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de cuong on thi vao lop 10

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Tài liệu hạn chế xem trước, để xem đầy đủ mời bạn chọn Tải xuống


Nội dung

So : coù nghóa laø “ vì vaäy” , lieân töø naøy ñöùng tröôùc veá caâu thöù hai trong moät caâu gheùp, bieåu hieän veá caâu thöù hai laø keát quaû taùc ñoäng cuûa veà caâu thöù nhaát.. T[r]






ng t

ng k


t c



ng t

( Basic Tenses).








+) S + am/is/are + O

-) S + am/is/are + not + O

?) Am/is/are + S + O?


V- thường:

+) S + V/Vs/Ves + O

-) S + don’t/doesn’t + V +


?) Do/does + S + V + O?

- Di

n t






ng xuyên x

y ra, l





p l

i, ho

c di

n t


t thói

quen c





n t


- Di

n t



t hi

n nhiên




t chân lý.

Ex I’m a student.


always, often,

usually, sometimes,

every, seldom,

rarely, hardly,….

Ex Mary always

goes to school on









+) S + am/is/are + V-ing + O.

-) S + am/is/are + not + V-ing + O.

?) Am/is/are + S + V-ing + O?

Ex Look! The train is leaving

- Di

n t





ang x

y t






m nói.

- N


u câu có

hai m



, m









nh l

nh m



sau có


ng t




now, at the

moment, at present,.







+) S + have/has + V-ed/P2 + O

-) S + have/has + not + V-ed/P2 +O

?) Have/has + S + V-ed/P2 + O?

Ex I have leanrt English since


- Di

n t






ã x

y ra, ko

có th

i gian xác


nh, ng


i nói ko

nói rõ th

i gian,



i h

i ko bi




c x

y hay




- Di

n t



ng v

a m

i x



- Di

n t




y ra

trong kh

, ti






n t




ng lai.


just, already,

recently, lately, yet,


for + khoảng thời



since + mốc thời




since + mệnh đề ở

quá khứ.


up to now/up to

present, so


- first time, second

time, … , several

time, last time…








+) S + have/has + been + V-ing + O

-) S + have/has + not + been + V-ing + O

?) Have/has + S + been + V-ing + O?

Ex My sister has been teaching English

for 15 years.

- Di

n t




liên t

c c

a h




i gian

- Các câu, c

m t



n c

m xúc…


I’m very












+) S + was/were + O.

-) S + was/were + not + O.

?) Was/were + S + O?


V- thường:

+) S + P1/V-ed + O.

-) S + didn’t + V + O.

?) Did + S + V + O?

- Di


n t





và k


t thúc hoàn toàn

trong kh


- Di

n t





ra liên ti



trong kh


Ex I was born in


Ex Lan bought a

new book



yesterday, last +

time, time + ago, in

+ th

i gian

quá kh








+) S + was/were + V-ing + O.

-) S + was/were + not + V-ing +


?) Was/were + S + V-ing + O?

Ex I was playing footbal at

o’clock in the yesterday


Ex When I came yesterday, she

was watching TV.

Ex My mother was cooking

dinner, my father was reading

books, I was doing my


- Di

n t




y k


t thúc hoàn toàn t


1 th




m xác



nh kh


- Di

n t




ang x

y hành



khác chen vào, hành




ang x






p di

n, hành


ng khác chen





n (


i liên t


when, while)

- Di

n t

hai hay nhi

u h



ng th



y kh

( t

t c





u chia




p di









+) S + had + V-ed/P2 + O

-) S + had + not + P2/V-ed + O

?) Had + S + P2/V-ed + O?

*)Before + S1 + P1/V-ed + O1, S2 + had

+ V-ed/P2 + O2

*)After + S2 + P2/V-ed + O2, S1 +

P1/V-ed + O1.

- Di

n t




y tr


c m





c th




m xác



trong kh


Ex Before he came

yesterday, I had finished the


Ex After I had finished the

task, he came yesterday.






+) S + will + V + O

-) S + will + not + V + O.

?) Will + S + not + O?

Ex I will buy these books.


n t



có th



y t





Tomorrow, next +

time, in + time in

future, within +


ng th

i gian.




+) S + am/is/are + going to + V + O

-) S + am/is/are +not + going to + V +



n t




c ch



y t




lai dự


?) Am/is/are + S + going to + V + O?

Ex Lan is going to have a holiday.







+) S + will + have + P2/V-ed +O.

-) S + won’t + have + P2/V-ed +


?) Will + S + have + P2/V-ed +


Ex Before he comes tomorrow,

I’ll have finished the task.


n t




y tr



1 h



c th




m xác


nh t


ng lai.








+) S + used to + V +O.

-) S + didn’t + use to + V + O.

?) Did + S +use to + V + O?

- Di

n t

thói quen c



ó q


khơng cịn liên quan


n hi

n t


Ex When I was young, I used to go to

school on foot.

Một vài động từ KHƠNG chia tiếp diễn hoàn thành.

Hear, seem, appear, see, notice, care, like, dislike, hate, fear, mind, want, hope, love, enjoy, agree,

believe, forget, know, remember, regret, be, have, own, belong, owe, prossess,…


* Thành phần mệnh đề câu điều kiện:

1 Mệnh đề điều kiện: mệnh đề phụ thường gọi mệnh đề có IF, (IF CLAUSE) Mệnh đề kết quả: mệnh đè (Main clause)


1 Câu điều kiện loại I: ĐK có thật tương lai


THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN , Thì tương lai đơn

If + S + AM/IS/ARE+ O, S + CAN/ MAY/ MUST/ WILL / SHALL + V0 IF + S + V0/VS,ES + O,

Ex: If it rains, I shall not come

If I have free time, I will come to see you

2 Câu điều kiện loại II: ĐK khơng có thật tương lai

Câu điều kiện loại dùng để diễn tả kiện khó xảy tương lai (Dù động từ mang hình thức khứ; diễn tả điều kiện trái ngược với thực tế tương lai)




Ex: If I were you, I wouldn’t go to his party If it rained, we should not come

3 Câu điều kiện loại III: ĐK khơng có thật q khứ

Loại câu điều kiện dùng để diễn tả giả thiết trái ngược với thực tế khứ




Ex: If the World War II hadn’t broken out, millions of people wouldn’t have been died


A: S + V + O

P: S + BE + VED/ V3 + BY + O

* Câu bị động với Tiếng Anh:

1 Thì đơn:

S + am/ is / are + Ved/ V3 + by + O Thì khứ đơn:

S + was/ were + Ved/ V3 + by + O Thì tương lai đơn:

S + will/ shall + be + Ved / V3 + by + O Thì hồn thành:

S + has / have + been + Ved / V3 + by +O Thì tương lai gần:

S + am going to be + ved / V3 + by + O Thì q khứ hồn thành:

S + had + been + Ved / V3 + by + O Thì tiếp dieãn:

S + am/is/ are + being + Ved / V3 + by + O Thì khứ tiếp diễn:

S + was / were + being + Ved/ V3 + by + O IV MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ:

1 Non – Defining: mệnh đề hạn định mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa câu, bỏ mệnh đề khơng đủ nghĩa.Giửa hai mệnh đề khơng có dấu phẫy ngăn cách

2 Non-defining Relative Clauses: mệnh đề không hạn định:Là mệnh đề không cần thiết cho ý nghĩa câu, thêm vài thơng tin cho mệnh đề mà thơi, bỏ mệnh đề khơng đầy đủ nghĩa

3 Cách dùng đại từ liên hệ Relative Pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, where, when, that, of which:


Thay cho danh từ

người làm WHO WHOM WHOSE

Thay cho danh từ vật


Thay cho danh từ nơi chốn

WHERE Thay cho danh từ thời


WHEN Dùng thể nhấn mạnh

thay cho WHO, WHICH mệnh đề khơng có dấu phẩy


EX: It is the English that causes me a lot of difficulties It is your father that helped me yesterday



* Cơng thức:

* Tính từ ngắn: S1 + BE + ADJ ngắn + ER + THAN + S2 EX: He is taller than me

They are smaller than my shoes

* Trạng từ ngắn: S1 + V + ADV ngắn + ER + THAN + S2 EX: He works harder than his brother

A horse runs faster than a dog



Good/ well better the best

Bad/ badly worse the worst

Much/ many more the most

Little less the least

old older/ elder the oldest/ the eldest

far farther / further the farthest/ the furthest

* NHỮNG TÍNH TỪ HAI VẦN TẬN CÙNG BẰNG: Y, ER, OW, LE : XEM NHƯ TÍNH TỪ NGẮN EX: happy - happier ; pretty - prettier ; easy - easier


narrow - narrower simple - simpler TÍNH VÀ TRẠNG TỪ DÀI:

* Tính từ dài: S1 + BE + MORE + ADJ + THAN + S2 * Trạng từ dài: S1 + V + MORE + ADV + THAN + S2


* Cơng thức:

* Tính từ ngắn: S + BE + + THE +ADJ ngắn + EST (N)+ cụm giới từ… EX: He is the tallest pupil in my class

They are the smallest shoes we have

* Trạng từ ngắn: S + V + THE + ADV ngắn + EST + cụm giới từ EX: He works the hardest in his family

He runs the fastest in his group TÍNH VÀ TRẠNG TỪ DÀI:

* Tính từ dài: S + BE + THE MOST + ADJ +( N )+ cụm giới từ… * Trạng từ dài: S + V + THE MOST + ADV )+ cụm giới từ… Ex: Spring is the most pleasant season of year

This book is the most interesting of all He drives the most carefully in his group C SO SÁNH BẰNG: (SO SÁNH NGƯỜI, VẬT) TÍNH TỪ:

* Cơng thức: S1 + BE + AS + ADJ + AS + S2 EX: He is as tall as his brother

Lan is as intelligent as Mai TRẠNG TỪ:

* Công thức: S1 + V + AS + ADV + AS + S2 EX: She cooks as well as her mother He dances as gracefully as a dancer


1 Lời nói trực tiếp: dùng tường thuật lại lời người nói cách lập lại cách xác lời nói ban đầu Lời nói trực tiếp đặt dấu ngoặc kép

EX: He asked, “ Where you come from? ” She cried: “ What an accident! ”

“ My cousin is a famous doctor”, he said

2 Lời nói gián tiếp: Thay lặp lại xác lời nói, diễn tả lời ý nghĩ người nói lời lẽ riêng cách sử dụng liên từ, thay đổi từ động từ Loại cấu trúc gọi lời nói gián tiếp

Eg: Fiona said, “ It’s getting late.” → Fiona said(that) it was getting late

* Chúng ta thường bỏ “that” sau động từ tường thuật thông thường như: say, tell, think.

Ex: Tom said (that) his feet hurt a little

She told me (that) she enjoyed your party very much

* Danh sách động từ tường thuật thường gặp:

accept, add, admit, advise, agree, answer, apologise, argue, ask, beg, command, comment, complain, conclude (kết luận) , confess (thú nhận), continue, cry, decide, declare (tuyên bố), demand, feel, forbid, forecast (dự báo, dự đoán trước ) , guarantee (cam đoan, bảo đảm) , hear, imagine, inform, inquire, insit, invite, object, offer, order, point out, predict, promise, propose(đề nghị), recommend, refuse, say, shout, suggest, tell, thank, think, threaten, warn, whisper, wonder

3 Cách đổi lời nói trực tiếp sang lời nói gián tiếp:

a Đại từ tính từ sở hữu thường đổi từ ngơi thứ thứ hai sang thứ ba Trừ người nói thuật lại lời của

Eg: He said, “ I’ve forgotten my uncle’s phone number.”

→ He said (that) he had forgotten his uncle’s phone number “ You have watered the flower twice, Mary”, he said

→ He told Mary that she had watered the flower twice

b Một số biến đổi đổi sang lời nói gián tiếp:

+ Khi “ this, that, these” dùng tính từ, chúng thường đổi thành “The”

+ Khi “ this, that, these” dùng đại từ, chúng thường đổi thành “ it, they, them”

+ “ Here” đổi thành “ there”.



today that day

yesterday the day before, the previous day

tomorrow the next day, the following day

this year / month / week that year / month / week last year / month / week the year / month / week before;

the previous year / month / week next year / month / week the year / month / week after;

the following year / month / week a year / month / week ago a year / month / week before;

a year / month / week earlier

c Tense (Thì)

+ Khi động từ tường thuật khứ, đổi câu gián tiếp sau:


Present Simple (Hiện đơn) Past Simple (Quá khứ đơn)

Present continuous (Hiện tiếp diễn) Past Continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) Present Perfect (Hiện hoàn thành ) Past Perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành) Present Perfect Continuous (HTHTTD) Past Perfect Continuous(QKHTTD)

Past Simple (QKÑ) Past Perfect (QKHT)

Simple Future (TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN) Conditional(TƯƠNG LAI Ở QUÁ KHỨ) Future Continuous (tương lai tiếp diễn) Conditional Continuous(TLTD khứ) Eg : “ I never eat vegetables”, he explained → He explained that he never ate vegetables

d Modal Verbs:


shall should

will would

can could

may might


must(khi diễn tả chắn) / had to (khi biểu thị cần thiết ) would have to (khi đề cập đến tương lai) Eg: “ I must go now,” Alice said → Alice said that he must / had to go at that time


1. Khi động từ tường thuật tại, khơng đổi lời nói gián tiếp Eg: He says/ He is saying/ He has said/ He will say, “ The bus is coming.”

→ He says the bus is coming

2 Khi lời nói diễn tả chân lý kiện cách hiển nhiên ta không đổi thì: Ex: He said “The earth moves around the sun” - He said that the earth moves around the sun Khi lời nói diễn tả hoạt động theo thói quen cịn tiếp tục vào lúc thuật lại

Ex: Trực tiếp: I get up at seven o’clock every morning

Gián tiếp: He said that he gets up at seven o’clock every morning

Trực tiếp: My wife always drinks coffee for breakfast

Gián tiếp: He said that his wife always drinks coffee for breakfast Lời nói dùng động từ sau đây:

+ Would:

Trực tiếp: She said, “I would help him If I could”

Gián tiếp: She said that she would help him if she could

Trực tiếp: She said, “I’d rather Tom went.”

Gián tiếp: She said that she would rather Tom went + Should:

Trực tiếp: You should eat more fruit

Gián tiếp: He said that I should eat more fruit

Trực tiếp: You should have gone to bed early

Gián tiếp: He said that I should have gone to bed early + Could, might, ought to, used to, had better, must:

Trực tiếp: He said, “I used to go to the movies when I had leisure time.”


Trực tiếp: They must bring their books to class

Gián tiếp: He said that they must bring their books to class + Câu điều kiện dạng giả định (Loại 2, 3) ta khơng đổi thì:

Trực tiếp: He said, “If I had enough money, I would buy a new car”

Gián tiếp: He said that if he had enough money, he would buy a new car

Trực tiếp: He said, “If I had heard the whole story, I would have acted differently.”

Gián tiếp: He said that if he had heard the whole story, he would have acted differently + Các từ ngữ như: wish, would rather, would sooner, it is time trước khứ:

Trực tiếp: He said, “ I wish she loved me”

Gián tiếp: He said that he wished she loved him

Trực tiếp: “It is time we went” , said John

Gián tiếp: John said that it was time they went

e Lời nói gián tiếp qua câu hỏi: * Wh – question:

Eg: He said, “ Where has she been?” → He asked/ wondered where she had been

“ What did your parents send?”, the officer asked → The officer asked me what my parents had sent “ Whom did you phone yesterday? ”, the boss asked

→ The boss asked whom I had phoned the day before

* Yes / No question:

“ Will the train leave on time? ” he said → He inquired whether / if the train would leave on time He asked, “ Is there a waiting room?” → He asked if / whether there was a waiting room


A Câu hỏi đuôi thành lập theo quy luật sau đây:

1 Nếu câu đứng trước thể xác định, câu hỏi thể phủ định ngược lại Ex: He is a lazy boy, isn’t he ? She is not beautiful, is she?

2 Nếu động từ câu đứng trước động từ đặc biệt can, shall, will, be, have, ought to, … ta phải lặp lại động từ câu hỏi đuôi Nếu động từ thường, ta phải dùng DO, DOES, DID thay câu hỏi đuôi

EX: They cannot sing, can’t they? She likes me, doesn’t she? He came here yesterday, didn’t he?

- Hình thức phủ định câu hỏi phải thể tỉnh lược

- Phải dùng đại từ nhân xưng câu hỏi đuôi.(I, you, we, they, he, she, It)

B Những ghi đặc biệt câu hỏi đuôi:

1 MODAL PERFECT: Câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ bình thường

Ex: You could have seen him, couldn’t you? He might have bought the book, mightn’t he?

He should have told me, shouldn’t he? 2 HAD BETTER: “NEÂN … THÌ HƠN”:

Ex: We had better work harder, hadn’t we? We had better not go out late at night, had we?

3 USED TO: “ĐÃ TỪNG …, ĐÃ THƯỜNG…” xem động từ thường động từ đặc biệt Ex: You used to go there, usedn’t you? = You used to go there, didn’t you?


Ex: Let’s it right now, shall we? 5 LET ME … ĐỂ TÔI…

Ex: Let me give you a hand, will you / won’t you? 6 Câu mệnh lệnh:

Ex: Come and see me now, will you? Don’t be lazy, will you? 7 Các từ phủ định: never, nowhere, nothing, by no means, fail …

Ex: You have never seen it, have you? He is by no means rich, is he? She failed to phone her office, did she?

8 Những từ có nghĩa bán phủ định: hardly,scarcely(một cách khó khăn, chắn khơng), ever, seldom, rarely …

Ex: You seldom see her, do you? You hardly ever go to the theatre, do you?

He can scarcely write his own name, can he? He could hardly stammer (laép baép) a reply, could he? 9 LITTLE, A LITTLE, FEW, A FEW :

Ex: He has very little knowledge of the matter, has he? He has very alittle knowledge of the matter, hasn’t he? Very few people live to the age of one hundred, do they? You are going away for a few days, aren’t you?

10 ALL: Tất cả, người, thứ … Ex: All can come, can’t they? 11 EVERYBODY= EVERYONE / EVERYTHING:

Ex: Everyone/ Everybody knew that, didn’t they? Everyone is ready for the party, aren’t they?



I Định nghĩa: Giới từ từ dùng để mối quan hệ danh từ, cụm danh từ, từ tương đương danh từ gọi tân ngữ giới từ

* Giới từ chia làm hai nhóm sau đây: + Giới từ đơn : on, in , at, into, of, by, for … + Giới từ phức hợp: according to, in spite of …

II Giới từ nơi chốn: IN , ON , AT 1 AT:

+ Dùng trước địa điểm: Ex: He waits for her at the cinema for nearly an hour

+ Dùng với thành phố, thị trấn làng chúng xem điễm đến hành trình. Ex: On the way home, we stopped at San Francisco

They stayed at Toronto for two days when touring in Canada

+ Đối với địa chỉ, dùng AT có nói đến số nhà, dùng IN nói tên đường Ex: My office is AT 32 West Street My office is IN West Street

+ Dùng trước thời gian: Ex: I always get up AT o’clock

+ Dùng trước cụm từ, thành ngữ: at present, at the moment, at the same time, to be at work, stay at home… + Theo sau số tính từ , động từ như: look at, amused at, amazed at, surprised at, to be good / bad at…

2 IN:

+ Dùng trước danh từ nơi chốn: in the classroom, in the house, in Japan, in the bag…

+ Dùng trước buổi ngày, mùa năm, kỷ : in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening In spring, in summer, in autumn, in winter In the 21st century

+ Dùng trước tháng, năm khơng có ngày: in June, in september In 2008, in 1999

+ Dùng trước cụm từ, thành ngữ, tính từ , động từ như: to be in time, in the future = in future, interested in, persit in … + Dùng để nói đến khoảng thời gian tương lai: I shall finish it IN ten minutes

The man says that the train is leaving IN twenty minutes + Dùng để nói việc chiếm thời gian We can drive from uor hotel to the beach IN 30 minutes

They will repair and repaint your motorbike IN four days

3 ON:

+ Dùng trước ngày tháng, thứ tuần: on May 1st , on June 9th On Monday , on Tuesday … + Được dùng nơi nói đến xem mặt phẳng, đường vạch:

Ex1 : There are some flowers on the floor This poster will be stuck on the wall Ex2: Is Hue on the Huong River? Is Brighton on the south coast of England?

+ Được dùng với tầng nhà: My office is ON the second floor She lives in a flat ON the fifteenth floor + Dùng trước cụm từ, thành ngữ, động từ : to be on time, on the other hand, on the contrary, to hold on, depend on, to be keen on, to be on: trình chiếu (nói phim ảnh )



From & Use


1 * TO BE:

S + WISH(ES) + S + COULD/WOULD/SHOULD + BE + O * Ex: She wishes she could be able to pass the exam next week


S + WISH(ES) + S + COULD/WOULD/SHOULD + V0 + O * Ex: I wish I could fly now

điều ao ước xảy tương lai Tomorrow, next, in the future


* TO BE: S + WISH(ES) + S + WERE + O

* Ex: I wish I were rich now



* Ex: She wishes he worked hard now * TO BE:

S + WISH(ES) + S + HAD + BEEN + O * Ex: I wish I had been at your party last night


S + WISH(ES) + S + HAD + VED/V3 + O

* Ex: She wishes he hadn’t said goodbye to her

điều ao ước không thật khứ Yesterday, last, in the past

Ex: I wish I would be an astronaut in the future I wish I were rich

She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house NOTES:

S+ WISH…=IF ONLY EX: I wish I had met her yesterday = If only I had mer her yesterday

II/ Rewrite sentences using WISH Clause:

1/ TYPE 1:

EX: + He won’t come to my party. I wish he would come to my party + He wants to be a teacher. He wishes he would be a teacher

Dùng WISH viết lại câu câu tương lai ngụ ý tương lai, viết lại đổi thể Nếu câu có “want” (muốn), “hope” (hi vọng) viết lại khơng đổi thể

2/ TYPE 2:

EX: What a pity I don’t have free time. I wish I had free time

Dùng WISH viết lại câu câu tại, viết lại đổi thể 3/ TYPE 3:

EX: + I’m sorry, I didn’t help you. I wish I had helped you

+ I regret not telling you the truth. I wish I had told you the truth

Dùng WISH viết lại câu câu q khứ, ngụ ý q khứ, viết lại câu đổi thể

Notes: Khi viết lại câu dùng WISH CLAUSE ta không viết lại thành ngữ như: I’m sorry, what a pity,…


Các từ nối thường được sử dụng đề thi, đặc biệt là: because/ because of, although/ in spite of/ despite, so that/ in order that/ so as to/ in order to, not… only but also, neither…nor, either… or, both… and, however, moveover, therefore, furthermore, nevertheless, instead of, alternatively, otherwise, in other words, on the other hand, in general/ in private, in all, in short, in fact, indeed, actually, no matter what … Do số cụm từ đã được nói em, nên đây, chi đưa số connectors:

1 So : có nghĩa “ vậy” , liên từ đứng trước vế câu thứ hai câu ghép, biểu vế câu thứ hai kết tác động câu thứ Công thức dùng sau:


Ex: The traffic was too heavy, so I arrived at the airport a bit late Tim was too angry, so he left without saying anything

2 But: có nghĩa “nhưng” , liên từ đứng trước vế câu thứ hai câu ghép, biểu thị ý nghĩa trái ngược với ý nghĩa vế câu thứ Công thức dùng sau:


Ex: I tried my best to pass the exam, but I still failed

3 However: có nghĩa “tuy nhiên” Liên từ thường đứng đầu câu mang ý nghĩa ngược lại với câu trước ngăn cách với vế câu sau dấu phẫy Ngồi ra, từ nối giửa hai vế câu câu phức Trong trường hợp này, sau dấu chấm phẫy đứng trước dấu phẫy

Công thức dùng sau:

Sentence However, Sentence Clause 1; however , Clause 2.


4 Therefore: có nghĩa “vì vậy” Liên từ thường đứng đầu câu mang ý nghĩa kết hành động câu trước ngăn cách với vế câu sau dấu phảy Ngoài ra, từ nối giửa hai vế câu câu phức Trong trường hợp này, sau dấu chấm phảy đứng trước dấu phảy Công thức:

Sentence Therefore, Sentence 2. Clause 1; therefore, Clause 2.

Ex: He didn’t study hard Therefore, he failed the exam He didn’t study hard; therefore, he failed the exam Sự khác But However, So Therefore

* But However đều đối lập Tuy nhiên, But khơng thể đứng đầu câu mà đứng đầu vế câu thứ hai câu phức

Ex: I learnt literature very well, but I didn’t like my teacher I learnt literature very well However, I didn’t like my teacher

* So Therefore đều dùng để kết Tuy nhiên, So khơng thể đứng đầu câu mà đứng đầu vế câu thứ hai câu phức

Ex: The weather was very nice, so we went for a picnic

The weather was very nice.Therefore, we went for a picnic

6 BOTH…AND: cả… lẫn : Luôn được sử dụng câu khẳng định, theo sau both and đại từ hay danh từ Động

từ sử dụng với both…and được chia số nhiều Ví dụ: both she and I were really frightened when hearing the noise from the forest

Lưu ý:

+ danh từ hay đại từ theo sau both and đóng vai trò chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ động từ Ví dụ: Both Nam and Dong work very hard at school so they both usually get good marks in examination I like both Dong and Nam They’re good students + theo sau both and tính từ trạng từ Ví dụ: the beach is both beautiful and romantic She drives both carefully and slowly

7 NOT ONLY… BUT ALSO: Dùng để diễn tả ý: không những… mà còn

+ Theo sau danh từ hay đại từ làm chủ ngữ: Ví dụ: not only Hiếu but also Nhân are excellent students in my class + Theo sau danh từ hay đại từ làm tân ngữ: Ví dụ: I want to talk to not only my students but also their parents about their study

+ theo sau động từ: I not only went sightseeing in London but also tried to learn its culture + theo sau tính từ: She is not only beautiful but also very intelligent

+ dùng để nhấn mạnh Đây dạng đảo ngữ, đảo not only lên đầu câu, cần nhớ đảo trợ động từ: Ví dụ: it is not only the cheapest but also the nicest watch Not only is it the cheapest but it is also the nicest watch

8 EITHER… OR: hoặc… Dùng câu khẳng định để nói đến người/ vật này, / vật + theo sau either ỏ

có thể danh từ làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ, động từ nguyên mẫu, hay danh động từ (gerund)

Ví dụ: either he or she has go to the meeting this afternoon I came there to meet either the director or the vice-director, not the secretary I like either watching TV or reading books We intend either to go to the beach or to go on a picnic

+ either … or dùng câu phủ định diễn tả ý: không… mà cũng không, hai không… I don’t want to talk to either Mai or her husband = I want to talk neither Mai nor her husband

9 NEITHER … NOR: không… mà cũng không Dùng để thay cho either or câu phủ định Ví dụ: I don’t like either

horror films or action films = I like neither horror films nor action films + đảo ngữ: Neither horror films nor actions films I like

6 Một số từ nối khác:

a/ Moreover: = besides, also, furthermore, similarly, in addition: dùng để nói thêm ý hỗ trợ Ex: The country had suffered greatly during the war Moreover/ Furthermore, it had no money b/ Otherwise: không

Ex: Shut all the windows, otherwise it will get too cold in there c/ Alternatively (hoặc là): dùng để nói lên chọn lựa khác

Ex: The agency will make travel arrangements for you Aternatively, you can organize your own transport d/ Instead: thay vì, thay vào

Ex: Nancy didn’t reply Instead, she turned on her heel and left the room We have no coffee Would you like tea Instead ?


I FUNCTIONS OF GERUND (Chức Gerund): 1 Subject for a verb : (Làm chủ ngữ cho động từ )

EX: Swimming is good for your health Smoking is not good for your health

2 Object for some verbs (Làm tân ngữ cho số động từ) :


* Công thức: S + V+ GERUND (V-ING) + O

Ex: I like playing football She admited stealing a bike Nam can’t stand living alone

3 Object for preposition (Làm tân ngữ cho giới từ):

tobe interested in: thích, quan tâm tobe fond of: thích tobe bored with: buồn chán tobe fed up with: thích tobe afraid of: sợ tobe surprised at: ngạc nhiên tobe worried about: lo lắng về… tobe amused at: thích tobe amazed at: kinh ngạc … tobe famous for: tiếng về… tobe different from: khác với… tobe good/ bad at: giỏi/ tệ về… tobe excited at/ about: thích thú, hào hứng tobe frightened of: sợ tobe keen on: thích tobe pleased with: hài lịng với… tobe relaxed with: thư giản tobe exhausted at: mệt tobe busy with: bận rộn với… tobe absent from: vắng mặt từ… to rely on: trông cậy vào

tobe present at: có mặt, diện tobe tired of: mệt mõi tobe terrified of: khiếp sợ, kinh hãi tobe nervous of: hồi hộp, lo lắng tobe successful in: thành công … to be used to: quen với

to get used to: quen với to think of/ about: suy nghĩ về… to give up: từ bỏ to depend on: phụ thuộc vào to insit on: khăng khăng

* Công thức: S + cụm giới từ + GERUND + O

EX: I am interested in playing football They are fond of watching films Gerund Gerund




Present simple or Present progressive:


Mary is very good at languages She (speak) _ four languages very well.


Mr Green always (go) _ to work by car.


James is in London at the moment He (stay) _ at the Park Hotel He always (stay)

_ there when he’s in London.


In Britain the banks usually (open) _ at 9:30 in the morning.


My father (buy) _ a newspaper everyday.


They (build) _ a new theatre in the city centre at the moment.


Jane (not drink) _ tea very often.


I used to drink a lot of coffee but these days I (prefer) _ tea.


Look at the river It (flow) _ very fast today - much faster than usual.


Hurry up! Everybody (wait) _ for you.


Past simple or Past progressive:


Jane (wait) _ for me when I (arrive) _


I (see) _ Sue in town yesterday but she (not see) _ me She (look)

_ the other way.


I (see) _ you in the park yesterday You (sit) _ on the grass and reading a



When I (come) _ to her house, she (work) _ in the garden yesterday

afternoon She (tell) _ me that she usually (do) _ the gardening when

she (have) _ free time.


We often drink coffee in the morning But yesterday morning we (drink) _ tea.


Past simple or Present perfect:

1) “Gone with the Wind” is the most interesting film we (see) _ recently

2) You (see) _ Nam last Sunday?

 Oh, no I (not see) _ him for many days now


4) My sister (finish) _ school in 2004 and (be) _ a student at the National University since then

5) I (see) _ John yesterday but I (not see) _ him today

6) When I (get) _ home last night, I (be) _ very tired and I (go) _ straight to bed

7) Mr Clark (work) _ in the bank for 15 years and then he gave it up

8) You (go) _ to the cinema last night?

 Yes, but it (be) _ a mistake The film (be) _ awful

9) How long you (know) _ her?

 I (know) _ her for six years

10) You (see) _ her recently?

 No, I (not seen) _ her since 2003 She (move) _ to Ho Chi Minh City with

her family then

IV) Past simple or Past perfect:

1) What you (do) _ there before you (return) _ home yesterday?

2) When I (come) _ to his house yesterday, his mother (tell) _ me that he (go) _ to the cinema with his friends two hours before

3) He (go) _ to England after he (study) English for years

4) The boy (say) _ that he (do) _ all his homework before he (go) _ to bed

5) Before they (go) _ very far, they (find) _ that they (lose) _ the way

V) Present simple or Future simple:

1) Where you (be) _ at this time tomorrow?

 I (be) _ at the meeting

2) Nobody (know) _ what he (do) _ to earn his living after he (finish) _ school

3) When we (meet) _ again?

 We (meet) _ again when I (return) _ home from Australia

4) He (be) _ busy at the moment But he (come) _ to give you a helping hand as soon as he (finish) _ his work

5) I (meet) _ you outside the hotel in half an hour, ok? -Yes, that’s fine

Infinitive or gerund


When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) _ television It’s relaxing.


Would you like (have) _ something to eat?


It starts (rain) _ an hour ago Has it stopped (rain) _ yet?


I’ve enjoyed (meet) _ you I hope (see) _ you again.


I hate (see) _ a child (cry) _


I used (smoke) _ 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up (smoke) _


We decided (rent) _ a house with a swimming pool.


We began (talk) _ about next year’s holiday two months ago.


I finished (read) _ the book and went to bed.

Exercise 2:Used to & get / be used to doing


When I was a child I (dream) _ of being an astronaut.



There (be) _ a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago.


Didn’t Nick (work) _ on a building site?


I’ll have an orange juice, please I (not drink) _ alcohol.

Exercise 3:“Wish” sentences

1) I can’t go to the seashore this weekend

 I wish _

2) It rains today

 We wish

3) Hoa and Ba won’t go fishing this weekend

 They wish _

4) My team doesn’t win the games

 I wish _

5) Her little brother can’t swim

 He wishes _

6) It’s so cold and I hate cold weather

 I wish _

7) I have to work tomorrow but I’d like to stay in bed

 I wish _

8) I don’t know anything about cars

 I wish _

9) I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach

 I wish _

10) I live very far from school

 I wish _

Exercise 4:Reported speech & Reported questions


Phong said, “My parents are very proud of my good marks.”



She said, “She doesn’t buy this book.”



My teacher told me, “You should read these books.”



He said, “I won’t go to school by bus tomorrow.”



Lan’s brother told her, “You can use my computer today.”



The girls said, “We have to finish our homework tonight.”



Thu said, “All the students will have a meeting next week.”



Hoa’s parents said, “We’ll visit you this summer.”





“Do you enjoy reading books?” Phong asked Peter.



“Does Hoa play badminton?” Lan asked Thu.



“Why is she crying?” Thu asked Hoa.



“When will you visit Ha Noi?” Hoa asked her parents.

Exercise 5:Passive


People speak English in many countries.



Someone stole her helmet.



The students are discussing about their new plan.



The police have just caught the thief.



She teaches us grammar and writing.



Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb.



Lan is going to invite her friends to her birthday party.



Everybody should keep food in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.



Lien couldn’t open the door of the classroom.



People must repair that old building.



They cancelled all the flights because of the storm.



Someone will give you your tickets at the airport.


Someone is cleaning the classroom at the moment.


The working people has considered May Day a great holiday.


Since the 9


century, people have used wood for making the pulp.

Exercise 6:

Tag questions


Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, ?


Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, ?



She can drink a lot of tomato juice everyday, ?


Your children don’t watch TV three hours a day, ?


Her father works for TUOI TRE newspaper, ?


Britney Spears is the most famous singer in this year, ?


My classmates have seen that cartoon twice, ?


That house has been built since January, ?


Thu was practising her music lesson at o’clock yesterday, ?


Tam and Ba are playing sports now, ?


She may not come to class today, ?


You’re not going out today, ?


You haven’t got a car, ?


It’s a nice day, ?


He drove his car so fast, ?


Let’s go somewhere for a drink, ?


Open the door, ?


Don’t be late, ?


I’m late, ?

 L

u ý:

Sau Let's , c©u hỏi đuôi shall we?

Sau câu mệnh lệnh cách (Do /Dont ) câu hỏi đuôi thêng lµ will you?

Lu ý r»ng ta nãi aren't I? (= am I not?)

Exercise 7:

Conditional sentences


Complete the sentences Give the correct form of the verbs.


If you lose your credit card, we (send) _ a new one within 24 hours.


If I see Henry, I (give) _ him your massage.


If the weather (be) _ nice tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.


If the earth (get) _ warmer, the sea (get) _ warmer.


Unless they (pass) _ their exams, they would join the army.


If John (go) _ to bed earlier, he wouldn’t be so tired.


If he attended class regularly, he (make) _ a good progress.


If we had money, we (take) _ a trip to the South America.


If Helen (know) _ more grammar, she would make fewer mistakes.


If today (be) _ Sunday, we (go) _to the beach.


Make conditional sentences type 2:


You don’t save electricity You pay a lot of money.



We don’t have enough money, so we don’t buy those news comics.



She is not free today, so she can’t go to the movie with her friends.



He is so lazy He fails in the final exam.



The weather is not fine The children don’t play outdoors.



Thu cannot swim, so she doesn’t go to the swimming pool with her friend.



People don’t see the UFO, so they don’t call the National UFO Reporting Centre.



She doesn’t keep the refrigerator door closed, so she cannot save the energy.



There is much traffic, so the air is polluted by the waste smoke.



Ba isn’t fast enough to catch the school bus.


Exercise 8:

Relative clause


Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which) or relative

adverb (where, when).


The man your mother is talking to is my English teacher.


Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot thousands of tourists visit every year.


The students are standing in front of the library is my classmates.


Hoa’s parents are farmers work very hard to earn their living.


The children like to play football is very popular in our country.


These are the latest news you might want to know.


Ba and his friends are fond of the performing animals have just come to town.


The beach the students are cleaning up the trash is a beautiful one.


The parrot can speak some words belongs to my close friend.


This is the best movie I have seen.


He is enjoys reading books are on computer science.


Mother’s Day is the day the children show their love to their mother.


Tet is a Vietnamese festival takes place in late January or early February.


The little girl is wearing the red dress sings beautifully.


Thu enjoyed her trip to Da Lat her grandparents lived long ago.


Lan’s parents came back to Ha Noi they visited last year.


They like Asian food is sold in that market.


Mary, sits next to me, is good at maths.


My office, is on the second floor of the building, is not very big.


That’s Jack, lives next door.



The doctor has moved to a new house He looked after my family.



The man is my English teacher You spoke to him in the street last night.



The books are for reference They are on the stacks near the librarian.



Is that the car? You want to buy it.



Students will be punished Their homework is late.



Henry was in a very bad mood His car had been broken down.



Teacher’s Day is the day Pupils show their gratitude to their teacher on that day.



The last summer holidays were the time We had a lot of fun at that time.



New Year’s Day is the day All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner on that day.



One day last week I visited that village The people there grew many beautiful flowers.


Exercise 9:

Adjective + that clause

 Combine each pair of sentences into one.


No one stopped those people cutting down the trees I was surprise.



The oil will pollute the sea People are worried.



My team has won the first award of the competition I am proud.



They can help us to clean the beach They are certain.



People can recover very quickly I am very happy.



They didn’t tell us how to it I am disappointed.



I am working hard My father is pleased.



I broke your bicycle this morning I’m very sorry.





I could win the first prize I’m amazed.

Exercise 10:

Adverb clauses


Adverb clauses of result:



It was cold I turned the heating on.



The stereo didn’t work Vicky took it back to the shop.



There weren’t enough chairs We had to sit on the floor.



The shops were closed I didn’t get any milk.



This picture is very expensive Please be careful with it.



Adverb clauses of reason:

because, since, as


The door was open I walked in (as)



They live near us We see them quite often (since)



Peter was very fat He ate too much (because)



She was late the work She missed the bus (because)



We watched TV all evening We had nothing better to (as)



Adverb clauses of concession:


It started raining The little boy ran out of the house (although)



Our teacher didn’t feel well He helped us to finish our project (even though)



The joke was funny No one laughed (although)



We thought we’d better invite them to the party We didn’t like them very much (even though)



My father has to go to work It is raining hard (though)





1 Tom _ tennis once or twice a week

A usually play B is usually play C usually plays D have usually plays At o’clock yesterday evening, she _ my clothes

A am ironing B have ironed C was ironing D ironed She _English for two years

A has learnt B is learning C learn D learns Ann _ tea very often

A doesn’t drink B don’t drink C didn’t drink D hasn’t drunken The earth _ round the sun

A go B has gone C went D goes

6 They me about it last night

A was telling B told C has told D would tell My grandfather _ many years ago

A had died B has died C died D was dying

8 I think the weather _ nice later

A will be B be C is D has been

9 I will see him when he _ here tomorrow

A comes B will come C has come D had come

10 The boys broke a window when they _ football

A played B were playing C had played D are playing 11 It’s at least a month since _ Tom

A I last seen B I last see C I have last seen D I last saw 12 I her since I _ a student

A know / am B knew / was C have known / am D have known / was 13 Everybody to their best at present

A tries B try C is trying D are trying

14 A lot of money _ on advertising every year

A spend B spends C is spent D are spent

15 I _ here since last January

A am staying B have been staying C had been staying D was staying 16 The meal _ when I came

A was be cooked B is cooked C was being cooked D is being cooked 17 We _ to New York three times this years

A had been B was C is D has been

18 Each of you _ share in the work

A have B has C having D to have

19 When I last saw Mai, she _to find a job

A tried B has tried C is trying D was trying 20 The students _ to be at school at a.m

A tell B told C were told D have told

21 If you _ the cake in the oven for too long, it will burn

A leave B left C will leave D are leaving

22 We _ on the swings when it started to rain

A didn’t play B haven’t played C weren’t playing D aren’t playing 23 Our children _ to school by bus every morning

A take B are taken C have taken D are taking 25 Each student the lesson very well

A understand B understands C understanding D.to understand 26 Jane to me twice a month

A.was writing B.are writtting C.was written D writes 27 He the effects of radiation when he suddenly died

A was studying B studied C had been studying D had studied 28 Television _ very popular since the 1950s

A is B was C has been D had been

29 Everybody in both cars _ injured in the accident last night

A is B are C was D were

30 Working for 12 hours a day _ her very tired

A makes B made C make D making

31. Hurry! The train I don't want to miss it

A comes B is coming C came D has come


a phoned b was phoning c had phoned d has phoned

33. We English next Monday

a learn b will learn c are learning d.will learning

34. I my key Can you help me look for it?

a lose b lost c had lost d have lost

35. 41.Last night Tine in bed when suddenly she heard a scream

a read b was reading c had read d had read

36. While mother dinner the phone rang

a cooked b had cooked c has cooked d was cooking

37. This room is dirty Someone in here

a smoked b has smoked c had been smoking d has been smoking

38. I TV at 8L30 last night

a watched b was watching c has watched d had watched

39. While I was working in the garden, my son video games

a was playing b played c has played d has been playing

40. I've lived here 1990

a since b from c to d for

41. Paulo has learned English five years

a since b from c to d for

42. In 1996, my brother at Harvard university

a studies b is studying c studied d had studied

43. John at the moment, so he can't answer the telephone

a works b is working c has worked d will work

44. They tennis last week

a played b usually playing c plays d have played 45.He next week

a.will returns b.will return c.has returned d.returning 46.When I was having dinner,the phone

a.rang b.rung c.rings d.is ringing


CONDITIONALS and WISH / CONJUNCTIONS I/ Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

1 She wishes her father (be) her now to help her

2 I wish you (not give) them my phone number yesterday I wish they (visit) _us when they were in town

4 I wish somone (give) _ me a job next month

5 If only I (can take) the trip to Hanoi with her next summer We wish we (understand) all the teacher’s explantion yesterday

7 He missed an exciting football match on TV last night He wishes he (watch) _it If only I (have) _more time to this job

9 I wish she (come) _to see me yesterday 10 I wish that someday I (be) able to marry her

II/ Rewrite the sentences below, using Wish or If Only to express wishes:

1 My father isn’t her now I want him to be here now 

2 You talk more than you work The teacher wants you to work more than to talk 

3 John would like to be an astronaut when he grows up 

4 I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday 

5 I regret that you didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth 

6 Mary is afraid she won’t be able to attend your wedding next week  We regret that we didn’t have enough money to buy that house 

8 You drive too fast I’d like you to drive more slowly  You are too lazy The teacher wants you to be more studious 

10 I’m afraid he won’t get over his illness soon  11 I’m not a doctor 

12 I haven’t enough money to buy this book  13 I live in a big city, but I don’t like it 

14 Nam is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job  15 Tomrrow is a workday 

16 We have to work this Saturday 

17 I feel sick because I ate too much ice-cream 


20 Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him 20$ 

21 I want the baby to stop crying 

22 He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party 

23 The hotel wasn’t good  24 I didn’t understand the lesson  25 My friend didn’t pass his exam  KEYS


1 I wish my father were here now

2 The teacher wishes you worked more than you talked

3 John wishes he would be an astronaut in the future (when he grew up) I wish I had helped you yesterday

5 I wish you had given me a chance… Mary wishes she would be able to attend… We wish we had had enough money… I wish you drove more slowly

9 The teacher wishes you were more studious 10 I wish he would get over…

11 I wish I were a doctor 12 I wish I had enough money… 13 I wish I didn’t live in a big city 14 Nam wishes he had accepted the job 15 I wish tomorrow weren’t a workday

16 We wish we wouldn’t have to work this Saturday 17 I wish I hadn’t eaten too much ice-cream 18 I wish you had been here last week

19 I wish I hadn’t spoken to him so impolitely yesterday 20 Alan wished he hadn’t askes Arthur to lend him 20$ 21 I wish the baby stopped crying

22 He wishes he had invited Molly to his party 23 I wish the hotel had been good

24 I wish I had understood the lesson 25 I wish my friend had passed his exam

III / Choose the best options:

1 If I found a wallet in the street, I take it to police

A will B should C would D shall

2 I don’t really want to go their party, but I probaly will go They’d be offended if I go

A didn’t B don’t C will D will not

3 What would you if you _a million pounds?

A win B won C will win D A and C

4 I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet I wouldn’t sleep if I _to bed now

A go B went C had gone D would go

5 I _that coat if I were you

A wouldn’t buy B didn’t buy C don’t buy D won’t buy

6 I don’t know many people I wish I _more people

A know B knew C have known D should know

7 I have to work tomorrow I wish I in bed

A would stay B should stay C stay D stayed

8 Ken got to the station in time to catch his train If he it, he would have been late for his interview

A missed B has missed C miss D had missed

9 I wan’t tired last night If I had been tired, I _home earlier

A would have gone B will go C go D went

10 I wish _so much

A I B I hadn’t eaten C I not eat D I won’t eat 11 Hadn’t it been for your help, I

A would get lost B got lost C would have got lost D.had got lost 12 I wish I applied for the job

A will B should C.had D have

13 If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she _injured

A has been B would has been C would be D would have been

14 If the driver in front so suddenly, the accident wouldn’t have happened

A hasn’t stopped B hadn’t stopped C didn’t stop D don’t stop 15 If you didn’t this, you punished

A are B will be C should be D would be

16 They helped me a lot I don’t know what I _without their help

A have done B had done C would have done D will

17 I wish you _something instead if just sitting and doing nothing


18 I wish Sarah _here now

A is B were C would be D will be

19 When we were children, in summer, if the weather was fine, we _all get up early and go for a swim

A would B will C should D A and B

20 The teacher _the essays if he has time

A will grade B would grade C will have graded D graded 21 The bus won’t stop _you ring the bell

A when B if C if not D unless

22 _a car to drive now

A If I had B Only I had C If only I had D Better I had 23 I wish I to the party last night

A went B go C had gone D have gone

24 –What are you going to next year? _ I wish I _the answer to that question

A knew B had known C would know D will know 25 _It’s a pity the weather was bad yesterday

_ Yes, if it hadn’t been cold, we _swimming

A would go B would have gone C had gone D went

26 She wishes she _a doctor in the future

A is B were C will be D would be

27 I wish I _your wedding, but I was in Paris

A could attend B would attend C attended D could have attended 28 If only _taller, I might be better at basketball

A I am B I were C I be D I have been

29 Cathy refused the job offer I wish she _that

A not B not to C couldn’t have done D hadn’t done 30 If a catalyst _, the reaction occurs more rapidly

A uses B was used C is used D will be used

31 Mary jogs every day _lose weight

A so she can B so that she can C because she can D so that to 32 We’ll be late we hurry

A if B despite C unless D when

33 She failed the test _she studied hard

A although B even though C as D A and B

34 You should bring an umbrella _it rains

A if B unless C in case D because of

35 He went on working feeling unwell

A although B unless C due to D despite

36 They decided to go the danger

A because B in spite of C although D so

37 _, they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer

A However B In spite of C If D Although

38 Jane has a computer, she doesn’t use it

A and B since C but D in spite of

39 we had got on the plane, it stared to rain

A If B While C Before D As soon as

40 We have to wait every body else finishes their turn

A when B but C so D until

41 Mark heard the news on the radio _he was driving home

A while B.as C until D A and B

42 What are you going to graduating from university?

A before B after C so D because

43 I am not so good at English, I have to practice more

A but B so C while D despite

44 the fact she failed the exam, she didn’t look disappointed

A Although B Despite C In spite of D B and C

45 We didn’t go to France last summer we couldn’t afford to

A so B when C because D because of

46 You can’t drive a car you have a license

A unless B so C in case D if

47 _ the flight delay, they did not attend the conference

A Because B As C Although D Because of

48 The storm was so strong, , all the crops were destroyed

A However B As a result C Consequently D B and C 49 Everyone thought she would accept the offer she turned it down


50 Mrs Jones has car and a villa _, she owns a big company

A I n addition B But C Therefore D However


1C 2A 3B 4B 5B 6B 7A 8D 9A 10B 11C 12C 13D 14B 15D

16C 17D 18B 19A 20A 21D 22C 23C 24A 25B 26D 27D 28B 29D 30C

31B 32C 33D 34C 35D 36B 37D 38C 39D 40D 41D 42B 43B 44D 45C

46A 47D 48D 49A 50A

* Complete the question tag:

1 Linh didn’t feel confident in her favorite clothes, _? The two cities are not the same in some ways, _? Her listening isn’t excellent, _?

4 Maryam couldn’t stay for longer time, _? My sister has to make this room tidy, _?

6 This poet has mentioned the ao dai in poems, _?

7 Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school, _? Nobody wrote poems yesterday, _?

9 There are many religions in Malasia, _? 10 His children may swim, _?

11 Nam and Binh have to study harder, _?

12 Women to day often prefer to wear modern clothing at work, ? 13 The Parkers had a picnic on the river bank, _?

14 Our teachers have taken inspiration from some minorities, ? 15 Everything was OK, _?

16 Oh, hurry up, _?

17 Hung and I can eat those cakes, _? 18 You won’t be late, _?

19 Ba’s village lies near the foot of the moutain, _? 20 Daisy has seen that films several times, _? 21 Let’s forget unhappy things, _?

22 Her daughter doesn’t spend time surfing the web, _? 23 Those men never worked on a farm, _?

24 People of different ages like this magazine, _? 25 I am wearing wrong shoes, _?

26 Interactive TV is available now, _? 27 He did not miss the train, _?

28 Someone feels tired after the trip, _?

29 Hanh and you like living in a dormitory on campus, _? 30 Their son doesn’t have much time on computer, _?

* Comparatives in English: So sánh Tiếng Anh

1 Ho Chi Minh city is much than Hanoi capital

A larger B smaller C higher D lower

2 Australia is the continent in the world

A largest B smallest C biggest D thinner

3 Living in the countryside is than in cities

A less peaceful B more peaceful C most peaceful D least peaceful Your car is in condition than mine

A worse B worst C bad D good

5 That was the day in my life

A excited B happinest C happiest D interesting Hoa doesn’t cook her mother

A as bad as B as good as C as quick as D as well as She is the beautiful girl I have ever met

A less B more C most D best

8 The Queen of England is one of the women in the world

A richer B richest C most rich D as rich as

9 I’m sorry I’m late It took me to get here than I expected

A longer B further C more D less


A fatal B important C severe D serious 11 Health and happiness are more than money

A importantly B important C importance D serious 12 We often go camping when we go on holiday because it’s than staying in a hotel

A much cheaper B more cheaper C less cheaper D the most cheapest 13 Please let me know immediately if you hear any news

A farther B further C extra D earlier

14 There were people at this meeting than at the last one

A less B much C many D fewer

15 That house over there is the building in the town

A eldest B oldest C ancientest D antique

16 What’s the film you’ve ever seen?

A good B interesting C best D boring 17 What’s the river in the world?

A short B long C wide D longest

18 I stayed in one of the room in the hotel

A large B nicest C pretty D nicer

19 Let’s walk It’s just taking the bus

A as quick as B as soon as C as fast as D as early as 20 There’s plenty of food, so eat you like

A as many as B as much as C as lot as D as great as 21 The blue whale is known animals, reaching a length of more than one hundred feet

A the large B the largest C the larger D the most largest 22 By far of Saudi Arabia is oil

A it is the most important export B the most important export is C that is the most important export D the most important export 23 They would go by air than spend a week travelling by train

A always B prefer C rather D better

24 Mike was the in his family; all his brothers were much taller

A lowest B shortest C slightest D littlest

25 North America is a little than South America

A big B huge C vast D larger

26 I think Sally is quite her sister

A as pretty B as pretty than C as pretty as D prettier 27 I am not sure, but I know he has decided to accept the new job in London

A according B on the whole C as far as D as long as 28 We need information before we can decide

A far B farther C further D the farthest

29 Tony’s English is much better than it was

A Tony has started to learn English but doesn’t speak it well B Tony speaks better English now than he did before C Tony’s English was much better than it is now D Tony has always spoken good English 30 Joe was one of the poorest men in this town

A There were some poor people in this town, but Joe was the poorest one B One man who lived in this town was much poorer than Joe

C Joe thought that he was the only poor man in this town

D Some very poor men lived in this town, and Joe was one of them 31 Mr Bridges is by far the richest man I know

A Mr Bridges is the richest man in my country B Mr Bridges is one of many rich men I know C Mr Bridges is richer than all his friends

D Mr Bridges is much richer than anyone else I know * Bài tập lời nói trực tiếp- lời nói gián tiếp:

*Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences by changing direct speech to indirect speech:

1 Alice said, “ I am living in London now.” → Alice said to me that “ My father isn’t very well”, Tom said → Tom told me that _ They said, “Alice and Tom are getting married next month.”


6 “ I saw Tom’s sister, who was really nice, at Helen’s party last weekend,” she said

→ She told me that “I haven’t seen Ann for a long time” she said → She told me that _ “I don’t like my job very much,” said her cousin → Her cousin admitted that _ “My car was stolen a few weeks ago,” he complained

→ He complained that _ 10 “My brother will come and stay at our flat next month,” said Tom

→ Tom told his wife that _ 11 “I want to go on holiday but I am too busy,” said the manager

→ The manager said that 12 “I will tell Diane about this problem,” he promised → He promised that _ 13 She said, “I’ll leave tomorrow.” → She said that _ 14 “He usually arrives home at p.m,” they say → They say that _ 15 “I won’t be at the club next week,” Nick has said to me → Nick has told me that 16 Emma says, “I like football and I often watch it on T.V.” → Emma says that _ 17 “She isn’t working here,” he says → He says that 18 “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work,” the Browns said

→ The Browns said that 19 “I have an English lesson this morning but I haven’t done my homework yet,” said a pupil

→ A pupil said that 20 “This English grammar book is good for you,” said my sister

→ My sister said that

*Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences by changing direct speech to indirect speech:

21 Tom said, “I will help you” → Tom said that 22 “I may be late,” said Mike → Mike told me 23 The teacher said, “You should study harder.” → The teacher told me 24 “I will come to the meeting,” said Ann → Ann told me _ 25 The salesman said, “You can take it for a driving test.”

→ The salesman said to her _ 26 He said, “I must be at the airport at a.m tomorrow.”

→ He told his daughter _ 27 “You mustn’t come in without knocking,” the boss said

→ The boss told them 28 “Your ticket will cost only $ 5,” I said → I said to the passenger 29 His father said, “He must work harder next term.” → His father said to him _ 30 Bob said, “I must be there by nine o’clock tomorrow → Bob said that

*Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences by changing direct speech to indirect speech:

1 Bob asked, “ Where is Alice?” → Bob wanted to know “Why is the sky blue?” my three-year -old son often asks

→ My three-year -old son often asks me _ My mother aked, “Why are you so tired?” → My mother wondered Tom said, “When did you arrive in London?” → Tom asked me George asked me, “What time does the play begin?.”

→ George wanted to know _ Thomas said to us, “How can I help you.” → Thomas asked us The worker said, “ When will the final decision be made?”

→ The worker wanted to know Frank asked Ann, “Where have you been.” → Frank asked Ann All of the farmers are asking, “When is the drought going to end?”

→ All of the farmers are wondering 10 Bob asks, “What is Kim’s native language?” → Bob wants to know 11 Bill’s father said to him, “What’s the problem?” → Bill’s father asked him 12 George asked me, “What time I have to be at the laboratory in the morning?”

→ George asked me _ 13 John asked, “Who should I give the message to?” → John asked me 14 Nancy asked, “Why didn’t you call me last night?”


→ Nancy wanted to know _ 19 “Have you finished the above sentences? ” asked his friend

→ His friend asked him 20 The teacher asked all of the students, “ Do you understand what I am explaining? ”

→ The teacher asked all of the students _


TEST 1 I- Circle the correct answer:

1 We are really _ by the beauty of Ha Long Bay

A, impress B,to impress C, impressed D, impressing He made a deep _ on the membess of his club

A impress B, impression C, impressed D, impressing What was he doing when you _ ?

A, come B, to come C, came D, coming

4 The Smiths enioyed the _ atmosphere in Viet Nam

A, peace B, peaceful C, peacefully D, peacetime We went to see many _ places in Ha Noi last year

A, fame B, famous C, famously D, famousness The _ language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia

A, nation B, national C, nationally D, nationality In Malaysia, _ is free

A, education B, educate C, educationally D, educational I wish Mary _ harder for her exam

A, will work B, worked C, has worked D, works

II- Read then answer:

Prague has the population of one million people It’s not the biggest city in Europe, but is certainly one of the most beautiful People call Prague “The Golden City” and “The Mother of cities” because it has the old Town Hall with it’s amazing 15th century clock People also call prague” Erope’s school of Music” There are many concert halls and every May there is a famous festival :” Prague Spring” There are also twenty theaters and many old pubs, wine bars and restaurants There is now a modern underground, but traffic is still a problem It’s often better to walk and feel the atmosphere of the pretty little streets


What is the population of Prague?

_ What is the most popular building in Prague?

_ Why people call Prague “Europe’s school of Music”?

_ When is there a famous music festival?

III- Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition :

We are waiting _ the rain to stop

It’s easy to tell the difference _ butter and magarine The children were devided _ small groups

It’s known _ the most dangerous past of the city The committee consists _ ten menbers

He saw him walk _ the park hours ago

IV- Give the correct from of word:

We were most (impress) by the quality of his work _

It wasn’t very (friendliness) of you to slam the door in her face. _ The two countries live together in (peaceful).

Viet Nam has a (tropic) country. _ We should read the the (instruct) first.

Is military service (compulsion) in your country. Football is like a _ (religious) for Bill. _

I have been (official) invited to the wedding. _


1 I’m sorry my father isn’t here now

I wish _ As a child, I liked chocolete very much

When I What a pity! I can’t speak English well

I wish _ I’ve studied English for year

I began After cleaning the house, Julia fell asleep on the sofa

Julia cleaned the house and _

TEST 2 Choose the best answer:

It’s _ to wear short skirts and faded jeans again

A, fashion B, fashionable C, fashionably D, fashioned

2 Vietnamese women usually wear the Ao Dai, _ on important occasion A, special B, specially C, especial D,especially Young people are fond of _ jeans

A, to wear B, wearing C, wore D, worn Many designers took _ from Viet Nam’s ethnic minorities

A, inspire B, inspiration C, inspirer D, inspirational Some designers have _ the Ao Dai by priting lines of poetry on it A, modern B, modernize C, modernized D,modernly

6 She _ to the national theater by The Greens last night

A, takes B,is taken C, took D,was taken She describes herself _ a fashion designer

A, by B, as C, in D, from

8 He _ with his friends in an apartment in Hue sine last week

A, living B, has lived C,repaired D like

9 My car _ yesterday

A repairs B, is repaired C, repaired D,was repaired 10 Must his test _ on time?

A, finish B, finished C, be finished D, be finish

II - Change into passive:

We have invited all the students in the school

All the students They send two million books to America every year

Two million books _ We check every car engine carefully

Every car engine I’ll return the book to you tomorrow

The book _ I have told the children about the party

The children _

III - Rewrite the follwing sentences:

1 It’s two year since I had a holiday

I _ This is my first visit to Scotland

I _ The last time he came to the cinema was two months ago

He 4.I started doing the job years ago

I have _ I haven’t been to the cinema for months

The last time It’s five year dine we last met each other

We _


Ba and his friends often go away for the weekend They had to wait at Ben Duc for a long time They took a boat and it would reach the place in one hour They had to walk up the mountains since they left the boat Ba and his friends were tired, so they rested until p.m They started to go home after having a short rest at Yen Spring Ba hurt his foot while he was climbing down the boat Liz took a lot of photos during the visit to Huong Pogoda

They often go on a picnic at weekends It took them hours to reach the place

Ba hurt his foot when climbing up the mountains They were all tired

V- Make meaningful sentences, using given words.

Aodai / traditional dress/ Vietnamese women

-> convenient/ women/ wear/ modern clothing/ work

-> _ wear/ uniforms/ help/ students/ feel/ equal/ many ways

-> _ Some/ designers/ modernized/ Ao dai/ print/ lines/ poetry/ it

-> _ Ao Dai/ be/ subiect/ poems/ novels/ songs


TEST I - Choose the best answer:

1 He is a famous stamp _

A.collect B.collection C.collector D.collective It’s an _ journey

A.interest B interesting C.interested D interestingly We will go _ a picnic tomorrow

A in B.at C.on D.of

4 My village is about 120 km _ the west of HCM City

A in B.at C.to D.for

5 There is a shrine _ the top of this mountain

A.on B.in C at D.to

6 Let’s _ somewhere for a drink

A.go B.do C.going D.doing

7 She sings very _

A beauty B.beautiful C.beautify D.beautifully He used to _ full time, but now he is a part- time worker

A.work B.working C.worked D.word

9 The accident happens because of driving _

A careful B.carefully C.careless D carelessly 10.I wish you _ us someday

A.visit B.will visit C.visited D.would visit

III- Complete sentences with “ and, so,but, because

1.In my bedroom, there’s a bed _ a closet

2.We live in an apartment on the top floor, _ we don’t have a yard 3.Our apartment’s small, _ it’s comfortable

4.I like living here _ it’s near my friend’s house 5.We both like sailing, _ we choose to live near the sea

6.I’m always tired on Friday evenings, _ I like to stay at home and relax

Read,then answer:

England is not a large country No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holiday at the seaside There are no high mountains in England, no very long rivers and no very large forests The English countryside between the towns is like a carpet of many colorssummer, the fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers

1.Is England a large country?


3 Are there many towns in England?

_ What is the English countryside like?


V - Rewrite sentences:

1 I’m not able to ride a motorbike

I wish _ What a pity! We don’t have a TV

We wish _ You smoke a lot It’s an annoying habit

I wish you We postponed the picnic because the weather was bad

The weather She can’t come to the party because she’s working late

She’s working late _


Question 1: Circle the best answer

1 When I was at school, I _ every night

A used to study B studied C study D both A&B They haven’t kept in touch with each other _

A for years B since years C years ago D over years We are proud _ our school

A.in B.of C about D.at

4 He arrived _ Thailand _ Saturday evening

A.in/on B.in/x C in/at D.at/on

5 Lam worked hard, _ she passed the exam easily

A.because B.or C so that D.but

6 We wish we _ in Paris next summer

A.are B.would be C will be D.were

7 The Malaysian _ is the ringit

A.money B.unit of currency C monetary unit D both B&C “ _ does it take to get there?” “About 15 minutes”

A.How far B.How long C How much D.How many We _ since we _ at secondary school

A knew/ were B have known/ were

C have known/ are D have known/ have been 10 I think it’s necessary for school students to _ uniforms at school

A dress B put on C wear D have on

Question : Give the correct form of verb

1 Lan (write) to her pen pal for years, and they first met last week Jeans (make) about 200 years ago and now they (sell) all over the world _ / _

3 I wish I (know) how to mend this car

4 Trung used (write) to his friends, but now he (phone) them _ A new cloth shop just (open) near my house _

Question 3: Find out and correct mistakes:

I haven’t seen my parents since a quarter of a year

A new shop was opening on Main Street last week

His teach encouraged him to taking part in the contest

I wish I can go with you

My family used to having dinner at 7.00 last year

Question : Rewrite the following sentences: It’s a pity your friend isn’t at the party


Minh hasn’t They usually wore jeans when they were yuong

They used The last time we visited Kuala Lumpur was years ago


TEST I- Choose the best answer:

He is a strict _

A exam B examine C examiner D examination I want to _ English at that Foregn Language Center

A.learn B.have C go D take

3 This school has an excellent _

A repute B.reputation C reputed D reputable If you want to _ your English we can help you

A improve B.attend C take D give We often take part in many cultural _

A acts B actions C activity D activities What aspect of _ English you find it difficult?

A.study B studied C learnt D learning We have well _ teachers

A qualify B qualified C.qualification D quality 8.She said that she _ learning English with you

A like B liked C liking D to like She asked me where I _ from

A come B.came C.to come D coming

10 If you want to attend at the course, you _ pass this exam

A.have to B has to C had to D could

II - Change into reported speech :

“ Do you know who broke the window, boys?”

The man asked “ Does your father live in London, Nam?”

Lan asked I’ll phone the office from the airport.”, he said

He said She said, “ My parents are arriving tomorrow.”

She said

IV- Read - Then answer:

People who know Salley Ride say she is intelligent and confident She also thinks deeply about things, but is not always serious She is fun and enjoys humor but she is in a hurry to get on to more important things At high school, she became interested in science At university, she studied English and physics After completing her studies at Stanford University, she worked as a researcher In 1977, she was one of 100 women and 700 who applied for the astronaut - training program She was 25 She was one of the 35 women who were accepted to start the program in1978 As part of her training, she learnt to be a jet pilot and a flight engineer She married during her training Her husband, Havley, is also an astronaut They don’t plan to have any children

1.How old was Sally Ride in 1977?

2.Who did she marry?

3.What did she in 1977?

4.Do they have any children?

TEST – Unit 5

I- Circle the correct option:

1 Who told you the news? The _ may be not correct

A inform B information C.informational D.informative The cost of _ is very high in big cities


3 The businessman of Ancient Egypt hired _ to shout a bout the things they

A.criers B.players C.hackers D.singers

4 It took me hours _ this work

A B doing C.to D did

5 He thinks that _ on the Internet is a waste of time

A chat B.chatter C.chatted D.chatting

6 We can see many international programs _ different channels

A in B.on C.of D.at

7 The Internet is a very fast way to get _

A.inform B.informatic C.information D.informative I don’t know _ website is useful for me

A.why B.who C.when D.which

9 Your father will go to Ha Noi next week, _ he?

A.will B.won’t C.does D.doesn’t

10 When did you finish _ the kitchen?

A paint B.painted C painting D.to paint

II- Read then decide T or F?

The Internet has rapidly developed and become part of our daily life It’s a very fast and convenient way to get information People use the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce The Internet helps people communicate with friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting However, it has limitations It’s time consuming and costly It’s also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs On the other hand, the Internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail, and personal information leaking So, while enjoy surfing, be alert!

1.It is uneasy to get information when using the Internet 2.We can communicate with our friends by means of e-mail 3.There are many viruses and bad programs on the Internet

4.Be careful when enjoying surfing

III- Put th verbs in brackets into “gerund / infinitive”

He gave up (smoke) _

I suggest (hold) another meeting next week I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist

She wants (go) away for a few days _

The boys like (play) games but hate (do) homework _ He pretends (be) ill

We don’t expect you (come) to class late again I look forward to (see) you soon

IV- Rewrite the following sentences

1 Please don’t disturb me

I don’t want _ That meal was excellent

What _! 3.I phoned Mr Brown’s company because I wanted to see him

I wanted to see Mr Brown 4.He gets up early in the morning and he’s used to it

He is used to _ I’d like you to help me shut the door

Would you mind _? Reading newspapers in the morning gives him pleasure

He enjoys They first printed “ The Times” two hundred years ago

“The Times” _ Does your brother use the Internet every day

Your brother _ Please don’t watch that film, it’s very violient

Please stop _ 10 Some newpapers have more pictures than texts

There are _


I- Circle the correct option:

1 Who told you the news? The _ may be not correct

A inform B information C.informational D.informative The cost of _ is very high in big cities

A live B.living C.lived D.life

3 The businessman of Ancient Egypt hired _ to shout a bout the things they

A.criers B.players C.hackers D.singers

4 It took me hours _ this work

A B doing C.to D did

5 He thinks that _ on the Internet is a waste of time

A chat B.chatter C.chatted D.chatting

6 We can see many international programs _ different channels

A in B.on C.of D.at

7 The Internet is a very fast way to get _

A.inform B.informatic C.information D.informative I don’t know _ website is useful for me

A.why B.who C.when D.which

9 Your father will go to Ha Noi next week, _ he?

A.will B.won’t C.does D.doesn’t

10 When did you finish _ the kitchen?

A paint B.painted C painting D.to paint

II- Read then decide T or F?

The Internet has rapidly developed and become part of our daily life It’s a very fast and convenient way to get information People use the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce The Internet helps people communicate with friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting However, it has limitations It’s time consuming and costly It’s also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs On the other hand, the Internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail, and personal information leaking So, while enjoy surfing, be alert!

1.It is uneasy to get information when using the Internet 2.We can communicate with our friends by means of e-mail 3.There are many viruses and bad programs on the Internet

4.Be careful when enjoying surfing

III- Put th verbs in brackets into “gerund / infinitive”

He gave up (smoke) _

I suggest (hold) another meeting next week I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist

She wants (go) away for a few days _

The boys like (play) games but hate (do) homework _ He pretends (be) ill

We don’t expect you (come) to class late again I look forward to (see) you soon

IV- Rewrite the following sentences

1 Please don’t disturb me

I don’t want _ That meal was excellent

What _! 3.I phoned Mr Brown’s company because I wanted to see him

I wanted to see Mr Brown 4.He gets up early in the morning and he’s used to it

He is used to _ I’d like you to help me shut the door

Would you mind _? Reading newspapers in the morning gives him pleasure

He enjoys They first printed “ The Times” two hundred years ago

“The Times” _ Does your brother use the Internet every day


Please don’t watch that film, it’s very violient

Please stop _ 10 Some newpapers have more pictures than texts

There are _


I - Circle the best answer:

1.If you know where she lives, please let me _

A know B knew C to know D known

2.Unless you understantd, I _ explain it again to you

A.am B.was C.will D would

3.The air in the city is very _

A pollute B pollution C polluted D.pollutant 4.The accident happened because of driving _

A.careful B.careless C carefully D.carelessly

5.He is going to _ all the plastic bags

A collect B collection C collective D.collector 6.If they _ pupils, they must wear uniforms

A.are B were C.have D had

7.She was _ because of bad result in studying

A happy B.happily C.unhappy D.unhappily

8.She has _ provided a picnic for us

A kind B kindly C.kindness D unkind

9.We _ this car if it is expensive

A won’t buy B wouldn’t buy C haven’t bought D.didn’t buy 10.If she is careful, she _ get good mark

A.will B would C could D must

II Fill in each gap with one sui table preposition

Martin grew to be fond _ his pet snake

When Harry made his speech, everyone laughed _ him Robert has been married _ Marry for a year

My decided to discuss her problems _ hes close friends I am not very keen _ the idea of going climbing

Marry is always talking _ all the famous people she has met Jim was opten late _ work, and lot his job as a result I can’t remember her name, but it begin _ “J”

III.Supply the correct tense of verbs:

My daughter (try) to find a job for a month She (leave) _ university in June, and since then she (have) _ one or two part-time jobs She (work) _ in a caffe for the last two weeks She (want) _to work in publishing She (write) hundreds of letters of application, and she (have) a few interviews, but no job offers yet

VI- Rewrite the following sentences:

I’ll call the police if you don’t give me back my bicycle

Unless Study harder otherwise you will fail the next exam

If _ He drove so fast; that’s why he caused a serious accident

Because _ Hurry up or we’ll be late for the concert

If _ We won’t go out unless it stops raining

If There wasn’t enough rain last year, so the crops were not good

The crops We last saw him in August

We haven’t My school has twenty classes and eight hundred students



TIME: 45 minutes



I/ Choose the best answers


1 I asked her how many languages ………

a she can speak

b can she speak

c she could speak

2.If Nam ……… to travel to HN , he must have much money.

a wants

b wanted

c will want

3 I must learn my lesson ……… my examination.

a for

b of

c from

4 We always practice ………football.

a playing

b play

c to play

5 What aspect of ………French does she like ?

a learn

b learning

c to learn

6 They should……….in bed if they are ill

a stayed

b stay

c stays

7 The students should……… camping when they finish their term.

a go

b to go

c going

8.Tom was late for work……… he got up late

a so b and c because

9 We have been Hue ……… we left school.

a for

b from c since

10 I took some pictures ………show the trip to my friends

a from b for c to

11 I wish I ……….repair a car

a can b will c could

12 They asked him ……… he went to Hue

a if b where c as if

13 He said ” I ……… in an apartment “.

a has lived b live c lives

14.We will be there ……… months

a from b on c in

15 We like the Western ……….

a cultural b culture c customer

16 It is an ……… day

a enjoy b enjoyable c enjoying

II/ Supply the correct verb form : (1pt)

1 Mai asked me when I ……….( fix) that bike

2 They said they………… (stay) in HCM city yesterday


III/ Fill in the blank with one correct preposition


1 We are very busy with my work ………Tuesday and Monday

2 I haven’t met my new teacher ………… last year.

3.Lan has lived ……… the dormitory for months.

4 I have some difficulties ……… learning English.

IV/ Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning

(2 pts)

1 The man said that,” I don’t these postcards”

The man said that ………

2 I asked her ,”Will you be free tomorrow ?”


3 Because this college costs cheap ,we attend the English course in that school

……… , so ………

4 She said to me she wasn’t there that day.

She said to me ,”……… ……… ”

V/ Complete the following passage (2pts)

English is a very useful……….(1) If we know English , we can go to

any countries we like We will not……….(2) it hard to make people

understand what we want to say English also helps us learn all kinds of subjects.

Hundreds of books are written in English everyday in a lot of countries English has also

helped to spread……… (3) and knowledge in all corner of the world.

Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better understanding and

……….( ) among countries of the world.


1 Is English useless or not?


2 Which subjects can we learn from English?




TIME: 45 minutes




I/ Choose the best answers (4pts):

1.If you ………lose some weight, you should more exercise.

a wants

b want

c will want

2 I must learn my lesson ……… my examination.

a from

b for

c from

3 We always practice ………on Sundays.

a swimming

b swim c to swim

4 What aspect of ………French you like ?

a to learn

b learn

c learning

5 They should stay in bed……… they are ill

a if

b whether

c a and b

6 We will wait ……… you at the entrance of the super market.

a at

b on

c for

7.Tom got up late,……….he was late for work.

a and b so c because

8 My town is kilometers to the south ……… Bien Hoa City.

a to

b of

c at

9 We have been for away from each other……… we left school.

a for

b since

c from

10 I took some pictures to show the trip ………my friends

a to b for c of

11 I wish I ……….drive a car

a know b knew c can know

12 She asked me when I ……… back.

a came b come c to come

13 They asked him ……… he went to Hue

a if b whether c a and b

14 Hoa said ” I ……… with my mother in HN tomorrow”.

a has lived b lived c will live

15.We will be there ……… 30 minutes.

a from b until c in

16 It is an ……… trip

a enjoyable b enjoyed c enjoying

II/ Supply the correct verb form:


1 Mai asked me when I ……….( sell) that radio

2.We asked him if he ………(go) with his brother.

3 She used ………( visit) her friends last year

4.If he learns badly, I ……….(not get) a present.

III/ Fill in the blank with one correct preposition:


1 They hold a party ……… ……… last week.


4.I am quite different……….my aunt

IV/ Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning


1 Hoa asked me ,”How are you now”

Hoa asked me ………

2.The girls have reputation because they make jeans beautifully

……….,so ………

3 She said to me she bought that new dress that day.

She said to me ,”………”

4 Tom asked her ,“ Do you like reading her today? ”

Tom asked her………

V/ Complete the following passage :(2pts)

English is a very useful language If we know English ,we can go to any………

(1) we like We will not find it hard to make people understand what we want

to……….(2) English also helps us learn all kinds of subjects Hundreds of

books are……… (3) in English everyday in a lot of countries English has also

helped to spread ideals and knowledge in all corner of the world Therefore, the

English ……… (4) has helped to spread better understanding and friendship

among countries of the world.


1 Are all books written in English everyday?


2 What makes better understanding and friendship among countries of the





TIME: 45 minutes



I/ Choose the best answers

1 I asked her how many languages ………

a she could speak b can she speak c she can speak 2.If Mr Nam ……… to travel to HN , he must have much money

a wanted b wants c will want


3.If you ………lose some weight, you should more exercise a want b wants c will want I must learn my lesson ……… my examination

a for b of c from

5 We always practice ………volleyball

a play b playing c to play What aspect of ………French you like ?

a learn b learning c to learn They should……….in bed if they are ill

a stay b stayed c stays The students ……… go camping when they finish their term a have to b had to c should We will wait for you ………the entrance of the super market

a at b on c from

10.Tom got up late,……….he was late for work a so b and c because

11 My town is kilometers ………the south of Bien Hoa City

a to b for c at

12 We have been for away from each other……… we left school a for b since c from 13 I took some pictures to show the trip ………my friends a to b for c of

14 I wish I ……….drive a car

a can b could c will 15 She asked me when I ……… back

a came b come c to come 16 They asked him ……… he went to Hue

a if b whether c a and b 17 He said ” I ……… with my mother in an apartment “ a has lived b lived c live

18.We will be there ……… 30 minutes

a from b in c at 19 We like the Western ………

a culture b cultural c customer 20 It is an ……… day

a enjoy b enjoyed c enjoyable

II/ Supply the correct verb form:

1 Mai asked me when I ……….( buy) that bike 2.We asked him if he ………(play) with his brother They said they………… (be) in HCM city yesterday

4 She used ………( meet) her friends last year 5.If he………(learn) hard, I will award him a present

6 I ……….(go) for a walk everyday if I ………(be) free I wish I………(get) a new computer

8 They ……… (not do) the housework yet 9.Nam……… (ask) me if I came to the party yesterday

10.Lan ……….(say) she ……….(study) foreign language well last year

III/ Fill in the blank with one correct preposition :

1 We are very busy ………Monday They hold a party ……… ……… night last week I haven’t met my form teacher ………… last Christmas


7 I’m looking forward ……….you 8.Thank you ………your regard 9.I am worried ……….my examination 10.I was born ……… May

IV/ Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning

1 The students said that,”we don’t this test ”

The students said that ……… I asked her ,”Are you busy with your homework today?” ……… Hoa asked me ,”How you speak French”

Hoa asked me ……… They said ,” We must go now”

They said ……… 5.They have reputation because they make jeans beautifully

They make jeans beautifully ,so ……… This college costs cheap ,so I attend the English course in that school

Because this college……… 7.Mary asked me where I came from

Mary asked me ,”……….” She said to me she was tired that day

She said to me ,”……… ” Tom asked her ,“ Are you reading now? ”

Tom asked her……… 10 He said ,” I will play the piano tomorrow ”

He said………

V/ Complete the following passage:

English is a very useful language If we ……… (1) English ,we can go to any countries we like WE will not find it hard to make people understand ………(2) we want to say English also helps us learn all kinds of ………(3) Hundreds of books ……… (4) in English everyday in

……….(5) countries English has also helped to spread ideals and knowledge……… (6) all corner of the world Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better ………(7) and ……… (8) among countries of the world




Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 17:35

