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Giáo án tuần 26 - GV tiếng anh: Lê Thị Lan Anh

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- Get ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class.Write the correct answers on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks.. - Ask some questions to check ss’ co[r]


WEEK 26:

Date of planning : 03/03/2018

Date of teaching : 05/03–06/03/2018 Period: 101


O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have chance to review all the knowledge they have learnt from lesson 11 to 15

II Language focus - Phonics: review - Vocabulary: review - Structures: review II

I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV.Teaching procedure:

Steps/Activities Work

arrangemen t

1 Warm up:

- Have ss to play game “ Chinese whisper” 2 New lesson:

A Phonics.

- Have ss to retell the sounds of these letters - Play the Cd and have ss repeat

- Have ss practice pronouncing in pairs - call on some ss to read

- Other ss give comments B Vocabulary.

- Have ss review the words they have learnt from Unit 11 to 15 - Have ss repeat in chorus and individually

- Have ss practicing saying these words in pairs - Call on some ss to read aloud

- Have ss repeat in chorus C Sentence patterns.

- Have ss review all the sentence patterns they have learnt - Have ss say the usage and meaning of those sentence patterns - Have ss make conversations using these patterns

- Have ss pairwork

- Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class - Have ss repeat all the sentences they’ve made 3 Home – link.

- Have ss to make more sentences using the sentence patterns they’ve revised

T – WC

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups


Date of planning : 03/03/2018

Date of teaching : 06/03–07/03/2018 Period: 102

REVIEW (cont) I

O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have a chance to review all the knowledge they have learnt from lesson 11 to 15

II Language focus - Phonics: review - Vocabulary: review II

I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV.Teaching procedure:

Steps/Activities Work

arrangement 1 Warm up:

- Have ss play game Bingo 2 New lesson:

Activity 1: Listen and tick

- Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear

- Play the recording twice for pupils to listen &tick the boxes - Call one student to give out his/her answers Other ss give comments

- Play the recording again for ss to check

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text

Activity 2: Listen and number

- Tell the class that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes under the pictures

- Play the recording twice for ss to listen, the task and check their answers

- Get ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class.Write the correct answers on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks

- Ask some questions to check ss’ comprehension Activity 3: Listen and write one word in the blank

- Tell the class that they are going to listen and write the missing words

- Play the recording twice for ss to listen, the task and check their answers

- Get ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class.Write the correct answers on the board for ss to copy down

T – WC

Whole class Individual Pairs Groups

Whole class Individual Pairs


into their notebooks

- Ask some questions to check ss’ comprehension Activity : Read and complete.

Tell ss they are going to read the texts and complete the table -Have ss to the task in pairs

- Go around and offer help, if necessary

- Get ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Write the correct answers on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks

- Ask some questions to check ss’ understanding of the texts Activity 5: Write about you

- Tell ss that they are going to write about themselves - Have ss to discuss about the questions

- Set the time for ss to the task

- Monitor the activity, and offer help if necessary

- Get ss to swap their writing before inviting some ss to read aloud their writing and give feedback

3 Home – link.

- Read the story at home

Whole class Individual Pairs

Whole class Individual Pairs

T – WC

Date of planning : 04/03/2018 Date of teaching : 07/03–8/03/2018 Period: 103


O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for information II Language focus

- Phonics: review - Vocabulary: review - Structures: review II

I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV.Teaching procedure:

Steps/Activities Work

arrangemen t

1 Warm up:

- Have ss play “hangman” 2 New lesson:

Activity 1: Read and listen to the story - Set the scene

- Have ss look at the picture, read the story - Ss look at the picture and listen to the CD

T – WC


- Call some groups to play roles

- Check ss’ understanding about the story Activity 2: Answer the questions

- Give ss the task to

- Have ss to work in groups to answer the questions

- Call on some ss to come to the board and write their answers - Others give comments

- Check and correct

Activity 3: Unscramble these words from the story - Guide ss how to the task

- Ask ss to unscramble in individual

- Call some Ss to write on the board The rest of the class give comments

- Correct

Activity 4: Read and complete

- Tell ss they are going to read the texts and complete the table, using given words

- Have ss to the task in pairs

- Go around and offer help, if necessary

- Get ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Write the correct answer on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks

- Call individual ss to ask and answer the question

Activity 5: Work in pairs Imagine you are sick Talk about how you feel.

- Set up the situation. - Guide ss to the task

- Call one or two pairs to make models - Sat up the time for ss to work in pairs

- Call on same pairs to perform their tasks in front of the class - Other ss give comments

Activity 6: Read and match

- Tell ss they are going to read the texts and match questions to the answers

- Have ss to the task in pairs

- Go around and offer help, if necessary

- Get ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Write the correct answers on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks

- Ask some questions to check ss’ understanding of the texts 3 Home – link.

- Review for the Middle - Term Test 2.


Whole class Pairs

Whole class Pairs

Whole class Individual Pairs

T – WC


Period: 104



O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how much they have learnt

II Language focus II

I Resources Papers,…

IV.Teaching procedure: QUESTIONS:

I Odd one out

1 fishing evening skating swimming

2 clever honest think hard-working

3 doctor writer architect look

4 Train Let Bus Taxi

5 feel fever headache toothache

II Choose the best answer

1…… is the matter with you? – I have a headache

A How B What C When

2 Don’t play… a knife!

A to B with C and

3 An Tiem and his family exchange the watermelons… food and drink

A to B with C for

4 I would like to be … architect

A a B an C the

5 What does your mother in her free time? – She…… shopping

A goes B to go C go

III Read and choose T(đúng)/F(sai)

My name is Linh In my free time, I often go camping with my family The camp is near the river We go there by bus in the morning My father likes going fishing in the river My mother likes taking photos of the camp I like go swimming in the river We come back home late in the evening We enjoy caping very much

True False

1 Linh often goes camping in her free time Her mother likes going shopping

3 The camping is in the mountains She likes going swimming

5 They come back home late in the evening IV.Reorder words to make sentences.

1 story/ happened/ the/ what/ in/?


->……… cut/ yourself / may/ you/

->……… should/ you/ to/ the/ go/ dentist/

->……… with/ the/ Tom/ is/ what/ matter/ ?

Ngày đăng: 03/04/2021, 01:57


