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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 1, 2

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UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WRITING I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.Language content: To help students know how to write a personal letter about a past experience.. 4.Language: Vocabulary: no I[r]

(1)Period: Class(es): 11A UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (READING) I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.Language content: To provide the students with some words 2.Language function: 3.Educational aim: To educate in the students some personal experiences 4.Language: Vocabulary: embarrassing, floppy…… II.TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION Method: Communicative Approach Skills: Integrated skills 3.Techniques: questions-answers, explanation, synonym, gap-filling, discussion, definition, miming, translation Teaching aids needed: colour chalk, textbook, pictures, charts 5.Students’ preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III.PROCEDURE IN CLASS 1.Stabilization:(1min) Greeting 2.Checking up the previous knowledge:(5mins) Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: a I heard them (talk) in the next room c I’m/was delighted (hear) the news b The customs officers made him (open) the briefcase d My mother has some shopping (do) 3.Presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps, time location I.Prese ntation of the new materi al 34mins Teacher’s activities I Warm up: - Has students answer the questions: + Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation? + What did you then? - Tells the aim of the new lesson II Pre-reading: - Helps the students know the meaning of some words: + embarrassing(a) + floppy(a) + glance at(v) + make a fuss about s.th + idol(n) III.While-reading: * Task 1: - Has students fill each blank with a suitable word/phrase - Gives correct answers * Task 3: - Has students answer the questions in pairs - Gives correct answers IV Post-reading: - Has students discuss the questions in groups: “What you think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from Students’ activities I Warm up: Answer the questions Listen to the teacher II Pre-reading: Listen to the teacher The lesson content UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (READING) I Vocabulary: + embarrassing(a) + floppy(a) + glance at(v) + make a fuss about s.th + idol(n) III.While-reading: * Task 1: Fill each blank with a suitable word/phrase * Task Answer the questions in pairs Listen to the teacher IV Post-reading: Answer the questions in groups Lop11.com II/ Reading comprehension: * Task 1: glanced idols making a fuss sneaky embarrassing * Task 3: Answers: She wished to have a red floppy cotton hat.(line 2-3, paragraph 1) Because he knew that she wanted to buy that hat (line 1-2, paragraph 2) (2) Teaching steps, time location Teacher’s activities the boy’s bag was not hers?” - Makes comments, gives feedback olidation No consolidation II.Cons III.Home work Gets the students to learn new words, read the text, answer the questions again & to prepare for the next lesson * Self-evaluation: 5mins Students’ activities The lesson content Listen to the teacher Listen to the teacher and take notes Lop11.com III/ Homework - Learn new words, read the text and answer the questions again - Prepare for the next lesson (3) Period: Class(es):11A UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (SPEAKING) I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.Language content: To help students know how to talk about past experiences and how they affected one’s life 2.Language function: Talking about past experiences and how they affected one’s life 3.Educational aim: To educate in the students the value of friendship 4.Language: Useful structures: Make somebody something”/ “Make somebody + adjective” Have you ever ……?; How did it happen?; When did it happen? How did the experience affect you? II.TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION Method: Communicative Approach Skills: Integrated skills 3.Techniques: questions-answers, explanation, pairwork, matching Teaching aids needed: colour chalk, textbook, chart, handouts 5.Students’ preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III.PROCEDURE IN CLASS Stabilization:(1min) Greeting Checking up the previous knowledge (5mins) * Questions: Write some words on the board and answer the questions: a What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9? b Why did she decide to take the money from the boy’s bag without saying anything about it? 3.Presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps, time location I.Prese ntation of the new material 34mins Teacher’s activities I Warm up: - Has students in each group say what you did - Tells the aim of the lesson II Pre-speaking: Asks the students: What you say to ask about someone’s experience that might have affected them? III.While-speaking: * Task 1: - Has students match the things they might have done or experienced in box A with how the experience might have affected them in box B - Corrects with the class and gives the answers * Task 2: - Has students work in pairs to put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order - Goes around the class and provides help if necessary - Calls on some students to give the answers - Gives feedback Students’ activities The lesson content I Warm up: UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (SPEAKING) Listen to the teacher II Pre-speaking: Listen, guess the meaning of the word and take notes I Structures: “Make somebody + adjective” + Have you ever… ? + What were you thinking and feeling when it happened? II/ Speaking tasks: * Task 1: → answers: 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.e III.While-speaking: * Task 1: Listen to the teacher and take notes * Task 2: Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order Lop11.com * Task 2: Re-ordering → answers: 1.b 2.d 3.h 4.a 5.e 6.g 7.c 8.f (4) Teaching steps, time location II.Cons Teacher’s activities IV Post-speaking: * Task 3: - Has students make similar dialogues - Calls on some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class No consolidation Students’ activities Listen to the teacher IV Post-speaking: * Task 3: Make similar dialogues olidation III Home work Listen to the teacher and Gets the students to write a take notes 5mins paragraph about a past event that has had an influence on her/him and to prepare for the next lesson * Self-evaluation: Lop11.com The lesson content * Task 3: Useful structures: Have you ever ……? How did it happen? When did it happen? III/ Homework - Write a paragraph about a past event that has had an influence on her/him - Prepare for the next lesson (5) Period: Class(es):11A UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (LISTENING) I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.Language content: To help students know how to take notes while listening 2.Language function: Listening and taking notes while listening 3.Educational aim: 4.Language: Vocabulary: Memorable, scream … II.TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION Method: Communicative Approach Skills: Integrated skills 3.Techniques: questions-answers, explanation, repetition, … 4.Teaching aids needed: colour chalk, textbook, pictures, 5.Students’ preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III.PROCEDURE IN CLASS 1.Stabilization:(1min) Greeting 2.Checking up the previous knowledge(5mins)* Questions: Talk about one of your most memorable past experiences 3.Presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps, time location I.Prese ntation of the new materi al: 34mins Teacher’s activities I Warm up: - Has students answer the questions: What can you see in the picture? What is happening? Who are these people? - Tells the aim of the new lesson II Pre-listening: - Pre- teaches vocabulary: + Memorable(a) + scream(v) + gas stove(n) + Embrace(v) III.While-listening: * Task - Has students listen to the interview and decide whether the statements are True/False - Gives the correct answers * Task - Plays the tape again, has students fill in the gaps in the summary of Christina’s story in pairs - Goes around the class and provides help when necessary - Calls on some students to give the answers - Gives correct answers IV Post-listening: * Task 3: - Has students work in groups to Students’ activities I Warm up: answer the questions A fire …… Listen to the teacher II Pre-listening: Listen, guess the meaning of the words and take notes III.While-listening: * Task Listen Lan’s talk, Long’s talk and decide whether the statements are True/False(individual work) * Task Fill in the gaps in the summary of Christina’s story in pairs Listen to the teacher IV Post-listening: * Task3: Give the opinions on the Lop11.com The lesson content UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (LISTENING) I Vocabulary: + Memorable(a) + scream(v) + gas stove(n) + Embrace(v) III.Listening tasks: * Task → answers: T F (13 years ago) F (in the kitchen) * Task → answers: small everything family replaced * Task 3: (6) Teaching steps, time location Teacher’s activities give their opinions on the sentence: “Family is more important than things” II.Cons - Comments on sts’ performance olidation No consolidation III.Home work 5mins Students’ activities The lesson content sentence in groups: “Family is more important than things” Gets the students to learn the new words by heart and to prepare for the Listen to the teacher and take notes next lesson * Self-evaluation: Lop11.com IV Homework - Learn the new words by heart - Prepare for the next lesson (7) Period: 11 Class(es): 11A UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (WRITING) I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.Language content: To help students know how to write a personal letter about a past experience 2.Language function: 3.Educational aim: 4.Language: Vocabulary: no II.TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION Method: Communicative Approach Skills: Integrated skills 3.Techniques: questions-answers, explanation, …… Teaching aids needed: colour chalk, textbook, charts 5.Students’ preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III.PROCEDURE IN CLASS 1.Stabilization:(1min) Greeting 2.Checking up the previous knowledge(5mins) * Questions: “Family is more important than things” Do you agree with the idea? Why? 3.Presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps, time location I.Prese ntation of the new materi al: 34mins Teacher’s activities I Warm up: - Asks the students: + Have you ever been in such a situation? + What did you then? + Do you want to share it with your classmates? - Tells the aim of the new lesson II Pre-writing: - Elicits the steps of a personal letter from students and write down on the board - Goes around the class and provides help if necessary III.While-writing: - Has students write a letter to a friend of theirs, telling him/her about one of their most memorable experience - Collects students’ writings IV Post-writing: - Has students deliver each group five pieces of writings - Gives feedback Quy Nhon, 15 May 2011 Dear Tom, How have you been doing? Have you got any plan for the coming school break? Perhaps I will go to see my grandparents in the countryside I haven’t seen them since my last Students’ activities I Warm up: Listen to the teacher and answer the questions Listen to the teacher II Pre-writing: Listen, answer the questions and take notes III.While-writing: Write a letter to a friend of theirs, telling him/her about one of the most memorable experience IV Post-writing: Correct their friends’ writing Listen to the teacher and take notes Lop11.com The lesson content UNIT 2: PERSONAL ) EXPERIENCES (WRITING I Steps of a personal letter: Greeting Date (when it happened) The story (the experience) Closing Signature II/ Writing tasks: Quy Nhon, 15 May 2011 Dear Tom, How have you been doing? Have you got any plan for the coming school break? Perhaps I will go to see my grandparents in the countryside I haven’t seen them since my last school holiday I tell you about my last summer vocation at my grandparents It was almost a year ago & was one of my most unforgettable (8) II.Conso lidation III.Home work school holiday I tell you about my last summer vocation at my grandparents It was almost a year ago & was one of my most unforgettable experiences My grandparents live in a small village, which is about 50 kilometres southeast of Quy Nhon … No consolidation Gets the students to write a letter about a past experience at home and to prepare for the next lesson * Self-evaluation: 5mins experiences My grandparents live in a small village, which is about 50 kilometres southeast of Quy Nhon… Listen to the teacher and take notes Lop11.com III/ Homework - Write a letter about a past experience - Prepare for the next lesson (9) Period: Class(es):11 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (LANGUAGE FOCUS) I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To help the students distinguish the sounds /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly * PRONUNCIATION: * GRAMMAR: Present simple for indicating the past, past simple, past continuous and past perfect II.TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION Method: Communicative Approach Skills: Integrated skills Techniques: questions-answers, explanation, repetition, sentence completion Teaching aids needed: colour chalk, textbook, handouts Students’ preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III.PROCEDURE IN CLASS Stabilization:(1min) Greeting Checking up the previous knowledge(5mins)* Questions: Arrange the sentences into the correct order: a One day when I was swimming with some of my friends, I suddenly caught a cold b Luckily, one of my friends saw that and shouted for help Immediately, another friend who swims the best among us swam towards me and tried to pull me up c This event definitely taught me to appreciate my life 3.Presentation of the new materials: Teaching steps, time location I.Prese ntation of the new materi al: 34mins Teacher’s activities A PRONUNCIATION I Lead-in: - Gets students to pick out the words containing the ending sounds /m/, /n/ /ŋ/ in the Tongue Twisters and put them into the right column of the three sounds - Introduces the sounds /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ II Pre-practice: - Models the two sounds /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ for a few times and explains the differences in producing them + When producing /m/, close tips + When producing /n/, your tongues touch the roof of your mouths - Corrects if students pronounce the target words incorrectly III Controlled -practice: - Has students read aloud the given sentences and underline the words with the sounds /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ in pairs - Goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors - Calls on some students to read aloud the sentences again and provides corrective feedback - Asks the rest of the class to listen and give comments Students’ activities A PRONUNCIATION I Lead-in: Listen to the teacher II Pre-practice: Listen to the teacher and take notes Listen to the tape Listen to the teacher III.Controlled -practice: Read aloud the given sentences and underline the words with the sounds /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ in pairs Lop11.com The lesson content UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES (LANGUAGE FOCUS) A PRONUNCIATION + When producing /m/, close tips + When producing /n/, your tongues touch the roof of your mouths (10) Teaching steps, time location Teacher’s activities - Corrects their mistakes IV Free-practice: - Has students give examples with the sounds - Gives comments B GRAMMAR VERB FORM REVIEW I Lead-in: - Has students hang on a chart with broken sentences - Calls on some sts to give the answers - Tells the aim of the new lesson II Pre-practice: - Simple Past/Past Continuous/Past Perfect + We can use Simple Past to talk about actions and situations in the past + We can use Present Tense to tell a story happening in the past to make the events more dramatic and lively III.Controlled -practice: * Exercise 1: - Has students use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets in the story - Provides correct answers * Exercise 2: - Has students complete the sentences - Checks the answers with the whole class and gives correct answers → Suggested answers: Broke/ was playing wrote/ was was working/ broke started/ were walking told/ were having didn’t listen/was thinking Students’ activities Listen to the teacher IV Free-practice: Give examples with the sounds Listen to the teacher B GRAMMAR VERB FORM REVIEW I Lead-in: Listen to the teacher and answer the question Listen to the teacher II Pre-practice: Listen to the teacher, answer the question and take notes III.Controlled -practice: * Exercise 1: Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets in the story Listen to the teacher * Exercise 2: Listen to the teacher and take notes The lesson content B GRAMMAR VERB FORM REVIEW + We can use Simple Past to talk about actions and situations in the past + We can use Present Tense to tell a story happening in the past to make the events … * Exercise 1: Tense Using Invites; sets; gets; wares promises; carries; contains; * Exercise 2: Broke/ was playing wrote/ was was working/ broke started/ were walking told/ were having phoned/didn’t answer/were you doing was not wearing/ didn’t notice/was driving IV Free-practice: Exercise 3: - Has students put the verbs in each sentence into the past simple/the past perfect tense - Checks the answers with the whole class and gives correct answers II.Conso lidation III.Hom ework 5mins IV.Free-practice: Exercise 3: Put the verbs in each sentence into the past simple or the past perfect tense Listen to the teacher * Exercise 3: had eaten/arrived found/had taken got/had closed got/had left got/had arrived Listen to the teacher and take notes III/ Homework - Review the grammar points the students have learnt - Prepare for the next lesson No consolidation Gets the students to review the grammar points they have learnt and to prepare for the next lesson * Self-evaluation: Lop11.com (11)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:28



