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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 38 đến period 42

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Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.3 point: 10 minutes - Repeat the questions - Show the passage again several times - Get students toread the passage again caref[r]

(1)Period 38 Unit 7: World population READING A Objectives: Educational aim: students should know about world population Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to understand more about the world population - Language: - New words: Words related to world population Skills: Guessing meaning in context, and passage comprehension B Teaching aids: Textbook, some photos of music C Method: Integrated, mainly communicative D Contents I Organization Class Date of teaching Absent students Teacher’activities Students’activities II Warm-up(6m) Lucky number Can you sing a song? lucky number The noun of populate Which continent has the biggest population? the synonym of ‘country’ - nation III New lesson * Activity 1: Before reading Discussing the pictures Ask Ss to look the pictures on page 80 then answer the questions: - Who can you see in the first Lop11.com Group work Pair work (2) picture? - How many children does the man have? - How is the house which his family live in? - What does the man to earn his living? - What two pictures tell you? Pre – teaching vocabulary To double: tăng gấp đôi Average(a) b×nh thêng, trung b×nh Birth- control methods: c¸c biÖn ph¸p hạn chế sinh đẻ Family planning: khh g® It is time sb did st: đã đến lúc đó ph¶I lµm g× Ex: It is time he came back home To continue to st Ex: It continued to rain heavily * Activiry 2: While reading Setting the scene You are going to read a passage about the world population While you read, doing the tasks in text book Task Ask Ss to read the words in the box then complete each sentence with a suitable word Ask Ss to work individually to the task Ask Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss Call some of them to answer and give the feedback 2.Task Ask Ss how to this task and ask them to read the questions and underline key words before anwering them Ask Ss to work individually to the task, then discuss their answers with Lop11.com -A family with too many children -6 children -They live in an old mud and draw cottage -He is unemployed so he has to manual work - The first picture tells us that if we have a big family, we may not support our children properly and give them a good life and education The second picture indicates that population explosion can lead to poverty and unemployment Take notes and practice reading vocabulary Pay attention Individual work and pair work although figures method limit increases international resources control Individual work and pair work The population of the world in 10.000 B.C was 10 million, in 1750 it was 650 million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6 billion (3) their peers Call on some Ss to give their answer and ask them to explain their choices T elicits feedback from other Ss and give the correct answers Activity 3: After reading T writes the name of ten countries on the board and ask Ss to work in pairs to order these countries according to their population Number is the most populated country And which is the richest, which is the poorest of them Indonesia Russia China Japan Pakistan Nigeria Brazil  Bangladesh United States India IV Consolidation and homework(2m) T summarises the main points T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words and the exercises in workbook E: Evaluation: Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to help them Lop11.com By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be over billion Some scientist say it can, but others say it can’t No, they don’t Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children - Pair work China India United States Indonesia Brazil Pakistan Bangladest Russia Nigeria 10 Japan -Japan, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia are in Asia -The United States is in North America -Brazil is in South America -Russia is in Eroupe -Nigeria is in Africa -The richest country is the United States, the poorest country is Negeria Whole class (4) Period 39 WORLD POPULATION SPEAKING A Objectives: Educational aim: Students should know how to talk about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students could identify causes to population explosion and facing overpopulated countries - Language: - New words: words related to the topic Skills: talking about the causes of population explosion ,problems of population booms and solutions to these problems B Teaching aids: pictures ,textbook C Method: integrated, mainly communicative D Contents I Organization Class Date of teaching Absent students Teacher’s activities II Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Ask students to keep book close - Show students the following picture and ask them two questions 1.what can you see in the picture? 2.What does the picture tell you? - We learn Unit 7, part- speaking III New lesson Step 1: Pre-speaking : (12 minutes) Task - Ask students to read through the causes - Let them work in pairs to order the causes and explain their order -Call on some students to give their answer in front of the class Students’ activities - Keep books close - Listen to the teacher - Answer the question -Do the task in pairs -Work in pairs and order the causes ,explain their order Lop11.com (5) - Listen to students and correct mistakes Step2:While-speaking: (15 minutes) Task - Ask students to to list the problem facing poor and overpopulated countries in the task - Let them work in groups - Walk round and help them - Ask some students to stand up to talk again loudly - Listen and correct mistakes Task3 -ask students to read the task3 and find out the solutions to the problems of overpopulation -ask them work in pairs to the task -Go around to offer help -Call on some students to present their group’s ideas -Give feedback Step 3: Post-speaking : (10 minutes) * Task - Ask students to close books - Ask students to tell the problems and offer solutions using the results of task and task3 - Walk round and help them - Let them work in groups - Look at student’s book - Listen to the teacher - work in pairs to list the problems of poor and overpopulated countries _Suggested answer +poor living condition +low living standard +not enough/expensive food +lack/shortage of schools/hospitals/teachers/doctors/nurses +illiteracy +social evils +unemployment -Look at the task and find out the solution to the problems of overpopulation -suggested answers: +raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation +use birth control methods +carry out population education program/family planning program +raise the people’s living standard - Close the books - Listen to the teacher - Do task - Work in groups - The students are called stand up and tell loudly Lop11.com (6) - Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly - Listen and correct mistakes Step Homework: (3 minutes) - Ask students to part B in the - Listen to the teacher - Write down the homework workbooks - Ask students to prepare Part CListening and homework E Valuation: ss learnt very hard Period 40 Unit 7: World population Listening A Objectives: Educational aim: Students should know how to talk about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students could identify causes to population explosion and facing overpopulated countries - Language: - New words: words related to the topic Skills: talking about the causes of population explosion ,problems of population booms and solutions to these problems B Teaching aids: pictures ,textbook C Method: integrated, mainly communicative D Contents: I Organization Class Date of teaching Absent students Lop11.com (7) Teacher’S activities I Warm up (7m) Competion game - Crossword puzzele Crossword an area of publish land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax the noun of “poor” attractive without being very beautiful without a job although able to work a group of students who are taught together (of men) attractive feeling that you would like to sleep or rest not knowing how to read or write not young 10 the synonym of ‘country’ II New lesson * Activity Before you listen(10m) Discussing the questions -Ask Ss to discuss the questions on page 84 in pairs - Call on some Ss to give their answers and comments on the answers - Get Ss to guess what they are going to listen about Vocabulary Pre-teach - Before writing the new words on the board, T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually - T teaches some of these words and those taken from the listening passage: Latin America Rate of population growth Lop11.com Students’activities Group work park poverty pretty unemployed class handsome tired illiterate old 10 nation pair work suggested answers Yes, our world is overpopulated because it has more than billion people Asia has the largest population with China the most populated country in the world and India the second Whole class (8) Developing countries Rank(v,n) Fall(n) Generation(n) Shortage(n) - T gets Ss to make sentences with the words and gives corrective feedback * Activity While you listen Task 1(10m) Instruction: You are going to listen to Dr Brown talk about the world population While listening, choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the statements or answer the questions - Get Ss to read the statements and questions carefully and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening Then check with whole class - Get Ss to read the options in each question and underline the words that make them different - Get Ss to guess the answer to each question - Play the tape once or twice for Ss to listen and the task - Check the answer with whole class Task 2(7m) Ask Ss to read the questions in task to understand them - Play the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions - T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner Then T checks with whole class T should play the tape again and pause at difficult point if many Ss cannot complete the task Lop11.com Ch©u Mü La tinh tØ lÖ t¨ng d©n sè Các nước phát triển XÕp h¹ng, thø h¹ng Sù gi¶m ThÕ hÖ Sù thiÕu Individual work, group work and whole class A D C D A C It will be over billion The population growth rates in some part of the world are not the same (9) The reason is the improvement of public health services and medical care * Activity 3: After you listen(8m) They are shortage of foods, lack - T gets Ss to work in groups to orally summarise the main ideas of of hospitals and school, illiteracy, the listening passage T might give and poor living conditions Ss some cues base their summary The experts offered four solutions: on: to educate people and make + world population today them aware of the danger of +world population by 2010 having more children + main cause of population explosion to provide safe, inexpensive +problems caused by population birth - control methods explosion to strictly implement a family + solutions to the problems planning policy - Encourage Ss to use transition to exercise strict and fair signals to make their summary more reward and punishment coherent (mạch lạc, chặt chẽ) policies - Go around to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes - Call on some groups to present their summary - T elicits feedback from the class and whole class and group work gives final comments IV Consolidation and homework(3m) T summarises the main point of the lesson E: Avaluation: Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task so T should provide them some tip to deal with the task Whole class Lop11.com (10) Period 41 Unit 7: World population Writing A Objectives: Educational aim: Students should write descriptions of pie charts General knowledge: Students learn how to write a descriptions of a chart - Language: students should interpret statistics on population from a chart - New words: Words related to the topic Skills: Writing descriptions of pie charts B Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, C Method: Integrated, mainly communicative D Contents: I Organization Class Date of Absent students teaching Teacher’S Activities Students’Activities II Warm up(7m) Ask Ss some questions related to the Group work lesson III New lesson * Activity 1: Preparing Ss to write(13m) - T prepares a handout with a description of a pie chart and asks Ss to exercise The chart below shows the distribution of world population by region in 2001 Fill each blank with a word/phrase from the box to complete the Pair work desription of this chart New words Lop11.com (11) Almost comprise conclusion majority making up Oceania’s Overall parts quarter respectively Second total vary with The pie chart gives population data for different(1)_of the world.(2)_, the(3)_of the world’s people live in Asia and Africal Asia has(4)_60% of the world’s people,(5)_3712 million The (6)_biggest area is Africa It (7)_813 million, less than one-(8)_the size of Asia’s population Together, Europe, North and South America, and Oceania(9)_just over quarter of the world’s population Erope has 726 million, while North and South America account for 527 and 317(10)_ Finally, (11)_tiny population makes up less than one percent of the world total In (12)_ populations(13)_greatly by region, with Asia and Africa(14)_the biggest proportion(sự cân xứng, cân đối) * Activity 2: While Writing(15m) Before Ss describe the pie chart on page 86 T asks them to work in pairs to analyse the chart, focusing on the following questions: + What does the pie chart show? + What is the general trend of the chart? + Which region has the largest population? Which comes second? + Which region has the smallest population? + Where does most of the world Lop11.com +To comprise: bao gåm +Majority(n) phÇn lín +To make up chiÕm(bao nhiªu % ) +To total: tæng sè +Respectively(adv) t¬ng øng Answer key parts 6.second overall 7.totals 11 Oceania’s majority 8.quarter 12.conclusion almost 9.comprise 13.vary with 10.respectively 14.making up Whole class, pair work & individual work Sample writing: The pie chart shows the distribution of the world population by region Overall, more than half of the world’s population The second largest area is East Asia with 6% less than South Asia Europe ranks third with 15% Coming next is Africa have 14% of the world population Finally, Oceania is the least populated region with the smallest percentage of 2% As can be seen, the greatest concentration of the world’s population is in Asia, with Europ far behind (12) population live? - T checks the answers with whole class - Then Ss work individually to write the description of the pie chart, using the sentence given in the book to begin their description - T goes around to observe and offer help * Activity 3: Feedback writing(8m) - T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction - T goes around and collects mistakes and errors - T writes Ss’ typical errors on the board - T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct the errors IV: Consolidation and homework(2m) T summarises the main points For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing, taking in consideration their friends’ and T’Ss suggestions and correction and the extra exercise E Evalution Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them Lop11.com Pair work and whole class Whole class (13) Period 42- 43 Unit 7: World population Language focus I Objectives: Educational aim: Students can distinguish the clusters /kl/ -/gl/- /kr/ -/gr/ -/kw/ and pronounce the words and dialogue containing these clusters correctly Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use conditional sentences (types1,2 and 3) and conditional sentences in reported speech appropriately - New words: Words related to pronunciation /kl, gl, kr , gr , kw / Skills: -Pronounce the sounds: /kl, gl, kr , gr , kw / B Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures ,hand outs C Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative D Contents: I Organization Class Date of teaching Absent students Teacher’s Students’ II Pronunciation(12m) Distinguish the sounds -T models the clusters /kl/,/gl/,/kr/,/gr/, and /kw/ for few times and explains how to Whole class, individual work and produce them pair work - T plays the tape(or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these cluster - Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud T listens and corrects it Practicing the dialogue containing the target sounds - T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to Lop11.com (14) read aloud the given dialogue on page 87 - T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors - T calls on some Ss to read the dialogue again and provides corrective feedback III.Grammar(15m) Revision of conditional sentences(type 1,2 and 3) a Presentation Type If -clause Main clause If + S + S + will + V-infinitive V(simple present) If + V(simple S + would/could + past) V- infi Be(were) If + had + PII S + would have+ PII b Practice Exercise - Ask Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answer with another student - Call on some Ss to read out their answer Exercise - T asks Ss to exercise in pairs and then compare answers with another pair - T calls on some Ss to go to the board and to write their answer Conditional sentences in reported speech(10m) a Presentation - T writes some conditional sentences in reported speech on the board and asks Ss to comment on the changes of the verbs, pronouns and adverbs of time and places + “If I had a permit, I could get a job” he said He said that if he had a permit, he could get a job + “If you had followed my advice, you would have been the winner” said her mother Lop11.com Pay attention Give form and examples - If I run, I’ll get there in time - If I were you, I wouldn’t go there - If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam Individual work would drive could is will take closed will come Pair work had been told wouldn’t have bought had realized had studied wouldn’t have been Whole class, individual work and pair work Give comments and examples then take notes (15) Her mother said if she had followed her advice, she would have been the winner - T elecits the comments from Ss and make clear that: + Conditinal type 1: we apply all the necessary changes as usual(changes of verb tenses, pronouns, adverbs of time and place + Conditional type and 3: we not change the verb tenses, but we follow the rules to change pronouns, adverbs of time and place… b Practice(6m) Exercise - Ask Ss to exercise individually, Ss have to change the conditional sentences into reported speech - Ask Ss to compare answers with another student - Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their sentences - Ask other Ss to feedback and give correct answers Consolidation and homework(2m) - T summarises the main point of the lesson - For homework,Ss review the point that have been covered in the lesson and exercises in workbook The man said to her(that) he would come to see her if he had time He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet They said to me that if it didn’t rain they would go out with me The man asked the woman what she would if she were a billionaire The man said to me that if I had asked him he would have lent me his motorbike The man said to his daughter that they would be very disappointed if she didn’t come The boy said to the girl he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them Whole class E: Evaluation: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the clusters, so T should prepare a lot of practice Period 44 Lop11.com (16) Correct the test A Objectives: After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done And have to know how to try their best for the next test B Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test C Method: Integrated, mainly communicative D Contents: I Organization Class Date of Absent students teaching Teacher’s activities II Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Greeting - Ask students some questions on the previous test - Tell the aim of the period: correct the test II Checking the test *Question I Put each verb in brackets in a suitable form.(2.point): (8 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get students to read the passage again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud *Question II Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning of them don’t change.(3.point): (8 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully Students’ activities - Greeting - Listen and understand the task - Get ready for the lesson - Look at their paper - Compare the resutls with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers Lop11.com Notes (17) - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud * Question III Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.(3 point): (10 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Show the passage again several times - Get students toread the passage again carefully - Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud Question IV Make complete sentences using the cues below.(2 point): (9 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud IV.Homework: (5 minutes) Prepare Unit 8: celebrations from the keys - Look at the writing again and compare it with the others - Correct the wrong sentences base on the key - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys - Prepare Unit celebrations Lop11.com 8: (18)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 04:04
