Communication is a one-way activity of TELLING people something.. Myth # 3:[r]
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood
(3)Myths and Realities
about the nature of communication
(4)Myth #1:
We communicate only when we intend to
Myths and Realities
(5)Myth #1: We communicate only when we intend to
We frequently send messages we are not aware of.
Myths and Realities
(6)Myth #2:
We communicate as if words themselves had specific
Myths and Realities
(7)Myth #2: We communicate as if words themselves had specific
Words not have specific
meaning; meanings are in people.
Myths and Realities
(8)Myth # 3:
Communication is a one-way activity of TELLING people something
Myths and Realities
(9)Myth # 3:
Communication is a one-way
activity of TELLING people something
Communicating is a two-way
activity in which feedback is vital
Myths and Realities
(10)Myth # 4:
You can give others too much information.
Myths and Realities