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The most widely used method of water purification is water filtration plants (16)…....remove impurities from the water by passing it (17)…...sand, and, in some systems, treating the wate[r]



HỌC KỲ – NĂM HỌC: 2020-2021

Môn: Tiếng Anh – Lớp 11 (cơ bản)

Units: 9, 10, 11

I/ Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1 A spacious B advance C shape D favourite A speed B cheap C sleep D stead A service B surface C deliver D early A question B suggest C best D stand A schiller B school C schema D scheme A answer B sweater C swim D switch A smart B smile C criticism D smog A slow B isle C slap D slave A sword B sweet C swing D swallow 10 A Across B Arrest C Advantage D Advertise 11 A Swallow B Sword C Swing D Swim 12 A shrill B shrine C shrimp D shrink II Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s)

CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1 People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables. A destroy B develop C grow D support 2 The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous.

A efficient B polite C helpful D perfect 3 Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. A becoming B damaging C raising D changing 4 Many national parks have been established to protect endangered animals

A decorated B renewed C lost D set up

5 Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe

A natural B popular C scarce D abundant 6 There was no mention of the incident in the national press.

A television B newspapers C Internet D radio

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings

1 Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite A unlimited B strong C rapid D limited 2 The boat provides spacious accommodation for five people. A noisy B large C quite D small 3 The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous.

A efficient B polite C helpful D impolite

4 This speedy and secure service of transferring money can be useful. A rapid B hurried C slow D careful

III/ Choose the best answer that best completes the unfinished sentence and that best substitutes the underlined part:

1 He was the last person in that way

A to kill B who killed C to be killed D being killed Ellen Swallow Richards became the first woman , graduate from, and teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A who enter B to enter C enter D entered Doctor: Good morning! ?

Judy: There’s something wrong with my left shoulder I hurt it

while I was doing gym

A Can you help me B May you help me C What can you for me D What can I for you

4 Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.”Hoa: “ ” A Thanks B You are welcome C Have a good day D Cheers The health of our children is being _by exhaust fumes

A dangerous B endangerment C endangered D endanger An painted his bedroom brown It looks dark and dready He a different colour

A should have chosen B must have chosen C could have been choosing D had to choose

7 If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce _

A ecology B benefit C landscape D offspring I need to £1,000 to my daughter's account

A transfer B transform C transmit D transact


the United States

A who elected B to be elected C was elected D her election as 10 Pioneers, in isolated areas of the United States, were almost totally self-sufficient

A who living B living C lived D that Iived 11 Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now on the campus of Princeton University

A standing B it stands C has stood D stood

12 Neil Armstrong, person to set foot on the moon, reported that the surface was fine and powdery

A the first B to be the first C was the first D as the first 13 The Massachusetts State House, in 1798, was the most distinguished building in the United States at that time

A completing B which was completed

C was completed D to be completed

14 She joined the local tennis club, were at least 60 A most of its members B most whose members C most of whose members D most members

15 Since 1950 the world nearly one-fifth of the top soil from its agricultural land and one-fifth of its tropical forests

A was losing B is losing C had been lost D has lost 16 Several cars _owners had parked them under the trees, were damaged

A their B of which C whom D whose

17 My English teacher, Mrs Brookes, was someone _I had great respect

A that B whom C for who D for whom

18 A lack of cross-cultural awareness can result in misinterpretation, _

A that offense may cause B which may cause offense C those may cause offense D for which may cause offense 19 So thick and rich of Illimois that early settlers there were unable to force a plow through it

A as the soil B the soil was C was the soil D the soil 20 Fleming's discovery of penicillin, _, had a major influence on the lives of people in the 20th century

A awarded the Nobel Prize B which awarded the Nobel Prize

C that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for D for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize

21 Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.” Hoa: “ _ ” A Thanks B You are welcome C Have a good day D Cheers

22 –Peter: “Do you mind if I use your pencil?” -Katy: “………” A Sorry I have no idea B Never mind Help yourself C Certainly, it’s true C That’s a good idea

IV/ Choose the underlined part that needs correcting:

1 Dr Harder, that is the professor for this class, will be absent this week because of illness.

A that B will be C illness D this week I think laws should be introduced to stop people from cutting down trees of wood.

A laws B should be introduced C from D of wood 3 Grover Cleveland was the only American president served two

nonconsecutive terms

A the only B served C nonconsecutive D.terms

4 The world's rain forests are being cut down at the rate on 3,000 acres per hour

A rain B are being C on D per hour 5 Many environmentalists fear that the earth will run out essential natural resourses before the end of the twenty-fifth century.

A Many B fear C out essential D per hour 6 Her many friends, among who I like to be considered, gave her encouragement

7 Among us students are many foreigners whose attend language classes at the south campus

8 The environment where wild animals are living is now badly destroying

9 The waiter whom served us yesterday was polite and friendly 10 The room is located on the second floor is being decorated. 11 Thousands of animals are being eliminate each year.

V/ Reading comprehension:

Read the following passage and choose the most suitable word for each blank:


to animals on land than (8) other large sea animals Environmentalists have not done (9) to help save the Pacific Ocean sharks (10) _population has decreased nearly to the (11) of extinction Sharks are (12) _the oldest creatures on Earth, (13) in the seas for more than 350 million years The fact that they have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proofs of their efficiency and adaptablity to change environments It is time (14) human beings to begin considering the protection of sharks as an important (15) _of a program for protection of our natural environment

6: A let B advise C seem D make 7: A notice B attention C fun D pleasure 8: A some B an C any D one

9: A too much B too many C much enough D.enough much 10: A which B whom C that D whose

11 A stop B dot C top D point 12: A among B upon C between D in

13: A survived B that survived C which survived D having survived 14: A for B for which C for that D when 15: A role B part C position D field Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity- Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of wastes Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale, and coal tars But to date, that process has proven expensive Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills Geothermal power is also being tested Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but to day it supplies only percent The oceans are another potential source of energy Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy

41 What is the best title of the passage? A The Use of Water Products for Energy

B The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy C Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste

D New Discoveries in Geothermal Power

42 What provided one third of the electricity in the United States fifty years ago?

A wind B waste products C water D oil 43 What could best replace the phrase 'geothermal power' in the


A heat from the earth

B gases in the earth's atmosphere C steam that shot up out of the earth D water in the ocean, lake, or river

44 Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?

A Burning of garbage B Geothermal power C Synthetic fuels D Electricity

45 According to the author, what is the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars' as sources of energy due to?

A They take a lot of time B They are expensive C They are non-renewable resources

D They are scarce resources

46 What can be inferred from the paragraph?

A All alternative production of energy will be derived from water B Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy

C Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy D Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources

Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank


when London cholera epidemic was traced to public well Most cities, …

15 A growing B decline C development D labour

16 A when B which C what D who

17 A through B under C around D above

18 A cost B liking C popularity D need

Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank

Many people cut trees all over the world These are people (15) _do not know they are harming themselves by their action Recently, there was news about the destruction of lives and property in Uttarakhand due to flash floods (16) _by a cloud burst According to ecologists and (17) _, one of the main causes of this catastrophe was deforestation Actually, people cut trees for the sake of luxury and money Deforestation results (18) _global warming, drought and famine People should be made aware of the ill effects of deforestation Organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund) should be encouraged in their efforts …

15 A what B whom C which D who

16. A which caused B were caused

C caused D which were caused 17 A environmental B environmentalists

C environmentalist D environment

18 A in B to C from D of

V/ Sentence combination: Combine the following sentences, using preposition + whom or which:

1) The flat is very dirty He lives in it

→ ……… 2) This is Jack I stayed with him during the summer

→ ……… 3) The man works in the hospital I told you about him

→ ……… 4) The picture was beautiful She was looking at it

→ ……… 5) I’ll give you the address You should write to it

→ ……… VI/ Sentence transformation: Rewrite the following sentences, using a present participial phrase or a past participial phrase or to - ìninitive:

1) The man who spoke to John is my brother

→ ……… 2) The Sport Games which were held in India in 1951 were the first Asian Games

→ ……… 3) This is the second person who was killed in that way

→ ……… 4) The first person that we must see is Mr Smith

→ ……… 5) We have an apartment which overlooks the garden

→ ……… 6 The last person who was interviewed yesterday was Jack (Reducing Relative clause)

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 13:48

