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Teaching aids: Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture. IV[r]


Lesson plan

Let’s learn English 3

Week: 3

Period 1


: Introduce about English book 3


UNIT 1: New friend, new places/ Section A (1, 2, 3)

Period: 2nd/ Time: 40 minutes

Planning date: 14/ 9/ 2009 Teaching date: 18/ 9/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to learn some new words about nationalities and new structure

II New structure:

III Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

IV Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

V Skills:

Speaking, Listening

VI Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives I Warmer: Shark attack:

II New words:

-Nationality: Quốc tịch

- American: Người Mỹ

- Singaporean: Người Xinh - ga - po

- English: Người Anh

- Vietnamese: Người Việt Nam

- Follows the techniques of warmer - Checks - Follows the techniques of eliciting new words

- Checks

- Follow the T’s guides

- Work in group - Guess a word - Check

- choral repetition - individual repetition - copy into notebooks - Check


- London: Thủ đô nước Anh Washington DC: Thủ đô nước Mỹ

* Check memory: (ROR) - Give the dialogue

Thu: Hi My name’s Thu

Linda: Hello I’m Linda Nice to meet you

Thu: Nice to meet you too Where are you from?

Linda: I’m from London Thu: So, you’re English I’m Vietnamese

III Form:

Where are you from? I’m from (tên nước) I’m (quốc tịch)

* Meaning:

Bạn từ đâu đến? Tôi đến từ……… Tôi người………

* Use:

Dùng để hỏi trả lời đến từ nước nào?

* Picture cue drill:

IV: Role play:

(Call ss go to the board and practice the form)

* Home work: Look at Section A 4,5,6,7 and exercise 1.2.3

- Elicits ss to guess a situation of the picture - Monitors

- Gives the form on the board - Explains the form, meaning and use

- Runs through - The 1st part of

exchange - The 2nd …

- The 3rd …

- The last part of exchange

- Asks ss work in pairs

- Elicits ss how to role play - Monitors - Checks

- Guess a situation of the picture

- Practice the dialogue

- Copy the form into notebook

- Try to remember the form, meaning and use

- T & SS - SS & T - Opened pairs - Closed pairs

- Work in pairs - Role play - Check

Mai/ Vietnamese

Alan/ Singaporean

Linda/ English



NIT 1: New friends, new places. / Section A (4, 5, 6, 7)

Period: 3rd/ Time: 40 minutes.

Planning date: 21/ 9/ 2009 Teaching date: 23/ 9/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice skills

II Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

III Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

IV Skills:

Speaking, Listening, writing

V Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives

I Warmer: (Check up)

English American Singaporean Vietnamese

II Listen and number:

Anserkey: b 2.a c

II Say it right:

- ese/i:s/: Japanese, Vietnamese - and /∂nd/: England, Thailand - fr/ fr / : from, friend

- i/i/: Singapore - i /ai/: China

- Follows the techniques of warmer - Checks - Give ss read again

- Sticks poster on the board

- Elicits - Plays tape - The 2nd tape.

- checks

- Model - monitors - checks

- Follow the T’s guides - Write to vocabularies - Check

- Read to vocabularies - Look at the poster on the board

- Listen and check - Listen again - Check

- pronounce all words - copy into notebooks - checks

London c Singaporean

a a

b Washington



UNIT 1: New friends, new places./ Section B (1, 2, 3)

Period: 4th/ Time: 40 minutes.

Planning date: 21/ 9/ 2009 Teaching date: 25/ 9/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice skills

II New structure:

Where’s she/ he from? She/ he is from She/ he is _

III Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

IV Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

V Skills:

Speaking, Listening

VI Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives

I.Warmer: (Kim’s game)

American English Singaporean Vietnamese

II Listen and repeat:

- Set the scene

- Pratice the dialogue

Nam: look This is my new pen friend Mai: What’s his name?

Nam: His name’s Tony Mai: Where’s he from?

Nam: he’s from England He’s English

III Form:

Where’s s/he from?

S/he from She/ he is

* Use:

Dùng để hỏi chị/ anh đến từ nước quốc tịch gì?

* Word cue drill:

Tam/ Vietnam/Vietnamese Alan/Singapore/Singaporean Peter/America/ American Linda/ England/ English

- follows the techniques of warmer - checks

- elicits ss to guess a situation of the picture

- monitors

- gives the form on the board

- explains the form, meaning and use - runs through - the 1st part of

exchange - the 2nd …

- the 3rd …

- the last part of exchange

- follow the T’s guides

- work in group - write a word - check

- guess a situation of the picture - practice the dialogue

- copy the form into notebook - try to remember the form,

meaning and use - T & SS




UNIT 1: New friends, new places./ Section B (4, 5, 6, 7)

Period: 5th/ Time: 40 minutes.

Planning date: 28/ 9/2009 Teaching date: 07/ 10/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice skills

II Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

III Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

IV Skills:

Reading, writing

V Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives I Warmer: (Letter chain)

Amciraen Englihs Sinoparena Vienamtese

II Read and answer:

- Follows the techniques of warmer - Checks

- Follow the T’s guides

- Work in group - Write a true word


(The text is on page 16, Let’s learn 3)

1 What is his name? Where is he from? Where does he live? How old is he?

III Let’s write:

Write a letter to your new pen friend

Dear ,

_ _ _ Love,


IV Let’s play:

Crossword Puzzle: Countries: America Vietnam Singapore Sngland V Summary:

I’m from Hanoi, Vietnam I’m Vietnamese.

Where are you from? I’m from Washington DC. I’m American.

Where is he from? He’s from England. He’s English.

* Home work: (Look at Unit and exercise

- Sticks poster on the board

- Asks ss to work in group

- Asks ss to translate and answer all questions - Checks - elicits - models - Explain the exercise - elicits - models

- Give some ss to read before class - checks

- sticks poster on the board

- elicits - monitors - Read and explain again

- Look at poster - Work in group - Translate and answer

- Check - copy into notebooks - Listen and complete - work in individual - Read - Check

- work in group - check

- look at poster - copy in to notebooks - read and remember



The date of birth.(

section A 1, 2, 3)


Planning date: 28/ 9/ 2009 Teaching date: 09/ 10/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to learn new structure

II New structure:

III Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

IV Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

V Skills:

Speaking, Listening

VI Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives I Warmer: Shark attack:

II New structure: Date: ngày

- Give the dialogue

Students: Good morning, Miss Chi Miss Chi: Good morning, everyone What’s the date today, nam? Nam: It’s


ctober 10th 2008.

Miss Chi: Thank you Let’s look at Unit

III Form: What’s the date today? It’s tháng+ ngày+ năm It’s thứ+ ngày+ tháng+ năm

* Meaning:

Hôm ngày mấy?

- follows the techniques of warmer - checks - follows the techniques of eliciting new words

- checks - elicits ss to guess a situation of the picture - monitors - gives the form on the board - explains the form, meaning

- follow the T’s guides

- work in group - guess a word - check

- choral repetition - individual repetition - copy into notebooks - check

- guess a situation of the picture - practice the dialogue

- copy the form into notebook - try to remember the form,

meaning and use


* Use:

Dùng để hỏi ngày

*Word cue drill:

IV: Role play:

(Call ss go to the board and practice the form)

* Home work: Look at Section A 4,5,6,7and exercise

and use

- runs through - the 1st part of

exchange - the 2nd …

- the 3rd …

- the last part of exchange

- asks ss work in pairs

- elicits ss how to role play

- monitors - checks

- T & SS - SS & T - opened pairs - closed pairs

- work in pairs - role play - check

February 2008

July 2008 October

10 2008



UNIT 2: The date of birth/ Section A( 4, 5, 6, 7).

Period: 7th/ Time: 40 minutes.

Planning date: 12/ 10/ 2009 Teaching date: 14/ 10/2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice skills

II Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

III Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

IV Skills:

Listening, Writing



UNIT 2: The date of birth/ Section B(1, 2, 3).

Period: 8th/ Time: 40 minutes

Planning date: 12/ 10/ 2009 Teaching date: 16/ 10/ 2009

I Objective:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives

I Warer: (Slap the board)

January February March April May June Watch TV

II Listen and number 1)


Anser key: b 2.a 3.d 4.c

- follows the techniques of warmer - checks

-Give ss look at the book and discuse

- elicits - checks

- follow the T’s guides

- work in group - slap a word - check

- look at book - Discuse in pair - listen and number - listen again - check April

15 a


b May

19 c

November 20


By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to learn new structure

II New structure:

When were you born?

I was born on + ngày+ tháng+ năm

III Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

IV Teaching aids:

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

V Skills:

Speaking, Listening

VI Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives

I.Warmer: (Kim’s game)

July August September October November December

II New words: Were


* Check memory: (ROR)

II Listen and repeat:

- Pratice the dialogue

Mai: I’m eleven years old this year LiLi: When were you born?

Mai: I was born on September 20th


III Form:

When were you born?

I was born on+ ngày+tháng+ năm

* Meaning:

Bạn sinh nào? Tôi sinh vào

* Use:

Dùng để nói đáp lại bạn sinh

* Word cue drill:

a June + 1+ 1996

b September+ 2+ 1997 c March+ 8+ 1994 d Novemer+ 20+ 1999

- follows the techniques of warmer

- Give ss read again

- checks - follows the techniques of eliciting new words

- checks

- elicits ss to guess a situation of the picture

- monitors - gives the form on the board - explains the form, meaning and use

- runs through - the 1st part of

exchange - the 2nd …

- the 3rd …

- the last part of

- follow the T’s guides

- work in group - write a word - Read

- check

- choral repetition - individual repetition - copy into notebooks - check

- guess a situation of the picture - practice the dialogue

- copy the form into notebook - try to remember the form,

meaning and use - T & SS



UNIT 2: The dateof birth/ (Section B4, 5, 6, 7)

Period: 9th/ Time: 40 minutes.

Planning date: 19/ 10/ 2009 Teaching date: 21/ 10/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice skills

II Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

III Teaching aids: Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

IV Skills:

Reading, writing

V Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives I Warmer: (Letter chain)

Jylu Augstu Septmebre Octerbo Novmereb Decmeber

One question: When were you born?

II Read and answer:

1 What’s her name? How old is she? When was she born? Why is she happy?

III Let’s complete:

Student card

Name: _ Age: Date of birth: Place of birth: School: _

IV Let’s Play:

Write and say the numbers.

From To 90

V Summary:

- follows the techniques of warmer

- checks - Write to

question on the board

- elicits - models - checks - elicits - models - checks - elicits - models - checks

- follow the T’s guides

- work in group - write a true word and answer the question - check


What’s the date today?

It’s September 2nd 2008.

When were you born?

I was born on september 29th 1996.

* Home work: (Look at Unit and exercise

- Explain to stucture agian - elicits

- monitors

- look at the book and listen

- copy in to notebooks - read and remember




Section A (1, 2, 3) Period: 10th/ Time: 40 minutes.

Planning date: 19/ 10/ 2009 Teaching date: 23/ 10/ 2009

I Objective:

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to learn some new word and new structure

II New structure:

III Techniques:

Shark attack, Rob out and remembers, role play

IV Teaching aid

Teacher’s book, student’s book, cassette player, posters, exercise book, picture

V Skills:

Speaking, Listening

VI Procedure:

Stages and contents T’ activities SS’ activitives I Warmer: (Sentences chain).

1 This / for/ you/ cake. 2 Thank/ very/ you/ much. 3 It/ in/is / May.

4 Her/ birthday/ in/ is/ September.

5 I/sorry/am/ I’m/ late. II New words:

- Postman: người đưa thư

- factory worker: công nhân nhà máy

- farmer: nông dân

- policeman: nam cảnh sát

* Check memory: (ROR)

- follows the techniques of warmer - check

- Follows the techniques of eliciting new words

- Checks

- follow the T’s guides

- write a true sentences

- check and read

- choral repetition - individual repetition - copy into notebooks - Check

What dose your father do?


- Give the dialogue

Mai: how many people are there in your family

LiLi: There are four: my parents, my brother and me

Mai: What does your father do? LiLi: He’s a doctor

Mai: And what about your mother? LiLi: She’a a teacher

III Form:

What dose your father do?

He’s a/an _

* Meaning:

Bố bạn làm nghề gì? Ơng _

* Use:

Dùng để hỏi trả lời người làm nghề gì?

* Picture cue drill:

IV: Role play:

(Call ss go to the board and practice the form)

* Home work: Look at Section A 4,5,6,7 and exercise 1.2.3

- Elicits ss to guess a situation of the picture - Monitors

- Gives the form on the board - Explains the form, meaning and use

- Runs through - The 1st part of

exchange - The 2nd …

- The 3rd …

- The last part of exchange

- Asks ss work in pairs

- Elicits ss how to role play

- Monitors - Checks

- Guess a situation of the picture

- Practice the dialogue

- Copy the form into notebook - Try to

remember the form, meaning and use

- T & SS - SS & T - Opened pairs - Closed pairs - Work in pairs - Role play - Check

a postman

a factory worker

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 08:22


