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Bài soạn bai tap on Unit 9-10 English 12

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Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 BUT, SO, HOWEVER and THEREFORE Exercise 1: Add so, but, therefore, however where appropriate. 1. The wind was howling outside,_________it was warm and comfortable indoor. 2. The highway was under construction,__________we had to take a different route to work. 3. You could fly via Singapore;__________, this isn't the only way. 4. There is still much to discuss. We shall,__________, return to this item at our next meeting. 5. It isn't that he lied exactly, __________he did tend to exaggerate. 6. I thought the plane would be delayed;___________, I bought a lot of magazines to read. 7. Jackson was going to study all night,___________he declined our invitation to dinner. 8. We thought the figures were correct.___________, we have now discovered some errors. 9. Cars have become more complicated.______, mechanics need more training than in the past. 10. We arrived at the theater late _______ the play had not yet begun.We were quite surprised. 11. Prices have been rising. It is unlikely, _________, that this increase will continue. 12.The bread was old and stale, __________Martha ate it anyway. 13. The holiday had been a complete disaster. We, decide to fly home early if we could. 14.___________________________He failed the exam, he had to do the job he didn't like. 15. They visited many stores; ___________, they could not find what they were looking for. 16. This is the shortest way to the city center; it is not the only way 17. The boy was able to learn English, he is very lazy. 18. He didn't attend the lesson, he could not do his homework. 19. The rice is 6000 dong per kilo, .we bouht 10 kilos. 20. Your son is heading to the right direction; I think you should encougrage him to learn harder. 21. It is very late now, .she is still at her office. 22. It was midnight, .they closed the restaurant and went home. 24. We discussed the issue all day, .we could not come to a final conclusion. 25. It started to rain hard; we decided to stay at home to watch TV. 26. The sun was warm, ____________ a cool breeze blew in from the sea. 27. I have read this book before; ____________, I do not remember the plot. 28. We opened the window , ____________ fresh air would blow into the room. 29. The bus fare is expensive; ____________, I prefer to walk. 30. I wanted to study. ……………, I was too tired. 31. I wanted to study, ……… I was too tired. 32. The sun is warm, …… the air is cool. 33. The child was sleepy. ______________, we went home early. 34. We looked everywhere. _____________, we could not find the keys. Exercise 2: Choose the best option 1. I want to work as an interpreter in the future, ________ I am studying Russian at university. a. but b. so c. however d. therefore 2. I am going shopping for food this evening, ________ I do not have to go at the weekend. a. so b. but c. however d. moreover Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 3. We live in the same building, ________ we have hardly seen each other a. and b. therefore c. but d. so 4. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ________ the shop didn't have it. a. and b. but c. therefore d. so 5. Anna needed some money, ________, she took a part-time job. a. furthermore b. moreover c. however d. therefore 6. Julie has a guitar, ________ she plays it badly. a. and b. so c. but d. therefore 7. My fingers were injured ,________ my sister had to write the note for me. a. and b. however c. so d. but 8. The concert was cancelled, ________ we went to a night-club instead. a. so b. however c. so on d. but 9. He is only sixteen, and ________, he is not eligible to drive a car. a. nevertheless b. but c. therefore d. however 10. Maria tried to read a novel in French ,________ the book was too difficult for her to understand. a. so that b. therefore c. but d. and 11. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, __ you can ride the ferry. a. or b. but c. so d. however 12. I bought a bottle of wine ,________ we drank it together. a. therefore b. so c. and d. but 13. The waiter was not very nice. ________, the food was delicious. a. However b. but c. so d. and so 14. ___ hard he worked, he could earn enough money to support the family. a. But b. However c. Therefore d. Whatever Exercise 3: Fill each blank with but, so, however, or therefore where appropriate. 1. This is the shortest way to the city center; it is not the only way. 2. The boy was able to learn English, he is very lazy. 3. He didn't attend the lesson, he could not do his homework. 4. The rice is 6000 dong per kilo, .we bouht 10 kilos. 5. Your son is heading to the right direction; I think you should encougrage him to learn harder. 6. It is very late now, .she is still at her office. 7. It was midnight, .they closed the restaurant and went home. 8. He had written to her many times, she didn't give any reply, .they had been out of touch ever since 9. We discussed the issue all day, .we could not come to a final conclusion. 10.It started to rain hard; we decided to stay at home to watch TV. 11.She can speak French, .she can't write it. 12.He's going to work in Colombia, .he's learning Spanish. 13.I don't have a car, .I have a motorcycle 14.She's working late next Friday, .she can't come to the party. 15.We enjoyed the vacation. ., it rained a lot. 16.He worked hard, .he passed all his exams. 17.Minh siudied very hard, .he still fail the exam. 18.Mai studied very hard, .she passed the exam very easily. 19.It was very cold last night, .we went out for a walk. Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 20.It was very cold last week, .we had to cancel our picnic. 21.He was an honest man, .his parents still disbelieve in him. 22.He was an honest man, .he was released from prison. 23.The fight attendant serves dinner, .I didn’t eat. 24.The negative effect of cigarette smoking is enormous, .many people still smoke. 25.Jenny has caught a cold, .she needs to take a rest. 26.The issue has been all agreed upon, .we need to give it a second thought. 27.This is the shortes way to the city centre; .it is not the only way. 28.The boy was able to learn English, .he is very lazy. 29.He isn’t attend the lesson, .he couldn’t do his homework. 30.The rice is cheaper, .we bought ten kilos. 31.Your son is heading to the right direction; .I think you should encourage him to learn harder. 32.It was midnight, .the restaurant was still open. 33.It was midnight, .they closed the shop and went home. 34.He had written to her many times, but she didn’t give any reply, .they had been out of touch ever since. 35.We discussed the issue all day, .we couldn’t com to a final conclusion. 36.It started to rain heavily; .we decided to stay home to watch T.V. 37.She can speak French, .she can't write it. 38.He's going to work in Colombia, .he's learning Spanish. 39.I don't have a car, .I have a motorcycle 40.She's working late next Friday, .she can't come to the party 41.We enjoyed the vacation; ., it rained a lot. 42.He worked hard, .he passed all his exams. 43. Sailing in Summer is great, ________ I don't have a sailing boat. 44. The service at this restaurant is excellent. , the food is delicious. 45. Jordi is a careful driver. , he’s had several accidents. 46. Cristina loves playing sport, she’s not very good at it. MODAL VERB 1. You have been reading for four hours. This book ___ be very interesting. A. can B. might C. must D. should 2. Don’t phone Ann now. She ___ be having lunch. A. might B. can C. must D. has to 3. This road is very narrow. It ___to be widened. A. might B. needs C. mustn’t D. may 4. They have plenty of time, so they needn’t ___. A. be hurry B. to hurry C. hurry D. to be hurried 5. You’re having a sore throat. You’d better___ to the doctor. A. to go B. went C. go D. going 6. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, “You ___ go out tonight.” A. may B. have to C. must D. ought to 7. He advised me to take an English course. I ___ it early. A. should have takenB. should take C. will have taken D. may take Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 8. You ___ ring the bell; I have a key. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t 9. It must ___ without delay. A. be done B. have been done C. do D. be doing 10. By the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should ___ sit up or even stand up. A. to be able to B. able to C. to be able D. be able to 11. Many birds will ___ more than 3,000 miles to reach their winter homes. A. flying B. fly C. be fly D. flew 12. The pen won’t write; It ___ out of ink. A. must run B. must be running C. must have run D. must have ran 13. The line is busy; someone ___ the telephone now. A. must be using B. must have used C. must use D. must have been using 14. She told me that she’d rather ___ on the committee. A. not to serve B. not servingC. not serve D. serving not 15. “Are you still going to Florida for vacation?” “Yes, but I really ___because I don’t have much money.” A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. won’t 16. “Did Peter go downtown by car or by train?” “He ___by train because his car was in the mechanics.” A. must go B. has to go C. had gone D. must have gone 17. “Why are you so mad?” “You ___ me you weren’t coming to dinner. I waited for you for two hours.” A. should tell B. should have told C. should toldD. should had told 18. “Do you like to play tennis?” “I ___, but now I prefer golf” A. used to B. used to do C. used to played D. used to playing 19. “Have you seen Kate?” “No, but she ___ be at her desk.” A. may B. ought C. would D. can 20. “Can I borrow twenty dollars?” “No, you know I ___ lend you money any more.” A. might not B. shouldn’t have C. won’t D. not going to 21. The plane ___ take off after the fog had lifted. A. must B. can C. was able to D. may 22. ___ you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday? A. Can B. Must C. May D. Should 23. I ___ understand this letter. Will you translate it for me? A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. shouldn’t 24. Daisy’s parents don’t let her go to late- night disco. She ___ be at home at 9 o’clock in the evening. A. must B. may C. can D. has to 25. ___ you give me some advice about the language course? A. Have B. Should C. May D. Could 26. Why didn’t you give me a call yesterday? We ___ discuss everything together. A. can B. may C. must D. could 27. Yesterday I ___ finish the work because I was very tired. A. could B. can’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t 28. I would rather ___ poor but happy than become rich without happiness. A. being B. be C. to be D. was 29. Sit down, please. ___ a cup of tea? A. Do you like B. Do you like to drink C. Would you like D. Will you like 30. It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. It ___ tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 A. might not B. may not C. mustn’t D. wasn’t able to 31. I’d rather ___ in the field than ___ home. A. to work- to stay B. work – stay C. working – stayingD. worked- stayed 32. He spent all that money last week. He ___ so much. A. didn’t need to spend B. shouldn’t spend C. needn’t have spent D. didn’t have to spend 33. Sorry, I ___ stay any longer. I really must go home. A. mustn’t B. can not C. couldn’t D. may not 34. “It ___rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella?” “That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?” A. had better B. could be C. must D. might 35. “___taking me downtown on your way to work this morning?” “Not at all.” A. Can you B. Why don’t you C. Would you mind D. Could you please 36. Tommy and Mary were mischievous children. They ___tricks on their teachers, which always got them into a lot of trouble. A. could play B. used to play C. could have play D. may have played 37. “Since we have to be there in a hurry, we ___ take a taxi.” “I agree.” A. had better B. may C. have been used to D. are able to 38. 007 didn’t need ___ out of his room in Moscow. A. go B. to going C. going D. to go 39. I couldn’t ___ it even though I had wanted. A. had bought B. buy C. buying D. have bought 40. She ought not ___ him but she did. A. to tell B. to telling C. tell D. to have told 41. I’d rather you ___ that. A. do B. don’t do C. won’t do D. didn’t do 42. ___ you speak any foreign languages? A. Could B. Must C. CanD. Might 43. We ___have gone away if we had enough money. A. could B. must C. can D. might 44. “You ___ pay the bills today.” “I know, I promise. I won’t forget.” A. would B. shall C. must D. may 45. ___ you mind my staying here for some days? A. Would B. Could C. CanD. Should 46. The ground is wet. It ___last night. A. must rain B. must have rain C. must have rained D. had to rain 47. You ___ trust your daughter more. You ___ treat her like a child. A. ought to-should not B. must-need not C. can-may not D. must-may not 48. “I really do this translation today?” “No, you___. You ___do it tomorrow if you like.” A. Must-needn’t –may B. May – mustn’t – need C. Can – may not – mustn’t D. Must – may not - need 49. I told him that he ___hope to catch a big fish with a small rod like this. A. can B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. may 50. The boss said that I ___be at work at nine o’clock. A. had to B. can C. ought D. will be able to . for a walk. Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 20.It was very cold last week, .we had to cancel our picnic. 21.He was an honest man, .his. Exercises Unit 9-10 English 12 8. You ___ ring the bell; I have a key. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t 9. It must ___ without delay. A. be done

Ngày đăng: 26/11/2013, 08:11

