Ba : At the Central Chess Club?

Ok Let’s meet at front the door. Bao : Is 2.00 o’clock Ok ?

Ba : Great See you tomorrow afternoon at


- Asks Ss to read the dialogue in pairs

- Goes around class to help Ss.

- Calls on some pairs to practice - Corrects & comments

- Now continues practicing in pairs , making new dialogue based on the sample one

III Post – speaking:

Time:4 ms

* Open prediction:

- Listen to the teacher then work in pairs to rearrange the sentences in the correct order


-Read the dialogue in pairs

- take notes pronunciation Time:15 ms

* Fill in:

- listen to the teacher -complete the dialogue

* Role play:

- Read the dialogue in pairs. - Take notes


- Asks Ss to listen to the telephone conversation and fill in the missing information /page


- Corrects & comments

Time:10 ms

- listen to the telephone conversation and fill in the missing information - Take notes

IV.Consolidation: Ask Ss to Time:5 ms - Explain the way to make an arrangement by the telephone

V.Homework: Asks Ss to Time:5 ms - learn the phrases & the dialogue

- Exercise 3/ P 16 Workbook - Prepare :Unit (Read)

Period Preparation :30/ /2009 Teaching : /9 /2009 Unit MAKING ARRANGEMENTS


A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas of the text

I Knowledge : Biography of a fomous inventor “Alexander Graham Bell ” II Skill: Practice reading


I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m - Checking attendence 8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms

- Wrtie their sentences using adverbs of place III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Warm up: Brainstorming

To communicate

To chat with friends have a message

Call s o

Tall to a preson who lives far from to make arrangements

- Corrects I Pre- reading:

1 Pre - teach vocab.

- Elicit the new words:

- Model each words times then get Ss to repeat in chorus down t individually

- Write on the board

emigrate (v) : go to another to live : di cư Transmit( v)( translation) truyền , phát tín hiệu conduct (v): tiến hành

demonstrate (v) demonstration (n): biểu diễn deaf-mute: câm điếc

invent (v) - invention – inventor: phát minh - Check vocab: What and where

2 T/F statements prediction(statements on P.22 in

text book

- Hangs the post of T/F statements on the board and ask Ss to predict T or F

II While - reading:

1.Presentation the text:

- Get Ss read the text and check their prediction and correct false statement

- Elicits Ss’ answer

- Gives feedback to the whole class Keys:

a F He was bornin Edinburgh Scotland. b F He worked with deaf mutes patients at Boston University.

c T

d F in 1876 e F He experimented with ways of

Time:4 ms

- Write on the board

Time :7 ms - Say the words

- Listen to T then repeat

- Check vocab with T then write them down

Time :3 ms

- Read the satements and predictT or F

Time :10 ms - Read and check What is the


transmitting speech over a long distane f T

2 Ordering statements:

- Asks Ss to task P.22 in texbook

- Asks them to compare with their partners - Gives feedback

Keys: d, e , a , g ,c ,b ,f III.Post - reading:

Date of birth March 3- 1847

Place of birth Edinburgh Scotlant

Adderss America

Assitant Thomas Watson

Date of telephone invention

1877 Interviewer: Where were you born?

Bell : I was born on March , 1847 ………

- Call on some pairs to speak aloud - Give feedback

Time :4 ms

- Read the eventsof Bell’s life and put then in the correct order

Time :6 ms - Work in pairs

- Speak aloud

IV.Consolidaion (Post - reading)

V Home work: Ask Ss to: Time: ms - Learn by heart the vocab.

- Practise reading the text

- Do exercise 4/ p.17 in workbook - Prepare (Write)

Week Preparation : / 9/2009 Period 10 Teaching : 7/ /2009 Unit MAKING ARRANGEMENTS


A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss can write something about telephone message Helps Ss to practice in writing telephone message

I Knowledge : How to write a message. II Skill: Practice writing and reading

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time:1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c


Jumbled Words

mcuestor = customer

ayddmi = midday essgmea = message nifurniture = furniture rvseice = service III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students' activities

I Pre-writing:

- Shows the poster on the board and asks Ss to read the message of Thang Loi Delivery Service

- Elicits the vocab from the lesson by explaining , translating and giving example

a delivery service

a stationery

to pick somebody up - Checks : R O R

- Asks Ss to read the text & find out the suitable words to fill in the gaps

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys

1 (tele)phoned May 12 speak 4 took name delivery 7 Mr Ha at

- Comments S’s answers II While- writing:

- Explains the requirements & asks Ss to work in individually to read the text about the telephone message then write a message , using the information from the passage in write on Page 23

Thanh Cong Delivery Service: Date : June 16.

Time : after midday. For : Mrs.Van

Message: Mr.Nam called about his

stationary order

He wanted you to call him at 8634082

Taken by : Mr Toan.

- Calls on one student to fill in the telephone message form

- Corrects & comments

- Asks Ss to read the message of Thang Loi Delivery Service one more time

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue & get the information to help Lisa write a message

III Post – writing:

- Asks Ss to give the answers

- Sticks these posters & gives feedback on

Time:10 ms

- Read the message of Thang Loi Delivery Service

- Read the text & find out the suitable words to fill in the gaps

Time:15 ms

- Read the text about the telephone message

- Write a message individually - Share with a partner

- Read the message of Thang Loi Delivery Service one more time

-Read the dialogue & get the information to help Lisa write a message

Time:9 ms * Exhibition: Date:



- Comments

Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon He will come over to

IV.Consolidaion (Post - reading)

V Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Learn by heart the vocab.

- Practise reading the text

- Do exercise 5/ p.17 in workbook - Prepare (Language focus)

Period 11 Preparation : 6/ 9/2009 Teaching : 8/9 /2009 Unit MAKING ARRANGEMENTS

Language focus

A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss can practice the way to talk about intentions with “Be going to” & adverbs of place correctly

I Knowledge : “Be going to” & adverbs of place II Skill: Practice writing and Speaking

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence


- write a message form.

III New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Presentation:

- Introduces the grammar structure: “ be + going to – infinitive ”

It uses to talk about intention in the future “ Adverbs of place ”

Outside ; indide ; there ; here ; upstairs ; dowstairs

Time :7ms

- listen to the teacher.

II Practice

1 Asks Ss to work in pairs to say what the people are going to

Ex : Nga has a movie ticket. = She is going to see a movie.

- Asks Ss to compare the key - Comments

2 Complete the list :

-Shows the poster on the board

What’re going to on the weekend ?

Are you going to… You Your

partner Seea movie?

Play sport? Meetfriends? Help parents

Do your homework? Watch TV?

- comments & corrects

3 Complete the speech bubbles : Upstairs ; here ; downstairs ; outside ; there ; inside

Time:8 ms - Work in pairs

a, They are going to go fishing. b, She is going to read new novel. c, She is going to her homework. d, He is going to watch an action movie. e , She is going to give him a birthday gift. Time:8 ms

- Work in pairs to complete the list , using the cues given by making the questions S1: Are you going to see a movie ? S2 : Yes , I am.


- Take notes.

Time:6 ms - Work in pairs

III Production

- Practice the game. Time:3ms- Play the game.

IV.Consolidaion : Time:3ms - Asks Ss to explain the way to talk about intentions

with “be going to “”& adverbs of place - Asks Ss to summaries the lesson

V Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:4 ms - Learn by heart the modal sentence.

- Practise reading them


- Prepare : Unit 3(Getting started +Listen & Read )

Period 12 Preparation : 6/ 9/2009 Teaching :11/9 /2009 Unit AT HOME

Getting Started + Listen & Read

A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able understand the dialogue and use model verbs to talk about the housework

I Knowledge : Modal verbs, must, have to ,ought to II Skill: Practice Speaking , listening

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms


III New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Warm up: Kim’s game

- Show pictures(getting started) to Ss and ask them to look at quickly and try to remember the verbs in the pictures Ask many ask possible

- Give feedback to the while class Answers:

a Washing the disher/doing the washing up. b making the bed.

c Sweeping the floor. d cooking.

e tidying

f feeding the chicken

- Which tearm rememberring more verbs is winner I Presentation:

1 Pre - teach vocab:

- Elicit the words => model each words times them get Ss to repeat

- Write on the board

cupboard (n): tủ ly, tủ chén steamer(n): nồi hấp

saucepan(n): chảo sink (n): bồn rửa - Check vocab R O R

- Present the dialogue by getting to listen to the tape - Ask Ss to speak the dialogue in pairs

- Call on some pairs to speak aloud - Give feedback

2 Model sentences.

- Elicit the model sentences

I have to go and visit grandma after works.

- The model verbs :

have to / ought to

II Practice:

- Use picture a - f P.27 texook to ask Ss make questions and answer using “have to”

- Make model frist

1 What you have to do? I have to wash the dishes. 2 What does she have to do? She has to wash the dishes.

Time:5 ms

- Play a games ( teams) - Write on the board

Time:5 ms

- Say the words=> listen repeat in chorus down to individually

- Check vocab with T then copy them down

- Listen to the tape - Paris work

Time:8 ms - Say the model

- Repeat the model after

- Find out the form of sentences - Copy down

Time:10 ms


- Calls on some pairs speak aloud =>write on the board

- Gives feedback III Futher practice:

- Get Ss to language focus on P.34 textbook - Elicit Ss’ answers

- Give feedback

Time:4 ms - Do exercise

- Speak their complete sentences => then role play the dialogue IV.Consolidaion : Ask Ss to: Time:3 ms

- Remind some verbs or phrases about doing chores and the form of “have to/ ought to”

V Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:4 ms - Learn by heart write make sentences “have to/ought to” and some verbs about doing chores

- Practise reading the dialogue carefully - Do exercise /P.21 ( workbook )

- Prepare : Unit 3: (Speak)

Week Preparation :9 / /2009

Period 13 Teaching :14 / /2009 Unit AT HOME


A Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the position of furniture in the kicchen and in the living room

I Knowledge : prepositions of place: on,in, under, next to, above II Skill: Practice Speaking and listening

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms


III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Warm up: Networks

cushion telephone

Picture cough I Pre - speaking:

1 Pre - teach vocab:

- Elicit the new words, repeat model times then get Ss to repear in chorus down to individually

- Write on the board rug(n): thảm

calender(n) : lịch treo tường a knife( knives): dao dish rask(n): kệ chén bát forder(n): bìa kẹp hồ sơ wardrobe(n): tủ quần áo - Checks : vocab

2 Task 1: P.28 (textbook)

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on P.28 and talk about the possition of each item

- Make model first them obseover to help Ss - Elicit Ss’ answer

- Give feedback to the whole class *) Possible answers:

a The calender is on the wall,under the clock and above refrigrator.

b The sink is next to the stove.

c The cupboard is on the wall, above the counter. d The knives are on the wall ,under the cupboard. e The bowl of fruit is betweent the rice cooker and the dish rask.

f The clock is on the wall,above the calender. g The flowers are on the table.

II While - speaking:

Task2 on P.28 textbook. - Set the sence

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and talk about their ideas

- Elicit Ss’ answer

- Give feedback to the whole class Possible:

A : Let’s put the magazines on the shelf above the books.

Time:5 ms

Time:5 ms

- Say the words , listen to T then repeat in chorus , individually

- Check vocab with T then write them down


- Work in groups to talk about possition of each item

- Talk aloud

Time:10 ms - Work in pair

- Talk aloud Things in the


B: Ok.And I think we ought to put the coffee table between the couch and the armchair.

A: You’re right And let’s put the T.V next to the coffee table.

B: No, we should put the T.V on the shelf. A: I think we should hang the clock above the couch.

III Post- speaking: - Listen and down

- Read the text on P.32 in textbook - Corects their mistakes

Time:5 ms

- Listen and down to description of Hoa’s room

IV Consolidaion (Post- speaking:)

V Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:4 ms - Review adverbs of places

- Learn by heart the vocab - Write task 1,2 into notebook - Prepare : Unit (Listen)

Period 14 Preparation :9 / /2009

Teaching :15 / / 2009 Unit AT HOME


A Objectives By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to order the recipe to make the “ Special Chinese Fried Rice ”

I Knowledge : Making a meal II Skill: Practice listening

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Test 15 minutes Time:15 ms

Đề A


1 The earth around the sun

a move b moving c is moving d moves

2 Each year , destroys homes and injures chilren

a fire b match c kitchen d drink You ought to go to the yourself to buy some vegetable

a park b market c zoo d garden

II.Rewrite the Reflexive pronoun (3ms)

Pnonoun Reflexive pronoun I

He She They

We You

myself himself herself themselves

ourselves yourself/yourselfves III Rewrite the sentences (4 ms)

1 The students are old They can drive the motobikes ( adj +enough to +inf )

The students are old enough to drive the motobikes

2 Children mustn’t play in the kitchen because it’s dangerous (Why )

Why mustn’t Children play in the kitchen ?

3 We must learn English ourselves (reflexive pronoun) Đề B

I Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill the blanks (3ms) I’m sorry but you have to cook dinner

a your b yourself c youself d on you

2 Each year , destroys homes and injures chilren

a match b kitchen c fire d drink

3 He had to stay home he was ill

a so b before c after d because

II Rewrite the sentences (4 ms) 1 I usually get bad marks (must )

You must study harder

2 Mr Pike works very hard because he wants to go to England (Why ) Why does Mr Pike work very hard ?

3 She wants to tell about the exams result herself (reflexive pronoun) III.Rewrite the Reflexive pronoun (3ms)

Pnonoun Reflexive pronoun I

He She They

We You

myself himself herself themselves

ourselves yourself/yourselfves III.New lesson :

Teacher’ activities Students’ activities I Pre – listening:

* Open prediction :

- Asks Ss to guess what items Lan and Mrs Tu use to cook dinner


Rice ; meat ; onions ; oil ; vegetable ; pepper ; peas.

II While – listening:

- Introduces the lesson, asking to Ss to listen to the conversation between Lan and Mrs Tu about the necessary ingredients to cook the

“ Special Chinese Fried Rice ”.

- Has the listen to , check their prediction & gives the correct answers

*Ordering :

- make the “ Special Chinese Fried Rice ”. - Gives the correct answers

*Answer key:

1 Put a little oil in the big pan. 2 Heat the pan.

3 Fry the garlic and the green peppers. 4 Put the ham and peas in.

Put the rice and teaspoon of salt in.

Time:15 ms

- Listen to the dialogue and write the items

- Listen to again, check their prediction & gives the correct answers

III Post –listening:

- Asks them to work in groups to write the recipe for the main course they like

Time:10 ms * Exhibition :

- work in groups to make the recipe for the main course

IV Consolidation : Time:5 ms - T corrects the recipe

V Homework : Asks Ss to: Time:5 ms - Do exercise ,4 ( work book) into notebook

- Prepare : Unit (Read)

Period 15 Preparation :9 / /2009

Teaching :17 / / 2009 Unit AT HOME


A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able understand the main and detail ideas of the text

I Knowledge : Why/ because

II Skill: Practice Reading and speaking B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:4 ms


Drug electricity

Gas Knife Boiling water

III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Pre - reading:

1 Pre - teach vocab:

- Elicit ,read model times , get Ss to repeat - Write on the board

desstory (v): phá hủy iniure (v): làm bị thương

safe precaution: cảnh báo an toàn match (n): que diêm

electrical soket: ổ cắm điện bead (n): vật tròn nhỏ scissors (n): kéo object (n) : vật, đồ vật - Check vocab: R O R

2 T/F statement prediction (on poster statement on P.31 in textbook

II While - reading:

1 Reading the text

- Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction and correct the false sentence

- Elicit Ss’ answers

- Gives feedback to the whole class

Keys: a.F , b T , c F , d F , e T , f.T

- Corrects the fasle sentences

a It is safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards b A kitchen is a dangerous place to play

c Playing with one match can cause a fire

2 Comprehesion questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to find ot the answer of the questions

- Ask Ss to work in open pairs and then closed pairs - Gives feedback


b Because the kitchen is adangerous place.

c Because playing with one match can cause the fire.

Time:7 ms

- Say the words , reapeat in chorus , individually

Time:5 ms

- Check vocab with T then write them down

- Read the sttements and predict T or F


- Read the text and check and correct the fasle sentences

Time:8 ms - Pair work Danger in the home


d Because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and eletricity can kill.

e Because the dangerous objects can enjure or kill children.

III Post - reading:

- Ask Ss to work in groups to talk about safety precaution in their home

- Corrects their mistakes

Time:5 ms

- work in groups before the class

IV Consolidaion (Post - reading)

V Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Learn by heart the vocab

- Practise reading the text - Prepare : Unit (Write )

Week Preparation:20/9/2009

Period 16 Teaching :21/ /2009 Unit AT HOME


A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a room I Knowledge : Why/ because Preposition of place: On/ to the left, right of opposite in the middle of, beside

II Skill: Practice Writing B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms

- Write down some vocab

- Read the text and answer the questions in textbook






opposite, under , to , next to behind, near, in ,from on , up, to

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Pre - writing:

1 Pre- teach vocab:

- Elicit the words

- Model each words times => get Ss to repeat - Write on the board

a towel rack (n): giá treo khăn a lighting fixture (n): đèn chùm beneath (prep): phía dưới - Check vocab: what and where

2 Pre -writing : Reading the text part on P.32 in


- Ask Ss to read the text to get information and answer the questions

* Questions:

a What is the left of the room? b what are on the desk?

c Is there a bookshefl near tne desk? d what is near the desk?

e.Is there a windown on the right of the room? f what is beside the windown?

g Is the wardrobe next to the desk? II While - writing:

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and the cues on P.33 to write a description of the kitchen

- Go around and help Ss III Post - writing:

- Sick Ss’ writing on the bord to feedback

This is Hoa’s kitchen There is a refrigerator in the right conner of the room Next to the

refrigeratoris the stove and oven On the other side of the oven , there is a sink and next to the sink is a towel rack.

……… T corrects their mistakes

Time:5 ms - Say the words

- Listen to T =.> repeat in chorus down to individually

Time:7 ms

- Check vocab with T then write them down

- Read the description of Hoa’s room on P.32 and answer the questions

a a desk b many folders

c No,it’s above the desk d a bed

e Yes, there is f a wardrobe g No, it’s opposite Time:10 ms

- Write the paragraph individually => share in pair then in graps Time:7 ms

- Correct the writing with T


V.Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Learn by heart the vocab and preposition

- Write the paragraph (task on P.33)into notebook - Do task / P.33 (textbook )

- Prepare Unit (Language focus )

Period 17 Preparation:20/9/2009

Teaching :22/9/2009


Language focus

A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able use reflexive pronoun, Ues the model verb to talk about the housework and futher practice

I Knowledge : Reflexive pronoun , model verbs and why - because II Skill: Practice writing and speaking

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time :1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking :

III New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities


- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and complete the dialogue between Nga and Lan using must or have to together with the vers given=>Get Ss to differ b/w must and have to

- Elicit Ss’ answer

- Give feedback to the whole class Answer keys:

must tidy have to dust must sweep have to drean must empty must feed

II Model verbs (advice)

- T Sets the sence to elicit the model sentences Ex

T: Hoa is very sad because she failed her E test What you say to advise her

S: You should work harder

T: Can you tell me another word for “should ” - T writes on the board

You should work harder ought

- T Practises reading for Ss - T elicits the form


ought to

S + +V(inf) Should


- Ask Ss to give advice to people in the pictures P.35 - Give feedback

Answer keys: B S1 :I’m late

S2: You ought to get up earlies C S1: I’m fat

S2: You ought to eat more fruit and vegetable. D S1: My toothache

S2: You ought to see a dentist - Futher practice : Give advice a my room is untidy

b The floor is dirdy c She is thin

d My E is bad

III Reflexve pronoun

- Set the sence “ You your homework and no one help you What you say?”

- Write the model sentences on the board and explain the reflexive pronoun

Form: It - itself I - myself ,

- Complete the dialoge individually=.> in pairs + must:

+ Have to

- Ss practice the dialogue before class

Time:10 ms - Ss Listen

- Repeat after T and write the sentences down

- Find down the form and meaning - Copy form down

- Pair work

- Talk aloud in pair

a you ought to tidy your room. b You ought to clen it.

c She ought to eat more. d You ought to practice more. Time:10 ms

- Say the sentences

- I my homework myself


You - yourself / yourselves He - himself ,

She - herself We - ourselves , They - themselves

Ex: Children can’t bath themselves yet I cut myself

- Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable reflexive pronoun

Keys: ourvelves myself yourself himself herself themselves yourself

IV Why - because



a)Tobe: Why + + S + adj/n ? was/ were


b)Verbs: Why + + V(inf) ?

did Because + S + V + O - Make model

Ex: Hoa went to shool late

Why did Hoa go to shool late this ? Because she watched T.V late last night.

- Get Ss to practice asking and answering each other - Call on some pairs to talk aloud => write the board

- Give feedback to the whole class b Why did Nam have to cook dinner? Because his mother was home late. c Why was Mrs Vui home late?

Because she has to see his grandma. d Why did Hoa fail her E text exam? Because she played computer games. e Why didn’t Nga go to the movie?

Because she has to clean the kitchen and sweep the living room.

- Ss work in pairs before the class

Time:10 ms

- Copy down

- Say the modelsentences with T

- work in pairs

- Ss Practice before the class => then write on the board

IV.Consolidaion Time:4 ms Remind point grammar that they’ve leart

V.Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Review : + model verb : should, have to ,ought to ,must

+ Reflexive pronoun. + Why - because

- Do exercise 1, , ,6 ( workbook)


Period 18 Preparation:20/9/2009

Teaching :24/9/2009


A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able review prepositions model verbs ,“enough” , tenses and structures they have learned

I Knowledge : prepositions, model verbs ,“enough” , tenses II Skill: Practice writing and speaking

B Procedure :

I.Settlement : - Greetings Time:1m

- Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking :

III New lesson:


I The tenses and structures

1.The simple present:

*Form : S +V + O

*Use :express the habitual actions with happen

daily , it can also be used to describe actions which are always known as truth

2 The simple past:

*Form : S +V(2) / ed + O

*Use :express an action that completely finished in

the past this tense always goes with : yesterday , last night / week / year / ago…

3 Enough + To – inf

*Form:(not) adj + enough + to - inf *Use: enough /( not) enough to S.th

4 Why - because is/are

a)Tobe: Why + + S + adj/n ? was/ were


b)Verbs: Why + + V(inf) ? did

Because + S + V + O

Use: to ask for a reason & answer with because.

Ex: Hoa went to shool late

Why did Hoa go to shool late this ? Because she watched T.V late last night. ………

- Get Ss to practice asking and answering each other

5 Modal Verbs

Form: S + have to / ought to + V-inf……

- Revises the way to use: Use:

Must / have to say we are sure that something is true and conclude something happended

Must use to talk about the present & future while

Have to can be used in all forms.

Ought to use to talk about the obligation or advice

6 Reflexive Pronouns:

Myself ; hersefl ; himsefl ; yoursefl ; ourselves

yourselvesb ; themselves.

Use: When the subject and object are the same.

II Practice :

1 Questions.

a What did you yesterday ? b Did you wash your clothes ? c Why you go to school late ? - Asks Ss to the exercise

Time:17 ms

- Recall the way to use the simple present and the simple past

- Ss Listen and write them on their notebook

- work in pairs

- Ss Practice before the class , then write on the board

- Recall the way to use the grammar structure

- Ss Listen and write them on their notebook

Time:17 ms

- Work in individually,in pairs to a I went to the zoo


2 Make complete sentences

a Last year I (go) to Hue city

b Tonight Linh (go) to the cinema with me c She usually (play) games

3 Use reflexive pronouns

a She does it b They goto school c I cook dinner d You must learn EL

4 Rewrite these sentences, use cue words.

a Huy was ill (He, ought / doctor) b I don’t go out with you because I nust my home work (why)

c Tuan is strong He can lift the heavy box (enough)

a Went

b is going to go c plays

a herself b themselfes c yourself

a He ought to go to doctor

b Why don’t you go out with mi ? c He is strong enough to lift the

heavy box

IV.Consolidaion Time:5 ms - Remind point grammar that they’ve leart

V.Home work: Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Review the lesson again

- Prepare the knowledge provided and instructs them to prepare for the test

Week Preparation:26/ /2009 Period 19 Teaching :5/ 10 /2009 ONE TEST

A Objectives:

I Knowledge:By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Consolidate what Ss have been learnt from unit to unit - Check Ss’ understanding and access them

II Skill: Practice writing B Procedures

I Settlement: - Greetings Time :1m - Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: -Not check



I Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill the blanks (2ms) The children are old enough to look after ………

a ourselves b themselves c herself d for themselves We ought ………the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed a put b push c to pushing d to put

6 The calendar is ………the clock, ………the picture and the lamp a under / between b.on / next to c behind / between d above / on Don't come in Please wait ………for your turn

a inside b downstairs c upstairs d outside

II Match the questions or statements in column A with the answers in column B (2ms)


1 Why didn't Nam come to the party? Why were you late?

3 Why did Ha fail her English test? I am tired

A You ought to take a day off

B Because she played games too much C Because he had a lot of homework to D Because we missed the first bus

III Rewrite the sentences (4ms)

1 He is tall He can play basketball ( adj +enough to +inf )

2 Please help me I can’t it (reflexive pronoun)

3.Nga didn’t go to the movie because she had to cook dinner ( Why ) Why … ……… 4 I have a toothache (ought to)

You ought to……… IV Read the following passage and answer the questions.( 2ms)

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland He moved to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance

This led to the invention of the telephone.Thomas Watson was Bell's assistant Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876 Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibitions He died in 1922

1) When was Alexander Graham Bell born? 2) Who did he work with in America? 3) Was Thomas Watson Bell's assistant? 4) When did Bell introduce the telephone ?


I Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill the blanks.(2ms) 1.The children are old enough to look after ………

a forthemselves b herself c ourselves d themselves We ought ………the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed a put b push c to put d to pushing

3 The calendar is ………the clock, ………the picture and the lamp a on / next to b above / on c behind / between d under / between Don't come in Please wait ………for your turn


II Match the questions or statements in column A with the answers in column B(2ms)


1 Why didn't Nam come to the party? Why were you late?

3 Why did Ha fail her English test? I am tired

A Because he had a lot of homework to B Because she played games too much C Because we missed the first bus D.You ought to take a day off

III Rewrite the sentences (4ms)

1 He is strong He can lift the heavy box ( adj +enough to +inf )

2 Please help us We can’t it (reflexive pronoun)

3.Hoa failed her English test because she didn’t study hard (Why)

Why … ……… 4 I’m late (ought to)

You ought to……… IV Read the following passage and answer the questions.( 2ms)

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland He moved to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance

This led to the invention of the telephone.Thomas Watson was Bell's assistant Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876 Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibitions He died in 1922

1) Where was Alexander Graham Bell born? 2) When did he move to the USA? 3) Who was Thomas Watson? 4) When did he die? IV Consolidation:

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time :2ms - Prepare : Correcting the test

Period 20 Preparation:26/ /2009 Teaching : /10 /2009 CORRECTING THE TEST A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know their mistakes II.Skill: Practice listening

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greeting Time: 1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking: Not check

III.New lesson:


Test A

I Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill the blanks.(2ms) 1b 2d 3a 4d

II Match the questions or statements in column A with the answers in column B(2ms) 1C 2D 3B 4A III Rewrite the sentences (4ms)

1 He is tall enough to play basketball myself

3 Why didn’t Nga go to the movie ? You ought to see the dentist

IV Read the following passage and answer the questions.( 2ms) Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847

2 He worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University Yes , he was

4 Bell introduced the telephone in 1876 Test B

I Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill the blanks.(2ms) 1d 2c 3d 4b II Match the questions or statements in column A with the answers in column B(2ms) 1A 2C 3B 4D III Rewrite the sentences (4ms)

1 He is strong enough to lift the heavy box ourselves

3 Why did Hoa fail her English test ? You ought to get up earlier

IV Read the following passage and answer the questions.( 2ms) Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland He moved to the USA in the 1870s

3 Bell's assistant He died in 1922

- T asks Ss to answer yourself

Time :20 ms

-Ss Listen and check their mistakes

-Ss listen and correct the sentences

Time 20 ms

-Ss Listen and check their mistakes

-Ss listen and correct the sentences

IV Consolidation

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time ms - Prepare: Unit 4( Getting started & listen and read)

Period 21 Preparation:26/ /2009 Teaching : /10 /2009 Unit OUR PAST

Getting started & listen and read.

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tell the activities people used to in the past.Helps Ss to read a dialogue about life of many years ago I.Knowledge: * Vocabulary : (to) look after (v); equipment (n); a folktale (n);

traditional (adv) ; great grandma(n) * Grammar : Used to + V- inf.

II Skill: Practice listening and reading B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time : 1m -Checking attendence


II Checking: Getting started (Revision) Time:5 ms - Asks Ss to look at the picture and find the things not belong to the past. ( mobile phone ; lighting fixture ; color TV ; school uniform ; stereo )

- Corrects & comments III New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities T Sets the scene : Nga’s grandma is telling to

Nga about Nga’s great grandma and what great grandma did.

I Presentation 1 Vocabulary:

- elicits first and says out the words

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- asks Ss to make sentences

(to) look after =(to) take care of : chăm sóc equipment (n) :thiết bị

a folktale (n ) : truyện dân gian traditional (adv) # modern great grandma (n) : bà cố

- Checks vocab : What and where 2 Prediction : Fact or Opinion. a I used to live on a farm.

b There wasn’t any electricity.

c Mom had to everything without the help of modern eqiupment.

d My father used to tell us stories. e The best one was the lost shoe. f Tranditional stories are great 3 Presentation Dialogue:

- Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue between Nga & grandma , then check their prediction

- Has them practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects & comments

*) Answer the questions:

(a–e / p.39text book ) - Corrects & comments

4 Model sentences:

- Elitcits the model sentences

What did Nga’s great grandma use to ? I used to look after my younger brother She used to cook meals.

Form: (+) used to + bare inf (-) didn’t use to + bare inf. (?) did + S + use to + bare inf. Meaning: Đã / Đã thường hay

II Practice

Words cue drill:

Time:5 ms

Time:5 ms

- try out and repeat chorally- individually

- give the meaning & pronounciation - make the sentences

-read and rewrite them on the board


- Predict Fact or Opinion. a Fact

b Opinion c Opinion. d Fact e Opinion. f Fact Time:5 ms

- Listen & repeat after the dialogue - Check the prediction

- Practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects the pronunciation

- Practice in pairs ( open / close pairs ) - Take notes

Time:5 ms

- Practice and copy


- Gives some words cue & asks Ss to practice 1 Our grandma / tell stories

2 Viet namese farmers/live / small cottages. 3 I / cry / when I was a child.

4 Mr Nga / teach in my school

5.Vietnamese children / play/blindmanbluff -Corrects & comments

III Production

- Asks Ss to write activities they used to in the past

- Corrects & comments

- Practice in individually.

S1: Our grandma used to tell stories. S2: etc

- Take notes

Time:5 ms

- Write activities they used to in the past

a) I used to play blindman bluff. b) I used to visit Hue

c) I used to go to the beach. ……… IV Consolidation : Asks Ss to Time:5 ms - summarise the general idea of the dialogue

- explain the form used to the tell activities people used to in the past “ Used to + V- inf….”

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:5 ms - Learn by heart vocab & the dialogue & the form

- Write activities that you used to in the past - Do exercises 1,6/27,30 (workbook)

- Prepare: Unit 4( speak) some pictures

Week Preparation:10/ 10/2009 Period 22 Teaching : 12 /10 /2009 Unit



A Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about the differences between life in the past and that at present

I Knowledge: * Simple past and simple present * Grammar : Used to + V- inf… … II Skill: Practice speaking & listening

B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5 ms


- practice the dialogue & answer the questions - Make sentences using used to

III New lesson:

Noughts & Crosses , using “ used to ” Time:5 ms

Live on a farm Cook the meal Stay at home & help mom

Do everything by hands

Look after her younger brothers & sisters

Wash the clothes

Clean the house Listen to stories Lit the lamp

Ex: I used to live on a farm.

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Pre – speaking :

- Shows pictures on the board , asks Ss to look at the pictures and list the differences between them

Time:5 ms

- Look at the and list the differences between them

a) picture 1: - Small house

- People work on paddy field - Children play at home

- Women wear flat palm hat with fringers & wooden shoe ( nón quai thao ) - Carrying pole by bamboo frame - Stack of traw ( đống rơm) b) picture 2:

- Big house & building

- Car - Shop – TV - Traffic light ………

II While – speaking :

1 Activity :

- Asks Ss to talk about the way thing used to be and the way are they now (pictures on page 40 page textbook)

- Calls on some pair to speak aloud - Gives feedback to the whole class

* Possible answer keys:

a Where did they live the past? an now? b How did they travel?

c What’s about the electricity? d What’s about their life and work? e Did children use to go to shool? f What’s about their entertainment?

Time:5 ms

- Work in groups , using the structure above

a People used to live in small hosues Now they live in big houses and builings.

b People used to walk Now,they can go by cars by motobikes.

c They used to have no electricity.Now they there is electricity everywhere.

d People used to work hard all time Now they have a lot of time for entertainment. e Most children used to stay at home Now they all go to school.

f Children used to play traditional games such as : hide and seak,skip rope,dragon snake Now they have a lot of modern games video games.


2 Activity :

Word cue drill.

a) swim / river / swimming pool b) get up / late / early and morning exercise.

c) play blindman’s bluff / computer game

Time:5 ms

- Work in individually

a) In the past , I used to swim in the river , but now I swim in the swimming pool. b) In the past, I used to get up late,but now I get up early & morning exercise. c) In the past, I used to play blindman’s bluff , but now I play computer game. III Post – speaking

- Ask Ss to write about the things you used to last year

Ex: Last year, I used to get up late Now, I get up early and morning exercises.

Time:5 ms

- Write individually

IV Consolidation : Asks Ss to task 2/ p 41 (textbook) Time:5 ms - T asks Ss talk about the things they used to last year

Ex: Last year, I used to get up late Now, I get up early and morning exercises. ………

- Ss talk about the things they used to last year( Write individually ) - T corrects their mistakes

V Homework : Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Learn the structure

- Write sentences about the things they used to last year into notebook - Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare : Unit (Read )

Period 23 Preparation:10/ 10/2009 Teaching : 13/ 10 /2009 Unit OUR PAST


A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas of the story “The lost shoe”

I Knowledge: * Vocab: dochores, harvert festival ,a fairy ,rags * Grammar : Simpast

II Skill: Practice reading & writing B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence :

8a 8b 8c II Checking:


Sọ Dừa Cô Bé lọ lem

Trí khơn ta

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Pre - reading:

1 Pre - teach

- Elicits the words => models each word times => gets Ss to repeat

- Writes on the board

+ harvert festival (n): lễ hội ngày mùa + cruel (adj) : độc ác

+ fall in love (v): yêu + a prince : hoàng tử

+ (to) drop : đánh rơi

+ magically (adj) :một cách màu nhiểm - Rub Out and Remember

2 T/F Statements Prediction

1) Little Pea’s father is a poor farmer

2) Her father got married again after his wife died

3) Her new mother was beautiful and nice to her

4) She worked hard all day

5) She didn’t have new clothes to take part in the festival

II While - reading

1.a Presentation the text :

1 T T

3.F ( Her new mother was cruel to her)

T F ( A fairy gave her beautiful clothes)

b Matching.

1 upset (adj)

2 (to) own

3 (to) marry

4 rags

5 (to) appear

a. kết hôn, cưới

b. buồn phiền,thất vọng

c. xuất

d. có, sở hữu


quần áo rách rưới 2 Complete the sentences from the story (Gap fill/ P.42)

- T asks Ss read the story again and complete the sentences given

a. Little Pea’s father was a

b. Little Pea’s mother when she was young.

c. Little Pea to the housework all day after her father got married

Time:6 ms

- Listen and repeat in individually, chorally

- Take note

Time:4 ms

- Listen, think and answer them

Time:8 ms

- Read the text and check their answers

Time:5 ms

- Read the story again to complete the sentences

- Ss work individually first, then compare with their partner

- Answers

a. farmer

b. died

c. had / again What


d. The prince wanted to a girl from Little Pea’s village.

e. Stout Nut’s mother did not make for Little Pea.

f. The prince found Little Pea’s shoe. - T gives and checks instruction

- Elicits Ss’ answer - Gives feedback

3 Comprehension questions a)  e) (P 42)

- Asks Ss to work in pairs answering the questions - Calls on some pairs to speak aloud

- Gives feedback to the whole class a Who was Little Pea ?

b What did Stout Nut’s mother make Little Pea allday?

c How did Little Pea get her new clothes ? d Who did the prince decide to marry ? e Is this a true story ? How you know ? III Post - reading

- T hangs the pictures on the board and asks Ss to retell the story in their own words

- corrects their mistakes

d. marry

e. new clothes

f. lost Time:5 ms

- Pair work(one asks and one answers)

- Speak in pairs aloud a She was a poor farmer’s daughter.

b She made her the chores all day

c Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags in to beautiful clothes d He decided to marry Little Pea because the shoe fitted her. e No, it isn’t Because there is a fairy ( students' answers)

- Ss Write them on their notebooks Time:6 ms

- Retell the story.( Ss work individually)

IV Consolidation : (Post – reading)

V Homework : Ask Ss to: Time:5 ms - Learn by heart the vocab

- write the story in their own words - Practise reading the story carefully - Do exercise 5/p.29 in workbook - Prepare : Unit (write )

Period 24 Preparation:10/ 10/2009 Teaching : 15/ 10 /2009 Unit OUR PAST


A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Simple past tense to write a story

I Knowledge: * Vocabulary : stripe (n); straw (n); a master (n); a servant (n); wisdom (n); (to) tie.

* Grammar : Simple past tense II Skill: Practice writing

B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms


III New lesson: Warm up: Jumbled words.

Nurb = burn evela = leave prapea = appear liefd = field lofubfa = buffalo ternur = return

Teacher’s activities Students' activities

* Lead in : Chatting :

? Do you know why tigers have black stripes

? Which story tells you about that ? Can you tell me the story - Lead in the new lesson I Pre-writing :

1 Vocabulary:

- Introduces the words by visual aid , realia , translation

- Reads the words for the modal & then helps SS to repeat

- Writes the words on the board +straw (n) (realia): rơm rạ

+master(n) (explanation) : ông chủ +servant (n) ( antonym: master): đầy tớ +wisdom (n)( translation): trí khơn +tie (v): (mine ) tied :trói ḅc +escape (v): escaped: trốn thoát +graze(v): grazed - grazing

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words * Check : What & Where

2 Gap fill: P1-P42/43.

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to read the story & using the given verbs to fill in the gaps

-Asks Ss to compare the keys -Corrects & comments

*Answer keys:

appear as said. left went.

tied lit. burned escaped. 3 Question & answer:

-Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to answer

- Corrects & comments *Questions:

1 Where was the man ?

2 What did the buffalo when the tiger appeared ?

3 What did the tiger want to know ? 4 Why did the farmer have to tie the tiger to a tree ?


- Answers the T's questions.


- Repeat the words in chorus & in individual - Correct the mistakes

- Copy the words


- Work in individual to read the story & using the given verbs to fill in the gaps -Compare the keys


- Work in pairs to answer the questions.

-Compare the keys -Take notes

*Answer :

1.He was in his field. 2.It grazed nearby.

3.He wanted to know why the strong buffalo was the servant & the farmer was the master.


5 Why did the farmer bring some straw with him when he returned ?

6 Did the farmer die of the fire ?

5.He lit the straw to burn the tiger. 6.No, he didn’t.

II While- writing

Write it up: Exercise 2/ P43

- Explains the requirements & asks Ss to work in individual to play the man & use the words given to write the story

- Asks Ss to use the words given to write the story (imageme they are the man )

The man … I

=> Get Ss to change His …… My


- Work in individual to play the man & use the words given to write the story

- work individually , shair in pairs , in groups

III Post - writing

- Asks Ss to stick their writing on the board & corrects


- Stick the poster on the board

IV Consolidation : Asks Ss to Time:5ms - role of the tiger / buffalo & retell the story

V Home work: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Learn by heart the vocab

- Practise writing the vocab wisdom, escape, straw, stripe - Write the story on your own words

- Do exercises 2,3,7/28-29-31(workbook) - Prepare : Unit ( Listen + language focus)

Week Preparation :17 /10 /2009 Period 25 Teaching : 19 /10/2009 Unit


Listen + Language Focus

A Objectives:

I Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main idea of a story by listening and practice simple past and structure “ used to ”

II Skill: Practice listening and writing B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Listening:

Pre - listening: - Sets the sence - Pre- teach vocab:

- Elicits => models => gets Ss to repeat - Writes on the board

a Vocabulary:

+ foolish (adj): ngu ngốc

+ greedy wife (n) : người vợ tham lam + lay => laid đẻ trứng

+ amazed at (adj) ngạc nhiên - Check vocab: What and where

b Prediction:

- Asks Ss to look at titles and guess which is most suitable to the story.( titles in textbook on P.41)

2 While - listening:

- Has Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction

- Gives feedback to the whole class

Key: Don’t be foolish and greedy

3 Post - listening:

- Asks Ss to retell the story

II Language focus:

Revision of simple past tense.

1 Act1: language focus 1, 2

- Asks Ss to write the past verb form on the board - Gives feedback

- Set the sence language focus : Lan asks Nga about Nga’s yesterday activities.

- Asks Ss to work in pairs - Elicits Ss’ sentences

- Gives feedback : Complete dialogue : Key a Lan:Did you eat rice for lunch?

b Nam: I rode a bike to shool.

c Minh:Where were you yesterday evening? d Ba : I had match, English and history Act2: Language focus a Matching(on poster)

in January on 4.pm

at November 1997 between July 2nd

after/ before a.m and a.m b Practice: Gaps filling

- Asks Ss to exercise on P.44 individually then compara with their


- Say the words => repeat in chorul down to individually

- Check vocab with T then write them down

-Prediction one of titles


- Listen to the tape and check their prediction


- Ss prepare minutes and tell aloud before class

Time:5ms - Pairs work - Speak aloud

- Write on the board


- Revision: matching - match on the board

Ex: in Janury in November 1997


- Elicits Ss' answers

- Gives feedback : b in /c between/ d at - after/ e before 3 Act3: Language Complete the dialogue

- Before doing exercise T asks Ss to remind the strucure "use to"?

- Write on the board

Form: S + use to + V(inf) + O

S + didn't + use to + V(inf) + O Did + S + use to + V(inf) …… ?

- Has Ss work in pairs, looking at pictures on P.45 using used to with the verbs in the box to complete the dialogue

- Elicit Ss answer

- Give feedback used to have use to be used to live

c Further practice: (on poster):

- Ask Ss to exercise

* Exercise 1: complete the sentences using preposition of time : before, after, from , in ,on ,at

1 I woke up…… o'clock the morning. 2 The flight from Da Lat arrived in Hue noon. 3 We have wonderful time at that party … Friday night.

* Exercise 2: Ask Ss to write sentences using used to.


- Remind the structures

- Copy the form into notebook - Pairs work

- Read aloud the sentences


- Complete sentences on the poster

Ex: My mother used to have long

hair and now she has short hair IV.Consolidaion

V Home work: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Write the summary of the story into notebook

- Revive simple past tense again - Learn by heart the vocab

- Prepare : Unit ( Getting started-Listen &read)

Period 26 Preparation:17/10 /2009 Teaching : 20/ 10/2009 Unit


Getting started-Listen &read

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue between Tim & his mother about his study, Ss will be able to talk about study habits, giving introductions and advice

I Knowledge: commands, requests and advice in reported speech II Skill: Practice listening and writing

B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to


H istory Math

? What subjects are you good at ? - I’m good at math / English… ? How often you have math/ English? - We have math four times a week.

Teacher’s activities Students' activities

I Presentation : Chatting :

? Who are they ?

? What are they doing in the picture ?

1 Vocabulary:

+ (to) improve: cải thiện +(to) promisepromise: h ứa +(to)be proud of: tự h

+(to) try one’s best: cố gắng Eg: I will try my best

+a report card: phiếu điểm +pronunciation (n): phát âm

- Elicits the vocab from the dialogue - Reads the words and asks them to repeat - Asks them to write the words

* Check : R.O.R

2 T / F statements prediction:

a Tim was out when his mother call him. b Tim’s mother met his teacher at school. c Tim’s report is poor.

d Tim’s mother wants him to improve one thing. e Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar. f.Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish. 3 Presentation Dialogue:

- Introduces situation of the dialogue & ask Ss to listen & check their prediction

-Corrects & comments

*Answer key:a F b F c F d T e T f T

4 Questions

1 Miss Jackson in Tim’s teacher

2 Miss Jackson gave Tim’s mother his report card.

3.Tim studied very well.

4 Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation.

5 She give him a dictionary. - T corrects their mistakes

5 Model sentences


- Look at the picture and answer +They are Tim and his mother

+They are talking about his school report Time:5ms

- Repeat the words in chorus & in individual

- Correct the mistakes

- Give the meaning & the pronunciation - Copy the words


- Ss work in groups to predict a F : Tim was at home

b T c F : Tim’s report is excellent. d T

5 F : His Spanish pronunciation. 6 T


- Listen to the dialogue - Check the prediction


- Ss work in pairs, then practice before the class

- Some Ss write them on the board

Time:5ms froud of improve

try try a report



- Elicits the model sentences and explains them

Miss Jackson said you should work harder Teacher: Tim should work harder (dirrect speech) Mother : Miss Jackson said you should work

harder ( reported speech) Note: Tim => You

II Practice :

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to report Miss Jackson’s advice she gave in her conversation with Tim’s mother (Language focus P53 ). S1: Miss Jackson

S2 : Tim’s mother

Time:5ms - Work in pairs

S1: Tim should work harder on Spanish S2: Miss Jackson said you should work harder


Answer keys:

a Miss Jackson said you should spend…… b Miss Jackson said you should listen …. c Miss Jackson said you should practice…. d Miss Jackson said you should use… e Miss Jackson said you should practice….

III Production : Survey:

- Gives the requirement & ask Ss to stand up to ask each other the question “What subject do

you need to improve ?” & fill in the table.

-Corrects & comments



-Ask & answer the question & fill in the table

Name Subject

Lan English

IV Consolidation : Asks Ss to : Time:2ms - summarize the general idea of the dialogue

- talk about their study habit

V Homework : Asks Ss to Time:4ms - Learn by heart the vocab

- Practice reading the dialogue - Write about your study habit - Prepare: Unit 5( Speak and listen)

Period 27 Preparation:17/10 /2009 Teaching : 22/ 10/2009 Unit STUDY HABITS

Speak and listen

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their study and listen to the the text to complete the report card

I Knowledge: giving advice

II Skill: Practice Speaking, writing and listening B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Write some old vocab

- Read the dialogue and answer the questions III New lesson:


I Speaking

1 Pre - speaking

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss think about the questions

a When you your homework ? b Who helps you with your homework ?

c.How much time you spend on these subjects : Math, Vietnamese, History,English, etc.?

d Which subjects you need to improve ? e What you to improve English ?

- Summarize the answers & introduces the lesson

2 While - speaking:

-Gives the requirement & ask Ss to work in groups to ask each other the questions in the box on page 48 & take note their friends answer - Asks Ss to report the information about their friends

- Calls on some pairs to practice -Corrects & comments

3 Post- speaking:

- Asks Ss to give advice for their friends when their friends have

+ practice listening more

+ study new words a day

+ a lot of grammar exercises + practice speaking more

+ work hard on English pronunciation -Corrects & comments

II Listening: Warm up:

- Asks Ss to look the report and answer the questions: What is this.?

Question : Do you like English ? Are your grade good.? Which skill you think is difficult.? - Leading the new lesson

1 Pre- listening:

a Pre –teach vocab:

+behavior (n):hạnh kiểm , hành vi +participation (n): tham gia +cooperation (n) :sự hợp tác +a term (n) :kì thi

+a signature(n) : chữ kí

+a comment (n) : phê bình , lời nhận xét

b.Open prediction :

- Ss give the prediction

2 While - listening:


- Think about the questions, don’t answer the questions:


-Work in groups to ask each other the questions in the box on page 48 & take note their friends answer

S1: When you your homework ? S2 : After dinner.

S1: Who helps you with your homework S2: My parents; My brothers/ sisters - Report the information about their friends - Take notes


- s to give advice for their friends when their friends have

a.You should practice listening more b.You should study new words a day c You should a lot of grammar exercises

d You should practice speaking more e You should work hard on English pronunciation

- Give advice Time:5ms


- Say the words => listen to T then repeat in chorul down to individually



- Listen to the text & check the prediction

*) Comprehension questions :

- Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions


1 Why did Nga miss days of school.? 2 How can she improve her listening skill? - Elicits answer

- Gives feedback

3 Post - listening:

- Asks Ss base on Sarah Chen’s report to write a passage about their study

- Calls on Ss to stick their writing on the board and corrects

*Write it up :

Ex : I have worked very hard this year and my grade are very good I missed days of school due to my sickness My participation & cooperation are satisfactory My speaking & reading are execellent and my writing is good but my listening skill is not very good

- Comments

- listen to the tape and check the prediction - Listen to the tape again and answer the questions

-Answer aloud Answer:

1 She miss day of school due to her sickness.

2 She can watch English T.V and listen to English programs.


- Write their own report card for the last term then report before class

- Take notes

IV Consolidation : Asks Ss to : Time:5ms - remind the subjects in English

V Homework : Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Asks Ss to write all subjects into notebook

- Write the way how to improve the subject that you are not good at - Do exercise in workbook

Ex : a Quang should work harder in Math b She should eat more fruits and vegetables - Prepare Unit 5: (Read)

Week 10 Preparation :24 / 10/2009 Period 28 Teaching :26 /10 /2009 Unit STUDY HABITS


A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some information about learn new word & answer the comprehension questions Helps Ss to read a text about how people learn new word

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary : mother tongue ( n ) (to) highlight ( v ) (to) underline ( v)

to stick ( v) (to) come across (v )

* Grammar :

II Skill: Practice reading B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence


- Read the dialogue and answer the questions III New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:

mother tongue ( n ) :tiếng mẹ đẻ

(to) highlight ( v ): l àm ật (to) underline ( v) : ghạch ch ân to stick ( v) dán , dính

(to) come across (v ) băng qua - Reads the words

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words * Check : Slap the board.

mother tongue highlight

underline stick come across

2 T/F prediction :

1a,b,c,d /p.50(textbook) II While-reading : 1 Presentation text:

- Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction - Gives the correct sentences

a F b.T c F d T

- Asks Ss to read the text again & then work in pairs to answer the questions

2 Questions:

a.Do learners learn words in the same way ?

b Why some learners write example with new words ?

c What some learners in order to remember words better ?

d What don’t some learners learn all the new words they come across ?

e.What is necessary in learning new words ? f How should you learn words ?


- Listen to the teacher

- Repeat the words in chorus & in


- Give the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copy the words

- Revise the vocab by playing game


- Give T / F sentences


- Read the text & check prediction - Write the correct sentences

- Read the text again & then work in pairs to answer the questions

Time:5ms *Answer :

a No, they learn word in the

different ways.

b Because they help them to remember the use of new words. c They write the example, put the words & their meaning on stickers, underline or highlight them.

d They may think they can’t so. Instead, they learn only important words.

e Revision is necessary in learning words ?


- Corrects & comments III Post – reading : Discussion :

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups to choose a way of learning vocabulary which they think is the most effect & give the reason why they choose it

- Calls on some groups introduce their reason -Comments

- Take notes these answers Time:5ms

- Work in groups to choose a way of learning vocabulary which they think is the most effect & give the reason why they choose it

- Introduce their reason

IV Consolidation

V Homework : Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Write down some vocab

- Practice the text and answer the questions - Do exercise 5/34 in workbook

- Prepare Unit 5: (Write)

Period 29 Preparation :24/ 10 /2009 Teaching : 27/10 /2009 Unit STUDY HABITS


A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter completely Helps Ss to practice in writing an informal letter

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary: None. * Grammar : None.

II Skill: Practice writing B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Write some old vocab


Teacher’s activities Students' activities Chatting:

- Asks Ss to answer these questions: + Do you often write to some one ? + Who you often write to ?

+ What you often include in your letter ? + How you open a letter ?

+ How you close it ? - Summarizes the answers & introduces the new lesson

I Pre-writing :


- Cuts the letter into pieces & asks Ss to work in pairs to put them into the correct order to form a letter

- Asks Ss to identify the sections of the letter

- Corrects & comments

II While- writing

Transformation writing:

- Explains the requirements & asks Ss to work individually to write a letter using the cues given to transform the letter into a new one

- Helps Ss to write the new letter if necessary. - Asks Ss to report their letter.

- Corrects & comments III Post – writing Correction:

- Asks Ss to write their letters on the board & elicit the correction from Ss ( asks Ss to swap their notebooks & corrects the mistakes )

Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I’m happy to hear that you had a nice Mother’s Day.

I received my second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math , but my history and English results were not very good My former teacher told me that I should improve English nad History I am spending more time on them this summer And I hope I’ll be better at two subjects next year The mid-Autumn Festival will come in a few weeks That’s the Moon Festival in Viet Nam


- Ss listen and answer


- Work in pairs to put them into the correct order to form a letter

- Identify the sections of the letter

- Give their ordering & the sections of the letter

* Sections of the letter -Body of the letter -Heading

-Opening -Closing Time:12ms

- Work individually to write a letter using the cues given to transform the letter into a new one

- Write the new letter


- Write their letters on the board


I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon I’ll send you a postcard from there

Write to me as soon as possible I’m looking forward to hearing from you

Best wishes , Lan

- Corrects & comments

IV Consolidation : Asks Ss to Time:4ms - summarise the content & form of a informal letter

V Homework : Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Write down some vocab

- Write a letter to your friend - Do exercise in workbook - Prepare Unit 5: (language focus)

Period 30 Preparation: 24 /10/2009 Teaching : 31/10 /2009 Unit STUDY HABITS

language focus

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use reported speech with commands; requests & advices , helps Ss to practice in commands; requests & advices in reported speech

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary : None.

* Grammar : Reported speech with commands; requests & advices. II Skills : listening , speaking , reading & writing

B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III New lesson:


I Presentation

1 Adverbs of manner

- Explains the way to use adverbs of manner Adj + ly = Adverb

O + adverbs of manner.

V + adverbs of manner or after adverbial particles

2 Modal : should

- Explains the way to use “ should ” It uses advice S.o to S.t Should + V- inf

* Form: said + clause ( should + inf). * Use: to reported advice.

3 Commands , requests & advice in reported speech

S + asked + object + to + Inf S + told + object + to + Inf


- Summeries the lesson and copy down

II Practice

1 Complete the dialogues Use the adverbs of manner ( Ex P52 )

Softly well fast badly hard

- Calls on some pairs to practice the dialogue

- Corrects & comments

- Asks some questions about the house Do you think the house is new ? Is Mr Hao’s house beautiful ?

2 Now look at the picture of Mr Hao’s house say what he should ?

repair paint cut replant mend

Ex : Mr Hao should repair the roof

- Calls on some Ss to read the sentences - Corrects & comments

3 Work with a partner

a.“Please wait for me outside my office”. b.“Please give Tim his report card for this semester”.

c.“Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation ?”.

d.“ Can you meet me next week ?”


- Work in pairs to complete the dialogues , using the adverbs of manner

(1) hard ; (2) fast ; (3) badly ; (4) softly - Practice the dialogues before class - Answer the questions

No, It is not No, It is not Time:7ms

- Work individually to advice Mr Hao 1 Mr Hao should paint the house 2 Mr Hao should cut the grass 3 Mr Hao should replant the trees 4.Mr Hao should mend the door Time:8ms

a She told me to wait her outside her office. b She told me to give you your report card for this semester”.

c She told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation ?”.

d She told me to meet her next week ?” III Production :

Example exchange:

S1: What did Mss Jackson say ?

S2: She said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation.

a “Tim should spend more time on his



Spanish pronunciation”.

b.“Tim should practice speaking Spanish everyday”.

c.“Tim should listen to Spanish conversation on TV”.

d “ Tim should practice reading passages in Spanish”

his Spanish pronunciation”.

b “She said Tim should practice speaking Spanish everyday”.

c “She said Tim should listen to Spanish conversation on TV”.

d “ She said Tim should practice reading passages in Spanish”

VI.Consolidation : Ask Ss to Time:3ms - Explain the way to form the reported speech with commands; requests & advices:

* Form: ask / tell someone to something

* Use: to reported a command or request. * Form: said + clause ( should + inf) * Use: to reported advice.

V Home work : Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Study the grammar & the modal sentence

- Review the reported speech with commands; requests & advices: - Prepare: Unit (Getting stated – Listen & read )

Week 11 Preparation: 31/10/2009 Period 31 Teaching : /11 /2009



Getting stated – Listen & read

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to complete a song & offer & respond to assistance Helps Ss to read a dialogue to get some details about the young pioneer club.Ss will be able to understand the dialogue & practice in gerunds used after some verbs: love; live; hate; enjoy

I Knowledge: * Vocabulary : (to) enroll; (to) fill out; (to) sign; an application form (n); an interest (n).

* Grammar :

II Skills: Listen &read B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence


III New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Getting started : Brainstorming

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to give the Y&Y activities

- Corrects & comments Helping blind people Helping elderly people

Helping handicapped children. Taking part in sports.

Cleaning up the neighborhood Summer campaign

Taking part in cultural activities /art clubs


- Giving the Y&Y activities

- Commenting the activities

II Presentation

1 Vocabulary

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

(to) enroll: đăng kí (to) fill out: điền vào (to) sign: kí

an application form (n ): việc viết đơn an interest (n): sở thích

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words. - Checks : Slap the board


- Repeating the words in chorus & in


- Correcting the mistakes

-Giving the meaning & the pronunciation - Copying the words


III Practice

2 Presentation Dialogue:

Listen & read – P54

- Introduces situation & helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

3 Comprehension questions:

- Introduces the questions & ask Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the dialogue

- Asks Ss to give the keys by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects & comments * Questions:

a What’s her full name ? b Where does she live ?

c Does she have a phone number ? d What’s her date of birth ?

e What are her hobbies ?

4 Concept checking:

- Introduces the verbs & explains the way to form the gerund:

- Introduces the verbs with go with gerund

Gerund = V- ing


IV Production: Chain game:

-Practicing the game in groups by talking about Hoa’s details

* Example:

S1: Nga is talking with a secretary.

S2: Nga is talking with a secretary She wanted to enroll for …

S3: …


- Listening to the dialogue

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs

-Correcting the pronunciation


-Working in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the dialogue

- Giving the keys give the keys by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting & commenting * Answer:

a Pham Mai Hoa. b Tran Phu street. c No, she doesn’t. d April 22 , 1989.

e.Drawing,outdoor activities & acting. Time:5ms

- Explaining the way to form the gerund


VI.Consolidation : Ask Ss to Time:3ms - summarize the general idea of the dialogue

- talk about their hobbies

V Home work : Ask Ss to Time:4ms - Learn by heart the vocabularies & the modal sentences

- Write about your study hobbies - Do exercise / 39 (workbook) - Prepare: Unit (Speak and listen)

Period 32 Preparation:31/10/2009 Teaching : 3/11 /2009




A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favors & respond for favors Helps Ss to practice in using modals to ask for favors; offer assistance & practice responding

I Knowledge: * Vocabulary : (to) unite, (to) hold hands , (to) shout out , (to) make a stand

* Grammar : Modals to ask for favors; offer assistance & responding II Skills: Practice speaking and listening

B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to go around the class & ask the other about their hobbies

- Example exchange:

S1: What is your hobby ?

S2: I enjoy drawing.

- Asks Ss to report & comments

Find someone who: Name

…enjoy drawing

…likes outdoor activities …takes part in sport …loves acting III.New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Speaking

1 Pre-speaking

- Asks Ss the meaning of the word FAVOR

( giúp đỡ, chiếu cố, ân huệ ) & asks Ss some questions:

a What you say to ask for a favor ? b When you ask for a favor ?

c How you say to respond a favor ? - Asks Ss to copy down the phrases


- Answering the meaning of the word & the questions:

a Can / could you help me ? Could you me a favor ? Can / could you ? b Need some helps.

c Certainly/of course / sure/ No problem

Ask for favor Responding for favor

- Can / could you help me, please ? - Could you me a favor ?

- I need a favor. - Can / could you …?

- Certainly / Of course / sure - No problem

- What can I for you ? - How can I help you ? - I’m sorry I’m really busy.

Offering assistance Responding to assistance

- May I help you ?

- Do you need any helps ? - Let me help you.

- Yes / No, thank you. - Yes, that very kind of you. - No, thank you I’m fine.

- Asks Ss to practice in groups & in pairs

- Checks S’s practicing & corrects the pronunciation

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Practicing & correcting the pronunciation

2 While-speaking

- Asks Ss to work in pairs(3a/P61,62) Using the expression in the box ( to ask for favor ) to fill in the blanks in the dialogue

- Corrects the pronunciation & comments

- Gives the new situation & asks Ss to work in pair to practice the dialogue between Mrs Ngoc & Hoa


- Working in pairs (exercise 3a/61,62)

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in pair to practice the dialogue between Mrs Ngoc & Hoa on page 55

- Answer key:


on page 55 “Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag,

but she ‘s hurt her arm so she need some helps”

- Corrects the pronunciation & comments

3 Post - speaking:

- Gives the situation and get Ss to make up Dialogue

Situation………… open the door. ………… borow your money.

c Could you help me with this math problem d Can you water the flowers in the garden ?


II Listening

1 Pre - listening:

- Sets the sence: Listen to a song a Vocab:

- Elicits the words => models times => gets Ss to repeat in chorul down to individually

- Writes Vocab on the board (to) unite: đoàn kết

(to) hold hands : nắm tay (to) shout out :la hét

(to) make a stand : làm cho… - Check vocab : What and where b Open- prection (on poster)

- Gets Ss to predict the missing words the song

2 While - listening:

- Asks Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

- Elicits Ss’ words

- Gives feedback to the whole class 1 unite, peace , right, love

5 north, south , of, world , show 10 place , 11 out , 12 stand , 13 world

c Post - listening:

- Asks Ss to practise singing

a song

Children of our land unite Let’s sing for peace Let’s sing for right Let’s sing for the love between North an South Oh, children of our land unite Children of the world hold hands Let’s show our love from place to place Let’s shout out loud Let’s make a stand Oh, children of the world hold hands

Time:5ms - Say the words

- Reapeat after T in chorus => individually

- Check vocab with T then write them down

- Predict the missing words Time:7ms

- Listen to the tape and check their prediction

- Speak aloud


- Practise singing a song

VI.Consolidation : Ask Ss to summarize the general idea of the dialogue Time:3ms V Home work : Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Learn the modals to ask for favors; offer assistance & practice responding

- Write about your study hobbies - Do exercises 1,4 / 38,41 (workbook) - Prepare: Unit (Read)

Period 33 Preparation : 31/10/2009 Teaching : /11/2009




A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some information about learn new word & answer the comprehension questions Helps Ss to read a text about how people learn new word

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary : citizenship ( unc-n ); fitness (unc-n); a businessman (n) coeducation (adj); voluntary (adj) (to) encourage ( v ) (to) establish ( v);

* Grammar :

II Skills: Practice reading B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking:Ask Ss to Time:4ms

- Learn the modals to ask for favors; offer assistance & practice responding III Ne w lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Pre-reading 1 Vocabulary:

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the picture

- Reads the words for the modal(3 times ) -Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

-Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

citizenship ( unc )quyền công dân fitness (unc-n):khoẻ mạnh

a businessman (n):thương gia

coeducation(adj) tḥc gd chung (nam,nữ) voluntary (adj):tình nguyện

(to) encourage :khuyến khích (to) establish ( v):thiết lập

-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words -checks : ROR

2 T / F statements prediction:

-Introduces the statements & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict

-Asks Ss to compare their prediction -Asks Ss to give their prediction

1 The Y&Y in Vietnam is similar to the Boy Scouts of America.

2 BSA is an organization of adults 3 BSA is mainly for boy.

4 Scouting program in each nation is the same.


- Repeating the words in chorus & in


- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation - Copying the words


- Working in pairs to predict. - Comparing their prediction -Giving their prediction *Answer key:


II While-reading 1 Presentation text:

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text & get some details of the content



- Asks Ss to check their prediction

- Introduces the content of the text & corrects S’s prediction & comments

2 Fill in: P1 – P57:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to fill in the missing date to the box

- Asks Ss to give the keys & corrects - Comments

3 Comprehension questions: P57.

- Introduces the questions and answer about the content of the text

- Asks Ss to give the keys by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects & comments * Questions:

a When did scouting begin in England ?

b What led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910 ?

c What are the scouting groups that girls can join ?

d What are the three aims of the scouting program ?

- Checking the prediction


- Filling in the missing date to the box - Giving the keys & corrects

* Answer key:

a 1907 b 1909 c 1910 d 1994.


-Working in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the dialogue

- Giving the keys give the keys by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting & commenting * Answer:

a Scouting began in England in 1907. b The meeting between a boy scout & Mr. William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910.

c Girls Guides Association & Camp Fire Boys & Girls.

d They are building character, good citizenship & personal fitness.

III Production: Discussion:

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups to discuss about the three aims of the scouting program

- Asks Ss to report their discussion -Comments


- Working in groups to discuss about the three aims of the scouting program

- Reporting their discussion

VI.Consolidation :(Production)

V Home work : Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Learn by heart the vocab

- practice reading the text

- Write the summary of the BSA(the aims of the Scouting program) - Do exercises 3,7 / 40,43 (workbook)

- Prepare Unit (write)

Week 12 Preparation : 7/ 11/2009 Period 34 Teaching : /11 /2009




A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter completely Helps Ss to practice in writing about a future plan

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary : (to) recycle; (to) register; a fund (n); a side walk (n);

nature resource(n). * Grammar : Form of a letter. II Skills: Writing

B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- write down some vocab

- practice reading the text and answer some questions

III New lesson: Time:4ms

Lucky numbers:

1 When did scouting begin in England ?

2.When was William Boyce introduced to scouting ? 3 LN.

4 How many scouts were there in America in 1994 ? 5 LN.

6 What are the scouting groups that girls can join ?

7 What are the three aims of the scouting program ?

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Pre- writing

1 Vocabulary:

-Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the picture

- Reads the words for the modal(3 times)

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

(to) recycle :tái chế (to) register: đăng kí a fund (n): g ũi , tiền gũi a side walk (n): vỉa hè

nature resource(n):nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên

-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words -Checks : what and where

2 Presentation text:

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the notice to get some details of the content

- Asks Ss to answer the questions: * Questions:

a.What members of Y&Y have to in the recycling program ?

b.What is the purpose of the program ?


- Repeating the words in chorus & in


- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words Time:5ms

- Reading the notice to get some details of the content

- Answering the questions

* Answer keys:

a.They have to collect glass, paper & cans to send them for recycling.


c.What other programs can members of the Y&Y participate in ?

- Corrects S’s answers & comments

& to earn money for the organization. c.Rising fund for the poor, helping street children, planting trees & flowers along the sidewalks or in the part.

II While-writing

Gap fill: P58

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to read the notice again & find out the suitable words to fill in the letter

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys

- Corrects S’s answers & comments


- Reading the notice again & finding out the suitable words to fill in the letter - Giving the answer keys

* Answer keys;

1 community; recycling; collect 4 send; recycling; save. 7 earn; participating; 9 planting; 10 helping. III Post - writing

Writing: Exercise – P59.

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue between Hoa & her aunt Then base on the dialogue, Ss write letters to their parents telling what Hoa is going to

- Asks Ss to give their letter - Corrects & comments


- Reading the dialogue between Hoa & her aunt Then base on the dialogue, Ss write letters to their parents telling what Hoa is going to

- Giving the letter

VI.Consolidation : Ask Ss to Time:4ms - give the form of a informal letter

V Home work : Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Learn by heart the vocab

- Write the summary of the BSA (the aims of the Scouting program) - Exercise: Rewrite a letter to Hoa’s parents

- Do exercises 5,6 / 42,43 (workbook) - Prepare Unit (language focus )

Period 35 Preparation: / 11/2009 Teaching :10/11 /2009




A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use simple present tense to talk about their future activities Helps Ss to further practice in simple present tense with future meaning; using gerund after “Love – Like – Don’t like - Hate”

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary : (to) unite; (to) hold hands; (to) shout out; (to) make a stand

* Grammar : Reported speech with commands; requests & advices.

II Skills: Practice reading B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III Ne w lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

1 Language focus 1:

a Pre teach vocab:

- Explains some words or phrases

- Gather to support cultural - sport programs: tập trung cổ vũ hoạt đợng văn hóa - thể thao - rest home: ( explanation a place where old or sick people are cared for ):

- Presents the model dialogue - Does concept check

? What tense we use in the dialogue.? ? When we use“where”,“ when”,“what” ? Is the date at present or in the future.?

2 Practice:

- Asks Ss to practise asking and answering about Y&Y activities programs by using the cues in textbook

- Calls on some pairs to speak aloud - Gives feedback


A: When they plant and water the trees along the street.?

B: On February 2.

A: Where they plant and waterthe trees.? B: In the city center streets.

A: What time they start and finish work.? B: They start at a.m and finish 10 a.m 2 Language focus 2:

- Elicits the parten T:What does Nga like.?

S:Nga likes drawing and she enjoy acting to. ? What is after”likes”

? What is after”enjoy”.

? What we call “ drawing” and “acting”. ? What is the form of “gerunds”.

? When we use “ gerunds”.


- Practise reading the words + phrases then write down

- Speak in pairs a - c in text book - Answer the question:

where to ask for place, when for date and what time for the time in the future Time:10ms

- Works in pairs

- Speak aloud


- Answer the question - S: drawimg

- : acting =>: gerund => V- ing

=> After some verbs: likes, love, enjoy, hate dislike


likes, love, enjoy, dislike, hate + V(ing) * Practise: Word Cue Drill.

- Asks Ss to make sentences a play soccer / volleyball b wach T.V / listen to music c read book / listen to music

d chat with friend / the housework Example:

a I like / love playing soccer and volleyball.

- Calls on some Ss to speak then write on the board

- Asks Ss to exercise on P 61 textbook - Gets Ss to write on the board

-Gives feedback 3 Language focus 3:

-Asks Ss to fill the expresions in dialogue s - Calls on some pairs to speak aloud

- Gives feedback

Keys: a……… buy a ticket for me. b ……… take me across the road. c…… help me with this math problem. d…… water the folwers in the garden. A: May I help you.?

……… A: Do you need any help? B: Let me help you.?

A: Yes, that’s very kind of you

- Do exercise individually

- Do exercise

- Write on the board Time:10ms

- Fill in the dialogue

- Practise the dialogue s in pairs

IV Consolidation:

V Home works: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Learn the grammar & the modal sentence

- Write exercises (language focus) intonoebook - Prepare for the 45 minute test

- Do exercise in workbook.- Revision Unit 4,5,6 to prepare one period test

Period 36 Preparation: / 11/2009 Teaching : 12/11/2009


A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review their knowledge what they learn from unit to unit6

I Knowledge:

II Skills: Practice writing and speaking B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III Ne w lesson

Teacher' activities Students' activities

- Asks Ss to remind the main grammar points from unit to unit

+ past simple + used to + preposition + reported speech - Gives the form:


Tell someone + to something Told

- Ask for a favor

- Asks Ss to ask for a favor (give situations) + should =>advise + model verb : may, can , could

+ adverb of manner

+ present tense with future meaning + gerund

- Gives feedback

- Asks Ss to exercise Exercise 1: verb form

1 It was cold yesterday so I (wear) a warm coat.

2 I (be) sad, my dog (die)

3 She used (do) everything by hand. 4 We are used to (get) up early. 5 The boy likes (play ) soccer after school.

6 My brother is good at (fix) things. 7 When I was young, I often ( spend) a lot of money.

Exercise 2: Put the verb into columms

hoped, agreed, raised, , stopped, practised, permitted, added, studied, cried, laughed /t/ / id / / d /

Time:10ms - Say aloud


- Do exercise in pairs 1 wore

2.was died 3 to 4 getting 5 playing 6 fixing 7 spent Time:8ms Exercise :2


Exercise3: Sentence trasformation

1 Ann dislikes travelling by plane. => Ann is not interested 2 She looked young and pretty => She 3 To go out at night is dangerous. => It is

Exercise 4: Rewrite these sentences.

a, “ Can you give Hoa this book ?” b, “Please repair my watch”

laughed studied Time:7ms

1 Ann is not interested in travelling by plane.

2 She was young and pretty 3.It is dangerous to go out at night. Time:7ms

Miss Lan asked Miss Tan told me

IV Consolidation

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Review the grammar that they have learnt - Prepare for one period test

Week 13 Preparation : 14 / 11/2009 Period 37 Teaching : 16 /11 /2009


I Knowledge:By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to - Consolidate what Ss have been learnt from Unit to Unit - Check Ss’ understanding and access them

II Skill: Practice Writing B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Not check

III Task: Time:42ms


I Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences.(3ms)

1 Jack is…… His jokes often make his friends laugh a lot

A generous B humorous C easy-going D unusual I’m sorry I’m not………to help you lift the table

A enough strong B too strong C strong enough D enough strength "Don’t shout", I said to Jim

A I told Jim don't shout

B I told to Jim not to shout C I said to Jim don't shoutD I told Jim not to shout

4 Life here is very ………

A peace B peacefully C peaceful D peacefulness

5 Our teacher asked us ……… in class

A not to talk B to not talk C no talk D without talking

6 Yesterday I came ………… your brother when I was going to school

A on B of C about D across

II Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.(2ms)

1 They (watch) their favorite TV programs at the moment They ( arrive) in New York yesterday?

I haven’t met him since he ( move ) to Ho Chi Minh City My mother is tired enough ( cook) tonight

III Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before (3ms)

1 ‘Can I borrow your bike, Nga?’, Nam asked

2 “You should stay in bed for a few days ” The doctor said to me

………… ……… “Could you give me a hand ” My brother told me

……… ………

IV Read the following passage and choose the best answer.(2ms)


Learning another language! Learning English! Why all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects They study their own language, and mathematics and English ( In England , or America , or Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English and mathematics and another language , perhaps French , or German , or Spanish )

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work Teenagers often learn English for their high studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or university Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English

1 According to the writer ,………

A only adults learn English B no children like learning English

C English is only useful to teenagers D English is popular in much of the world

2 Many people learn English by ………

A watching videos only B hearing the language in the office C talking with the film star D working hard on their lesson

3 Many boys and girls learn English because ………

A English can give them a job B it's included in their study courses

C their parents make them D they have to study their own language

4 In America or Australia many school children study………

A English as a foreign language B English and Mathematics only

C such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish D their own language and no foreign language

5 Many adults learn English because…

A their work is useful B they want to go abroad C most of their books are in English D it helps them in their work


I Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences.(3ms)

1 Jack is…… His jokes often make his friends laugh a lot

A humorous B generous C easy-going D unusual I’m sorry I’m not………to help you lift the table

A enough strong B strong enough C too strong D enough strength "Don’t shout", I said to Jim

A I told Jim don't shout B I told Jim not to shout

C I said to Jim don't shout D I told to Jim not to shout

4 Life here is very ………

A peace B peaceful C peacefully D peacefulness

5 Our teacher asked us ……… in class

A to not talk B not to talk C no talk D without talking

6 Yesterday I came ………… your brother when I was going to school

A of B on C about D across

II Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.(2ms)

1 The teacher asked me ( not make) noise in class


3 His doctor advised him ( give) up smoking

Look at those black clouds It (rain)

III Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before (3ms) “ You should practice speaking English every day.” My teacher said to me


2 “Can you help me with my work? ”Minh said to her sister


3 “Could you give me a hand ” My brother told me


IV Read the following passage and choose the best answer.(2ms)

Every year students in many countries learn English Some of these students are young children Others are teenagers Many are adults Some learn at school, others study by themselves A few learn English just by hearing the language, in film, on television, in the office, or among their friends But not many are lucky enough to that Most people must work hard to learn another language

Learning another language! Learning English! Why all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects They study their own language, and mathematics and English ( In England , or America , or Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English and mathematics and another language , perhaps French , or German , or Spanish )

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work Teenagers often learn English for their high studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or university Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English

1 According to the writer ,………

A only adults learn English B no children like learning English

C English is only useful to teenagers D English is popular in much of the world

2 Many people learn English by ………

A watching videos only B hearing the language in the office C talking with the film star D working hard on their lesson

3 Many boys and girls learn English because ………

A English can give them a job B it's included in their study courses

C their parents make them D they have to study their own language

4 In America or Australia many school children study………

A English as a foreign language B English and Mathematics only

C such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish D their own language and no foreign language

5 Many adults learn English because…

A their work is useful B they want to go abroad C most of their books are in English D it helps them in their work

IV Consolidation

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time: 2ms - Prepare: Correcting one test


Teaching : 17/11 /2009


A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know their mistakes II.Skill: Practice listening

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m

-Checking attendence 8a 8b 8c II.Checking: Not check

III.New lesson:

Teacher/ s activities Students/ activities -T observes and corrects their mistakes of one tes

Test A

I Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences.(3ms)

1b 2c 3d 4c 5a 6b

II Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.(2ms)

are watching Did they arrive moved to cook

III Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before (3ms)

Nam asked Nga to borrow him her bike

The doctor said I should stay in bed for a few days My brother asked me to give him a hand

IV Read the following passage and choose the best answer.(2ms)

1d 2d 3b 4c 5d

Test B

I 1a 2b 3b 4b 5b 6a II not to make playing

to give is going to rain III

1 My teacher said I should practice speaking English Minh asked her sister to help him with his work My brother asked me to give him a hand

IV 1d 2d 3b 4c 5d - T corrrects their mistakes


-Ss Listen and check their mistakes

-Ss listen and correct the sentences


-Ss Listen and check their mistakes

-Ss listen and correct the sentences

IV Consolidation

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time: 4ms - Prepare: Unit 7(Getting started + listen and read)


Teaching :19 /11 /2009 Unit MY NEIGHBORHOOD

Getting started + listen and read

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about one’s neighborhood I.Knowledge: Neighborhood vocab

II.Skills: Practice speaking, reading, listening B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Not check III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up: Matching (getting started) and guessing game

- Asks Ss to match the name of places with the pictures

- Gives feedback

There is a in my neighborhood Is there a ? II Presentation

- Sets the scene

1 vocab:

- Elicits the words, models , get Ss to repeat - Writes on the board


+ wet market (n): chợ cá tươi sống + pancake (n): bánh rán

+ tasty (adj) : ngon , hợp vị + serve (v): phục vụ

- Check vocab: What and where

2 Presentation dialogue.

- Gets Ss to listen to the tape

- Gets Ss to practise reading in pairs

- Calls on pairs to demonstrate before class

3 Check comprehension.

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue again and complete the sentences in task P.64

- Elicits the model sentences

- Writes on the board => does concept check

4 Model sentenses.

We ,ve been here since last week

We’ve lived here for about 10 years Present perfect tense (We’ve = we have )

* Note: Since : mốc thời gian (xác định )

Time :4 ms

- Make the name of places with the pictures , choose one of the places they have mentioned

Time: ms

- Say the words , repeat in choru down to individually

Time :6 ms

-Check vocab with T,write down - Look at the book, listen to the tape - Pairs work

- Role play before class Time :4 ms

- Do task2 on P.64 textbook - Say the model

Time: ms


For : khoảng thời gian (chưa xác định) III Practice: words cue drill.

1 The Robinson’s / live/ Ha Noi/ 2001 They/ be/ on holiday/last week 3.They/ be/Hue/ days

4 They/ be / Ho Chi Minh city/ yesterday Example:

The Robinson’s have lived in Ha Noi since 2001. .

IV Production:

- Asks Ss to language focus P.69 textbook Keys: b have not eaten

c have not seen d have attended e has workd f has collected

Time: ms

- make sentences using present perfect tense with for /since

- been to Hue

Time: ms - Do exercise

IV Consolidaion : Ask Ss to Time :4 ms - Recalls the form of present perfect tense

V Homework: Ask Ss to Time; ms - Learn by heart vocab and the present perfect tense

- Write sentences , using : the present perfect tense - Do exercises 1,2/44 (workbook)

- Prepare Unit ( speak + listen)


Period 40 Teaching : 23/11/2009 Unit MY NEIGHBORHOOD

Speak and Listen

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about sending a letter or a parcel by airmail or surface mail at the post office and Ss will be able to listen to the advertisement and fill in the missing words in it

I.Knowledge: Neighborhood vocab

II.Skills: Skill : speaking, listening, reading B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking: Ask Ss to Time:4ms

- Write down some vocab

- Make the sentences , using : the present perfect tense III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Speaking

1 Pre- speaking

a Pre- teach vocab:

- Elicits the words , models ,gets Ss to repeat - Writes on the board

+ parcel (n): bưu phẩm

+ airmail (n): thư gửi đường hàng không + surface mail (n): thư gửi đường bợ , thủy + charge (v, n): cước phí

- Check vocab: R O R

b Presentation dialogue.(P.64,65 ) - Gives Ss some questions

a what does Mrs Kim want to do.? b How much is airmail.?

c.Which is cheaper airmail or surface mail.? d Does Mr Kim send the parcel airmail.? Why - Give feedback to the whole class

2 While - speaking:

Mapped dialogue

- Can / help / you? want / send/ this - You want/ send/ this

Airmail/ serface mail surface mail,please How much ? I/ weight/ It/20/ gram/

800 VND Here/ you You / welcome * Example exchange:

S1: can I help you?

S2: I want to send this letter to QuangTri.

S1: Do youwant to send it airmail or surfce mail. S2: Surface mail please How much is it.?


- Say the words , listen to T ,repeat in choral down to individually

- Check vocab with T then write them down


- Read the dialogue in pairs - Answer the questions a to send a parcel b 32.500VND c surface mail

d No, she doesn’t.Becuse it’s expensive


- Practise the dialogue


S1: I’ll weight it It’s 20 gram That’s 800 VND. S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you.

S2: You are well come Post - speaking:

- Asks Ss to compare airmail to surface mail - the information in table in P.65 textbook

- Make model first

- Ex: surface mail in not as expensive as airmail The price of airmail is different from (not the same as)the price of surface

II Listening

1 Pre- listening:

a Pre- teach vocab:

- Elicits the words, models ,gets Ss to repeat - Writes on the board

+ English speaking contest :thi nói tiếng Anh + the newcomer: người

+ cultural house: nhà văn hóa

+ Town ground: sân vận động thành phố

b T / F statement prediction (poster) task on P.66 text book

2 While - listening:

* Asks Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

Key: a T , b T c F d T e T f no

* Gets Ss to listen to the tape again and fill the missing information in each of the advertisemen ( listening on P 65 textbook)

- Give feedback Keys: Town Ground

English speaking contest Culture House.

3.Post - listening:

- Asks Ss to write about the advertisement “ what is

on this week”.

Ex: There’s the newcomer at Milllan Cinenma There are two performances on Monday and Sunday from to p.


- Make sentences then write on the board


- Say the words , listen to T , repeat in chorul down to individually - copy down

- Precdiction T/ of F


* Listen to the tape then check their precdiction

* listen and fill in the gaps



V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms

- Learn by heart vocab - Practise speaking at home

- Do exercises 5,7/46,47 (workbook) - Prepare Unit 7( read )


Teaching : 24/11 /2009 Unit MY NEIGHBORHOOD


A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can get some information about a new shopping Mall Helps Ss to read a text about Tran Phu Shopping Mall

I.Knowledge: Neighborhood vocab

* Vocabulary : a shopping mall ( n ); a roof ( n ); convenient (adj); air-conditioner (n); product (n); discount

* Grammar : None

II.Skills: Practice reading

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II.Checking: Jumbled word Time:5ms ketsupremar = supermarket reots rycegro = grocery store.

Kobosreto = bookstore ranttestrau = restaurant.

- Corrects & comments III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Pre- reading: - Sets the scene

1 Pre- teach vocab:

- Elicits the words, models ,gets Ss to repeat - Writes on the board

+ shopping mall (n):trung tâm thương mại + convenient (adj): tiện nghi

+ air- conditioned: máy lạnh + product (n) sản phẩm + discout (v): giảm giá Check vocab: R O R

2 T / F statement prediction (poster)

Task on P.68 text book II While - reading:

1 Presentation the text

- Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Key: a F , b F , c F , d T , e T

2 Questions

- Asks Ss to read the text and answer the question Question a- d on P.68 textbook - Calls on a S to write the answers on the board 2 Ss to read the text aloud

* Questions:

a What is special about the new shopping mall ?


- Say the words , listen to T , repeat in choral down to individually

- Check vocab with T then write them down Time:5ms

- Precdiction T/ of F Time:9ms

- Listen to the tape then check their precdiction


- listen and fill in the gaps

Answer keys:

a It’s different from the present shopping area All the shops are under the roof So customers will shop in comfort & won’t notice the weather, especially in the hot & humid summer months.


b What facilities are available in the shopping mall ?

c What the small store owners think about the new shopping mall ?

d What kinds of goods will the stores in the mall offer ?

- Give feedback III Post - reading:

Write it up:

- Introduces the topic & asks Ss to work in individual to write about the shopping mall

- Asks Ss to report their writing & comments

stores, movies theaters & 10 restaurants. There’s also a children’s play area

c They think the mall will take their business

d The stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of products, some goods are at the lower prices.


- Working in individual to write about the shopping mall

- Reporting their writing & commenting

IV Consolidtion

V Homeworks: Asks Ss to: Time:5ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Practice reading the text

- Do exercise 3/45 (workbook)

- Prepare : Unit 7(write)some information about the English speaking contest


Teaching : 26/11/2009 Unit MY NEIGHBORHOOD


A Objectives :By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a notice & use some adjectives to make comparison Helps Ss to practice in writing a notice & make comparison by using adjectives: like; the same as; different from

I Knowledge

* Vocabulary : a resident (n) an effect (n); a hardware store (n) (to) contact (to) hold.

* Grammar : Comparison with adjectives: like;the same as; different from. II Skills : Practice writing

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greeting Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Asks Ss to: Time:5ms - Write down some vocab

- Read the text and answer some questions III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Pre-writing

1 Vocabulary:

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the picture

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

a resident (n) : dân cư an effect (n) : ảnh hưởng

a hardware store (n) : đồ ngũ kim (to) contact : gặp (to) hold : thơng báo

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

2 Recall

- Helps Ss to listen to the notice & asks them to answer the questions & retell the notice by their own words

* Questions:

a Who are concerned about the new shopping mall ?

b What will they to discuss the situation?

3 Comprehension questions:

- Introduces the questions & ask Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the notice

- Asks Ss to give the keys - Corrects & comments * Questions:


- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


- Listening to the notice & answering the questions then retelling the notice by their own words

* Answer keys:

a The residents & the store owners. b They will hold a community meeting.


-Working in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the notice

- Giving the keys give the keys by asking & answering in pairs


a Who hold the meeting ?

b What is the purpose of the meeting ? c What is the date/ time of the meeting ? d What is the place of the meeting ? e Who is the person to contact ?

a Tran Phu residents & store owners. b To discuss the effect of the new mall. c On May 20 At p.m.

d Binh’s hardware store, 12 Hnag Da Street

e Mr Pham Van Tai. II While- writing

* Presentation text: P2-P68.

- Introduces & Asks Ss to read the text - Checks S’s reading

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the notice

The school English speaking club.

Holding a speaking contest to celebrate the Teacher’s Day.

Date: November 15

Time: 7.30 a.m to 10.00 a.m Place: Hall 204, Building G.

Please contact: Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H at the above address for more information - Asks Ss to give the keys

- Corrects & comments

Time:10ms - Reading the text

- Correcting the pronunciation

II.Post - writing Write it up:

- Asks Ss to work in individual to write a short notice about their class picnic

- Asks Ss to compare their writing with their friend’s

- Asks Ss to give their writing - Corrects & comments


- Working in individual to write a short notice about their class meeting

- Comparing their writing with their friend’s

- Giving their writing

* Example: Our class is going to have a


IV.Consolidtion: Asks Ss to Time:4ms - summarize the general idea of the text

V Home works: Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the notices - Do exercises 4,6/45 (workbook) - Prepare the exercise: 1-2-3-4 for the language focus


Period 43 Teaching : 30/11/2009 Unit MY NEIGHBORHOOD

Language Focus

A Objectives : Helps Ss to the way to use the Present perfect with For & Since; comparison with Like; (not) as…as; (not) the same as; different from By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use these grammars completely

I Knowledge:

* Vocabulary : None.

* Grammar : Present perfect with FOR & SINCE;

Comparison with like; (not) as…as; (not) the same as;

different from.

II Skills: Practice writing B Procedures :

I Settlement: - Greeting : Time:1m - Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking

III New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students' activities

I Presentation

Present perfect with for and since : S + have /has + Vpp + for/since … * for : a period of time

* since : a point of time Comparison with : like,(not) as……as; (not)the same as; different from


- Recall the way to use the present perfect & comparison

II Practice :

1 Matching:

Be * * gone Go * * lived Eat * * attended Live * * been Attend * * eaten see * * collected

do * * seen write * * done work * * written collect * * worked - Corrects & comments

Complete the expressions Use for or since …… five minutes; …………January

……….1990; …… the summer ……….three hours; ……… 10 weeks ………….Friday; ……… 20 years

3 Complete the sentences Use the present


- Ss match


- Complete the expressions

for five minutes; since January since 1990; since the summer

for three hours; for 10 weeks since Friday; for 20 years


perfect form of the verbs in the brackets :

a,I have lived here since last week (live)

b,We………in that restaurant for two years. (not eat)

c, I…………her since yesterday.(not see)

d, They …… Quang Trung School since last year.(attent)

e, My dad ………for his company for 20 years. (work)

f, Ba ……… stamps since 1995.(collect) - Corrects & comments

4 Look at the pictures Complete the sentences Use the words in the box

different expensive cheap modern long same large

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the sentences using the adjectives given

- Asks Ss to compare the keys

- Asks Ss to give the keys by role play the dialogue

a The magazine is not as large as the newspaper.

b Lipton tea is different from Dilmah tea. c.The red dictionary is … the blue dictionay d.The bag on the left is … the bag on the right e The toy cat is……… the toy dog

f Hoa’s backpack is …… Lan’s backpack. g The snake is ………… the rope

h The pocket-watch is …… the wristwatch. i The ruler is …………the eraser

- Corrects & comments

- Complete the sentences : have lived

have not eaten have not seen have attented has worked has collected


- Working in pairs to complete the

sentences using the adjectives given - Comparing the keys & give the keys by role play the dialogue

- Correcting the pronunciation

a not as large as

b different from c more expensive d as the same as e as cheap as f different from g as long as h not as modern as i not as cheap as III Production

Complete the dialogue between Ba and Tom Use the form of the verbs in the box.

- Calls some pairs to practice

Time:6ms - Work in pairs

IV Consolidation :

V.Homework : Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Study the grammar & the modal sentence

- Prepare Unit (Getting started + listen and read.)



Getting started + listen and read

A Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the city life and country life

I Knowledge : Present progressive to talk about the changes II Skill s : speaking, listening, reading

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: Greeting Time:1m

Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: (No) III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Warm up:

play a game (Possible ideas)

- Devides the class into groups, ask them go to the board to make lists of things in the city and thing in the country

City Country

Noisy Tall buidings Kinds of good Entertainments Tracffic Pollution village

Crowded Sport – cultural Busy

Beautiful fresh air friendly fresh food quiet field harvest broning - Lead in the new lesson

1 Presentation:

a Pre- teach vocab:

- Elicits the words=> models =>gets Ss to repeat - Writes vocabulary on the board + relative ( ex:unles, aunts, counsin):hàng xóm + peaceful( synonym: quiet and calm)hồ bình + entertainment (n): giải trí

+ facility : sở vật chất

+permamently: vỉnh viễn , mãi + accessible: (adj) chấp nhận được + change for the better: thay đổi tốt - Check vocab: R O R

b Presentation the dialogue.

- Calls on pairs to demonstrate before class - Gives feedback

* Task 2(P.73- textbook) a – e (poster) - Gets Ss to answer the questions Key:

a Kim Liem village.


- Write on the board


-Say the words => repeat in chorus down to individually



b She was there for the weekend.

c To her, the countryside is peaceful and qiuet and there is nothing to do.

d There is no libraries, no viovies , no supermakets no zoos…

e country life is becoming better Mary remote area are getting electricity ,peoplecan have things like refergratirs T.V medical facilities aes more acvessible.

f Ss answers. c Model sentences

- Elicits the model ,practises reading for Ss,writes on the board

a Things are changing in the countryside.

b Life in the provinces is changing for the better. => Present continous tenses talk about the change 2 Practice: Words Cue Drill.

a air/ city/ get/ polluted.

b many lakes / rives / become/ dry c weather / get / worse

d Grandmother / get / older

Ex: The air in the city is getting polluted. - Calls on Ss to speak aloud

- Gives feedback 3 Further practice: Discussion:

- Asks Ss to works in groups to discuss the question: “ Do you prefer to live in the city or in the country side?” why?

- Calls on presentatives to show their ideas before class

- Pairs works (One ask- ones nswer)

Time:6ms - Say the model


- Speak aloud , some Ss write sentences on the board


- Discuss in groups

- Talk aloud IV Consolidaion (Further practice)

V Homework: Ask Ss to Time:5ms

- Write completed sentences in part practice : wors cue into notebook,and write a prapagraph which they discuss above into note book

- Do exercises 31,2/49,50 (workbook) - Prepare “ Speak”

=> Noice to Ss protect invironment ( supply in part consolidaion ) Both city life anf country life have advantages and disadvantages Wherever you live, the most important thing is to keep our enviromment clean , to be friendlly to other people to help the srroundinggs


Speak and Listen

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the changes of their town, village or neighborhood and be able to get information about an arrangement

I Knowledge : Present progressive to show changes with “get” and “become” II Skills : speaking, listening, reading

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: Greeting Time:1m Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Ask Ss to Time:5ms

- Make a list which can the city life and country life

- Answer the question: Do you prefer the city or country.? why? III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Speaking: 1 Pre - speaking:

- Asks Ss to remind what Hoa said about the country side nowaday.?

-Writes on the board

a Things are changing in the countryside. b Many remote areas are getting electricity. c Life in the proviness is changing for the better. - Reminds Ss of how to use the present proressive in the sentences above

2 While - speaking - Asks Ss to look at pictures on P.74 ( textbook) then work in groups to find out the differences b/w pictures

- Elicits Ss’ ideas - Gives feedback

a House: small/ tall/ big

b Meams of transport: bikes/ motobikes/ cars c Street: quite/ busy/ noisy

d Shop: a lot of shops / good/ prices

e Childent: Many not go to school/ go to school. f Enviroment: trees/park

Ex: Fine years ago, the town was quite but now it is becoming noisy and busy.

3 Post- speaking:

- Asks Ss to work in groups to write about the change of their, village or neighborhood II Listening:

1 Pre- listening:

+ Open drecdiction

- Asks Ss to guess missing words in the dialogue

2 While - listening:

- Asks Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction


- Say the sentences aloud

Time:8 ms

- Works in groups find out the differences b/w these pictures

- Ss to work pair to talk each other

Ex: Fine years ago , house were small but now they are getting tall and big.


- Write about the change of their, village or neighborhood


- Guess the missing works Time:10ms


- Gives feedback

Missing words:

that this It’s where

from coming week arriving Thursday 10 late 11 afternoon

12 speak 13 Moon 14 get

- Call on Ss to demonstate the dialogue

3 Post - listening:

- Call on Ss to demonstate the dialogue

- Read the dialogue aloud

Time:3ms IV Consolidaion :

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:4ms

- Practise speaking at home

- Write sentences about differences b/w pictures in textbook - Do exercise 3/ 50 in workbook

- Prepare: Unit (read)



A Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about one of the social problems

I Knowledge: Problems of big cities II Skills : speaking, listening, reading B Procedures:

I Settlement: Greeting Time:1m

Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Ask Ss to Time:5ms

- Do exercise in work book on P.79 III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Warm up: Chatting

a Why people want to go to the city.? b what problems will happen when so many people move to the cities.?

- Lead in the new lesson 1 Pre- reading:

a Pre teach vocab:

- Elicits => models => gets Ss to repeat=> writes on the board

* Vocab:

+rural area > < urban area : + struggle (v): đấu tranh + flood(n): lụt lội

+drought (n): hạn hán +destroy(n): phá huỷ +overcrowding : đông đúc +strain(n): tải(dân số) Ex: strain on schools on hospitals: + tragedy: bi kịch

- Check R O R

b Open prediction: gaps - filling

- Hangs the poster of task at P 75 in textbook and asks Ss to predict

2 While - reading:

a Act1: Asks Ss to read the text and check their


- Elicits Ss’ answer

leaving home city rural city problems school hospitals problem

- Calls on some Ss to read the text aloud

b Act2: task 2(P.75 textbook) : Finding

- Asks Ss to read the text again and task2 - Elicit Ss’ words

- Gives feedback


+ Answer the question


- Say the words, listen then repeat in chorus down to individually

- Ss Write them on their book


- Check vocab with T then write them down

- Predict the messing words Time:11ms

- Read the text and check their prediction

- Read the aloud

- Read the text again and work in their pattners


a rural b plentiful c increase d strain e tragedy f urban 3 Post - reading:


- Give a situtation: If you were minister,

“ what would you for farmers”

- Asks Ss to works in groups to discuss


- Works in groups and discussion Possible answers:

+ Build streets, theaters, stadium in the country.

+ Build schools, hospitals.

+ Provide clean water, electricity, facilities.

+ Build factories. IV.Consolidaion :

V Homework: : Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Learn practise writing these words: typhoon, drought, flood, overcrowding - Do exercise 3/ 50 in workbook

- Prepare : Unit : Write

Period 47 Preparation : 4/ 12 /2009 Teaching : /11 /2009 Unit COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE


A Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write letters to their friend about their neigborhood

I Knowledge: Format of an informal , letter II Skills : speaking, listening, reading

B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Read the text and translate into write

III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Warm up: Chatting Questions:

a Have you ever written a letter.?

b How often you write to your friends.? c How many section are there in a letter.? - Lead in the new lesson

I Pre- writing * Act1: Asks Ss to put the out line for an informal letter in the correct oder

- Gives feedback

Heading : + writer s addess + Date

+ Dear Opening

Body of the letter. Closing

* Act 2: Asks Ss and answer the questions.

- Asks Ss to works in pairs to ask and answer the question at P 76 ( task - textbook)

II While- writing - Asks Ss to work individually to practice writing a letter to a friends,using the answer the question above III Post- writing

- Sharing and comparing

- Chooses a letter and gives feedback on it


+ Answer the question

Time:6ms * Act1 :

- Work individually

* Act 2: Work in pairs to ask and answer each other


- Work individually


- Share and compare their letters with their parters

IV Consolidaion :

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms

- Write the letter into notebook

- Do exercise 4,5,6/ P.51 in workbook - Prepare “Unit 8”: Language focus

Period 48 Preparation : 4/ 12 /2009 Teaching :10/12 /2009 Unit COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE


A Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able use comparetive and superlative adjectivies and present progressive tense with “get” and “become” -

I Knowledge : comparision and present progressive tense II Skills : speaking, listening, reading

B Procedures

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c II Checking: Ask Ss to Time:5ms

- read the text and translate into write III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Present progressive tense:

1 Language focus 2:

- Gets Ss to remind the structure of present progressive

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue using present progressive

- Elicits Ss’ answer Answer keys:

1 am doing am watching am going 4 are cleaning am having

2 Language focus 1:

- Gives some words in this exercise + Ship name :tàu

+ destination: điểm đến

+ time of departure: chạy , xuất phát + status:tình trạng

+ revised time: sửa lại + origin:gốc xuất phát

- Asks Ss to role play the dialogue in textbook - Gets Ss to make similar dialogue use the shipping information

- Calls on some pairs to speak aloud - Gives feedback

II Comparision

3 Language focus

- Asks Ss to remind the struture


S + tobe + adj becoming

- Does concept check

- Asks Ss to exercise in book at p 78


- Remind the present progresive

Answer keys:

1 am doing am watching , am going

4 are cleaning am having Time:7ms

- Write them down

- Role play the dialogue in textbook


- Remind the struture

- Say the use and the meaning ( to say the change – meaning: trở nên , trở thành)

- Do exercise in book at p 78 b The old men is getting weak c We should go home It is getting dark


4 Language focus 4,5

- Gives introduction

Comparision b/w the city and the countryside using the given words in book

- Elicit the model sentences - Asks Ss to wrire sentences

- Calls some Ss to write on the board - Gives feedback

cleaner. Time:8ms

- Say the model sentence Ex: The food in the city is more expensive than the food in the city. - Make sentences

- Write on the board

IV Consolidaion : Ask Ss to Time:4ms - remind the structures of present progressive and comparision

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms

- Write the letter into notebook - Do exercises in textbook on P.51 - Prepare : Revision

Week 17 Preparation : 12/12/2009 Period 49 Teaching : 14/12/2009 REVISION


I Knowlege: Present Progressive , The simple present, simple past tense, Used to., Enough.+ adj +to +v-inf

II Skills: Practice writing, speaking B Procedures:

I Settlement : -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III New lesson


I Presentation: -Recalls the fofm ,the use, the meaning by asking some questions

What you offten in the morning? What are you doing?

What did you last night?

+ The form:

1.The simple present Form : S+ V-es/s

Use : Tell the truth.

- Talking about the general truth

EX : The sun rises in the east - Future meaning

EX : When they empty garbage ? 2.Be going to ( to talk about intention) 3.The simple past tense

Form : S+ V-ed.

Use : to talk events ,actions which finished

4.Used to

Form : S+ Used to + V-infinitive.

Use : to talk about past habit which are now finished.

5 Enough.+ adj +to +v-infi :

II Practice: 1 Put the verbs in the correct tense

Asks Ss to put the verbs in the correct tense a In 1890 they … ( speak ) English.

b Yesterday,She… (eat) noodles

c Tomorrow I… be) going to go to the cinema with you.

d.Hoa used to… (take) her child to school. e….he use to… (play) football ?

Yes, he did.

f The sun … (rise) in the east 2 Rewrite these sentences -Asks Ss to rewrite these sentences She is strong She can carry this bag.

a The fire is not hot It will not boil a kettle b It is warm We can go swimming.

Students' activities Time:10ms

- Listen and answer the questions in dividually

I offten go to school in the morning? I am going to school.you doing? I watched TV last night

- Copy down the form


- Work in individually to to put the verbs in the correct tense

a spoke b ate

c am d.take e Did –play f rises Time:8ms

- Ss work in in individually to rewrite these sentences


c He is young He can go far alone

3 Write the complete sentences:

- Introduces the requirement & the exercise & Asks Ss to work in pairs to write the complete sentences

- Asks Ss to compare the keys - Asks Ss to give the keys - Corrects & comments * Cues:

a Hoa / like / learn English.

b she/ study/ this foreign language / nearly 3 years.

c She / always / want / improve her English. d last week / she / buy / English-Vietnamese


e She / often / use / it / for reading.

III Production

- Corrects & comments

b.The fire is not hot enough.to boil a kettle

c.It is warm enough for us to.go swimming.

d.He is young enough to go far alone Time:8ms

-Work in pairs to write the complete sentences

- Compare the keys & Giving the keys - Correct the keys & the mistakes

* Answer keys:

a .Hoa likes learning English. b She has studied this foreign language for nearly years.

c She always wants to improve her English.

d Last week she bought an English-Vietnamese dictionary. e She often uses it for reading.

IV Consolidaion : Ask Ss to Time:5ms - Asks Ss to summarize the lesson

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms

- Review all what you learned in units 1- 4 - Prepare : Revision

Period 50 Preparation : 12/12/2009 Teaching : 15/12/2009 REVISION

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remain knowledge from unit to unit


II Skills: Practice writing, speaking B Procedures:

I Settlement : -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c II Checking:

III New lesson

Teacher's activities

I Presentation: -Recalls the fofm ,the use, the meaning by asking some questions

How long have you learn English? What is the weather like?

+ The form:

1.The present perfect Form : S+ have/ has +P2. 2.The present progressive tense

Form : S+ is/am /are +V-ing

Use : to talk about the future and to show the changes with get and become

3 Comparative and superlative a Comparative:

+ Short adj + ER + than +More + Long adj +than b Superlative:

+The + Short adj + EST +The most + Long adj .

4 Should / Ought to/ Must +V-inf.

5 Ask/said / told +S.o +to something II Practice

1 Put the verbs in the correct tense

Asks Ss to put the verbs in the correct tense a She asks me …(buy) a book.

b Linh told me ….(meet) Tom at here.

c Miss Chau said “You should ….(leart) lesson at home”.

d They…(live ) in VH since 2000 e You ….(live ) in VH for years 3 She …just….(eat) cakes. 4 …You….(see) him?

5 Yes,I (see) him yesterday. 6 The summer is the…(hot) in VN 7 Winter is the….(cold) in VN

8 This bike is ….(expensive) than that bike.

2 Rewrite these sentences

-Asks Ss to rewrite these sentences

a “ Please lend me your dictionary, Lan” said Hoa.

Students' activities Time:10ms

- Listen and answer the questions in dividually

I have learnt English since 2000. It is cold and colder.

- Copy down the form and give examples

I have learnt English since 2003 She has lived in VH for years The men are getting clever The rivers are becoming dry

I am taller than Hoa.

I am more beautiful than Hoa. She is the tallest girl

Hoa is the most beautiful girl in my class


- Work in individually to put the verbs in the correct tense

a to buy b to meet c leart d have lived e have lived f has eaten g Have….seen h Saw

i Hottest j Coldest

k More expensive Time:9ms

- Ss work in in individually to rewrite these sentences


b.“Can you help me with my homework?” Minh said to her sister.

c “You should practice EL every day” the teacher said me.

3 Asks Ss to put the letter in the order of a letter.

1.Dear Lan, 2 Your friend.

3 Next Sunday Father will drive Mom and me to DS Water Park

4 99 Le loi street

5 Please let me know whether you can go 6 Can you join us?

7 Mai Huong.

8 December 14,2004.

9 We can stop at your house at about 8.30 to pick you up.

10 Ho chi minh city

Keys: 4-10-8-1-3-6-9-5-2-7

2 Minh asked her sister to help her with her homeworl.

3 The teacher asked me.to practice EL every day


- Ss work in in individually to put the letter in the order of a letter

IV Consolidaion : Ask Ss to Time:4ms - Asks Ss to summarize the lesson

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms

- Review all what you learned in units - 8 - Prepare : Revision

Period 51 Preparation : 12/12/2009 Teaching : 17/12/2009 REVISION

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to remain knowledge from in the first term


II Skills: Practice writing, speaking B Procedures:

I Settlement : -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities

- Gives exercises and asks Ss to

- Gets them to share their answers with their partners - Elicits the answers and corrects

- Introduces the requirement & the exercise & Asks Ss to work in pairs to write the complete sentences

- Asks Ss to compare the keys - Asks Ss to give the keys - Corrects & comments

Exercise 1: choose the best answer.

1.Mary will… here at the Chrismas( is, be, are, been).

2.I am lucky… to study abroad ( that, so, as, enough)

3.Wait… the traffice lights are green ( untill, when, after, before)

4 I am going to the… to buy some foot for my family ( grocery store, stadium, drugstore, exhibition)

5 A dog is not the same… a cat ( as, like, so, than) 6 I prefer to live in the countryside because it is….It is not as noisy as the city ( peaceful, beautiful, fresh, friendly)

Exercise 2: Sentence transformation 1 An likes travelling by plane.

=> Ann is interested……… 2 Do you want to leave her a message? => Would you………?

3 The dress was short Loan couldn’t wear it.

=> The dress was not long……… 4 Nam spent 20 minutes writing a letter. => It took………. Exercise 3: verb form

1 My sister is old enough ( go )… to school by herself.

2 They prefer ( travel ) … by plane

3 Did you use to ( swim ) …… in the morning. 4 I (wait)… for her since yesterday.

- Do exercise individually – then in pairs

-Work in pairs to write the complete sentences

- Compare the keys & Giving the keys

- Correct the keys & the mistakes Time:15ms

1 be 2 enough 3 untill

4 grocery store 5 as

6 peaceful


1 Ann is interested in travelling by plane

2 Would you like to leave her a message?

3 The dress was not long enough for Loan to wear.

4 It took Nam 20 minutes to write a letter


V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Review all what you learned in units 1- 8

- Prepare : Revision

Week 18 Preparation : 20/12/2009 Period 52 Teaching : 21/12/2009 REVISION

A Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to remain knowledge from in the first term


B Procedures:

I Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III New lesson

Teacher’ activities Students’ activities

- Gives exercises and asks Ss to

- Gets them to share their answers with their partners

- Elicits the answers and corrects

I Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.

1.He spent two hours………….his room A cleaning B cleans C clean D have cleaned

2 Have you………… been to France? A yet B already C ever D still My sister is……….than yours

A young B younger C more young D more younger

4 Lee…………this town two weeks ago

A left B leaves C is leaving D will leave

5 Peter is good ………….maths

A for B out C in D at She has studied English……… years

A in B for C from D but

7 It’s very kind………you to help me

A for B off C to D of City life is different ………country life A from B to C of D apart It is dangerous to let children …………in the kitchen

A playing B play C have played D played 10 The teacher asked me………….you this novel

A give B to give C giving D gave II Choose one word or phrase that needs correcting.

He want go to Russia with her A B C D

2 This is the more interesting book I have ever read A B C D The boy always spends much time to play games A B C D

4 When Jane was younger, she used to singing in a Jazz band


5 The telephone was invented for Bell in 1876

Time:6 ms

Exercise 1: Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence. 1A

2C 3B 4A 5D 6B 7D 8A 9B 10B


Exercise Choose one word or phrase that needs correcting.

1A wants to 2B most 3D playing 4C used to sing 5C.by


A B C D Have you rented a flat already ?


III Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning as the first

1 He started to learn English years ago He has 2.He is old enough He can go to school

He is old 3.He is more intelligent than all other boys in his class He is the The man said to me “ open your bag.” The man told me ……… IV Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1 She hates … the floors every night (clean) 2.The teacher always … the homework.(collect) Hoa …………here since last weekend.(live) You shouldn't ……… so much.(smoke) We ……….our house last month.(not, sell) He used to …a lot before he had the accident.(drive)

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.

1.Lan said to me:"Please wait for me a few minutes "

àLan told me ……… My teacher said: "You should learn by heart new words a day"

àMy teacher said……… She doesn't live with her parents any more àShe used ……… I learn English so that I can communicate with foreigners

àI learn English so as……… VI Read the passage then answer the questions On Saturday morning I got up late I ate breakfast and read a magazine In the afternoon I saw a good movie at the Plaza That evening I went to a party

On Sunday morning I went to the club There I met some friends and we had a good time

together After lunch I took a nap and went to church I came home for dinner around o’clock and watched television for a while Later I had a talk with my best friend on the phone and at about 11 o’clock I went to bed That how I spent last weekend

1.What did the boy after breakfast?

Time:6 ms

Exercise Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning as the first

1 He learnt English for years ago He is old enough to go to school He is the most intelligent than boys in

his class

4 The man told me to open my bag Time:7ms

Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1 cleaning

2 collects

3 has lived

4 smoke

5 didn’t sell

6 drive


Exercise Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings

1 Lan told me to wait for her a few minutes

2 My teacher said that I should learn by heart new words a day

3 She used to live with her parents

4 I learn English so as to communicate with foreigners


Exercise Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings


2 Where did he go that evening? What did he after dinner?

4 What did he on Sunday morning?

5 Do you think the boy went to bed late on the weekend ? Why?

3 He had a talk with his best friend on the phone

4 He went to the club

5 Yes, I Because he went to bed at 11 o’clock

IV Consolidaion :

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:4ms

- Revise all the grammar that they have revised and make sentences(from U1to U8) - learn the form

- Prepare : Revision

Period 53 Preparation : 20/12/2009 Teaching : 22/12/2009 REVISION

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to remain knowledge from in the first term


B Procedures:

I Settlement : -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: III New lesson

Teacher’s activites Students’ activities

- Gets Ss to the following exercises

Exercises 1: Use the verb in correct form: Use the verb in correct form:

1 It (be) warm tomorrow

1 It (be) warm tomorrow

2 I (have) a birthday party on Sunday

2 I (have) a birthday party on Sunday

April, 30th Would you like to come?

April, 30th Would you like to come?

3 They (live) here since last week

3 They (live) here since last week

4 Next month, Hoa (send) a book to her

4 Next month, Hoa (send) a book to her

younger sister

younger sister

5 Hoa (buy) a dictionary for me for

5 Hoa (buy) a dictionary for me for



6 Hoa sometimes (go) to the movies

6 Hoa sometimes (go) to the movies

with her friends

with her friends

7 It is dangerous (leave) medicine

7 It is dangerous (leave) medicine

around the house

around the house

8 Thanks for (invite) me to the birthday

8 Thanks for (invite) me to the birthday



9 She used to (get) up late last year

9 She used to (get) up late last year

10 Hoang likes (play) soccer but he

10 Hoang likes (play) soccer but he

hates (listen) to music

hates (listen) to music Exercises 2: Fill in the blank :

1 They have……clean their room

2 Nga is not old to be in my class Ba went to the doctor he had a bad cold

4.You ought take morning exercises to keep fit

5 Lan is to visit her mother next Sunday I spent a lot of money……… clothes

7 I didn't go to school yesterday ……… I had a cold

8 A car is ……… expensive than a motorbike

9 She did her homework ………

10 It is dangerous ………….leave medicine around the house

Exercises 3: Complete these sentences

1 “ Can you close the window?” She said to Lan She asked……… We often went fishing when we were in Hue We used……… He’s lucky because he has many good friends

- Do exercise individual then share with partner


1.will be am having 3.have lived will send has bought goes to leave inviting get

10 playing- listening

Time:10ms to enough because to going on because more herself 10.to Time:10ms

1 Lan to close the window to go fishing when we were in Hue

3 lucky enough to have many good friends


He’s……… The room is very small so we can’t play soccer in it

The room……… “You should learn English harder , Lan“ Tom said Tom said Lan ………

Exercises 4: Fill in the blank

1 He / used to / collect / stamps / when / be / a small boy

……… ……… Bao /often spend / free time / volunteer work / local orphanage


3 how / English / to / me / tell /study / you / Could /?

……… He/ be/ not / old / enough/ go/ school

……… ……… homework / students / the / to / ought / their / carefully /


soccer in

5 should learn English harder Time:10ms

1 He used to collect stamps when he was a small boy

2 Bao often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage

3.Could you tell me how to study English ?

4 He is not old enough to go to school

5 The students ought to their homework carefully


V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:4ms - Revise all the grammar that they have revised and make sentences(from U1to U8)


Period 54 Preparation :20/12/2009 Teaching : /1/2010 FIRST TERM TEST


I Knowlege : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to


II Skill: Practice writing. B Procedures:

I Settlement : -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II Checking :

III Task: Time:42ms IV.Consolidation:

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:2ms

- Prepare Unit ( Getting started & listen and read)

Week 19 Preparation :12/1/2010 Period 55 Teaching : 15/1/2010 Unit


Getting Started -Listen and read

A Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about first aid course I Knowledge: Giving instructions (impeatives)


B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking:

III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Warmer:

-Uses pictures at P.81 to ask some questions: a.Do you often use these thing ?

b.When you use them? 1.Presentation.

- Sets the scene - Pre-teach vocab

- Elicits- models – gets Ss to repeat in choral down to individually

- Writes on the board

a Vocabulary

+ (to) cover the wound (gesture): băng vết thương +(to) stop bleeding (realia): cầm máu

+ (to) hold tight (mine): buộc chặt

+(to) fall off one’s bike (picture): ngã xe đạp +a bandage (realia): băng

+a cotton ball (realia): cuộn băng + alcohol (realia): cồn

Check : Slap the board

b Presentation dialogue.

- Reads the dialogue, then asks Ss to practice -Asks some quetions:

What will you when your friend falls off his /her bike?.

- Asks Ss to read the test 2 Practice.

-Gives some situations and asks Ss to list the first aid-courses

a A girl has a burn on her arm b A boy has a nose bleed

3 Further Practice

-Asks Ss to play Chain game Gives the situations

'' A boy has a bad cut on his finger"


Answer questions in individually


- Listen and repeat in chorol,in groups, in individually

- Copy down

- Work in groups to play game


- Listen and practice Anwser

- stop bleeding - cover the wound Time:10ms

- Ss work in groups to list the first aid-courses

a.cool the burn, ease pain with ice Time:6ms

Ss work in groups to list the first aid-courses

bandage alcohol


S1: stop bleeding

S2: stop bleeding ,and cover the wound

IV Consolidaion : Vocab about first - aid course Time:3ms V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Practice reading the dialogue - Do exercises 1,2 /55 (Workbook). - Prepare: Unit (Speak and Listen)

Period 56 Preparation : 12/1/2010 Teaching : 15/1/2010


Speak and Listen

A Objective: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to practice speaking using requests, offers and promises


II Skills : speaking and listening B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Asks Ss to: Time: 5ms

- Read the dialogue and say how to give out the first- aid when s.o have a cut III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

A Speaking * Warmer : Matching

- Gives the situations and asks Ss to match them with the pictures at P.82

Keys: a have a bad cut on her finger b have a headache

c be bitten by a snake

d have a fever/ e break the vase 1 Pre -speaking.

a Presentation text.

- Reads the text, then asks Ss to practice

b Model sentences

*Request : Can/could (you give me a pen)? Sure/Ok

I am sorry,I can not.

*Offers : Would you like some orange? Yes ,please / No, thank you * Promises : I will meet you at

I hope so/ good/Do not forget - Identify the situations in the pictures - Models the situation in a with a student

2 While -speaking. - Asks Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to speak before class - Gives feedbacks

Time: 5ms

- Work in individually to match them with the pictures at P.82

Time: 6ms

- Listen and repeat in choral,in groups, in individually

- Copy down

- Work in pairs,using the pictures b,c,d S1:Can you give me a bandage?

S2: Sure ,here you are

- Identify the situations in the pictures with T + picture a: request

+picture b: request / offer +picture c: offer / request +picture c: offer

+picture d: promise - Speak with T

Time: 6ms - Work in pairs - Speak aloud Ex: ( picture b )

Sister: Shall I get you some medicine? Boy: Yes, please

( picture c )

A: Can you get me some bandage; B: sure

( picture d )

A: Would you like me to get you some medicine?

B: That would be nice ( picture e )

A: I promise I will not play soccer in a house again


3 Post-speaking:

- Asks Ss to exercise atP.81 in workbook B Listening

1 Pre- listening

a Pre teach vocab

- Uses the pictures in textbook to elicit the words – models – get Ss to repeat- writes on the board * vocabulary

+ wheelchair (n): xe lăn + crutch (n): nạng

+ eye chart (n): bảng đo thị lực + eye sight: thị lực

+ push (v) xe đẩy

+ strecher (n): cáng

b Matching

- Asks Ss to match letters A,B,C,D,E,F to the correc words

2 While - listening:

- Asks Ss to listen to the tape and put the pictures in their correct order

- Elicits Ss’ ideas

- Gives feedback F, B, D, A, E, C

* T/F statements

- Plays the tape and have Ss listen to times and decide which statement is T or F

1 A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergecy room.

2 The patient’s head is bandaged.

3 The nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient sitting on it.

4 The eye chart consits of 28 letters. 5 The baby ‘ s mother is trying to stop the

nurse from weighing her baby.

Time: 4ms - Do exercise

Time: 6ms

- Look at the pictures and say the words - Listen then repeat

- Write them down

- Match the correct word with their pictures

- Listen to the tape and write down the order of the words

Time: 6ms

- Listen to times and decide which statement is T or F

* Answers

1.F ( a paramedic not a doctor) 2 T

3 F ( empty wheelchair not with a patient) 4.T

5 F ( stop her baby from crying)

IV Consolidaion : Check the form : Can/ Could you / Will/ Would you Time: 2ms I promise I will /will not

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:4ms - Learn by heart vocab, the form

- Write - it- up: Write the story about the activities in the pictures, using the present continous - Do exercises 1,2 /55 (Workbook).

- Prepare: Unit (Read)

Period 57 Preparation :12/1/2010 Teaching :18/1/2010




A Objective: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details of the text


B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Asks Ss to: Time:5ms

- Read their writing ( in part listen write- it- up ) III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Wammer :

Jumbled words

a paentit = b gudr = c hoalcol = d looc e velae

1 Pre-reading. - Sets the scene a Pre-teach vocab

- Elicits the words - models each word times – write s on the board

* vocabulary

+ lie flat( v): nằm thẳng

+ (to) elevate (mine ) >< lower: Nâng lên >< hạ xuống

+ (to) revise ( explaination): tỉnh lại +(to)minimize (synomy: reduce s.th)

+(to) over heat (synomy : to make sth become too hot)

+(to) ease (mine ): làm giảm đau +a victim : nạn nhân

Check : Slap the board

b Open prediction

- Gives some situations and asks Ss to answer questions:

What will you if your friend has fainting/ a shock/ burn?

2.While -reading.

- Asks Ss to reads the text and check their ideas = Asks Ss to read the text tochoose a correct case (P.84)

Answer keys:


- Work in group to play a patient b drug c alcohol d cool e leave

Time:7ms - Say the words

- Listen and repeat in choral, in individually

- Copy down

- Work in groups to play game Slap the board Time:4ms

- Work in groups to answer questions:


- Ss read the text to check their ideas

Answer keys:


Fainting shoc



a.A b.B c.A d.C e A

3 Post-reading

- Asks Ss to exercises 2, 3(P.55-56 workbook)

anti- tetanus injection : tiêm chủng về

-Leave the patient lying flat

-Don't let him or her to sit or stand

Shock :

-Don't overheat the victim with blankets or coats

-Dont'give the victim any foot or drink


-Ease pain with ice or cold water packs -Cover the burned area with a sterile dressing


- Do exercise in pairs

IV Consolidaion :

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Do exercise /56 (Workbook). - Prepare: Unit (Write)

Week 20 Preparation : 19/ 1/2010 Period 58 Teaching : 21/1 /2010 Unit9



A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a thank -you note I Knowledge: Simple past ,Simple Future


I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Write some vocab - Read the text

III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Revision Pelmanism

1 Pre- writing. *Gap-fill

- Asks Ss to complete the thank -you note Nga send to Hoa

*Answer key:

was 2.were 3.helped 4.came 5.was 6.phone


- Asks Ss to answer the questions at P.85 - Asks Ss to practice writing a thank note Example :

Dear Phuong,

Thank you very much for the book you sent me while I was in the summer holiday It was intersting and it realy helped me

Now I am going to go on a picnic Would you like to go with me ? I 'd love to see you.

I phoned you on Sunday morning Your friend,


3 Post-reading: Exhibition

-Asks Ss to stick their poster on the board and correct their mistakes


- Work in individually to play game Pelmanism

Time:7 ms

- Work in in individually to complete the thank -you note Nga send to Hoa,using the correct tense.Then share with a partner


- Answer the questions at P.85 in individually

- Work in in individually to write a thank -you note,using the answer Then share ideas

Time:7 ms

- Stick their poster on the board and choose the best thank -note

give gave feel felt send sent recieve recieved


IV Consolidaion : Asks Ss to Time:3ms - Use the same format to write another letter to another friend for other occasions V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Do exercise /56 (Workbook).

- Prepare: Unit (Language focus)

Period 59 Preparation:19/ 1/2010 Teaching : 22/1/2010



Language focus

A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to make the requests, offers and promises and know the way to use Simple Future


II Skills : Writing and Reading B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8a 8b 8c

II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Write some vocab

- Read the text III.New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

- Reviews the way to use "in order to ,so as to,future tense requests, offers and promises

Language focus /P 86

- Asks Ss to match one of a sentence from column A with part in colum B .Then write a complete a sentence by using "in order to /so as to"

Answer key:

1-f 2-c 3-b 4-e 5-d 6-a

1.Mary wrote a notice on the board in order to inform her classmates about the change in schedule. 2 Mr Green got up early this morningso as to get to the meeting on time

3.My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the entrance exam to the university

Language focus /P 86

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue,use the correct word or short form

Answer key:

1 shall 2.Will 3.won't 4.Shall 5.will 6.will Then asks Ss to practice the dialogue

Language focus /P 86

- Sets a scence to introduce the situations Nga is helping her grandmother

- Asks Ss to complete the sentences ,use the words under each picture and will

- Correct their mistakes Answer key:

b.Will you give it to me?

c Will you answer the telephone ? d.Will you turn on T.V?

e.Will you pour a glass of water ? f.Will you get a cushion, ?

Language focus /P 86

- Asks Ss to make requests ,offers or promise Answer key:

b Will you paint the door? c I promise I 'll study harder d Shall I cary it for you?


- Work in individually to match one of a sentence from column A with part in colum B

Then write a complete a sentence by using "in order to /so as to" individually,in pairs


- Work in pairs to complete the dialogue,use the correct word or short form

Then practice the dialogue in pairs Time:8ms

Complete the sentences ,use the words under each picture and will in individually

,share ideas

Then practice the dialogue in pairs

Time: 7ms


e Will you hang clother ? f Will you cut the vegetables?

IV Consolidaion : Asks Ss to Time:3 ms - Check the form to make the requests, offers and promises

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Do exercises 6,7 /57 (Workbook).

- Prepare: Unit 10 (Getting started-Listen and read)

Period 60 Preparation:19/ 1/2010 Teaching : 25/1/2010 Unit10


Getting Started –Listen and read

A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to know about things we can reuse ,reduce and receycle

I Knowledge: Adjectives followed by an infinitive or a noun clause II Skills : Speaking and reading


I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m

- Checking attendance:8a 8b 8c

II Checking:

III.New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Revision:

-Asks Ss question:

a.What should you to reduce the amount of garbage we produce ?


a Pre-teach

+ overpackage (v) (translation): thùng hàng + reuse (v) (explanation) : tái sử dụng + reduce (v) explanation:): làm giảm + banana leaves (n) (realia) : chuối Check : Slap the board

b Presentation dialogue.

-Gets Ss to listen to the tape then asks Ss to practice - Calls on a group to read aloud

-Asks some questions in the text book: Answer keys:

a.Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged

b.Envelopes,glass,plastic bottles and old plastic bags c Recycle means don't throw things away,tryand find another use for them

d.Contact an organization like Friends of the earth e.Because

f Ba says : It is not difficult to remember 2 Model sentences:

-It is not difficult to remember

It is + adj + to + V-inf

-I am pleased that you want to know more

S + tobe + adj + that clause

3 Practice.


-Asks Ss to read the dialogue to list the things they can reuse and recycle

4 Further Practice

Mapped dialogue

Miss Lam Ba


- Answer questions in groups to list the answer


- Listen and repeat in choral,in groups, in individually

- Copy down

- Work in groups to play game


-Listen and practice

-Answer some questions


- Copy down the form


-Ss work in groups to list the things they can reuse and recycle

Recycle: used paper,used cans

Reuse : Envelopes,glass,plastic bottles and old plastic bags


- Ss work in pairs

Reduce over package


What /you/ protect/ We/remember/3 Rs environment

What/they? Reduce,recycle,reuse I/pleased /you understand It / uesful/know/how the lesson protect/environment

S1:What should we to protect environment ?

S2:We should remember Rs S1: What are they?

S2: They are,recycle,reuse ,reduce. S1:I am pleased that you understand the lesson

S2:It is useful to know how to protect environment

IV Consolidaion : Remember three R Time:3ms V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:4ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Do exercise /56 (Workbook)

- Prepare: Unit 10 (Speak and Listen)

Week 21 Preparation : 24/1/2010 Period 61 Teaching : 26/1/2010 Unit10


Speak and Listen

A Objective: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to know how to with used things I Knowledge: Giving instructions

II Skills : Speaking and reading B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance: 8A


III.New lesson Matching Time:4ms 1.reuse a rác

2.recycle b sợi vải 3.garbage c kim loại 4.plastic d phân xanh 5.fabric e tái sử dụng 6.leather f nhựa

7.metal g tái chế 8.compost h da thuộc

Teacher's activities A Speaking

1 Pre-speaking

-Asks Ss to look at the picture at P 91 (text book) and decide which group each item belongs to

Answer keys: Paper: used news papers

Glass: bottles

Plastic: pastic bags Fabric: clothes Leather: shoes Metal: drink cans

Vegetable matter: friut pees 2.While -speaking

Mapped dialogue Lan Ba Which group/ clothes Put/ fabric /belong?

What /we /do /them? We/recycle/them/ to make/ paper/shopping

3 Post-speaking

- Practise the dialouge in pairs B Listening

1 Pre- listening

- Gives out some questions

? Have you ever seen a compost heap? ? you know how the compost is made? - Explain somes new words

compost heap: đống phân tea leaves: chè

egg- shell: vỏ trứng moisture: độ ẩm

2 While- listening

-Asks Ss to listen to the tape to check the correct answer

3 Post- listening

- Ask Ss to put these phrases in the order of the

Students' activities Time:6ms

-Look at the picture at P 91 (text book) and decide which group each item belongs to

in in individually,-in groups


- Work in pairs to make dialogue,then practice dialogue

S1: Which group clothes belong to?

S2:put them in fabric

S1: What can we with them? S2:We can recycle them and make them into paper of shopping bags Time:4ms

- Speak alould Time:5ms

- Answer the questions


-Listen to the tape to check the correct answer



compost – making process

1 Use shovels to turn the compost 2 Start a compost heap

3 Water the compost heap 4 Place the garden

5 Use sa ferttilizer

6 Keep for six month - Gives feedback:


IV Consolidaion :

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:4ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Do exercise /57 (Workbook). - Prepare: Unit 10 (Read)

Period 62 Preparation : 24/1/2010 Teaching : 30/1/2010 Unit10



A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details of the text

I Knowledge: Passive forms II Skills : Reading and writing B Procedures:


8a 8b 8c II Checking: - Asks Ss to Time:4ms

- Write down some vocab

III.New lesson

Teacher's activities * Revision Brainstorming

1 Pre-reading:

a Pre-teach vocabulary

- Elicits- models- gets Ss to repeat - write on the board

+ (to ) melt (situation): làm nóng chảy + (to) refill (explanation) : làm đầy lại + deposit (example): tiền đặt cọc

+ glassware (example): đồ dùng thủy tinh + floor covering (example): lớp phủ sàn nhà Check : What and where

b T/F statement prediction.

- Asks Ss to predict T/F

a Cars tires can be reused to make pipes and floor covering

b Old car tires can be uesd to make shoes and sandals

c The empty bottles can be uesd only one time d People collect glass and send to the factories to

make new glass ware

e Farmers use house lold and garden waster to make compost


-Asks Ss to read the text P.92 (text book) to check their prediction

Answer key:

1-F 2-T 3-F 4-T 5-T

- Asks Ss to read the text P.92 (text book) to answer the questions

Answer key:

a People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles b The glass is broken up, melted and made into new


c The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans The deposit is returned when peolpe bring the cans back for recycling

Students' activities Time:5ms

Work in individually to

Brainstorme things we can recyle - bottles

- drink cans - uesd paper Time:7ms

- Listen and repeat in choral, in individually

-Work in groups to play game What and Where

-Copy down Time:5ms

-Work in groups to predict T/F


-Read the text P.92 (text book) to check their prediction

-Read the text P.92 (text book) to answer the questions in individually, in groups to play game ''Lucky number"


d Compost is make from household and garden waste.

e If we have a recycleing story to share ,we cans call of fax the magazine at 5265456

3 Post -reading :

-Asks Ss to part P.93 (text book) Answer key:

a.Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings

b.Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled

c Glass is broken up ,melted and made into new glassware

d Household and garden waste is made into compost


-Do part P.93 (text book) in Individually,then share their ideas

IV Consolidaion : Check vocabulary

V Homework: Ask Ss to: Time:5ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Do exercise /57 (Workbook). - Prepare: Unit 10 (Write)

Period 63 Preparation : 24/1/2010 Teaching : 1/ 2/2010 Unit10



A Objective: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write instructions on how to prepare the dry tea leaves to keep mosquitoes away

I Knowledge: Adverbs of time and imperatives II Skills : Reading and writing

B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:


II Checking: - Asks Ss to Time:5ms

- Write down some vocab

- Write the sentence from the cues Car tires /reuse/ to /make pipes III.New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Pre-writing:

a Pre-teach

+ (to )soak (mime): ngâm nước + (to) wrap (mime): gói

+ (to) scatter (mime): rắc tỉa + (to) mesh (visual aid): nghiền Check : R.O.R

b Gap fill.

- Asks Ss to complete the recycling instruction,using the verbs in the box

Answer keys :

1.use 2.mix 3.place 4.press 5.wrap wait dry

2 While-writing

-Asks Ss to to make the instructions on how to

prepare the tea leaves make the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves using pictures and key words in part P 94 (text book)


First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot Next ,scatter the tea leaves on a tray

Then dry the leaves in the sun

Finally ,put the dry leaves in a pot for future use 3 Post- writing

-Asks Ss to swap their writing on the board to correct each other

-Then gives feedback in front of class


-Listen and repeat in chorol,in groups, in individually

Copy down

-Work in groups to play game R.O.R


- Complete the recycling

instruction,using the verbs in the box in individually, in groups

Then read it


- Write the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves,using pictures and key words in part P 94 (text book) in individually, then share with a friend


- Swap their writing on the board to correct each other

Then choose the best to copy down on their notebook

IV Consolidation: Asks Ss to Time:3ms - Write another instructions to the things they know

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Do exercise in workbook


Week 22 Preparation :30/ 1/2010 Period 64 Teaching : /2 /2010 Unit10


Language focus

A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write the passive forms and use the adjectives follwed by an infinitive and a noun clause

I Knowledge: Passive forms

Adjectives follwed by an infinitive and a noun clause II Skills : Writing and reading

B Procedures:


8a 8b 8c

II Checking:

III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities

1 Passive forms

a Presentation:

-Reviews the form by giving an active sentence then change into passive sentence I write a letter

A letter is written by me

-Then tell the way to change into the passive

Form: S + V + O

S + Be +P.P + by +O


-Asks Ss to read a guide on how to recycle glass , look at the instructions , rewrite them in the passive form and put the pictures in the corrcet order.Then correct their mistakes

Answer keys: Picture 1: The 2 Adjs structure


- Elicits model from the tast “listen and read”

Ex: It is not difficult to remember the three words

I am pleaseed that you want to know more. - Gets them to find out the form

b Practice

- Gets Ss to exercise3,4 in textbook

Time:7 ms

-Listen and then copy down the form on their note book


-Read a guide on how to recycle glass in individually in individually

-Look at the instructions and rewrite them in the passive form in individually

-Put the pictures in the corrcet order in individually Then write on the board to correct each other


- Say the model sentences

- Find out the form then copt down Time:7ms

- Do exercises in pairs, in groups

IV Consolidation: Asks Ss to remind the forms Time:7ms

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:7ms

- Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare : Unit 11 ( getting started + listen and read)


Period 65 Preparation :30/1/2010 Teaching : /2 /2010 Unit11 TRAVELLING AROUND VIET NAM

Getting started + listen and read

A Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about how to express interests

I Knowledge: famous place in Viet Nam and structrure: Would you mind…… II Skills : listening, speaking

B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8A 8B 8C II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms


1.A architect designs our house My mother closes the door III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities

* Warm up Network

Them match the name with pictures in texbook a Ngo Mon gate

b Nha Rong Harbor

c The Temple of Literature d Ha Long Bay

1 Presentation

a Pre teach vocab

+ front seat: ghế trước + suger cane: mía + take a photo: chụp hình - Check vocab

b Presentation the text

- Gets Ss to listen to the tape - Calls on pairs to read aloud - Gives feedback

- Asks Ss to tast in texbook 2 Model sentences

Elicit the model:

Ex1:Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi => request

=>Would you mind + V- ing…?

Ex2: Would you mind if I took a photo?Would you mind + If clause (past)…?


- Asks Ss to make request more polite using above structure

a Can I turn off the T.V?

b Can you sing a song one more?

c Can I use your computer for one hour? d Can you correct this composition for me?


- Say the famous places in Viet Nam In HCM city: Dam Sen park

Ben Thanh market …

In Hue; Huong river Thien Mu pagoda

The Temples, Ngo Mon Gate …

In Ha Noi; Hoan Kiem Lake West Lake

Dong Xuan market Temple of Litrature ……

Time:6 ms

Time: 6ms - Say the words

- Check vocab with T the copy down

Time:6 ms

- Listen to the tape - Role play the dialogue - Check T or F

- Say the model sentences

- Practice repeat with T in choral down to individually

- Pull out the form - Write down Time:7 ms - Make request

a Would you mindIf I turned off the T.V?

b.Would you mind singing a song one more?

c Would you mindIf I used your computer for one hour?

d Would you mind correctting this composition for me?

In HCM In Hue


4 Production

- Gets Ss to further exercise

Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets

1 Would you mind if I (close) the door? I can see many people ( work) in the field

from this place

3 My mother asked me( go) to bed early I’d like you (see) me off at the airport

Time:4ms - Do exercise

1 closed 2 working 3 to go 4 to see

IV Consolidation: Asks Ss to remind the structure Time:2 ms V Homework: Asks Ss to Time:4ms - Do exercise above into notebook

- Do exercise in workbook


Period 66 Preparation :22/ 2/2010 Teaching : 22/2 /2010 Unit11 TRAVELLING AROUND VIET NAM

Speak + Listen

A Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practise speaking, using request and offer and practise listening to get information about position of the place on the map I Knowledge: Would you mind…… ?


II Skills : listening, speaking B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8A 8B 8C

II Checking: Asks Ss to Time:5ms - Read the dialouge

- Do exercise in workbook III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities


* Warmer: sentence trasformation EX: Can you close the door?

=> Would you mind closing the door? - Using the exercise last period ( practise)

1 Pre- speaking

- Gets Ss to read the table at p 100

2 While- speaking

a Give a mapped dialouge

- Asks Ss to practise speaking in pairs - Make model with a S

Mapped dialogue

A tourist A tourist guider - Would / If/ you/ - not at all a question?

- I/ visit/ a market -I/ suggest/ go/ Thai

Bing market - Do / suggesr/ one?

- That sound interesting

Thanks - You/ welcome b Ask Ss to make similar dialouge, using the following place

Ben Thanh Market, history museum, restaurant

- Calls on some pairs speak aloud before class

3 Post- speaking

- Gives feedback

Time:5 ms

- Make polite request (speaking)

Time: 4ms - Read alould Time: 7ms

- Practice speaking in pairs

- Make similar dialouge in pairs

Time: 3ms


II Listening

1.Pre- listening

- Ask Ss to predict where bus station, hotel, temples, pagoda and restaurant are

2 While- listening

- Gets Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

- Elicits Ss’ answers Answers keys

a restaurant c bus station

b hotel d pagoda e temple

3 Post- listening

- Asks Ss to look at the map and ask the way to the restaurant, hotel, bus stop…

Time: 3ms - Predict Time: 8ms

- Listen to the tape then check their guess

Time: 4ms

Can you tell me how to get to the hotel ?

IV.Consolidation : remind the structures Time: 2ms V.Homework: Asks Ss to: Time: 4ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Practice reading the dialogue - Do exercise l focus in textbook - Prepare :Unit11: Read


Week 23 Preparation :20/ 2/2010 Period 67 Teaching : 25/2/2010 Unit11



A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details of the advertisements

I Knowledge: Famous sights in viet nam II Skills : Reading and speaking

B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8A 8B 8C

II Checking:

III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities

-1 Revision:Matching time:….

-Asks Ss to match the word in the colum A with the word in the colum B (with answer keys)


Halong bay Flowery city Nha Trang Mountainous city SaPa Seaside city

Da Lat World heritage site 2 Pre-reading:

a Pre-teach

+ oceanic institute (picture) :viện hải dương học + offshore island (picture) : đảo khơi + waterfall (picture) :thác

+ tribal village (example): làng dân tợc người + heritage site (example): di sản giới

Check : What and where

heritage site water fall

tribal village offshore island

b Open- prediction.

- Asks Ss to predict the topics mentioned in the brochures about the resorts (with answer keys)

N trang D.Lat Sapa HL bay


Flights to HN

Hotel    

Local transport    

Mini hotel

Mountain slopes

Time: 5ms

- Match the word in the colum A with the word in the colum B (with answer keys)

Time: 8ms

- Say the words – listen- then repeat in choral down to individually

- Check vocab with T - Then copydown




Sand beaches

Tourist attractions    

Types of food



World heritage

3 While-reading:

-Asks Ss to read the text P.102-103 (text book) to check their prediction

4 Post -reading :

-Asks Ss to part P.105 (text book) to help these people find a suitable place

-Asks Ss to practice speaking following example exchange

S1: Where should Andrew go? S2: Sapa

S1 : Why should He go there? S2: He likes mountain

Time: 10ms

- Read the text P.102-103 (text book) to check their prediction Time:10ms

- Do part P.105 (text book)

IV Consolidation:

V Homework : Asks Ss to: Time: ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Practice reading the text - Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare Unit 11 : (Write)





A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a narrative I Knowledge: Simple past

II Skills : Writing and Reading B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8A 8B 8C

II Checking:

III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities

* Revision

-Asks Ss to give the past form of the following verbs(with answer keys)

have- - had begin- began decide - decided appear- appeared climb- climbed fall-fell

be- was/were drop- dropped 1 Pre-writing:

a Pre-teach

+ (to) paddle (picture) : bơi thuyền

+ (to) rescue (traslation): cứu thoát, giải thoát + (to) overturn (picture) :lật úp

+ (to) lean over (picture) :dựa vào Check : R.O.R

lean over paddle

rescue overturn

b Presentation text:

- Asks Ss to read the text to put the sentences below in the correct chronological order to complete the story

a, The canoe moved up and down the water b, A boat appeared and rescued them

c, The wind started to blow and the rain became heavier d, She leaned over and tried to pick it up

e, The family was luckly

f, The canoe overturned and overturned and everyone fell into the deep and dangerous water

g, Shannon dropped her paddle

Keys : c – a – g – d – f – b - e

2 While-writing:

-Asks Ss to put the pictures in the correct chronological order

Time: ms

- Work in individually to give the past form of the following verbs

Time:6 ms

- Listen and repeat in chorol,in groups,and in individually

- Then copy down on thỴeir note book

- Work in groups to play game


Time:6 ms

- Work in individually to read the text to put the sentences below in the correct chronological order to complete the story - Work in individually to put the pictures in the correct chronological order

Time:15 ms


- Asks Ss to practice writing a story ,using pictures on P 106 (text book)

Answer keys;

d, She had a math exam on Friday and she got up late b,She realized her alarm clock did not go off

e, As she was leaving home , it started to rain heavily h, Uyen tries to run as fast as she could

a, Suddenly she stumbed against a rock and fell

f, Her school bag went into a pool and everything got wet c, Strangely , the rain stopped as she got to her classroom g, Luckly ,Uyen had got enough time to finist her exam 3 Post -reading :

-Asks Ss to correct each other then T corrects

-Asks Ss to retell story

pairs ,in groups to practice writing a story ,using

pictures at P 106 (text book)

- Work in pairs ,in groups to correct each other

Work in individually to retell story

Time: ms

- Correct each other - Retell story

IV Consolidation:

V Homework : Asks Ss to: Time:5ms - Learn by heart vocab

- Practice reading the text - Do exercises in workbook - Prepare Unit 11 :( Languge focus)


Language focus

A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use requests I Knowledge: Would /Do you mind if ?

Would / Do you mind if + V-ing ? Ed and ing participles

II Skills : Writing B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8A 8B 8C

II Checking:

III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students' activities

-1 Review: ed and ing participles

- Recalls the wayto use ed and ing participles -Asks Ss to look at the people in the schoolyard at QT school to say who each person is

Answer keys :

The man walking up the stairs is Mr.Quang. The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lien. The boy standing next to Miss Lien is Nam The boy sitting under the tree is Ba

The girl standing by the table is Lan

The girl playing chess are Nga on the right and Hoa on the left

-Asks Ss to look at the stall to describe the goods for sales , using the past participles of the verbs in the box following example

The old lamp made in China is five dollars The green pained bex is one dollar The doll dressed in pink is two dollar 2 Would you mind if……….?

Would you mind if + V-ing…… ?

-Asks Ss to make and respond to requesrs

Answer keys :

Would you mind moving the car ?No ,of course not Would you mind putting out your cigarette?

No ,of course not

Would you mind getting me some coffee ? I’m sory Would you mind waiting a moment? I’m sory

3.Would /Do you mind if…… ?

Would / Do you mind if + V-ing……?

-Asks Ss to ask questions and give suitable respones, using the information on P.100 following example exchange

a, A: Do you mind if I sit down? B: Please do

Time: ms

- Listen and look at the people in the schoolyard at QT school to say who each person is in individually, in groups

- Work in individually to look at the stall to describe the goods for sales , using the past participles of the verbs in the box

Time: ms

- Work in individually to make and respond to requesrs ,using

Would you mind if ?

Would you mind if + V-ing ?

Time: ms

- Work in individually to ask

questions and give suitable respones, using the information at P.100 following example


b, A: Would you mind if I smoked ? B: I’d rather you didn’t

B: Please do

A: Would you mind if I smoked ? B: I’d rather you didn’t IV Consolidation : Time: ms - Asks Ss to remind the structures

V Homework: Asks Ss to: Time: ms - Do exercises in textbook


Week 24 Preparation :28/ 2/2010 Period 70 Teaching : /3 /2010 REVISION

A Objective: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remember what they have learnt in unit -11

I Knowledge: No II Skills : Writing B Procedures:

I Settlement : - Greetings! Time:1m - Checking attendance:

8A 8B 8C

II Checking:

III.New lesson Teacher's activities

1 Presentation:

-Recalls the fofm ,the use, the meaning by asking some questions

a.Making request:

Can/Could you…. Will/ Would you…

b.Making offers: Would youlike … ? c.The simple future tense

Form : S+ Will / shall + V- infi

Use : to talk events , actions which will happen in the future

d.In order to/ So as to e Passive forms:

S + ToBE + V p.p… (by …….) f.Request :

Would you mind if I + simple past? Would you mind + V-ing … ? .

2 Practice:

a Rewrite these sentences

-Asks Ss to rewrite these sentences

1.Keeping the environment clean is very important It’s ……… …

2.He receives a letter

A letter……… 3.My father planed this tree yesteday This tree………

4 Today people cut down many trees to make paper

Many trees ………

b Use ‘’…ed or- ing… to combine these sentensces

-Asks Ss to combine these sentensces

Students' activities Time: ms

- Listen and give examples

Can/Could you give me a book?

Will/ Would you answer my question?

Would you like some tea?

I write a letter

A letter is written by me

Would you mind if I opened the door?

Would you mind singing a song ?

Time: ms

-Work in individually to rewrite these sentences

1.It’s important to keep the environment clean

2 A letter is received by him.

3 This tree was planted yesterdayby him.

4 Many trees aerbcut down to make paper


1 The boys are in the volunteer group They are planting trees on the hill

2.The house belongs to my uncle It’s built of wood. 3.The girl is my daughter She is playing in the front yard.

c Choose the best answer

-Asks Ss to choose the best answer

1 Do you mind if I ( open/ opened) the door?

2 Tim ( never saw/ has never seen) rice paddies before 3 Would you mind ( doing /did) this work?

4 It’s a ( thirty-minute/ thirty-minutes) drive from here to the city.

- Work in individually to combine these sentensces

1 The boys planting trees on the hill are in the volunteer group

2 The house built of wood belongs to my uncle.

3 The girl playing in the front yard is my daughter.

Time: ms

- Work in individually to choose the best answer

1 open

2 has never seen 3 doing

4 thirty-minute IV Consolidation:

V.Homework: Asks Ss to Time: ms - Revise all grammar from Unit to Unit 11 to prepare for one test


Teaching : 5/3 /2010


A Objectives:

I Knowledge:By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Consolidate what Ss have been learnt from unit to unit 11 - Check Ss’ understanding and access them

II Skill: Practice writing B Procedures

I Settlement: - Greetings Time :1m - Checking attendence

8A 8B 8C

II Checking: -Not check

III Tasks : Time 42ms


I/ Choose the suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks (2ms) 1/ Have you ……… any news about Lan since her bike accident

a heard b hearing c.hear

2/ We ……… ……dinner when he arrived yesterday evening

a were having b is having c are having

3/ Mai asked her friend………shopping

a goes b to go c.go

4/ I have known her……… two years

a with b for c since

5/ Would you mind… … the window?

a open b opening c opened

6/ ……… is often called “ The windy city”

a San Francisco b Chicago c Hawaii

7/ The table…… ……….of wood is more expensive than plastics

a makes b made c make

8/ The old car tires are … ……to make pipes and floor coverings

a reused b reduced c.recycled

II/ Circle the letter of the incorrect underlined part.(2,5ms) 1/ James should be tell the news as soon as possible


2/ The assistant asked Helen whether those was too small for her A B C D

3/ It was late, so we decided taking a taxi home A B C D

4/ I don’t know who wrote the song, but I’ll try and find about A B C D 5/ She showed me where did I left my luggage


III/ Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first (1,5ms) 1/ Could you tell me how to study English ?

Would you mind……… ? 2/ They built this house more than one hundred years ago

This house……… 3/ Is Phong Nha in Quang Tri province ?


IV.Give the correct forms and tenses of verbs (2 points) They (build) ……… a new bridge here next year It is convenient (meet)……… him at seven o’clock Why don’t you give up (smoke) ……… Cheese (make) ……… from milk

V/ Read the passage , then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences (2ms) Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people Tet is a festival which happens in late January or early February Before Tet, people usually clean and decorate their homes They go to mark to buy candy, jams or dried water melon seeds They also get new clothes which are worn at Tet They often buy beach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday Tet is a time for family members gather and have some special meals with special food such as sticky rice cakes People foten visit relatives and close friends on the second day of the holiday

1/ Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam 2/ Tet happens in early January

3/ People often visit relatives and close friends on the first day of New Year 4/ Vietnamese people wear new clothes at Tet


I/ Choose the suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks (2ms) 1/ ……… is often called “ The windy city”

a San Francisco b Chicago c Hawaii

2/ The old car tires are ………to make pipes and floor coverings

a reused b reduced c.recycled

3/ Have you ……… any news about Lan since her bike accident

a heard b hearing c.hear

4/ Mai asked her friend………shopping

a goes b to go c.go

5/ Would you mind… … the window?

a open b opening c opened

6/ The table……….of wood is more expensive than plastics

a makes b made c make

7/ I have known her……… two years

a with b for c since

8/ We ………dinner when he arrived yesterday evening

a were having b is having c are having

II/ Choose word or phrase to correct (2,5ms) 1/ She showed me where did I left my luggage A B C D

2/ It was late, so we decided taking a taxi home A B C D

3/ James should be tell the news as soon as possible A B C D

4/ I don’t know who wrote the song, but I’ll try and find about A B C D 5/ The assistant asked Helen whether those was too small for her A B C D


The tourist asked Lan 2/ Could you tell me how to study English ?

Do you mind……… ? 3/ They built this house more than one hundred years ago

This house……… …… IV/ Give the correct forms and tenses of verbs (2 points)

1 They (build) ……… a new bridge here next year It is convenient (meet)……… him at seven o’clock Why don’t you give up (smoke) ……… Cheese (make) ……… from milk

V/ Read the passage , then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences (2ms) Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people Tet is a festival which happens in late January or early February Before Tet, people usually clean and decorate their homes They go to mark to buy candy, jams or dried water melon seeds They also get new clothes which are worn at Tet They often buy beach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday Tet is a time for family members gather and have some special meals with special food such as sticky rice cakes People foten visit relatives and close friends on the second day of the holiday

1/ People often visit relatives and close friends on the first day of New Year 2/ Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam

3/ Vietnamese people wear new clothes at Tet 4/ Tet happens in early January

IV Consolidation:

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time :2ms - Prepare : Correcting the test


Teaching : 6/3 /2010


A Objectives:

I.Knowledge:By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know their mistakes II.Skill: Practice listening

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8A 8B 8C

II.Checking: Not check III.New lesson:

Test A

I/ 1a 2a 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8c Time: 20ms II/ 1/ A 2/D 3/C 4/D 5B


1/ Would you mind telling me how to study English 2/ This house was built more than one hundred years ago

3/ The tourist asked Lan if Phong Nha was in Quang Tri province IV/

1/is going 2/ to meet 3/smoking 4/ is made

V/ T 2F 3F 4T

Test B

I/ 1b 2c 3a 4b 5b 6b 7b 8a Time: 20ms II/ 1/ B 2/C 3/A 4/D 5/D


1/ Would you mind telling me how to study English 2/ This house was built more than one hundred years ago

3/ The tourist asked Lan if Phong Nha was in Quang Tri province IV/

1/is going 2/ to meet 3/smoking 4/ is made

V/ T 2F 3F 4T IV Consolidation

V Homework: Asks Ss to Time 4ms

- Prepare: Unit 12( Getting started + Listen and read)


Period 73 Teaching :8/3/2010 Unit12


Getting Started -Listen and read

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make plan, giving and responding to the invitations

I.Knowledge: Would you like to ?

Yes, I 'd love to / Yes,I'd love to but II.SkillS: Reading and Speaking

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Not check III.New lesson:

Teacher's activities 1.Revision:

-Asks Ss to match the names of the countries with the picture and flags at P 111

Answer keys:

a.The United States of America b Australia.

c Thailand a Britain e.Canada b Japan

? Why you know it is the USA? Because I see the Statue of Libberty. ……

?A: Among these countries, which countries you like to visit most?

A: Why? …… 2 Presentation:

* Presentation dialogue.

-Reads the dialogue, then asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

-Asks Ss to complete Mrs.Quyen's schedule

Date Mon 25 Tues 26 Wed 27 Thur 28 schedu le Coming to San Francisc o Going out Having dinner with the Smiths Leaving San Francisc

- Asks Ss to answer some quations a.No,they won't.They will stay at a hotel

b.No,he won't He will have a business meeting in the evening

c Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel 3 Model sentences

Students' activities Time 8ms

- Work in groups to match the picture wiht names of the countries at P 111:

+B: I like you visit Britain

B:Because I can see a lot of ancient and famous royal palaces and buildings.

Time 10ms

- Listen and repeat in choral,in groups, in individually

- Copy down

- Listen and practice the dialogue, then complete Mrs.Quyen's schedule in pairs

- Answer some questions in individually, in groups - Copy down the form


Invitations : Would you like to

Accepting invitations :Yes, I' d love to

Declining invitations : That 's very kind of you ,but 3 Practice

Mapped dialogue Lan Mary

Hello /Mary Hello/ nice/meet/you I/ stay/ here Monday Would /you/come /Friday / stay/ / us? kind/ you /but/


inclued/ticketprice Then/you/come/dinner/ love tonight?

Example :

Lan: Hello,Marry

Marry: Hello Lan nice to meet you

Lan: I'm staying here from Monday to Friday Marry : Would you like to come to stay with us ? Lan : That's very kind of you , but my

accommodation is inclued in the ticket price

Marry: Then you must come over for dinner tonight Lan: Yes, I'd love to

- Ss work in pairs Time 10ms

IV Consolidation Asks Ss to Time 4ms Would you like to ?

Yes, I 'd love to / Yes,I'd love to but

V Homework: - Asks Ss to Time 5ms - Do exercise

- Prepare : Unit 12 : Speak and Listen


Teaching :11/3/2010 Unit12


Speak and Listen

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to make their own plan on the itinerary and listen for details about the weather reports

I.Knowledge: How to record a travel II.Skills: Listening and speaking

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Aks Ss to read the dialouge and answer the question Time ms ? What did Mrs have a plan?

III.New lesson: Brainstorming Time ms cloudy hot windy

dry Cold

cool warm

Teacher's activities

*) Warm –up:

? What is the weather like today?

? What is the weather like in the spring ? ? Which season you like best? Why? 1 Pre-speaking

Pre teach:

- Elicits – models – gets Ss to repeat – writes on the board Vocabulary

+snowy (picture): có tuyết +windy (translation): có gió +humid (translation):ẩm ướt +Degree: độ

+minus Degree ( example) độ ẩm - Check: Slap the board

*) Asks Ss to get information at P114 (text book) to fill in the table at P.113

Answer keys :

Depart los angeles : flight 8.35 at 10.00 on Monday Arrive Bonston : At 4.00

Accommodation: Atlantic hotel

Sightseeing : Museums and art galleries

-T presents the dialogue then asks Ss to practice the dialogue

2 While -speaking

-Asks Ss to use their own information from the table activities to practice the dialogue

Students' activities Time ms

- Ss answer the questions

Time ms

- Work in groups to write vocabulary

- Say the words

- Listen and repeat in choral,in groups, in individually

- Copy down

- Listen and practice the dialogue, then complete Mrs.Quyen's

schedule in pairs

- Work in individually, in groups to get information at P.114 (text book) to fill in the table at P.113

Listen to the dia then practice the dialogue

Time 10ms


3 Post speaking ( listening)

-Asks Ss to listen the tape to complete the table

City weather temperature

low high

Sydney Dry,windy 20 26

Tokyo London bangkok

Dry,windy Humid,cold

15 -3


1 to practice the dialogue Time 10ms

Ss listen to the tape to complete the table in pairs

IV.Consolidation: Aks Ss to Time ms - write a paragraph using information in listening part

V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time ms

- Do exercise and write the paragraph into notebook - Prepare : Unit 12(Read)


Teaching :12/3/2010 Unit12 A VACATION ABOARD


A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details about Mrs.Quyen 's tour to the United State

I.Knowledge: Past progressive with ''when and while '' II.Skills: Reading and writing

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Asks Ss to write vocabulary Time ms III.New lesson:

Teacher's activities * Revision: Matching :

-Asks Ss to match the word in the colum A with the word in the colum B


1 Hawaii a The massive portraits of four American presidents

2 New york b The windy city Chicago c Famous prison 4.Mount Rushmore d beautiful beaches 5.San francisco e Statue of liberty Keys:

1-d 2-e 3-b 4-a 5- c 1 Pre-reading

* Pre- questions

? Do you remember Mrs Quyen? ? What plan did she have/

a Pre teach:

- Elicits – models – gets Ss to repeat then writes on the board

Vocabulary +volcano (translation): núi lửa +pour out (v) tuôn trào

+lava (translation): dung nham , nham thạch +wharf ( picture) cầu tàu, bến cảng

+Wine-growing area (explanation): vùng trồng nho làm rượi

+(to) carve (translation): chạm , khắc Check: Slap the board

b.Open prediction (Task P117 -text book)

- Asks Ss to guess and fill in the table P 117 Answer keys :

Place What she did and saw

1 Hawaii - went swimming,visited Kilauea Volcano 2 New york - went shopping,bought lots of souvernirs, 3 Chicago - saw lake Michigan

Students' activities Time ms

Work in individually to match the word in the colum A with the word in the colum B

Time 7ms

- Listen and repeat in choral,in groups, in individually

- Copy down

Time ms

- Work in groups to play this game


4.Mount Rushmore - saw the heads of American president

5.San francisco - visited Fishman wharf , the napa

valley wine -growingnarea and the Alcatraz prison 2.While -reading

-Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction ,then answer the questions

Answer keys :

a She went there by plane

b She went the prison on the island of Alcatraz

c People can see Mount Rushmore from more than 100

km away

d It's also called ''The windy city" e She went shopping

3 Post reading

-Asks Ss to exercise at P.71 in the workbook

Time 12ms

- Work in groups to read the text and check their

prediction ,then answer the questions

Time ms

-Work in individually to exercise P.71 in the workbook


V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time ms - Do exercises

- Prepare : Unit 12 (Write)


Period 76 Teaching : 15/3 /2010 Unit12



A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a postcard. I.Knowledge: Progressive tenses with always

II.SkillS: Writing and reading B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Ask Ss to write vocab III.New lesson:

Teacher's activities * Revision:

Chain game :

-Asks Ss to play chain game following example exchange S1: I saw museums in HCM city

S2: I saw museums and libraries in HCM city.

1 Pre-writing

- Asks Ss to complete the postcard Mrs Quyen sent from the USA ( task P.upload.123doc.net -Text book)

Answer keys :

1 in people weather visited her 6 lovely /nice bought for heaviness 10 soon

-Asks Ss to complete the table

cities What

you see Who you to meet people weather What you buy

Hcm Museums Old friends friendly hot books


S1: What did you see in HCM city ?

S2: I saw museums.

While -writing.

-Asks Ss to practice writing a post card , using information from the activity

Answer keys :

I'm having a really good time in HN , the capital of VN The people are hospitable and helpfuf and the weather has been wonderful : cool and sunny

In HN , I visited some of my old friends : Tom and

Students' activities Time ms

- Work in groups to play chain game following example exchange

S1: I saw museums in HCM city S2: I saw museums and

librafies in HCM city. Time ms

- Work in pairs to complete the table

Time 20ms - Work in individually


Sally It was very nice to see them We visited the history museum and some art galleries in Hang Bai street and had lunch together at a vegetarian restaurant

I bought a lot of souvernirs and postcards for you and other friends

See you soon, With love, Mary 3 Post reading

-Asks Ss to exercise P.71 in the workbook

Time ms

- Work in individually to exercise P.71 in the workbook IV.Consolidation:

V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time ms - Do exercise


Period 77 Preparation :7/ 3/2010 Teaching :18/3/2010 Unit12


Language focus

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use Past progressive tense , and progressive tenses

I.Knowledge: Progressive tenses with always, when and while II.SkillS: Writing

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: III.New lesson:

Teacher's activities Past progressive tense :

- Gives the situation , turns out the form of tense At oclock yesterday morning ,I was sleeping Form:

S+ was/were + V-ing…

Uses : diển tả hành động xảy thời điểm xác định khứ

* With “ when ”: Go togerther with simple past : diển tả

hành động xảy thời điểm xác định khứ hành động khác cắt ngang

Example :

Last night when I was watching TV , she came to my house

* With “ While ”: diển tả hành động xảy song song

Example :

At oclock yesterday morning,Iwas playing video games

while my mother was washing

1)Asks Ss to look at the pictures say what each people was doing at o clock last night following eample exchange :

a Ba was taking a showert at o clock last night - Teacher corrects their mistakes

Answer keys :

b Hoa was eating at o clock last night

c Bao was reading book at o clock last night

d Nga was doing her home work at o clock last night e.Na was joging at o clock last night

f Lan was talking at o clock last night

2) Asks Ss to look at the pictures to match the half –

sentences in column A to those in column B then write the full sentences following example exchange :

a- C The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came Answer keys :


Students' activities Time 10ms

- Ss listen and copy down the form

Then give some examples

a.At 10 oclock yesterday morning Lan was cooking when I did my homework b While she was sleeping they were playing chess

Time ms

- Work in individually to say what each people was doing at o clock last night following example exchange Ba was taking a showert at 8 o clock last night

Time ms

- Work in individuallyto look at the pictures to match the half –sentences in


a.While Hoa was eating A when the plane got to


b.When Nam won the race B when Tuan arrived home c Mrs Thoa was cooking C when the mailman came

d.WhenLan arrived at

school D the schooldrum wassounding e It was raining E the crowd was cheering

f.TheLe family was

sleeping F.the phone rang

b- F c-E d- B e- D f- A

b.While Hoa was eating the phone rang

c When Nam won the race , the crowd was cheering d Mrs Thoa was cooking when Tuan arrived home e When Lan arrived at school , the schooldrum was sounding

f It was raining when the plane got to Hanoi.

3) Asks ss to write what the people are always doing following example exchange :

a: Bao is always forgetting his homework b: Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella

c : Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing their bus d: Nam is always watching TV

e: Na is always taling phone f: Liem is always going out.

sentences following example exchange

a- C The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came

Time ms

- Work in individually to write what the people are always doing

Then share with their parner Example exchange:

a Bao is always forgetting his homework

IV.Consolidation: Time 8ms

Exercise: chọn một đáp án ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau 1 I (met / was meeting) a friend while I (did/ was doing) the shopping.

2 I (turned /was turning) round and (saw/ was seeing) Paula. 3 She (wore /was wearing) a red cold.

4 I (pay / was paying) for my things when I (heard / was hearing) someone call my name 1 You ( always watch / are always watching)

TV You should your homework

2 Mr Ba (always goes / is always going) to work by bus.

3 John is never satisfied He (always complains / is always complaining)

V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time 5ms - Do exercises in workbook


Period 78 Preparation :7/ 3/2010 Teaching :22/3/2010 Unit13 FESTIVALS

Getting started + Listen and read

A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Vietnamese traditional festivals

I.Knowledge: passive form and compound words II.SkillS: listening, reading and speaking

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Gets Ss to exercises in workbook

III.New lesson: Time ms


Spring festival Tet

Village festival

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Getting started

- Asks Ss to work in groups and answer the question: What should they go on their visit to Viet Nam

- Leads in the new lesson - gives questions

? Who are they in the picture? ? What are they doing?

1 Presentation

a Pre teach vocabulary

- Elicits - models- gets Ss to repeat in choral down to individually then write on the board Vocabulary

+ rice- cooking festival: hội thi nấu ăn + water - fetching contst: hợi thi lấy nước + fire- making: hợi thi nhóm lửa

+ starting position: vị trí xuất phát + yell (v): la hét, cổ vũ

+ rub (v): ch + husk (n): vịi trâu

- Check vocab : what and where

b.Open prediction

Time ms

- Say the festivals in VN - Work in groups


A: In your opinion, where should Tom go? B: I think he should go to Do Son beach. It’s very beautiful beach and it’s not very far from Ha Noi.

C: That’s a good idea Time ms

- Say the words - then listen to T - repeat

- check vocab with T

Time ms Festivals in


Contents What they do

Water – fetching - run to the river bank to take the bottles of water and return to the

starting position Fire- making - rub pieces of bamboo

together to make fire Rice- cooking - separate the husk and

then cook the rice - Presentation the text

- Calls on Ss to read the test again * act1: Asks Ss to check their prediction * act2: Asks Ss to check statements T or F at p.122

keys a F only one

b F one person has to collect one bottle. c T

d F pieces of bamboo e T

* act3: - Elicits the modal sentences A rice cooking festival A water - fetching competition A fire - making competition Article Noun V-ing Noun

 compound adjective ( Tính từ ghép) Form: N + V_ing.

Use: to form a compound noun

2 Practice

- Asks Ss to exercise at p.130 in texbook

- Work in groups to predict what they

- Look at the book and listen to the tape - Reading the test aloud

- Check their prediction

- Read the test again and check T or F

- Say the model sentences

- Find out the main grammer - Take note

Time ms - Do exercise IV.Consolidation:

V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time ms - Learn by heart the vocab and practise reading the text

- Do exercises in workbook


Week 27 Preparation :21/ 3/2010 Period 79 Teaching 23 /3 /2010 Unit13 FESTIVALS

Speak + listen

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to practice speaking and listening about preparation for Tet

I.Knowledge: vocabulary about Tet holiday II.SkillS: listening and speaking

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Ask Ss to Time ms

- Read the test and answer the questions:

? What they in rice - cooking festival/ water- fetching/ fire- making? - Write down some vocab

III New lesson: Buy new clothes Tidying the room Time ms

Green rice cake Marigold(flowers)

Buy cakes/ sweets/ jam Hang pictures

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Pre - speaking

- pre teach vocab: elicits - models - gets Ss to repeat then write on the board + decorate(v) : trang trí , trang hoàng

+ pomegranate (n): Lựư + marigold (n) cúc vạn thọ

+ dried watermelon seeds : hạt dưa hấu khô + peach blossoms: hoa đào , đào

* Odering statements

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to put the dialouge in their correct order ( speak1 p 123)

- Gets Ss to practice speaking in pairs aloud - Gives feedback

2 While- speaking: Mapped dialogue Huong Nam

-You/ tidy/ school - yes/ we/ where/ you yard? /going/ now,Huong - to the market/ I/ buy - Is / anything/ you/want/ Cakes Cndies, fruit us/ do/ while/ out? - not really/our/ shool - ah, we/ what/do/now / look nice/ meeting we decorate/ hall Could/ buy/ color lights All right - buy/ Huong

- Listen and gives feedback 3 Pre- listening

- lead in the new lesson

- Gets Ss to predict the missing words

Time ms

- Say the words - listen then repeat after T

- Work in groups to put the dialouge in their order

- Speak in pairs before class Time ms

- Work in pairs - then speak aloud

Time ms - Listen

- Repeat the new woeds after T Preparation


4 While- listening

- Asks Ss to listen to the tape and then check their prediction

- Elicits Ss’ words - Gives feedback

Asnwer keys

a … Mr Robinson flower market… b … traditional

c … dried watermelon seed… d … make…

5 Post- speaking -listening

- write -it -up about Ss’ preparation for Tet

- Predict the missing words Time ms

- Listen to the tape then check their prediction

- Read the completed sentences alould

Time ms


V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time ms - Learn by heart the vocab and practise reading the text

- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare : Unit 13 (Read)


Teaching :25 /3 /2010 Unit13 FESTIVALS


A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main ideal of the text

I.Knowledge: Christmas vocabulary II.Skills: reading and listening

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Ask Ss to Time ms

- Write down some vocab III.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Warmer: Guessing game 1st clue: This is the biggest festival in

western countries.

2nd clue: People often decorate a tree and

exchange best wishes by giving cards to each other.

3rd clue: It is on December 25

? what often at Christmas? - lead in the new lesson

1 Pre- reading

a pre- teach vocab:

- elicits the words- models - gers Ss to repeat in choral down to individually - write on the board

* vocabulary

+ spread- spread - spread: lan truyền + Christmas carol (n): thánh ca + decorate (v) ; decoration (n):trang trí + have s.b s.th: yêu cầu làm gì - Check vocab : what and where

b T/F statement prediction

1 People decorated Christmas tree in the early 1500s.

2 The Christmas tree came from England.

3 The Christmas card was first designed by an Russian man in the mid- nineteen centery.

4 800 years ago Christmas songs were performed.

5 Santa Clause 2832 first appeared in Rita.

2 While- reading

Time ms Answer: Chrismas

Time ms

- Say the words - listento the T then repeat after T

Time ms

-Predict T or F

Time ms


-Asks Ssto read the text and check their guess

Key 1T 2F 3F 4T 5F

- has Ss read the text again and aasnwer the questions in texkbook

- Calls on some to speak bofore class - Gives feedback

1 more than a centery ago

2 He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends.

3 800 years ago

4 An American professor named Clemit Clearke Moore.

5 On the descriptoin of Sain Nicolas in professor Moore’ poem.

3 Post- reading

- Has Ss to listen to the song

We wish you merry christmas

- Answer the questions in pairs

Time ms - Listen to the song


V Homework: Aks Ss to: Time ms - Learn by heart the vocab and practise reading the text


Period 81 Preparation :21/ 3/2010 Teaching :29 /3 /2010 Unit13 FESTIVALS


A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a report on a fwesdtival I.Knowledge: Christmas about vocabulary

II.SkillS: Reading, listening and speaking B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: III.New lesson:

Teacher’ s activities Sstudents’ activities

Warmer: Brainstorming

Water- fetching

Fire- making 1 Pre- writing

a Asks Ss to task p 126.

- Elicits Ss’ words - Gives feedback

- Then calls on a S to read completed paragraph aloud

b Choose a festival and Ss to work in pair to answer the questions.

* Mid- Autumn festival 2 While- writing

- Asks Ss to write a paragraph - Goes around to help Ss 3 Post- writing

- Corrects Ss’ mistakes

Time ms

- Tall about the rice- cooking festival

Time 14 ms - work in pairs

Key words 1 rice- cooking traditional 2 one bamboo 3 water- fetching six 4 run seperate 5 water 10.added - Answer the question in pairs Time 15 ms

- Write a paragraph into notebook Time ms

- Correct with T

IV Consolidation

V Homework -Asks Ss to Time 5ms - Write into notebook

- Do exercises 5,6,7 (workbook) - Prepare : Unit 13 (Languege focus )

Week 28 Preparation :25/ 3/2010 Rice-


Period 82 Teaching : 30/3 /2010 Unit13 FESTIVALS

Languege focus

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to use Passive form, compound words and reported speech

I.Knowledge: Passive form ,compound words and reported speech II.SkillS: Writing and speaking

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: No check

III New lesson: Teacher's activities

Passive form

- Recall the way to change the active sentences into passive

S + V + O

S + be + Vpp (by O) Example :

Last night I saw her in the cinema

Last night She was seen in the cinema by me

1.Complete the sentencses ,use the passsive forms of the verbs in the box

Decide whether the time is past ,present or futurer

Answer keys :

a.were performed b was decorated - put c was made

d was held e was awarded f was written

2 Asks Ss to complete the conversation , use the verbs in the box

Answer keys :

jumbled broken broken scatter pull

b- F c-E d- B e- D f- A

3 Asks Ss to rewrite the sentences ,use the compound words :

Answer keys

a: It’s a fire - making contest b: It’s a bull - fighting festival c :It’s a cars-making industry d: It;s a flower - arranging contest e: Viet nam is a rice-exporting country f: This is a clothes washing machine

Students' activities Time ms

- Ss listen and copy down the form Then give some examples

I write a book

A book is written by me

Time ms

- Work in individually to complete the sentences ,use the passsive forms of the verbs in the box Decide whether the time is past ,present or futurer

Time ms

- Work inindividually to complete the conversation ,use the verbs in the box Time ms

- Work in individually to


4 T says : Yesterday Mrs Thu neeed a

plumer ,a man came to her door and asks Ss to report what the man told

Answer keys

He said he could fix the faucets He said the pipes were broken

He said new pipes were very expensive He saidI had to pay him then

Time ms

- Work in individually to report what the man told

IV Consolidation

V Homework -Asks Ss to Time ms - Write into notebook

- Do exercises 1,3,4 (workbook)


Period 83 Preparation :25/ 3/2010 Teaching : 02/4/2010 Unit14


Getting Started -Listen and read

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to seek information about wonders of the world

I.Knowledge: question words before to infinitives II.SkillS: Reading and Speaking

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Asks Ss to change the sentences into passive a) People often sings these song in New Year. b) Lan wrote this letter last night.

III New lesson:

Teacher's activities

1 Revision: Getting started

-Asks Ss to match the picture at P 131 (text book) with names of famous world landmarks:

Answer keys: a.The Pyramids

b Sydney opera house c Stonehenge

1 Presentation:

a Presentation dialogue.

-Reads the dialogue, then asks Ss to practice the dialogue -Asks Ss to complete the sumary use the words from the dialogue

Answer keys :

1 game place clue Viet nam 5 America golden right was

b Model sentences

I don’t know + to - infinitive Use: Tôi không biết……

2 Practice.

* Guessing game

- Writes the names of famous world landmarks on the board and asks Ss to choose one name to play a game following example exchange :( Phong nha cave, The

Pyramids,Sydneyopera house,Stonehenge) S1 : Is it in Viet nam ?

S2 : No,it isn’t S3 : Is it in China ? S1: yes,it’s

S2 : Is it the Great wall? S3: That’s correct

3 Further practice

Students' activities Time ms

- Work in groups to to match the picture at P 131 (text book) with names of famous world landmarks :

Time ms

- Listen and practice the dialogue

Then work in

individuallyto complete the sumary use the words from the dialogue

Time ms

Time ms

- Work in groups to play this game

- Ss work in individually to write the information that Nga gave to Nhi Then share with their friends


-T says : Nga answered Nhi’s questions She then gave nhi some additional information,use the words to write the information that Nga gave to Nhi

Answer keys :

a Nga told Nhi how to go there b.Nga show Nhi where to get tickets

c.Nga point out Nhi where to buy souvernirs

d.Nga advise Nhi how to go from My son to Hoi an e Nga told Nhi what to there during the visit IV Consolidation

V Homework -Asks Ss to Time ms - Write into notebook

- Do exercises 1,2 (workbook)

- Prepare : Unit 14 (Speak and Listen )


Teaching : 05/4/2010 Unit14 WONDERS OF THE WORLD

Speak and listen

A Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to alk about the wonders of the world and find mistakes in the advertisement

I.Knowledge: Indirect questions with if and whether II.SkillS: Speaking, listening, writing

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Asks Ss to write famous places III New lesson:

Teacher's activities * Revision Matching :

-Asks Ss to match the names of wonder with their country

A Great wall a The USA B Empire state building b Malaysia C Petronas Twin Towers c England D Great barrier Reef d Australia

E Eiffel Tower e South central Asia F Mount Everrest f Viet nam

G Big Ben g China H Ha long bay h France 1 Pre-speaking

-Asks Ss to make more questions (P 132 ) following example exchange :

Is Great wall in Viet nam ?

Is Phong Nha cave in the southern in Viet nam ?

Is Ha long Bay a world heritage site ?

Is Big Ben in the USA ?

- Then T changes one question into indirect question Explains the ways to change

* Lùi lại

Is Great wall in Viet nam _? => I asked Lan if

/whether Great wall was in Viet nam

-After that asks Ss to changes questions into indirect questions

2.While -speaking

-Asks Ss to task P 133 -text book Answer keys :

1 I asked Lan if /whether Great wall was in Viet nam .She said that it wasn't.

2 I asked Nga if petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia was the hightest building in the world She said that it was 3 I askes Lan whether the Great barrier Reef was a world heritage site She said that it was

3 Post- speaking

Students' activities Time ms

- Work in individually

to match the names of wonder with their country

Time ms

- Work in pairs to make more questions (P 132 ) following example exchange :

Is Great wall in Viet nam ? Is Phong Nha cave in the southern in Viet nam ? - Work in individually to changes questions into indirect questions

- Work in individually to task P 133 -text book Time ms

- Work in individually to exercise P.86 in the work book


-Asks Ss to exercise P.86 in the work book,then T corrects their mistakes

Answer keys :

b Nam asked Nga if she liked traveling She said it was c Nam asked Nga if/whether Big Ben was in London .She said it was

d.Nam asked Nga if it was cold in Sydney in January.She said it wasn't

e Nam asked Nga if the Pyramids in Egypt attracted a lot of tourists She said it was

f Nam asked Nga if/whether Ha lonh bay was in Viet nam was one of the world heritage She said it was

g Nam asked Nga if her parents spoke EL She said they weren't


1 Pre-listening a Vocab

+ crystal -clear (explanation): suốt pha lê + snorkel ( translation): bơi lặn (có sử dụng bình dưỡng khí)

+ coral ( translation): san hô + marine ( translation): thuộc biển

+ rainforest ( example): rừng mưa nhiệt đới + jungle ( example) rừng rậm nhiệt đới - Check vocab slap the board

T calls out words in English ,Ss slap on the words in Vietnamese

b Open-predidiction :

-Asks Ss to guess mistakes in the advertisement P 133 in text book

2.While- listening

-Asks Ss to listen to the tape to check their prediction Answer key

3.Post-listening Mapped dialogue -Asks Ss to make the dialogue

Tom Lan I/like swimming /where /go? Cua tung Where/stay?


There/special/food? Yes/wonderful Oh/thanks /I/come

Example :

Tom: I like swimming Where shouid I go ? Lan : You should go to cua tung beach Tom : Where can I stay ?

Lan: There is a hotel near the beach Tom: Is there any special food ? Lan: Yes,there is

Tom : Oh, thanks I'll come there

-Then share with their friends

Time ms

- Listen to T then repeat

- Check vocab then copy down

Time ms

- Listen to the tape then check their prediction

Time ms - Work in pairs Time ms


- Calls on some pairs to speak alould before class.

IV Consolidation :Indirect questions with if and whether Time ms V Homework -Asks Ss to Time ms - Write into notebook

- Do exercise 3/ p 85,86 (workbook) - Prepare : Unit 14 (Read )


Period 85 Teaching : 08/04/2010 Unit14 WONDERS OF THE WORLD


A Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details of the text

I.Knowledge: Wonders of the world II.SkillS: Reading and writing

B Procedures:

I.Settlement: -Greetings Time:1m -Checking attendence

8a 8b 8c

II.Checking: Asks Ss to write vocabulary III New lesson:

Teacher's activities

* Revision:

-Asks Ss to match the wonders with their city/ country Statue of Liberty a San Franciusco 2.Golden gate bridge b India

Taj Mabal c Egypt Pyramid of Cheops d China Great Wall e Cambodia Angkor Wat f New york -Asks Ss some questions

When will I have go to see the Statue of liberty ? Answer keys :

1- f , 2- a, 3-,b, 4- c , 5- d , 6- e 1 Pre-reading


+ (to ) compile (synonym with produce a list ) :biên soạn , biên tập

+ (to ) claim ( translation ) : khẳng định , tuyên bố + religious ( translation ) : thuộc tôn giáo

+ royal ( translation ) :tḥc hồng tợc , hồng gia + (to ) honor ( translation ) : tôn thờ , tơn kính - Uses the techniques to elicit each words

- Reads each times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then individually

- writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress - Asks Ss to copy

- Check: Slap the board

b.Open-predidiction :

-Asks Ss to predict :

Wonders mentioned in the text Pyramid of cheops 2.While- reading

- T reads and asks Ss to read the text to check their prediction

Students' activities Time ms

- Work in in individually to match the wonders with their city/ country

then answer the questions

=>You'll have to go to New York

Time ms

- Listen and repeat in choral, in groups, in individually

- Then copy down on their notebooks

- Work in groups to slap on the words in Vietnamese

Time ms

- Work in individually to predict : Wonders mentioned in the text

Time ms


then asks Ss to complete the sentences P.134 ( text book)

Answer key :

a-C , b -A , c-D , d -B 3.Post-reading

-Asks Ss to Language focus P.136

then practice the text - Work in individually to complete the sentences P.134 ( text book)

Work in individually to Time ms

- Language focus P.136 IV Consolidation : Check vocabulary Time ms V Homework -Asks Ss to Time ms - Write into notebook

- Do exercises 5,6/ p 86,87 (workbook) - Prepare : Unit 14 (Write )

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2021, 04:32



