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giao an tieng anh 6

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Nội dung

Good morning: chaøo (vaøo buoåi saùng) Good afternoon: chaøo (vaøo buoåi chieàu) Good evening: chaøo (vaøo buoåi toái) Good night: chuùc nguû ngon. Good bye/ bye: taïm bieät[r]


Date of preparing: 21/8/2008 Date of teaching: ………

WEEK I Period 1

Introduce English 6 I/ Objectives:

- Help ss have a general knowledge of English, a new subject and a new language

- After the lesson, ss know what to study in a unit and how to study English II/ Language contents:

III/ Teaching aids:

- Textbook, notebook, chalk IV/ Time alloted: 45 minutes V/ Procedure:

- Class organization - Check up

- New lesson

Teacher s and ss s ativities’ ’ Contents Warm up (5 mins)

- Greeting

- Teacher and ss introduce some information to each other

-2 Presentation (35 mins) - Introduce briefly English, ss listen

- Ask a question, ss answer (in Vietnamese)

+ Do you think English is important?

+ Do you think it is necessary to study English?

- Introduce English 6, ss listen and copy

+ Ask ss to open E6 (page 3) and look at

+ Intoduce some information, ss copy

- Ask ss to read information from “Gồm hoạt động……… đến đơn vị học” (p.3), ss read

* Introduce briefly English

- English is the most common language in the world

- English is the 1st language of many

countries Also, it is the 2nd language of

many others

- English is used in a lot of firms, such as computer, aviation…

* Structures of English 6:

- 16 units Each umit has 2- sections (A, B, C) contain topics of the unit

- Each section is learnt from 1- period, included some activities


- Summarize things ss need to prepare for English, present some abbreviations in textbook

- Introduce some ways to learn English, ss listen and remember + Trên lớp ý nghe giảng, tham gia nhiệt tình vào hoạt động gv hớng dẫn

+ Về nhà cần ôn tập lại kiến thức học, làm tập

+ Häc theo nhãm, cỈp

+ Chuẩn bị trớc đến lớp

+ Häc ë s¸ch b¸o, TV……… Homework (5ms)

- Ask ss to prepare Unit 1: A1-> A4

+ A textbook + A student book + A notebook +A dictionary

Date of preparing: 25/8/2008 Date of teaching: ………

WEEK I Period 2

Unit 1: greetings

A / hello

(a1->a4) I/ Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, ss will know: + How to greet people

+Introduce theirselves II/ Language contents: Language:

- Vocabularies: Hello, hi, I, my, name, is, am, are - Structures: + I am…………

+ My name is……… Skills: listen, speak

III/ Teaching aids:

- Textbook, pictures, cassette and tape IV/ Time alloted: 45 minutes

V/ Procedure:

- Class organization - Check up

- New lesson

Teacher s and ss s ativities’ ’ Contents 1 A1

- Ask ss to look at pictures (p.10) and say what people are doing, ss say - Ask ss to give some greetings in Vietnamese, ss give


“ You know how to greet in

Vietnamese Now we listen to the tape and know how to greet in English” - Open the tape, ss listen

- Present new words, ss copy (by gesture)

- Give the difference between two ways of greeting, ss copy

2 A2

- Call one ss to stand up and practice speaking the greetings with the teacher, ss practice

- Ask ss to work in pairs and practice saying greetings, ss

- Ask some pairs to practice 3 A3

- Give the introductions, ss listen “Beside you greet sb when meeting, you introduce your name how you this in English? Listen to the tape and find out”

- Open to the tape, ss listen

- Open the tape sentence by sentence - Present some new words and the way to introduce a person’s name

- Note abbreviation of “I am, My name is”, ss copy

- Ask ss to stand up and read sentences

4 A4

- Ask ss to use “ I am………”, “My name is…….” to introduce their name, ss

* Vocabulary: Hello: Xin chaøo Hi: Xin chaøo

- cách chào thân mật Tuy nhiên, “Hi” câu chào thân mật hơn, thường dùng gặp bạn bè tuổi

A2 Practice

A3 Listen and repeat

* Vocabulary I(pron): toâi

You(pron): bạn, bạn To be(V): thì, là, ở……… + Am + Is + Are Name(n): tên

My(adj): * Structure: I am……… :

= My name is……… Ex: I am Lan

= My name is Lan


5 Homework

- Ask ss to practice the ways of greetings, how to introduce trheir name

- Do exercise 1, (p.4&5) - Prepare A5->A8

I am = I’m

A4 Practice with a group a)I am………

b)My name is………

Date of preparing: 25/8/2008 Date of teaching: ………

WEEK I Period 3

Unit 1: cont

A / hello

(a5->a8) I/ Objectives:

- After the lesson, ss will know how to ask how people are and say “thank you” to someone

II/ Language contents: Language:

- Vocabularies: fine, thanks, how, and, Mr, Miss, Mrs - Structures: + How are you?

I’m fine, thanks

2 Skills: listen, speak, write III/ Teaching aids:

- Textbook, pictures, cassette and tape IV/ Time alloted: 45 minutes

V/ Procedure:

- Class organization - Check up

- New lesson

Teacher s and ss s ativities’ ’ Contents 1 Check the old lesson (5 mins)

-Ask ss to go to board and say greetings and introduce the name, ss

2 A5 (20 mins)

- Ask ss to look at the picture (p.12), ss look at

- Give the introductions, ss listen


“Lan meets Ba at school Can you guess what they talk to each other?” - Ask some ss to guess what Lan and Ba are talking (in Vietnamese), ss guess

- Introduce the dialogue, ss listen “Ba and Lan are greeting and asking about health In this lesson, we know how to express this in E”

- Present some new words and new structure, ss copy

- Ask ss to listen to the tape again and repeat after the tape (sentence by sentence)

3 A6 (10 mins)

- Ask ss to look at pictures, ss look at - Present some new words, ss copy

- Ask ss to work in pairs, practice greetings and asking the health to each other about themselves, ss 4 A7 (5 mins)

- Let ss write the dialogue in their exercise book, ss write

- Call some pairs to read aloud before the class, ss read

* Vocabulary:

How: nhö Fine (adj):khỏe, tốt Thanks: cám ơn * Structure:

How are you? = bạn khỏe không? I am fine = khỏe

Use to say greeting, not to ask the health

A6 Practice with a partner * Vocabulary:

Miss: cô (dùng cho phụ nữ chưa chồng) Mr: ông

Mrs: bà (phụ nữ có chồng)

Mr, Miss, Mrs+ tên người (VN) họ (nước ngoài)

A7 Write in your exercise book Nam: Hello, Lan

How are you?

Lan: Hi, I’m fine, thanks

A8 Remember Hello/ Hi


- Give the correct answer, ss copy 5 Remember + Homework (5 mins) - Recall the knowlegde of section A, ss listen and remember

- Give homeworks, ss copy

+ Learn by heart new words and structures

+ Do exercise 3, (p.5) - Prepare B1 B6

Date of preparing: 25/8/2008 Date of teaching: ………

WEEK II Period 4

Unit 1: cont



(B1->B6) I/ Objectives:

- After the lesson, ss will be able to greet sb at different time II/ Language contents:

1 Language:

- Vocabulary: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night,good bye/ bye, we

- Structures:

2 Skills: listen, speak, write III/ Teaching aids:

- Textbook, pictures, cassette and tape IV/ Time alloted: 45 minutes

V/ Procedure:

- Class organization - Check up

- New lesson

Teacher’s and students’activities Contents 1 Check the old lesson (10 mins)

- Call ss to go to the board and make a dialogue of greeting and asking the health

2 B1(10 mins)

- Ask ss to look at pictures (p 14) and guess what period of a day each picture mentions, ss guess

- Introduce: “today, we’ll study how to greet sb in different period of a day”, ss listen


- Open the tape, ss listen

- Open the tape again, ss listen and repeat

- Present some new words, ss copy

- Ask ss to read new words, ss read - Explain the use of each greeting, ss copy

- Call some ss to stand up and read, ss read

2 B2 (5 mins)

- Label pictures (similar to ones in B2), ss look at

- Call ss to practice with a partner to greet each other, ss practice

- Call some pairs to stand up and practice

S1: Good morning S2: Good morning 3 B3 (10 mins)

- Ask ss to look at the textbook and listen to the tape, ss listen

- Open the tape again and ss repeat sentence by sentence

- Introduce some new words, ss copy

- Call pairs of ss to stand up and practice dialogues, ss practice 4 B4 (5 mins)

- Explain the situation, ss listen - Ask ss to give the answers, ss copy

5 Remember + Homework (5 mins) - Recall the knowledge, ss listen and remember

- Homework:

+ Learn by heart the greetings + Do exercise 1, 2, (p.6,7) + Prepare C1, C2

* Vocabulary:

Good morning: chào (vào buổi sáng) Good afternoon: chào (vào buổi chiều) Good evening: chào (vào buổi tối) Good night: chúc ngủ ngon

Good bye/ bye: tạm biệt

* Note:

+ good morning/ afternoon/ evening is used when meeting (grave situation) + good night is used to say “good bye” at night

+ Good bye/ bye is used every time in a day (bye is more intimate)

B2 Practice with a parner

B3 Listen and repeat

* Vocabulary:

Children (n): treû We (pron): Thank you: Cám ơn

B4 Write

Good afternoon, Lan I am fine, thanks And you?


Ngày đăng: 09/04/2021, 20:21
