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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 66 đến period: 70

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- Work in pairs and analyze the chart - Give answer - Then work individually to write the description of the chart, using the sentences given in the book to begin their description sugge[r]

(1)Period: 66 UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson : READING Date of preparation: 13/ 01/ 2011 Date of teaching: 18/ 01/ 2011 I Objectives: Educational aim: Ss should understand more about advantages and disadvantages of various sources of energy and be aware of the importance of using sources of energy reasonably Knowledge: a General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - know about sources of energy - use vocabulary items related to the issues of energy in real life contexts - improve their reading skills (skimming, scanning, deducing, time reading…) b Vocabulary: fossil fuel, source of energy, alternative, geothermal heat and solar energy Skills: Integrated, mainly reading II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative III Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, T/F statements, gap filling, multiple choices, games IV Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks V Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm- up: - Have Ss play the game The Golden Key in teams - Divide into teams A and B A and B The Golden Key is a word which has letters - Explain the rule of the game: Each team takes turn to choose a number and the T gives the hints If Ss - Listen to the rule and as directed guess the word correctly, they will get one mark and be given letter of the golden key If not, another group can give the answer and score the point The letters are delivered inorderly and Ss have to arrange them to discover the Golden Key and get marks The group with higher mark wins Nuclear Wind the game In modern, this kind of weapon is often used in Fuels Water wars It makes tree swing and we feel comfortable if we Gas have it on hot summer days Electricity Something like oil, gas, coal… It covers two- third of the earth Nowadays people like to use it to cook We can’t have light if it goes out Lop11.com (2) N E G E R G The golden key: ENERGY - Guess - Listen - Ask Ss to guess the topic of the lesson today - Lead to the lesson:” Today we study Unit 11 to know some advantages and disadvantages of some sources of energy.” Pre- reading: - Asks SS to look at the pictures in textbook an discuss questions in groups of within minute What sources of energy does each picture above refer to? What are they used for? - Teaches some vocabulary items + Show some pictures and asks them what sources of energy are mentioned Nuclear energy - Discuss and give the answers Wind power, water power and solar energy We need energy to live and work + To cook meals + To light, heat or cool the house + To run machines - Look at the pictures and give the meaning Geothermal heat - Listen and take note Windmill + alternative (adj)- that can be used instead of ST else: thay + potential (adj)- Da Lat has a potential of tourism: Lop11.com (3) Tiềm + available (adj)- The air is always available for us to breathe: có sẵn + exhaust (v)- to run out of, to weaken: là kiệt quệ + release (v)- be free: thải phóng thích Let Ss guess the meaning of these words basing on the T’s explanation and the given pictures Read aloud the words and asks Ss to repeat, While- reading: - Have Ss read the passage silently within 2’ *Task 1: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box All of the words appear in the reading passage - Instruct SS to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words Then SS guess their meaning based on the contexts in the sentences and the components of the words -Check whether SS understand words correctly by asking them to provide Vietnamese equivalents to the words - Ask SS to the task individually within 2’ - Go around to provide help - Ask to exchange their answers with their partners - Call some SS to present their answers and asks them to explain their choice - Ask for peers’ comments - Give feedback - Guess - Repeat - Read silently - Read and guess - Provide Vietnamese equivalents - Do the task - Exchange the answers - Gives correct answers: released alternative energy limited exhausted - Give comments -Listen - Listen *Task 2: - Explain the requirement of the task 2: Ss are going to read the passage carefully then write down the advantages and disadvantages of each sources - Listen of energy - Do the task - Instruct Ss to use some strategies to Task 2: Sources of Advantage(s) + Read through the name of sources of energy in energy the first column + Go back to the passage and find their advantages Nuclear It is and disadvantages Mark them then write down on energy unlimited the next two columns - Ask SS to the task in groups within 2’ - Go around providing helps when necessary Solar It is not only - Call SS to read aloud their answers and asks them energy plentiful and to give evidences infinite but Disadvantage (s) It can be very dangerous It is only possible during the also clean and day time safe Lop11.com (4) Water power It is clean and It is unlimited expensive Wind power It is clean and If the wind unlimited does not blow, there is no wind energy Geotherma It is available It is only l heat possible in a few places - Provide correct answers *Task 3: - Explain the requirement of the task: Ss are going to read the passage again and answer the question in the textbook page - Instruct Ss to use the reading tips: + Read the questions carefully and underline key words - Listen - Do the task Our major source of energy comes from fossil fuels Five sources of energy are mentioned in the text I think solar energy is the most potential - Ask Ss to the task in groups within 2’ - Call on some SS to write their answers on the board then ask them to explain their choice Listen - Give feedback Post- reading: Complete the summary of the reading passage by - Give answers: filling each blank with the suitable word from the Expected answer: box energy one One environment alternative limited fuels Unlimited sources energy fuels limited unlimited sources - Ask SS the task individually within 2’ alternative - Call some SS to present their answers environment - Give feedback and corrects answers - Ask Ss to summarizes the main points Homework: -Ask Ss to: + review all the new words and make sentences with them + prepare the new lesson: Unit 11- Speaking Lop11.com - Listen - Summarize - Listen (5) Period: 67 Unit 11: SPEAKING Date of preparation: 17/ 01/2011 Date of teaching: 22/ 01 / 2011 I Aims: Educational aim: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using the sources of renewable energy and the reason of using them Language : words and phrases related to sources of energy 3.Skills : fluency on talking about the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of energy II Methods: intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids : text book, coloured chalk IV Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm- up: - Have Ss play The game: True or False statement -Divide the class into groups, each group chooses representatives to play in the game The T will read aloud the 10 statements one by one and the representatives have to decide whether they are T or F With one correct answer Ss will be given 10 marks The group with higher marks wins the game Statements: Nuclear energy is very dangerous Solar energy is produced from water power Global arming also produces energy Biological gas is produced from pigs’ excrement Fossil fuel will be never exhausted Water moves from a low place to a high place, it makes energy Coal is one of unlimited sources of energy If the win doesn’t blow, there is no wind energy Petroleum gives energy without pollution 10 The sun, the wind and general gas are alternative sources energy - Give feedback & asks Ss to correct false sentences Pre- speaking: -Ask Ss to list some sources of energy & classify them into groups: limited and unlimited energy sources - Pre- teaches some new words: + Renewable (adj) = alternative: thay (≠ nonrenewable) + radiation (n): phóng xạ Lop11.com Students’ activities -Play the game Expected answers: T F T T F F F T F 10 F - Give answers + Limited energy sources: oil, fossil fuels, natural gas, coal + Unlimited energy sources: wind energy, solar energy, water energy, nuclear energy, and geothermal heat (6) + reactor (n): lò phản ứng + hydroelectricity (n)- Sesan 4A hydroelectricity belongs to Gia Lai province: thủy điện *Task 1: - Ask Ss to work in groups corresponding with kinds of unlimited sources of energy - Ask these groups to discuss on advantages and disadvantages of each kind within 2’, and then write down their answers on charts - Ask Ss to hang charts on the black board - Give feedback - Ask Ss task quickly (orally) in individuals - Ask Ss to give the answers - Ask for peers comment - Give feedback *Task 2: - Explain the requirement of task - Read the dialogue and has Ss repeat after the T - Model the conversation with one S - Call several pairs to role play the sample dialogue - Ask Ss to task in pairs based on details on the charts of advantages and disadvantages of energy resources - Suggest Ss to use the useful words and phrases on the same page - Elicit some structures of asking and expressing ideas from Ss - Correct Ss’ answers and supplies them with some structures + I think that……… + Why you think/ believe so? + It‘s ………However,… + I don’t think… - Call some pairs to make their own dialogue in front of the class - Ask for peers’ comment - Work in groups - Discuss and write down - Hang on - Listen - Do the task - Give the answers +Advantages: 4; +Disadvantages: 1; 2; 3; 5; - Give comment - Listen - Listen - Listen and repeat after the T - Model with the T - Role play - Do the task - Listen - Answer - Listen and take note - Act out A: I think water power can be an alternative source of energy B: Why you think so? A: Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is available, abundant and unlimited B: It’s however very expensive due to the cost of building dam … - Give comment Lop11.com (7) - Give feedback - Listen *Task 3: - Have Ss work in groups to express their belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future, using the ideas from Task 2: - Give a model A: I believe that the use of solar energy should be the alternative source of energy in our country B: I agree with you It is the most feasible way to have solar energy in our country because Vietnam is a tropical country - Move around to help Ss when necessary - Listen and corrects the mistakes - Work in groups - Listen - Listen Post- speaking: - Ask Ss to work in groups of to make a list of things - Work in groups the family should to save energy - Have Ss to share ideas with others by changing groups - Give answers: + Reducing the amount of water bill or electricity bill by cutting power such as lights, conditioner when unnecessary + Do not cook with electricity + Make sure there are no cracks in the pipes Homework: - Ask Ss to write a paragraph about the alternative source of energy that you think is the most feasible one - Listen and as directed at home for our country - Ask Ss to prepare for the new lesson Lop11.com (8) Period: 68 UNIT 11: LISTENING Date of preparation: 18/ 01/ 2011 Date of teaching: 25/ 01/ 2011 I Objectives: Educational aim: Ss should be aware of the importance of natural resources and use them reasonably and effectively Knowledge: a General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - have the knowledge of sources of energy from listening and use them in daily life - improve their listening skills (Selective listening, listening for specific information and for comprehension) b Vocabulary: ecology, atmosphere Skills: Integrated, mainly listening II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative III Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, T/F statements, gap filling, multiple choices, games IV Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks V Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: Game_Matching - Divide the class into groups of - Play the game: - Stick 12 flash cards of the names of some Keys: 1B, 2C, 3F, 4A, 5D, 6E hydroelectricities in Vietnam and their locations - Ask Ss to put each name with its location in group Which group has the first and correct answer will be the winner 1.Trị An A.Yên Bái 2.Bắc Hà B.Đồng Nai 3.Hòa Bình 4.Thác Bà 5.Vĩnh Sơn 6.Ialy - Give feedback C.Lào Cai D.Bình Định - Listen - Listen E.Gia Lai F.Hòa Bình Lop11.com (9) - Give gift if possible - Lead to the lesson: Today we are going to listen a monologue about natural resources and natural environment Pre- listening: - Ask S to list some of the things they use energy for in your house - Call on some Ss to give the answers - Give feedback - Pre- teaches some new words related to the topic of the listening passage by writing them on the board and asking Ss if any of them know the meanings of the words - Give feedback and explains words that Ss don’t know the meaning + Ecologist(n)- a person who studies the relationship between living creatures and their environment: nha sinh thai hoc + Fertilized(adj): duoc lam mau mo E.g If the soil is fertilized, plants will grow rapidly Read these words and asks Ss to repeat after the T Call some Ss to read them Correct if Ss make mistakes While- listening: *Task - Introduce the Ss the task 1: Ss are going to listen the monologue about energy sources and multiple- choice questions - Before Ss listen to the record and the task, the T presents them some strategies to the task + Firstly, read the questions and multiple choices carefully + Then guess appropriate choices, basing on the grammatical pattern and their general knowledge and logical difference - Play the record twice - Ask Ss to check their answers with their partners - Ask Ss to read their answers and write them down on the board (asks some Ss individually to explain for their choices) - Ask Ss if any of them have answers different from these on the board - Give feedback If many Ss can’t answer the questions, the T plays the record again, pauses at Lop11.com - List - Give the answers Keys: Petroleum, gas, coal, electricity… - Give the meaning if possible resource (n): tài nguyên fossil fuel (n): nhiên liệu hóa thạch renewable ( adj ): có thể thay unlimited (adj): vô tận - Repeat after the T - Read - Listen - Listen to the T - Listen + Read the questions and multiple choices + Guess - Listen to the record - Check - Read and write down D C D A C - Listen (10) related information to correct the Ss’ answers - Listen *Task 2: - Introduce the task 2: Ss are asked to fill the blanks to complete the passage about the conservation sources of energy - Instruct Ss to this kind of task: + Read the whole passage to get the main ideas + Guess the part of speech of the missing words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles, phrases ) + Students should write the answers in the note form, not in full words - Play the record twice - Ask Ss to discuss their answers with their partners - Ask Ss individually to read their answers and explain their answers - Write students’ answers on the board - Ask them if any of them has another different from these on the board - Give feedback If many students can’t answer the question correctly plays the record one or twice again, pause at the answers and explain the answers to students Post- listening: *Activity 1: - Instruct Ss to the extra task on page 130, based on the listening passage they have listened on their basic knowledge of energy sources, then put ticks () on the right column to decide which groups the sources of energy belong to - Ask Ss to work in pair and discuss the answers - Give feedback - Listen to the record - Discuss - Read and explain for their answers an unlimited atmosphere may gases amounts - Listen - Do as directed and give the answers Sources of Nonrenewable Renewable energy  Coal  Geothermal heat  Petroleum  Solar energy  Oil  Wind energy  Gas - Discuss *Activity 2: - Talk in front of the class - Asks Ss to work in groups of discussing the topic “What can you to save energy?” - Give comment - Calls Ss in some groups to talk about their solution - Listen - Asks Ss in other groups to give their comments - Gives feedback and suggests Ss the solutions E.g To save electricity, we should turn off unnecessary lights Lop11.com (11) - Listen - Recalls Ss of + the new words, general knowledge of the two listening passages + some tips to the exercises of gap-filling and multiple choices questions Homework: - Asks Ss to + write a short paragraph on the discuss topic “What can you to save energy?” + prepare next lesson: Unit 11- Writing Period: UNIT 11:WRITING Date of preparation: 20/ 01/ 2011 Date of teaching: I Objectives: Educational aim: Students should write descriptions information, from A chart General knowledge: Students learn how to write descriptions of a chart - Language: students should interpret and compare date described in chart form and write a report of the data analysis - New words: Words related to the topic Skills: Writing descriptions of pie charts II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, IV Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: - Ask students to keep book close - Keep book close - give them handout with a table of information - Listen to the teacher and to transfer - ask them to work in pair to transfer the table into a pie the table into a pie chart chart - Check and explain them to the class: In order to understand them we learn part Writing Pre-writing: * Task1: - Ask student to read the hand out with a description of a pie chart and discuss the organization and other characteristics of the description - Explain some new words - Answer the questions How many parts are there in the description? what are they? 2.What does the first part tell you? Lop11.com Read the prompts - Ask the teacher if necessary - Work in groups and answer the questions -Useful language: parts(introduction, body and conclusion) language use : +make up less (12) 3.What language items should you pay attention to in the second part/underline them 4.What does the last part tell you? - Let them work in groups - Walk around, check and help students While-writing: *Task 2: - Ask students to work in pair to analyze the chart using the following questions +What does the chart show? +What is the general trend of the chart? +Which consumption has the largest energy which comes second? +Which consumption has the smallest? +Where does most of the world consumption ? - Let students work individually to write the description of the pie chart, using the sentences given in the book to begin their description - Walk round and help students Lop11.com than percent +the most+ adj, the second most +adj 3.the chart shows that……… Make up the largest/ smallest/ proportion/ amount contribute the larges…… Keys: 117 2.coal 3.smallest - Work in pairs and analyze the chart - Give answer - Then work individually to write the description of the chart, using the sentences given in the book to begin their description suggested answer: The population has increased since 2000.Therefore,there was a large consumption of energy in 2005.For instance,the consumption of nuclear and hydroelectricity was under 20 million tons and camp up to 75 million ton in 2005 It shows that the requirements for ellectricity in daily activities,production,business,and so on rose dramatically and the goverments in all countries apply effective solutions to the energy problems.What about the use of petroleum?The chart shows that there was a small decrease in the consumption of petroleum from 2000 to 2005-about 57 million tons in 2000 and about 50 million tons in 2005.Because fossil fuels are rapidly running out,and the price of crude oil has gone up for the last few decades,people tent to use nuclear energy and hydroelectricity.The consumption of coal in creased slightly-40 million tons in 2000 and 45 million tons in2005.In general,there was a draatic increse in energy consumption from 2000 to (13) 2005 4.Post-writing: - Give suggestions and corrections - Ask students to read their profile - Ask some students to read loudly their description - Correct mistakes and mark - Listen to the teacher - Finish the profile - Some students read loudly their products in front of the class Homework: - Ask students to task and part writing of Unit 11 in - Listen to the teacher and write down the student’s work book and prepare part Language Focus homework Period: UNIT 11 : LANGUAGE FOCUS Date of preparing: Date of teaching: I.Aims: - Help students distinguish and practice sounds /Sr/, /spl/ and /spr/ - Help them review relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitive II Method: integrated , mainly communicative III Teaching aids: text book, game IV Procedure: Teachers' activitives I.Pronunciation 1.Lead-in Game : “BINGO” T writes words on the board: Spray, split, shrill, splendid, shrimp, spray T asks sts to write words on the sheet paper T reads words shrill, split, spring Sts have same words, they are the winner 2.Pre- practice: T writes and underlines words: Shrill, split, spring Helps sts how to pronounce sounds: /sr/, /spl/, /spr/ Today we are going to learn sounds /sr/, /spl/, /spr/ 3.Practice: T ask 1: T reads some words related to sounds T:aks sts to repeat - feedback T ask 2: T: asks sts to practise these sentences : correts 4.Free- practice: T asks sts to close their books and says Number 1: /sr/ Lop11.com Students' activitives Sts look at and write down Sts repeat after T & practice Read individuallly Sts close their book (14) Number 2: / spl/ Number3: / spr/ T gives feedback II Grammar: T asks sts some questions Have you ever learnt Relative clauses? Can you tell me some Relative pronouns? T gives sentences and asks sts to make a sentrence with relative pronouns Ex1: The man is from Japan He is talking to John The man who is talking to John is from Japan T asks sts: Who can reduce this sentence? T writes on the board The man talking to John is from Japan V-ing phrase (present participle phrase) T aks sts to find down the form: Listen & says number 1,2,3 Sts answer Sts rewrite the sentence Sts can’t do/don’t N/pro +relative pro +V N/pro +V-ing phrase (present participle phrase) Ex2: Some of the people who have been invited to the party Sts write can’t come relative clause T asks sts who can reduce other way this sentence? T writes on the board: Some of the people invited to the party can’t come V-ed phrase(past participle phrase) T explains and gives the form: N/pro +relative clause +V N/pro +V-ed phrase (past participle phrase) Pairwork & exercises T asks sts work in pair and task1 sentence1,5,6,&task2 Suggested answer: sentence2,5 in the text book Task1: T goes around and helps them The boy playing the piano is Pen feedback The fence sourrounding our… We have apartement overlooking… Ex3: The first man that we must see is Tom Task2: Relative clause 2.I come from a city located in T asks sts : Besides V_ing or V-ed phrase the… Who can reduce this sentence? 5.The experience conducted … T writes on the board:  The first man to see is Tom Sts show relative clause To inf purpose T explains: After the first/ second/ third, the last/ only and Sts work in pair& task3 superlatives, we use to inf purpose Suggested answer: T asks sts work in pair and task (sentence3,4) Task3: T helps sts and gives feedback Lop11.com (15) III Home work: - T asks sts look at the lesson again - T asks them to continue doing homework in the textbook - T asks them to prepare new lesson 3.The first person to see is Mr Smith This is the second person to be killed… Period : TEST YOURSELF D Date of preparing: Date of teaching: I.Aims: - Consolidate what students have learnt - Check students’ skills - Help students study systematically II Skills : Integrated skills III Methods : Integrated , mainly communicative IV Procedure : Teacher’s activities Sts'activities I / Listening : 1.Pre – listening : T : Is water important to us ? - answer What woild happen if there were no water ? - listen and the task - read and discuss T : Introduce the topic and the task T : Ask sts to read the sentenses and guess -Sts : Listen and take notes before listening / While –listening: -Sts : Listen , take note and share the st ideas with friends T : Play the tape for the time T : Give sts time to didcuss the answer T : Play the tape for the 2nd time EXPECTED ANSWER rd T : Play the tape for the time …can not live T : Check the answer …it rains … planting vegetation …hold back …dry seasons -answer Post – listening : T : Without water , what would happen ? II / Reading : Lead – in : -answer T : What are necessary to the survival of all Lop11.com (16) living things ? T Introduce the new material Pre _ reading : T : Give some words : exhaust (n) discharge (v) enforce (v) -listen _Ask sts to read the questions before reading While – reading : T : Go round to help sts with vocabulary and structure T : Ask sts to pairwork to ask and answer the question Post – reading : T : Ask sts to suggest ways to stop air pollution -work in pairs to anwer questions: EXPECTED ANSWER -khoi,khi,hoi nuoc boc tu mot dong co -thai -lam cho co hieu luc -Sts : Read silently and take note for the answer III / Pronunciation and Grammar Before – listening : T : Ask sts to read all the words on book page 134 and guess the part of speech in the blanks While – listening : _ T : Play the tape twice Post – listening : T : Ask sts to reread difficult words IV Writing Pre – writing T : Helps sts to prepare by providing them structures that are necessary for writing While _ writing T : Go round to help sts Post _ writing Lop11.com 1.Air , water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things 2.Badly polluted air can cause illness and even death Polluted water kills fish and other marine life Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food 3.Because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For examples , eshaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution , but the automobile provides trainsportation , for millions of people 4.They would have to stop using many things that benefit them 5.Governments can pass and enfore laws that require business and individuals to stop, or cut down on certain polluting activities _ Sts : Listen to pick out the spoken words EXPECTED ANSWER: a sneeze smash shrimp spread b living ringing to leave to drink invited blown -Sts : Discuss and write in groups of EXPECTED ANSWER: We are try to find solutions to environmental pollution problem.People should stop cutting tres or deforesting for timber.Instead,they should plant more tres and forests.They should reduce using cars and motorbikes that cause noise and air pollution.We should prevent farmers from (17) T : Hang the sts’s writing and correct mistakes of students _ Give marks and remark and give comment Lop11.com using fertilizers and pesticides that damage the soil.People should not scatter junk and litter on the land and in the water We should prohibit factories from dumping industrial wastes in to rivers and lakes.It is high time governments all over the world has measures that require companies and individuals to stop or cut down on polluting activities (18)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 03:15
