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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Tiết 63 - Unit 10: Nature in danger

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* Asking the students to work in groups in turn come to the board, matching the reasons in activity 1 with possible measures for protecting endangered nature * Teacher checks the matchin[r]

(1)LESSON PLAN Unit 10 : NATURE IN DANGER Period : 63 Classes : 11 A2 , A3 Date of preparation : 28 / 01 / 2008 Date of teaching : 29 / 01 / 2008 Teaching item : SPEAKING I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES + LANGUAGE CONTENT : * To provide students with some vocabulary related to the threatened nature * Students know the reason why the nature is threatened and give measures to solve them + LANGUAGE FUNCTION : * To talk about nature in danger and measures for protecting endangered nature + EDUCATIONAL AIM : * To educate in students appreciate the importance of nature 1/ Languages : * Vocabulary : + fur (n) + skin (n) + pet (n) + capture (v) + discourage (v) + cultivate (v) * Structures: + Planting should be encouraged + Animals should not be captured for recreation and entertainment 2/ Skill : Speaking 3/ Educational factor : * To help students be aware of protecting wild animals to make a good ecosystem II) TEACHER AND STUDENTS' PREPARATION 1/ Method : Communicative approach 2/ Techniques : Game: Hot seat, Eliciting , Synonym, Role play , Sample dialogue… 3/ Materials needed : Textbook , Colour chalk , Handout , Pictures 4/ Students' preparation : * Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school * Prepare the keys for task 1,2,3 III) PROCEDURES IN CLASS Stabilization : (1 minute) * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation Checking-up the previous knowledge : (5 minutes) * Calling one student to B/B: + Answer the questions: What are the four ways by which human beings are changing the world ? What are the serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment ? What has been done to protect the environment ? * Correcting the mistakes , giving remarks and marking Answer keys Four ways that people are changing the world are: + They are changing the environment by building cities and villages + They are affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture + They are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests + They are destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from automobile motors Lop11.com The serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment are: (2) + many kinds of rare animals are killed + the environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed + the numbers of rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct Many things should be done to preserve endangered nature, such as: + Many organizations have been set up and money has been raised + Thousands of national parks have been established + Laws have been passed to prohibit killing endangered animals Presentation of the new materials SPECIFIC STAGES TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 8ms Warmer: Game: Hot Seat * Dividing the class into groups to play the game + One person from each group comes to the front of the class, facing their back to the board Teacher writes word by word on B/B The rest students of the group explain the word without saying the exact word on B/B + The group that can say out the right word first will win the game List of the words: Environment / industry / pollutants / cutting trees / building cities / + Declaring the winner Lead in: * Having the students look at the list of words on B/B * Asking the students : From the words given above, who can guess the topic we are going to discuss today ? * Emphasizing on the students’ answers and introducing the new lesson * Writing the lesson down Unit 10 : NATURE IN DANGER Period 63 : SPEAKING  STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES * Dividing the class into groups to play the game Unit 10 : NATURE IN DANGER Period 63 : SPEAKING * Having a look at the list of words on B/B * Answering the questions * Writing the lesson down Pre speaking: Pre teach vocabulary * Introducing the new words to the * Students write down the new words students cultivate ['kɑltiveit] : (v)cày cấy, trồng trọt 5ms New words: cultivate ['kɑltiveit] : (v)cày cấy, trồng trọt  cultivation [,kɑlti'vei∫n] discharge [dis't∫ɑ:dɑ] = release  cultivation [,kɑlti'vei∫n] discharge [dis't∫ɑ:dɑ] = release discourage [dis'kɑridɑ] discourage [dis'kɑridɑ] làm hết can đảm, làm chán nản, làm ngã lòng, làm nản lòng ( + from) can ngăn (ai làm việc gì) làm hết can đảm, làm chán nản, làm ngã lòng, làm nản lòng ( + from) can ngăn (ai làm việc gì) capture ['kæpt∫ə] bắt giữ, bắt * Asking the students to read the THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON * Reading the words after the teacher in chorus Lop11.com capture ['kæpt∫ə] bắt giữ, bắt (3) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON words after the teacher in chorus 5ms 10ms 10 ms Activity 2: * Asking the students to close books and think about the reason why animals are threatened * Calling some pairs to act out Task 1: (p.118) * killing endangered animals for fur , skin and food * keeping animals as pets * hunting or capturing animals for recreation or entertainment * burning forests * cutting down trees for wood * using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation * discharging chemical pollutants into the environment While speaking: Task : (Page 118) Matching * Hanging on a chart with possible measures for protecting endangered nature which prepared beforehand on each slice Example: killing endangered animals for fur , skin and food should be banned Planting trees should be encouraged … * Asking the students to work in groups in turn come to the board, matching the reasons in activity with possible measures for protecting endangered nature * Teacher checks the matching if they are suitable Answer key: Example: Reason: killing endangered animals for fur , skin and food Measures: killing endangered animals for fur , skin and food should be banned all kinds of animals and plants should be protected * Calling some pairs to act out the reasons and the measures Post speaking Task : (Page 118) * Thinking about the reason why animals are threatened * Some pairs act out Task (Page 118) The reason why animals are threatened * killing endangered animals for fur , skin and food * keeping animals as pets * hunting or capturing animals for recreation or entertainment * burning forests * cutting down trees for wood * using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation * discharging chemical pollutants into the environment * Looking at the chart * Working in groups to match the reasons in activity with possible measures for protecting endangered nature * Some pairs act out Lop11.com Task : (Page 118) Matching (4) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES Making a conversations * Asking the students to work in pairs to make a conversation using the passive voice of SHOULD to combine the ideas in activity with activity Sample conversation St 1: Do you know these days people are cutting down a lot of trees in the forests for wood ? St 2: Yes, I / Oh , really ? I think laws should be introduced to stop people from cutting trees for wood St 1: You’re right And planting trees should be encouraged St 2: Yeah , … * Modeling the conversation with a good student * Having the two students the same, looking at their partner when they speak * Asking the students to work in pairs simultaneously * Moving around to give help * Calling some pairs to go in front of the class to act out B : On May 15 It’s best to deliver it in the morning A : Right Can you fill in this form ? Please write the address clearly 1m HOMEWORK: * Asking the students to write down the homework + Prepare LISTENING STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON * Working in pairs to choose one of the situations in the textbook to make a conversation * Some pairs go in front of Task : Page 118 the class to act out Making a conversation * Writing down the homework + Prepare LISTENING HOMEWORK: + Prepare LISTENING Self-evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (5)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 21:56

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