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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 01 đến Period: 06

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-sts read and work in groups and analyse the passage about for minutes Answer keys: - The person’character: quite young in the spirit, the sort of person you can always go to if you have[r]

(1)Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) Period: 01 INTRODUCTION Date of preparation: / 08/ 2011 Date of teaching: / 08 / 2011 A Objectives: I Knowledge: Introduce the text book to students II Skills: Speaking and Writing B Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Listen to the teacher - Introduce the textbook - The textbook is composed on theme-based - Contain 16 units and consolidation units - In each unit, there are five parts: reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus - Each unit contains a topic such as friend, party, competitions, etc - Some important grammar points in English 11:  Infinitive and Gerund  Reported speech with infinitives  Reported speech with gerund  Conditional sentence type 1, 2, and conditional in reported speech  Pronouns Copy down  Relative clause  Relative pronouns with preposition  Relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive  Omission of relative pronoun  Cleft sentence  Conjunctions  Tag questions - Language in action:  Describing physical characteristic and personality  Talking about past experiences and how they affected one’s life  Talking about parties and how to plan parties  Talking about volunteer work  Talking about literacy problems and offering solutions  Talking about a competition or contest  Talking about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions  Talking about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities  Talking about different portal and telecommunication services  Talking about nature in danger Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (2) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012)  Talking about measures for protections endangered nature  Talking about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources  Asking for and giving information about the Asian Games  Talking about sports results  Talking about a hobby  Talking about collections  Expressing agreement and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons  Talking about historical events in the space conquest  Using facts and opinions to talk about features of man-made places Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (3) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) Period: 02 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP READING Date of preparation: 18 / 08 / 2011 Date of teaching: 22 / 08 / 2011 A Objectives: Educational aims: - Students know some special qualities for true friendship Knowledge: - General: Guessing meaning in context and identifying main idea - Language: Words / phrases related to some special qualities for true friendship Skills: - Reading for gist and for special information B Methods: - Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: textbook, pictures,… D Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm – up: Picture Talk - Ss work in two groups (books closed) - Stick the pictures of things on the BB Ask Ss to name them and find out what the pictures talk by collecting the first letters of each name from the pictures Student’s activities - work in group - The group that can first find out the word will be the winner - Checking Ss’ understanding the instruction Key: FRIEND * Lead-in: Ask Ss: - Do you have a lot of friends? - How many close friends you have? - What you think are the qualities of friendship? - Answer the questions 2) Pre-reading - Ask ss to work in group to finds out words that best describe the qualities of friendship - Work in group to find out Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (4) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) The qualities of friendship - Each group comes to the BB and writes down one word from their list - To check your ideas, let’s begin unit one: FRIENSHIP Vocabulary: acquaintance(n) people who you meet but not closed and you knew about them selfish(a)-selfishness(n)=not generous :people who don’t lend you any thing or money><unselfish (không vị kỷ) constancy: Sự kiên định enthusiasm(a)the person who always ready to help people when they need (nhiệt tình) loyalty(n) :=faithfulness (lòng trung thành) sympathy(n)-sympathetic(a):sự thông cảm, đồng tình *Checking meaning: what and where While – reading: a Task 1: Fill each blank with a suitable word / phrase - Have Ss word in groups and the task - Do the task in groups - Go around and give help - Present his/her group’s ideas - Stop the activities and check any students to say his/ her group’s idea mutual give-and- take incapable of loyal to unselfish suspicious acquaintance; friend b.Task 2: Which of the choices A, B, C or D most adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage? - Ask Ss to reread the text silently and to choose the - Read the text silently and choose correct answer the correct answer in pairs - Select some students at random to provide the answer in - Give suggested answer and explain front of the class the choice Answer: B c Task 3: Answer the questions - Have the class read the text again, this time more - Read the text again slowly to scan the details and answer the questions - Ask and answer the questions in - Walk around the class, listen to students’ discussions pairs and offer suggestions when necessary - Select some pairs at random to provide the answers in Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (5) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) front of the class - Give feedback * Suggested answers: The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness It tells us that a person who is concerned only with his own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object It’s loyalty It tells that the two friends must be loyal to each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them There must be a mutual trust between friends because if not, people can’t feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets Because they can’t keep a secrets, either of their own or of others’ It’s sympathy It tells us that to be a true friend, you must sympathize with your friend Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends, there’s no true friendship 3)Post –reading: Discussion *What does the text tell you about the true friendship? And which is the most important and which is the most important in your opinion 4)Home work: Do the exercise in tast 1(in text book)(2ms) Prepare :Speaking -T can give some main ideas -Sts work in groups (4 groups) and after that one st of each group come to bb and express their ideas of group -T will give feedback Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (6) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) Period: 03 UNIT 1: SPEAKING Date of preparation: 20 / 08 / 2011 Date of teaching: 24 / 08 / 2011 A Objectives: Aims: - Help students review how to describe physical characteristics and personalities Knowledge: - General: Describing physical characteristics and personalities - Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to physical characteristics and personalities Skills: - Describing physical characteristics - Discussing personalities - Role playing: Taking about a famous friend B Methods: - Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: D Procedure : Teacher’s activities Warm – up: Game: the tied and blind men - Divide the class into two groups and draw two circles on the board - Ask two representatives of each group to go to the board One student will be the tied man; the other is the blind one - Cover each “blind man” with a piece of cloth and ask the “tied man” to tell the blind man how to draw a face inside the circle drawn beforehand on the board - After minute, the first pair to finish the face will be the winner If they both finish before the deadline, the pair whose face they have drawn is more good-looking is the winner - Ask student to name parts of the body on the face and then ask them to mention some add to describe those parts 2.Pre-speaking: a)Matching: Match the right questions to the right answers -T give handouts to sts What is she like? a She is fine What does she look like? b Pretty and easy-going How is she? c tall an beautiful -T: These are the questions to describe physical characteristic of a person Students’ activities - Work in group and play the game -sts work in pairs and choose the question with the answer Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (7) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) - T introduces some adjs to describe a person - T asks and sts write the answers on the poster - T checks and give the feedback b)Vocabulary: useful language - Height: tall, medium, short, rather short, too tall - Face: square, large, oval, round, long high, check bones, a scar - Forehead: broad, high, low - Nose: straight, long, flat, crooked, Turn up - Hair: black, grey, thin, long, , wavy, brown, bald - Eyes: green, blue, brown, gray - Mouth: heart-shaped, wide, thin, full lip - Chin: pointed, firm, weak, - Appearance :plain, attractive, well-dressed, cassullydressed, hand some, beatiful, good-looking - Characters: easy-going, friendly, hard-working, honest, kind, muture, patient, intelligent, polite, sincere, sympathy, tolerant 3) While-speaking: a Task 1: - Look at the picture How many people are there in the picture? Can you guess the age of each them? Now let describe their physical characteristics Ex: : He is late forty He has got a square face with a crooked nose He is medium height, ete… - T asks them to describe them in front of the class - T gives feedback b.Task2: Discuss and number the following personalities in order of importance in a friendship.Report your result to the class: Caring, hospitable, modest, sincere, generous, helpful, understanding, pleasant, honest Ex: I think , understanding is the most important personality beacause it makes people mare believe in the life *Describe one of your person in your classmates(guessing game) Ex: She is beautiful girl, she is very genlte and honest… - T asks sts to describe a st in the class , the rest guess who is he/she - Listen and copy them down - Sts open their book and work in pairs - sts work in groups - sts: report to the whole class Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (8) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) - T gives feedback you which personality is the most important? Why? 4) Post-speaking Task3.(Role -play) * Making questions: What is his/her name? Could you tell me his name? What is his date of birth? When was he born? What is he like? What does he look like? What is his hobby? What does he in his spare time? -Why is he interested in Math? -How long does it take him to study Math? -How much time does he spend on Math everyday? -What made him so successful? - T goes through the useful language on page 17 *Useful language: +His or her personalities: Friendly, humorous, quick-witted, good-matured, helpful, honest, pleasant, caring, +How is or she won the price Studious, intelligent, keenly interested in Mathematics, eager to learn, patient, calm - sts work in groups to make questions or facts about a famous friend , based on the suggestions in the text book - sts take notes - sts role play Sts take notes - T give feed back *Example exchange: A: Hello, I’m Lan , a journalist of Hoa Hoc Tro magazine B: Hi! I’m Nam, nice to meet you A: I hear you close friend of Ha Giang Could you tell me some information about her? B: Sure, No prolem A: Has Giang just won the first international prize in Mathematics? B: Yes, that’s right He did a good job, we are so proud of her A: So he has to work very hard on this subject? How much time does he spend on it everyday? B: I’m not sure but he studies it everynight.Math is his favourite subject A: Do you know why? B: He always says it is very useful and interesting both his parents and maths teacher are pleasant with him A: Oh ,I see ,Thanks for giving me time Bye B: You are welcome Bye 5)Home work: -Write a short paragraph about your (famous )friend -Prepare Listening Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (9) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) Period: 04 UNIT 1: LISTENING Date of preparation: 21 / 08 / 2011 Date of teaching: 26 / 08 / 2011 A Objectives: Educational Aims: - Students know some special qualities for true friendship Knowledge: - General: Deciding true or false sentences and taking notes - Language: words / phrases related to talk about the way of making friends Skills: - Listening B Methods: - Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: D Procedure: Teacher’s activities 1) Warm up: Brainstorming some qualities you need in a good friend Students’ activities - Work in groups - Play the game Qualities - Sts work in groups , which group write more correct words will win in the game - T: tell me your best/close friend? Do you have any close friend? Who is your best friend? How did you meet him/her? How long have you know each other? - What qualities you admire in your best friend? - Today you’ll have some people telling about their best friends 2)Pre - listening: - Use the questions on p 17 to ask Ss: Who is your best friend? How did you happen to meet him or her? How long have you known each other? What qualities you admire in your best friend? Vocabulary: - Answer the questions Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (10) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) apartment building (n) (picture): chung cư guitarist (n) (picture): người chơi đàn ghi - ta sense of hurno(u)r (n.phr) (explanation): Tính / óc hài hước Explanation: A person who can make you laugh easily is a person who has … rough time (n) (synonym) = difficult time: lúc gian khó -Sts open their books and read the words in the text book (chorus) 3) While - listening: a Task 1:T/F statements: You will hear Long and Lan talk about their best friends Listen to their talks and decide they are true or false - T puts the poster on bb *Lan’s talks F F T F T F - sts read through and predict T or F - Sts listen twice or three times and correct *Long’ talks F F T - T gives feedback b Task 2: filing in the table How &where they met Lan - They used to live in the same residential area in Ha Noi - Lan went on a twoday trip to Do Son and Ha went their to hepl her Long - They met in cllege - Minh play the guitar and Long was a singer - They work together - Sts listen again times and take notes the ideas in the table - sts work in groups and go to bb to write the answers/on the poster T T What they like about their friends - Ha’s very friendly and helpful - Ha’sociable.She got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan around - Minh has a sense of humour - Minh likes to go plays and movies - Minh is a good listener - Minh is friendly and helpful - T corrects and give the results 4)Post - listening: a Who is Lan’s best friend? b How long have they been friend? c Where did they use to live? d When did Ha’ family move to Hai Phong? - sts read through and listen again once and answer the qs Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (11) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) e How is Ha? f When did lan first start to get to know Ha? g How and where did Long and Minh meet? h What is Minh’s good quality? i What they like to go together? By playing : Noughts and crosses A D F B G H I C E Answers: a—Ha b -for a long time c They used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residential area in Ha Noi d. -in 1985 e Ha is very friendly f When Lan was going on a two day trip to Do Son last year g they met in college Long was a singer and Minh was a guitarist h He has a good sense of humour, he is funny , helpful and very good listener i They like to plays and movies together - Sts work in groups ,after that work in pairs 5) Home work: - Write a paragraph for 100words about how you and your friend has become best friend - Prepare writing Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (12) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) Period: 05 UNIT 1: WRITING Date of preparation: 25 / 08 / 2011 Date of teaching: 29 / 08 / 2011 A Objectives: Educational aims: - Students know some special qualities for true friendship Knowledge: - General: Writing about a friend -Language: Tenses: simple present ands Skills: - Writing B Methods: - Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: D Procedure: Teacher’s activities 1) Warm up: guessing game or Kim’game - T calls one sts to go to bb and look forward to the class, T put the name of a sts in the class, a sts can describe that sts, and the sts at bb guess “who is he/she?” - If that sts describe and guess well ,he or she will get good marks - T: you have just described a friend in the class, today we continue to describe a person ,your friend 2)Pre-writing: Task 1: read the passage describing a person and say which sentences describe: * the person’characters * the person appearance * likes and didlikes * her habit -T gives sts handouts of the passage Of all my relaties, I like Aunt Emily the best She’s my mother’s youngest sister She has never married and lived alone in a small village near beach She‘s in her late fifties, but she’s quite young in spirit She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair She wears in a bun and brown eyes She has a kind face and when you meet her , the first thing you notice is her smile.Her face is little wrinkled now,but I think she is still actrative She is the short of person you can always go to if you have problem She likes reading and gardening and she still goes for a Student’s activities - Listen to the friend and guess -sts read and work in groups and analyse the passage about for minutes Answer keys: - The person’character: quite young in the spirit, the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem,a very active person, extremely generous,but not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with her - The person’appearance: in her late fifties , has a fair complexion, thick brown hair, she wears in a Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (13) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) long walkover the hill.She’s a very active person Either she is making something or mending somethingto entertain herself She’s extremely generous,but not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with her I hope I’m as contented as she is when I’m at her age -T asks sts to give the answers _Tchecks and corrects -T can give answers on bb While – writing: Task 2: -Write it up: Write about your friend or your teacher you like best Ex: who is she/he? How old is he/she Where does he/she live? Where and when you met her /him? Physical characteristics(height, face, eyes, hair, clothes) -T explains the guidelines in the text book -T moves around and gives help Post – writing : Correction - Sts change their posters and have peer correction (in groups) Ex: How is the paragraph ?which is the interesting/boringparts?Are there enough details.are there any sentences which are not clear and you don’t understand -Are you sure there is a topic sentence for each paragraph? Do you see any problem about grammar or spelling exist? *Exhibition III)Home work: -Doing the writing in the text book page 11 and 15 -Write a paragraph to describe one of members in your family -Prepare Language Focus bun, dark brown eyes, has a kind smiling face,her face is a little wrinlked now, but still actrative - Likes and dislikes :like reading and gardening ,going for long walk over hills - Her habit: making some thing or mending something ,or doing something to entertain herself - sts can take notes - sts look at the books - sts choose a friend or a teacher to describe(work in groups, on the poster) Suggested answers: Of all my friends, I like Ha Giang best She is my classmate, and we have been friend for a long time We met one day when she was looking for a books Which she needed in the school library She has a nice face, and when you meet her, the first you notice are her dark eyes She is someone I like beacause she is clever and has a good sense of humour We also have something common beacause we both like reading novels and watching films I hope that we will be friend forever Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (14) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) Period : 06 UNIT 1: LANGUAGE FOCUS Date of preparation: 26 / 08 / 2011 Date of teaching: 31 / 08 / 2011 A Objectives: Educational aims: - Students know some special qualities for true friendship Knowledge: - General Skills: - Speaking, writing B Methods: - Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: D Procedure: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1)Pronunciation: a) Warm – up: Show pictures of “Chair” & “Bridge” - Ask Ss to read those word and tell the differences - Ask Ss to give other words containing those sounds - Introduce the new lesson - Ask Ss to open their books b) Presentation: Listen and repeat: / / / / Jam dangerous children Dangerous passenger changeable Joke village cheese January July mutual Jail church Region june chair Choke -T models c) Practice: reading aloud these sentences(In the text book) (from to page 19) / / from to / / from to -T reads through and asks sts to practise( individually) -T corrects d) Production: - Ask Ss to work in group and find out which group the following words belong to group / / and group / / age, each, badge, coach, college, chew, Junks, joke, purchase, magic, match, tragic -T corrects and gives feedback - sts repeat in chorus - individually - half-half - Practice individually -Sts work in groups and find the answers(write answer on poster) Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (15) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) 2)Grammar: - Give example: Ha is eldest sister, her mother has to go out for something Mum says to Ha Mum: Ha, I want to suggest something Ha: Yes, Mum I am always ready to help you Mum : You shouldn’t let the children chase the cat, It’s very dangerous to that Ha: Yes, Mum I know - sets the situation on bb and asks sts to give the use of infinitive with “TO” and without “TO” - T: you know to use them? *Notes - Infinitive with “TO” is used to express a purpose a)The use of TO -_INF: - after some adjectives: - after “wh—” Ex: show me what to - With something, nothing, nowhere, anybody… Ex: I’ve got nothing to - After some verbs such as: decide, manage, want, hope, need, help… - subject - Object: Ex: He want to study English They decide to build a new house b)Form: + Present/simple present -active: to give, to describe , to work -passive: to be given, to be described(to be +past participle) + Continous infinitive: - active: to be + present participle: to be going, to be writing - passive: to be + being + past participle: to be being built + Perfect infinitive: -active: to have + past p: to have built -passive: to have + been + past p: to have been built + negative infinitive:NOT+infinitive: not to give ,not to have given ,not to be built c) Infinitive without “TO” + after modal verbs - look at some exs and answer the qs - Take notes in the notebook - Give some examples: Ex : I’m learning English to get a good job Ex: It’s impotant to learn English It’s is easy to get into bad habit Ex: I want to go out for a change Ex: : -To get into bad habit is easy -To pay taxes is every citizen’s duty -The children can sing a song -He will help you with the work Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (16) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) + after: HAD BETTER,WOULD RATHER/SOONER,RATHER THAN + V+O+bare –infinitive * verbs of preposition: hear, see, watch, notice, feel * verbs : make ,let ,have and bid + after :except, but, than Ex: He did nothing but watch TV 3) Practice : a) Task 1: Pay attention to the underlined words in the following sentences and correct them if necessary 1.Don’t make your parents to feel sad 2.I feel so sad I don’t have anyone to talk to 3.I have so many to today 4.I don’t know what the first 5.The teacher should let the sts to think for themseves 6.It’s very dangerous to go out at night b) Task : Fill in the blank with the given word To get, to use, to eat, cry, talk 1.We saw Peter …………to a girl 2.I don’t know how …… the computer I’m very hungry, I don’t have any thing ……… 4.I’m learning English…………a good job Nothing can make him………… c) Task 3: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences ,writing the main verb in the present simple and making the other an infinitive with TO(from to page 20) - Ask Ss to work in groups and task - Go around and give help - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their answer Ex: You had better take your father’s advice They decided to join volunteer work rather than go on holiday Ex: they saw someone go into the garden Ex: She let her children play game all the time - T gives handouts - Sts work in groups and the exercises - Each group write the answer on the bb * Answers: To feel………….feel To talk To Do…………to To think………think To go * Answers: talk to use to eat to get cry - work in groups and write the answer on bb who want something to eat I have some letters to write I was delighted to hear the news 4.My mother has some shopping to 5.you always have too much to talk about 6.It’s lovely to see you again 7.It’s too cold to go out 8.I’m happy to know that you Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (17) Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11( 2011-2012) have passed the exams 4) Home work: - Build the sentences ,using the cues given below: 1.i/have?some letters? Write 2.it/lovely/see/you again 3.english/important language/master 5.they/make/i/do/it - Do the rest exercises in the text book - Pepare the next lesson: unit 2(lesson 1: reading) Giáo viên Trần Thị Huyên Lop11.com (18)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 01:31

