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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 66 đến period 77

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D 3- New lesson 30’ Teacher's Activities Students' Activities 1.Warm up: 4mn: Asks sts to work in groups to find out the words which refer to the post office , they studied in the readin[r]

(1)Date of preparation:13/01/2008 Period 66: Unit 11 : Sources of energy A- Reading I- objectives: Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get information about the human's present resources of energy and future energy ,so that they can have more attention to protect and have suitable works to save the nature and resources of energy - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in the context - Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to resources of energy like : fossil fuel, oil, coal, exhaut, alternative, released, nuclear, winmill, sailboat, dam, solar panel, plentiful, potential, …… Structures: The uses of some phrasal verbs : nuclear power station, we need energy to live and work, to cook meals, to light, to heat or cool the house, to run machines,… II Teaching aids: pictures, handout III Anticipated problems: Students may have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic need to provided appropriate linguistic resources VI- Procedures: 1- Organization:(2’) - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:( No ) 3- New lesson (40’) Teacher's Activities A.Warm up: (6mn) - T: Give sts handout Asks sts to work in groups to find out fields in which competitions are often held by putting the letters in each word into the right order T divides the board into sections When time is up, T calls on the presentative of each group to come to board and write their list Then T gets the whole class to count Each correct word gets one point Which group has more points wins the game Walks around the class and provide help when they need Then call on some sts to tell their answers in front of the class Check the answers with the whole class Asks sts to tell the topic of this lesson about Lead to new lesson With question : which is the topic of lesson about? B Before you read:(6mn) Introduce the topic of the lesson and asks sts to look at the pictures then gets sts to work in pairs and answer the questions on page 100 Have sts work in pairs then call on some pairs present in front of the class Elicit comments from the class and ask sts to guess what they are going to read about Gives sts some new words : Fossil fuel: ['fɔsl fjuəl] (n) nhiên liệu hoá thạch Oil : [ɔil] (n) dầu Lop11.com Students' Activities Work in groups and rearrange the jumble words in the right orders fossil fuel, oil, coal, nuclear, solar panel, energy cook meals,light,heat or cool ,run machines Some presentatives come to board and present their answers Answers : Answer teacher's question: the topic of lesson is about Popular celebrations Listen to teacher's guiding and work in pairs to ask and answer about questions in the book (2) Coal : [koul] (n)than đá Exhaut :[ig'zɔ:st] (V): cạn kiệt, làm kiệt sức Alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv] thể chọn để thay cho vật khác; khác Released [ri'li:s] (v): tha, thả, phóng thích Nuclear ['nju:kliə] (n) hạt nhân Windmill ['winmil] (n) cối xay gió Sailboat ['seilbout](n) (từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) thuyền buồm Dam [dæm] (n) đập (ngăn nước) Solar panel ['soulə 'pænl] : bảng thu lường măt trời Plentiful ['plentifl] (a) có số lượng lớn; phong phú; dồi dào Potential [pə'ten∫l] (a) tiềm năng; tiềm tàng Listen to teacher carefully and practise reading new words in chorus , in groups , in pairs and individually Practise reading new words in chorus then in pairs And read individually Listen to the radio Then read the text in silience again and give the answers of the task Answers: Released Alternative energy limited exhauted Sts work in pairs and present the answers C While you read: (20mn) T plays the tape once model T has sts the task T conducts the correction of the task T has Sts task Ask sts read through the exercise and it in groups T let sts in group and walk around to help them Read the questions and work in groups to answer them Advantages: Call on some present and another comment, and ask them - it's unlimited - It is not only plentiful and infinite but also To explain the answers clean and safe Give the correction - It is clean and unlimited - It is clean and unlimited Disadvantages: - It can be very dangreous - It is only possible in few places - It is only possible during the day time - There no wind energy when there is no wind - It is expensive T has Sts task Ask sts read through the exercise and it in groups T let sts in group and walk around to help them Our major sources of energy comes from fossil fuels five sources of energy are mentioned in the text I think solar energy is the most potential D After you read: (8 mn) Ask sts to work in pairs to discuss the questions ask and answer them in the groups energy one fuel limited alternative sources unlimited Walks around to help sts when necessary environment When all have finished, call on some presentative in each Listen to teacher's feedback group to present to share ideas Give feedback Listen to teacher carefully Take notes E Homework: (3mn) T guides sts homework (reading part in the workbook on pages 70-71) Lop11.com (3) Date of preparation:14/01/2008 Period 67: Unit 11 : Sources of energy B- Speaking I- objectives: Aim:By the end of the lesson sts will be able totalking about advantages and disavantages of sources energy Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to advantages and disavantages of sources energy Structures: Present tenses and simple future tense II Teaching aids: pictures , posters … III Anticipated problems: Sts may have limited linguistic resources for discussion IV- Procedures: 1- Organization:(2’) - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:(10') * Do exercise in the part of reading ( Read the passage and answer questions ) * Do exercise in the part of reading (1 A D B D) 3- New lesson (30’) Teacher's Activities Students' Activities 1.Warm up: (4mn): Asks sts to work in groups to find out the words which refer to the post office , they studied in the reading T divides the board into sections When time is up, T calls on the presentative of each group to come to board and write their list Then T gets the whole class to count Each correct word gets one point Which group has more points wins the game Listen and lead to new lesson.2 Pre- speaking: (10mn) Task 1: Ask sts read the requirement Have them dicuss in groups the way to this Work in groups to find out the words which refer to the post office , studied in the reading Answer all the teacher's questions Read the requirement, and discuss the way to task Before sts the task , ask them to read the list Work in pairs and and tick the appropriate box A and of advantages and disadvantages of various D with advantages and disadvantages then compare sources of energy carefully and tick the with anothers appropriate box A and D Practse reading some new words Have sts work in pairs Walk around the class offer ideas and comments when sts need help - geothermal: [,dɔi:ou'θə:məl] (a) thuộc địa nhiệt - nuclear reactor: lß ph¶n øng h¹t nh©n Elicit or explain some words quickly - hydroelectricity : [,haidrouilek'trisiti] (n) thủy điện Call on some present their own opinions in front of the class D Listen and give commentations Lop11.com D D A D A D (4) While - speaking: (20mn) Task 2: Ask sts to read the requirement and discuss the way to the task Call on some to present.Listen and guide sts the task in pairs Before sts the task , ask them to read the suggestions in the book Guide sts to work in pairs to ask answer with the suggestions Task 3: Introduces the Task : Have sts work in pairs Walk around the class offer ideas and explain some new words when sts need help Then select some pairs at random and have them play roles in front of the class Elicit the structures that are used for asking for and giving opinions about contest or explain some words qickly After sts finished ask them to work in pairs and choose one or more activities to talk about, they change the role after one activity Then call on some pairs to act out their conversation Elicit feedback and give final comment Homework: T guides sts homework (speaking part in the workbook at 74 pages) Work in pairs to discuss to the task Talk with a friend aboy advantages and diadvantages of using each alternative source of energy Work in pairs state the negative impacts made by poeple on the environmet and suggest measures to protect it (Some pairs at random play roles in front of the class Model 1: A: I think/believe that geothermal heat can be an alternative source of energy B: Why you tink /belive so? A: B/c our major source of energy is running out while the geothermal heat is available B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment However, it is only possible in few places in the world Model 2: A: I think/believe that water power can be an alternative source of energy B: Why you tink /belive so? A: B/c our major source of energy is running out while the water power is available B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment However, it is expensive Model 3: A: I think/believe that nuclear energy can be an alternative source of energy B: Why you tink /belive so? A: B/c our major source of energy is running out while the nuclear energy is available B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment However, it is dangerous to the environment Take notes Lop11.com (5) Period 68: Unit 11 : Sources of energy c- listening I- objectives: Aim: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen about the importances of natural resources to the human's life and their preservation - Develop such listening micro - skills as listening for specific information and listening for general information Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to the importances of natural resources to the human's life and their preservation like : ecologist, renewable, non- renewable, fertilized, vital, conserved, definition, atmosphere, nitrogen, carbon dioxy, Structures: The narrative statements II Teaching aids: p ictures , posters ,tapescript, handout… III Anticipated problems: Ss may not also be familiar with the note - taking task,so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task V- Procedures: 1- Organization:(2’) - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:(10') * does exercise in the speaking part (study the tabble and pactise asking as many question as possible * does exercise in the speaking part.(match the definition in B to each the word/phrase in A) 3- New lesson (30’) Teacher's Activities Students' Activities 1.Warm up: (5mn): - Suggest sts some points to answer the question : - When you have a mobine phone, you can contact other people easily, You can be reached at almost anytime, anywhere You never miss any Work in pairs to describe from to issues important information When you go on business yo always feel close to your family… On the other hand, because you can be reachedat almost Some present infront of the class other listen carefully anytime anywhere you don't have much privacy and give commentation, Sometimes, it's irritating to get a call when you aresleeping or in a meeting… Listen to teacher carefully and take notes 2.Before you listen : (15mn): - T asks Ss to discuss the question on page 129 in Observe the question and discuss to answer them Some answer loudly infroont of the class pairs - T calls on some Ss to give their answers and Some of the things yuo use energy for in your house: petroleum, gas, coal, electricity, solar, panel, comments on the answers - Have Ss guess what they are going to listen - ecologist [i'kɔlədɔist] )n nhà sinh thái học - renewable [ri'nju:əbl](a) có thể hồi phục lại about - non- renewable (a) : không thể hồi phục lại Vocabulary Pre - teaching - fertilized ['fə:tilaiz] (v) làm cho phì nhiêu; làm cho màu - Before eliciting/ Pre-teaching the new word, T mỡ (đất) helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the - vital ['vaitl](a) (thuộc sự) sống; cần cho sống book T may read aloud first or play the tape and - conserved (v) [kən'sə:v¦ giữ gìn; bảo tồn ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually - definition (n) [,defi'ni∫n] định nghĩa, lời định nghĩa - T elicits/ teaches some of these word or/ and - atmosphere (n) ['ætməsfiə] khí those taken from the listening passage: - T may get Ss to make sentences with the words - nitrogen ['naitrədɔən] (n) (hoá học) Nitơ - carbon dioxy, and gives correct feedback Lop11.com (6) While you listen: (20mn) Task 1: T gest Ss to read the statemens and questions carefully and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening Then T checks with the whole class - T gets Ss to guess the answer to each question and then tells them they need to listen attentively to check if their guesses are confirmed - T plays the tape (or reads the tapescript) once for Ss answers with - Then T get Ss to find a partner to check their answers with - T checks the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape once or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch Task 2: - T ask sts to listen again and write ion the missing words T checks if Ss can answer the questions in TASK without listening again If they cannot, T plays the tape for them to listen again but before doing this, T should encourage Ss to read through all the questions, identify the information they need to look for in each question (by finding the key words and the question words, e.g "what", "where", "how", etc.) and if possible, predict the answers - Then T plays the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions - T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner Then T checks with the whole class T should play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss cannot complete the task After you listen (5mn) - which groups these sources of energy belong to ? put a tick in the right column Homework: Ask sts to write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of a eneergy which your family is using in 100 - 120 words Listen to teacher carefully Read the sentences in the task carefully read the options in each question carefully and underline the words that make them different Listen to the tape three times and the task individually and in pairs Keys: 1.D 2.C 3.D A C Study the questions and discuss the way to the task Some present the own opinion of the way to the task Read the questions carefully Guess the answers Listen to the tape three times and the task in pairs and individually Answers: unlimited atmosphere may gases amount Work in groups to discuss the question Then some stand up and present Sources of enrgy Renewable Non- Renewable Coal V Geothermal heat V Petroleum V Solar energy V Oil V Wind energy V Gas V Take notes Date of preparation:16/01/2008 Lop11.com (7) Period : 69 Unit 11 : Sources of energy D - writing I- objectives: Aim:By the end of the lesson sts will be able to write a descriptive paragraph from a chart based on information and suggested words Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to describe information from a chart Structures: narrative style II Teaching aids: pictures , hand out III Anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic IV- Procedures: 1- Organization:(2’) - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:(10') * Present a paragraph about a species which is in dange-r in 100 - 120 words (2 sts) 3- New lesson (30’) Teacher's Activities Students' Activities 1.Warm up: (5mn): Ask Sts to close their books and ask them some questions Work in pairs ? What kind of energy is consumed the most in VN? ? which one ranks next? Why? - Ask them to work in groups -Go around and give some suggested words Some sts to present their answer in front of the class 2.Pre-writing: :(10mn) Task 1: - Introduce the task and raise out the question: *you are going to interpret the formation from a chart Read and take the exact figure for each item.: 1996:nuclear and hydroelectricity – 18 million tons prtroleum -41 millions tons 2000: nuclear and hydroelectricity – 70 millions tons petroleum -118 million tons coal – 63 millions tons T prepares a handout with a description of a park T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss the organization and other characteristics of description T writes the following question on the board: work on the task with a peer Call on some sts to answer the questions and elicit more ideas from the class Walk around the class , offer ideas and comments when sts need help Then call on some sts to present their answers in front of the class Read the task requirement and work on the task with a peer Some sts to present their answers in front of the class Listen to teacher 's feedback carefully and take notes some information Find out some new words in the box Lop11.com (8) Elicit corrective feedback from other sts and give the correct answers Practise reading new words in chorus and in pairs 3.While-writing: :(20mn) Introduce the task : fill in the gaps in the passage with the exact information from the chart given T checks in front of the class: 1.100 millions tons 2.petroleum 3.18 million tons Read the facts carefully Walks around and offer help when they need Exchange the writing with other groups to correct mistakes Model: The total energy consumption in 200 was about 287 million tons.Petroleum made up this figure the largest amount of this figure with 116 million tons (contributed to with 11 million tons).There was nearly as much coal used as petroleum Nuclear and hydroelectricity only made up a small proportion of the total, about 67 millions tons Ask sts to exchange their writing with other groups to correct mistakes 4.Task 3: Continue the description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2000 T calls on some sts to hang on their writing on the board 1.nuclear and hydroelectricity 2.petroleum 3.coal Work in groups to write the description Practice individually then exchange in pairs Read and remark T suggests sts the way to correct the writing 5.Post writing: :(5mn) T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another Compare the writing to anothers student for peer correction Then take the note of checking - T goes around and corrects mistakes and errors - T collects some writings for quick feedback - T writes Ss typical errors on the board and elicits Observe to the corrections of some the others' writing self and peer correctin T provides correction only Give commentations when Ss are not able to correct the errors - Finally, T provides general comments on the writings Listen to teacher refully and take notes Homework: T guides sts homework (writing part in the workbook on pages 74) Lop11.com (9) Period 70: Unit 11 : Sources of energy e - language focus I- objectives: Aim: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to distinguish the sounds : / r / and /spl/./spr/, students can pronounce consonants : / r / and /spl/./spr/ in individually words and in speaking, review the way to use relative pronouns and relative pronouns with preposition Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to/ r / and /spl/./spr/ Structures: Relative clauses replaced by participles and to – infinitives II Teaching aids: hand out III Anticipated problems: Sts may have difficulty with clusters because they don't exist inVietnamese IV- Procedures: 1- Organization:(2’) - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:(10') * Do exercise in the writing part 3- New lesson (30’) Teacher's Activities Students' Activities 1.Pronunciation: (10mn) T ask sts to close their books T introduces some pictures, ask sts to look at them Listen to teacher carefully and give word to describe it Repeat to teacher P1: shrimp P2: spring P3: Split T reads aloud these sentences: Takes note some information 1.Today is a splendid spring day 2.Shrimp is my favorite seafood 3.In spring, People often go to the shrine Ask sts to practise pronouncing the sounds in chorus - times Then call on some to check in front of the class Listen and correct Have sts close their books Practicing sentences Have sts practice in pairs to find out words which contain these consanants Ask sts to listen to the tape and read after, pay attention to sentence stress Practise pronouncing these sounds in chorus Then some stand up to check in front of the class And work in pairs to read aloud the given sentences in the book Then some read loudly in front of the class to check Grammar : (25mn) Relative clause replaced by past participial phrase Review the form and the use of relative pronouns or to infinitive *T sets the scene: study these pairs of sentences and say if they are the same or difference in meanings Read the situation carefully 1.The man who spoke to john is my brother -the man speking to john is my brother 2.The sport Game, which was held in India in 1951, was the first Asian Games -The sport Games held in India in !951 was the first Give remark Lop11.com (10) Asian Games 3.Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space - Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space Exercise 1: (?) ReWrite the followingsentences, using present participial phrase 1.The boy who is playing the piano is Ben 2.Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? 3.The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet 4.The scientist who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress 5.The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood 6.We have an apartment which overlooks the park Work individually Sts the exercie individually, then in pairs Sts give their answer Sts write the correct answer in their notebooks Sts the execise in pairs Sts give their remarks: 1.the same in meanings 2.different in structures 3.active – Ving phrase 4.passive –Ved/Vpp phrase 5.the first/ the last + to infinitive phrase Work individually and exchange in groups 1.the boy playing the piano is Bend 2.The woman coming toward us? 3.the people waiting for the bus Execrise 2: (?)Rewrite the following sentences, using a past 4.the scientist researching the causes of cancer are making progress participial phrase 1.The ideas which are presented in that book 5.the fence surrounding our house 6.an apartment overlloking the park areinteresting 2.I come from a city that is located in the southern Sts write the correct answer in their notebooks part of the country 3.They live in a house that was built in 1890 4.The photographs which were published in the 1.The ideas presented in that book areinteresting newspaper were extraordinary 5.The experiment which was conducted at the 2.A city located in the southern part of the country 3.A house built in 1890 University of chicago was successful 6.They work in a hospital which was sponsored by 4.The photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary the government T asks sts to the exercise individually then 5.The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago was Successful compare their answer with a partner 6.A hospital sponsored by the government T calls some sts to give their answer Exercise3: *Rewrite the following sentences, using to infinitive 1.John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain 2.The last person who leaves the room must turn 1.The last man to reach the top off the light 2.The last first person to leave the room 3.The first person that we must see is Mr Smith 4.This is the second person who was killed in that 3.The first person to see is Mr.Smith 4.The second to be killed in that way way 5.The first person who catches the ball will be the 5.The first person to catch winner Homework: T guides sts homework (exercises in language focus on pages 72-73.) Do again these exercises Take notes Lop11.com (11)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:59

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