One of the world’s largest libraries is in One of the world’s largest libraries is in (the United (the United States’/ France’s/ England’s).. States’/ France’s/ England’s) Library o[r]
(1)(2)Stu dy a
Sci en
ce a nd
Mat h
Geography Newspapers & Magazines English
Librarian’s desk
B3 Listen Where are they?
1 English booksEnglish books Study area
2 Study area
3 Science + Math Science + Math
4 Geography Geography
5 Newspapers and Newspapers and
magazines magazines
a On the right of the
a On the right of the
librarian’s desk
librarian’s desk
b Next to the study area
b Next to the study area
c In the center of the
c In the center of the
d Behind the librarian’s
d Behind the librarian’s
e Next to the shelf of
e Next to the shelf of
science books
science books
f In front of the shelf of
f In front of the shelf of
English books
English books
(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: 1.
1. One of the world’s largest libraries is in One of the world’s largest libraries is in (the United (the United States’/ France’s/ England’s)
States’/ France’s/ England’s) Library of Library of Congress
Congress 2.
2. It receives copies of all It receives copies of all (American/ French/ (American/ French/ English)
English) books books 3.
3. It contains over It contains over (100/ 200/ 300)(100/ 200/ 300) milion books. milion books. 4.
4. It It (have/ has/ having)(have/ has/ having) over 5000 employees. over 5000 employees.
- Congress (n): quốc hội - Receive (v):
chứa đựng nhận lấy
- Contain (v):
(9)Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
1. One ofOne of the world’s largest libraries is inthe world’s largest libraries is in ((thethe United United States
States’’ / France’s/ England’s) Library of Congress./ France’s/ England’s) Library of Congress 2.
2. It receives copies of allIt receives copies of all ((AmericanAmerican/ French/ English)/ French/ English) books
books 3.
3. It contains overIt contains over ((100100/ 200/ 300) milion books./ 200/ 300) milion books 4.
4. It (have/It (have/ hashas/ having) over 5000 employees./ having) over 5000 employees
- Congress (n): quốc hội
- Receive (v):
chứa đựng nhận lấy
- Contain (v):
(10)a. Where is the Library of Congress? b How many books does it have?
c How long are its shelves?
(11)1 3 5
6 8
Team A Team B
(12)Because it recieves copies
of all American books.
(13)It is in Washington D.C
(14)(15)About 1000 km long
(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)Information of
Information of
the library of
the library of
Where ?
Where ?
Numbers of books?
Numbers of books? The length of shelves? The length of shelves?
Numbers of employees ?
(23)Information of
Information of
the library of
the library of
Where ?
Where ? In Wasington D.CIn Wasington D.C
Numbers of books?
Numbers of books? Over 100 million Over 100 million
The length of shelves?
The length of shelves? About 1000 km About 1000 km
Numbers of employees ?
(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)•Do exercises B3- in work book
•Prepare the next period Unit 5:A1