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English11 - Unit 5: Illiteracy

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The lift operator asked the lady not to touch the gates.. The lift operator told the lady not to touch the gates.[r]

(1)English11 _ _ UNIT 5: ILLITERACY _ _ The first semester I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A pretty B pretend C pretext D prepare A teachers B arrives C textbooks D combs 3, A corn B cup C can D city II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words A illiteracy B province C primary D country A eradicare B minority C campaign D ethnic A highland B northern C village D effective III Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D is a major problem in some developing countries A Starvation B Disease C Illiteracy D Flood The _of masses is an essential educational way of our party and people A generalization B role C universalization D duty The loving-peace people have been working for the _.of World peace A access B glory C success D promotion The is a _.to raise money for the needy A campaign B mobilization C movement D campaign A group of people from a particular culture or of a particular race living in a country where the main group is of different culture or race is called _ A mountaineers B ethnic minority C nationals D undeveloped people The process of controlling the number of children you have by using contraception is called A family planning B birth control C birth rate D A& B We must struggle corruption within party A against B from C at D for More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy in our country A put up with B get rid of C take control of D cut down on The students were asked to reading and writing skills to the villagers A deliver B express C provide D support 10 Only highly _.people are capable of discussing these subjects A interesting B common C literate D business 11 Family is a process of controlling the number of children you have A building B controlling C housing D Planning 12 Jill _.to decorate the hall for the get-together A volunteer B volunteered C volunteers D voluntary IV Choose the best answer among A, B, C, and D Someone told us _ sit on the stairs A don’t B not C not to D to not “ Would you like to stay for lunch, Claire?” , said Sarah A Sarah advised Claire to stay for lunch B Sarah advised Claire would like to stay for lunch C Sarah invited Claire to stay for lunch D Sarah invited Claire to like to stay for lunch The doctor: You must take more exercise A The doctor asked me I had to take more exercise B The doctor asked me if I had to take more exercise C The doctor asked me to must take more exercise D The doctor asked me to take more exercise Matthew: you ought to take a brake, Andrew A Matthew advised Andrew to take a brake B Matthew asked Andrew to take a brake C Matthew suggested Andrew take a brake D Matthew suggested Andrew taking a brake “ Don’t forget to ring me” A I advised David to ring me B I reminded David to ring me C I offered to be rung D You promised to ring me “Don’t touch the gates, Madam” said the lift operator A The lift operator asked the lady not to touch the gates B The lift operator told the lady not to touch the gates C The lift operator warned the lady not to touch the gates D The lift operator advised the lady not to touch the gates “I’m sorry I forgot the shopping” A Jane suggested going shopping B Jane apologized for going shopping Lop11.com (2) C Jane apologized for forgetting the shopping D B & C The doctor advised him _ and to take up some sport A stop smoke B stop smoking C to stop smoking D to stop to smoke The conductor asked _ in the bus A them to please not to smoke B that they should not smoke C them not to smoke D them to not smoke 10 The doctor told him _ sweets and chocolate to lose weight A to keep at B to keep off C to keep back D to keep up 11 If she phones, _ him to buy some potatoes on the way home A remember B recall C recollect D remind 12 “ Could you lend me your pen?” Tom said to Jerry A Tom asked Jerry to lend him her pen B Tom asked to lend Jerry’s pen C Tom asked if Jerry could lend you her pen D Tom asked if Jerry could lend her his pen 13 “ Right I will take the brown pair ” Andrew said A Andrew promised to take the brown pair B Andrew wanted to take the brown pair C Andrew agreed to take the brown pair D Andrew asked to take the brown pair 14 “ I will definitely return it to you tomorrow” John said A John said that he will return it to me the next day B John promised to return it to me the next day C John told that he will return it to me the next day D John decided to return it to me the next day 15 “ Let me carry your suitcase, John !” Harry said A Harry offered to carry John’s suitcase B Harry agreed to carry John’s suitcase C Harry insisted on carrying John’s suitcase D Harry decided to carry John’s suitcase V Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same “ Would you mind not smoking in this room?” she said to him → She asked him _ “ You should not drink too much coffee at night,” said Bob → Bob advised _ “ Don’t be late for class again, Jim” → The teacher asked _ “ Would you like to go out for dinner with us tonight?” → Marry invited _ “ All right, I’ll pick you up at pm tonight.” → She agreed _ “ Don’t forget to water the flowers for me, Tom.” → Mother reminded _ “ Don’t worry, I’ll help you with the money.” → He promised _ I'm sorry I couldn't come to your birthday party last Sunday, John → Mary apologizes _ VI Circle the words or phrases whose one of the four underlined part among that needs correcting David asked me telling him the time I warned didn’t to climb the mountain in such bad weather The policeman ordered the suspect to not remove his hands from the hood of the car We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle All the students are looking forward spending their free time relaxing in the sun this summer The tour guide explained that the castle is only open in Tuesdays I'm sorry to bother you, but you did say to call whether I was worried We were disappointed when the receptionist told that the hotel was fully booked that week In 1852 Massachusetts passed a law required all children from four to eighteen years of age to attend school 10 Before the nineteenth century, it was rarely to find organized systems of adult education 11 Only when the famine gets worse world governments will begin to act 12 On some streets, it has against the law to ride a motorcycle without a helmet Lop11.com (3) English11 _ PRACTICE TEST UNIT 5: ILLITERACY_ The first semester I PRONUNCIATION a minority b literacy c primary d library a eradicate b campaign c vacation d transport a ethnic b northern c healthy d south II STRESS a illiterate b eradicate c voluntary d minority a volunteer b struggle c promise d concentrate III LANGUAGE FOCUS The price of petrol has gone by over 50 percent in less than a year a out b up c over d off' At present, more and more people are taking part in the struggle illiteracy a for b with c against d to The Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion started a campaign _ illiteracy eradication a on b in c of d for Most of the students felt that respect in classroom was essential for effective learning to take place a mutual b considerable c deep d grudging 10 Modem farming methods can have an adverse on the environment a effect b effective c effectiveness d effectively 11 Once we have all relevant information, we can make a decision a correct b connected c available d confidential 12 The government has launched a aimed at educating young people about the dangers of drugs a struggle b program c combat d campaign 13 People judged to be functionally lack the basic reading and writing skills a literate b literacy c illiterate d illiteracy 14 The students were asked to reading and writing skills to the villagers a deliver b express c provide d support 15 More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy in our country a put up with b get rid of c take control of d cut down on 16 I'm not surprised Margaret's ill With all the voluntary work she's , she's really been doing too much a taken off b taken on c taken in d taken to 17 An English Club will be _ to help children improve their English a brought on b showed up c set up d put on 18 There was a gradual _ in the number of both males and females who were literate in the Lowlands a rise b raise c arise d risen 19 Only highly _ people are capable of discussing these subjects a interesting b common c literate d business 20 Most students who were asked felt that _ respect in the classroom was essential a mutual b annual c actual d continuous 21 Many university students _ spent their summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and write a freely b consciously c gradually d voluntarily 22 The proposal has not met with _ agreement a voluntary b universal c Informal d effective 23 A child's vocabulary _ through reading a expands b expends c expels d exposes 24 Children living in remote and mountainous areas may be _ disadvantaged a educated b education c educational d educationally 25 She is 'due to _ a lecture on genetic engineering a make b teach c deliver d take 26 Illiterate people lack the basic reading and writing skills in everyday life a to require b requiring c that require d required 27 Illiteracy rates in recent years a fell b have fallen c was falling d had fallen 28 She was the first in her family a college education a get b getting c to get d gotten 29 They asked our bags outside the exam room Lop11.com (4) a to leave b us to leave c we leave d us leaving Before the meeting finished they arranged when next a they met b they to meet c should they meet d to meet 31 Nobody yet knew what to cause the dam to burst a happens b to happen c had happened d did it happen 32 The weather report says that ten inches of snow tomorrow a may be there are b there might be c there may be d we maybe have 33 Please ask the restaurant clientele in the no smoking area a not to smoke b not smoking c don't smoke d not smoke 34 'You got home late last night.' 'The Morgan insisted for dinner.' a on our staying b for us to stay c that we were staying d about us staying 35 in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States a Founding b Founded c Being founded d It was founded 36 Twenty-five people _ killed in that traffic accident a reported to be b are reporting to be c are reported being d are reported to be 37 The woman said she _ in this village for over fifty years a has been living b was living c had been living d lives 38 US scientists claim that they _ a new vaccine against malaria a developed b have developed c had developed d was developing 39 The lecturer recommended a number of books before the exam a reading b to read c us reading d to have read 40 Jane appears _ some weight Has she been ill? a having lost b having been lost c to have lost d to have been lost 41 If you saw a lawyer, he'd advise you _ legal action a take b taking c to take d for taking 42 Hardly _ to the bus-stop when the bus suddenly pulled away a did they get b they had got c they got d had they got 43 By the time you return here next week, we _ the project a will have finished b has finished c will finish d will be finishing 44 We are going to get our house _ next week a painting b to paint c painted d to be painted 45 He advised me _ anything about it for the time being a didn't b not c don't d not to IV WRITING 46 Jane ran into her old friend downtown last week a Jane went downtown to meet her old friend b.Jane had to drive her old friend downtown last week c, Jane met her old friend downtown unexpectedly d,Jane's car crashed into her friend's last week 47 You should have persuaded him to change his mind a, It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn't b, You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen c, You didn't persuade him to change because he didn't mind d, It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind 48 I would never have lent Mike my car if I had known that he had a past record of driving violations a, I refused to lend Mike my car b,Mike got a speeding ticket while driving my car c, I knew nothing about Mike's driving record, so I lent him my car d, Mike drove my car without his driver's license 49 The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife a, The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife b, The court found a murdered man and his wife c,The man was found murdered by his wife d, The court decided that the man had killed his wife 50 Had I known more about computer programming, I would have worked for a computer company a, A better knowledge of computer programming will help me find a job in a computer company b, I didn't know much about computer programming, so I didn't work for a computer company c, I wish I knew more about computer programming and could work for a computer company d, Knowing more about computer programming, I would find a job in a computer company 51 She told us to help ourselves to the apples in the basket a,She offered us some apples in return for our help b She let us have as many apples as we wanted c She wanted our help to pick the apples and put them in a basket d She wanted us to all the work ourselves 30 Lop11.com (5) 52 That library book must be returned within one week a The book was brought back last week b The book should have been returned a week ago c The book has already been borrowed for a week d The book can't be kept longer than a week 53 As soon as he waved his hand, she turned away a He saw her turn away and he waved his hand b He waved his hand at the same time as she did c He waved his hand and at once she turned away d She turned away because he waved his hand too soon 54 'You broke my glasses,' said the woman to me a The woman insisted on breaking her glasses b The woman advised me to break her glasses c The woman told me to break her glasses d The woman blamed me for having broken her glasses 55 The family find it difficult to manage on the money they have a It's difficult for the family to get by on the money they have b It is difficult for them to earn money c The family could manage on the money they have d The family managed to earn enough money to live 56 received law degrees as today a Never so many women have b Never have so many women c The women have never d Women who have ever 57 he would have come to class a If Mike is able to finish his homework b Would Mike be able to finish his homework c If Mike could finish his homework d Had Mike been able to finish his homework 58 The students liked that professor's course because a there was few or no homework b not a lot of homework c there was little or no homework d Of there wasn't a great amount of homework 59 a painter, but he also took an interest in the flight of birds a Not only Rembrandt was b Although Rembrandt was c Despite Rembrandt being d Not only was Rembrandt 60 that new information to anyone else but the sergeant a They asked him not to give b They didn't order him to give c They asked him to give d They ordered him to give V READING: Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question PARENTS’S DREAMS Parents often have dreams for their children’s future They hope their children will have a better life than they had They dream that their children will things that they couldn’t Parents who come to the U.S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here They think their children will have more career choice and more successful lives They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities They think their children will remain close to them because of this Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans Parents often dream of A their children’s making a lot of money in the future B one day seeing their children become famous people C one day living on their children’s money D a bright future for their children Parents who come home from U.S from foreign countries hope that A their children will have a lot of careers B their children become successful directors C their children will have more opportunities for good education D their children will make a lot of sacrifices Parents think their children wikll remain close to them because _ A they give their children a lot of money B of the sacrifices C they know their children will be successful in the future D they are living in a foreign country The word career in line is closest in meaning to _ A education B travel C subject D profession The word close in line is closest in meaning to A dear B friendly C helpful D kind Lop11.com (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:05

