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peripod 5th che lan vien lower secondary school period 60 p day 250108 t day 280108 unit 10 lesson 1 recycling getting started listen and read 1 2 a objectives i knowledge helps ss to deal wi

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- Ask Ss to listen and work in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the instructions on how to prepare the tealeaves.. - Get Ss to give their[r]


*Period: 60 P.day:25/01/ 08

T.day:28/01/ 08

Unit: 10

Lesson: 1




I/ Knowledge : Helps Ss to deal with information about the environment problems By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to something to protect the environment & save natural resources

II/ Skills : Listening and reading B TEACHING PROCEDURE :

I/ Greeting and checking absence:(1M) - Greeting in English:

- Attendance: 8C: 8D: 8E: II/ Warm - up ( 5M ) : Jumble words.

III/ New lesson :


PRE-READING - Introduces the topic & asks Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount of garbage they produce.

- Asks Ss to give their opinions base on the cue given in the getting started part

- Comments S’s information

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

- Introduces the statements & asks Ss to work in

pairs to predict if the statements are true or false

Time: 15 M 1 Brainstorm:

- Thinking of ways to reduce the amount of garbage they produce.

- Giving their opinions base on the cue given in the getting started part

Reuse plastic bag 2 Vocabulary: ROR.

- natural resources (n); - representative (a); (to) protect;

- (to) recycle ; (to) contact;

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual & Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

3 True - False prediction.

- Working in pairs to predict if the





- Asks Ss to give their predictions & comments

* Statements:

a Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other.

b Miss Blake asks the Ss to remember things: reduce; reuse; recycle

c Reduce means buying the products which are over packed. d We can’t reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, e Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags & shouldn’t use plastic bas at all.

statements are true or false - Giving their predictions

f Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying & finding another use for them.

* Answer keys:

1.F;to help people protect the environment & save natural resources

2 T;

3 F- Reduce means not buying;

4 F- We can reuse things; 5 T;


- Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue & Asks them to check their prediction

- Asks Ss to give feedback & comments.

- Gives the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to asks & answer

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects S’s answers & comments * Questions:

1 What does Miss Blake mean by reduce ?

2 What things can we reuse ? 3 What does recycle mean ?

4 Where can we look for information on recycle things ? 5 Why does Miss Blake tell Lan

that we shouldn’t use plastic bags at all ?

Time: 10 M.

4 Presentation dialogue:

- Listening to the dialogue again & checking their prediction

- Giving feedback & commenting 5 Comprehension questions: - Working in pairs to asks & answer

- Giving the answer keys by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting the answers * Answers:

1 Reduce means not buying the products which are over packed

2 We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles,

3 Recycle means not just throwing things away but trying & finding another use for them.

4 By having a contact with a organization like Friends of the Earth.



- Introduces the topic “How to protect our environment” & asks Ss to work in groups of four to discuss

- Asks Ss to give their opinion - Comments S’s idea

Time: 10 M.

6 Discussion:

- Working in groups of four to discuss - Giving their opinion


- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the dialogue V HOME WORK: (2M)

- Study the dialogue & the vocabularies & Write the question & full answer in your notebook

- Prepare the picture on page 91 C SUPPLEMENT:


end -*Period: 61 P.day:27/01/0 8

T.day:30/01/0 8

Unit: 10

Lesson: 2




A.OBJECTIVES : To help Ss practice in giving and responding to intructions and listening for specific information about making compost

I/ Knowledge : Ss can give and respond to instructions. II/ Skills: Speaking and listening


I Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

- Attendance: 8C: 8D: 8E:

II/ Warm - up ( M ) : Memory game (kim’sgame)

- Look at the picture to the Ss and ask them to observe it carefully, let them look at the picture for about 20” then put it away

- Ask Ss write as many words showing things in the picture as possible

- Possible answer:

Used paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes, shoes, schoolbags

III/ New lesson


PRE-SPEAKING -Farmer often uses this thing to make their plants or trees grow well What’s it?

-What you call the fertilizer made from spoiled food, leaves, and vegetable matter

-What are these clothes made of?

- Our shoes, sandals are often made of ?

- Tell Ss they are going to listen to the words for items and put them into right groups

- Modals some words

Time: 15 M. 1 vocabulary:

- (to)fertilize fertilizer(nu)

- compost(n)

- (a) compost heap

- fabric(n)

- leather(n)

checkimg vocab: W&W 2.Dictation list

Group Items Paper used paper (books )

Glass bottles, glasses, jars

Plastic plastic bags, plastic bottles

Metal food cans, drinking tins

Fabric cloth bags, material



- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board

- Elicit the exchanges from Ss

- Have some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange

- After finishing the dialogue, ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue

- Open pairs/ closed pairs

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information (in brackets) with the words in the diction list

- T corrects

Time: 10 M. mapped dialogue


- Tell Ss they are going to listen to an expert who gives the instructions to make compost

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the multiple choice questions on page 91

- Check if Ss understand the Qs

- Have Ss give their answers and correct

Time: 10 M.

Listen: multiple choice Answer key:

a A b.B c.C d D


Asks Ss to summarize the content of the lesson V HOMEWORK:(2M)

- Practice the dialogue with your partner, replacing the information - Preparing unit 10 lesson 3- read


*Period: 62 P.day:06/02 /08

T.day:12/02 /08

Unit: 10

Lesson: 3




Which group (do Put(them) in (fablic)

clothes) belong to?


A.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text and some vocabulary

I/ Knowledge : Reading for details about how things ate recycled. II/ Skills : reading and speaking


II/Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

- Attendance: 8C: 8D: 8E:

II/ Warm - up ( 5M ) : Wordsquare

E N V I R O N M E N T N B C G A R B A G E R V E D R D O P P U R E E J U E Y I L A R S C L U S E D P A P E R Y O S T N O T S E D E C P R O T E C T R U U L E A B R C A I B C S E R E C E E N C A E E K D E E E F G H G I J L Answer key:

Environment, garbage, pure, used paper, protect

Envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic, paper bag, reduce, reuse, recycle

III/ New lesson :



- Picture

- Drawing

- Translation

- Explanation

- # (to) freeze

- Tell Ss they are going to read a page in a newspaper giving some recycling facts to protect the environment

? What people with used things?

? What can they make from them?

TIME: 15 M 1 Vocabulary:

- (a) tire - (a) pipe

- (a) deposit

- (to) refill

- (to) melt

checking vocab: R.O.R

2.open prediction

write the Ss’guesses on the board Car tires

Milk bottles Glass

Drink cans

WHILE-READING - Draw the grid on the board

and have Ss copy it

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the text

Time: 10 M.

Used things Recycling facts

Car tires are recycled to

make pipes and


- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of recycling facts mentioned in the text

- Call on some Ss to write the information in the grid on the board

POST-READING - Ask Ss to work individually to

answer the Qs on page 93

- Let Ss compare their answer with their partners

- Call on some Ss answer

- Give feedback

Time: 10 M.

3.Comprehension questions

a people clean and refill empty milk bottles with milk.

b.The glass is broken up,melted and made into new glassware.

c.The oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans The deposit is returned when people bring the can back for recycling.

d.Compost is made from household and garden wasre.

e.If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5265456.


- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the text V HOME WORK: (2M)

- Study the text & the vocabularies & Write the questions & full answer in your notebook

- Prepare lesson 4- write C SUPPLEMENT:

*Period: 63

Pre.day: 06/02/08 T.day:13/02/08

Unit: 10 Lesson: 4



A OBJECTIVES: Ss will be able to write a set of instructions, using the sequencing

I Knowledge : Helps Ss to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things

II Skill: writing and speaking


I Greeting & checking absence ( M ):

- Greeting in English.

- Absence: 8C: 8D: 8E: II. Warm - up( M ) : lucky numbers! Questions


2 Say this sentence in the passive “ People speak English everywhere” Say this sentence in the active “Cartoons are liked by most children” Lucky number!

5 Lucky number!

6 Say this sentence in the passive”we not use things carefully” Say this sentence in the active”Are candies liked by the children?” Say this sentence in the passive”Mr Han teaches Maths”

9 Same as “ Vegetarians not eat meat”

III New lesson:


- To put sth in liquid for a time so that it becomes completely wet)

- Mime

- Translation

- Drawing

- Set the sene: tell Ss they are going to read a text about how to recycle used paper

- Put the verbs on the board randomly in a flow chart

- Ask Ss to work in groups to guess the order of the actions

- Call on about pairs to write their answers on the board

- Explain the process of recycling, using mimes or Vietnamese

- T corrects

Time: 10 M.


- (to) soak

- (to) mash

- (a) wire mesh

- (a) bucket

Checking vocab: Slap the board Ordering prediction

1 Answer key:

1 soak Mash mix pull out Press dry

WHILE- WRITING - Ask Ss to open their books, read the text

on page 93 and fill in the verbs

- Ask Ss to close their books

- Write the sequencing on the board and have Ss to practise speaking first

- Call on Ss to say the sentences from memory

- Call on some Ss to read their writing for the class Give feedback and correct

Time: 10 M.

1 Answer key:

1 use Mix Place press wrap Wait Dry

2 Recall

First, Then, Next, After that, Finally, Answer key:

First, soak old newspaper in a bucket overnight.

Then,mash the paper by a wooden Soak dry pull out mix



After that, use a wire mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the cloth and press it down firmly.

Finally, take the mesh out of the cloth and dry it in the sun.

POST – WRITING - Stick the photocopied pictures on the

board randomly

- Ask Ss to listen and work in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the instructions on how to prepare the tealeaves

- Get Ss to give their answers

- Correct

Time: 15 M.

Ordering pictures

Read the instructions aloud

a.First take the used tealeaves on a tray.

b Next scatter the tealeaves in the sun.

c Then dry the leaves in the sun. d Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use.


- Asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the text

- Write the instructions on how to make a thing you have ever made using the sequencing

V HOMEWORK: (2M) - Exercise: IV writing - Exercise book - Prepare for the Language focus 1,2 C SUPPLEMENT:

*Period: 64 P.day:10/02/08 T.day:16/02/08

Unit: 10 Lesson: 5



A.OBJECTIVES : Ss will be able to form the passive in simple present and Future simple tense

I Knowledge: To get Ss to futher practise in the passive voice II Skill: speaking and writing


I Greeting & checking absence ( M ):

- Greeting in English.

- Absence: 8C: 8D: 8E: II Warm - up or Revision ( M ) :

Question Game: What’s your job?

- Call on a student to go to the board and give him/her a job name

- Ask the rest of the class to giess the job by asking yes-no questions


Example questions:

Do you get a big salary? Do you wear uniform?

- Tell Ss someone who can guess the right job will get a point and take the place of the last chosen student

III New lesson:


- Elicit the model sentences from Ss the have Ss repeat

- Concept checking

- How to change an active sentence to an passive one

- Have Ss copy down

PRACTICE Language focus 1

- Ask Ss to read the instructions and look at the pictures on page 95

- Tell them to put the pictures in the correct order according to the instructions

- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in the passive form

- T corrects

- Ss copy

Language focus

- set the scene:

Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam find it difficult to follow Ba’s directions.

1 Model sentences: passive voice Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings Glass is

a Form: passive voice in the simple present and simple future tenses

S + is/am/are + Part Participle b Use: it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb (Vnamese can be used for weaker Ss) Active: S V O

Passive: S be+pp by O Example:

I love my parents My parents are loved by me


Answer key:

a b c d e.2 f b Then the glass is washed with a detergent liquid

c The glass pieces are dried completely

d They are mixed with certain specific chemicals

e The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid

f A long pipe is used It is dipped into the liqiud, then liqiud is blown into intended shapes

2 Model sentences:

It is difficult to follow your directions


What does he say to Nam?

- concept checking

- Ask Ss to open their books and complete the dialouges on page 96

- T corrects

- Ss copy down Language focus

- set the sene:

Nam passed the English exam and his grandparents are delighted at it What did they write to him?

- Concept checking

- Ask Ss to read the letter on page 97 and match the words

- Call on some Ss to go to the board to draw the lines

- Ask Ss to copy the vocabulary

PRODUCTION Language focus 2

- Show Ss the questions and ask them to fill in the gaps, using the passive

- Correct

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the letter using the words in the box

- Get some Ss to give their answers

- Give feedback and correct

Practice Answer key

1 easy to understand hard to believe dangerous to go Important to wait Model sentences:

We are delighted that you passed the English exam

Form: S+be+adj+that/noun clause.


1 relieved(adj) a xin chuc mung congratulation b cho look forward to c xac nhan lai confirm(v) d nhe nhom Answer key:

1 d c a b


Answer key:

1 will be showed/shown will be built .will be finished will be made ? Answer key:

1 was happy Am relieved is afraid are you sure am certain


- Ask Ss to retell the way to change an active sentence into passive one

V HOMEWORK: (2M) - Study the grammar & the modal sentence - Exercise: 4+5+6 in Workbook

- Prepare next lesson C SUPPLEMENT:


Ngày đăng: 14/04/2021, 02:54


