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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 5 tuần 18

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Attitude: Students feel confident to practise listening and reading common health problems.. II.[r]


Date of preparing:27/12/2017 Week: 18 Date of teacher:01/01/2018(5E1, 5E2, 5E3, 5E4) Period: 69,70 02/01/2018(5E1, 5E2, 5E3,)

03/01/2018(5E4 )

Final Test – Term 1 Part A : LISTENING

Question 1: Listen and match Number is an example (0,75 point)

Question 2: Listen and tick A, B or C Number is an example (1 point)

0 What would you like to eat ?


1 Where did Nam go last summer?


2.Where is Tony going to do?


3 How does Quan learn vocabulary?


1 2 3 4


4 What is Tom’s favourite story?


Question Listen and write one word in each box Number is an example (0,75 point)

1 My favourite character is ……Tam……

2 Linda saw some ……… last Sunday

3 Last Summer holidy, I went to Ha Long by ………… Our school ……… Day will be next Saturday


Question 1: Read and match Number is an example (0,75 point)

0 It’s the title of a story

1 You can pay a visit and see many kinds of animals here You can read and borrow the book here but you can’t buy

3 On this day we give flowers and presents for our teachers add we sing and dance

d .

Question Read the text carefully Tick ( ) True or False Number is an example ( point)

Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my classmates We saw a lot of animals First we saw the elephants They were very big They moved slowly and quietly Then we saw the kangazoos I enjoyed watching them because they jumped very high and run quickly In the end, we went to see the monkeys They looked funny They swung from tree to tree all the time They jumped up and down on the trees very quickly We had a really good time

True False


0 The elephants were very small

1 We saw the elephants moving slowly and quietly The kangzoos run slowly

3 I didn’t like seeing the kangazoos

Because they jumped very high and run quickly

4.We saw the monkeys jumping up and down very

quickly, swinging from tree to the cage all the time

Question 3: Read and circle A, B or C Number is an example.(0,75 point) Lan’s favourite subject is (0)……… She practises l(1)……… by watching English cartoons on TV everyday She (2) ……… to read by reading English short stories She writes emails to her friend Akiko every evening She learns English (3)………… She will need it for her job She wants to be a travel guide A France B English C England

1 A listens B listen C listening A learns B learnt C learning A because B so C but Part C: WRITING

Question 1: Fill in each gap with suitable words Number is an example. (1,25 points).

đ2 0,5 đ


0 Your sister likes Maths

1 On ………., I will give flowers for our teachers I like ……… because she is beautifull and kind I can see a ……… It’s moving quietly in the garden

4.He rode a horse and used …… to fight against the enemies The king named him Phu Dong Thien Vuong

5 During ……… Lesson, We learn about animals and plants

Question Reorder the words to make sentences as example (1,25 points) Example:

0 did / What / do/ you / yesterday? →What did you yesterday?

1 birthday / party / Tom / to / my / I / invited

2 you / What / / did / Sports Day / on?

3 lessons / how / you / / today / many / have?

4 learn / I / because / English / want to / I / cartoons / TV / on / English / watch. 5 the / will / next / classmates / in / part / event / take / my / music/ Sunday

Part D SPEAKING (2,5 points)


Greeting & test taker’s name check

The examiner says “My name is…It’s nice to talk to you today.” Part 1: Getting to know each other ( 3points)

The examiner asks questions below: What’s your name?

2 How are you today? Which class are you in? 1 M1 M 3.M2


Part 2: Talking about a familiar topics ( 4points)

The test taker is given a carton box in which there is a set of questions with the picture about the topic that students have learnt The examiner tells the test taker to pick one strip into the box and answer the following questions (“Please open the box and take one strip.”)


4.What is this ?

Tell me some tourist destination that you know 6.Where would you like to visit ?Why?

7 Who will you go with? And What will you there? 4 M M3 M M4

Part 3: Describing the picture(3points)

The examiner says, “Now you have 30 seconds to look at this picture.”

The examiner asks questions below: What the people in the picture doing? Do you like this event?

10 What you think of it? 8 M M 10 M 4

The End

Date of preparing:27/12/2017 Week: 18 Period: 71


What’s the matter with you?

Lesson ( Part:1,2,3 ) I Aims


By the end of this unit, pupils can

• use the words and phrases related to the topic Common health problems. • ask and answer questions about common health problems, using What’s the

matter with you? I have

• give and respond to advice on common health problems, using You

should/shouldn’t Yes, I will./Ok, I won’t.

• say questions and answers with the correct intonation

Skills: Develop listening and speaking skills

Attitude: Students feel confident toask and answer questions about common health problems

II Teaching aids

Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector. Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks

III Method

P.P.P, MAT, TPA IV Procedure

Organization (1min) - Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

03/01/2018 5E1

03/01/2018 5E2

03/01/2018 5E3

03/01/2018 5E4

2 Warm up (4 mins)

Invite a few pupils to role play the short story in Review Then introduce the new unit by writing What’s the matter with you? on the board and check pupils’ comprehension Explain the unit title before they repeat it twice

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents * Activity 1(10 mins)

• Have the class look at the pictures Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit their answers to these questions: Who’s this? Who’s he/she

talking with? Where’s he/she? What

are they talking about? (In Picture a,Tony

is in bed and he tells his mum he can’t


have breakfast In Picture b, his mum asks

What’s the matter with you? and he

answers I don’t feel well I have a

headache In Picture c, his mum says Oh, you have a fever, too In Picture d, Tony’s

father asks What’s the matter with Tony? and his mother says He has a fever I’ll

take him to the doctor after breakfast.)

Explain the meanings of What’s the

matter, feel well, headache and fever.

• Play the recording all the way through for the class to listen and follow in the books Play it again for them to repeat line by line Finally, point to each picture for them to say the words in each bubble

• Check their understanding of the story

*Activity 2(10 mins)

• Tell the class that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about common health problems, using

What’s the matter with you? I have

• Get them to practise the answers before introducing the question Point to the pictures for pupils to repeat the words under them and check their understanding Explain the meanings, if necessary Then ask pupils to practise the complete


• Ask the question What’s the matter with

you? for the class to answer chorally.

• Have them practise the question and answers in pairs Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

• Invite one or two pairs to speak to check how well they have practised the question and answers Correct their pronunciation, if necessary

* Activity 3(10 mins)

• Tell the class that they are going to practise further by asking and answering

2 Point and say * Vocabulary

a a toothache: đau b an earache: đau tai c a sore throat: viêm họng d a stomach ache: đau bụng * Sentence Patterns

What’s the matter with you ?

I have a toothache.

3 Let’s talk


questions about common health problems • Get them to imagine they have certain health problems and use the question and answers in their books

• Set a time limit for them to practise Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

• Invite two or three pairs to act out their conversations

health problems.

What’s the matter with you/ him/ her/them ?

I/They have a toothache. She/ He has a toothache.

4 Consolidation ( mins)

- Learn about asking and answering questions about common health problems

5 Homework (1min):

- Practise asking and answering questions about common health problems

V Evaluation.

……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 27/12/2017 Week: 18 Period: 72


What’s the matter with you?

Lesson ( Part:4,5,6 ) I Aims


By the end of this unit, pupils can

• use the words and phrases related to the topic Common health problems. • ask and answer questions about common health problems, using What’s the

matter with you? I have

• give and respond to advice on common health problems, using You

should/shouldn’t Yes, I will./Ok, I won’t.

• say questions and answers with the correct intonation

Skills: Develop listening and reading skills

Attitude: Students feel confident to practise listening and reading common health problems

II Teaching aids

Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector. Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks

III Method

P.P.P, MAT, TPA IV Procedure


- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

04/01/2018 5E1

04/01/2018 5E3

05/01/2018 5E2

05/01/2018 5E2

2 Warm up (5 mins)

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by inviting some pairs to act out the story in Activity in front of the class

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents * Activity 1(10 mins)

• Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the problem of each character

• Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen Play it again for them to the task

• Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class Give

explanations for answers which pupils fnd difcult Play the recording again to confrm the answers

*Activity 2(15 mins)

• Tell the class that they are going to read the text and fll the gaps with earache, sore

throat, stomach ache, fever and toothache.

Remind them to focus on the context to select the appropriate words from the box • Get pupils to swap and compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class

* Activity 3(7 mins)

• Tell the class that they are going to sing

What’s the matter with you? Have them

read the lyrics Check their comprehension

• Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books Play it again for them to repeat line by line.When they are familiar with the

4 Listen and tick

Key: Nam: toothache Peter: stomach ache Linda: headache Tony: sore throat

5 Read and complete

Key: toothache fever earache stomach ache sore throat


melody, ask them to sing along with the music before practising doing actions • Invite one or two groups to sing the song and actions in front of the class

4 Consolidation ( min)

- Practise listening and reading about about common health problems

5 Homework (1min):

- Practise listening and reading about about common health problems. Prepare for next lesson


……… ………


Ngày đăng: 09/04/2021, 15:05

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