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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 năm 2009 - Period 74 đến period 78

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T asks Ss to practice in pairs to play the conversation in task 1 and pay Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com... attention to these structures: - The [r]

(1)LESSON PLAN Period 74 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Lesson 1: Reading Date: 25 / 02 / 2009 I Aims: help develop Ss’ reading skill - reading about The Asian Games II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: + Understand the passage; guess the meaning of some words based on contexts + Scan for special detail + Remember some events about Asian Games III Skills: - Main skill: Reading - Sub skills: Speaking - Listening - Writing IV Method / techniques : Communicative approach V Teaching aids / Visual aids : Pictures , handouts ,… VI Procedures : STAGES / TIMING TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES FOCUS / SKILLS Warm-up Game: Chatting T – Ss 3’ T shows some pictures of Ly Duc and Van Mach then asks some Ss work in groups questions about them? Expected answers: Who are they? They are Ly Duc and Van Mach What they do? They are athletes What they have in common? They have won gold and silver medals in bodybuilding in the Lead-in: Asian Games Introduction Who else has won the golden medals in the Asian Games? T - Ss 1’ Which sports you think are the strongest of Vietnam? Ss listen to T T introduces the new lesson: Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES – Lesson 1: Reading Pre-reading T – Ss Ss – Ss 3’ Setting the scene: You are going to read a text about the Asian Games Look at the pictures on p.136 What they tell you about the Asian Games? T asks Ss to work in groups On their notebooks, T asks them to add to the charts Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss work in groups and the task Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (2) What I know about Asian game? Pre- teach Vocabulary T - Ss 5’ Ind 3’ While- reading: Ind 5’ S–S Ss - T T - Ss Ind 10’ S–S Ss - T T - Ss Questions I’d like to ask about Asian Games How often are the Asian games held? What I learn from the text A lot of sports are introduced in the Asian Games * Pre - teaching vocabulary: - effort / ´ef6t / (n) : (synonym) attempt - aquatic /6´kw`tik /(a) : (explanation) ( sport ) connected with water E.g.: aquatic sport = sport connected with water Môn thể thao nước - to advance /6d´vâ:ns /(v): (synonym) to make progress - to appreciate /6´prb:~ieit / (v): (definition) to understand the value of sb / sth - facility /f6si´l6ti / (n): (explanation) equipment that is provided for a particular purpose - enthusiasm /in´8ju:zi`zm / (n) (situation) nhiệt tình E.g.: She is interested in teaching She never loses ……… for teaching T asks Ss to read the text silently to get general comprehension Task1: Fill each blank with a suitable word T asks Ss to Task T asks Ss to exchange the results with partners T calls some Ss to the front to read the results T gives feedback Task 2: Scan the passage and complete the table T asks Ss to Task T asks Ss to exchange the results with partners T calls some Ss to the front to read the results T gives feedback Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss listen and take notes Ss learn some new words Ss read and get main ideas Ss find the meaning of the word in the box, and then find each blank with a suitable word Ss compare the results and correct the mistakes (pair work)s Ss listen to their friends and give remarks Expected answers : facility aquatic enthusiasm effort advancing appreciated Ss scan the passage and complete the following table(individual) Ss compare the results and correct the mistakes (pair work) Ss listen to their friends and give remarks Ss take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (3) Year (1)… 1954 (3)… …… 1998 (5)… Events st The Asian Games began in New Delhi, India Boxing, shooting and wrestling were added at (2)…………………………………………… Tennis, volleyball, table tennis and hockey were added at the 3rd Asian Games held in Tokyo, Japan (4)……………………………… were introduced at the 13th Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand The 14th Asian Games were held in Bussan, Korea Ind 10’ S–S Ss - T T - Ss Task 3: Answer the following questions T asks Ss to read the text silently and answer their questions T asks Ss to compare their answers with a partner T has Ss work in pairs, asking and answering the questions T calls on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class T gives feedback Post - reading Ss – Ss 4’ Ss – T T - Ss * Discussion T has Ss to work in groups of four or five and name the sports in which Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at the Asian Games T calls the representative of some groups to give their ideas in front of the class T gives feedback Homework T – Ss 1’ T summarizes the main points T assigns homework + Write a summary (about 80 words) to tell about the Asian Games Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Expected answers: Year Events st (1)1951 The Asian Games began in New Delhi, India 1954 Boxing, shooting and wrestling were added at (2) the 2nd Asian Games in Manila, the Philippines (3)1958 Tennis, volleyball, table tennis and hockey were added at the 3rd Asian Games held in Tokyo, Japan 1998 (4) Squash, rugby, fencing and mountain hiking were introduced at the 13th Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand (5)2002 The 14th Asian Games were held in Bussan, Korea Ss read the text silently and answer their questions Ss compare their answers with a partner Ss work in pairs, asking and answering the questions Some pairs ask and answer the questions in front of the class Ss listen and take notes Expected answers: The purpose of the Asian Games is developing intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia 9,919 participants from 44 countries took part in the 14th Asian Games Vietnamese athletes won gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards and others in women’s karatedo Ss work in groups of four or five and name the sports in which Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at the Asian Games The representative of some groups gives their ideas in front of the class Ss take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (4) LESSON PLAN Period 75 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Lesson 2: Speaking Date: 25 / 02 / 2009 I Aims: help develop Ss’ speaking skill - talking about the Asian Games II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: + ask for and give information about Asian Games + express their own ideas about sports results and about their favorite games or athletes III Skills: - Main skill: Speaking - Sub skills: Listening - Reading - Writing IV Method / techniques : Communicative approach V Teaching aids/ Visual aids: Pictures, handouts, pictures, VI Procedures : STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm-up T – Ss 7’ Introduction T - Ss 1’ Pre- speaking Ss – T 5’ T – Ss While- speaking S–S 10’ T – Ss TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ Game: T puts the class into two groups T asks Ss to write the words describing the pictures T asks Ss to arrange the first letters into another meaningful word T introduces new lesson: Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES – Lesson 2: Speaking * Pre-teach vocabulary: T uses pictures to teach Vocabulary Useful language - Use simple past to talk about events in the past - Passive Voice can be used to talk about the year the Asian games took place Example: The first Asian games are held in 1951 in New Delhi, India Ss work in two teams Group 1: write the name under the pictures ( newspaper, sea, ink-pot, apple, arm) Group 2: (snail, goose, elephant, mouse, ant) Word expected: ASIAN GAMES Ss listen to T Ss look at the pictures and find the words - Asian Games: the opening ceremony of the 14th Asian Games - Bodybuilding: Ly Duc – Nguyen Van Mach - Billiards: Truong Dinh Hoa - Karatedo: Vu Kim Anh – Nguyen Trong Bao Ngoc - Shooting: Nguyen Manh Tuong - Wushu: Nguyen Ngoc Oanh – Nguyen Thi My Duc Task1: Ask and answer questions about the Asian Games, using the information from the given table T asks Ss to practice in pairs to play the conversation in task and pay Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com ACTIVITIES (5) Ss – Ss 13’ Ss – T T - Ss Post-speaking Ss - Ss 7’ Homework T – Ss 2’ attention to these structures: - The simple past ( passive & active ) - When and where / games / held? - How many countries/ took part ……? - How many sports were there…………? Note: Using cued dialogue T walks around the class T monitors these activities so that the Ss can get help when they need T selects some pairs at random and asks them to play the roles in front of the class T gives comments Ss use the table in textbook to practice Ss base on the cued dialogue on the board and practicing in pairs - A: Where and when were the 2nd Asian Games held? - B: They were held in 1954 in Philippines - A: How many countries took part in the Games? - B: Eighteen - A: How many sports were there at the games? - B: Eight Ss practise the dialogue in pairs Some pairs act out the dialogue in front of the class Task 2: Talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games, using the information from the given table T asks Ss to match the names of the athletes, who won the medals in the sports in textbook T asks Ss to practice in groups of six and talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games T asks Ss to pay attention to the structure: simple past as example T monitors and helps if Ss need T asks each group to select the representative to report Ss work in groups (discussing) Ss match as the teacher’s request No Ss work in groups of six Ss report in front of the class For example: In bodybuilding, Ly Duc won one gold medal and Nguyen Van Mach won one bronze medal T asks some questions about the 16th Asian Games: When will the 16th Asian Games be held? Where will it be held? Do you think it will be held in Vietnam? Why / why not? T asks Ss to practice asking and answering the above questions T summarizes the main points T assigns homework + Write down Task in the notebooks Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss answer the questions:  In 2010  In Quang Chau – China  Up to the students’ ideas Ss practice in pairs Ss take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (6) LESSON PLAN Period 76 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES I Aims: Help Ss develop their listening skill - listening to the passage about the Asian Games II Objectives: At the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: - listen to specific information - express their own ideas about the Asian Games III Skills: - Main skill: Listening - Sub skills: Speaking – Reading - Writing IV Method / techniques: Communicative approach V Teaching aids: Pictures, handouts, cassette player, tape VI Procedures: STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm-up Ss – Ss 5’ TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ T asks Ss two questions: Name some gymnastics you know? What you call a person who displays in gymnastics? Introduction T – Ss 1’ T introduces new lesson: Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES – Lesson 3: Listening Pre- listening S–S 4’ * T asks Ss the following questions: What are the names of these sports? Have you ever watched sports like these on television? Which sports you like best? Why? * Listen and repeat: Coming live freestyle gymnasium Land bar gymnast Lee Bong- Ju Vichai T explains the meaning of some words - to come live : (explanation) to be sent out while the event is actually happening, not recorded first and broadcasting later - freestyle (n) (picture): môn bơi tự - gymnasium (n) = gym  gymnast (n): a person who performs gymnastics in a competition - bar (n) (picture): xà T – Ss T – Ss 4’ 5’ Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Lesson 3: Listening ACTIVITIES Ss work in pairs and answer the questions Marathon, Long jump, Weightlifting, Javelin, Pole vaulting, High jump, Swimming 2.We call him / her a gymnast Ss listen to T Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions Expected answers: Gymnastics, Long jump, High jump, Weightlifting Yes / No I like …………… best Because …………… Ss listen and repeat after T Ss listen and take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com Date: 27 / 02 / 2009 (7) - to land (v) (gesture): đáp xuống đất T reviews how to speak : 10h15 / 10h30 T checks and corrects pronunciation While - listening Ind 10’ S–S T– Ss Ind S–S T - Ss 10’ Post –listening Ind 5’ Homework T – Ss 1’ Task 1: Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for the given questions T gives Ss minutes to read task carefully T asks Ss to listen to the tape twice and circle the best answers T gets Ss to compare their answers with their partner T checks the answer with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the question, play the tape once or more times pause at the answer for them to catch T plays the tape again to check their answers Task : Listen again, and answer the following questions T checks if Ss can answer the questions in task without listening again T has Ss read through the questions, underlining the key words T lets Ss to listen to the tape again to answer the questions by noting down the answers( only main points) T checks with the whole class Role play: T has Ss play the role of an interviewer and an athlete who has just taken part in Asian Games He or she has just set a new record or has just failed the competition T lets the interviewer to interview him/her to ask about his/her preparation for the games, his/her experiences…, the feeling after the moment… T calls on some pairs to act out the conservation in front of the class T gives feedback T summarizes the main points T assigns homework - Write a report on a game of football in your school Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss read task carefully in minutes Ss listen to the tape twice and circle the best answers Ss compare their answers with their partner Ss listen and take notes Ss take notes Expected answers: C 2.A 3.B 4.B D Ss read through the questions, underlining the key words Ss listen to the tape again to answer the questions by noting down the answers( only main points) Ss take notes Expected answers: It was at 10.15 p m They have won gold medals He has participated in the long jump times High jump He looked very disappointed Ss play the role of an interviewer and an athlete who has just taken part in Asian Games He or she has just set a new record or has just failed the competition T lets the interviewer to interview him/her to ask about his/her preparation for the games, his/her experiences…, the feeling after the moment… T calls on some pairs to act out the conservation in front of the class Ss listen and take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (8) LESSON PLAN Period 77 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Lesson 4: Writing Date: 27 / 02/ 2009 I Aims: help develop Ss’ writing skill – writing a description from a chart II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: + read the information from the chart + write a description from a chart III Skills: - Main skill: Writing - Sub skills: Reading – Speaking - Listening IV Method / Techniques: Communicative approach V Teaching aids: Pictures, handouts, VI Procedures : STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm-up T – Ss 3’ Introduction T – Ss 1’ Pre-writing S–S 6’ T – Ss Ss – T TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ Game : Shark attack T gives Ss the clue: This is a noun T asks Ss to guess each letter of the whole word For each wrong guess, the boy has to move down step and the shark will attack him The game goes on until the word is uncovered Ss will loose if the shark reaches the boy before the word is found ACTIVITIES Ss work in groups Ss play the game * The word to find: Facility T introduces new lesson Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES – Lesson 4: Writing Pre-teaching vocabulary: In pairs, T asks Ss to match a word in A with a line in B to find out the meaning of the new words to up grate(v) a to advertise sth in order to make it popular to promote(v) b to find a new people to join an organization to recruit(v) c to change something so that it of a higher standard Useful language: Sequence adverbs First /firstly / first of all…… Then… Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 In pairs, Ss match a word in A with a line in B to find out the meaning of the new words to up grate(v) c to change something so that it of a higher standard to promote(v) a to advertise sth in order to make it popular to recruit(v) b to find a new people to join an organization Ss listen and take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (9) Ss - Ss 5’ Ss – T T - Ss While-writing S–S Ss – T T – Ss 10’ Next,…… Finally… Structure: - need to be + p.p = need + V-ing - have to V TASK 1: Match the verbs in column A with the noun phrases in column B (books closed) T asks Ss to work in groups to match the verbs in column A with the noun phrases in column B A B build a the training area upgrade b one more National Stadium widen c people to serve the Games equip d the National Sports Centers advertise e hotels with modern facilities recruit f a competition to choose an official song hold g sports – places – dates and time T checks the answers and gives feedback T sets the situation: “Suppose Viet Nam is going to hold the Asian Games what will we have to to prepare for the Games?” TASK 2: Answer the questions T asks Ss to task in pairs T gives help if necessary T checks the answers What will you (your country) first? Will we have to upgrade the National sports Centers and Stadium? Why? What about the training areas and the roads? Will we have to equip the hotels and guest houses? What will we equip them with? What for? Which form of mass media will be used to advertise all the preparations for the Games? Who will you recruit to serve the Games? What competition will we have to hold? Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss work in groups to match the verbs in column A with the noun phrases in column B Answer keys: – b → build one more National Stadium – d → upgrade the National Sports Centers – a → widen the training areas – e → equip hotels with modern facilities – g → advertise sports, places, dates and time – c → recruit people to serve the Games – g → hold a competition to choose an official song Ss work in pairs, asking and answering the questions Ss take notes Suggested answers: We’ll have to build one more National Stadium and some sports buildings and car parks Because they are not in good condition We will widen the training areas, the roads and the sport buildings We will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with more facilities to welcome athletes and visitors The radio and television will be used for advertising We should recruit university teachers and students with good English We should hold a competition to choose an official song for the coming Asian Games Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (10) Ss – Ss 10’ Post- writing Ss – Ss 4’ Ss – Ss 5’ Ss- T T - Ss Homework T – Ss 1’ TASK 3: Write a passage (about 120 words) to describe the preparations for the Games (books open) T asks Ss to write the passage, using the given ideas and connections and conjunctions Connections: first, next, then, finally, … Conjunctions: because, so, moreover, … T goes around and gives help as needed Ss write the passage in groups Sample passage: To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we will have a lot of things to First of all, we will build one more stadium, some sports buildings and car parks The National sports Centers and local stadiums are not in good condition, so they need to be upgraded Besides that, we will widen the training areas and the sports buildings Then we will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with the modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors The hotel should also have special service for disable athletes It is necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and television Finally, we need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games these people should be university teachers and students with good English One more important thing is that we will have to hold a competition to choose an official song for welcoming the Asian Games T asks Ss to exchange their writing to correct the writings T asks Ss to comments on the other’s writing Discussion Imagine Vietnam is going to hold the coming Asian Games What should we to meet the need of modern facilities for the Games T asks Ss to work in groups to talk about the preparations for the next Asian Games T mixes the groups to share ideas T asks Ss to give their groups’ ideas in front of the class Ss take notes in their notebooks T summarizes the main points T assigns homework + Write a paragraph into their notebook Ss take notes Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss work in groups to talk about the preparations for the next Asian Games The groups share ideas Ss give their groups’ ideas in front of the class Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (11) LESSON PLAN Period 78 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Lesson 5: Language Focus Date: 01 / 03 / 2008 I Aims: - Pronunciation : /str/ , /skr/ , /skw/ - Grammar: Relative Clauses – omission of relative pronouns II Objectives: At the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: + pronounce correctly the sounds /str/ /skr/ /skw/ + revise the use of Relative clauses + understand and write sentences with omission of relative pronouns III Skills: - Main skill: Speaking - Writing - Sub skills: Listening - Reading IV Method / Techniques : Communicative approach V Teaching aids : Pictures , sub boards ,… VI Procedures : STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm - up Ss – Ss 4’ Introduction Ind 4’ Ss - T T – Ss TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ Game: Sentence completion T hangs a flipchart of some words on the board Square strong squeezed screamed Street screen strange scratch The…………man standing in the……look very…………… In the…………… a little girl………aloud when she saw a deep………………on her leg My mother…………an orange and put it on the………table in front of my face T asks Ss to find words beginning with str- to complete the 1st sentence, scr- for the 2nd and skw- for the 3rd T sets the time limited in minute Lead – in: T asks Ss to read the sentences aloud and asks Ss some questions: The first three words has the same sound Which sound is it? Which is the same sound for the second three words? How about the last two words? “Today we are going to distinguish the difference between the consonant clusters /str/, /skr/, /skw/ Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss work in groups and the task Expected answers: strange - street - strong screen – screamed – scratch squeezed – square Ss read the sentences aloud and answer the questions  /str/  /skr/  / skw/ Ss listen to T Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com ACTIVITIES (12) T introduces new lesson: Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES – Lesson 5: Language Focus I Pronunciation: T – Ss 10’ Ind S–S Ss - T I PRONUNCIATION: * Listen and repeat: T shows Ss how to pronounce these sounds T reads as model twice and gets Ss to repeat T helps Ss to read the words in the book to distinguish the three sounds T calls on some Ss to read the words clearly in front of the class Checking: T numbers sounds; T says the words consist of one of them Ss listen and say the proper number (without books) * Practice reading aloud the dialogue: T asks Ss to work in pairs and practice the dialogue after T reads the dialogue as model T calls on some Ss to practice in front of the class II Grammar and Vocabulary Ss – Ss 7’ T – Ss II GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: Restrictive Relative Clauses and the omission of relative pronouns T asks Ss to recall the use of relative clause a Relative pronouns as subject: - The woman who/that lives next door is a doctor - Where’s the cheese which/ that was in the fridge?  The pronouns who/which/that can be the subject of relative clause b Relative pronouns as object: - The woman whom/ that I wanted to see was away - You can get back the tax which/ that you’ve paid  The pronouns which/whom/that can be the object of a relative clause c Omission of relative pronouns: We can leave out the pronoun when it is not the subject of the relative clause Clause without pronouns are very common in informal English E.g.: The woman Mary met know your sister The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss listen to the teacher Ss repeat sounds, and then words in chorus & individually Ss practice pronouncing three sounds several times Ss read the words in the book to distinguish the two sounds /str/ /skr/ /skw/ street scream square strong screen squeeze strange screw squeak strength scratch squeal Some Ss read the words clearly in front of the class Ss work in pairs and practice the dialogue after T reads the dialogue as model Some Ss practice in front of the class Ss recall the use of relative clause Ss listen and take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (13) Ind 5’ S–S Ss – T T - Ss Ind 5’ S–S Ss – T T - Ss Ind 5’ S–S Ss – T T - Ss Exercise 1: Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable sentence in the box to make a relative clause without a relative pronoun T explains how to exercise T asks Ss to it individually, then compare with their partners T gives help as needed T calls on some Ss to write down their answers on the board T corrects the sentences and gives feedback Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable sentence in the box to make a relative clause with a preposition T explains how to exercise T asks Ss to it individually, then compare with their partners T gives help as needed T calls on some Ss to write down their answers on the board T corrects the sentences and gives feedback Exercise 3: Tick ()the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted T asks Ss to work individually and tick the sentence in which the relative pronoun can be omitted T moves around and gives help if necessary T calls on some Ss to write the answers on the board T checks with the class as a whole Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Ss listen and take notes Ss exercise1, and then compare with the partners Some Ss write down their answers on the board Ss take notes Expected answers: Have you found the bike you lost? Most of the classmates he invited to the party couldn’t come The short stories John told were very funny The dictionary I bought yesterday is expensive, but very interesting I didn’t like the man we met this morning The beef we had for lunch was really delicious Ss listen and take notes Ss exercise2, and then compare with the partners Some Ss write down their answers on the board Ss take notes Expected answer : I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with The dinner party we went to wasn’t very enjoyable The house we’re living in is no tin good condition I wasn’t interested in the things they were talking about He didn’t get the job he applied for The bed I slept in was very modern Ss work individually and tick the sentence in which the relative pronoun can be omitted Ss to write the answers on the board Ss take notes Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (14) T draws out the rules We can omit the relative pronouns if they are the object in the relative clauses Ind 4’ S-S Ss – T T - Ss Homework T – Ss 1’ Expected answer :  The girl who we are going to see is from Britain  He works for a company that makes cars  What was the name of the man who you met yesterday?  The table that was broken has now been repaired  Do you know the girl who he is talking to?  This is the novel that I’ve been expecting T asks Ss to make their own sentences beginning with these phrases: Do you like the book _? That was the lady _ I will tell you a story _ Tom’s friend, Ss make sentences of their own Ss compare with their partners T summarizes the main points T assigns homework + Rewrite the three exercises into their notebooks + Make 10 sentences with pronouns they have learned Ss take notes Lesson plan: Tieáng Anh 11 Prepared by NGUYEÃN VUÕ HOÀNG LINH Lop11.com (15)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 21:51
