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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 74 - Lesson 13: Ask and answer I

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-introduce the situation of the passage *Note : -explain some new words -favourite a : yêu thích -drill reading -excited a : thích thú -read the passage once and ask sts to - - hang v : [r]

(1)Week : 25 Period : 74 Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 13 : Ask and answer I I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : -ask and answer about the pictures -ask and answer about a passage 1.Knowledge : -Language : What + was / were + S + V-ing ?… -Vocabulary : favourite , excited , hang , dead branch , 2.Skills : -Main-skills : speaking , writing -Sub-skills : reading , listening II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , asking and answering , reading –comprehension , pairwork , individual III.Teaching aids : textbook , poster IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities Content *Check-up : -call one student to write the structure of the past continous and give one example on the board -ask the others to remark -correct and give mark -introduce the new lesson *Presentation : -introduce the structure Ask and answer I *Structure : What + was / were + S + V-ing ?… -> S + was / were + V-ing+… *Ex : What was he doing at p m last night ? He was watching TV *Practice : +Activity : -ask sts to practice in pairs , ask and 1.What were they doing at 10 a.m last Sunday Lop11.com (2) answer about the pictures above , using the structure given as a cue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback morning ? ->They were standing in a queue for their tickets What were they doing at 10 a.m last Sunday morning ? ->They were watching the monkeys What was he doing at 10 a.m last Sunday morning ? ->He was going fishing What were they doing at 10 a.m last Sunday morning ? They were playing tennis What were they doing at 10 a.m last Sunday morning ? ->They were playing chess +Activity : -introduce the situation of the passage *Note : -explain some new words -favourite (a) : yêu thích -drill reading -excited (a) : thích thú -read the passage once and ask sts to - - hang (v) : treo -dead branch (n) : cành cây khô listen -ask sts to work in pairs , give questions a.Was the sun shining at about o’clock and answers about the passage -call some pairs to practice before the yesterday morning ? -> Yes , it was b.What were you doing then ? -> We were class -ask the others to remark watching the animals in the zoo -give feedback c.What were the monkeys doing ? -> They were playing their favourite games d.How did the boys feel when the baby monkeys were hanging from a dead branch ? -> They felt excited e When did the rain suddenly come ? -> Everybody was having a good time *Production : * *More exercises : -stick the poster on the board and ask 1.what / he / doing / p.m / yesterday ? ( play sts to work in groups of five or six soccer ) -call some sts from some groups to 2.What / she / doing / a m / yesterday ? ( pick present before the class flowers ) -ask the others to remark 3.What / they / doing / p.m / last night ? ( go to -correct if necessary see a movie ) 4 What / you / doing / p.m / yesterday ? ( look after youner sister ) + Key : Lop11.com (3) What was he doing at p.m yesterday ? -> He was playing soccer 2.What was she doing at a.m yesterday ? -> She was picking flowers 3.What were they doing at p.m last night ? -> They were going to see a movie 4.What were you doing at p.m yesterday ? -> I was looking my younger sister V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -prepare the next part VI.Comments : Sts pronunce wrong beetween “was” and “were” The teacher should guide sts to pronunce these words carefully Lop11.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 06:28

