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The lift operator advised the lady not to touch the gatesA. Jane suggested going shopping.B.[r]



A PHONETICS I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1 A prettyB pretend C pretext D prepare A teachersB arrives C textbooks D combs

3, A cornB cup C can D city

II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4 A illiteracy B province C primary D country

5 A eradicare B minority C campaign

D ethnic

6 A highland B northern C village D effective

B VOCABULARY.I Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D. ……… is a major problem in some developing countries

A StarvationB Disease C Illiteracy D Flood The …of masses is an essential educational way of our party and people

A generalizationB roleC universalization D duty The loving-peace people have been working for the …of World peace

A access B gloryC success D promotion The is a ……….to raise money for the needy

A campaignB mobilizationC movement D campaign / mobilization A group of people from a particular culture or of a particular race living in a country where the main group is of different culture or race is called ……

A mountaineersB ethnic minorityC nationalsD undeveloped people The process of controlling the number of children you have by using contraception is called …………

A family planningB birth controlC birth rate D A& B We must struggle ………corruption within party

A against B from C at D for

8 More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy in our country

A put up withB get rid of C take control of D cut down on The students were asked to reading and writing skills to the villagers

A deliverB express C provide D support 10 Only highly …….people are capable of discussing these subjects

A interestingB commonC literate D business 11 Family is a process of controlling the number of children you have A buildingB controlling C housing D Planning 12 Jill ………….to decorate the hall for the get-together

A volunteerB volunteered C volunteers D voluntary C GRAMMAR.II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D. Someone told us ………sit on the stairs

A don’tB Not C not to D to not

2 “ Would you like to stay for lunch, Claire?” , said Sarah

A Sarah advised Claire to stay for lunch B Sarah advised Claire would like to stay for lunch

C Sarah invited Claire to stay for lunch D Sarah invited Claire to like to stay for lunch

3 The doctor: You must take more exercise

A The doctor asked me I had to take more exercise B The doctor asked me if I had to take more exercise

C The doctor asked me to must take more exercise D The doctor asked me to take more exercise

4 Matthew: you ought to take a brake, Andrew

A Matthew advised Andrew to take a brake.B Matthew asked Andrew to take a brake C Matthew suggested Andrew take a brake.D Matthew suggested Andrew taking a brake

5 “ Don’t forget to ring me”

A I advised David to ring me B I reminded David to ring me C I offered to be rung D You promised to ring me “Don’t touch the gates, Madam” said the lift operator

A The lift operator asked the lady not to touch the gates B The lift operator told the lady not to touch the gates

C The lift operator warned the lady not to touch the gates D The lift operator advised the lady not to touch the gates

7 “I’m sorry I forgot the shopping”

A Jane suggested going shopping.B Jane apologized for going shopping C Jane apologized for forgetting the shopping D B & C The doctor advised him ……….and to take up some sport

A stop smokeB stop smokingC to stop smoking D to stop to smoke The conductor asked ………in the bus

A them to please not to smokeB that they should not smoke C them not to smoke D them to not smoke

10 The doctor told him ……… sweets and chocolate to lose weight A to keep at B to keep off C to keep back D to keep up 11 If she phones, ……….him to buy some potatoes on the way home A rememberB recall C recollect D remind 12 “ Could you lend me your pen?” Tom said to Jerry

A Tom asked Jerry to lend him her pen.B Tom asked to lend Jerry’s pen

C Tom asked if Jerry could lend you her pen.D Tom asked if Jerry could lend her his pen

13 “ Right I will take the brown pair ” Andrew said

A Andrew promised to take the brown pair.B Andrew wanted to take the brown pair C Andrew agreed to take the brown pair.D Andrew asked to take the brown pair 14 “ I will definitely return it to you tomorrow” John said


C John told that he will return it to me the next day D John decided to return it to me the next day

15 “ Let me carry your suitcase, John !” Harry said

A Harry offered to carry John’s suitcase B Harry agreed to carry John’s suitcase

C Harry insisted on carrying John’s suitcase D Harry decided to carry John’s suitcase

16 “ Please, wake me up at o’clock tomorrow morning “ I asked the doorman A I asked the doorman to wake me up at o’clock the following morning B I asked the doorman to wake me up at o’clock in the following morning C I asked the doorman to wake me up at o’clock tomorrow morning

D I asked the doorman not to wake me up at o’clock the following morning 17 “ I wouldn’t buy that car, Janos, if I were you.”

A I advised Janos of buying the car.B I advised Janos not to buy the car C I advised Janos not buying the car.D I advised Janos on my buying the car 18 “ would you like to come to the cinema on Saturday, Pam?”

A I invited Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday B I wanted Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday C I persuaded Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday D I reminded Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday 19 “ Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday ?”

A He offered me to have lunch with him on Sunday B He invited me to have lunch with him on Sunday C He advised me to have lunch with him on Sunday D He asked me to have lunch with him on Sunday 20 “ Laura, don’t touch the electric wires !”

A John asked Laura to touch the electric wires B John asked Laura not to touch the electric wires C John advised Laura not to touch the electric wires D John warned Laura not to touch the electric wires

** Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

1 “ Would you mind not smoking in this room?” she said to him

→ She asked him ………

2 “ You should not drink too much coffee at night,” said Bob

→ Bob advised ……… “ Don’t be late for class again, Jim”

→ The teacher asked ……… “ Would you like to go out for dinner with us tonight?”

→ Marry invited ……… “ All right, I’ll pick you up at pm tonight.”

→ She agreed ……… “ Don’t forget to water the flowers for me, Tom.”

→ Mother reminded ………

7 “ Don’t worry, I’ll help you with the money.”

→ He promised ………

III Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting David asked me telling him the time


2 I warned didn’t to climb the mountain in such bad weather A B C D

3 The policeman ordered the suspect to not remove his hands from the hood of the car

A B C D We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle


5 All the students are looking forward spending their free time relaxing in the sun this summer


I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1 A earningB learning C searching D clearing

2 A candyB sandy C many D handy

3 A givenB risen C ridden D whiten

II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4 A.competitionB annual C final D stimulate A performenceB celeblationC remember D


6 A apologizeB difficulty C enjoyment D remember


I Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D.

1 A situation in which people or organizations compete with each other to find out who is the best at


A participationB competition C activity D performance

2 A person who decides who has won a competition is called a(n) A refereeB judge C investigator D witness Companies will now be able to …program on ITV and Channel A judgeB sponsor C recite D announce A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of group

A contestantB competitor C examinee D representative


A participatesB participants C participations D participative The instructor is explaining the competition’s rules the competitors

A to B for C with D at

7 To participate ……the contest, you must be under 25 years old

A forB at C in D about

8 The teacher divided the class into three groups ……….ten

A of B with C in D for

9 The transition from school to work does not happen smoothly to everyone

A without difficulties B full of troubles C with problems D plenty of challenges

10 When someone …………a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learnt it

A recites B takes part in C completes D competes 11 The role of scientists is to observe and describe the world

A obeyB determine C watch D keep

12.What was the …………of match? – Three goals to nil

A representationB participationC member D score 13 .most important thing when you take part in any examination is to be calm

A A B An C The D x

14 At ………end of the competition, the judge announced the results to everybody

A a B an C the D x

15 Many supporters were ………at the lack of first-team opportunities A quickB disappointed C difficult D important 16 Carlos was ……….the first prize in the essay competition

A disappointedB completed C excited D awarded 17 In tonight’s quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country

A losersB judges C competitors D winners 18 A referee must know all the ……….of the game

A eventsB disciplines C laws D rules 19 A …….is a piece of paper with questions and exercises for students A worksheetB competition C question D poem 20 Some English Competition are ………… to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students

A explainedB participated C competed D organized C GRAMMAR.

II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D.

1 “It is you that stole my purse,” Mrs Pike said to the young man

A Mrs Pike told the young man that it was you that stole her purse B Mrs Pike denied the young man of stealing her purse

C Mrs Pike accused the young man of stealing her purse

D Mrs Pike asked the young man to steal her purse “ Thank you very much for your help, John” said Daisy

A Daisy thanked John for helping her B Daisy told John to help her

C Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks D Daisy would like John to help her

3 My friend ………

A suggested going for a walkB suggested us going for a walk C advised to go for a walkD would like going for a walk “ I’m sorry I broke the vase,” my little son said

A My little son said that he was sorry and he would brake the vase B My little son refused braking the vase and said sorry

C My little son threatened to brake the vase D My little son admitted to braking the vase The police warned me against coming near the barrier

A “ Please come near the barrier,” said the police B “ Don’t come near the barrier,” said the police

C “ I would like to come near the barrier, ” said the police D “ Let’s come near the barrier,” said the police

6 John ……… him carry the package

A thanked me for helping B said thanking with me to help C told me to thank with helpingD asked me to thank and help “ You cheated in the exam,” the teacher said to his students

A The teacher insisted his students on cheating in the exam B The teacher prevented his students from cheating in the exam C The teacher advised his students to cheat in the exam

D The teacher accused his students of cheating in the exam “ Don’t touch that flower ! ” the old lady said to the boy

A The old lady wanted the boy not touching that flower B The old lady insisted the boy on touching that flower C The old lady warned the boy against touching that flower D The old lady congratulated the boy on touching that flower “………, ” Peter denied

A I didn’t take your umbrellaB I will not take your umbrella

C I shouldn’t have taken your umbrellaD I mustn’t take your umbrella 10 “ Please give me some more money, Mum,” Daisy said

A Daisy protected her mother from giving her some more money B Daisy insisted her mother on giving her some more money C Daisy dream of her mother giving her some more money D Daisy looked forward to giving her mother some more money 11 “ You have just got a promotion, haven’t you? Congratulations ! ” Peter said to his friend

A Peter dream of getting promotion


D Peter congratulated his friend on getting a promotion

12 Peter should have apologized …………being late this morning, but he did not

A aboutB at C for D up

13 “ You mustn’t get into the area, ” the policemen said A The policemen stop them from getting into the area B The policemen denied from getting into the area C The policemen wanted them to get into the area D The policemen suggested getting into the area 14 “ May I go out Mum? ” – “ No, I won’t let you go out.”

A The mother prevented her child from going out B The mother suggested going out

C The mother thanked her child for going out D The mother insisted her child on going out 15 Johnny always dreams ………a pilot

A for becomingB to become C of becoming D of being become 16 Johnny admitted ……… all the wine in the bottle

A to drinkB drinking C to drinking D of being drunk 17 The group leader prevented his members ………

A from going onB going on C to go on D to going on 18 I ………Ann against giving the in formation

A forbadeB banned C warned D prevented 19 The child was told to ……… for being rude to his uncle A excuseB forgive C confess D apologize 20 She ………him of stealing her ring

A threatenedB blamed C accused D criticized 22 Her mother prevented her ………going out tonight

A against B from C about D at

23 He suggested ………… a jumble sale to try and raise money for the scouts A holdingB me to hold C me that I held D to be held 24 Jack admitted ………the money

A stealB to steal C stealing D stolen 25 Thank you very much ……….lending me your bike

A aboutB in C for D of

26 I wouldn’t ……….of going to a party I hadn’t been invited to

A dreamB intend C depend D rely

27 She will ……… getting up early and playing her radio very loud A insist on B demand C require D hope 28 He apologized ………… not being able to complete the poem

A in B on C of D for

29 He congratulated the team ………all their games

A to win B winning c for their winning D on having won 30 No one could ever accuse this government …… about the poor

A not caringB of not caring C for not caring D not to care ** Rewrite each sentence in reported speech, beginning as shown.

1 “ Me ? NO, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator, ” said Bob

→ Bob denied ………

2 “ I’m sorry I couldn’t come on Saturday, ” said David

→ David apologized ……… “ Why don’t we go back to Singapore ? ” I said

→ I suggested ……… “ No, I really don’t want to stay the night , Sophia, ” Ann said

→ Ann insisted on ………

5 “ Congratulation on getting engaged, Sue, ” said Harry

→ Harry congratulated ……… “ You stole Tim’s watch Didn’t you, John ! ”

→ Tim’ mother accused ………

7 “ I’m very grateful to you for your help, Mr Smith ”

→ Sue thanked ……… “ It true I killed the man ”

→ He admitted ………

III Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting

1 I’d like to thank your brother for your help A B C D

2 I only just managed to stop myself to shout at him A B C D

3 You can congratulate yourself about having done an excellent job A B C D

4 I decided changing jobs because my boss makes me work overtime A B C D

5 Peter apologized for brake the vase A B C D UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION A PHONETICS

I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1 A probably B population C gold

D hospital

2 A smallest B best C longest

D biggest

3 A mountain B ground C blouse

D soup

II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words

4 A instead B interesting C expected

D resources

5 A figure B double C different


6 A research B decrease C available D government


I Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D.

1 Many governments are trying to control the population ………

A growB growth C grew D grown

2 Is there any answer ………that question?

A forB of C on D to

3 In 2000, ………world’s population was about 6.6 billion

A a B an C the D x

4 It is ……….time to something to control birthrate

A a B an C the D x

5 The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster A becoming greater in numberB getting smaller in amount

C going limited D raising uncontrollable

6 There are also limits to the amounts of petroleum, iron, silver, gold, and other metals

A qualitiesB number C quantities D totals The price of petroleum has decreased since last week

A gone downB given up C let off D put away ………is a kind of fossil fuels, which is used for operating engines

A IronB Silver C Gold D Petroleum

9 We have to protect our country’s natural , such as coal, oil, and forests A populationB resources C rates D methods 10 What is the ………of your country?

A populateB population C populous D popular 11 What percent ……….the population is out of work?

A for B among C of D in

12 Their family earn a living by raising ……… animals

A a B an C the D x

13 It has been predicted that the world’s population might ……… the figure of about billion

A take B come C reach D start

14 He has to work very hard to earn enough to ……his big family

A reach B govern C limit D


15 It would be very nice if we had a true ……… of how many people in this country have not got a job

A figure B growth C amount D


16 On ……… , about 30% of population in the area are jobless

A figure B safety C research D



II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D.

1 Daisy said that if ……….me she would not buy that house

A is B been C were

D had been

2 If you had taken my advice, we ……… our way

A will not lose B would not lose C will not have lost D would not have lost

3 He had spent his money carelessly and he became broke

A If he does not spend his money carelessly, he will not become broke B If he does not spend his money carelessly, he would not become broke C If he had not spent his money carelessly, he would not have become broke D If he did not spend his money carelessly, he would not have become broke Marry said that if she ……….the answer, she would have told me A knowsB knew C had known D would have known “ ……… you give me some money, I will help you, ” the man said

A UnlessB Or C If D Otherwise

6 ……… the address, I would have gone there

A If I knewB If did I knew C If had I known D If I had known If the ball ………….the line, that would have been the end of the game A would crossB will cross C had crossed D, crossed If someone knocked a candle over, it ……….a fire

A will startB started C would start D would have started If you………told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there A hadn’t B don’t C didn’t D would have

10 What would Tom if he ………the truth?

A would knowB knows C had known D knew 11 If I ………you were sick, I would have called sooner

A knewB had known C know D would have known 12 If I ……… you, I’d call and apologise

A am B were C would be D was

13 Jack will win the election if he ………harder

A will campaignB would campaignC campaigned D campaigns 14 The doctor said ………… the patient did not stop smoking, he would be seriously ill

A that ifB whether C if that D as if

15 If sea water ………….salty, it would be more interesting when spend our summer holidays by the sea

A is notB are not C were not D had not been 16 If he had tried harder, he ………

A will not be sackedB will not sack C would not sack D wouldn’t have been sacked


A will speakB will have spoken C would speakD would have spoken 19 She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I ……there A am notB was not C were notD had not been

20 Daisy told me ……… she would leave for London to find a job A that if she were me B if that she were me

C that if she had been me D that had she been me 21 Simon was ill, so he didn’t go to the party

A If Simon isn’t ill, he will go to the party B If Simon were ill, he wouldn’t go to the party C If Simon weren’t ill, he would go to the party

D If Simon hadn’t been ill, he would have gone to the party

22 If you ……… to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now

A listenB will listen C had listened D listened 23 If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ……… this incident again

A I will never mentionB I never mentio

C will I never mention D I don’t mention

24 If energy ………….inexpensive and unlimited, many thing in the world would be different

A is B will be C were D would be

25 If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I ……….in the bank A workB will workC have workedD would be working

** Chang the following conditional sentences into reported speech.

1 “ If I catch the plane I’ll be home by five, ” he said

→ ………

2 “ If I had had my mobile yesterday , I would have contacted you,” my mother said → ………

3 “ If I don’t practise my English I won’t get any better,” she said

→ ………

4 “ I would have been in bad trouble if Jane hadn’t helped me, ” he said

→ ………

5 “ If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends,” she said to me → ……… “ What would you if you had three days off ?” I asked him

→ ……… “ I would have come to see you if I had known you were ill, Jim, ” he said → ……… “ I’m sure she will help you if you ask her, ” he told me

→ ……… “ You will be surprised if you meet him , ” Peter said to me

→ ……… 10 She said to me “ if I were you, I wouldn’t tell her about this Tom.”

→ ……… ** Using the given information, make conditional sentences I didn’t realize you were tired when I asked you to go for a walk

→ ……… I didn’t turn left at the station and I got lost

→ ……… Jack was late to the meeting because his watch was slow

→ ………

4 We don’t live in the city, so we can’t easily get access to the Internet

→ ……… I don’t have enough free time, I can’t help my mother with the housework

→ ……… A B C D Test on tenses of verbs

Supply the correct verb forms: Simple past or present perfect. We (study)…… a very hard lesson the day before yesterday I (read)………that novel by Hemingway several times before We ( study) ……….almost every lesson in this book so far My wife and I ( travel)…to Mexico by air last Summer I ( have)…………a little trouble with my car last week How long you ( learn)……….English?

7 Tom ( never be)……… in Hanoi

Supply the correct verb forms: Simple past or past continuous. When I ( arrive)……… at his house, he still sleep

2 She ( water) the flowers in her garden while her next door neighbour (chat) with her over the fence

3 As we (cross)the street, we (see) ………an accident

4 The bell (ring) ……….while Tom(take)………a bath She (hear) the noise and (get) out of bed when the door (open) The children (play) football when their mother (come)back Who (be) ……… the man that you (talk)……… to?

I(see)……….him at the gate when I (come) in………

8 We (wait )….for the bus when he (pass)……by in his car and (offer) ………a lift

9 I (be)…very tired because I (work) ……… all day yesterday 10 When the students (hear) the bell, they (get up)…and (leave)… She (win)……… the gold medal in 1986

2 When he (go) to see them last night, they (play)……….cards They (say)……… they (play)………since o’clock


7 I didn’t recognise Mrs Johnson She (change)……… a lot The little girl(ask)……what (happen)………to her ice-cream IV.Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Future tenses. I’m sure they (complete)……… the new road by June He (wait)……for you when you (get)………back tomorrow At this same time tomorrow, we (drive) ….through Pennsylvania We (see)………you next month

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 18:45

