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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 92 đến period 97

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-Tell ss about the content of the reading passage, ask them to scan task1,2 before reading -Ask them to number the lines and underline the new words or phrases while reading -Let them re[r]

(1)LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Date: March 28th , 2009 Period 92 UNIT 15 : SPACE CONQUEST LESSON : Reading I Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Express agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and state the reasons II Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures, III Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to provide help IV Procedure: Stages / timing Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Pre-reading (5’) -Ask ss to look at the pictures to answer suggested questions -Ask ss to look at the Qs below to work in pairs (ask and answer the Qs) -Look at the pictures in their books to answer suggested questions - Look at the Qs below to work in pairs (ask and answer) While-reading (25’) -Tell ss about the content of the reading passage, ask them to scan task1,2 before reading -Ask them to number the lines and underline the new words or phrases while reading -Let them read the passage in silence in 10 mins -Explain some main words: + conquest(n):/konkwest/ chinh phục + to bit good bye: chào tạm biẹt + feat(n): / fít/ kỳ công + orbit(n): quỹ đạo + psychological (a): thuộc tâm lý học + venture (n): mạo hiểm + cosmonaut(n): nhà du hành vũ trụ + aspiration(n): khát vọng + tension : căng thẳng -Ask ss to read out all these new words and write down on their notebooks a) Task 1/P154: -Ask ss to work individually on transparencies: Match the headings to the paragraphs Suggested answer: Par.1- B Par.2-D Par.3- E Par.4- C Par.5- A b) Task 2/P154: -Ask ss to read all the Qs of task then read the passage again -Ask them to work in pairs to ask and answer these Qs -Go around to help them if necessary->call some of pairs to report Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com -Listen to T’s explanation and scan task 1,2 befor reading -Number the lines and underline the new words or phrases -Read the passage in silence in 10 mins -Listen to T’s explanation of new words -Read out and write down all these new words -Do task -Work individually on their transparencies to match the headings to the paragraphs -Read all the Qs of task and read the passage again -Work in pairs to ask and answer these Qs -Report their results Thoi Quan High School (2) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Post-reading (13’) -Ask ss to read the requirement with the words in the box and the passage below -Let them to work in groups on transparencies Suggested answer: cosmonaut in space 3.lasted success gravity view impossible named after -Read the requirement with the words in the box and the passage below -Work in groups on their transparencies Homework (2’) -Ask them to finish part “ after you read “ and prepare part B -Finish this part at home -Prepare part B SUPPLEMENTS: Duyệt và nhận xét Tổ trưởng: Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Thoi Quan High School (3) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Date: March 29th , 2009 Period 93 UNIT 15 : SPACE CONQUEST LESSON : Speaking i Aim: -Ss will be able to ask and answer Qs on give information -They will talk about histortcal events in the space conquest II Lexical items: -Break through(n)/ artificial(a)/ sputnik(n) III Teaching aids: IV Procedure: 1.Warm – up:5’ 2.Presentation Stages / timing Teacher’s activities Pre-speaking (10’) Task -Ask ss to read the article about the problem in which China launched its first manned spacecraft “ Shenzhou 5: and sent its first astronaut, 38- year old yang Liwei to the space -Ask them to work in pairs to ask and answer as the example given: 1.What’s the name of China’s first manned spacecraft: 2.What is the name of the astronaut? 3.How old was he when he flew into space? How important is the successful flight to China? How many countries in the world have been able to carry front independently manned space activities? What are they? While-speaking (20’) -Ask ss to work in groups to talk about the important events in the space conquest(Ask them to use the simple past tense to say) -Ask them to read the information below before working -Explain some new words: + artificial(adj) + sputnik(n)… -Go around to help groups if necessary -Call some of groups to report -Give comment On October ,1957 the first artificial satellite “ Sputnik” which was made by the USSR, was launched into space It marked the beginning of Space Age One month later, on 3rd November 1957 , a dog named Laika was first living thing being in space It was a broad Sputnik Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Students’ activities -Read the article about the problem in which China launched its first manned spacecraft “ Shenzhou 5: and sent its first astronaut, 38- year old Yang Liwei to the space -Work in pairs to ask and answer as the example given -Work in groups to talk about the important events in the space conquest (using the simple past tense to say) -Read the information below before working -Listen T’s explanation of some new words -Practise talking about the task Thoi Quan High School (4) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 After that , on 12th April 1961, YURI Gagarin , a 27-year-old Russian cosmonaut, became the first human in space His flight lasted 108 minutes Then on 16th June 1963, Valentina Tereskova, a Russian cosmonaut , became the first woman in space On 20th 1969, two American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were the first people to set foot on the Moon The first Vietnamese in space was Pham Tuan Along with a Russian cosmonaut, V.V.Gorbatko, he stayed days in orbit At the age of 77, John Glenn, an American astronaut, was the oldest human ever to fly to the space on 29th October 1998 Not long ago , on 15th October 2003, Yang Liwei , 38years old, became the first Chinese to spend 21 hours in space Post-speaking (13’) Homework (2’) _ Check ss’ talks Give feedback -Some of groups report their results _ Ask ss to practise more about the lesson at home -Ask ss to prepare part C _ Remember the task Period 94 Test Correction SUPPLEMENTS: Duyệt và nhận xét Tổ trưởng: Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Thoi Quan High School (5) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Date: April 6th , 2009 Period 95 UNIT 15 : SPACE CONQUEST LESSON : Listening i.Aim: -Through the monologue, ss will be able to exercises on deciding true or false statements -They will have to answer comprehensive questions II Lexical items: -Congress(n)/ reminder(n)/ challenge/ NASSA III Teaching aids: IV Procedure: 1.Warm – up:5’ 2.Presentation: Stages / timing Teacher’s activities -Ask ss about the pictures content Pre-listening (10’) -Let them read the captions below -Ask them to match the pictures with the captions on their transparencies -Give the answer key -Introduce the words which are going to appearance in the listening passage + congress(n) + reminder(n) + challenge + NASSA -Ask them to read out then write down 1.d a c e b While-listening (25’) Presented by Task 1: -Explain the content of the listening passage -Ask ss to read the requirement and information of task especially notice the key words + launch(v) + spacecraft(n) + Moon surface + suitcase with oxygen (phr) + Flag(n) - SS listen to the tape twice then share their answer with their partner - T checks Ss’ answer by calling on some Ss and asks Ss to explain their answer.T gives the correct answer: 1.F ( he challenged the nation to put a man on the Moon) 2.F ( there were three astronauts) Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Students’ activities -Answer T’s questions of pictures content -Read the captions below - Match the pictures with the captions on their transparencies -Listen to T’s explanation of the words which are going to appearance in the listening passage -Read out and write down all these new words -Listen to T’s explanation of the content of the listening passage -Read the requirement and information of task and notice the key words Thoi Quan High School (6) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 F ( Neil Amstrong was to first to land on the moon, next is Buzz Aldrin) 4.F ( The spacesuit had a portable life surport system) 5.T Task 2.Answering the Questions -asks Ss to read the qs carefully and listen to the tape twice and note down the answers and write down only the main points in note form - T gets Ss to check their answer with a partner Then T checks the answer again by playing the tape and pause at a difficult points if many Ss can not complete the task Suggested answer 1.NaSA’s Apollo programme On July 16th, 1969 For controlling the oxygen, temperature and pressure inside the spacesuit For two and a half hour They performed a variety of experients and collected soil and rock samples to return to the Earth On July 24, 1969 Post-listeing (8’) - Asks Ss to discuss two qs on page 173 in groups of - T checks their answer by calling on some groups to report their answer others give comment Group work and whole class Homework (2’) Give task for ss to at home “ Learn by heart the vocabulary And prepare for the next lesson_part of writing Listen and remember SUPPLEMENTS: Duyệt và nhận xét Tổ trưởng: Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Thoi Quan High School (7) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Date: April 8th , 2009 Period 96 UNIT 15 : SPACE CONQUEST LESSON : Writing i.Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a biography II Lexical items: -biography(n) current position(phr), achievement(n), failures(n) III Teaching aids: textbook and referent book IV Procedure: 1.Warm – up:5’ 2.Presentation Stages / timing Pre-writing (10’) Presented by Students’ activities Task -T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the given _ Pair work / Group work information on page 174 and put each of the heading in the box in the appropriate blank -T checks the answer with the whole class 1.Date of birth place of birth known as career Quote - T may elicit quickly some words: + B.S: Bachelor of Science ( cu nhan khoa hoc) + M.S: Master of science ( thac si khoa hoc) + resign(v) leave job ( tu chuc, tub o cong viec) + to be appointed: to be selected for a position ( de cu, de bat) + leap(v) a long and high jump ( nhay vot) While-writing (20’) Post-writing (13’) Teacher’s activities Task -T asks ss to read the given information again _ Individual work , pair work and and write the biography in 15’ T can call on whole class two ss to go to the board to write -Ss share their writing with a partner - Check ss’ writing and give feedback Suggested answer: _ Pay attention to the suggested Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, is known writing and copy down the one as the first person to walk on the moon He was born on August 5th, 1930 in Wapokoneta in Ohio From 1949 to 1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy In 1955 Armstrong received his B.S from Purdue University Later in 1962, he joined the NASA astronaut programme On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon’s surface In 1970, he received his M.S from the University of Southern California a year later, he resigned from NASA , and from 1971 to 1979 he taught Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Thoi Quan High School (8) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 at University of Cincinati In 1986, Armstrong was appointed vice chairman of the committee that investigated the space shuttle Challenger disaster He is well- known for his quote “ that on small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” Homework (2’) _ Ask ss to rewrite the task of the lesson on notebook at home _ Prepare part E ( language focus) _ Remember the task SUPPLEMENTS: Duyệt và nhận xét Tổ trưởng: Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Thoi Quan High School (9) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Date: April 10th , 2009 Period 97 UNIT 15 : SPACE CONQUEST LESSON : Language focus I Aims: -Ss will be able to pronounce correctly consonant clusters: /nt/; /nd/; /no/; /ns/, / nz/ -They understand and use correctly(well) tag question and to all exercises and solve communicative tasks II Lexical items: III Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, boards, … IV Procedure: Stages / timing Pronunciati on 13’ Teacher’s activities Students’ activities -T models the clusters /nt/, /nd/ , /no/, /ns/and /nz/ for a few time and explain how to produce - whole class , pair-work them E.g; when produce /nt/ ss should produce/n/ first and quickly switch on /t/ , ……… - play the tape and ss repeat twice Calls on some ss practice - Asks ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given dialogue p.175 - calls on some pairs to read the dialogue again E.g – My father could speak five langues He is able to use them well now We use “ could” is the past of “can” especially - Individual work, pair work and Grammar with : see hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, whole class 30’ understand + we also use “could” to say that somebody had the general ability or permission to st + We use “ could/ were was able to “ for general ability , but when someone managed to st we use “were/ was able to” instead of “ could” -ss ex.1 Then share with their partner Suggested answer: couldn’t/ wasn’t able to was able to could/ was able to was able to could/ was able to couldn’t/ wasn’t able to Ex.2+3 Tag question E.g – It is a beautiful day, isn’t it? - You can speak French, can’t you? -T asks ss to give the comment and give form of tag qs + S + V , be/ auxiliary verb in negative form + S? + S + negative form of verb( don’t/ doesn’t….), V/ auxiliary verb in positive form + s? -Have ss Ex 2,3 individually then share their answer with a partner -suggested answer: Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Thoi Quan High School Lop11.com (10) LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Ex.2 It’s very expensive, isn’t it” The film was great, wasn’t it? She has got a lovely voice , doesn’t she? ……………… Ex.3 doesn’t she haven’t you wasn’t it didn’t we won’t we can’t you mustn’t it - Do all exercises and prepare unit 16 part A Homework _ Remember the task 2’ SUPPLEMENTS: Duyệt và nhận xét Tổ trưởng: Presented by Khưu Chí Thành Lop11.com Thoi Quan High School (11)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 00:48
