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Nội dung

Supply the correct tense, simple past or present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses1. My former teacher was Miss.[r]



Present perfect with “ for & since” o For + ( a period of time )

For 10 years For 23 seconds o Since + ( a point of time )

Since Monday Since 1989

I have studied English for 10 years She has not seen Lan since 1989

Comparison with “like, (not) as ….as, (not) the same as, different from” o Like (prep) : giống như

He looks like his father o The same as : giống như

Her eyes are the same color as yours

The bag on the left is the same as the bag on the right o (Not) as ….as (như… )

The magazine is not as large as the newspaper He is as tall as me

o Different from (khác với)

What makes him different from the rest of the students? This table is different from that one


1 It has been raining _ lunch time

2 My boss will go away the next ten days I’m staying in England a year

4 She has lived in London 1985

5 Please hurry up! We have been waiting _ an hour I have known her _ January

7 Nam’s father has worked in this company _ 20 years Have you learned English _ a long time?

9 I haven’t seen Tom _ Monday

10 The house is very dirty We haven’t cleaned it _ ages 11 She has been sick _ Wednesday

12 John has worked in that firm _ six years 13 He has been in the hospital _ almost a month 14 They haven’t sent him any money last summer 15 She has not eaten anything two days

16 They have been friends high school

17 They have lived with her parents _ they were married 18 We’ve lived here _ 1999

19 I haven’t seen Linh _ my birthday party

20 That building has been there _ the 19th century.

21 My brother works for a company called FPT He has worked for them _ he graduated from university

22 My sister has been a student _ two years 23 She’s been away _ five days


25 I haven’t seen him _ he left home

II Write sentences with the cues words Use the present perfect tense of the verbs He/ have/ a cold/ a week

……… They/ buy/ the new house/ April

……… My family/ be/ here/ Christmas

……… We/ not see/ each other/ 10 years

……… Mr Clark/ work/ in the bank/ a long time

……… Tom and Joanna/ go/ to France/ last summer

……… My sister/ start/ a new job/ yesterday

……… I/ not eat/ in that restaurant/ ages

……… Mr Robinson/ teach/ in this school/ 1978

……… 10 I/ write/ this letter/ six o’clock

……… 11 Mr Ha/ give up/ smoking/ five months


III Supply the correct tense, simple past or present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1 We are now living on 72nd street where we (live) _ for two year. They (live) _ in Washington from 1950 to 1955

3 Before John came to the United States, he (work) _ as a clerk Since coming here, however, he (work) _ as a worker

5 Smith (leave) _ New York last month and (work) _ in Chicago since then When I last saw him, John (feel) _ very well

7 I myself (study) French since 1980

8 We (buy) this car two years ago and (drive) _ it 5000 miles since then My former teacher was Miss Smith I (study) _ with him for six months 10 My present teacher is Mr Jones I (study) with her for one month 11 I (work) him since 1970

12 How long _ you (learn) English?

13 _ you (meet) _ him since we (say) good-bye?

IV Read the situations and complete the sentences, using the words in brackets. Hoa and Tim are both 13 years old (the same age…as) Tim is _ age She speaks English very well, and her sister speaks well, too (as…as) She speaks

her sister

3 They like spaghetti; but I like hamburger (different form) Their tastes are _

4 They’ve lived here for a long time but we’ve lived here longer (as…as) They haven’t

5 He is wearing a red cap, and she is wearing a red cap too (like) He is hers


7 Sandra spent 1000 dollars; but Susan spent 120 dollars (as…as) Sandra much money

8 I thought she was intelligent girl; but she is so stupid (different from) She is _ what

9 Nam drives carefully, but his sister drives more carefully (as…as) Nam doesn’t _

10 We left the meeting at 10 pm; they left the meeting at 10 pm too (the same…as) We left time _

IV Choose the best answer.

1 His garden isn’t as large (as/ than) mine My dictionary is different (than/ from) Lien’s Her mother is the (same/ similar) age as yours

4 We haven’t talked to your sister (for/ since) a long time

5 Trung (hasn’t collected/ didn’t collect) stamps since Christmas It’s nine months since I (drank/ have drunk) Lipton tea

7 There are (much/ more) than eighty stores in the mall

8 The students were worried (about/ for) the results of the final exam

9 We should organize the meeting in (so/ order) to discuss the new pay offer 10.She is (enough/ too) tired to cook the meal tonight

Unit 8 Present progressive

o Talk about future: we also use the present progressive to express a plan in the near future like “be going to”

For example

We are spending next summer in Australia


o Complaint with “ always”: we use “ always ” to express continually-repeated actions or to complain about someone

For example

 This week, I go to school late six times, so my teacher said

“You are always going to school late.”

 I am always hearing strange stories about him

Comparative and superlative o Comparative ( so sánh hơn)

- Short adjective: Adjective + er Tall taller

Big bigger Happy happier

Lan is 1.8 meters tall Nga is 1.75 meters tall Therefore, Lan is taller than Nga Nga is shorter than Lan

(S + BE + ADJ + ER + THAN + S + BE) - Long adjective: More + Adjective

Beautiful more beautiful Careful more careful For example

Nga usually causes traffic accidents with her motorbike, but Lan doesn’t; therefore, lan is more careful than Nga

The red skirt is 120,000 VND The green skirt is 150,000 VND Therefore, the green skirt is more expensive than the red skirt

o Superlative (so sánh nhất)

- Short adjective: the +Adjective + est Tall the tallest


Happy the happiest

Lan is 1.8 meters tall Nga is 1.75 meters tall Hoa is 1.85 meters tall Therefore, Hoa is the tallest

- Long adjective: More + Adjective Expensive the most expensive Careful the most careful

The red skirt is 120,000 VND The green skirt is 150,000 VND The pink skirt is 450,000 VND Therefore, the pink skirt is the most expensive

Some irregular comparative and superlative forms. Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good better (the) best

Bad worse (the) worst

Far farther (the) farthest

further (the) furthest

old older (the) oldest

elder (the) eldest

Little less (the) least

Much more (the) most

Many more (the) most

Note: - Short adjective is one-syllable adjective

- Long adjective is the adjective with more or equal to two syllables o Comparative with “-er and -er” (càng ngày ….)


o The more ……, the more…… (…càng… , ….càng…) The more money you make, the more she spends

(Bạn làm nhiều tiền, cô tiêu nhiều) The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive (Xăng dầu trở nên đắc đỏ, người xe hơi.)

I Choose the best answer.

1 Please let Helen (go/ to go/ going/ goes) with you

2 The exam was quite (more easily/ more easy/ easier than/ easier as) we expected What’s (good/ better/ the best/ well) film you’ve ever seen?

4 He (wins/ won/ has won/ is winning) five gold medals since the beginning of the Sea Games

5 The students are playing (happy/ happier/ happiest/ happily) in the schoolyard I’m going away (since/ in/ for/ during) a few days

7 My friend suggested (to go/ go/ going/ goes) by bus

8 She told me (giving/ to give/ gave/ given) you this dictionary

II Use the word given and other words to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the firs

1 The last time I saw him was in 1986 (seen) I haven’t When did you begin to learn English? (learned) How long Are you and Jane the same age? (old) Are you as

4 I expected my friends to arrive at o’clock, but they arrived at 2.30 (earlier) My friends

5 No one in the group is younger than Joanna (youngest) Joanna is


Great Britain is (1) _ a large country It is much smaller (2) _ France It (3) _ four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland England is the largest part (4) _ the country and has always been the strongest English is the national (5) in all parts of Britain All the people (6) _ live in Britain can speak (7) _, but not all the people (8) English in that country

IV Put the verb into the present simple, present progressive, simple future or Be going to.

1 I’m a bit thirsty I think I _ (have) something to drink

2 Why are you putting on your coat? _ you _ (go) somewhere? Look! That plane is flying toward the airport It _ (land)

4 Do you think An (like) the present we bought for her? We must something soon before it _ (be) too late

6 Are you still watching that program? What time _ it (end)?

7 I (go) to London next week for a wedding My sister _ (get) married I’m not ready yet I (tell) you when I (be) ready I promise I _

(not/ be) very long

9 “Where _ you _ (go)?” – “To the hairdresser’s I (have) my hair cut 10 What you plan to when you (finish) your course at college?

V Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition. I’m interested _ farming

2 My grandmother prefers living in the countryside living in the city He spent his whole life struggle imperialism

4 He got used the noise


VI Write the comparative form or superlative form of the words in brackets Sport is politics (interesting)

2 Can’t you think of anything _ to say? (intelligent) It’s day of the year (short)

4 London is Birmingham (big)

5 I prefer this chair to the other ones It’s _ (comfortable) The weather is getting _ (bad)

7 I like living in the countryside It’s living in a town (peaceful) Who is _ in the class? (clever)

9 That’s _ meal I’ve had for a long time (delicious) 10 It was speech I’ve ever heard (boring)

11 My English _ yours (bad)

VII Write a complete letter from the given words and phrases (make changes and additions if necessary).

Dear Susan,

1 Thank you/ much/ your letter/ which/ arrive/ few days ago

……… It/ be/ lovely/ hear/ you

……… I/ be sorry/ I/ not/ write/ a long time/ but/ I/ be very busy

……… As you know/ we/ buy/ new house/ September

……… It/ be/ very bad condition/ and/ it/ need/ repairing a lot


6 We/ just/ finish/ most of it/ and now/ it/ look/ very nice

……… Peter and I/ decide/ give/ house-warming party/ May 3rd.

……… You think/ you able/ come?

……… Please give me/ ring/ and let/ know/ if you can come

……… 10.I/ really/ look forward/ see you again

……… Love,


VIII Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present progressive. I _ (go) to the movie tonight The film _ (begin) at 7.30

2 The world (change) rapidly Things (never/ stay) the same We _ (have) a small party next Sunday Would you like to come? It _ (often/ rain) in summer, but it _ (not/ rain) now

5 What time _ this train _ (get) to London?

6 Computers (become) more important in our lives

7 _ you (be) free at lunchtime tomorrow? – No, I (have) lunch with my parents

8 Sue _ (come) to see us tomorrow She (travel) _ by train and her train _ (arrive) at 10.15 I _ (meet) her at the station


10 Can we stop walking soon? I _ (get) tired

Unit 9 Purpose phrase: in order to, so as to, to

To express the purpose, we use the following phrases: In order to (để)

So as to (để) + Bare infinitive To (để)

For example

 He came here in order to study English  He came here so as to study English  He came here to study English

 He came here so that he studied English  He came here for English

For + a noun So that + clause

Incorrect: He came here for studying English Incorrect: He came here for to study English Incorrect: He came here for study English Future simple

o We use the future simple to predict events in the future For example


Will house prices rise again next year ? I don’t know if I shall see you next week o We use the future simple to promise

I shall buy you a bike for your birthday o We use the future simple to suggest

Shall we go swimming tomorrow ?

( S + WILL/SHALL + BARE INFINITIVE ) o Some future adverbs in this tense

- Next (kế tiếp) + N (time) Next month

Next year, she will go to the China - In (trong) + ( a period of time)

In 20 minutes (trong 20 phút nữa) I shall sleep in 20 minutes In 10 days (trong 10 ngày nữa) - Tomorrow (ngày mai)

Tomorrow morning Tomorrow afternoon

We shall go for a picnic tomorrow afternoon

I Combine each pair of sentences, using in order (not) to or so as (not) to. He always drives carefully He doesn’t want to cause accidents

2 I went to the college I wanted to see Professor Taylor


3 She wore warm clothes She didn’t want to get cold

 _

4 Nam is studying very hard He wants to keep pace with his classmates

 _

5 We turned out the lights We didn’t want to waste electricity

 _

6 He moved to the front row He could hear the speaker better

 _

7 I wish to have enough money I want to buy a new house

8 Thanh and Nga are going to Australia They want to learn English

9 We hurried to school We didn’t want to be late

 _

10 You want to stop the bleeding You should cover the wound with a tower or a handkerchief

 _

11 They got up very early They wanted to get to the top of the hill before sunrise

 _

12 I bought a new screwdriver I wanted to repair my bicycle

13 She wants to make her body strong She should eat lots of green vegetables

14 Jim finally went to the dentist He wanted to get some relief from his toothache


15 They save money They want to buy a house in the city

 _

II Complete the sentences with (‘ll) or won’t + one of these verbs: be/ come/ wait/ like/ happen/ know/ meet/ pass/ get/ look.

1 I’m sorry about what happened yesterday It _ again Can you wait for me? I very long

3 They have invited him to the party but they don’t think he Tom the final exam He hasn’t worked hard enough for it Why don’t you try on this dress? I think it

6 I here until you come back tomorrow

7 Don’t ask Susan for advice She what to I’m too tired to walk home I think I a taxi

9 You must meet George sometime I think you him again 10 What a nuisance! I hope we him again

IIII Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Simple Future or Simple Present We (go) out when the rain (stop)

2 She (not/ come) until you (be) _ ready

3 I (come) and (see) _ them before I leave here We (phone) _ you as soon as we (arrive) in Hanoi

5 When I (see) Mr Pike tomorrow, I (give) him your message He promises he (leave) before the sun (rise) _

7 They (move) to their new house at Christmas this year

8 Who (look after) _ the children when your sister (be) _ away? IV Read the passage then answer the questions below.


offer their help A policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance While waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some people tried to stop the bleeding They used a handkerchief to cover the wood, then put pressure on it and held it tight They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital

1 When did the accident happen?

 _

2 Where was the woman knocked down?

 _

3 Who telephoned for an ambulance?

 _

4 What did they to stop the bleeding?

 _

5 What did they try to talk to her for?

6 How long did the ambulance arrive?

V Choose the best answer.

1 Cool the burns immediately so as to _ tissue damage A ease B relieve C minimize D maximize

2 The lane is Nguyen Trai Street and Train Hung Dao Street A near B between C beside D on

3 you post this letter for me, please? A Will B Do C Are D Won’t


5 _I the washing-up? – No, thanks I can it myself A Can B Would C Shall D Won’t

6 People use first-aid ease the victim’s pain and anxiety A so that B in order to C so as not to D in order that _is used to check one’s eyesight

8 A Eye-shade B Eyeglass C Eyepiece D Eye chart

9 Leave the victim flat and don’t let him _ chilled

A lying/ becoming B to lie/ becoming C to lie/ to become D to lie/ become VI Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.

1 The girl fell _ her bike and hit her head the road The policeman asked me to phone _ an ambulance You’d better put pressure _ the wound

4 The ambulance will be there _ about 10 minutes Don’t overheat the victim _ blankets or coats How will we contact you?

7 Thanks _ your praise It really cheers me _ Will you come to my house on the weekends?

9 Please contact with us _ the phone number 0984 888 333 10 Nga is waiting a bus _ the bus station

11 What you usually have _ breakfast?

VII Put the words in correct order to make full sentences.

1 as/ cool/ immediately/ the/ burn/ so/ to/ tissue/ damage/ minimize

2 part/ put/ affected/ a/ cold/ the/ tap/ under/ running


3 burned/ cover/ sterile/ area/ with/ a/ dressing/ the/ thick

 _

4 clean/ water/ the/ victim’s wound/ soap/ with/ warm/ and

5 give/ soon/ the/ victim/ an anti-tetanus/ as/ as/ possible/ injection

 _

6 the/ of/ patient’s feet/ or/ lower/ his/ below/ the/ level/ the/ heart/ elevate/ head

 _

7 give/ when/ the/ a/ cup/ revives/ of/ tea/ he/ victim

 _

8 don’t/ drugs/ the/ victim/ or/ alcohol/ give

 _

9 don’t/ chilled/ let/ the/ become/ victim

10 don’t/ the/ to/ sit/ or/ force/ victim/ stand

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 16:52

